diff --git a/cspell-wordlist.txt b/cspell-wordlist.txt
index 785969053..090262807 100644
--- a/cspell-wordlist.txt
+++ b/cspell-wordlist.txt
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ prerenders
diff --git a/docs/guides/hydrate-app.md b/docs/guides/hydrate-app.md
index d02fe0b1b..37fd5c7af 100644
--- a/docs/guides/hydrate-app.md
+++ b/docs/guides/hydrate-app.md
@@ -37,14 +37,10 @@ After publishing your component library, you can import the hydrate app into
your server's code like this:
-import { hydrateDocument } from 'yourpackage/hydrate';
+import { hydrateDocument, renderToString, streamToString } from 'yourpackage/hydrate';
-The hydrate app module exports two functions, `hydrateDocument` and
-`renderToString`. `hydrateDocument` takes a
-[document](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLDocument) as
-its input while `renderToString` takes a raw HTML string. Both functions return
-a Promise which wraps a result object.
+The hydrate app module exports 3 functions, `hydrateDocument`, `renderToString` and `streamToString`. `hydrateDocument` takes a [document](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLDocument) as its input while `renderToString` as well as `streamToString` takes a raw HTML string. While `hydrateDocument` and `renderToString` return a Promise which wraps a result object, `streamToString` returns a [`Readable`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream) stream that can be passed into a server response.
### hydrateDocument
@@ -97,21 +93,156 @@ the hydrated HTML can be found under the `html` property.
*Example taken from Ionic Core*
-const results = await hydrate.renderToString(srcHtml, {
- prettyHtml: true,
- removeScripts: true
+const results = await hydrate.renderToString(
+ ``,
+ {
+ fullDocument: false,
+ serializeShadowRoot: true,
+ prettyHtml: true,
+ }
+ * outputs:
+ * ```html
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Hello, World! I'm Stencil 'Don't call me a framework' JS\n" +
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
+ */
#### renderToString Options
- - `approximateLineWidth` - number
- - `prettyHtml` - boolean
- - `removeAttributeQuotes` - boolean
- - `removeBooleanAttributeQuotes` - boolean
- - `removeEmptyAttributes` - boolean
- - `removeHtmlComments` - boolean
- - `afterHydrate` - boolean
- - `beforeHydrate` - boolean
+##### `approximateLineWidth`
+__Type:__ `number`
+Determines when line breaks are being set when serializing the component.
+##### `prettyHtml`
+__Default:__ `false`
+__Type:__ `boolean`
+If set to `true` it prettifies the serialized HTML code, intends elements and escapes text nodes.
+##### `removeAttributeQuotes`
+__Type:__ `boolean`
+__Default:__ `false`
+If set to `true` it removes attribute quotes when possible, e.g. replaces `someAttribute="foo"` to `someAttribute=foo`.
+##### `removeEmptyAttributes`
+__Type:__ `boolean`
+__Default:__ `true`
+If set to `true` it removes attribute that don't have values, e.g. remove `class=""`.
+##### `removeHtmlComments`
+__Type:__ `boolean`
+__Default:__ `false`
+If set to `true` it removes any abundant HTML comments. Stencil still requires to insert hydration comments to be able to reconcile the component.
+##### `beforeHydrate`
+__Type:__ `(document: Document, url: URL) => | Promise`
+Allows to modify the document and all its containing components to be modified before the hydration process starts.
+##### `afterHydrate`
+__Type:__ `(document: Document, url: URL, results: PrerenderUrlResults) => | Promise`
+Allows to modify the document and all its containing components after the component was rendered in the virtual DOM and before the serialization process starts.
+##### `serializeShadowRoot`
+__Default:__ `false`
+__Type:__ `boolean`
+If set to `true` Stencil will render a component defined with a `shadow: true` flag into a [Declarative Shadow DOM](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/css-ui/declarative-shadow-dom), e.g.:
+const results = await hydrate.renderToString(
+ ``,
+ {
+ fullDocument: false,
+ serializeShadowRoot: true,
+ prettyHtml: true,
+ }
+ * outputs:
+ * ```html
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Hello, World! I'm Stencil 'Don't call me a framework' JS
+ *
+ *
+ * Hello, World! I'm Stencil 'Don't call me a framework' JS
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
+ */
+If set to `false` it renders the component as scoped component.
+##### `fullDocument`
+__Type:__ `boolean`
+__Default:__ `true`
+If set to `true`, Stencil will serialize a complete HTML document for a server to respond. If set to `false` it will only render the components within the given template.