To contribute to the project create a fork and then create pull requests from your fork to the base repository.
For the moment, a workflow will be considered as simplified as possible because the project is at the beginning of the road and it should be as easy as possible for those willing to contribute. Along the way, the contribution rules will be adjusted to meet the requirements.
The "main" branch is considered the basic one on which development is done. The contributor to work on a task must open a new branch from "main". The tasks are defined in the "Issues" section of this repository. The name of the new branch created from the "main" branch for the task must start with the issue number, to be easier to identify for which task was worked.
After the work is finished on the branch created for the task, the co-contributor must open a Pull Request from this new branch back (from his fork) to the "main" branch (base repository). For the beggining, the required approver must be the owner "iondodon".
This guide for contributions does not cover many aspects, so don't avoid asking questions on the Discord server, and that way we will come up with improvements to the guide. Later, as necessary, the rules of contrition will be updated.
Any contributor can open issues, come up with new feature suggestions, do code reviews, and more. All contributors are equal.