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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AlarmType
+# Enumeration: AlarmType
+An interface representing the different alarm types which can be used with `TimestampTrigger.alarmManager.type`.
+View the [Triggers](/react-native/docs/triggers) documentation to learn more.
+## Enumeration Members
+### SET
+> **SET**: `0`
+#### Defined in
+> **SET\_ALARM\_CLOCK**: `4`
+#### Defined in
+> **SET\_AND\_ALLOW\_WHILE\_IDLE**: `1`
+#### Defined in
+> **SET\_EXACT**: `2`
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidBadgeIconType
+# Enumeration: AndroidBadgeIconType
+Enum used to define how a notification badge is displayed in badge mode.
+View the [Badges](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#badges) documentation for more information.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+### LARGE
+> **LARGE**: `2`
+Shows the badge as the notifications `largeIcon` (if available).
+This is the default value used by a notification if not provided.
+#### Defined in
+### NONE
+> **NONE**: `0`
+No badge is displayed, will always show as a number.
+#### Defined in
+### SMALL
+> **SMALL**: `1`
+Shows the badge as the notifications `smallIcon`.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidCategory
+# Enumeration: AndroidCategory
+Enum used to describe the category of a notification.
+Setting a category on a notification helps the device to understand what the notification is for,
+or what impact it will have on the user. The category can be used for ranking and filtering
+the notification, however has no visual impact on the notification.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+### ALARM
+> **ALARM**: `"alarm"`
+#### Defined in
+### CALL
+> **CALL**: `"call"`
+#### Defined in
+### EMAIL
+> **EMAIL**: `"email"`
+#### Defined in
+### ERROR
+> **ERROR**: `"error"`
+#### Defined in
+### EVENT
+> **EVENT**: `"event"`
+#### Defined in
+> **MESSAGE**: `"msg"`
+#### Defined in
+> **NAVIGATION**: `"navigation"`
+#### Defined in
+> **PROGRESS**: `"progress"`
+#### Defined in
+### PROMO
+> **PROMO**: `"promo"`
+#### Defined in
+> **RECOMMENDATION**: `"recommendation"`
+#### Defined in
+> **REMINDER**: `"reminder"`
+#### Defined in
+> **SERVICE**: `"service"`
+#### Defined in
+> **SOCIAL**: `"social"`
+#### Defined in
+> **STATUS**: `"status"`
+#### Defined in
+> **SYSTEM**: `"sys"`
+Avoid using - generally used by the system.
+#### Defined in
+> **TRANSPORT**: `"transport"`
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidColor
+# Enumeration: AndroidColor
+A set or predefined colors which can be used with Android Notifications.
+View the [Color](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#color) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+### AQUA
+> **AQUA**: `"aqua"`
+#### Defined in
+### BLACK
+> **BLACK**: `"black"`
+#### Defined in
+### BLUE
+> **BLUE**: `"blue"`
+#### Defined in
+### CYAN
+> **CYAN**: `"cyan"`
+#### Defined in
+> **DARKGRAY**: `"darkgray"`
+#### Defined in
+> **DARKGREY**: `"darkgrey"`
+#### Defined in
+> **FUCHSIA**: `"fuchsia"`
+#### Defined in
+### GRAY
+> **GRAY**: `"gray"`
+#### Defined in
+### GREEN
+> **GREEN**: `"green"`
+#### Defined in
+> **LIGHTGRAY**: `"lightgray"`
+#### Defined in
+> **LIGHTGREY**: `"lightgrey"`
+#### Defined in
+### LIME
+> **LIME**: `"lime"`
+#### Defined in
+> **MAGENTA**: `"magenta"`
+#### Defined in
+> **MAROON**: `"maroon"`
+#### Defined in
+### NAVY
+> **NAVY**: `"navy"`
+#### Defined in
+### OLIVE
+> **OLIVE**: `"olive"`
+#### Defined in
+> **PURPLE**: `"purple"`
+#### Defined in
+### RED
+> **RED**: `"red"`
+#### Defined in
+> **SILVER**: `"silver"`
+#### Defined in
+### TEAL
+> **TEAL**: `"teal"`
+#### Defined in
+### WHITE
+> **WHITE**: `"white"`
+#### Defined in
+> **YELLOW**: `"yellow"`
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidDefaults
+# Enumeration: AndroidDefaults
+On devices which do not support notification channels (API Level < 26), the notification
+by default will use all methods to alert the user (depending on the importance).
+To override the default behaviour, provide an array of defaults to the notification.
+On API Levels >= 26, this has no effect and notifications will use the channel behaviour.
+## Platform
+android API Level < 26
+## Enumeration Members
+### ALL
+> **ALL**: `-1`
+All options will be used, where possible.
+#### Defined in
+> **LIGHTS**: `4`
+The notification will use lights to alert the user.
+#### Defined in
+### SOUND
+> **SOUND**: `1`
+The notification will use sound to alert the user.
+#### Defined in
+> **VIBRATE**: `2`
+The notification will vibrate to alert the user.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidFlags
+# Enumeration: AndroidFlags
+Enum used to set any additional flags supported on Android.
+See Android's [setFlag()](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Notification.Builder#setFlag(int,%20boolean)) documentation.
+## Enumeration Members
+> **FLAG\_INSISTENT**: `4`
+The audio will be repeated until the notification is cancelled or the notification window is opened.
+This will be set for you by setting `loopSound`.
+#### Defined in
+> **FLAG\_NO\_CLEAR**: `32`
+Prevents the notification from being canceled when the user clicks the Clear all button.
+This will be set for you by setting `ongoing`.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidForegroundServiceType
+# Enumeration: AndroidForegroundServiceType
+Enum used to set the foreground service types identifying the work done by the service.
+See Android's [foreground service types](https://developer.android.com/develop/background-work/services/fg-service-types) documentation.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidGroupAlertBehavior
+# Enumeration: AndroidGroupAlertBehavior
+Enum used to describe how a notification alerts the user when it apart of a group.
+View the [Grouping & Sorting](/react-native/docs/android/grouping-and-sorting#group-behaviour) documentation to
+learn more.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+### ALL
+> **ALL**: `0`
+All notifications will alert.
+#### Defined in
+> **CHILDREN**: `2`
+Children of a group will alert the user. The summary notification will not alert when displayed.
+#### Defined in
+> **SUMMARY**: `1`
+Only the summary notification will alert the user when displayed. The children of the group will not alert.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidImportance
+# Enumeration: AndroidImportance
+The interface describing the importance levels of an incoming notification.
+The importance level can be set directly onto a notification channel for supported devices (API Level >= 26)
+or directly onto the notification for devices which do not support channels.
+The importance is used to both change the visual prompt of a received notification
+and also how it visually appears on the device.
+View the [Android Appearance](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#importance) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+> **DEFAULT**: `3`
+The default importance applied to a channel/notification.
+The application small icon will show in the device statusbar. When the user pulls down the
+notification shade, the notification will show in it's expanded state (if applicable).
+#### Defined in
+### HIGH
+> **HIGH**: `4`
+The highest importance level applied to a channel/notification.
+The notifications will appear on-top of applications, allowing direct interaction without pulling
+down the notification shade. This level should only be used for urgent notifications, such as
+incoming phone calls, messages etc, which require immediate attention.
+#### Defined in
+### LOW
+> **LOW**: `2`
+A low importance level applied to a channel/notification.
+On Android, the application small icon will show in the device statusbar, however the notification will not alert
+the user (no sound or vibration). The notification will show in it's expanded state when the
+notification shade is pulled down.
+On iOS, the notification will not display to the user or alert them. It will still be visible on the devices
+notification center.
+#### Defined in
+### MIN
+> **MIN**: `1`
+The minimum importance level applied to a channel/notification.
+The application small icon will not show up in the statusbar, or alert the user. The notification
+will be in a collapsed state in the notification shade and placed at the bottom of the list.
+This level should be used when the notification requires no immediate attention. An example of this
+importance level is the Google app providing weather updates and only being visible when the
+user pulls the notification shade down,
+#### Defined in
+### NONE
+> **NONE**: `0`
+The notification will not be shown. This has the same effect as the user disabling notifications
+in the application settings.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidLaunchActivityFlag
+# Enumeration: AndroidLaunchActivityFlag
+An enum representing the various flags that can be passed along to `launchActivityFlags` on `NotificationPressAction`.
+These flags are added to the Android [Intent](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html) that launches your activity.
+These are only required if you need to customise the behaviour of your activities, in most cases you might not need these.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+> **BROUGHT\_TO\_FRONT**: `8`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **CLEAR\_TASK**: `16`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **CLEAR\_TOP**: `4`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **CLEAR\_WHEN\_TASK\_RESET**: `11`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **FORWARD\_RESULT**: `5`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **LAUNCH\_ADJACENT**: `19`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **MATCH\_EXTERNAL**: `20`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_MATCH_EXTERNAL](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MATCH_EXTERNAL) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **MULTIPLE\_TASK**: `3`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **NEW\_DOCUMENT**: `12`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+### NEW\_TASK
+> **NEW\_TASK**: `2`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **NO\_ANIMATION**: `15`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **NO\_HISTORY**: `0`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **NO\_USER\_ACTION**: `13`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **PREVIOUS\_IS\_TOP**: `6`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **REORDER\_TO\_FRONT**: `14`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **RESET\_TASK\_IF\_NEEDED**: `9`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **RETAIN\_IN\_RECENTS**: `18`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_RETAIN_IN_RECENTS](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RETAIN_IN_RECENTS) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **SINGLE\_TOP**: `1`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+> **TASK\_ON\_HOME**: `17`
+See [FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME) on the official Android documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidNotificationSetting
+# Enumeration: AndroidNotificationSetting
+An interface representing the current android only notification-related settings for your app.
+This interface is returned from [`requestPermission`](/react-native/reference/requestpermission)
+and [`getNotificationSettings`](/react-native/reference/getnotificationsettings).
+View the [Permissions](/react-native/docs/android/permissions) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+> **DISABLED**: `0`
+This setting is currently disabled by the user.
+#### Defined in
+> **ENABLED**: `1`
+This setting is currently enabled.
+#### Defined in
+> **NOT\_SUPPORTED**: `-1`
+This setting is not supported on this device. Usually this means that the Android version required
+for this setting has not been met.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidStyle
+# Enumeration: AndroidStyle
+Available Android Notification Styles.
+View the [Styles](/react-native/docs/android/styles) documentation to learn more with example usage.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+> **BIGPICTURE**: `0`
+#### Defined in
+> **BIGTEXT**: `1`
+#### Defined in
+### INBOX
+> **INBOX**: `2`
+#### Defined in
+> **MESSAGING**: `3`
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidVisibility
+# Enumeration: AndroidVisibility
+Interface used to define the visibility of an Android notification.
+Use with the `visibility` property on the notification.
+View the [Visibility](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#visibility) documentation to learn more.
+Default value is `AndroidVisibility.PRIVATE`.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+> **PRIVATE**: `0`
+Show the notification on all lockscreens, but conceal sensitive or private information on secure lockscreens.
+#### Defined in
+> **PUBLIC**: `1`
+Show this notification in its entirety on all lockscreens.
+#### Defined in
+> **SECRET**: `-1`
+Do not reveal any part of this notification on a secure lockscreen.
+Useful for notifications showing sensitive information such as banking apps.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AuthorizationStatus
+# Enumeration: AuthorizationStatus
+An enum representing the notification authorization status for this app on the device.
+Value is greater than 0 if authorized, compare against an exact status (e.g. PROVISIONAL) for a more
+granular status.
+## Enumeration Members
+> **AUTHORIZED**: `1`
+The app is authorized to create notifications.
+#### Defined in
+> **DENIED**: `0`
+The app is not authorized to create notifications.
+#### Defined in
+> **NOT\_DETERMINED**: `-1`
+The app user has not yet chosen whether to allow the application to create notifications. Usually
+this status is returned prior to the first call of `requestPermission`.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+> **PROVISIONAL**: `2`
+The app is currently authorized to post non-interrupting user notifications
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 12
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / EventType
+# Enumeration: EventType
+An enum representing an event type, defined on [`Event`](/react-native/reference/event).
+View the [Events](/react-native/docs/events) documentation to learn more about foreground and
+background events.
+## Enumeration Members
+> **ACTION\_PRESS**: `2`
+Event type is sent when a user presses a notification action.
+#### Defined in
+> **APP\_BLOCKED**: `4`
+Event is sent when the user changes the notification blocked state for the entire application or
+when the user opens the application settings.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+> **CHANNEL\_BLOCKED**: `5`
+Event type is sent when the user changes the notification blocked state for a channel in the application.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+Event type is sent when the user changes the notification blocked state for a channel group in the application.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+> **DELIVERED**: `3`
+Event type sent when a notification has been delivered to the device. For trigger notifications,
+this event is sent at the point when the trigger executes, not when a the trigger notification is created.
+It's important to note even though a notification has been delivered, it may not be shown to the
+user. For example, they may have notifications disabled on the device/channel/app.
+#### Defined in
+> **DISMISSED**: `0`
+Event type is sent when the user dismisses a notification. This is triggered via the user swiping
+the notification from the notification shade.
+On Android, the event is also sent when performing "Clear all" notifications unlike on iOS.
+This event is **not** sent when a notification is cancelled or times out.
+#### Defined in
+> **FG\_ALREADY\_EXIST**: `8`
+Event type is sent when a notification wants to start a foreground service but a foreground service is already started.
+#### Defined in
+### PRESS
+> **PRESS**: `1`
+Event type is sent when a notification has been pressed by the user.
+On Android, notifications must include an `android.pressAction` property for this event to trigger.
+On iOS, this event is always sent when the user presses a notification.
+#### Defined in
+Event type is sent when a notification trigger is created.
+#### Defined in
+> **UNKNOWN**: `-1`
+An unknown event was received.
+This event type is a failsafe to catch any unknown events from the device. Please
+report an issue with a reproduction so it can be correctly handled.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSIntentIdentifier
+# Enumeration: IOSIntentIdentifier
+TODO docs, used to provide context to Siri
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+> **CANCEL\_WORKOUT**: `12`
+#### Defined in
+> **END\_WORKOUT**: `11`
+#### Defined in
+> **GET\_RIDE\_STATUS**: `24`
+#### Defined in
+> **LIST\_RIDE\_OPTIONS**: `22`
+#### Defined in
+> **PAUSE\_WORKOUT**: `10`
+#### Defined in
+> **REQUEST\_PAYMENT**: `19`
+#### Defined in
+> **REQUEST\_RIDE**: `23`
+#### Defined in
+> **RESUME\_WORKOUT**: `13`
+#### Defined in
+> **SAVE\_PROFILE\_IN\_CAR**: `8`
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+> **SEARCH\_FOR\_MESSAGES**: `16`
+#### Defined in
+> **SEARCH\_FOR\_PHOTOS**: `20`
+#### Defined in
+> **SEND\_MESSAGE**: `15`
+#### Defined in
+> **SEND\_PAYMENT**: `18`
+#### Defined in
+> **SET\_AUDIO\_SOURCE\_IN\_CAR**: `3`
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+> **SET\_PROFILE\_IN\_CAR**: `7`
+#### Defined in
+> **SET\_RADIO\_STATION**: `14`
+#### Defined in
+> **SET\_SEAT\_SETTINGS\_IN\_CAR**: `6`
+#### Defined in
+> **START\_AUDIO\_CALL**: `0`
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+> **START\_VIDEO\_CALL**: `1`
+#### Defined in
+> **START\_WORKOUT**: `9`
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSNotificationSetting
+# Enumeration: IOSNotificationSetting
+An enum representing a notification setting for this app on the device.
+Value is greater than 0 if setting enabled, compare against an exact value (e.g. NOT_SUPPORTED) for more
+granular control.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+> **DISABLED**: `0`
+This setting is currently disabled by the user.
+#### Defined in
+> **ENABLED**: `1`
+This setting is currently enabled.
+#### Defined in
+> **NOT\_SUPPORTED**: `-1`
+This setting is not supported on this device. Usually this means that the iOS version required
+for this setting has not been met.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSShowPreviewsSetting
+# Enumeration: IOSShowPreviewsSetting
+An enum representing the show previews notification setting for this app on the device.
+Value is greater than 0 if previews are to be shown, compare against an exact value
+(e.g. WHEN_AUTHENTICATED) for more granular control.
+## Platform
+## Enumeration Members
+> **ALWAYS**: `1`
+Always show previews even if the device is currently locked.
+#### Defined in
+### NEVER
+> **NEVER**: `0`
+Never show previews.
+#### Defined in
+> **NOT\_SUPPORTED**: `-1`
+This setting is not supported on this device. Usually this means that the iOS version required
+for this setting (iOS 11+) has not been met.
+#### Defined in
+Only show previews when the device is unlocked.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / RepeatFrequency
+# Enumeration: RepeatFrequency
+An interface representing the different frequencies which can be used with `TimestampTrigger.repeatFrequency`.
+View the [Triggers](/react-native/docs/triggers) documentation to learn more.
+## Enumeration Members
+### DAILY
+> **DAILY**: `1`
+#### Defined in
+> **HOURLY**: `0`
+#### Defined in
+### NONE
+> **NONE**: `-1`
+#### Defined in
+> **WEEKLY**: `2`
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / TimeUnit
+# Enumeration: TimeUnit
+An interface representing the different units of time which can be used with `IntervalTrigger.timeUnit`.
+View the [Triggers](/react-native/docs/triggers) documentation to learn more.
+## Enumeration Members
+### DAYS
+> **DAYS**: `"DAYS"`
+#### Defined in
+### HOURS
+> **HOURS**: `"HOURS"`
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / TriggerType
+# Enumeration: TriggerType
+Available Trigger Types.
+View the [Triggers](/react-native/docs/triggers) documentation to learn more with example usage.
+## Enumeration Members
+> **INTERVAL**: `1`
+#### Defined in
+> **TIMESTAMP**: `0`
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidAction
+# Interface: AndroidAction
+The interface used to describe a notification quick action for Android.
+Notification actions allow users to interact with notifications, allowing you to handle events
+within your application. When an action completes (e.g. pressing an action, or filling out an input
+box) an event is sent.
+View the [Quick Actions](/react-native/docs/android/interaction#quick-actions) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### icon?
+> `optional` **icon**: `string`
+An remote http or local icon path representing the action. Newer devices may not show the icon.
+Recommended icon size is 24x24 px.
+#### Defined in
+### input?
+> `optional` **input**: `true` \| [`AndroidInput`](Interface.AndroidInput.mdx)
+If provided, the action accepts user input.
+If `true`, the user will be able to provide free text input when the action is pressed. This
+property can be further configured for advanced inputs.
+View the [Action Input](/react-native/docs/android/interaction#action-input) documentation to
+learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### pressAction
+> **pressAction**: [`NotificationPressAction`](Interface.NotificationPressAction.mdx)
+The press action interface describing what happens when an action completes.
+Note; unlike the `pressAction` in the notification body, an action does not need to open the application
+and can perform background tasks. See the [AndroidPressAction](/react-native/reference/androidpressaction) reference
+or [Quick Actions](/react-native/docs/android/interaction#quick-actions) documentation to learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### title
+> **title**: `string`
+The title of the action, e.g. "Reply", "Mark as read" etc.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidBigPictureStyle
+# Interface: AndroidBigPictureStyle
+The interface used when displaying a Big Picture Style notification.
+View the [Big Picture](/react-native/docs/android/styles#big-picture) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### largeIcon?
+> `optional` **largeIcon**: `null` \| `string` \| `number` \| `object`
+A local file path using the 'require()' method or a HTTP or file URL to the picture to display.
+If set, overrides the main notification `largeIcon` when the notification is expanded.
+To hide the `largeIcon` when the notification is expanded, set to null. Similar to `thumbnailHidden` for attachments on iOS.
+#### Defined in
+### picture
+> **picture**: `string` \| `number` \| `object`
+A local file path using the 'require()' method or a HTTP or file URL to the picture to display.
+The image will be automatically resized depending on the device and it's size. If the image could
+not be found a blank space will appear.
+#### Defined in
+### summary?
+> `optional` **summary**: `string`
+If set, overrides the main notification `summary` when the notification is expanded.
+#### Defined in
+### title?
+> `optional` **title**: `string`
+If set, overrides the main notification `title` when the notification is expanded.
+#### Defined in
+### type
+> **type**: [`BIGPICTURE`](Enumeration.AndroidStyle.mdx#bigpicture)
+Constant enum value used to identify the style type.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidBigTextStyle
+# Interface: AndroidBigTextStyle
+The interface used when displaying a Big Text Style notification.
+View the [Big Text](/react-native/docs/android/styles#big-text) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### summary?
+> `optional` **summary**: `string`
+If set, overrides the main notification `summary` when the notification is expanded.
+#### Defined in
+### text
+> **text**: `string`
+The text to display when the notification is expanded.
+#### Defined in
+### title?
+> `optional` **title**: `string`
+If set, overrides the main notification `title` when the notification is expanded.
+#### Defined in
+### type
+> **type**: [`BIGTEXT`](Enumeration.AndroidStyle.mdx#bigtext)
+Constant enum value used to identify the style type.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidChannel
+# Interface: AndroidChannel
+An interface for describing an Android Channel.
+Channels override any individual notification preferences (e.g. lights/vibration) and the user
+has final control over the setting. Once created, only channel metadata can be updated (e.g. name).
+View the [Channels & Groups](/react-native/docs/android/channels) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Extended by
+- [`NativeAndroidChannel`](Interface.NativeAndroidChannel.mdx)
+## Properties
+### badge?
+> `optional` **badge**: `boolean`
+Sets whether badges are enabled for the channel.
+View the [Badges](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#badges) documentation to learn more.
+Defaults to `true`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Defined in
+### bypassDnd?
+> `optional` **bypassDnd**: `boolean`
+Sets whether or not notifications posted to this channel can interrupt the user in
+'Do Not Disturb' mode.
+Defaults to `false`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 29
+#### Defined in
+### description?
+> `optional` **description**: `string`
+Sets the user visible description of this channel.
+The recommended maximum length is 300 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.
+This setting can be updated after creation.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+### groupId?
+> `optional` **groupId**: `string`
+Sets what group this channel belongs to. Group information is only used for presentation, not for behavior.
+Groups can be created via via [`createChannelGroup`](/react-native/reference/createchannelgroup).
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Defined in
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+The unique channel ID.
+#### Defined in
+### importance?
+> `optional` **importance**: [`AndroidImportance`](Enumeration.AndroidImportance.mdx)
+Sets the level of interruption of this notification channel.
+Defaults to `AndroidImportance.DEFAULT`.
+This setting can only be set to a lower importance level once set.
+#### Defined in
+### lightColor?
+> `optional` **lightColor**: `string`
+If lights are enabled (via `lights`), sets/overrides the light color for notifications
+posted to this channel.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Defined in
+### lights?
+> `optional` **lights**: `boolean`
+Sets whether notifications posted to this channel should display notification lights, on devices that support that feature.
+Defaults to `true`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Defined in
+### name
+> **name**: `string`
+The channel name. This is shown to the user so must be descriptive and relate to the notifications
+which will be delivered under this channel.
+This setting can be updated after creation.
+#### Defined in
+### sound?
+> `optional` **sound**: `string`
+Overrides the sound the notification is displayed with.
+The default value is to play no sound. To play the default system sound use 'default'.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Defined in
+### soundURI?
+> `optional` **soundURI**: `string`
+The URI of the notification sound associated with the channel, if any.
+This is a read-only value, and is under user control after the channel is created
+#### Defined in
+### vibration?
+> `optional` **vibration**: `boolean`
+Sets whether notification posted to this channel should vibrate.
+Defaults to `true`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Defined in
+### vibrationPattern?
+> `optional` **vibrationPattern**: `number`[]
+Sets/overrides the vibration pattern for notifications posted to this channel.
+The pattern in milliseconds. Must be an even amount of numbers.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Defined in
+### visibility?
+> `optional` **visibility**: [`AndroidVisibility`](Enumeration.AndroidVisibility.mdx)
+Sets whether notifications posted to this channel appear on the lockscreen or not,
+and if so, whether they appear in a redacted form.
+Defaults to `AndroidVisibility.PRIVATE`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidChannelGroup
+# Interface: AndroidChannelGroup
+An interface for describing an Android Channel Group.
+Channel groups have no impact on the notification, they are used to help group channels in the applications
+settings UI.
+View the [Channels & Groups](/react-native/docs/android/channels) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+android API Level >= 26
+## Extended by
+- [`NativeAndroidChannelGroup`](Interface.NativeAndroidChannelGroup.mdx)
+## Properties
+### description?
+> `optional` **description**: `string`
+An optional description of the group. This is visible to the user.
+On Android APIs less than 28 this will always be undefined.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+Unique id for this channel group.
+#### Defined in
+### name
+> **name**: `string`
+The name of the group. This is visible to the user so should be a descriptive name which
+categorizes other channels (e.g. reminders).
+The recommended maximum length is 40 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidInboxStyle
+# Interface: AndroidInboxStyle
+The interface used when displaying a Inbox Style notification.
+View the [Inbox](/react-native/docs/android/styles#inbox) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### lines
+> **lines**: `string`[]
+An array of messages to display, in order provided.
+The device will automatically handle displaying the lines visible depending on space in the notification
+#### Defined in
+### summary?
+> `optional` **summary**: `string`
+If set, overrides the main notification `summary` when the notification is expanded.
+#### Defined in
+### title?
+> `optional` **title**: `string`
+If set, overrides the main notification `title` when the notification is expanded.
+#### Defined in
+### type
+> **type**: [`INBOX`](Enumeration.AndroidStyle.mdx#inbox)
+Constant enum value used to identify the style type.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidInput
+# Interface: AndroidInput
+The interface used to enable advanced user input on a notification.
+View the [Action Input](/react-native/docs/android/interaction#action-input) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### allowFreeFormInput?
+> `optional` **allowFreeFormInput**: `boolean`
+Sets whether the user can freely enter text into the input.
+This value changes the behaviour of the notification:
+- If `true`, when an action is pressed this allows the user to type free form text into the input area.
+- If `false`, you must provide an array of `choices` the user is allowed to use as the input.
+Defaults to `true`.
+#### Defined in
+### allowGeneratedReplies?
+> `optional` **allowGeneratedReplies**: `boolean`
+Sets whether generated replies can be added to the action.
+Generated replies will only be shown if the input has `choices` and whether the device
+is able to generate replies.
+Defaults to `true`.
+#### Defined in
+### choices?
+> `optional` **choices**: `string`[]
+An array of pre-defined input choices the user can select.
+If `allowFreeFormInput` is `false`, this property must contain at least one choice.
+#### Defined in
+### editableChoices?
+> `optional` **editableChoices**: `boolean`
+If `true`, the user will be able to edit the selected choice before sending the action event, however
+`allowFreeFormInput` must also be `true`.
+By default, the platform will decide whether choices can be editable. To explicitly enable or disable
+this, provide `true` or `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### placeholder?
+> `optional` **placeholder**: `string`
+The placeholder text to display inside of the user input area.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidMessagingStyle
+# Interface: AndroidMessagingStyle
+The interface used when displaying a Messaging Style notification.
+View the [Messaging](/react-native/docs/android/styles#messaging) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### group?
+> `optional` **group**: `boolean`
+Sets whether this conversation notification represents a group (3 or more persons).
+#### Defined in
+### messages
+> **messages**: [`AndroidMessagingStyleMessage`](Interface.AndroidMessagingStyleMessage.mdx)[]
+An array of messages to display inside the notification.
+#### Defined in
+### person
+> **person**: [`AndroidPerson`](Interface.AndroidPerson.mdx)
+The person who is receiving a message on the current device.
+#### Defined in
+### title?
+> `optional` **title**: `string`
+If set, overrides the main notification `title` when the notification is expanded.
+#### Defined in
+### type
+> **type**: [`MESSAGING`](Enumeration.AndroidStyle.mdx#messaging)
+Constant enum value used to identify the style type.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidMessagingStyleMessage
+# Interface: AndroidMessagingStyleMessage
+The interface for messages when constructing a Messaging Style notification.
+View the [`AndroidMessagingStyle`](/react-native/reference/androidmessagingstyle) reference
+and [Messaging](/react-native/docs/android/styles#messaging) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### person?
+> `optional` **person**: [`AndroidPerson`](Interface.AndroidPerson.mdx)
+The sender of this message. See [`AndroidPerson`](/react-native/reference/androidperson) reference
+for more information on the properties available.
+This property should only be provided if the message is from an external person, and not the person receiving the message.
+#### Defined in
+### text
+> **text**: `string`
+The content of the message.
+#### Defined in
+### timestamp
+> **timestamp**: `number`
+The timestamp of when the message arrived in milliseconds.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidNotificationSettings
+# Interface: AndroidNotificationSettings
+## Properties
+### alarm
+> **alarm**: [`AndroidNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.AndroidNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if you can create triggers
+For Android < 12 / API < 31, this will default to true
+View the [Trigger](/react-native/docs/android/triggers#android-12-limitations) documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidPerson
+# Interface: AndroidPerson
+The interface used to describe a person shown in notifications.
+Currently used with [`AndroidMessagingStyle`](/react-native/reference/androidmessagingstyle) notifications.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### bot?
+> `optional` **bot**: `boolean`
+If `true` this person represents a machine rather than a human. This is used primarily for testing and automated tooling.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### icon?
+> `optional` **icon**: `string`
+The icon to display next to the person in the notification. The icon can be URL or local
+Android resource.
+If not provided, an icon will be automatically creating using the `name` property.
+#### Defined in
+### id?
+> `optional` **id**: `string`
+An optional unique ID of the person. Setting this property is preferred for unique identification,
+however not required. If no value is provided, the `name` will be used instead..
+#### Defined in
+### important?
+> `optional` **important**: `boolean`
+If `true` this person will be marked as important.
+Important users are those who frequently contact the receiving person. If the app is in
+"Do not disturb" mode, a notification containing an important person may override this mode
+if the person has been whitelisted on the device.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### name
+> **name**: `string`
+The name of the person.
+If no `id` is provided, the name will be used as the unique identifier.
+#### Defined in
+### uri?
+> `optional` **uri**: `string`
+URI contact of the person.
+The URI can be any of the following:
+ - The representation of a contact URI, e.g. `android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts#CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI`
+ - A `mailto:` string
+ - A `tel:` string
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / AndroidProgress
+# Interface: AndroidProgress
+Interface for defining the progress of an Android Notification.
+View the [Progress Indicators](/react-native/docs/android/progress-indicators) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### current?
+> `optional` **current**: `number`
+The current progress value.
+E.g. setting to `4` with a `max` value of `10` would set a fixed progress bar on the notification at 40% complete.
+#### Defined in
+### indeterminate?
+> `optional` **indeterminate**: `boolean`
+If `true`, overrides the `max` and `current` values and displays an unknown progress style. Useful when you have no
+knowledge of a tasks completion state.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### max?
+> `optional` **max**: `number`
+The maximum progress number. E.g `10`.
+Must be greater than the `current` value.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / DisplayedNotification
+# Interface: DisplayedNotification
+An interface representing a notification that is currently displayed in the notification tray.
+## Properties
+### date?
+> `optional` **date**: `string`
+Date the notification was shown to the user
+#### Defined in
+### id?
+> `optional` **id**: `string`
+ID of the notification
+#### Defined in
+### notification
+> **notification**: [`Notification`](Interface.Notification.mdx)
+The payload that was used to create the notification (if available)
+#### Defined in
+### trigger
+> **trigger**: [`Trigger`](TypeAlias.Trigger.mdx)
+The trigger that was used to schedule the notification (if available)
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / Event
+# Interface: Event
+An interface representing a Notifee event.
+View the [Events](/react-native/docs/events) documentation to learn more about foreground and
+background events.
+## Properties
+### detail
+> **detail**: [`EventDetail`](Interface.EventDetail.mdx)
+An object containing event detail.
+#### Defined in
+### type
+> **type**: [`EventType`](Enumeration.EventType.mdx)
+The type of notification event.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / EventDetail
+# Interface: EventDetail
+An interface representing the different detail values which can be provided with a notification event.
+View the [Events](/react-native/docs/events) documentation to learn more.
+## Properties
+### blocked?
+> `optional` **blocked**: `boolean`
+The notification blocked status of your entire application.
+The blocked detail is available when the event type is [`EventType.APP_BLOCKED`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#app_blocked).
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+### channel?
+> `optional` **channel**: [`NativeAndroidChannel`](Interface.NativeAndroidChannel.mdx)
+The channel that had its block state changed.
+Note that if the channel no longer exists during the time the event was sent the channel property will be undefined.
+The channel detail is available when the event type is [`EventType.CHANNEL_BLOCKED`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#channel_blocked).
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+### channelGroup?
+> `optional` **channelGroup**: [`NativeAndroidChannelGroup`](Interface.NativeAndroidChannelGroup.mdx)
+The channel group that had its block state changed.
+Note that if the channel no longer exists during the time the event was sent the channel group property will be undefined.
+The channel group detail is available when the event type is [`EventType.CHANNEL_GROUP_BLOCKED`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#channel_group_blocked).
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+### input?
+> `optional` **input**: `string`
+The input from a notification action.
+The input detail is available when the [`EventType`](/react-native/reference/eventtype) is:
+- [`EventType.ACTION_PRESS`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#action_press)
+- The notification quick action has input enabled. View [`AndroidInput`](/react-native/reference/androidinput) for more details.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 20
+#### Defined in
+### notification?
+> `optional` **notification**: [`Notification`](Interface.Notification.mdx)
+The notification this event relates to.
+The notification details is available when the [`EventType`](/react-native/reference/eventtype) is one of:
+ - [`EventType.DISMISSED`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#dismissed)
+ - [`EventType.PRESS`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#press)
+ - [`EventType.ACTION_PRESS`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#action_press)
+ - [`EventType.DELIVERED`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#delivered)
+ - [`EventType.TRIGGER_NOTIFICATION_CREATED`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#trigger_notification_created)
+ - [`EventType.FG_ALREADY_EXIST`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#fg_already_exist)
+#### Defined in
+### pressAction?
+> `optional` **pressAction**: [`NotificationPressAction`](Interface.NotificationPressAction.mdx)
+The press action which triggered the event.
+If a press action caused the event, this property will be available allowing you to retrieve the
+action ID and perform logic.
+The press action details is available when the [`EventType`](/react-native/reference/eventtype) is one of:
+- [`EventType.PRESS`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#press)
+- [`EventType.ACTION_PRESS`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#action_press)
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSAttachmentThumbnailClippingRect
+# Interface: IOSAttachmentThumbnailClippingRect
+The interface used to specify the portion of your image that you want to be displayed as the thumbnail
+Values are in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
+For example, specifying an origin (x,y) of (0.25, 0.25) and a size (width, height) of (0.5, 0.5)
+defines a clipping rectangle that shows only the center portion of the image.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### height
+> **height**: `number`
+#### Defined in
+### width
+> **width**: `number`
+#### Defined in
+### x
+> **x**: `number`
+#### Defined in
+### y
+> **y**: `number`
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSCommunicationInfo
+# Interface: IOSCommunicationInfo
+An interface to support communication notifications on iOS 15 and above
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### body?
+> `optional` **body**: `string`
+#### Defined in
+### conversationId
+> **conversationId**: `string`
+#### Defined in
+### groupAvatar?
+> `optional` **groupAvatar**: `string`
+#### Defined in
+### groupName?
+> `optional` **groupName**: `string`
+#### Defined in
+### sender
+> **sender**: [`IOSCommunicationInfoPerson`](Interface.IOSCommunicationInfoPerson.mdx)
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSCommunicationInfoPerson
+# Interface: IOSCommunicationInfoPerson
+## Properties
+### avatar?
+> `optional` **avatar**: `string`
+#### Defined in
+### displayName
+> **displayName**: `string`
+#### Defined in
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSForegroundPresentationOptions
+# Interface: IOSForegroundPresentationOptions
+An interface to customise how notifications are shown when the app is in the foreground.
+By default, Notifee will show iOS notifications in heads-up mode if your app is currently in the foreground.
+View the [Foreground Notifications](/react-native/docs/ios/appearance#foreground-notifications) to learn
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### ~~alert?~~
+> `optional` **alert**: `boolean`
+App in foreground dialog box which indicates when a decision has to be made
+Defaults to true
+#### Deprecated
+Use `banner` and `list` instead
+#### Defined in
+### badge?
+> `optional` **badge**: `boolean`
+App in foreground badge update
+Defaults to true
+#### Defined in
+### banner?
+> `optional` **banner**: `boolean`
+Present the notification as a banner
+For iOS 13 and lower, will be equivalent to setting `alert` to true
+Defaults to true
+#### Defined in
+### list?
+> `optional` **list**: `boolean`
+Show the notification in Notification Center
+For iOS 13 and lower, will be equivalent to setting `alert` to true
+Defaults to true
+#### Defined in
+### sound?
+> `optional` **sound**: `boolean`
+App in foreground notification sound
+Defaults to true
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSInput
+# Interface: IOSInput
+The interface used to enable advanced user input on a notification.
+View the [Action input](/react-native/docs/ios/interaction#action-input) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### buttonText?
+> `optional` **buttonText**: `string`
+Overrides the default button text "Send", next to the input box.
+#### Defined in
+### placeholderText?
+> `optional` **placeholderText**: `string`
+The placeholder text displayed in the text input field for this action.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSNotificationAttachment
+# Interface: IOSNotificationAttachment
+An interface for describing an iOS Notification Attachment.
+View the [Attachments](/react-native/docs/ios/appearance#attachments) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### id?
+> `optional` **id**: `string`
+A optional unique identifier of the attachment.
+If no `id` is provided, a unique id is created for you.
+#### Defined in
+### thumbnailClippingRect?
+> `optional` **thumbnailClippingRect**: [`IOSAttachmentThumbnailClippingRect`](Interface.IOSAttachmentThumbnailClippingRect.mdx)
+An optional clipping rectangle for a thumbnail image.
+#### Defined in
+### thumbnailHidden?
+> `optional` **thumbnailHidden**: `boolean`
+When set to `true` the thumbnail will be hidden.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### thumbnailTime?
+> `optional` **thumbnailTime**: `number`
+The frame number of an animation to use as the thumbnail.
+For a video, it is the time (in seconds) into the video from which to
+grab the thumbnail image.
+For a GIF, it is the frame number of the animation to use
+as a thumbnail image.
+#### Defined in
+### typeHint?
+> `optional` **typeHint**: `string`
+An optional hint about an attachment’s file type, as as Uniform Type Identifier (UTI).
+A list of UTI values can be found [here](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Miscellaneous/Reference/UTIRef/Articles/System-DeclaredUniformTypeIdentifiers.html) e.g. for JPEG you'd use `public.jpeg` as the `typeHint` value.
+If you do not include this key, the attachment’s filename extension is used to determine its type.
+#### Defined in
+### url
+> **url**: `string`
+A URL to the media file to display.
+The value can be any of the following:
+ - An absolute path to a file on the device
+ - iOS resource
+For a list of supported file types, see [Supported File Types](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/unnotificationattachment#1682051) on the official Apple documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSNotificationCategory
+# Interface: IOSNotificationCategory
+A interface representing a notification category created via [`setNotificationCategories`](/react-native/reference/setnotificationcategories).
+At minimum, a category must be created with a unique identifier, all other properties are optional.
+View the [Categories](/react-native/docs/ios/categories) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### actions?
+> `optional` **actions**: [`IOSNotificationCategoryAction`](Interface.IOSNotificationCategoryAction.mdx)[]
+#### Defined in
+### allowAnnouncement?
+> `optional` **allowAnnouncement**: `boolean`
+#### Defined in
+### allowInCarPlay?
+> `optional` **allowInCarPlay**: `boolean`
+Allow notifications in this category to be displayed in a CarPlay environment.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder?
+> `optional` **hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder**: `string`
+#### Defined in
+### hiddenPreviewsShowSubtitle?
+> `optional` **hiddenPreviewsShowSubtitle**: `boolean`
+#### Defined in
+### hiddenPreviewsShowTitle?
+> `optional` **hiddenPreviewsShowTitle**: `boolean`
+#### Defined in
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+The unique ID for the category.
+#### Defined in
+### intentIdentifiers?
+> `optional` **intentIdentifiers**: [`IOSIntentIdentifier`](Enumeration.IOSIntentIdentifier.mdx)[]
+#### Defined in
+### summaryFormat?
+> `optional` **summaryFormat**: `string`
+Specify a custom format for the summary text, which is visible when notifications are grouped together.
+View the [Summary Text](/react-native/docs/ios/categories#category-summary-text) documentation to learn more.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSNotificationCategoryAction
+# Interface: IOSNotificationCategoryAction
+The interface used to describe a notification quick action for iOS.
+Quick actions allow users to interact with notifications, allowing you to handle events
+within your application. When an action completes (e.g. pressing an action, or filling out an input
+box) an event is sent.
+View the [Quick Actions](/react-native/docs/ios/interaction#quick-actions) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### authenticationRequired?
+> `optional` **authenticationRequired**: `boolean`
+Whether this action should require unlocking before being performed.
+#### Defined in
+### destructive?
+> `optional` **destructive**: `boolean`
+Makes the action red, indicating that the action is destructive.
+#### Defined in
+### foreground?
+> `optional` **foreground**: `boolean`
+Whether this action should cause the application to launch in the foreground.
+#### Defined in
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
+### input?
+> `optional` **input**: `true` \| [`IOSInput`](Interface.IOSInput.mdx)
+If provided, the action accepts custom user input.
+If `true`, the user will be able to provide free text input when the action is pressed.
+The placeholder and button text can be customized by providing an object
+of type [`IOSInput`](/react-native/reference/iosinput).
+View the [Action Input](/react-native/docs/ios/interaction#action-input) documentation to
+learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### title
+> **title**: `string`
+The title of the action, e.g. "Reply", "Mark as read" etc.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSNotificationPermissions
+# Interface: IOSNotificationPermissions
+An interface representing all the available permissions that can be requested by your app via
+the [`requestPermission`](/react-native/reference/requestpermission) API.
+View the [Permissions](/react-native/docs/ios/permissions) to learn
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### alert?
+> `optional` **alert**: `boolean`
+Request permission to display alerts.
+Defaults to true.
+#### Defined in
+### announcement?
+> `optional` **announcement**: `boolean`
+Request permission for Siri to automatically read out notification messages over AirPods.
+Defaults to false.
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 13
+#### Defined in
+### badge?
+> `optional` **badge**: `boolean`
+Request permission to update the application badge.
+Defaults to true.
+#### Defined in
+### carPlay?
+> `optional` **carPlay**: `boolean`
+Request permission to display notifications in a CarPlay environment.
+Defaults to true.
+#### Defined in
+### criticalAlert?
+> `optional` **criticalAlert**: `boolean`
+Request permission to display critical notifications.
+View the [Critical Notifications](/react-native/docs/ios/behaviour#critical-notifications) documentation for more information
+and usage examples.
+Defaults to false.
+#### Defined in
+### provisional?
+> `optional` **provisional**: `boolean`
+Request permission to provisionally create non-interrupting notifications.
+Defaults to false.
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 12
+#### Defined in
+### sound?
+> `optional` **sound**: `boolean`
+Request permission to play sounds.
+Defaults to true.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSNotificationSettings
+# Interface: IOSNotificationSettings
+An interface representing the current authorization status and notification-related settings for your app.
+This interface is returned from [`requestPermission`](/react-native/reference/requestpermission)
+and [`getNotificationSettings`](/react-native/reference/getnotificationsettings).
+View the [Observing Settings](/react-native/docs/ios/permissions#observing-settings) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### alert
+> **alert**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if notifications will alert the user.
+#### Defined in
+### announcement
+> **announcement**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if notifications can be announced to the user
+via 3rd party services such as Siri.
+For example, if the notification can be automatically read by Siri
+while the user is wearing AirPods.
+#### Defined in
+### authorizationStatus
+> **authorizationStatus**: [`AuthorizationStatus`](Enumeration.AuthorizationStatus.mdx)
+Overall notification authorization status for the application.
+#### Defined in
+### badge
+> **badge**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if notifications can update the application badge.
+#### Defined in
+### carPlay
+> **carPlay**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if notifications can be displayed in a CarPlay environment.
+#### Defined in
+### criticalAlert
+> **criticalAlert**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if critical notifications are allowed.
+#### Defined in
+### inAppNotificationSettings
+> **inAppNotificationSettings**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+#### Defined in
+### lockScreen
+> **lockScreen**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if notifications will be displayed on the lock screen.
+#### Defined in
+### notificationCenter
+> **notificationCenter**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if notifications will be displayed in the notification center.
+#### Defined in
+### showPreviews
+> **showPreviews**: [`IOSShowPreviewsSetting`](Enumeration.IOSShowPreviewsSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if notification previews will be shown.
+#### Defined in
+### sound
+> **sound**: [`IOSNotificationSetting`](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+Enum describing if notifications can trigger a sound.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / InitialNotification
+# Interface: InitialNotification
+An interface representing a notification & action that launched the current app / or Android activity.
+View the [App open events](/react-native/docs/events#app-open-events) documentation to learn more.
+This interface is returned from [`getInitialNotification`](/react-native/reference/getinitialnotification) when
+an initial notification is available.
+Deprecated for iOS in favour of `onForegroundEvent`
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### input?
+> `optional` **input**: `string`
+The input from a notification action.
+The input detail is available when the [`EventType`](/react-native/reference/eventtype) is:
+- [`EventType.ACTION_PRESS`](/react-native/reference/eventtype#action_press)
+- The notification quick action has input enabled. View [`AndroidInput`](/react-native/reference/androidinput) for more details.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 20
+#### Defined in
+### notification
+> **notification**: [`Notification`](Interface.Notification.mdx)
+The notification which the user interacted with, which caused the application to open.
+#### Defined in
+### pressAction
+> **pressAction**: [`NotificationPressAction`](Interface.NotificationPressAction.mdx)
+The press action which the user interacted with, on the notification, which caused the application to open.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IntervalTrigger
+# Interface: IntervalTrigger
+Interface for building a trigger that repeats at a specified interval.
+View the [Triggers](/react-native/docs/triggers) documentation to learn more.
+## Properties
+### interval
+> **interval**: `number`
+How frequently the notification should be repeated.
+For example, if set to 30, the notification will be displayed every 30 minutes.
+Must be set to a minimum of 15 minutes.
+#### Defined in
+### timeUnit?
+> `optional` **timeUnit**: [`TimeUnit`](Enumeration.TimeUnit.mdx)
+The unit of time that the `interval` is measured in.
+For example, if set to `TimeUnit.DAYS` and repeat interval is set to 3, the notification will repeat every 3 days.
+Defaults to `TimeUnit.SECONDS`
+#### Defined in
+### type
+> **type**: [`INTERVAL`](Enumeration.TriggerType.mdx#interval)
+Constant enum value used to identify the trigger type.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / NativeAndroidChannel
+# Interface: NativeAndroidChannel
+An interface which describes a channel which has been fetched from the device.
+Contains additional information which is only available when fetching the channel from the device.
+## Platform
+## Extends
+- [`AndroidChannel`](Interface.AndroidChannel.mdx)
+## Properties
+### badge?
+> `optional` **badge**: `boolean`
+Sets whether badges are enabled for the channel.
+View the [Badges](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#badges) documentation to learn more.
+Defaults to `true`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### blocked
+> **blocked**: `boolean`
+#### Defined in
+### bypassDnd?
+> `optional` **bypassDnd**: `boolean`
+Sets whether or not notifications posted to this channel can interrupt the user in
+'Do Not Disturb' mode.
+Defaults to `false`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 29
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### description?
+> `optional` **description**: `string`
+Sets the user visible description of this channel.
+The recommended maximum length is 300 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.
+This setting can be updated after creation.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### groupId?
+> `optional` **groupId**: `string`
+Sets what group this channel belongs to. Group information is only used for presentation, not for behavior.
+Groups can be created via via [`createChannelGroup`](/react-native/reference/createchannelgroup).
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+The unique channel ID.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### importance?
+> `optional` **importance**: [`AndroidImportance`](Enumeration.AndroidImportance.mdx)
+Sets the level of interruption of this notification channel.
+Defaults to `AndroidImportance.DEFAULT`.
+This setting can only be set to a lower importance level once set.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### lightColor?
+> `optional` **lightColor**: `string`
+If lights are enabled (via `lights`), sets/overrides the light color for notifications
+posted to this channel.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### lights?
+> `optional` **lights**: `boolean`
+Sets whether notifications posted to this channel should display notification lights, on devices that support that feature.
+Defaults to `true`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### name
+> **name**: `string`
+The channel name. This is shown to the user so must be descriptive and relate to the notifications
+which will be delivered under this channel.
+This setting can be updated after creation.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### sound?
+> `optional` **sound**: `string`
+Overrides the sound the notification is displayed with.
+The default value is to play no sound. To play the default system sound use 'default'.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### soundURI?
+> `optional` **soundURI**: `string`
+The URI of the notification sound associated with the channel, if any.
+This is a read-only value, and is under user control after the channel is created
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### vibration?
+> `optional` **vibration**: `boolean`
+Sets whether notification posted to this channel should vibrate.
+Defaults to `true`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### vibrationPattern?
+> `optional` **vibrationPattern**: `number`[]
+Sets/overrides the vibration pattern for notifications posted to this channel.
+The pattern in milliseconds. Must be an even amount of numbers.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### visibility?
+> `optional` **visibility**: [`AndroidVisibility`](Enumeration.AndroidVisibility.mdx)
+Sets whether notifications posted to this channel appear on the lockscreen or not,
+and if so, whether they appear in a redacted form.
+Defaults to `AndroidVisibility.PRIVATE`.
+This setting cannot be overridden once the channel is created.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
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index 00000000..b9eca745
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / NativeAndroidChannelGroup
+# Interface: NativeAndroidChannelGroup
+An interface which describes a channel group which has been fetched from the device.
+Contains additional information which is only available when fetching the channel group from the device.
+## Platform
+android API Level >= 26
+## Extends
+- [`AndroidChannelGroup`](Interface.AndroidChannelGroup.mdx)
+## Properties
+### blocked
+> **blocked**: `boolean`
+Returns whether or not notifications posted to a Channel belonging to this group are
+blocked by the user.
+On API levels < 28, returns `false`.
+View the [Listening to channel events](/react-native/docs/android/channels#listening-to-channel-events)
+documentation to learn more about subscribing to when a channel is blocked by the user.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Defined in
+### channels
+> **channels**: [`NativeAndroidChannel`](Interface.NativeAndroidChannel.mdx)[]
+Returns a list of channels assigned to this channel group.
+#### Defined in
+### description?
+> `optional` **description**: `string`
+An optional description of the group. This is visible to the user.
+On Android APIs less than 28 this will always be undefined.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 28
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+Unique id for this channel group.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### name
+> **name**: `string`
+The name of the group. This is visible to the user so should be a descriptive name which
+categorizes other channels (e.g. reminders).
+The recommended maximum length is 40 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/react-native/reference/Interface.NativeError.mdx b/docs/react-native/reference/Interface.NativeError.mdx
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / NativeError
+# Interface: NativeError
+An Error that has occurred in native Android or iOS code converted into a JavaScript Error.
+## Extends
+- `Error`
+## Properties
+### code
+> `readonly` **code**: `string`
+Error code, e.g. `invalid-parameter`
+#### Defined in
+### message
+> `readonly` **message**: `string`
+Error message
+#### Overrides
+#### Defined in
+### name
+> **name**: `string`
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+### nativeErrorCode
+> `readonly` **nativeErrorCode**: `string` \| `number`
+The native returned error code, different per platform
+#### Defined in
+### nativeErrorMessage
+> `readonly` **nativeErrorMessage**: `string`
+The native returned error message, different per platform
+#### Defined in
+### stack?
+> `optional` **stack**: `string`
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/react-native/reference/Interface.Notification.mdx b/docs/react-native/reference/Interface.Notification.mdx
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / Notification
+# Interface: Notification
+Interface for building a local notification for both Android & iOS devices.
+To learn more about displaying a notification, view the [Displaying a Notification](/react-native/docs/displaying-a-notification)
+## Properties
+### android?
+> `optional` **android**: [`NotificationAndroid`](Interface.NotificationAndroid.mdx)
+Android specific notification options. See the [`NotificationAndroid`](/react-native/reference/notificationandroid)
+interface for more information and default options which are applied to a notification.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+### body?
+> `optional` **body**: `string`
+The main body content of a notification.
+#### Defined in
+### data?
+> `optional` **data**: `object`
+Additional data to store on the notification.
+Data can be used to provide additional context to your notification which can be retrieved
+at a later point in time (e.g. via an event).
+#### Index Signature
+ \[`key`: `string`\]: `string` \| `number` \| `object`
+#### Defined in
+### id?
+> `optional` **id**: `string`
+A unique identifier for your notification.
+Notifications with the same ID will be created as the same instance, allowing you to update
+a notification which already exists on the device.
+Defaults to a random string if not provided.
+#### Defined in
+### ios?
+> `optional` **ios**: [`NotificationIOS`](Interface.NotificationIOS.mdx)
+iOS specific notification options. See the [`NotificationIOS`](/react-native/reference/notificationios)
+interface for more information and default options which are applied to a notification.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+### remote?
+> `readonly` `optional` **remote**: `object`
+Will be populated if it's a remote notification
+#### contentAvailable?
+> `optional` **contentAvailable**: `number`
+#### messageId
+> **messageId**: `string`
+#### mutableContent?
+> `optional` **mutableContent**: `number`
+#### senderId
+> **senderId**: `string`
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+### subtitle?
+> `optional` **subtitle**: `string`
+The notification subtitle, which appears on a new line below/next the title.
+#### Defined in
+### title?
+> `optional` **title**: `string`
+The notification title which appears above the body text.
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/react-native/reference/Interface.NotificationAndroid.mdx b/docs/react-native/reference/Interface.NotificationAndroid.mdx
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index 00000000..79d73b52
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / NotificationAndroid
+# Interface: NotificationAndroid
+The interface for Android specific options which are applied to a notification.
+To learn more about Android notifications, view the [Android](/react-native/docs/android/introduction)
+documentation for full examples and usage.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### actions?
+> `optional` **actions**: [`AndroidAction`](Interface.AndroidAction.mdx)[]
+An array of [AndroidAction](/react-native/reference/androidaction) interfaces.
+Adds quick actions to a notification. Quick Actions enable users to interact with your application
+directly from the notification body, providing an overall greater user experience.
+View the [Quick Actions](/react-native/docs/android/interaction#quick-actions) documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+### asForegroundService?
+> `optional` **asForegroundService**: `boolean`
+When set to `true` this notification will be shown as a foreground service.
+The application can only display one foreground service notification at once. If a
+foreground service notification is already running and a new notification with this flag set to
+`true` is provided, the service will stop the existing service and start a new one.
+Ensure a foreground service runner function has been provided to `registerForegroundService`.
+Without one, the notification will not be displayed.
+View the [Foreground Service](/react-native/docs/android/foreground-service) documentation for more information.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### autoCancel?
+> `optional` **autoCancel**: `boolean`
+Setting this flag will make it so the notification is automatically canceled when the user
+presses it in the panel.
+By default when the user taps a notification it is automatically removed from the notification
+panel. Setting this to `false` will keep the notification in the panel.
+If `false`, the notification will persist in the notification panel after being pressed. It will
+remain there until the user removes it (e.g. swipes away) or is cancelled via
+Defaults to `true`.
+#### Defined in
+### badgeCount?
+> `optional` **badgeCount**: `number`
+Overrides the current number of active notifications shown on the device.
+If no number is provided, the system displays the current number of active notifications.
+#### Defined in
+### badgeIconType?
+> `optional` **badgeIconType**: [`AndroidBadgeIconType`](Enumeration.AndroidBadgeIconType.mdx)
+Sets the type of badge used when the notification is being displayed in badge mode.
+View the [Badges](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#badges) documentation for more information
+and usage examples.
+Defaults to `AndroidBadgeIconType.LARGE`.
+#### Platform
+android API Level >= 26
+#### Defined in
+### category?
+> `optional` **category**: [`AndroidCategory`](Enumeration.AndroidCategory.mdx)
+Assigns the notification to a category. Use the one which best describes the notification.
+The category may be used by the device for ranking and filtering. It has no visual or behavioural
+#### Defined in
+### channelId?
+> `optional` **channelId**: `string`
+Specifies the `AndroidChannel` which the notification will be delivered on.
+On Android 8.0 (API 26) the channel ID is required. Providing a invalid channel ID will throw
+an error. View the [Channels & Groups](/react-native/docs/android/channels) documentation for
+more information and usage examples.
+#### Defined in
+### chronometerDirection?
+> `optional` **chronometerDirection**: `"up"` \| `"down"`
+If `showChronometer` is `true`, the direction of the chronometer can be changed to count down instead of up.
+Has no effect if `showChronometer` is `false`.
+Defaults to `up`.
+#### Defined in
+### circularLargeIcon?
+> `optional` **circularLargeIcon**: `boolean`
+Whether the large icon should be circular.
+If `true`, the large icon will be rounded in the shape of a circle.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### color?
+> `optional` **color**: `string`
+Set an custom accent color for the notification. If not provided, the default notification
+system color will be used.
+The color can be a predefined system `AndroidColor` or [hexadecimal](https://gist.github.com/lopspower/03fb1cc0ac9f32ef38f4).
+View the [Color](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#color) documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+### colorized?
+> `optional` **colorized**: `boolean`
+When `asForegroundService` is `true`, the notification will use the provided `color` property
+to set a background color on the notification. This property has no effect when `asForegroundService`
+is `false`.
+This should only be used for high priority ongoing tasks like navigation, an ongoing call,
+or other similarly high-priority events for the user.
+View the [Foreground Service](/react-native/docs/android/foreground-service) documentation for more information.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### defaults?
+> `optional` **defaults**: [`AndroidDefaults`](Enumeration.AndroidDefaults.mdx)[]
+For devices without notification channel support, this property sets the default behaviour
+for a notification.
+On API Level >= 26, this has no effect.
+See [AndroidDefaults](/react-native/reference/androiddefaults) for more information.
+#### Platform
+android API Level < 26
+#### Defined in
+### flags?
+> `optional` **flags**: [`AndroidFlags`](Enumeration.AndroidFlags.mdx)[]
+Set any additional flags
+#### Defined in
+### foregroundServiceTypes?
+> `optional` **foregroundServiceTypes**: [`AndroidForegroundServiceType`](Enumeration.AndroidForegroundServiceType.mdx)[]
+Set the foreground service types identifying the work done by the service
+View the [Foreground service types](https://developer.android.com/develop/background-work/services/fg-service-types) documentation to learn
+#### Defined in
+### fullScreenAction?
+> `optional` **fullScreenAction**: [`NotificationFullScreenAction`](Interface.NotificationFullScreenAction.mdx)
+The `fullScreenAction` property allows you to show a custom UI
+in full screen when the notification is displayed.
+View the [FullScreenAction](/react-native/docs/android/behaviour#full-screen) documentation to learn
+#### Defined in
+### groupAlertBehavior?
+> `optional` **groupAlertBehavior**: [`AndroidGroupAlertBehavior`](Enumeration.AndroidGroupAlertBehavior.mdx)
+Sets the group alert behavior for this notification. Use this method to mute this notification
+if alerts for this notification's group should be handled by a different notification. This is
+only applicable for notifications that belong to a `groupId`. This must be called on all notifications
+you want to mute. For example, if you want only the summary of your group to make noise, all
+children in the group should have the group alert behavior `AndroidGroupAlertBehavior.SUMMARY`.
+View the [Android Grouping & Sorting guide](/react-native/docs/android/grouping-and-sorting#group-behaviour)
+documentation to learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### groupId?
+> `optional` **groupId**: `string`
+Set this notification to be part of a group of notifications sharing the same key. Grouped notifications may
+display in a cluster or stack on devices which support such rendering.
+On some devices, the system may automatically group notifications.
+View the [Android Grouping & Sorting guide](/react-native/docs/android/grouping-and-sorting) documentation to
+learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### groupSummary?
+> `optional` **groupSummary**: `boolean`
+Whether this notification should be a group summary.
+If `true`, Set this notification to be the group summary for a group of notifications. Grouped notifications may display in
+a cluster or stack on devices which support such rendering. Requires a `groupId` key to be set.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### importance?
+> `optional` **importance**: [`AndroidImportance`](Enumeration.AndroidImportance.mdx)
+Set a notification importance for devices without channel support.
+Devices using Android API Level < 26 have no channel support, meaning incoming notifications
+won't be assigned an importance level from the channel. If your application supports devices
+without channel support, set this property to directly assign an importance level to the incoming
+Defaults to `AndroidImportance.DEFAULT`.
+View the [Appearance](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#importance) documentation to learn
+#### Platform
+android API Level < 26
+#### Defined in
+### inputHistory?
+> `optional` **inputHistory**: `string`[]
+The local user input history for this notification.
+Input history is shown on supported devices below the main notification body. History of the
+users input with the notification should be shown when receiving action input by updating
+the existing notification. It is recommended to clear the history when it is no longer
+relevant (e.g. someone has responded to the users input).
+#### Defined in
+### largeIcon?
+> `optional` **largeIcon**: `string` \| `number` \| `object`
+A local file path using the 'require()' method or a remote http to the picture to display.
+Sets a large icon on the notification.
+View the [Android Appearance](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#large-icons) documentation to learn
+more about this property.
+#### Defined in
+### lights?
+> `optional` **lights**: [`string`, `number`, `number`]
+Sets the color and frequency of the light pattern. This only has effect on supported devices.
+The option takes an array containing a hexadecimal color value or predefined `AndroidColor`,
+along with the number of milliseconds to show the light, and the number of milliseconds to
+turn off the light. The light frequency pattern is repeated.
+View the [Lights](/react-native/docs/android/behaviour#lights) documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+### lightUpScreen?
+> `optional` **lightUpScreen**: `boolean`
+When set to `true` the screen will light up when the notification is displayed.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### localOnly?
+> `optional` **localOnly**: `boolean`
+Sets whether the notification will only appear on the local device.
+Users who have connected devices which support notifications (such as a smart watch) will
+receive an alert for the notification on that device. If set to `true`, the notification will
+only alert on the main device.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### loopSound?
+> `optional` **loopSound**: `boolean`
+Set whether the sound should loop, by default, the sound will only play once.
+This property is useful if you have an ongoing notification.
+#### Defined in
+### ongoing?
+> `optional` **ongoing**: `boolean`
+Set whether this is an on-going notification.
+Setting this value to `true` changes the default behaviour of a notification:
+- Ongoing notifications are sorted above the regular notifications in the notification panel.
+- Ongoing notifications do not have an 'X' close button, and are not affected by the "Clear all" button.
+View the [Ongoing](/react-native/docs/android/behaviour#ongoing) documentation for more information.
+#### Defined in
+### onlyAlertOnce?
+> `optional` **onlyAlertOnce**: `boolean`
+Notifications with the same `id` will only show a single instance at any one time on your device,
+however will still alert the user (for example, by making a sound).
+If this flag is set to `true`, notifications with the same `id` will only alert the user once whilst
+the notification is visible.
+This property is commonly used when frequently updating a notification (such as updating the progress bar).
+#### Defined in
+### pressAction?
+> `optional` **pressAction**: [`NotificationPressAction`](Interface.NotificationPressAction.mdx)
+By default notifications have no behaviour when a user presses them. The
+`pressAction` property allows you to set what happens when a user presses
+the notification.
+View the [Interaction](/react-native/docs/android/interaction) documentation to learn
+#### Defined in
+### progress?
+> `optional` **progress**: [`AndroidProgress`](Interface.AndroidProgress.mdx)
+A notification can show current progress of a task. The progress state can either be fixed or
+indeterminate (unknown).
+View the [Progress Indicators](/react-native/docs/android/progress-indicators) documentation
+to learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### showChronometer?
+> `optional` **showChronometer**: `boolean`
+Shows a counting timer on the notification, useful for on-going notifications such as a phone call.
+If no `timestamp` is provided, a counter will display on the notification starting from 00:00. If a `timestamp` is
+provided, the number of hours/minutes/seconds since that have elapsed since that value will be shown instead.
+Defaults to `false`.
+View the [Timers](/react-native/docs/android/timers#timers) documentation to learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### showTimestamp?
+> `optional` **showTimestamp**: `boolean`
+Sets whether the `timestamp` provided is shown in the notification.
+Setting this field is useful for notifications which are more informative with a timestamp,
+such as an E-Mail.
+If no `timestamp` is set, this field has no effect.
+View the [Timestamps](/react-native/docs/android/timers#timestamps) documentation to learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### smallIcon?
+> `optional` **smallIcon**: `string`
+The small icon to show in the heads-up notification.
+View the [Icons](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#small-icons) documentation to learn
+#### Defined in
+### smallIconLevel?
+> `optional` **smallIconLevel**: `number`
+An additional level parameter for when the icon is an instance of a Android `LevelListDrawable`.
+#### Defined in
+### sortKey?
+> `optional` **sortKey**: `string`
+Set a sort key that orders this notification among other notifications from the same package.
+This can be useful if an external sort was already applied and an app would like to preserve
+this. Notifications will be sorted lexicographically using this value, although providing
+different priorities in addition to providing sort key may cause this value to be ignored.
+If a `groupId` has been set, the sort key can also be used to order members of a notification group.
+View the [Android Grouping & Sorting](/react-native/docs/android/grouping-and-sorting#sorting)
+documentation to learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### sound?
+> `optional` **sound**: `string`
+Overrides the sound the notification is displayed with.
+The default value is to play no sound. To play the default system sound use 'default'.
+This setting has no behaviour on Android after API level version 26, instead you can set the
+sound on the notification channels.
+View the [Sound](/react-native/docs/android/behaviour#sound) documentation for more information.
+#### Platform
+android API Level < 26
+#### Defined in
+### style?
+> `optional` **style**: [`AndroidBigPictureStyle`](Interface.AndroidBigPictureStyle.mdx) \| [`AndroidBigTextStyle`](Interface.AndroidBigTextStyle.mdx) \| [`AndroidInboxStyle`](Interface.AndroidInboxStyle.mdx) \| [`AndroidMessagingStyle`](Interface.AndroidMessagingStyle.mdx)
+Styled notifications provide users with more informative content and additional functionality.
+Android supports different styles, however only one can be used with a notification.
+View the [Styles](/react-native/docs/android/styles) documentation to learn more
+view usage examples.
+#### Defined in
+### tag?
+> `optional` **tag**: `string`
+Sets a tag on the notification.
+Tags can be used to query groups notifications by the tag value. Setting a tag has no
+impact on the notification itself.
+#### Defined in
+### ticker?
+> `optional` **ticker**: `string`
+Text that summarizes this notification for accessibility services. As of the Android L release, this
+text is no longer shown on screen, but it is still useful to accessibility services
+(where it serves as an audible announcement of the notification's appearance).
+Ticker text does not show in the notification.
+#### Defined in
+### timeoutAfter?
+> `optional` **timeoutAfter**: `number`
+Sets the time in milliseconds at which the notification should be
+automatically cancelled once displayed, if it is not already cancelled.
+#### Defined in
+### timestamp?
+> `optional` **timestamp**: `number`
+The timestamp in milliseconds for this notification. Notifications in the panel are sorted by this time.
+The timestamp can be used with other properties to change the behaviour of a notification:
+- Use with `showTimestamp` to show the timestamp to the users.
+- Use with `showChronometer` to create a on-going timer.
+View the [Timers](/react-native/docs/android/timers) documentation to learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### vibrationPattern?
+> `optional` **vibrationPattern**: `number`[]
+Sets the vibration pattern the notification uses when displayed. Must be an even amount of numbers.
+View the [Vibration](/react-native/docs/android/behaviour#vibration) documentation to learn more.
+#### Defined in
+### visibility?
+> `optional` **visibility**: [`AndroidVisibility`](Enumeration.AndroidVisibility.mdx)
+Sets the visibility for this notification. This may be used for apps which show user
+sensitive information (e.g. a banking app).
+Defaults to `AndroidVisibility.PRIVATE`.
+View the [Visibility](/react-native/docs/android/appearance#visibility) documentation to learn
+#### Defined in
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index 00000000..384da838
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / NotificationFullScreenAction
+# Interface: NotificationFullScreenAction
+The interface used to describe a full-screen action for a notification.
+By setting a `fullScreenAction`, when the notification is displayed, it will launch a full-screen intent.
+On Android; when provided to a notification action, the action will only open you application if
+a `launchActivity` and/or a `mainComponent` is provided.
+Requires the following permission to be added to your `AndroidManifest.xml`:
+Please see the [FullScreen Action](/react-native/docs/android/behaviour#full-screen) document to learn more.
+## Properties
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+The unique ID for the action.
+The `id` property is used to differentiate between full-screen actions. When listening to notification
+events, the ID can be read from the `event.detail.notification.android.fullScreenAction` object.
+#### Defined in
+### launchActivity?
+> `optional` **launchActivity**: `string`
+The custom Android Activity to launch on a full-screen action.
+This property can be used in advanced scenarios to launch a custom Android Activity when the user
+performs a full-screen action.
+View the [Android Full Screen](/react-native/docs/android/behaviour#full-screen) docs to learn more.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+### launchActivityFlags?
+> `optional` **launchActivityFlags**: [`AndroidLaunchActivityFlag`](Enumeration.AndroidLaunchActivityFlag.mdx)[]
+Custom flags that are added to the Android [Intent](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html) that launches your Activity.
+These are only required if you need to customise the behaviour of how your activities are launched; by default these are not required.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+### mainComponent?
+> `optional` **mainComponent**: `string`
+A custom registered React component to launch on press action.
+This property can be used to open a custom React component when the notification is displayed.
+For this to correctly function on Android, a minor native code change is required.
+View the [Full-screen Action](/react-native/docs/android/behaviour#full-screen) document to learn more.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
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index 00000000..9c56e2d8
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / NotificationIOS
+# Interface: NotificationIOS
+The interface for iOS specific options which are applied to a notification.
+To learn more about iOS notifications, view the [iOS](/react-native/docs/iOS/introduction)
+documentation for full examples and usage.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### attachments?
+> `optional` **attachments**: [`IOSNotificationAttachment`](Interface.IOSNotificationAttachment.mdx)[]
+Optional array of [IOSNotificationAttachment](/react-native/reference/iosnotificationattachment) interfaces.
+Attachments allow audio, image, or video content to be displayed with the notification, enriching the user's experience.
+View the [Attachments](/react-native/docs/ios/appearances#attachments) documentation for more information
+and usage examples.
+#### Defined in
+### badgeCount?
+> `optional` **badgeCount**: `null` \| `number`
+The application badge count number. Set to null to indicate no change, or 0 to hide.
+#### Defined in
+### categoryId?
+> `optional` **categoryId**: `string`
+The id of a registered `IOSCategory` (via the `setNotificationCategories` API) that will be used to determine the
+appropriate actions to display for the notification.
+#### Defined in
+### communicationInfo?
+> `optional` **communicationInfo**: [`IOSCommunicationInfo`](Interface.IOSCommunicationInfo.mdx)
+Optional property for communication notifications
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 15
+#### Defined in
+### critical?
+> `optional` **critical**: `boolean`
+If the notification is a critical alert set this property to true; critical alerts will bypass
+the mute switch and also bypass Do Not Disturb.
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 12
+#### Defined in
+### criticalVolume?
+> `optional` **criticalVolume**: `number`
+The optional audio volume of the critical sound; a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.
+This property is not used unless the `critical: true` option is also set.
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 12
+#### Defined in
+### foregroundPresentationOptions?
+> `optional` **foregroundPresentationOptions**: [`IOSForegroundPresentationOptions`](Interface.IOSForegroundPresentationOptions.mdx)
+Optional property to customise how notifications are presented when the app is in the foreground.
+By default, Notifee will show iOS notifications in heads-up mode if your app is currently in the foreground.
+#### Defined in
+### interruptionLevel?
+> `optional` **interruptionLevel**: [`IOSNotificationInterruptionLevel`](TypeAlias.IOSNotificationInterruptionLevel.mdx)
+Value that indicate the importance and delivery timing of a notification.
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 15
+#### Defined in
+### launchImageName?
+> `optional` **launchImageName**: `string`
+The launch image that will be used when the app is opened from this notification.
+#### Defined in
+### sound?
+> `optional` **sound**: `string`
+The name of the sound file to be played. The sound must be in the Library/Sounds folder of the
+app's data container or the Library/Sounds folder of an app group data container.
+If the file is not found in a container, the system will look in the app's bundle.
+Use 'default' to use the default system sound.
+#### Defined in
+### summaryArgument?
+> `optional` **summaryArgument**: `string`
+The argument that is inserted in the IOSCategory.summaryFormat for this notification.
+See `IOSCategory.summaryFormat`.
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 12
+#### Defined in
+### summaryArgumentCount?
+> `optional` **summaryArgumentCount**: `number`
+A number that indicates how many items in the summary are being represented.
+For example if a messages app sends one notification for 3 new messages in a group chat,
+the summaryArgument could be the name of the group chat and the summaryArgumentCount should be 3.
+If set, value cannot be 0 or less.
+See `IOSCategory.summaryFormat`.
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 12
+#### Defined in
+### targetContentId?
+> `optional` **targetContentId**: `string`
+The identifier for the window to be opened when the user taps a notification.
+This value determines the window brought forward when the user taps this notification on iPadOS.
+#### Platform
+ios iOS >= 13
+#### Defined in
+### threadId?
+> `optional` **threadId**: `string`
+A unique id for the thread or conversation related to this notification.
+This will be used to visually group notifications together.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / NotificationPressAction
+# Interface: NotificationPressAction
+The interface used to describe a press action for a notification.
+There are various ways a user can interact with a notification, the most common being pressing
+the notification, pressing an action or providing text input. This interface defines what happens
+when a user performs such interaction.
+On Android; when provided to a notification action, the action will only open you application if
+a `launchActivity` and/or a `mainComponent` is provided.
+## Properties
+### id
+> **id**: `string`
+The unique ID for the action.
+The `id` property is used to differentiate between user press actions. When listening to notification
+events, the ID can be read from the `event.detail.pressAction` object.
+#### Defined in
+### launchActivity?
+> `optional` **launchActivity**: `string`
+The custom Android Activity to launch on a press action.
+This property can be used in advanced scenarios to launch a custom Android Activity when the user
+performs a press action.
+View the [Android Interaction](/react-native/docs/android/interaction) docs to learn more.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+### launchActivityFlags?
+> `optional` **launchActivityFlags**: [`AndroidLaunchActivityFlag`](Enumeration.AndroidLaunchActivityFlag.mdx)[]
+Custom flags that are added to the Android [Intent](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html) that launches your Activity.
+These are only required if you need to customise the behaviour of how your activities are launched; by default these are not required.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+### mainComponent?
+> `optional` **mainComponent**: `string`
+A custom registered React component to launch on press action.
+This property can be used to open a custom React component when the user performs a press action.
+For this to correctly function on Android, a minor native code change is required.
+View the [Press Action](/react-native/docs/android/interaction#press-action) document to learn more.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / NotificationSettings
+# Interface: NotificationSettings
+## Properties
+### android
+> **android**: [`AndroidNotificationSettings`](Interface.AndroidNotificationSettings.mdx)
+Overall notification settings for the application in android.
+On non-Android platforms, this will be populated with default values
+#### Defined in
+### authorizationStatus
+> **authorizationStatus**: [`AuthorizationStatus`](Enumeration.AuthorizationStatus.mdx)
+Overall notification authorization status for the application.
+On Android, `authorizationStatus` will return only either `AuthorizationStatus.DENIED` or `AuthorizationStatus.AUTHORIZED`.
+#### Defined in
+### ios
+> **ios**: [`IOSNotificationSettings`](Interface.IOSNotificationSettings.mdx)
+Overall notification settings for the application in iOS.
+On non-iOS platforms, this will be populated with default values
+#### Defined in
+### web
+> **web**: `WebNotificationSettings`
+Overall notification settings for the application in web.
+On non-Web platforms, this will be populated with default values
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / TimestampTrigger
+# Interface: TimestampTrigger
+Interface for building a trigger with a timestamp.
+View the [Triggers](/react-native/docs/triggers) documentation to learn more.
+## Properties
+### alarmManager?
+> `optional` **alarmManager**: `boolean` \| [`TimestampTriggerAlarmManager`](Interface.TimestampTriggerAlarmManager.mdx)
+Choose to schedule your trigger notification with Android's AlarmManager API.
+By default, trigger notifications are created with Android's WorkManager API.
+#### Platform
+#### Defined in
+### repeatFrequency?
+> `optional` **repeatFrequency**: [`RepeatFrequency`](Enumeration.RepeatFrequency.mdx)
+The frequency at which the trigger repeats.
+If unset, the notification will only be displayed once.
+For example:
+ if set to `RepeatFrequency.HOURLY`, the notification will repeat every hour from the timestamp specified.
+ if set to `RepeatFrequency.DAILY`, the notification will repeat every day from the timestamp specified.
+ if set to `RepeatFrequency.WEEKLY`, the notification will repeat every week from the timestamp specified.
+#### Defined in
+### timestamp
+> **timestamp**: `number`
+The timestamp when the notification should first be shown, in milliseconds since 1970.
+#### Defined in
+### type
+> **type**: [`TIMESTAMP`](Enumeration.TriggerType.mdx#timestamp)
+Constant enum value used to identify the trigger type.
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / TimestampTriggerAlarmManager
+# Interface: TimestampTriggerAlarmManager
+Interface to specify additional options for the AlarmManager which can be used with `TimestampTrigger.alarmManager`.
+View the [Triggers](/react-native/docs/triggers) documentation to learn more.
+## Platform
+## Properties
+### ~~allowWhileIdle?~~
+> `optional` **allowWhileIdle**: `boolean`
+#### Deprecated
+use `type` instead
+Sets whether your trigger notification should be displayed even when the system is in low-power idle modes.
+Defaults to `false`.
+#### Defined in
+### type?
+> `optional` **type**: [`AlarmType`](Enumeration.AlarmType.mdx)
+The type of alarm set by alarm manager of android
+#### Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / TriggerNotification
+# Interface: TriggerNotification
+An interface representing a notification that is pending.
+## Properties
+### notification
+> **notification**: [`Notification`](Interface.Notification.mdx)
+The notification
+#### Defined in
+### trigger
+> **trigger**: [`Trigger`](TypeAlias.Trigger.mdx)
+The trigger that is used to schedule the notification
+#### Defined in
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Notifee - React Native
+A feature rich Android & iOS notifications library for React Native.
+[> Learn More](https://notifee.app/)
+## Installation
+yarn add @notifee/react-native
+## Documentation
+- [Overview](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/overview)
+- [Licensing](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/license-keys)
+- [Reference](https://notifee.app/react-native/reference)
+### Android
+The APIs for Android allow for creating rich, styled and highly interactive notifications. Below you'll find guides that cover the supported Android features.
+| Topic | |
+| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [Appearance](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/appearance) | Change the appearance of a notification; icons, colors, visibility etc. |
+| [Behaviour](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/behaviour) | Customize how a notification behaves when it is delivered to a device; sound, vibration, lights etc. |
+| [Channels & Groups](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/channels) | Organize your notifications into channels & groups to allow users to control how notifications are handled on their device |
+| [Foreground Service](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/foreground-service) | Long running background tasks can take advantage of a Android Foreground Services to display an on-going, prominent notification. |
+| [Grouping & Sorting](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/grouping-and-sorting) | Group and sort related notifications in a single notification pane. |
+| [Interaction](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/interaction) | Allow users to interact with your application directly from the notification with actions. |
+| [Progress Indicators](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/progress-indicators) | Show users a progress indicator of an on-going background task, and learn how to keep it updated. |
+| [Styles](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/styles) | Style notifications to show richer content, such as expandable images/text, or message conversations. |
+| [Timers](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/android/timers) | Display counting timers on your notification, useful for on-going tasks such as a phone call, or event time remaining. |
+### iOS
+Below you'll find guides that cover the supported iOS features.
+| Topic | |
+| ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| [Appearance](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/ios/appearance) | Change now the notification is displayed to your users. |
+| [Behaviour](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/ios/behaviour) | Control how notifications behave when they are displayed to a device; sound, crtitial alerts etc. |
+| [Categories](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/ios/categories) | Create & assign categories to notifications. |
+| [Interaction](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/ios/interaction) | Handle user interaction with your notifications. | |
+| [Permissions](https://notifee.app/react-native/docs/ios/permissions) | Request permission from your application users to display notifications. | |
+### Jest Testing
+To run jest tests after integrating this module, you will need to mock out the native parts of Notifee or you will get an error that looks like:
+ ● Test suite failed to run
+ Notifee native module not found.
+ 59 | this._nativeModule = NativeModules[this._moduleConfig.nativeModuleName];
+ 60 | if (this._nativeModule == null) {
+ > 61 | throw new Error('Notifee native module not found.');
+ | ^
+ 62 | }
+ 63 |
+ 64 | return this._nativeModule;
+Add this to a setup file in your project e.g. `jest.setup.js`:
+If you don't already have a Jest setup file configured, please add the following to your Jest configuration file and create the new jest.setup.js file in project root:
+setupFiles: ['/jest.setup.js'],
+You can then add the following line to that setup file to mock `notifee`:
+jest.mock('@notifee/react-native', () => require('@notifee/react-native/jest-mock'))
+You will also need to add `@notifee` to `transformIgnorePatterns` in your config file (`jest.config.js`):
+transformIgnorePatterns: [
+ 'node_modules/(?!(jest-)?react-native|@react-native|@notifee)'
+### Detox Testing
+To utilise Detox's functionality to mock a local notification and trigger notifee's event handlers, you will need a payload with a key `__notifee_notification`:
+ title: 'test',
+ body: 'Body',
+ payload: {
+ __notifee_notification: {
+ ios: {
+ foregroundPresentationOptions: {
+ banner: true,
+ list: true,
+ },
+ },
+ data: {}
+ },
+ },
+The important part is to make sure you have a `__notifee_notification` object under `payload` with the default properties.
+## License
+ Built and maintained with 💛 by Invertase.
diff --git a/docs/react-native/reference/TypeAlias.ForegroundServiceTask.mdx b/docs/react-native/reference/TypeAlias.ForegroundServiceTask.mdx
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / ForegroundServiceTask
+# Type Alias: ForegroundServiceTask()
+> **ForegroundServiceTask**: (`notification`) => `Promise`\<`void`\>
+A representation of a Foreground Service task registered via [`registerForegroundService`](/react-native/reference/registerforegroundservice).
+The task must resolve a promise once complete, and in turn removes the notification.
+View the [Foreground Service](/react-native/docs/android/foreground-service) documentation to
+learn more.
+## Parameters
+### notification
+## Returns
+## Platform
+## Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / IOSNotificationInterruptionLevel
+# Type Alias: IOSNotificationInterruptionLevel
+> **IOSNotificationInterruptionLevel**: `"active"` \| `"critical"` \| `"passive"` \| `"timeSensitive"`
+Constants that indicate the importance and delivery timing of a notification.
+## Platform
+## Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / Trigger
+# Type Alias: Trigger
+> **Trigger**: [`TimestampTrigger`](Interface.TimestampTrigger.mdx) \| [`IntervalTrigger`](Interface.IntervalTrigger.mdx)
+## Defined in
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+[@notifee/react-native](globals.mdx) / default
+# Variable: default
+> `const` **default**: `ModuleWithStatics`
+## Defined in
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+# @notifee/react-native
+## Enumerations
+- [AlarmType](Enumeration.AlarmType.mdx)
+- [AndroidBadgeIconType](Enumeration.AndroidBadgeIconType.mdx)
+- [AndroidCategory](Enumeration.AndroidCategory.mdx)
+- [AndroidColor](Enumeration.AndroidColor.mdx)
+- [AndroidDefaults](Enumeration.AndroidDefaults.mdx)
+- [AndroidFlags](Enumeration.AndroidFlags.mdx)
+- [AndroidForegroundServiceType](Enumeration.AndroidForegroundServiceType.mdx)
+- [AndroidGroupAlertBehavior](Enumeration.AndroidGroupAlertBehavior.mdx)
+- [AndroidImportance](Enumeration.AndroidImportance.mdx)
+- [AndroidLaunchActivityFlag](Enumeration.AndroidLaunchActivityFlag.mdx)
+- [AndroidNotificationSetting](Enumeration.AndroidNotificationSetting.mdx)
+- [AndroidStyle](Enumeration.AndroidStyle.mdx)
+- [AndroidVisibility](Enumeration.AndroidVisibility.mdx)
+- [AuthorizationStatus](Enumeration.AuthorizationStatus.mdx)
+- [EventType](Enumeration.EventType.mdx)
+- [IOSIntentIdentifier](Enumeration.IOSIntentIdentifier.mdx)
+- [IOSNotificationSetting](Enumeration.IOSNotificationSetting.mdx)
+- [IOSShowPreviewsSetting](Enumeration.IOSShowPreviewsSetting.mdx)
+- [RepeatFrequency](Enumeration.RepeatFrequency.mdx)
+- [TimeUnit](Enumeration.TimeUnit.mdx)
+- [TriggerType](Enumeration.TriggerType.mdx)
+## Interfaces
+- [AndroidAction](Interface.AndroidAction.mdx)
+- [AndroidBigPictureStyle](Interface.AndroidBigPictureStyle.mdx)
+- [AndroidBigTextStyle](Interface.AndroidBigTextStyle.mdx)
+- [AndroidChannel](Interface.AndroidChannel.mdx)
+- [AndroidChannelGroup](Interface.AndroidChannelGroup.mdx)
+- [AndroidInboxStyle](Interface.AndroidInboxStyle.mdx)
+- [AndroidInput](Interface.AndroidInput.mdx)
+- [AndroidMessagingStyle](Interface.AndroidMessagingStyle.mdx)
+- [AndroidMessagingStyleMessage](Interface.AndroidMessagingStyleMessage.mdx)
+- [AndroidNotificationSettings](Interface.AndroidNotificationSettings.mdx)
+- [AndroidPerson](Interface.AndroidPerson.mdx)
+- [AndroidProgress](Interface.AndroidProgress.mdx)
+- [DisplayedNotification](Interface.DisplayedNotification.mdx)
+- [Event](Interface.Event.mdx)
+- [EventDetail](Interface.EventDetail.mdx)
+- [InitialNotification](Interface.InitialNotification.mdx)
+- [IntervalTrigger](Interface.IntervalTrigger.mdx)
+- [IOSAttachmentThumbnailClippingRect](Interface.IOSAttachmentThumbnailClippingRect.mdx)
+- [IOSCommunicationInfo](Interface.IOSCommunicationInfo.mdx)
+- [IOSCommunicationInfoPerson](Interface.IOSCommunicationInfoPerson.mdx)
+- [IOSForegroundPresentationOptions](Interface.IOSForegroundPresentationOptions.mdx)
+- [IOSInput](Interface.IOSInput.mdx)
+- [IOSNotificationAttachment](Interface.IOSNotificationAttachment.mdx)
+- [IOSNotificationCategory](Interface.IOSNotificationCategory.mdx)
+- [IOSNotificationCategoryAction](Interface.IOSNotificationCategoryAction.mdx)
+- [IOSNotificationPermissions](Interface.IOSNotificationPermissions.mdx)
+- [IOSNotificationSettings](Interface.IOSNotificationSettings.mdx)
+- [NativeAndroidChannel](Interface.NativeAndroidChannel.mdx)
+- [NativeAndroidChannelGroup](Interface.NativeAndroidChannelGroup.mdx)
+- [NativeError](Interface.NativeError.mdx)
+- [Notification](Interface.Notification.mdx)
+- [NotificationAndroid](Interface.NotificationAndroid.mdx)
+- [NotificationFullScreenAction](Interface.NotificationFullScreenAction.mdx)
+- [NotificationIOS](Interface.NotificationIOS.mdx)
+- [NotificationPressAction](Interface.NotificationPressAction.mdx)
+- [NotificationSettings](Interface.NotificationSettings.mdx)
+- [TimestampTrigger](Interface.TimestampTrigger.mdx)
+- [TimestampTriggerAlarmManager](Interface.TimestampTriggerAlarmManager.mdx)
+- [TriggerNotification](Interface.TriggerNotification.mdx)
+## Type Aliases
+- [ForegroundServiceTask](TypeAlias.ForegroundServiceTask.mdx)
+- [IOSNotificationInterruptionLevel](TypeAlias.IOSNotificationInterruptionLevel.mdx)
+- [Trigger](TypeAlias.Trigger.mdx)
+## Variables
+- [default](Variable.default.mdx)
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