meanX |
mean of the X acceleration series |
sdX |
standard deviation of the X acceleration series |
modeX |
mode of the X acceleration series |
skewX |
skewness of the X acceleration series |
kurX |
kurtosis of the X acceleration series |
q1X |
first quartile of the X acceleration series |
medianX |
median of the X acceleration series |
q3X |
third quartile of the X acceleration series |
iqrX |
interquartile range of the X acceleration series |
rangeX |
range of the X acceleration series |
acfX |
autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the X acceleration series |
zcrX |
zero-crossing rate of the X acceleration series |
dfaX |
scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the X acceleration series |
cvX |
coefficient of variation of the X acceleration series |
tkeoX |
teager-kaiser energy operator of the X acceleration series |
F0X |
frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the X acceleration series |
P0X |
maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the X acceleration series |
meanY |
mean of the Y acceleration series |
sdY |
standard deviation of the Y acceleration series |
modeY |
mode of the Y acceleration series |
skewY |
skewness of the Y acceleration series |
kurY |
kurtosis of the Y acceleration series |
q1Y |
first quartile of the Y acceleration series |
medianY |
median of the Y acceleration series |
q3Y |
third quartile of the Y acceleration series |
iqrY |
interquartile range of the Y acceleration series |
rangeY |
range of the Y acceleration series |
acfY |
autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the Y acceleration series |
zcrY |
zero-crossing rate of the Y acceleration series |
dfaY |
scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the Y acceleration series |
cvY |
coefficient of variation of the Y acceleration series |
tkeoY |
teager-kaiser energy operator of the Y acceleration series |
F0Y |
frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Y acceleration series |
P0Y |
maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Y acceleration series |
meanZ |
mean of the Z acceleration series |
sdZ |
standard deviation of the Z acceleration series |
modeZ |
mode of the Z acceleration series |
skewZ |
skewness of the Z acceleration series |
kurZ |
kurtosis of the Z acceleration series |
q1Z |
first quartile of the Z acceleration series |
medianZ |
median of the Z acceleration series |
q3Z |
third quartile of the Z acceleration series |
iqrZ |
interquartile range of the Z acceleration series |
rangeZ |
range of the Z acceleration series |
acfZ |
autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the Z acceleration series |
zcrZ |
zero-crossing rate of the Z acceleration series |
dfaZ |
scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the Z acceleration series |
cvZ |
coefficient of variation of the Z acceleration series |
tkeoZ |
teager-kaiser energy operator of the Z acceleration series |
F0Z |
frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Z acceleration series |
P0Z |
maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Z acceleration series |
meanAA |
mean of the average acceleration series |
sdAA |
standard deviation of the average acceleration series |
modeAA |
mode of the average acceleration series |
skewAA |
skewness of the average acceleration series |
kurAA |
kurtosis of the average acceleration series |
q1AA |
first quartile of the average acceleration series |
medianAA |
median of the average acceleration series |
q3AA |
third quartile of the average acceleration series |
iqrAA |
interquartile range of the average acceleration series |
rangeAA |
range of the average acceleration series |
acfAA |
autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the average acceleration series |
zcrAA |
zero-crossing rate of the average acceleration series |
dfaAA |
scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the average acceleration Series |
cvAA |
coefficient of variation of the average acceleration series |
tkeoAA |
teager-kaiser energy operator of the average acceleration series |
F0AA |
frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occured for the average acceleration series |
P0AA |
maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the average acceleration series |
meanAJ |
mean of the average jerk series |
sdAJ |
standard deviation of the average jerk series |
modeAJ |
mode of the average jerk series |
skewAJ |
skewness of the average jerk series |
kurAJ |
kurtosis of the average jerk series |
q1AJ |
first quartile of the average jerk series |
medianAJ |
median of the average jerk series |
q3AJ |
third quartile of the average jerk series |
iqrAJ |
interquartile range of the average jerk series |
rangeAJ |
range of the average jerk series |
acfAJ |
autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the average jerk series |
zcrAJ |
zero-crossing rate of the average jerk series |
dfaAJ |
scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the average jerk series |
cvAJ |
coefficient of variation of the average jerk series |
tkeoAJ |
teager-kaiser energy operator of the average jerk series |
F0AJ |
frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the average jerk series |
P0AJ |
maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the average jerk series |
corXY |
correlation between the X and Y acceleration |
corXZ |
correlation between the X and Z acceleration |
corYZ |
correlation between the Y and Z acceleration |