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Collection: ivantory (test)

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Ansible inventory and collection for testing ivansible roles.

Run a role

ansible-playbook playbooks/run-role.yml -e role=ivansible.role_name -l vag2 -e param1=value1...
./bin/role [ivansible].role1[,role2...] host1,host2 -e param1=value1...

Note that role allows you to abbreviate long role names like ivansible.role_name as .role-name (with a leading dot). However, if role owner is not ivansible, you cannot omit it. Also you should use the full role name with ansible-playbook.

Also, role allows to:

  • use dashes instead of underscores in role names;
  • list multiple roles as well as multiple hosts separated by commas.

Tasks tagged with ip4only are expected to fail on ipv6-only hosts. Please provide the --skip-tags ip4only switch as a workaround.

Fix connectivity of a new box

This type of operations is called enter in ivansible parlance. Example operations follow below.

Enter a Vultr box by root password, probing for custom SSH port and then switching to this port, create a new user (trying to make uid=1000), and finally install python2 and authorize my default private key. You can try IPv4 address, IPv6 address or DNS hostname after comma.

ivantory-lin-enter -v -u myuser -p 8822 -k files/keys/ssh.key -r secret

Enter a box already added to repository:

ivantory-lin-enter vag2 -K default

Enter a new Vultr box initialized with root password and enable UFW:

ivantory-lin-enter --rootpass secret --ufw

Enter a new Vultr box initialized with SSH key:

ivantory-lin-enter --keyfile files/secret/keys/newbox.key

Enter a new virtobox vagrant box:

ivantory-lin-enter --port 8822 --new-keyfile files/secret/keys/newbox.key

Full syntax:

ivantory-lin-enter -e linen_pass='secret' -e linen_user=myuser -e linen_port=8822 -e linen_keyfile=default -e linen_login_methods=4 [-e linen_ufw=true]

Refresh a linux box

./bin/lin-refresh host1,host2

Instantly updates time, packages and kernel on a linux machine. Hosts in the vagrant group will have their apt packet sources switched to presumably faster

If you list multiple targets, the script will switch to the free play strategy, allowing for faster parallel upgrades. Otherwise, the script will fall back to the linear strategy.

Playbook for basic config of a development box

ansible-playbook plays-all/workspace.yml -l host1,host2

Available parameters:

  • refresh (default: no) -- upgrade packages and kernel
  • ivantory (default: no) -- deploy ivantory roles and playbooks

Reversed logins

There is so called revssh host entry in the vagrant group. This entry allows to perform ansible operations on hosts behind NAT (aka. poor man's ansible pull). The ansible_port setting in this entry defines reverse port forwarding.

First, login to ansible controller while reverse-forwarding local SSH port, e.g.:

ssh -R 8822:localhost:22

Now you can run playbooks on the controller host against the virtual revssh entry:

cd <ansible_directory>
ansible revssh -m ping
ansible revssh -m shell -a "hostname && uname -a"

There is only one entry, so you cannot control multiple hosts this way.

How to bootstrap ivantory on new controller

Download deex1.key into ~\.ssh\deex1.key on windows.

Powershell terminal on windows:

> cat ~\.ssh\deex1.key  # print key to windows terminal
> cd C:\abyss\vagrant\vag1
> vg up
> vg ssh  # or login from mobassh teminal

Bash terminal on vagrant box:

$ cat > vakey
... paste the key here ...
$ chmod 600 vakey
$ port=2022
$ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
      -R 8822:localhost:$port -i ~/vakey -p $port -l deex zeus.

You are logged into zeus:

$ cd devel/ivantory
$ ansible -m ping revssh  # should reply "pong"
$ ./bin/play ivantory revssh -e real_ssh_port=2022 [-e ivantory=yes]


  • without explicit real_ssh_port, the play will incorrectly detect the value of ansible_port as 8822 and configure firewall incorrectly
  • you must log into vag1 anew for changes to take effect
  • remove vakey when done

OpenVZ Hosts

OpenVZ resets /etc/hosts on every boot. These playbooks contain a special tag etc_hosts for all tasks that update hosts.

Vagrant Boxes

  • vag1 - enter-bionic controller 1Gb RAM
  • vag2 - enter-xenial
  • vag3 - enter-bionic
  • vag4 - enter-xenial python2 only
  • vag5 - enter-xenial python3 only
  • vag6 - enter-bionic python2 only
  • vag7 - enter-bionic python3 only
  • vag8 - bento/xenial port 22 user vagrant
  • vag9 - bento/bionic port 22 user vagrant

python2 boxes lack:

  • python3
  • snapd
  • ufw
  • lsb-release
  • lxd
  • apparmor
  • ubuntu-minimal
  • software-properties-common
  • ssh-import-id

python3 boxes lack:

  • python2
  • samba-libs
  • samba-common-bin


GPL v3


Copyright (c) 2018-2020, IvanDeex