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Campaign API Guidelines

This page will cover the common endpoints and methods for managing campaigns in IQM's rest API.

Refer to the quickstart guide for instructions on how to start a new campaign.

Get Campaign Details

Get a campaign's basic details and targeting details by ID with the following endpoint:

  • GET /api/v2/cmp/campaign/{campaignId}

Path Parameters

Property Type Description
campaignId integer Campaign's unique ID

Query Parameters

Property Type Description
isSpentRequired boolean Flag to get the campaign spent; default: false

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Resource Properties

Property Type Description
id integer campaign ID
campaignName string campaign Name
advertiserDomain string campaign Advertiser Domain
creativeType integer creative type ID
totalBudgetPacing boolean false indicates off true indicates on
budgetDay integer daily budget of campaign
budgetTotal integer total budget fo campign
maxBid integer max bid of budget for serving
status string status of campaign
dspMargin integer for dsp margin
platformMargin integer for platform margin
userDealMargin integer for user deal margin
spentScale boolean spent scale for campaign
conversionType string conversion type of campaign
spent integer campaign spent
bidOptimization integer bid optimization true/false
bidPacing boolean bid pacing on/ off
impressionCapping integer impressionCapping on/off
exchanges string comma seprated exchange IDs
stateIds string comma seprated state IDs
countryId integer country ID
locationDetails Json location by uploaded file with targeting type
campaignIabCategoryIds string comma seprated campaign iab categories
rejectionReason string Reason of rejecting campaign
creativesPlacementMapping json ad placement mapping with creatives. (present in case of audio and video campaigns)
organizationName string Organization name
userName string Name of user
userEmail string Email of user
conversionIds string comma separated conversions IDs.

Response 200 Sample

    "statusCode": 200,
    "responseObject": {
        "owId": 203578,
        "parentOrganizationName": "Signup testing 1",
        "id": 537599,
        "uowId": 188494,
        "campaignName": "TestCampaign",
        "advertiserDomain": "",
        "creativeType": 11,
        "campaignType": 1,
        "totalBudgetPacing": true,
        "isTvAd": false,
        "budgetDay": 1199.08,
        "budgetTotal": 50000.0,
        "maxBid": 15.0,
        "timezone": 29,
        "startTime": 1726518001,
        "endTime": 1727668800,
        "status": "pending",
        "dspMargin": 0,
        "platformMargin": 0,
        "userDealMargin": 0,
        "spentScale": false,
        "creativeIds": "676384",
        "conversionType": "None",
        "bidOptimization": true,
        "bidPacing": true,
        "isBidShading": false,
        "impressionCapping": 0,
        "maxDayImpressions": 0,
        "maxDayClicks": 0,
        "maxDayConversions": 0,
        "totalImpressions": 0,
        "totalClicks": 0,
        "totalConversions": 0,
        "deviceType": "13,15,11,12",
        "trafficType": "11,12",
        "exchanges": "",
        "isLocationWithOrFilter": true,
        "countryId": "30100001",
        "locationDetails": {},
        "isCampaignFromNewPlatform": true,
        "organizationName": "User's Org",
        "userEmail": "",
        "userName": "User",
        "conversionTypeId": 0,
        "isUnapprovedAudienceTargeted": false,
        "isAllAudienceUnapproved": false,
        "createDate": 1726517360,
        "ioId": 15844,
        "ioName": "Test2",
        "prebidAudienceSegmentIdList": [],
        "campaignTypeId": 1,
        "budgetTypeId": 1,
        "isAdvanceAudioVideoTargeted": false,
        "isEstimatorAvailable": true,
        "isEditAccess": true,
        "isMarginSet": false,
        "isApprovalAccess": false,
        "isParentInvoiceTemplateSet": true

More Campaign Details

Other details can be fetched with a simple GET operation and filtered by various query parameters with the following endpoints:

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/v2/cmp/campaigns/data Returns list of campaigns based on set of filters and conversionId query parameter. See documentation here.
GET /api/v2/cmp/campaigns/list Returns a paginated list of campaigns with their basic details. See query parameters here.
GET /api/v2/cmp/campaign/budgetInfo Get campaign budget info and graph details, see query parameters here.
GET /api/v2/cmp/campaigngroup/campaign/list Get the list of existing campaign groups wiht associated campaigns (basic details), see query parameters here.
GET /api/v2/cmp/campaign/start Get campaign start date

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-HOST string [required] Workspace URL
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Response 200 Sample (list of campaigns)

    "statusCode": 200,
    "recordsTotal": 2,
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "draw": 0,
    "recordsFiltered": 2,
    "data": [
            "id": "537599",
            "name": "TestCampaign",
            "status": "pending",
            "owId": 203578,
            "uowId": 188494,
            "userEmail": "",
            "advertiser_email": null,
            "advertiser_id": 0,
            "campaign_type": "CPM",
            "creative_type": "Image",
            "dsp_id": 0,
            "start_date": 1726518001,
            "end_date": 1727668800,
            "creative_type_id": 11,
            "total_budget": 50000.0
            "id": "537123",
            "name": "Test1",
            "status": "pending",
            "owId": 203578,
            "uowId": 188494,
            "userEmail": "",
            "advertiser_email": null,
            "advertiser_id": 0,
            "campaign_type": "CPM",
            "creative_type": "Image",
            "dsp_id": 0,
            "start_date": 1727755200,
            "end_date": 1730347200,
            "creative_type_id": 11,
            "total_budget": 9900.0

Update Campaign

Update various aspects of a campaign, use the following Header Parameters for each request:

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-HOST string [required] Workspace URL
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Change Campaign Name

Change the name of a campaign with the following endpoint:

  • PATCH /api/v3/cmp/campaign/update-name/{campaignId}

Path Parameters

Property Type Description
campaignId integer Campaign's unique ID

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
campaignName string New name for campaign

Request Sample

    "campaignName": "New Campaign Name"

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "message": "campaignName updated successfully"

Change Campaign End Date

Change the end date of multiple campaigns with the following endpoint:

  • PUT /api/v2/cmp/campaigns/update-end-date

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
endDate integer Unix timestamp of desired end date
campaignIds integer IDs of campaigns to change end date

Request Sample

    "endDate": 1632132540,
    "campaignIds": 192476

Response Sample

    "statusCode": 200,
    "responseObject": {
        "status": true

Change Campaign Budget

Update the total budget, daily budget, and max bid of multiple campaigns wiht the following endpoint:

  • PUT /api/v2/cmp/campaigns/update_budget

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
campaignIds string Comma separated campaign IDs
maxBid integer Max bid of campaign
totalBudget integer Total budget of campaign
dailyBudget integer Daily Budget of campaign
totalBudgetUpdateType string Used in the case of a total budget update. There are three possibilities for this parameter.
change: Replace total budget with given value.
addition: Add budget to the current total budget.
distribution: Distribute given total budget in selected campaigns equally.
Default value: change

Request Sample

    "totalBudgetUpdateType": "change",
    "campaignIds": 192476,
    "dailyBudget": 1001

Response 200

    "statusCode": 200,
    "responseObject": {
        "reason": [
                "errorMessage": "max bid cannot be less than minimum bid 3.0",
                "id": "4120",
                "campaignName": "test cust aud dev"
                "errorMessage": "For given campaign_type max bid cannot be less than 1.00 or greater than 1000.",
                "id": "4121",
                "campaignName": "Vast copy"
        "modified_data": [
                "campaingId": 1,
                "maxBid": 34,
                "totalBudget": 35,
                "dailyBudget": 36,
                "endDate": 12312312312
        "status": false

Update Campaign by Field

Any campaign property can be updated with the following endpoint:

  • PATCH /api/v2/cmp/campaign/{campaignId}

Request Body Schema: application/json

Refer to resource properties at the beginning of this page. Include wichever fields need updating in the requst body detail.

If campaign is in DRAFT status, this API will automatically update status from DRAFT to PENDING. In all other cases status will not be updated.

See complete documentation here.

More Campaign Management

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Get Campaign Count by Status

This API returns a count of campaigns for each status type with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/cmp/campaigns/count

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
owIds string Comma separated, returns campaign counts for given OwIDs (can =all)
ioIds string Comma separated, returns campaign counts for given IO IDs (with owIds= all)
campaignTypeIds string Comma separated, returns campaign counts for given Campaign Type (ioIds also required)
campaignExpiredAfterEpoch integer Unix epoch timestamp expiration
searchField string Returns campaign counts for field matched campaign ID or Name

Request Sample

    "owIds": "all",
    "ioIds": "1,2,3"

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "order": 0,
            "status_key": "running",
            "status_label": "Running",
            "status_count": 10
            "order": 1,
            "status_key": "pending",
            "status_label": "Pending",
            "status_count": 11
            "order": 2,
            "status_key": "paused",
            "status_label": "Paused",
            "status_count": 22
            "order": 5,
            "status_key": "deleted",
            "status_label": "Deleted",
            "status_count": 33
            "order": 6,
            "status_key": "expired",
            "status_label": "Expired",
            "status_count": 44
            "order": 3,
            "status_key": "draft",
            "status_label": "Draft",
            "status_count": 55
            "order": 7,
            "status_key": "rejected",
            "status_label": "Rejected",
            "status_count": 66
            "order": 8,
            "status_key": "all",
            "status_label": "ALL",
            "status_count": 77

Get Insertion Order Details

Insertion Orders specify the parameters or details of an advertising campaign.

The campaign API allows the user to retrieve Insertion Order (IO) details with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/cmp/io/basic/list

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Resource Properties

Property Type Description
ioId integer Insertion Order ID
ioName string Insertion Order name
owId integer Organization
createdByUowId integer User Organization Worskpace ID associated with IO creation
modifiedByUowId integer User Organization Worskpace ID associated with IO modification
ioStartTime integer Unix epoch timestamp of IO start time
ioEndTime integer Unix epoch timestamp of IO end time
ioTotalBudget integer Budget of IO
ioTimeZoneId integer Time Zone ID
isAutoSumIoTotalBudget boolean True: Keep IO budget same as total budget of all included campaigns
ioBudgetDistributionMethodId integer Budget Distribution Method ID
ioBudgetTypeId integer Budget type ID
ioTotalImpression integer Number of impressions
ioStatusID integer Status ID
ioNextPerformanceCheck integer Unix epoch timestamp of next performance check
ioLastPriorityShift integer Unix epoch timestamp
ioCurrentPriority integer Current IO campaigns priority
isIoPrioritise integer All child campaigns will be considered with or withot priority

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
owIdList List of Integers List of owIds for which IO details required.
ioIdList List of integers List of ioIds for which IO details required .
ioBudgetTypeIdsList List of integers List of ioBudgetTypeIds for which IO details are required .
ioStatusIdsList List of integers List of ioStatusIds for which IO details are required .
ids List of integers List of ioIds for which IO details required at the top .
isAllOWIds boolean Flag for consider all the owId for IO details (true = consider all the owId for which user has access, false = consider only provided owIds).
pageNo integer page number for required data.
noOfEntries integer Number of records per page.
searchField String Name of search field (Support is available for name and ID).
sortBy String Comma separated names of the sorting field. it support multiple column sorting. for descending order user -(minus) and +(plus)(ascii value '%2B') for ascending order. i.g. ioId, ioName, ioStartTime, ioEndTime, ioTotalBudget.
offset integer Offset is alternative of page number. Offset is number of records to be skipped

Request Sample

    "pageNo": 1,
    "noOfEntries": 20,
    "ioIdList": [
    "ids": [
    "searchField": "io name",
    "sortBy": "-ioId",
    "ioBudgetTypeIdsList": [
    "ioStatusIdsList": [
    "offset": 1

Response Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "totalRecords": 3,
        "ioBasicDetailsList": [
                "ioId": 1630,
                "ioName": "phase 2 test",
                "ioStartTime": 1792179297123,
                "ioEndTime": 1793179297123,
                "ioTimeZoneId": 29,
                "ioTotalBudget": 0,
                "ioBudgetDistributionMethodId": 1,
                "ioBudgetTypeId": 2,
                "ioStatusId": 1,
                "ioTotalImpressions": 0,
                "isBudgetAutoSum": true
                "ioId": 741,
                "ioName": "testdatasync",
                "ioStartTime": 1692860161542,
                "ioEndTime": 1696226400000,
                "ioTimeZoneId": 21,
                "ioTotalBudget": 100001,
                "ioBudgetDistributionMethodId": 1,
                "ioBudgetTypeId": 2,
                "ioTotalImpressions": 0,
                "ioStatusId": 1,
                "isBudgetAutoSum": true
                "ioId": 738,
                "ioName": "IO Bharat",
                "ioStartTime": 1693251767612,
                "ioEndTime": 1693353600000,
                "ioTimeZoneId": 29,
                "ioTotalBudget": 1100,
                "ioBudgetDistributionMethodId": 1,
                "ioBudgetTypeId": 2,
                "ioStatusId": 2,
                "ioTotalImpressions": 0,
                "isBudgetAutoSum": true
        "filteredRecords": 3

Get List of Campaign Details Grouped by Insertion Order ID

Get a list of campaign details grouped by Insertion Order ID (ioId) with supported filters with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/cmp/io/campaign/basic/list

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Request Body Schema: application/json

Optional parameters to filter/sort results

Property Type Description
pageNo integer Page number for the desired data. Default: 1
noOfEntries integer The maximum number of returned results per page. Default: 20
sortBy string Sort the result by specific field. For ascending use plus(+) sign(ascii value '%2B') and for descending use minus(-) sign. Supported values are as follows: ioId, ioName, ioStartTime, ioEndTime, ioTotalBudget, campaignId, isRecordTargeted
searchField string Search the result by keyword
ioIdsList array of integers Filter by Insertion Order IDs. Records matching provided IDs will be returned first, before others
campaignTypeIds array of integers Returns selected campaign type IDs e.g. 'advanced campaign' or 'PG campaign', 'records matching'
ids array of integers Filters for Campaign IDs
ioIds array of integers Filters for Insertion Order IDs
status array of string Filters for types of Campaign Status
creativeTypeIds array of integers Filters for Creative Type IDs
ioBudgetTypeIds array of integers Filters for Budget Type IDs
owIds array of integers Filters for customer Organization Workspace IDs
offset integer Offset is alternative of page number. Offset is number of records to be skipped

Request Sample

    "creativeTypeIds": [
    "owIds": [
    "ids": [
    "searchField": "default",
    "pageNo": 1,
    "noOfEntries": 20,
    "sortBy": "+ioId",
    "status": [
    "ioIds": [
    "campaignTypeIds": [
    "ioBudgetTypeIds": [
    "offset": 1

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "totalRecords": 272,
        "ioCampaignsList": [
            "ioId": 4091,
            "ioName": "Future start date",
            "ioBudgetTypeId": 1,
            "ioStatusId": 1,
            "created": 1700726026913,
            "lastModified": 1700726065000,
            "owId": 201353,
            "uowId": 8776,
            "campaignCount": 1,
            "campaigns": [
                "id": 450700,
                "campaignId": 450700,
                "name": "future date campaign",
                "creativeTypeId": 11,
                "campaignTypeId": 1,
                "status": "running",
                "startTime": 1732690800,
                "endTime": 1767164400,
                "createdAt": 1701078853,
                "modifiedAt": 1707091200000,
                "owId": 201353,
                "timezoneId": 21,
                "targetedAudienceIds": [
            "ioId": 3979,
            "ioName": "Test IO for campaign popup",
            "ioBudgetTypeId": 1,
            "ioStatusId": 1,
            "created": 1700476689502,
            "lastModified": 1701248369000,
            "owId": 201353,
            "uowId": 8776,
            "campaignCount": 1,
            "campaigns": [
                "id": 451031,
                "campaignId": 451031,
                "name": "no end date",
                "creativeTypeId": 11,
                "campaignTypeId": 1,
                "status": "running",
                "startTime": 1701249000,
                "createdAt": 1701248369,
                "modifiedAt": 1707091200000,
                "owId": 201353,
                "timezoneId": 21,
                "targetedAudienceIds": [
            "ioId": 225,
            "ioName": "Beatrice King",
            "ioBudgetTypeId": 1,
            "ioStatusId": 2,
            "created": 1677925263000,
            "lastModified": 1700888400000,
            "owId": 201353,
            "uowId": 112037,
            "campaignCount": 1,
            "campaigns": [
                "id": 450277,
                "campaignId": 450277,
                "name": "prod-campaign-20935 copy",
                "creativeTypeId": 11,
                "campaignTypeId": 1,
                "status": "running",
                "startTime": 1700819565,
                "endTime": 1709182800,
                "createdAt": 1700818673,
                "modifiedAt": 1707177600000,
                "owId": 201353,
                "timezoneId": 29,
                "targetedAudienceIds": null
            "ioId": 48,
            "ioName": "UAW",
            "ioBudgetTypeId": 1,
            "ioStatusId": 1,
            "created": 1665500839000,
            "lastModified": 1704704810000,
            "owId": 201353,
            "uowId": 8776,
            "campaignCount": 1,
            "campaigns": [
                "id": 20731,
                "campaignId": 20731,
                "name": "prod-campaign-20731",
                "creativeTypeId": 11,
                "campaignTypeId": 1,
                "status": "running",
                "startTime": 1676700273,
                "endTime": 1711857600,
                "createdAt": 1676700278,
                "modifiedAt": 1707177600000,
                "owId": 201353,
                "timezoneId": 29,
                "targetedAudienceIds": null
        "filteredRecords": 4

Get List of Campaigns and Report Details by Insertion ID

Get a list of campaigns with detailed report by Insertion Order ID (ioId) with supported filters with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/cmp/io/campaigns/list

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Request Body Schema: application/json

Optional parameters to filter/sort results

Property Type Description
pageNo integer Page number for the desired data. Default: 1
noOfEntries integer The maximum number of returned results per page. Default: 20
sortBy string Sort the result by specific field. For ascending use plus(+) sign(ascii value '%2B') and for descending use minus(-) sign. Supported values are as follows: clicks, impressions, bidImpressions, startCount, firstCount, midCount, thirdCount, completeCount, dataCost, spent, mediaSpent, winRate, VCR, eCPC, eCPM, eCPI, CTR, CVR, eCPCV, eCPV, budgetDay, budgetTotal, campaignId, campaignName, maxBid, startTime, endTime, campaignType, status, budgetDay, budgetTotal, reach, frequency, mappingDataCost, mappingSpent, percentageOfTotalSpent, organizationName, audioVideoViewed, campaignTimezone, pixalateViewAbility, ioName, ioId, targetImpression, creativesCount, pacingPercentage, dailyPacingPercentage, prebidCost, ioTotalImpressions, dailyImpressions,campaignPriority ,totalAttributedConversion, totalAttributedViewThroughConversion,totalAttributedClickThroughConversion,costPerAttributedConversion,totalAttributedConversionRate
searchField string Search the result by keyword
ioIdsList array of integers Filter by Insertion Order IDs. Records matching provided IDs will be returned first, before others
budgetTypeIdList array of integers Filters for selected Budget Type IDs e.g. "impression based" or "budget based". Records matching the provided IDs will be returned
campaignIds array of integers Filters for selected Campaign IDs. Records matching the provided IDs will be returned first, before others
timeZoneId integer Filters campaigns for specified Time Zone ID
campaignStatusList array of strings Filters campaigns by specified Campaign Status
creativeTypeIds string Filters campaigns by specified Creative Type ID
owIds string Filters campaigns by specified customer Organization Workspace ID

Request Sample

    "campaignStatusList": [
    "timezoneId": 29,
    "owIds": "200425,201427",
    "ids": [
    "ioIdsList": [
    "budgetTypeIdList": [
    "campaignIds": "1,2,3",
    "sortBy": "+campaignName",
    "creativeTypeIds": "14",
    "searchField": "campaign"

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "totalRecords": 2,
        "filteredRecords": 2,
        "recordsTotal": {
            "clicks": 0,
            "totalCount": 1,
            "winRate": 0,
            "logoURL": null,
            "avatarURL": null,
            "budgetDay": 0,
            "budgetSpent": 0,
            "budgetTotal": 56.339999999999904,
            "dataCost": 0,
            "mediaBudget": 0,
            "owId": 0,
            "orgId": 0,
            "impressions": 0,
            "industry": 0,
            "mediaSpent": 0,
            "spent": 0,
            "workspaceSpent": 0,
            "platformSpent": 0,
            "customerSpent": 0,
            "platformEarning": 0,
            "workspaceEarning": 0,
            "organizationName": null,
            "companySize": 0,
            "workspaceName": null,
            "workspaceId": 0,
            "workspaceDomain": null,
            "workspaceOrganizationName": null,
            "bidImpressions": 0,
            "startCount": 0,
            "firstCount": 0,
            "midCount": 0,
            "thirdCount": 0,
            "completeCount": 0,
            "audioVideoActualBids": 0,
            "audioVideoActualImpressions": 0,
            "eCPC": 0,
            "eCPM": 0,
            "eCPI": 0,
            "eCPCV": 0,
            "eCPV": 0,
            "totalAttributedConversion": 0,
            "totalAttributedViewThroughConversion": 0,
            "totalAttributedClickThroughConversion": 0,
            "costPerAttributedConversion": 0,
            "totalAttributedConversionRate": 0,
            "reach": 0,
            "frequency": 0,
            "date": null,
            "campaignId": 0,
            "campaignName": null,
            "maxBid": 0,
            "startTime": 0,
            "endTime": 0,
            "campaignType": null,
            "status": null,
            "mappingDataCost": 0,
            "mappingSpent": 0,
            "campaignTimezone": null,
            "creativeType": null,
            "budgetPacing": false,
            "isCampaignFromNewPlatform": false,
            "percentageOfTotalSpent": 0,
            "uowId": 0,
            "audioVideoViewed": 0,
            "ioId": 0,
            "ioName": null,
            "ioTimezone": 0,
            "ioBudgetDistributionMethod": 0,
            "ioStartTime": 0,
            "ioEndTime": 0,
            "ioTotalBudget": 0,
            "isAutoSumIoTotalBudget": false,
            "ioBudgetTypeId": 0,
            "ioTotalImpressions": null,
            "pacingPercentage": null,
            "actualSpent": 0,
            "expectedSpent": 0,
            "campaignDuration": null,
            "remainingDuration": 0,
            "dailyPacingPercentage": null,
            "expectedDailySpent": 0,
            "actualDailySpent": 0,
            "ioStatusId": 0,
            "exchangeId": 0,
            "creativesCount": null,
            "exchangeName": null,
            "budgetTypeId": 0,
            "targetImpression": null,
            "dailyImpression": 0,
            "budgetTotalCombined": 100,
            "budgetDayCombined": 10,
            "campaignPriority": null,
            "ioTotalBudgetCombined": 1000,
            "CTR": 0,
            "VCR": 0,
            "CVR": 0
        "recordsList": [
                "clicks": 0,
                "totalCount": 0,
                "winRate": 0,
                "logoURL": null,
                "avatarURL": null,
                "budgetDay": 5,
                "budgetSpent": 0,
                "budgetTotal": 13,
                "dataCost": 0,
                "mediaBudget": 0,
                "owId": 201427,
                "orgId": 0,
                "impressions": 0,
                "industry": 0,
                "mediaSpent": 0,
                "spent": 0,
                "workspaceSpent": 0,
                "platformSpent": 0,
                "customerSpent": 0,
                "platformEarning": 0,
                "workspaceEarning": 0,
                "organizationName": "Organisation Name",
                "companySize": 0,
                "workspaceName": null,
                "workspaceId": 0,
                "workspaceDomain": null,
                "workspaceOrganizationName": null,
                "bidImpressions": 0,
                "startCount": 0,
                "firstCount": 0,
                "midCount": 0,
                "thirdCount": 0,
                "completeCount": 0,
                "audioVideoActualBids": 0,
                "audioVideoActualImpressions": 0,
                "eCPC": 0,
                "eCPM": 0,
                "eCPI": 0,
                "eCPCV": 0,
                "eCPV": 0,
                "totalAttributedConversion": 0,
                "totalAttributedViewThroughConversion": 0,
                "totalAttributedClickThroughConversion": 0,
                "costPerAttributedConversion": 0,
                "totalAttributedConversionRate": 0,
                "reach": 0,
                "frequency": 0,
                "date": null,
                "campaignId": 445615,
                "campaignName": "Campaign For Child",
                "maxBid": 4,
                "startTime": 1698445456,
                "endTime": 1698739200,
                "campaignType": "cpv",
                "status": "pending",
                "mappingDataCost": 0,
                "mappingSpent": 0,
                "campaignTimezone": "US/Alaska",
                "creativeType": "Video",
                "budgetPacing": true,
                "isCampaignFromNewPlatform": true,
                "percentageOfTotalSpent": 0,
                "uowId": 9480,
                "audioVideoViewed": 0,
                "ioId": 2991,
                "ioName": "Insertion Order For Donation",
                "ioTimezone": 420,
                "ioBudgetDistributionMethod": 0,
                "ioStartTime": 1698446340000,
                "ioEndTime": 1698739200000,
                "ioTotalBudget": 26415,
                "isAutoSumIoTotalBudget": true,
                "ioBudgetTypeId": 0,
                "ioTotalImpressions": null,
                "pacingPercentage": 12.31,
                "actualSpent": 123,
                "expectedSpent": 212,
                "campaignDuration": 5,
                "remainingDuration": 2,
                "dailyPacingPercentage": null,
                "expectedDailySpent": 123,
                "actualDailySpent": 0,
                "ioStatusId": 1,
                "exchangeId": 0,
                "creativesCount": 2,
                "exchangeName": null,
                "budgetTypeId": 1,
                "targetImpression": null,
                "dailyImpression": 0,
                "budgetTotalCombined": 100,
                "budgetDayCombined": 10,
                "campaignPriority": 1,
                "ioTotalBudgetCombined": 1000,
                "CTR": 0,
                "VCR": 0,
                "CVR": 0
        "totalCount": 2

Insertion Order Management

Manage various aspects of an Insertion Order, use the following Header Parameters for each request:

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-HOST string [required] Workspace URL
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Create an Insertion Order

Create a new Insertion Order based on budget or impressions with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/cmp/io/add

Reference the IO resource properties above for the value descriptions. Required values:

  • ioName
  • ioStartTime
  • ioEndTime
  • ioTotalBudget (for budget-based IO)
  • ioTimeZoneId
  • isAutoSumIoTotalBudget
  • ioBudgetTypeId
  • ioStatusId (for impression-based IO)
  • ioBudgetDistributionMethodId

Sample Request (budget based IO)

    "ioName": "IO Name 1",
    "ioStartTime": 1690898148000,
    "ioEndTime": 1690898888000,
    "ioTotalBudget": 1000,
    "ioTimeZoneId": 29,
    "isAutoSumIoTotalBudget": true,
    "ioBudgetTypeId": 1,
    "ioBudgetDistributionMethodId": 1

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "ioId": 6,
        "ioName": "IO Name 1",
        "ioStartTime": 1690898148000,
        "ioEndTime": 1690898888000,
        "ioTotalBudget": 0,
        "ioTimeZoneId": 29,
        "ioBudgetTypeId": 1,
        "ioBudgetDistributionMethodId": 1,
        "isAutoSumIoTotalBudget": true,
        "ioTotalImpressions": null

Duplicate an Insertion Order

Duplicate a single IO, and all campaigns within that IO with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/cmp/io/duplicate

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
ioExistingCampaignIds array of integers Campaign IDs within specified IO (ioId)
ioId integer Specified IO to duplicate
ioTimeZoneId integer Time Zone ID
ioEndTime integer Unix epoch of IO end time
ioStartTime integer Unix epoch of IO start time

Request Sample

    "ioStartTime": 1698295604000,
    "ioEndTime": 1698258600000,
    "ioId": 223,
    "ioTimeZoneId": 105,
    "ioExistingCampaignIds": [

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "duplicatedCampaignIds": [
        "duplicatedIOId": 271

Delete an Insertion Order

Delete one or multiple IOs and all campaigns attached to them with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/cmp/io/delete

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
ioIdsList array of integers Insertion Order IDs

Request Sample

    "ioIdsList": [

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": "3 Insertion Orders deleted successfully"

More Insertion Order Management

Update the details, end dates, and budgets of insertion orders with the following methods and endpoints:

Method Endpoint Description
PATCH /api/v3/cmp/io/{ioId} Update details of specified IO. See IO resource properties above for supported values
PATCH /api/v3/cmp/io/update-end-date Update the end date for a given list of IOs. See full documentation
PATCH /api/v3/cmp/io/update-budget Update the budget for a given list of IOs. See full documentation

Path Parameters (where applicable)

Property Type Description
ioId integer Insertion Order ID

Header Parameters

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Request Sample (update details)

    "ioName": "IO Name 1",
    "ioStartTime": 1690898148000,
    "ioEndTime": 1690898888000,
    "ioTotalBudget": 1000,
    "ioTotalImpressions": 0,
    "ioTimeZoneId": 29,
    "ioBudgetTypeId": 1,
    "isAutoSumIoTotalBudget": true

Response 200 Sample (update details)

    "success": true,
    "data": "IO Name 1 saved successfully."

Request Sample (update budget)

    "ioIdsList": [
    "budget": 169089.909,
    "budgetUpdateType": "add"

Response 200 Sample (update budget)

    "success": true,
    "data": "Budget updated successfully"