Thursday, 2022/09/15
10:00 am ET
Terrell Russell, Josh Moore (Dundee / OMERO), Hiroya Itoga (RIKEN), Marjolijn Mertz (NKI - Netherlands Cancer Institute), Ken Ho (Crick, UK), Guillaume Gay (France Bioimaging), Mike Conway (NIEHS), Jean-François Guillaume (Nantes Université), Chris Lewis (Maastricht)
- Heard in early September - not funded
- Other funding opportunities? maybe NSF CSSI
- UNC Chapel Hill looking to pay for commercial OMERO
- Mix with a little RENCI money?
- Plans/thoughts/questions
- Ken: Bioimaging UK mtg tomorrow. Data node for the UK.
- Terrell: publicly funded?
- Guillaume: how much? Were thinking one developer for a couple of years (along with a little time for design oversight)
- Chris: half work with OMERO & iRODS. MM mentioned looking for potential pilots of OMERO+iRODS. Finishing off OMERO instance, hosted in Datahub. Working with microscopic facility. Talking to Pascal from Datahub about available resources.
- TR: most people joining have one or the other.
- CL: Dream of a button, “Show in OMERO”
- TR: current plan, human driven “Do it”
- In persons?
- TR: Nov 8-10 at BioTechX in Switzerland
- TR: Nov 10+ at Supercomputing in Dallas
- KD: any outstanding NFSRODS issues?
- TR: recent brainstorms around connection pooling
- Ken: Bioimaging UK mtg tomorrow. Data node for the UK.
- Next Meeting
- Oct 2022: schedule technical (MM to bring IT folks)