Releases: ionuttbara/melody_windows
release 14.9
*removed more unwanted tasks in windows 11 canary
*removed bcdedit commands because are redudant and not running in system
almostly re-writed network tweaks and disabled jumbo packet for better experience modifications such as:
- enabled weakhost send and receive (like in linux)
- changed congestion provider from ctcp to bbr2 for better performance in networking
- make hosts a bit lightweight to optimize DnsCache Service
*removed hyper-v gui services (so if you want to use hyper-v or VBS DO NOT APPLY THIS SCRIPT)
*removed and disabled notifications and actiions where you unisntalled a language component and windows is reinstalling that component after reboot
known issues:
sql server is not connecting to local servers (working for a fix)
you can't connect to 5GHz wi-fi networks if your wi-fi adapter is not Realtek
re-added SENS and EventSystem Service (produces errors with System Restore Service, and VSS at 0x...402 error)
enforced UTF-8 support for all languages
fixed dwm crashes when you go to microsoft store.
release 14.8.1
fix the crash when you click Adjust Date/Time
added chrome policies which disable ad telemetry
release 14.8
Release 14.7.2
fixing bugs such as:
The webcam settings (settings -> devices -> camera) it not showing for laptop webcam,
Discord In-App Streaming sound not working (ask or phone test) for testing fixes.
Windows Installer its a bit sluggish, when uninstall package it takes a looong time.
Known Issues:
When you run any app in SYSTEM or TrustedInstaller user , the window is not show.
In lastest modification of Windows Explorer Registry , the explorer is crashing sometimes. (OptimizeExplorer will be REVERTED in next release)
Release 14.7.1
*added disablation of Copilot
Known issues:
- The webcam settings (settings -> devices -> camera) it not showing for laptop webcam (search and debug =)).
- When you run any app in SYSTEM or TrustedInstaller user , the window is not show.
- Discord In-App Streaming sound not working (ask or phone test) for testing fixes.
- In lastest modification of Windows Explorer Registry , the explorer is crashing sometimes.
- Windows Installer its a bit sluggish, when uninstall package it takes a looong time.
Second September Release, Version 14.7
*fix Windows 11 21H2, 22H2 with moments and Dev Channels builds where Windows is freezing when you run app in Full Screen in a laptop with AMD Integrated Graphics
*tweaked Windows Explorer to load a bit faster
*reduced kernel RAM consumptions (for me Windows 11 Dev Channel Build decreased from 3.7GB to 2.5 GB, with DRIVERS)
*removed P2P Services with Package Remover (Package Remover is EXPERIMENTAL)
Known issues for now:
- The webcam settings (settings -> devices -> camera) it not showing for laptop webcam (search and debug =)).
- When you run any app in SYSTEM or TrustedInstaller user , the window is not show.
- Discord In-App Streaming sound not working (ask or phone test) for testing fixes.
September Release
Multiple bug fixes