A simple Address book using https://randomuser.me/
This project is a sample application on how to utilize RecyclerView and AbstractDataBinder to create reusable components. This project uses the Model-View-Presenter architecture which allows for the presenter to be unit-tested very easily. The project also uses GSON and a custom wrapped around okHttp to return responses that are Java objects instead of Strings.
The app is coded all in Java and using Gradle for building.
- Ability to grab an array of 50 contacts from Random User
- Display a List of Contacts
- Display a page to show more details of contacts
- Travis Implemention with Unit Test.
- Add ability to call contacts, just like native address book.
- Ability to edit contact information
- Ability to add new contacts
- Add debug enviroment with data stubbing (for development purposes).
- Increase modularity by moving things into separate repositories (ie Networking)
- Use Kotlin language to make code easier to read.
- Increase unit test / UI test coverage using Espresso and RoboElectric