This project builds a cooking ingredients recommender. It takes existing ingredients as input and outputs complementary ingredients.
To view the final app, please visit this website:
- Include "business impact"
- buisness problems and products that can benefit from a similar type of analysis
This project uses Kaggle's Recipe Ingredients Dataset, which consists of around 40,000 documents (recipes). Each document consists of a list of ingredients for a specific recipe.
- Remove stop words (ingredients): I removed the most-frequently occurring ingredient "salt" from the dataset.
- Balancing training dataset: As shown in the following chart, the dataset is biased. There is an imbalanced representation of cuisine type. I used oversampling and understampling to create a more balanced training set.
Please view the "data_preprocessing.ipynb" notebook for details.
- Model: I built a recommender that takes a list of 5 ingredients as input and outputs a list of 6 complementary ingredients.
- Metrics: Precision@k, Recall@k, F1@k for k=6
- Methods
- For the final product, I used multi-label classification using a shallow neural network.
- I also explored building the recommender based on the following methods:
- Market basket analysis (association rule mining)
- Non-negative matrix factorization
- word embeddings
- CBOW (Continuous Bag Of Words model)
- One can find performances of recommenders based on these methods in the Jupyter notebooks.
- Performance (ADD performance of multi-label classification on test set)