The main goal of cakeless
is to provide lightweight DI capabilities for ZIO
It also supports ZManaged
wiring and potentially any data structure provided by zio
which has shape (-R, +E, +A) => Z[R, E, A]
Imagine you decided to use cake-pattern as your IOC. First, it is strongly recommended to use tagged types for clarity. I recommend using supertagged Let's start with the definition of your tagged types:
val supertaggedVersion = "<latest-version>"
libraryDependencies += "org.rudogma" %% "supertagged" % supertaggedVersion
Then you can use this simple library with no runtime allocations for your tagged types:
import java.nio.file.Path
import supertagged._
object types {
object ConfigPath extends TaggedType[Path]
type ConfigPath = ConfigPath.Type
object Props extends TaggedType[Map[String, String]]
type Props = Props.Type
object Token extends TaggedType[String]
type Token = Token.Type
object Username extends TaggedType[String]
type Username = Username.Type
object Password extends TaggedType[String]
type Password = Password.Type
object DbUrl extends TaggedType[String]
type DbUrl = DbUrl.Type
Finally, let's define our components using cake-pattern.
Some basic stuff:
import types._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
trait ExecutionContextComponent {
implicit def ec: ExecutionContext
trait FileConfigComponent {
def configPath: ConfigPath
trait PropsComponent {
def props: Props
Very simple. Then let's define some nested cakes:
import zio._
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigException, ConfigFactory}
trait AllComponents1 {
self: FileConfigComponent =>
def getConfigFile: IO[ConfigException, Config] =
IO.effect {
... Something more complicated
import zio._
import scala.concurrent.Future
trait AllComponents2 { self: ExecutionContextComponent with PropsComponent =>
def getProp(prop: String): UIO[Option[String]] = {
def legacyFutureCode = Future {
props get prop
ZIO.fromFuture { _ =>
... And even mixed constructor-based IOC (with alternative constructors) and cake pattern!
import zio._
import types._
class NestedComponent(implicit val token: Token) {
self: AllComponents2 with ExecutionContextComponent with PropsComponent =>
def this(username: Username, password: Password) =
def getConfig(config: Config)(key: String): UIO[Option[String]] =
IO.effect {
config getString key
Having such a domain model we can now create some useful programs:
import zio._
object MyProgram {
val configValue =
.accessM[AllComponents1] { c =>
.mapError(e => new IllegalArgumentException("Config missing", e))
val component2 = ZIO.environment[NestedComponent with AllComponents2]
val hostValue = component2.flatMap { c =>
c.getProp("host").flatMap {
case Some(host) => ZIO.succeed(host)
case None => IllegalArgumentException("host not found"))
val url: ZIO[NestedComponent with AllComponents2 with AllComponents1, IllegalArgumentException, String] = for {
config <- configValue
c2 <- component2
port <- c2.getConfig(config)("http.port").map(_.getOrElse(80))
host <- hostValue
} yield s"$host:$port?token=${c2.token}"
Let's try to provide ZIO environment without cakeless:
import zio.{ App => ZApp, _ }
import zio.console._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import types._
import java.nio.file.Paths
object Program extends ZApp {
def run(args: List[String]) = {
val username: Username = Username("vitaliihonta")
val password: Password = Password("password")
val propsProd: Props = Props(Map("host" -> ""))
val configPathProd: ConfigPath = ConfigPath(Paths.get("./examples/src/main/resources/application.conf"))
val wired: IO[IllegalArgumentException, String] = MyProgram.url.provide {
new NestedComponent(username, password) // alternative constructor
with AllComponents2
with AllComponents1
with ExecutionContextComponent
with PropsComponent
with FileConfigComponent {
override implicit val ec: ExecutionContext =
override val props: Props = propsProd
override val configPath: ConfigPath = configPathProd
.catchAll(e => ZIO.succeed(e.getMessage))
.flatMap(putStrLn) *> ZIO.succeed(0)
Instead cakeless allows to do it easier:
import zio.{ App => ZApp, _ }
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import java.nio.file.Path
import cakeless._
import cakeless.nat._
import types._
object CakelessProgram extends ZApp {
def run(args: List[String]) = {
val username: Username = Username("vitaliihonta")
val password: Password = Password("password")
val propsProd: Props = Props(Map("host" -> ""))
val configPathProd: ConfigPath = ConfigPath(Paths.get("./examples/src/main/resources/application.conf"))
import // implicit search is left for scalac
val wired: IO[IllegalArgumentException, String] = MyProgram.url.inject[_1].wire
.catchAll(e => ZIO.succeed(e.getMessage))
.flatMap(putStrLn) *> ZIO.succeed(0)
Much more simple, isn't it?)
- You don't need to refer to
self-type (e.g. its underlying structure) - You don't need to annotate anything (in most cases)
- Choosing constructor is just replacing
, etc. or just callinginjectPrimary
instead ofinject[N]
- TODO: try to comment some of the dependencies and see what happens
(spoiler: in most cases its concise compile-time errors)
import zio.{ App => ZApp , _ }
import zio.console._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import cakeless._
import types._
import java.nio.file.Paths
object MyProgramWithLifecycle extends ZApp {
def run(args: List[String]) = {
val configPathImpl: ConfigPath = ConfigPath(Paths.get("./examples/src/main/resources/application.conf"))
.tap(c => putStrLn(c.toString))
putStrLn("Component 1 preStart") // this code will be ran before AllComponents1
) && Lifecycle.postStart(
putStrLn("Component 1 started!") // this code will be ran before AllComponents1
.excludeZEnv[Console] // Console is a side-effect, lets allow zio.App to provide it for us
.fold(_ => 1, _ => 0)
- You can ask cakeless to run arbitrary effects before
initialization (usingLifecycle.preStart
) - You can ask cakeless to run arbitrary effects after
got initialized (usingLifecycle.postStart
with 2 overloaded alternatives) - You can chain lifecycle using
The injection mechanism for ZManaged
is exactly like in the examples above.
See examples directory for more details
Name collision detection will cause compile-time errors (when provided
s name is the same as somedef
name deep in the cake,
it will cause StackOverflowError because of cyclic reference) -
When tagged types don't rescue and you have multiple dependency instances of the same type,
you may use@wired
annotation to provide a hint forcakeless