#13 IGV button on Zoom panel, Donor & Acceptor panels
#29 BigWig file is optional, bug app is showing error when it is not provided.
#27 When multiple genes added, expansion layout obscures that there are more genes
#28 When app launched from Mosaic, check for file conflicts when launching apps (e.g. multiple bam files exist) when experiment_id not provided
#13 IGV button on Zoom panel, Donor & Acceptor panels
#29 BigWig file is optional, bug app is showing error when it is not provided.
#27 When multiple genes added, expansion layout obscures that there are more genes
#28 When app launched from Mosaic, check for file conflicts when launching apps (e.g. multiple bam files exist) when experiment_id not provided
#30 When app is launched from Mosaic, alert user with error when required files are missing
#31 IGV.js memory bloat - each time IGV is shown, memory increased by ~ 300 MB
#33 The transcripts menu has padding on right and extends beyond width on main panel
#34 When gene not present in bed, the loading gif continues to spin.