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+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
-# Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
+# Distribution / packaging
-# Package Files #
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
-# virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Flask stuff:
+# Scrapy stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+# Jupyter Notebook
-# Avoid documentation
+# pyenv
+# celery beat schedule file
+# SageMath parsed files
+# dotenv
+# virtualenv
+# Spyder project settings
+# Rope project settings
+# mkdocs documentation
+# mypy
+# idea
+# pypi
+# Dask
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+ image: latest
+ version: 3.6
+ pip_install: true
+requirements_file: docs/requirements.txt
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--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ branches:
- master
- /.*/
- provider: pypi
- skip_cleanup: true
- user: ajnebro
- distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
- password:
- secure: "pJhh2ZwuDaMELZO7kmNGWa7sRaUi6s4By4GdBxf1hPjIBkB0GkOGHKxuivnWitAYLbmzpSoMcp2rHETcRiSqYTPlyovLA8A7YpY1HXIcNBrrmqnOpzc9bN3Ka90HMu0ySw2uYZgaQ2neFMm5CvD6W47IG0UUaFPYl68aZ8lEe8t7Tea7kFLU4UgXZxp3BXLTHF7xx7V29Ba5aKv2"
- on:
- branch: master
+ provider: pypi
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ user: ajnebro
+ distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
+ password:
+ secure: "pJhh2ZwuDaMELZO7kmNGWa7sRaUi6s4By4GdBxf1hPjIBkB0GkOGHKxuivnWitAYLbmzpSoMcp2rHETcRiSqYTPlyovLA8A7YpY1HXIcNBrrmqnOpzc9bN3Ka90HMu0ySw2uYZgaQ2neFMm5CvD6W47IG0UUaFPYl68aZ8lEe8t7Tea7kFLU4UgXZxp3BXLTHF7xx7V29Ba5aKv2"
+ on:
+ branch: master
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/CHANGELOG.md
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-# History
-## Last changes (July 21th 2017)
-* Added guide for using [cProfile](resources/pages/profiling.md).
-* Starting to implement [SMPSO](jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/smpso.py).
-* Added [comparators](jmetal/util/comparator.py).
-## Last changes (July 12th 2017)
-* The time of execution and evaluation number now are shown in the live plot.
-* Several fixes regarding wrong imports and unused attributes.
-## Last changes (July 11th 2017)
-* Now It's possible to get to directly access the coords (x,y) of a point in a live plot by a mouse click. ~~Note: This still needs some changes in order to work properly.~~
-## Last changes (July 9th 2017)
-* New class for [graphics](jmetal/util/graphic.py).
-* New [observer](jmetal/component/observer.py) for graphical display of algorithm.
-* Added [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) file.
-## Last changes (July 7th 2017)
-* New methods for plotting the solution list (`plot_scatter` and `plot_scatter_real_time`).
-* New decorator for computing execution time of any method. Usage: [`from jmetal.util.time import get_time_of_exectuion`](jmetal/util/time.py) and add `@get_time_of_execution` before any method or function.
-* Several improvements regarding [PEP8](resources/pages/code_style.md) code style guide.
-* Updated [TODO.md](TODO.md) and added [CONTRIBUTING.cmd](CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
-* Updated requirements.
-## Last changes (July 4th 2017)
-* The algorithm [NSGA-II](jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/nsgaii.py) has been implemented
-* Examples of configuring and running all the included algorithms are located in the [jmetal.runner](https://github.com/jMetal/jMetalPy/tree/master/jmetal/runner) package.
-## Last changes (June 1st 2017)
-* The package organization has been simplified to make it more "Python-ish". The former oarganization was a clone of the original Java-based jMetal project.
-* The [`EvolutionaryAlgorithm`](jmetal/core/algorithm.py) class interits from `threading.Thread`, so any evolutionary algorithm can run as a thread. This class also contains an `Observable` field, allowing observer entities to register to be notified with algorithm information.
-* [Four examples](jmetal/runner) of configuring and running three different single-objective algorithms are provided.
-## Current status (as for July 4th 2017)
-The current implementation contains the following features:
-* Algorithms
- * Multi-objective
- * Single-objective
- * (mu+lamba)Evolution Strategy
- * (mu,lamba)Evolution Strategy
- * Generational Genetic algorithm
-* Problems (multi-objective)
- * Kursawe
- * Fonseca
- * Schaffer
- * Viennet2
-* Problems (single-objective)
- * Sphere
- * OneMax
-* Encoding
- * Float
- * Binary
-* Operators
- * SBX Crossover
- * Single Point Crossover
- * Polynomial Mutation
- * Bit Flip Mutation
- * Simple Random Mutation
- * Null Mutation
- * Uniform Mutation
- * Binary Tournament Selection
\ No newline at end of file
index b2e2fb41..6afbb71f 100644
@@ -8,4 +8,20 @@ Contributions to the jMetalPy project are welcome. Please, take into account the
- [Incorporate the new features of Python 3.5](resources/pages/features_python3.md)
- [Respect the initial structure](resources/pages/project_structure.md)
- [How to create auto documentation using compatible code](resources/pages/auto_doc.md)
-- [Performance analysis of Python](resources/pages/profiling.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+- [Performance analysis of Python](resources/pages/profiling.md)
+# Documentation
+To generate the documentation, install [Sphinx](http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/) by running:
+$ pip install sphinx
+$ pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
+And then `cd` to `/docs` and run:
+$ sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../jmetal/
+$ make html
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index e69de29b..600736db 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2018 Antonio J. Nebro
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f7e0fd49..29a5bb6b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,47 +1,50 @@
-# jMetalPy: Python version of the jMetal framework
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jMetal/jMetalPy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jMetal/jMetalPy)
-> jMetalPy is currently under heavy development!
-I started a new project called jMetalPy in February 2017. The initial idea was not to write the whole jMetal proyect in Python but to use it as a practical study to learn that programming language, although due to the interest of some researchers the goal of an usable jMetal version in Python is an ongoing work.
-Any ideas about how the structure the project, coding style, useful tools (I'm using PyCharm), or links to related projects are welcome (see [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/jMetal/jMetalPy/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)). The starting point is the jMetal architecture:
-![jMetal architecture](resources/jMetal5UML.png)
+# jMetalPy: Python version of the jMetal framework
+[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/jMetal/jMetalPy.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/jMetal/jMetalPy)
+[![Read the Docs](https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/jmetalpy.svg?style=flat-square)](https://readthedocs.org/projects/jmetalpy/)
+[![PyPI License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/jMetalPy.svg?style=flat-square)]()
+[![PyPI Python version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/jMetalPy.svg?style=flat-square)]()
-# Table of Contents
+## Table of Contents
+- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
-- [History](#history)
- - [Last changes (December 18th 2017)](#last-changes-december-18th-2017)
+- [Features](#features)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
-# Usage
-Examples of configuring and running all the included algorithms are located in the [jmetal.runner](https://github.com/jMetal/jMetalPy/tree/master/jmetal/runner) folder.
-## Dependencies
-With Python 3.6 installed, run:
+## Installation
+To download jMetalPy just clone the Git repository hosted in GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/jMetal/jMetalPy.git
-$ pip install -r requirements.txt
+$ python setup.py install
-# History
-See [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for full version history.
+Alternatively, you can install it with `pip`:
+$ pip install jmetalpy
+## Usage
+Examples of configuring and running all the included algorithms are located [in the docs](https://jmetalpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html).
+## Features
+The current release of jMetalPy (v0.5.0) contains the following components:
-## Last changes (January 18th 2018)
-* (Fix) Search solution in `ScatterPlot()` now return only one solution object (as intended).
-* Added class `ParallelEvaluator` (Contribution of Michael Cipold)
-* Fixed a bug in class `DominanceComparator`
+* Algorithms: random search, NSGA-II, SMPSO, SMPSO/RP
+* Problems: ZDT1-6, DTLZ1-2, unconstrained (Kursawe, Fonseca, Schaffer, Viennet2), constrained (Srinivas, Tanaka).
+* Encodings: real, binary
+* Operators: selection (binary tournament, ranking and crowding distance, random, nary random, best solution), crossover (single-point, SBX), mutation (bit-blip, polynomial, uniform, random)
+* Quality indicators: hypervolume
+* Density estimator: crowding distance
+* Graphics: 2D/3D plotting in real-time
-# Contributing
+## Contributing
Please read [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on how to contribute to the project.
-# License
+## License
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md
deleted file mode 100644
index eba0d856..00000000
--- a/TODO.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# TODO list
-- [ ] The documentation of the code is not complete.
-- [ ] Inclusion of integration tests for the algorithm implementations.
-- [ ] Full coverage with unit tests.
-- [ ] Add MSA problem.
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/auto-docs/source/index.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-.. jMetalPy documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jun 12 15:06:53 2017.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
-Welcome to jMetalPy's documentation!
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- :caption: Contents:
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/auto-docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
similarity index 94%
rename from auto-docs/Makefile
rename to docs/Makefile
index 15c772b2..c3ba2e24 100644
--- a/auto-docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# You can set these variables from the command line.
-SPHINXBUILD = python -msphinx
+SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
SOURCEDIR = source
BUILDDIR = build
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5205888d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/make.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+pushd %~dp0
+REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
+if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
+ set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
+set SOURCEDIR=source
+set BUILDDIR=build
+set SPHINXPROJ=jMetalPy
+if "%1" == "" goto help
+if errorlevel 9009 (
+ echo.
+ echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
+ echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point
+ echo.to the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
+ echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
+ echo.
+ echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
+ echo.http://sphinx-doc.org/
+ exit /b 1
+goto end
diff --git a/docs/requirements.txt b/docs/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a154449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac19d046
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/NSGAII-ZDT1.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5482847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/about.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+jMetalPy is being developed by `Antonio J. Nebro `_, associate professor at the University of Málaga, and `Antonio Benítez-Hidalgo `_.
+1. J.J. Durillo, A.J. Nebro jMetal: a Java Framework for Multi-Objective Optimization. Advances in Engineering Software 42 (2011) 760-771.
+2. A.J. Nebro, J.J. Durillo, M. Vergne Redesigning the jMetal Multi-Objective Optimization Framework. GECCO (Companion) 2015, pp: 1093-1100. July 2015.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a8e0988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Multiobjective algorithms
+.. automodule:: jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.smpso
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+Random Search
+.. automodule:: jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.randomSearch
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..908deebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. toctree::
+ jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective
+ jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3a88057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Singleobjectives algorithms
+Evolutionary Algorithm
+.. automodule:: jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.evolutionaryalgorithm
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.component.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.component.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6ac613f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.component.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+.. automodule:: jmetal.component.archive
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.component.comparator
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+Density Estimator
+.. automodule:: jmetal.component.density_estimator
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.component.evaluator
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.component.observer
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+Quality indicator
+.. automodule:: jmetal.component.quality_indicator
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.component.ranking
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.core.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.core.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fae7742e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.core.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+This subpackage store templates used in jMetalPy.
+.. automodule:: jmetal.core.algorithm
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.core.operator
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.core.problem
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.core.solution
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.core.observable
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.operator.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.operator.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31822cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.operator.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.. automodule:: jmetal.operator.crossover
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.operator.mutation
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.operator.selection
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.multiobjective.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.multiobjective.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5894213c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.multiobjective.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Multiobjective problems
+.. automodule:: jmetal.problem.multiobjective.constrained
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.problem.multiobjective.unconstrained
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.problem.multiobjective.dtlz
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.problem.multiobjective.zdt
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7ff729b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. toctree::
+ jmetal.problem.multiobjective
+ jmetal.problem.singleobjective
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.singleobjective.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.singleobjective.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e5266c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.problem.singleobjective.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Singleobjective problems
+.. automodule:: jmetal.problem.singleobjective.unconstrained
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3693cd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+User documentation
+.. toctree::
+ jmetal.algorithm
+ jmetal.component
+ jmetal.core
+ jmetal.operator
+ jmetal.problem
+ jmetal.util
diff --git a/docs/source/api/jmetal.util.rst b/docs/source/api/jmetal.util.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e330e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/jmetal.util.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Front file
+.. automodule:: jmetal.util.front_file
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: jmetal.util.graphic
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+Lab of experiments
+.. automodule:: jmetal.util.laboratory
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+Solution list output
+.. automodule:: jmetal.util.solution_list_output
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/auto-docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
similarity index 67%
rename from auto-docs/source/conf.py
rename to docs/source/conf.py
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@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# jMetalPy documentation build configuration file, created by
-# sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jun 12 15:06:53 2017.
+# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
-# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
-# containing dir.
-# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
-# autogenerated file.
-# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
-# serve to show the default.
+# This file does only contain a selection of the most common options. For a
+# full list see the documentation:
+# http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/config
+# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
@@ -21,9 +16,28 @@
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))
+# http://blog.rtwilson.com/how-to-make-your-sphinx-documentation-compile-with-readthedocs-when-youre-using-numpy-and-scipy/
+import mock
+MOCK_MODULES = ['numpy', 'dask', 'dask.distributed', 'tqdm', 'bokeh', 'bokeh.embed', 'bokeh.front', 'bokeh.client',
+ 'bokeh.io', 'bokeh.layouts','bokeh.models','bokeh.plotting', 'bokeh.resources',
+ 'mpl_toolkits', 'mpl_toolkits.mplot3d', 'matplotlib', 'matplotlib.pyplot', 'matplotlib.axes']
+for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES:
+ sys.modules[mod_name] = mock.Mock()
+# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
+project = 'jMetalPy'
+copyright = '2018, Antonio J. Nebro'
+author = 'Antonio J. Nebro'
+# The short X.Y version
+version = '0.5.0'
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
+release = ''
-# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
+# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
@@ -32,7 +46,9 @@
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
-extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc']
+extensions = [
+ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
@@ -46,20 +62,6 @@
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'
-# General information about the project.
-project = 'jMetalPy'
-copyright = '2017, Antonio J. Nebro'
-author = 'Antonio J. Nebro'
-# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
-# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
-# built documents.
-# The short X.Y version.
-version = '1.0.0'
-# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '1.0.0'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
@@ -69,22 +71,20 @@
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
-# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
+# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path .
exclude_patterns = []
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
-# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
-todo_include_todos = False
-# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
+# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = 'classic'
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+html_logo = 'jmetalpy.png'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
@@ -97,14 +97,24 @@
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ['_static']
+# Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names
+# to template names.
+# The default sidebars (for documents that don't match any pattern) are
+# defined by theme itself. Builtin themes are using these templates by
+# default: ``['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html',
+# 'searchbox.html']``.
+# html_sidebars = {}
-# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------
+# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ---------------------------------------------
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = 'jMetalPydoc'
-# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
+# -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
@@ -133,7 +143,7 @@
-# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
+# -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
@@ -143,7 +153,7 @@
-# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
+# -- Options for Texinfo output ----------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
@@ -155,4 +165,5 @@
+# -- Extension configuration -------------------------------------------------
+autoclass_content = 'both'
\ No newline at end of file
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+Contributions to the jMetalPy project are welcome.
+Please, take into account the following guidelines (all developers should follow these guidelines):
+Git WorkFlow
+We have a set of branches on the remote Git server.
+Some branches are temporary, and others are constant throughout the life of the repository.
+* Branches always present in the repository:
+ * *master*: You have the latest released to production, receive merges from the develop branch, or merge from a *hotfix* branch (emergency).
+ * Do I have to put a TAG when doing a merge from develop to master? yes
+ * Do I have to put a TAG when doing a merge from a hotfix branch to master? yes
+ * After merge from a hotfix to master, do I have to merge from master to develop? yes
+ * *develop*: It is considered the "Next Release", receives merges from branches of each developer, either corrections (*fix*) or new features (*feature*).
+* Temporary branches:
+ * *feature/\\-\*: When we are doing a development, we create a local branch with the prefix "feature/", then only if there is a task id, we indicate it and we add a hyphen. The following we indicate a description according to the functionality that we are developing. The words are separated by hyphens.
+ * Where does this branch emerge? This branch always emerge from the develop branch
+ * When I finish the development in my feature branch, which branch to merge into?: You always merge feature branch into develop branch
+ * *fix/\\-\*: When we are making a correction, we create a local branch with the prefix "fix/", then only if there is a task id, we indicate it and we add a hyphen. The following we indicate a description according to the functionality that we are correcting. The words are separated by hyphens.
+ * Where does this branch emerge? This branch always emerge from the develop branch
+ * When I finish the correction in my fix branch, which branch to merge into?: You always merge feature branch into develop branch
+ * *hotfix/\\-\*: When we are correcting an emergency incidence in production, we create a local branch with the prefix "hotfix/", then only if there is a task id, we indicate it and we add a hyphen. The following we indicate a description according to the functionality that we are correcting. The words are separated by hyphens.
+ * Where does this branch emerge?: This branch always emerge from the master branch
+ * When I finish the correction in my hotfix branch, which branch to merge into?: This branch always emerge from the master and develop branch
+* Steps to follow when you are creating or going to work on a branch of any kind (feature / fix / hotfix):
+ 1. After you create your branch (feature / fix / hotfix) locally, upload it to the remote Git server. The integration system will verify your code from the outset.
+ 2. Each time you commit, as much as possible, you send a push to the server. Each push will trigger the automated launch of the tests, etc.
+ 3. Once the development is finished, having done a push to the remote Git server, and that the test phase has passed without problem, you create an `pull request `_.
+.. note:: Do not forget to remove your branch (feature / fix / hotfix) once the merge has been made.
+Some useful Git commands:
+* git fetch --prune: Cleaning branches removed and bringing new branches
+It is really important to follow some standards when a team develops an application. If all team members format the code in the same format, then it is much easier to read the code. PEP8 is Python's style guide. It's a set of rules for how to format your Python code.
+Some style rules:
+* Package and module names: Modules should have short, **all-lowercase** names. Underscores can be used in the module name if it improves readability. Python packages should also have short, **all-lowercase** names, although the use of underscores is discouraged. In Python, a module is a file with the suffix '.py'.
+* Class names: Class names should normally use the **CapWords** convention.
+* Method names and instance variables: **Lowercase with words separated by underscores** as necessary to improve readability.
+There are many more style standards in PEP8 so, please, refer to `PEP8 documentation `_
+. The most appropriate is to use an IDE that has support for PEP8. For example, `PyCharm `_.
+Object-oriented programming
+**Object-oriented programming should be the single programming paradigm used**. Avoiding as far as possible, imperative and functional programming.
+.. image:: contributing/python_poo_programming.png
+.. image:: contributing/python_functional_programming.png
+.. image:: contributing/python_imperative_programming.png
+In classes, we directly access the attributes, which are usually defined as public.
+.. image:: contributing/without_getter_setter.png
+Only when we want to **implement additional logic in the accesses to the attributes** we define getter/setter methods, but **always by using the *property*** annotation or the ***property*** function:
+.. image:: contributing/property_annotation.png
+.. image:: contributing/property_functional.png
+By using ***property***, we continue to access the attributes directly:
+.. image:: contributing/good_access.png
+Do not use getter/setter methods without the *property* annotation or the *property* function:
+.. image:: contributing/with_getter_setter.png
+Since this way of accessing the attribute is not commonly used in Python:
+.. image:: contributing/bad_access.png
+Python is not Java. In Java you cannot, by design, have more than one class in a file. In Python, you can do it.
+In Python, **it is appropriate to group several classes into a single .py file. For that reason, the .py files are called modules.**
+Python 3.6
+We **always** define types in the parameters of the arguments and the return value:
+.. image:: contributing/types_in_methods.png
+We can define abstract classes (ABCs) in Python:
+.. image:: contributing/abstract.png
+In the case that we want to define an **interface** class, it is done in the same way. We just have to define all the methods of the class as abstract.
+Example of use of generic types:
+.. image:: contributing/generic_types.png
+In the code below, the IDE displays a **warning**, since although the 2nd parameter is a float type, which is a type allowed in the definition of the generic type X, it is not of the same type as the first, since the first 2 parameters must be of the same generic type (S):
+.. image:: contributing/instance_with_generic_types1_wearning.png
+In the code below, the IDE displays a **warning**, since the 2nd parameter is a type not allowed in the definition of the generic type ( *TypeVar('S', int, float)* ):
+.. image:: contributing/instance_with_generic_types2_wearning.png
+When the class inherits from *Generic[...]*, the **class is defined as generic**. In this way we can indicate the types that will have the values of the generic types, when using the class as type. Look at the *add_car()* method of the *Parking* class.
+.. note:: The generic classes inherit from abc.ABCMeta, so they are abstract classes and **abstract methods can be used**.
+.. image:: contributing/generic_class1.png
+.. image:: contributing/generic_class2.png
+In the code below, the IDE displays a **warning** in the call to the *add_car()* method when adding the car, since the 3rd parameter of the init must be a *str* type, as defined in the *add_car()* method of the *Parking* class.
+.. image:: contributing/instance_with_generic_class_wearning.png
+When inheriting from generic classes, some type variables could be fixed:
+.. image:: contributing/generic_types_fixed.png
+Example of inheritance from non-generic class to generic class:
+.. image:: contributing/inheritance_non_generic_to_generic.png
+Example of inheritance from generic class to another generic class:
+.. image:: contributing/inheritance_generic_to_generic.png
+Create automatic documentation files with Sphinx
+First, you need to know how to correctly document your code. It is **important** to follow these simple rules in order to automatically create good documentation for the project.
+When you create a new module file (testDoc.py in this example), you should mention it using this format:
+.. code-block:: python
+ """
+ .. module:: testDoc
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: A useful module indeed.
+ .. moduleauthor:: Andrew Carter
+ """
+ class testDoc(object):
+ """We use this as a public class example class.
+ This class is ruled by the very trendy important method :func:`public_fn_with_sphinxy_docstring`.
+ .. note::
+ An example of intersphinx is this: you **cannot** use :mod:`pickle` on this class.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+This code snippet generates the following documentation:
+.. image:: contributing/class_header.png
+Now, you can document your methods using the following sintax:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def public_fn_with_sphinxy_docstring(self, name: str, state: bool = False) -> int:
+ """This function does something.
+ :param name: The name to use.
+ :type name: str.
+ :param state: Current state to be in.
+ :type state: bool.
+ :returns: int -- the return code.
+ :raises: AttributeError, KeyError
+ """
+ return 0
+ def public_fn_without_docstring(self):
+ return True
+And the produced output doc will be:
+.. image:: contributing/method_way_sphinx.png
+As you may notice, if you don't use any docstring, the method documentation will be empty.
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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rename to docs/source/contributing/inheritance_generic_to_generic.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from resources/inheritance_non_generic_to_generic.png
rename to docs/source/contributing/inheritance_non_generic_to_generic.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from resources/instance_with_generic_class_wearning.png
rename to docs/source/contributing/instance_with_generic_class_wearning.png
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similarity index 100%
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rename to docs/source/contributing/instance_with_generic_types1_wearning.png
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/contributing/jmetalpy.png differ
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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rename to docs/source/contributing/types_in_methods.png
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
rename from resources/without_getter_setter.png
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e56a766a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/examples.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :caption: Algorithms:
+ runner/nsgaii
+ runner/smpso
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :caption: Further configuration:
+ runner/observer
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..586a542d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+.. jMetalPy documentation master file, created by
+ sphinx-quickstart on Fri May 4 10:10:17 2018.
+ You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+ contain the root `toctree` directive.
+jMetalPy: Python version of the jMetal framework
+.. warning:: Documentation is WIP!! Some information may be missing.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ :caption: Contents:
+ examples
+ contributing
+ about
+ api/jmetal
+Installation steps
+Via pip:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ pip install jmetalpy
+Via Github:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ git clone https://github.com/jMetal/jMetalPy.git
+ $ pip install -r requirements.txt
+ $ python setup.py install
+Basic usage
+.. code-block:: python
+ problem = ZDT1()
+ algorithm = NSGAII(
+ problem=problem,
+ population_size=100,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
+ crossover=SBX(probability=1.0, distribution_index=20),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection(comparator=RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator())
+ )
+ algorithm.run()
+ front = algorithm.get_result()
+ pareto_front = ScatterMatplotlib(plot_title='NSGAII for ZDT1', number_of_objectives=problem.number_of_objectives)
+ pareto_front.plot(front, reference=problem.get_reference_front(), output='NSGAII-ZDT1', show=False)
+.. image:: NSGAII-ZDT1.png
diff --git a/docs/source/jmetalpy.png b/docs/source/jmetalpy.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a41ad1e1
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/jmetalpy.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/runner/nsgaii.rst b/docs/source/runner/nsgaii.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a693b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/runner/nsgaii.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Common imports for these examples:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from jmetal.algorithm import NSGAII
+ from jmetal.operator import Polynomial, SBX, BinaryTournamentSelection
+ from jmetal.component import RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator
+ from jmetal.problem import ZDT1
+NSGA-II with standard settings
+.. code-block:: python
+ algorithm = NSGAII(
+ problem=ZDT1(),
+ population_size=100,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
+ crossover=SBX(probability=1.0, distribution_index=20),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection(comparator=RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator())
+ )
+ algorithm.run()
+ front = algorithm.get_result()
+NSGA-II stopping by time
+.. code-block:: python
+ class NSGA2b(NSGAII):
+ def is_stopping_condition_reached(self):
+ # Re-define the stopping condition
+ return [False, True][self.get_current_computing_time() > 4]
+ algorithm = NSGA2b(
+ problem=ZDT1(),
+ population_size=100,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
+ crossover=SBX(probability=1.0, distribution_index=20),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection(comparator=RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator())
+ )
+ algorithm.run()
+ front = algorithm.get_result()
diff --git a/docs/source/runner/observer.rst b/docs/source/runner/observer.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59082f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/runner/observer.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+It is possible to attach any number of observers to a jMetalPy's algorithm to retrieve information from each iteration.
+For example, a basic algorithm observer will print the number of evaluations, the objectives from the best individual in the population and the computing time:
+.. code-block:: python
+ basic = BasicAlgorithmObserver(frequency=1.0)
+ algorithm.observable.register(observer=basic)
+A full list of all available observer can be found at :py:mod:`jmetal.component.observer` module.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..140f5535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/runner/smpso.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Common imports:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from jmetal.operator import Polynomial
+ from jmetal.problem import ZDT1
+SMPSO with standard settings
+.. code-block:: python
+ from jmetal.algorithm import SMPSO
+ from jmetal.component import CrowdingDistanceArchive
+ algorithm = SMPSO(
+ problem=ZDT1(),
+ swarm_size=100,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
+ leaders=CrowdingDistanceArchive(100)
+ )
+ algorithm.run()
+ front = algorithm.get_result()
+SMPSO/RP with standard settings
+.. code-block:: python
+ from jmetal.algorithm import SMPSORP
+ from jmetal.component import CrowdingDistanceArchiveWithReferencePoint
+ swarm_size = 100
+ reference_points = [[0.8, 0.2], [0.4, 0.6]]
+ archives_with_reference_points = []
+ for point in reference_points:
+ archives_with_reference_points.append(
+ CrowdingDistanceArchiveWithReferencePoint(swarm_size, point)
+ )
+ algorithm = SMPSORP(
+ problem=ZDT1(),
+ swarm_size=swarm_size,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
+ reference_points=reference_points,
+ leaders=archives_with_reference_points
+ )
+ algorithm.run()
+ front = algorithm.get_result()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/experiment/NSGAII-SMPSO for ZDT1.py b/examples/experiment/NSGAII-SMPSO for ZDT1.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17697176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/experiment/NSGAII-SMPSO for ZDT1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from jmetal.algorithm import NSGAII, SMPSO
+from jmetal.component.archive import CrowdingDistanceArchive
+from jmetal.component.comparator import RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator
+from jmetal.operator import NullMutation, SBX, BinaryTournamentSelection
+from jmetal.problem import ZDT1, ZDT2
+from jmetal.component.quality_indicator import HyperVolume
+from jmetal.util.laboratory import experiment, display
+algorithm = [
+ (NSGAII, {'population_size': 100, 'max_evaluations': 25000, 'mutation': NullMutation(), 'crossover': SBX(1.0, 20),
+ 'selection': BinaryTournamentSelection(RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator())}),
+ (NSGAII(population_size=100, max_evaluations=25000, mutation=NullMutation(), crossover=SBX(1.0, 20),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection(RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator()), problem=ZDT1()), {}),
+ (SMPSO, {'swarm_size': 100, 'max_evaluations': 25000, 'mutation': NullMutation(),
+ 'leaders': CrowdingDistanceArchive(100)})
+metric = [HyperVolume(reference_point=[1, 1])]
+problem = [(ZDT1, {}), (ZDT2, {})]
+results = experiment(algorithm, metric, problem)
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 100%
rename from jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/test/__init__.py
rename to examples/experiment/__init__.py
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index 00000000..a3de7483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/multiobjective/nsgaii_full_settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+from jmetal.algorithm import NSGAII
+from jmetal.component import VisualizerObserver, ProgressBarObserver, RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator
+from jmetal.problem import ZDT1
+from jmetal.operator import SBX, Polynomial, BinaryTournamentSelection
+from jmetal.util import ScatterMatplotlib, SolutionList
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ problem = ZDT1()
+ algorithm = NSGAII(
+ problem=problem,
+ population_size=100,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0 / problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
+ crossover=SBX(probability=1.0, distribution_index=20),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection(comparator=RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator())
+ )
+ observer = VisualizerObserver(problem)
+ progress_bar = ProgressBarObserver(step=100, maximum=25000)
+ algorithm.observable.register(observer=observer)
+ algorithm.observable.register(observer=progress_bar)
+ algorithm.run()
+ front = algorithm.get_result()
+ # Plot frontier to file
+ pareto_front = ScatterMatplotlib(plot_title='NSGAII for ZDT1', number_of_objectives=problem.number_of_objectives)
+ pareto_front.plot(front, reference=problem.get_reference_front(), output='NSGAII-ZDT1', show=False)
+ # Save variables to file
+ SolutionList.print_function_values_to_file(front, 'FUN.NSGAII.' + problem.get_name())
+ SolutionList.print_variables_to_file(front, 'VAR.NSGAII.' + problem.get_name())
+ print('Algorithm (continuous problem): ' + algorithm.get_name())
+ print('Problem: ' + problem.get_name())
+ print('Computing time: ' + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
diff --git a/examples/multiobjective/smpso_full_settings.py b/examples/multiobjective/smpso_full_settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b9014ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/multiobjective/smpso_full_settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from jmetal.algorithm import SMPSO
+from jmetal.component.observer import ProgressBarObserver, VisualizerObserver
+from jmetal.component.archive import CrowdingDistanceArchive
+from jmetal.problem import ZDT1
+from jmetal.operator import Polynomial
+from jmetal.util.graphic import ScatterMatplotlib
+from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionList
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ problem = ZDT1()
+ algorithm = SMPSO(
+ problem=problem,
+ swarm_size=100,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
+ leaders=CrowdingDistanceArchive(100)
+ )
+ observer = VisualizerObserver(problem)
+ progress_bar = ProgressBarObserver(step=100, maximum=25000)
+ algorithm.observable.register(observer=observer)
+ algorithm.observable.register(observer=progress_bar)
+ algorithm.run()
+ front = algorithm.get_result()
+ # Plot frontier to file
+ pareto_front = ScatterMatplotlib(plot_title='SMPSO for ' + problem.get_name(), number_of_objectives=problem.number_of_objectives)
+ pareto_front.plot(front, reference=problem.get_reference_front(), output='SMPSO-' + problem.get_name(), show=False)
+ # Save variables to file
+ SolutionList.print_function_values_to_file(front, 'FUN.SMPSO.' + problem.get_name())
+ SolutionList.print_variables_to_file(front, 'VAR.SMPSO.' + problem.get_name())
+ print('Algorithm (continuous problem): ' + algorithm.get_name())
+ print('Problem: ' + problem.get_name())
+ print('Computing time: ' + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
diff --git a/examples/multiobjective/smpsorp_standard_settings.py b/examples/multiobjective/smpsorp_standard_settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d485365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/multiobjective/smpsorp_standard_settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from jmetal.algorithm import SMPSORP
+from jmetal.component.archive import CrowdingDistanceArchiveWithReferencePoint
+from jmetal.component.observer import ProgressBarObserver
+from jmetal.problem import ZDT1
+from jmetal.operator import Polynomial
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ problem = ZDT1()
+ swarm_size = 100
+ reference_points = [[0.0, 0.0]]
+ archives_with_reference_points = []
+ for point in reference_points:
+ archives_with_reference_points.append(
+ CrowdingDistanceArchiveWithReferencePoint(swarm_size, point)
+ )
+ algorithm = SMPSORP(
+ problem=problem,
+ swarm_size=swarm_size,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
+ reference_points=reference_points,
+ leaders=archives_with_reference_points
+ )
+ progress_bar = ProgressBarObserver(step=swarm_size, maximum=25000)
+ algorithm.observable.register(progress_bar)
+ algorithm.run()
+ print('Algorithm (continuous problem): ' + algorithm.get_name())
+ print('Problem: ' + problem.get_name())
+ print('Computing time: ' + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
similarity index 82%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
index cb26d66e..2a35bc50 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
@@ -7,15 +7,18 @@
def main() -> None:
bits = 512
problem = OneMax(bits)
- algorithm = ElitistEvolutionStrategy[BinarySolution, BinarySolution]\
- (problem,
- mu=1,
- lambdA=10,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=BitFlip(1.0/bits))
+ algorithm = ElitistEvolutionStrategy[BinarySolution, BinarySolution](
+ problem=problem,
+ mu=1,
+ lambd_a=10,
+ max_evaluations=25000,
+ mutation=BitFlip(probability=1.0/bits)
+ )
result = algorithm.get_result()
print("Algorithm: " + algorithm.get_name())
print("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
print("Solution: " + str(result.variables[0]))
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
similarity index 82%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
index 4908e6a7..9399387e 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
@@ -7,15 +7,18 @@
def main() -> None:
variables = 10
problem = Sphere(variables)
- algorithm = ElitistEvolutionStrategy[FloatSolution, FloatSolution]\
- (problem,
- mu=10,
- lambdA=10,
- max_evaluations=50000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/variables))
+ algorithm = ElitistEvolutionStrategy[FloatSolution, FloatSolution](
+ problem=problem,
+ mu=10,
+ lambd_a=10,
+ max_evaluations=50000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/variables)
+ )
result = algorithm.get_result()
print("Algorithm: " + algorithm.get_name())
print("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
print("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
similarity index 83%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
index e0032e1e..ef32c2db 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@
def main() -> None:
variables = 10
problem = Sphere(variables)
- algorithm = ElitistEvolutionStrategy[FloatSolution, FloatSolution]\
- (problem,
- mu=10,
- lambdA=10,
- max_evaluations=50000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/variables))
+ algorithm = ElitistEvolutionStrategy[FloatSolution, FloatSolution](
+ problem=problem,
+ mu=10,
+ lambd_a=10,
+ max_evaluations=50000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/variables)
+ )
print("Algorithm (running as a thread): " + algorithm.get_name())
@@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ def main() -> None:
result = algorithm.get_result()
print("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
print("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
print("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
similarity index 82%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
index 6a9fbc15..29592da2 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_binary.py
@@ -7,16 +7,24 @@
def main() -> None:
bits = 512
problem = OneMax(bits)
- algorithm = NonElitistEvolutionStrategy[BinarySolution, BinarySolution]\
- (problem, mu=1, lambdA=10, max_evaluations= 25000, mutation=BitFlip(1.0/bits))
+ algorithm = NonElitistEvolutionStrategy[BinarySolution, BinarySolution](
+ problem=problem,
+ mu=1,
+ lambd_a=10,
+ max_evaluations= 25000,
+ mutation=BitFlip(probability=1.0/bits)
+ )
result = algorithm.get_result()
print("Algorithm: " + algorithm.get_name())
print("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
print("Solution: " + str(result.variables[0]))
print("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
print("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
similarity index 81%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
index 1175954a..0ff5bb2c 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_float.py
@@ -7,11 +7,18 @@
def main() -> None:
variables = 10
problem = Sphere(variables)
- algorithm = NonElitistEvolutionStrategy[FloatSolution, FloatSolution]\
- (problem, mu=10, lambdA=10, max_evaluations= 50000, mutation=Polynomial(1.0/variables))
+ algorithm = NonElitistEvolutionStrategy[FloatSolution, FloatSolution](
+ problem=problem,
+ mu=10,
+ lambd_a=10,
+ max_evaluations=50000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/variables)
+ )
result = algorithm.get_result()
print("Algorithm: " + algorithm.get_name())
print("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
print("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
similarity index 82%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
index a23215ef..590f0c92 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/non_elitist_evolution_strategy_running_as_a_thread.py
@@ -7,8 +7,14 @@
def main() -> None:
variables = 10
problem = Sphere(variables)
- algorithm = NonElitistEvolutionStrategy[FloatSolution, FloatSolution]\
- (problem, mu=10, lambdA=10, max_evaluations= 50000, mutation=Polynomial(1.0/variables))
+ algorithm = NonElitistEvolutionStrategy[FloatSolution, FloatSolution](
+ problem=problem,
+ mu=10,
+ lambd_a=10,
+ max_evaluations=50000,
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/variables)
+ )
print("Algorithm (running as a thread): " + algorithm.get_name())
diff --git a/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_binary.py b/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_binary.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afd06659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_binary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.evolutionaryalgorithm import GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm
+from jmetal.core.solution import BinarySolution
+from jmetal.operator.crossover import SP
+from jmetal.operator.mutation import BitFlip
+from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
+from jmetal.problem.singleobjective.unconstrained import OneMax
+def main() -> None:
+ bits = 256
+ problem = OneMax(bits)
+ algorithm = GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm[BinarySolution, BinarySolution](
+ problem=problem,
+ population_size=100,
+ max_evaluations=150000,
+ mutation=BitFlip(1.0/bits),
+ crossover=SP(0.9),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection()
+ )
+ algorithm.run()
+ result = algorithm.get_result()
+ print("Algorithm: " + algorithm.get_name())
+ print("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
+ print("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
+ print("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
+ print("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_float.py b/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_float.py
similarity index 56%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_float.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_float.py
index 97d260b8..cb212dfc 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_float.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_float.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import logging
from jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.evolutionaryalgorithm import GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
@@ -7,28 +5,29 @@
from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
from jmetal.problem.singleobjective.unconstrained import Sphere
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def main() -> None:
variables = 10
problem = Sphere(variables)
algorithm = GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm[FloatSolution, FloatSolution](
- problem,
+ problem=problem,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection=BinaryTournamentSelection())
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/variables, distribution_index=20),
+ crossover=SBX(probability=1.0, distribution_index=20),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection()
+ )
result = algorithm.get_result()
- logger.info("Algorithm (continuous problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
- logger.info("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
- logger.info("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
+ print("Algorithm: " + algorithm.get_name())
+ print("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
+ print("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
+ print("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
+ print("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_with_observer.py b/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_running_as_a_thread.py
similarity index 51%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_with_observer.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_running_as_a_thread.py
index 95ded0a1..11db7404 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_with_observer.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_running_as_a_thread.py
@@ -1,40 +1,34 @@
-import logging
from jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.evolutionaryalgorithm import GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm
-from jmetal.component.observer import BasicAlgorithmConsumer
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
from jmetal.problem.singleobjective.unconstrained import Sphere
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def main() -> None:
variables = 10
problem = Sphere(variables)
algorithm = GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm[FloatSolution, FloatSolution](
- problem,
+ problem=problem,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0 / variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection=BinaryTournamentSelection())
- observer = BasicAlgorithmConsumer(2000)
- algorithm.observable.register(observer=observer)
+ mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/variables, distribution_index=20),
+ crossover=SBX(probability=1.0, distribution_index=20),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection()
+ )
+ print("Algorithm (running as a thread): " + algorithm.get_name())
+ print("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
result = algorithm.get_result()
- logger.info("Algorithm: " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
- logger.info("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
- logger.info("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
+ print("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
+ print("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
+ print("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_stopping_by_time.py b/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_stopping_by_time.py
similarity index 59%
rename from jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_stopping_by_time.py
rename to examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_stopping_by_time.py
index 73fa150a..0b9ec4e0 100644
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_stopping_by_time.py
+++ b/examples/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_stopping_by_time.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import logging
from jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.evolutionaryalgorithm import GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
@@ -7,9 +5,6 @@
from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
from jmetal.problem.singleobjective.unconstrained import Sphere
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def main() -> None:
class GGA2(GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm[FloatSolution, FloatSolution]):
@@ -18,27 +13,30 @@ def is_stopping_condition_reached(self):
reached = [False, True][self.get_current_computing_time() > 4]
if reached:
- logger.info("Stopping condition reached!")
+ print("Stopping condition reached!")
return reached
variables = 10
problem = Sphere(variables)
algorithm = GGA2(
- problem,
- population_size = 100,
+ problem=problem,
+ population_size=100,
- mutation = Polynomial(1.0/variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover = SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection = BinaryTournamentSelection())
+ mutation=Polynomial(1.0/variables, distribution_index=20),
+ crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
+ selection=BinaryTournamentSelection()
+ )
result = algorithm.get_result()
- logger.info("Algorithm (stop for timeout): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
- logger.info("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
- logger.info("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
+ print("Algorithm (stop for timeout): " + algorithm.get_name())
+ print("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
+ print("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
+ print("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
+ print("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/__init__.py b/jmetal/__init__.py
index b5bfb0c6..213468e7 100644
--- a/jmetal/__init__.py
+++ b/jmetal/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,25 @@
+import logging
from jmetal import algorithm
from jmetal import core
from jmetal import operator
from jmetal import problem
__all__ = ['core', 'algorithm', 'operator', 'problem']
-__version__ = '1.0'
-__author__ = 'Antonio J. Nebro '
+logger = logging.getLogger('jMetalPy')
+# create a file handler
+file_handler = logging.FileHandler('jmetalpy.log', delay=True)
+stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+# create a logging format
+formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s')
+# add the handlers to the logger
diff --git a/jmetal/algorithm/__init__.py b/jmetal/algorithm/__init__.py
index e69de29b..839f7f76 100644
--- a/jmetal/algorithm/__init__.py
+++ b/jmetal/algorithm/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from .multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
+from .multiobjective.smpso import SMPSO, SMPSORP
+from .singleobjective.evolutionaryalgorithm import ElitistEvolutionStrategy, NonElitistEvolutionStrategy
+__all__ = [
+ 'ElitistEvolutionStrategy', 'NonElitistEvolutionStrategy'
diff --git a/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/nsgaii.py b/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/nsgaii.py
index 386f46b3..5f8d99cc 100644
--- a/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/nsgaii.py
+++ b/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/nsgaii.py
@@ -5,13 +5,21 @@
from jmetal.core.operator import Mutation, Crossover, Selection
from jmetal.core.problem import Problem
from jmetal.operator.selection import RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection
-from jmetal.util.observable import Observable, DefaultObservable
S = TypeVar('S')
R = TypeVar(List[S])
+.. module:: NSGA-II
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: NSGA-II (Non-dominance Sorting Genetic Algorithm II) implementation.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class NSGAII(GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm[S, R]):
def __init__(self,
problem: Problem[S],
population_size: int,
@@ -19,8 +27,25 @@ def __init__(self,
mutation: Mutation[S],
crossover: Crossover[S, S],
selection: Selection[List[S], S],
- observable: Observable = DefaultObservable(),
evaluator: Evaluator[S] = SequentialEvaluator[S]()):
+ """ NSGA-II implementation as described in
+ * K. Deb, A. Pratap, S. Agarwal and T. Meyarivan, "A fast and elitist
+ multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II," in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,
+ vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 182-197, Apr 2002. doi: 10.1109/4235.996017
+ NSGA-II is a genetic algorithm (GA), i.e. it belongs to the evolutionary algorithms (EAs)
+ family. The implementation of NSGA-II provided in jMetalPy follows the evolutionary
+ algorithm template described in the algorithm module (:py:mod:`algorithm`).
+ :param problem: The problem to solve.
+ :param population_size: Size of the population.
+ :param max_evaluations: Maximum number of evaluations/iterations.
+ :param mutation: Mutation operator (see :py:mod:`mutation`).
+ :param crossover: Crossover operator (see :py:mod:`crosover`).
+ :param selection: Selection operator (see :py:mod:`selection`).
+ :param evaluator: An evaluator object to evaluate the individuals of the population.
+ """
super(NSGAII, self).__init__(
@@ -28,17 +53,21 @@ def __init__(self,
- observable,
- def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) -> List[List[TypeVar('S')]]:
+ def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) -> List[List[S]]:
+ """ This method joins the current and offspring populations to produce the population of the next generation
+ by applying the ranking and crowding distance selection.
+ :param population: Parent population.
+ :param offspring_population: Offspring population.
+ :return: New population after ranking and crowding distance selection is applied.
+ """
join_population = population + offspring_population
return RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection(self.population_size).execute(join_population)
- def get_name(self) -> str:
- return "NSGA-II"
def get_result(self) -> R:
return self.population
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II'
diff --git a/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/randomSearch.py b/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/randomSearch.py
index 3f6f9303..13fa5573 100644
--- a/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/randomSearch.py
+++ b/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/randomSearch.py
@@ -3,14 +3,22 @@
from jmetal.component.archive import NonDominatedSolutionListArchive
from jmetal.core.problem import Problem
-""" Class representing simple random search algorithms """
+S = TypeVar('S')
+.. module:: RamdomSearch
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Simple random search algorithms.
-S = TypeVar('S')
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class RandomSearch(Generic[S]):
- def __init__(self, problem: Problem[S], max_evaluations: int):
+ def __init__(self,
+ problem: Problem[S],
+ max_evaluations: int = 25000):
self.problem = problem
self.max_evaluations = max_evaluations
self.archive = NonDominatedSolutionListArchive()
@@ -21,8 +29,9 @@ def run(self) -> None:
- def get_name(self) -> str:
- return "Random Search Algorithm"
def get_result(self) -> List[S]:
- return self.archive.get_solution_list()
\ No newline at end of file
+ return self.archive.solution_list
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_name() -> str:
+ return 'Random Search Algorithm'
diff --git a/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/smpso.py b/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/smpso.py
index 3bbccc0b..26830c9d 100644
--- a/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/smpso.py
+++ b/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/smpso.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-from copy import copy
-from random import Random
from typing import TypeVar, List
+from copy import copy
+from math import sqrt
+import random
import numpy
@@ -10,28 +11,49 @@
from jmetal.core.operator import Mutation
from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.util.comparator import DominanceComparator
-from jmetal.util.observable import Observable, DefaultObservable
+from jmetal.component.comparator import DominanceComparator
R = TypeVar('R')
+.. module:: SMPSO
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Implementation of SMPSO.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio Benítez-Hidalgo
class SMPSO(ParticleSwarmOptimization):
def __init__(self,
problem: FloatProblem,
swarm_size: int,
max_evaluations: int,
mutation: Mutation[FloatSolution],
leaders: BoundedArchive[FloatSolution],
- observable: Observable = DefaultObservable(),
evaluator: Evaluator[FloatSolution] = SequentialEvaluator[FloatSolution]()):
+ """ This class implements the SMPSO algorithm as described in
+ * SMPSO: A new PSO-based metaheuristic for multi-objective optimization
+ * MCDM 2009. DOI: ``_.
+ The implementation of SMPSO provided in jMetalPy follows the algorithm template described in the algorithm
+ templates section of the documentation.
+ :param problem: The problem to solve.
+ :param swarm_size: Swarm size.
+ :param max_evaluations: Maximum number of evaluations.
+ :param mutation: Mutation operator.
+ :param leaders: Archive for leaders.
+ :param evaluator: An evaluator object to evaluate the solutions in the population.
+ """
super(SMPSO, self).__init__()
self.problem = problem
self.swarm_size = swarm_size
self.max_evaluations = max_evaluations
- self.mutation : Mutation[FloatSolution] = mutation
+ self.mutation = mutation
self.leaders = leaders
- self.observable = observable
self.evaluator = evaluator
self.evaluations = 0
@@ -40,7 +62,10 @@ def __init__(self,
self.c1_max = 2.5
self.c2_min = 1.5
self.c2_max = 2.5
+ self.r1_min = 0.0
+ self.r1_max = 1.0
+ self.r2_min = 0.0
+ self.r2_max = 1.0
self.min_weight = 0.1
self.max_weight = 0.1
@@ -50,24 +75,25 @@ def __init__(self,
self.dominance_comparator = DominanceComparator()
self.speed = numpy.zeros((self.swarm_size, self.problem.number_of_variables), dtype=float)
- self.delta_max = numpy.empty(problem.number_of_variables)
- self.delta_min = numpy.empty(problem.number_of_variables)
+ self.delta_max, self.delta_min = numpy.empty(problem.number_of_variables),\
+ numpy.empty(problem.number_of_variables)
for i in range(problem.number_of_variables):
self.delta_max[i] = (self.problem.upper_bound[i] - self.problem.lower_bound[i]) / 2.0
self.delta_min = -1.0 * self.delta_max
- def init_progress(self) -> None :
+ def init_progress(self) -> None:
self.evaluations = self.swarm_size
- def update_progress(self) -> None :
+ def update_progress(self) -> None:
self.evaluations += self.swarm_size
observable_data = {'evaluations': self.evaluations,
- 'population': self.swarm,
- 'computing time': self.get_current_computing_time()}
+ 'computing time': self.get_current_computing_time(),
+ 'population': self.leaders.solution_list}
def is_stopping_condition_reached(self) -> bool:
@@ -75,54 +101,52 @@ def is_stopping_condition_reached(self) -> bool:
def create_initial_swarm(self) -> List[FloatSolution]:
swarm = []
- for i in range(self.swarm_size):
+ for _ in range(self.swarm_size):
return swarm
def evaluate_swarm(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
return self.evaluator.evaluate(swarm, self.problem)
def initialize_global_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
- for particle in self.swarm:
+ for particle in swarm:
def initialize_particle_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
- for particle in self.swarm:
- particle.attributes["local_best"] = copy(particle)
+ for particle in swarm:
+ particle.attributes['local_best'] = copy(particle)
def initialize_velocity(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
- pass # Velocity initialized in the constructor
+ pass # Velocity initialized in the constructor
def update_velocity(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
for i in range(self.swarm_size):
- particle = copy(self.swarm[i])
- best_particle = copy(self.swarm[i].attributes["local_best"])
- best_global = self.__select_global_best()
- r1 = Random.random()
- r2 = Random.random()
+ best_particle = copy(swarm[i].attributes['local_best'])
+ best_global = self.select_global_best()
- c1 = Random.uniform(self.c1_min, self.c1_max)
- c2 = Random.uniform(self.c2_min, self.c2_max)
- wmin = self.min_weight
+ r1 = round(random.uniform(self.r1_min, self.r1_max), 1)
+ r2 = round(random.uniform(self.r2_min, self.r2_max), 1)
+ c1 = round(random.uniform(self.c1_min, self.c1_max), 1)
+ c2 = round(random.uniform(self.c2_min, self.c2_max), 1)
wmax = self.max_weight
+ wmin = self.min_weight
- for var in range(self.problem.number_of_variables):
+ for var in range(swarm[i].number_of_variables):
self.speed[i][var] = \
- self.__velocity_constriction(self.__constriction_coefficient(c1, c2) * \
- (wmax * self.speed[i][var] +
- c1 * r1 * (best_particle.variables[var] - particle.variables[var]) +
- c2 * r2 * (best_global.variables[var] - particle.variables[var])),
- var)
+ self.__velocity_constriction(
+ self.__constriction_coefficient(c1, c2) *
+ ((self.__inertia_weight(self.evaluations, self.max_evaluations, wmax, wmin)
+ * self.speed[i][var])
+ + (c1 * r1 * (best_particle.variables[var] - swarm[i].variables[var]))
+ + (c2 * r2 * (best_global.variables[var] - swarm[i].variables[var]))
+ ),
+ self.delta_max, self.delta_min, var)
def update_position(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
for i in range(self.swarm_size):
- particle = self.swarm[i]
+ particle = swarm[i]
- for j in particle.variables:
+ for j in range(particle.number_of_variables):
particle.variables[j] += self.speed[i][j]
if particle.variables[j] < self.problem.lower_bound[j]:
@@ -134,53 +158,154 @@ def update_position(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
self.speed[i][j] *= self.change_velocity2
def perturbation(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
- for particle in self.swarm:
- self.mutation.execute(particle)
+ for i in range(self.swarm_size):
+ if (i % 6) == 0:
+ self.mutation.execute(swarm[i])
def update_global_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
- for particle in self.swarm:
+ for particle in swarm:
def update_particle_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
for i in range(self.swarm_size):
flag = self.dominance_comparator.compare(
- self.swarm[i],
- self.swarm[i].attribute["local_best"])
- if flag is not 1:
- swarm[i].attributes["local_best"] = copy(self.swarm[i])
+ swarm[i],
+ swarm[i].attributes['local_best'])
+ if flag != 1:
+ swarm[i].attributes['local_best'] = copy(swarm[i])
def get_result(self) -> List[FloatSolution]:
- self.leaders.solution_list
- def __select_global_best(self) -> FloatSolution:
- #pos1 = Random.randint(0, len(self.leaders.solution_list) - 1)
- #pos2 = Random.randint(0, len(self.leaders.solution_list) - 1)
- best_global = None
- particles = Random.sample(self.leaders.solution_list, 2)
- if self.leaders.get_comparator().compare(particles[0], particles[1]) < 1:
- best_global = copy(particles[0])
+ return self.leaders.solution_list
+ def select_global_best(self) -> FloatSolution:
+ leaders = self.leaders.solution_list
+ if len(leaders) > 2:
+ particles = random.sample(leaders, 2)
+ if self.leaders.comparator.compare(particles[0], particles[1]) < 1:
+ best_global = copy(particles[0])
+ else:
+ best_global = copy(particles[1])
- best_global = copy(particles[1])
+ best_global = copy(self.leaders.solution_list[0])
return best_global
- def __velocity_constriction(self, value: float, variable_index: int) -> float:
- result = None
- if value > self.delta_max[variable_index]:
- result = self.delta_max[variable_index]
- if value < self.delta_min[variable_index]:
- result = self.delta_min[variable_index]
+ def __velocity_constriction(self, value: float, delta_max: [], delta_min: [], variable_index: int) -> float:
+ result = value
+ if value > delta_max[variable_index]:
+ result = delta_max[variable_index]
+ if value < delta_min[variable_index]:
+ result = delta_min[variable_index]
return result
+ def __inertia_weight(self, evaluations: int, max_evaluations: int, wmax: float, wmin: float):
+ # todo ?
+ return wmax
def __constriction_coefficient(self, c1: float, c2: float) -> float:
- result = 0.0
rho = c1 + c2
if rho <= 4:
result = 1.0
- result = 2.0 / (2.0 - rho - numpy.sqrt(pow(rho, 2.0) - 4.0 * rho))
+ result = 2.0 / (2.0 - rho - sqrt(pow(rho, 2.0) - 4.0 * rho))
return result
+ def __init__(self,
+ problem: FloatProblem,
+ swarm_size: int,
+ max_evaluations: int,
+ mutation: Mutation[FloatSolution],
+ reference_points: List[List[float]],
+ leaders: List[BoundedArchive[FloatSolution]],
+ evaluator: Evaluator[FloatSolution] = SequentialEvaluator[FloatSolution]()):
+ """ This class implements the SMPSORP algorithm.
+ :param problem: The problem to solve.
+ :param swarm_size:
+ :param max_evaluations:
+ :param mutation:
+ :param leaders: List of bounded archives.
+ :param evaluator: An evaluator object to evaluate the solutions in the population.
+ """
+ super(SMPSORP, self).__init__(
+ problem=problem,
+ swarm_size=swarm_size,
+ max_evaluations=max_evaluations,
+ mutation=mutation,
+ leaders=None,
+ evaluator=evaluator)
+ self.reference_points = reference_points
+ self.leaders = leaders
+ def update_leaders_density_estimator(self):
+ for leader in self.leaders:
+ leader.compute_density_estimator()
+ def init_progress(self) -> None:
+ self.evaluations = self.swarm_size
+ self.update_leaders_density_estimator()
+ def update_progress(self) -> None:
+ self.evaluations += self.swarm_size
+ self.update_leaders_density_estimator()
+ reference_points = []
+ for i, _ in enumerate(self.reference_points):
+ point = self.problem.create_solution()
+ point.objectives = self.reference_points[i]
+ reference_points.append(point)
+ observable_data = {'evaluations': self.evaluations,
+ 'computing time': self.get_current_computing_time(),
+ 'population': self.get_result() + reference_points}
+ self.observable.notify_all(**observable_data)
+ def initialize_global_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ for particle in swarm:
+ for leader in self.leaders:
+ leader.add(copy(particle))
+ def update_global_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ for particle in swarm:
+ for leader in self.leaders:
+ leader.add(copy(particle))
+ def get_result(self) -> List[FloatSolution]:
+ result = []
+ for leader in self.leaders:
+ for solution in leader.solution_list:
+ result.append(solution)
+ return result
+ def select_global_best(self) -> FloatSolution:
+ selected = False
+ selected_swarm_index = 0
+ while not selected:
+ selected_swarm_index = random.randint(0, len(self.leaders) - 1)
+ if len(self.leaders[selected_swarm_index].solution_list) != 0:
+ selected = True
+ leaders = self.leaders[selected_swarm_index].solution_list
+ if len(leaders) > 2:
+ particles = random.sample(leaders, 2)
+ if self.leaders[selected_swarm_index].comparator.compare(particles[0], particles[1]) < 1:
+ best_global = copy(particles[0])
+ else:
+ best_global = copy(particles[1])
+ else:
+ best_global = copy(self.leaders[selected_swarm_index].solution_list[0])
+ return best_global
diff --git a/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/test/test_smpo.py b/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/test/test_smpo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e62a3ae0..00000000
--- a/jmetal/algorithm/multiobjective/test/test_smpo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import numpy
-from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.smpso import SMPSO
-from jmetal.component.archive import BoundedArchive
-from jmetal.core.problem import Problem
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-class SMPSOTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def test_should_constructor_create_a_valid_object(self):
- problem = self.__DummyFloatProblem()
- algorithm = SMPSO(
- problem=problem,
- swarm_size=100,
- max_evaluations=200,
- mutation=Polynomial(probability=1.0/problem.number_of_variables),
- leaders=BoundedArchive[FloatSolution](100)
- )
- self.assertEqual(1.5, algorithm.c1_min)
- self.assertEqual(2.5, algorithm.c1_max)
- self.assertEqual(1.5, algorithm.c2_min)
- self.assertEqual(2.5, algorithm.c2_max)
- self.assertEqual(0.1, algorithm.min_weight)
- self.assertEqual(0.1, algorithm.max_weight)
- self.assertEqual(-1.0, algorithm.change_velocity1)
- self.assertEqual(-1.0, algorithm.change_velocity2)
- self.assertEqual(200, algorithm.max_evaluations)
- self.assertEqual((100, 2), algorithm.speed.shape)
- numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(numpy.array([2.0, 2.0]), algorithm.delta_max)
- numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(algorithm.delta_max * -1.0, algorithm.delta_min)
- class __DummyFloatProblem(Problem[FloatSolution]):
- def __init__(self):
- self.number_of_variables = 2
- self.number_of_objectives = 2
- self.number_of_constraints = 0
- self.lower_bound = [-2.0 for i in range(self.number_of_variables)]
- self.upper_bound = [2.0 for i in range(self.number_of_variables)]
- FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
- FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/jmetal/algorithm/singleobjective/evolutionaryalgorithm.py b/jmetal/algorithm/singleobjective/evolutionaryalgorithm.py
index 14a91977..12c60201 100644
--- a/jmetal/algorithm/singleobjective/evolutionaryalgorithm.py
+++ b/jmetal/algorithm/singleobjective/evolutionaryalgorithm.py
@@ -1,27 +1,35 @@
from copy import copy
from typing import TypeVar, List
-from jmetal.component.evaluator import Evaluator, SequentialEvaluator
+from jmetal.component.evaluator import Evaluator
from jmetal.core.algorithm import EvolutionaryAlgorithm
from jmetal.core.operator import Mutation, Crossover, Selection
from jmetal.core.problem import Problem
-from jmetal.util.observable import Observable, DefaultObservable
S = TypeVar('S')
R = TypeVar('R')
+.. module:: evolutionary_algorithm
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Implementation of Evolutionary Algorithms.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class ElitistEvolutionStrategy(EvolutionaryAlgorithm[S, R]):
def __init__(self,
problem: Problem[S],
mu: int,
- lambdA: int,
+ lambd_a: int,
max_evaluations: int,
mutation: Mutation[S]):
super(ElitistEvolutionStrategy, self).__init__()
self.problem = problem
self.mu = mu
- self.lambdA = lambdA
+ self.lambd_a = lambd_a
self.max_evaluations = max_evaluations
self.mutation = mutation
@@ -29,7 +37,7 @@ def init_progress(self):
self.evaluations = self.mu
def update_progress(self):
- self.evaluations += self.lambdA
+ self.evaluations += self.lambd_a
def is_stopping_condition_reached(self) -> bool:
return self.evaluations >= self.max_evaluations
@@ -40,25 +48,24 @@ def create_initial_population(self) -> List[S]:
return population
- def evaluate_population(self, population: List[S]):
+ def evaluate_population(self, population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
for solution in population:
return population
- def selection(self, population: List[S]):
+ def selection(self, population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
return population
- def reproduction(self, population: List[S]):
+ def reproduction(self, population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
offspring_population = []
for solution in population:
- for j in range((int)(self.lambdA / self.mu)):
+ for j in range(int(self.lambd_a / self.mu)):
new_solution = copy(solution)
return offspring_population
- def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) \
- -> List[S]:
+ def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
for solution in offspring_population:
@@ -73,21 +80,21 @@ def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) \
def get_result(self) -> R:
return self.population[0]
- def get_name(self):
- return "(" + str(self.mu) + "+" + str(self.lambdA) + ")ES"
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Elitist evolution Strategy'
class NonElitistEvolutionStrategy(ElitistEvolutionStrategy[S, R]):
def __init__(self,
problem: Problem[S],
- mu: int, lambdA: int,
+ mu: int,
+ lambd_a: int,
max_evaluations: int,
mutation: Mutation[S]):
- super(NonElitistEvolutionStrategy, self).__init__(problem, mu, lambdA,
- max_evaluations, mutation)
+ super(NonElitistEvolutionStrategy, self).__init__(problem, mu, lambd_a, max_evaluations, mutation)
- def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) \
- -> List[S]:
+ def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
offspring_population.sort(key=lambda s: s.objectives[0])
new_population = []
@@ -97,10 +104,11 @@ def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) \
return new_population
def get_name(self) -> str:
- return "(" + str(self.mu) + "," + str(self.lambdA) + ")ES"
+ return 'Non-Elitist evolution Strategy'
class GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm(EvolutionaryAlgorithm[S, R]):
def __init__(self,
problem: Problem[S],
population_size: int,
@@ -108,17 +116,15 @@ def __init__(self,
mutation: Mutation[S],
crossover: Crossover[S, S],
selection: Selection[List[S], S],
- observable: Observable = DefaultObservable(),
- evaluator: Evaluator[S] = SequentialEvaluator[S]()):
- super(GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm, self).__init__(evaluator)
+ evaluator: Evaluator[S]):
+ super(GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm, self).__init__()
self.problem = problem
self.population_size = population_size
self.max_evaluations = max_evaluations
self.mutation_operator = mutation
self.crossover_operator = crossover
self.selection_operator = selection
- self.evaluations = 0
- self.observable = observable
+ self.evaluator = evaluator
def init_progress(self):
self.evaluations = self.population_size
@@ -127,9 +133,9 @@ def update_progress(self):
self.evaluations += self.population_size
observable_data = {'evaluations': self.evaluations,
- 'population': self.population,
- 'computing time': self.get_current_computing_time()}
+ 'computing time': self.get_current_computing_time(),
+ 'population': self.population}
def is_stopping_condition_reached(self) -> bool:
@@ -157,7 +163,7 @@ def selection(self, population: List[S]):
def reproduction(self, population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
number_of_parents_to_combine = self.crossover_operator.get_number_of_parents()
- self.__check_number_of_parents(population, number_of_parents_to_combine)
+ self.__check_number_of_parents(number_of_parents_to_combine)
offspring_population = []
for i in range(0, self.population_size, number_of_parents_to_combine):
@@ -173,8 +179,7 @@ def reproduction(self, population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
return offspring_population
- def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) \
- -> List[S]:
+ def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
population.sort(key=lambda s: s.objectives[0])
@@ -192,10 +197,9 @@ def get_result(self) -> R:
return self.population[0]
- def get_name(self) -> str:
- return "Generational Genetic Algorithm"
- def __check_number_of_parents(self, population: List[S], number_of_parents_for_crossover: int):
+ def __check_number_of_parents(self, number_of_parents_for_crossover: int):
if self.population_size % number_of_parents_for_crossover != 0:
- raise Exception("Wrong number of parents")
+ raise Exception('Wrong number of parents')
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Generational Genetic Algorithm'
diff --git a/jmetal/component/__init__.py b/jmetal/component/__init__.py
index e69de29b..084c20c0 100644
--- a/jmetal/component/__init__.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from .archive import BoundedArchive, NonDominatedSolutionListArchive, CrowdingDistanceArchive, \
+ CrowdingDistanceArchiveWithReferencePoint
+from .comparator import EqualSolutionsComparator, SolutionAttributeComparator, RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator, \
+ DominanceComparator
+from .density_estimator import CrowdingDistance
+from .evaluator import SequentialEvaluator, MapEvaluator
+from .observer import ProgressBarObserver, BasicAlgorithmObserver, WriteFrontToFileObserver, VisualizerObserver
+from .quality_indicator import HyperVolume
+from .ranking import FastNonDominatedRanking
+__all__ = [
+ 'BoundedArchive', 'NonDominatedSolutionListArchive', 'CrowdingDistanceArchive',
+ 'CrowdingDistanceArchiveWithReferencePoint',
+ 'EqualSolutionsComparator', 'SolutionAttributeComparator', 'RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator',
+ 'DominanceComparator',
+ 'CrowdingDistance',
+ 'SequentialEvaluator', 'MapEvaluator',
+ 'ProgressBarObserver', 'BasicAlgorithmObserver', 'WriteFrontToFileObserver', 'VisualizerObserver',
+ 'HyperVolume',
+ 'FastNonDominatedRanking'
diff --git a/jmetal/component/archive.py b/jmetal/component/archive.py
index 77c8c552..8236d02b 100644
--- a/jmetal/component/archive.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/archive.py
@@ -1,52 +1,91 @@
+import random
+import copy
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List
-from jmetal.component.density_estimator import CrowdingDistance
-from jmetal.util.comparator import DominanceComparator, EqualSolutionsComparator, SolutionAttributeComparator
+from jmetal.component.density_estimator import CrowdingDistance, DensityEstimator
+from jmetal.component.comparator import Comparator, DominanceComparator, EqualSolutionsComparator, \
+ SolutionAttributeComparator
S = TypeVar('S')
+.. module:: archive
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Archive implementation.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class Archive(Generic[S]):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
self.solution_list: List[S] = []
+ @abstractmethod
def add(self, solution: S) -> bool:
- def get(self, index:int) -> S:
+ def get(self, index: int) -> S:
return self.solution_list[index]
- def get_solution_list(self) -> List[S]:
- return self.solution_list
def size(self) -> int:
return len(self.solution_list)
- def get_comparator(self):
- pass
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return self.__class__.__name__
class BoundedArchive(Archive[S]):
- def __init__(self, maximum_size: int):
+ def __init__(self,
+ maximum_size: int,
+ comparator: Comparator[S]=None,
+ density_estimator: DensityEstimator=None):
super(BoundedArchive, self).__init__()
self.maximum_size = maximum_size
- def get_max_size(self) -> int:
- return self.maximum_size
+ self.comparator = comparator
+ self.density_estimator = density_estimator
+ self.non_dominated_solution_archive = NonDominatedSolutionListArchive()
+ self.solution_list = self.non_dominated_solution_archive.solution_list
def compute_density_estimator(self):
- pass
+ self.density_estimator.compute_density_estimator(self.solution_list)
- def sort(self):
- pass
+ def add(self, solution: S) -> bool:
+ success = self.non_dominated_solution_archive.add(solution)
+ if success:
+ if self.size() > self.maximum_size:
+ self.compute_density_estimator()
+ worst_solution = self.__find_worst_solution(self.solution_list)
+ self.solution_list.remove(worst_solution)
+ return success
+ def __find_worst_solution(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> S:
+ if solution_list is None:
+ raise Exception("The solution list is None")
+ elif len(solution_list) is 0:
+ raise Exception("The solution list is empty")
+ worst_solution = solution_list[0]
+ for solution in solution_list[1:]:
+ if self.comparator.compare(worst_solution, solution) < 0:
+ worst_solution = solution
+ return worst_solution
class NonDominatedSolutionListArchive(Archive[S]):
def __init__(self):
super(NonDominatedSolutionListArchive, self).__init__()
self.comparator = DominanceComparator()
- def add(self, solution:S) -> bool:
+ def add(self, solution: S) -> bool:
is_dominated = False
is_contained = False
@@ -76,44 +115,92 @@ def add(self, solution:S) -> bool:
return False
- def get_comparator(self):
- return self.comparator
class CrowdingDistanceArchive(BoundedArchive[S]):
- def __init__(self, maximum_size: int):
- super(CrowdingDistanceArchive, self).__init__(maximum_size)
- self.__non_dominated_solution_archive = NonDominatedSolutionListArchive[S]()
- self.__comparator = SolutionAttributeComparator("crowding_distance", lowest_is_best=False)
- self.__crowding_distance = CrowdingDistance()
- self.solution_list = self.__non_dominated_solution_archive.get_solution_list()
+ def __init__(self,
+ maximum_size: int):
+ super(CrowdingDistanceArchive, self).__init__(
+ maximum_size=maximum_size,
+ comparator=SolutionAttributeComparator("crowding_distance", lowest_is_best=False),
+ density_estimator=CrowdingDistance())
+class ArchiveWithReferencePoint(BoundedArchive[S]):
+ def __init__(self,
+ maximum_size: int,
+ reference_point: List[float],
+ comparator: Comparator[S],
+ density_estimator: DensityEstimator):
+ super(ArchiveWithReferencePoint, self).__init__(maximum_size, comparator, density_estimator)
+ self.__reference_point = reference_point
+ self.__comparator = comparator
+ self.__density_estimator = density_estimator
+ self.__reference_point_solution = None
def add(self, solution: S) -> bool:
- success: bool = self.__non_dominated_solution_archive.add(solution)
- if success:
- if self.size() > self.get_max_size():
- self.compute_density_estimator()
- worst_solution = self.__find_worst_solution(self.get_solution_list())
- self.get_solution_list().remove(worst_solution)
+ if self.__reference_point_solution is None:
+ self.__reference_point_solution = copy.deepcopy(solution)
+ self.__reference_point_solution.objectives = [value for value in self.__reference_point]
+ dominated_solution = None
+ if self.__dominance_test(solution, self.__reference_point_solution) == 0:
+ if len(self.solution_list) == 0:
+ result = True
+ else:
+ if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < 0.05:
+ result = True
+ dominated_solution = solution
+ else:
+ result = False
+ else:
+ result = True
- return success
+ if result:
+ result = super(ArchiveWithReferencePoint, self).add(solution)
- def compute_density_estimator(self):
- self.__crowding_distance.compute_density_estimator(self.get_solution_list())
+ if result and dominated_solution is not None and len(self.solution_list) > 1:
+ self.solution_list.remove(dominated_solution)
- def __find_worst_solution(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> S:
- if solution_list is None:
- raise Exception("The solution list is None")
- elif len(solution_list) is 0:
- raise Exception("The solution list is empty")
+ if result and len(self.solution_list) > self.maximum_size:
+ self.compute_density_estimator()
- worst_solution = solution_list[0]
- for solution in solution_list[1:]:
- if self.__comparator.compare(worst_solution, solution) < 0:
- worst_solution = solution
+ return result
- return worst_solution
+ def get_reference_point(self)->List[float]:
+ return self.__reference_point
+ def __dominance_test(self, solution1: S, solution2: S) -> int:
+ best_is_one = 0
+ best_is_two = 0
+ for value1, value2 in zip(solution1.objectives, solution2.objectives):
+ if value1 != value2:
+ if value1 < value2:
+ best_is_one = 1
+ if value2 < value1:
+ best_is_two = 1
+ if best_is_one > best_is_two:
+ result = -1
+ elif best_is_two > best_is_one:
+ result = 1
+ else:
+ result = 0
+ return result
+class CrowdingDistanceArchiveWithReferencePoint(ArchiveWithReferencePoint[S]):
- def get_comparator(self):
- return self.__comparator
+ def __init__(self,
+ maximum_size: int,
+ reference_point: List[float]):
+ super(CrowdingDistanceArchiveWithReferencePoint, self).__init__(
+ maximum_size=maximum_size,
+ reference_point=reference_point,
+ comparator=SolutionAttributeComparator("crowding_distance", lowest_is_best=False),
+ density_estimator=CrowdingDistance())
diff --git a/jmetal/util/comparator.py b/jmetal/component/comparator.py
similarity index 78%
rename from jmetal/util/comparator.py
rename to jmetal/component/comparator.py
index 0e547453..3861355e 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/comparator.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/comparator.py
@@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
-from typing import TypeVar
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from typing import TypeVar, Generic
from jmetal.core.solution import Solution
S = TypeVar('S')
-class Comparator():
- def compare(self, object1: S, object2: S) -> int:
+class Comparator(Generic[S]):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ @abstractmethod
+ def compare(self, solution1: S, solution2: S) -> int:
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return self.__class__.__name__
+class EqualSolutionsComparator(Comparator):
-class EqualSolutionsComparator():
def compare(self, solution1: Solution, solution2: Solution) -> int:
if solution1 is None:
return 1
@@ -24,7 +33,7 @@ def compare(self, solution1: Solution, solution2: Solution) -> int:
value1 = solution1.objectives[i]
value2 = solution2.objectives[i]
- if value1 value2:
flag = 1
@@ -43,26 +52,9 @@ def compare(self, solution1: Solution, solution2: Solution) -> int:
elif dominate2 == 1:
return 1
-class DominanceRankingComparator(Comparator):
- def compare(self, solution1: Solution, solution2: Solution) -> int:
- rank1 = solution1.attributes.get("dominance_ranking")
- rank2 = solution1.attributes.get("dominance_ranking")
- result = 0
- if rank1 is not None or rank2 is not None:
- if rank1 < rank2:
- result = -1
- elif rank1 > rank2:
- result = 1
- else:
- result = 0
- return result
+class SolutionAttributeComparator(Comparator):
-class SolutionAttributeComparator():
def __init__(self, key: str, lowest_is_best: bool = True):
self.key = key
self.lowest_is_best = lowest_is_best
@@ -104,8 +96,9 @@ def compare(self, solution1: Solution, solution2: Solution) -> int:
return result
-class DominanceComparator():
- def __init__(self, constraint_comparator = SolutionAttributeComparator("overall_constraint_violation", lowest_is_best=False)):
+class DominanceComparator(Comparator):
+ def __init__(self, constraint_comparator=SolutionAttributeComparator("overall_constraint_violation", False)):
self.constraint_comparator = constraint_comparator
def compare(self, solution1: Solution, solution2: Solution) -> int:
@@ -122,7 +115,7 @@ def compare(self, solution1: Solution, solution2: Solution) -> int:
return result
- def __dominance_test(self, solution1, solution2) -> float:
+ def __dominance_test(self, solution1: Solution, solution2: Solution) -> float:
best_is_one = 0
best_is_two = 0
@@ -142,4 +135,4 @@ def __dominance_test(self, solution1, solution2) -> float:
result = 0
- return result
\ No newline at end of file
+ return result
diff --git a/jmetal/component/density_estimator.py b/jmetal/component/density_estimator.py
index b8e842fc..31c3b86a 100644
--- a/jmetal/component/density_estimator.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/density_estimator.py
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import logging
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import TypeVar, List
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
S = TypeVar('S')
@@ -11,14 +14,14 @@
.. moduleauthor:: Álvaro Gómez Jáuregui
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DensityEstimator(List[S]):
"""This is the interface of any density estimator algorithm.
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ @abstractmethod
def compute_density_estimator(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> float:
@@ -28,48 +31,49 @@ class CrowdingDistance(DensityEstimator[List[S]]):
In consequence, the main method of this class is :func:`compute_density_estimator`.
- def compute_density_estimator(self, solution_list: List[S]):
+ def compute_density_estimator(self, front: List[S]):
"""This function performs the computation of the crowding density estimation over the solution list.
- .. note::
- This method assign the distance in the inner elements of the solution list.
- :param solution_list: The list of solutions.
+ .. note::
+ This method assign the distance in the inner elements of the solution list.
+ :param front: The list of solutions.
- size = len(solution_list)
+ size = len(front)
if size is 0:
elif size is 1:
- solution_list[0].attributes["crowding_distance"] = float("inf")
+ front[0].attributes['crowding_distance'] = float("inf")
elif size is 2:
- solution_list[0].attributes["crowding_distance"] = float("inf")
- solution_list[1].attributes["crowding_distance"] = float("inf")
+ front[0].attributes['crowding_distance'] = float("inf")
+ front[1].attributes['crowding_distance'] = float("inf")
- for i in range(len(solution_list)):
- solution_list[i].attributes["crowding_distance"] = 0.0
+ for i in range(len(front)):
+ front[i].attributes['crowding_distance'] = 0.0
- number_of_objectives = solution_list[0].number_of_objectives
+ number_of_objectives = front[0].number_of_objectives
for i in range(number_of_objectives):
# Sort the population by Obj n
- solution_list = sorted(solution_list, key=lambda x: x.objectives[i])
- objective_minn = solution_list[0].objectives[i]
- objective_maxn = solution_list[len(solution_list) - 1].objectives[i]
+ front = sorted(front, key=lambda x: x.objectives[i])
+ objective_minn = front[0].objectives[i]
+ objective_maxn = front[len(front) - 1].objectives[i]
# Set de crowding distance
- solution_list[0].attributes["crowding_distance"] = float("inf")
- solution_list[size - 1].attributes["crowding_distance"] = float("inf")
+ front[0].attributes['crowding_distance'] = float('inf')
+ front[size - 1].attributes['crowding_distance'] = float('inf')
for j in range(1, size - 1):
- distance = solution_list[j + 1].objectives[i] - solution_list[j - 1].objectives[i]
+ distance = front[j + 1].objectives[i] - front[j - 1].objectives[i]
# Check if minimum and maximum are the same (in which case do nothing)
if objective_maxn - objective_minn == 0:
- logger.info("Minimum and maximum are the same!")
+ logger.warning('Minimum and maximum are the same!')
distance = distance / (objective_maxn - objective_minn)
- distance += solution_list[j].attributes["crowding_distance"]
- solution_list[j].attributes["crowding_distance"] = distance
+ distance += front[j].attributes['crowding_distance']
+ front[j].attributes['crowding_distance'] = distance
diff --git a/jmetal/component/evaluator.py b/jmetal/component/evaluator.py
index 3ab4641d..3094be0c 100644
--- a/jmetal/component/evaluator.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/evaluator.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from typing import TypeVar, List, Generic
@@ -7,6 +8,10 @@
class Evaluator(Generic[S]):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ @abstractmethod
def evaluate(self, solution_list: List[S], problem: Problem) -> List[S]:
@@ -16,8 +21,12 @@ def evaluate_solution(solution: S, problem: Problem) -> None:
if problem.number_of_constraints > 0:
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return self.__class__.__name__
class SequentialEvaluator(Evaluator[S]):
def evaluate(self, solution_list: List[S], problem: Problem) -> List[S]:
for solution in solution_list:
Evaluator.evaluate_solution(solution, problem)
@@ -25,7 +34,8 @@ def evaluate(self, solution_list: List[S], problem: Problem) -> List[S]:
return solution_list
-class ParallelEvaluator(Evaluator[S]):
+class MapEvaluator(Evaluator[S]):
def __init__(self, processes=None):
self.pool = ThreadPool(processes)
diff --git a/jmetal/component/observer.py b/jmetal/component/observer.py
index 9b5e953f..5a8ff12e 100644
--- a/jmetal/component/observer.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/observer.py
@@ -1,56 +1,93 @@
import logging
import os
-from jmetal.util.observable import Observer
-from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionListOutput
+from tqdm import tqdm
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from jmetal.core.problem import Problem
+from jmetal.util.graphic import ScatterMatplotlib
+from jmetal.core.observable import Observer
+from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionList
+jMetalPyLogger = logging.getLogger('jMetalPy')
+.. module:: observer
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Implementation of algorithm's observers.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
+class ProgressBarObserver(Observer):
+ def __init__(self, step: int, maximum: int, desc: str= 'Progress') -> None:
+ self.progress_bar = tqdm(total=maximum, initial=step, ascii=True, desc=desc)
+ self.progress = step
+ self.step = step
+ self.maxx = maximum
+ def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.progress_bar.update(self.step)
+ self.progress += self.step
+ if self.progress >= self.maxx:
+ self.progress_bar.close()
class BasicAlgorithmObserver(Observer):
def __init__(self, frequency: float = 1.0) -> None:
self.display_frequency = frequency
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
- evaluations = kwargs["evaluations"]
+ computing_time = kwargs['computing time']
+ evaluations = kwargs['evaluations']
+ front = kwargs['population']
if (evaluations % self.display_frequency) == 0:
- logger.info("Evaluations: " + str(evaluations) +
- ". Best fitness: " + str(kwargs["population"][0].objectives) +
- ". Computing time: " + str(kwargs["computing time"]))
+ jMetalPyLogger.debug(
+ 'Evaluations: {0} \n Best fitness: {1} \n Computing time: {2}'.format(
+ evaluations, front[0].objectives, computing_time
+ )
+ )
class WriteFrontToFileObserver(Observer):
def __init__(self, output_directory) -> None:
self.counter = 0
self.directory = output_directory
if os.path.isdir(self.directory):
- logger.info("Directory " + self.directory + " exists. Removing contents.")
+ jMetalPyLogger.warning('Directory {0} exists. Removing contents.'.format(self.directory))
for file in os.listdir(self.directory):
- os.remove(self.directory + "/" + file)
+ os.remove('{0}/{1}'.format(self.directory, file))
- logger.info("Directory " + self.directory + " does not exist. Creating it.")
+ jMetalPyLogger.warning('Directory {0} does not exist. Creating it.'.format(self.directory))
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
- SolutionListOutput.print_function_values_to_file(
- self.directory + "/FUN." + str(self.counter), kwargs["population"])
+ front = kwargs['population']
+ SolutionList.print_function_values_to_file(front, '{0}/FUN.{1}'.format(self.directory, self.counter))
self.counter += 1
-class AlgorithmObserver(Observer):
- def __init__(self, animation_speed: float, frequency: float = 1.0) -> None:
- self.animation_speed = animation_speed
- self.display_frequency = frequency
+class VisualizerObserver(Observer):
+ def __init__(self, problem: Problem, replace: bool=True) -> None:
+ self.display_frequency = 1.0
+ self.replace = replace
+ self.reference = problem.get_reference_front()
+ self.plot = ScatterMatplotlib('jMetalPy', problem.number_of_objectives)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
- evaluations = kwargs["evaluations"]
- population = kwargs["population"]
- computing_time = kwargs["computing time"]
+ computing_time = kwargs['computing time']
+ evaluations = kwargs['evaluations']
+ front = kwargs['population']
+ title = '{0}, Eval: {1}, Time: {2}'.format('VisualizerObserver', evaluations, computing_time)
if (evaluations % self.display_frequency) == 0:
- SolutionListOutput.plot_scatter_real_time(population, evaluations, computing_time,
- self.animation_speed)
+ self.plot.update(front, self.reference, new_title=title, persistence=self.replace)
diff --git a/jmetal/component/quality_indicator.py b/jmetal/component/quality_indicator.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ce33951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/component/quality_indicator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from typing import List, TypeVar
+from jmetal.core.solution import Solution
+.. module:: indicators
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Quality indicators implementation.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio Benítez-Hidalgo , Simon Wessing
+S = TypeVar('S')
+class Metric:
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return self.__class__.__name__
+class HyperVolume(Metric):
+ """ Hypervolume computation based on variant 3 of the algorithm in the paper:
+ * C. M. Fonseca, L. Paquete, and M. Lopez-Ibanez. An improved dimension-sweep
+ algorithm for the hypervolume indicator. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
+ Computation, pages 1157-1163, Vancouver, Canada, July 2006.
+ Minimization is implicitly assumed here!
+ """
+ def __init__(self, reference_point: list):
+ """Constructor."""
+ self.referencePoint = reference_point
+ self.list: MultiList = []
+ def compute(self, front: List[Solution]):
+ """Before the HV computation, front and reference point are translated, so
+ that the reference point is [0, ..., 0].
+ :return: The hypervolume that is dominated by a non-dominated front.
+ """
+ def get_variables() -> list:
+ result = []
+ for solution in front:
+ result.append(solution.objectives)
+ return result
+ front = get_variables()
+ def weakly_dominates(point, other):
+ for i in range(len(point)):
+ if point[i] > other[i]:
+ return False
+ return True
+ relevant_points = []
+ reference_point = self.referencePoint
+ dimensions = len(reference_point)
+ for point in front:
+ # only consider points that dominate the reference point
+ if weakly_dominates(point, reference_point):
+ relevant_points.append(point)
+ if any(reference_point):
+ # shift points so that reference_point == [0, ..., 0]
+ # this way the reference point doesn't have to be explicitly used
+ # in the HV computation
+ for j in range(len(relevant_points)):
+ relevant_points[j] = [relevant_points[j][i] - reference_point[i] for i in range(dimensions)]
+ self._pre_process(relevant_points)
+ bounds = [-1.0e308] * dimensions
+ return self._hv_recursive(dimensions - 1, len(relevant_points), bounds)
+ def _hv_recursive(self, dim_index: int, length: int, bounds: list):
+ """Recursive call to hypervolume calculation.
+ In contrast to the paper, the code assumes that the reference point
+ is [0, ..., 0]. This allows the avoidance of a few operations.
+ """
+ hvol = 0.0
+ sentinel = self.list.sentinel
+ if length == 0:
+ return hvol
+ elif dim_index == 0:
+ # special case: only one dimension
+ # why using hypervolume at all?
+ return -sentinel.next[0].cargo[0]
+ elif dim_index == 1:
+ # special case: two dimensions, end recursion
+ q = sentinel.next[1]
+ h = q.cargo[0]
+ p = q.next[1]
+ while p is not sentinel:
+ p_cargo = p.cargo
+ hvol += h * (q.cargo[1] - p_cargo[1])
+ if p_cargo[0] < h:
+ h = p_cargo[0]
+ q = p
+ p = q.next[1]
+ hvol += h * q.cargo[1]
+ return hvol
+ else:
+ remove = self.list.remove
+ reinsert = self.list.reinsert
+ hv_recursive = self._hv_recursive
+ p = sentinel
+ q = p.prev[dim_index]
+ while q.cargo is not None:
+ if q.ignore < dim_index:
+ q.ignore = 0
+ q = q.prev[dim_index]
+ q = p.prev[dim_index]
+ while length > 1 and (
+ q.cargo[dim_index] > bounds[dim_index] or q.prev[dim_index].cargo[dim_index] >= bounds[dim_index]):
+ p = q
+ remove(p, dim_index, bounds)
+ q = p.prev[dim_index]
+ length -= 1
+ q_area = q.area
+ q_cargo = q.cargo
+ q_prev_dim_index = q.prev[dim_index]
+ if length > 1:
+ hvol = q_prev_dim_index.volume[dim_index] + q_prev_dim_index.area[dim_index] * (
+ q_cargo[dim_index] - q_prev_dim_index.cargo[dim_index])
+ else:
+ q_area[0] = 1
+ q_area[1:dim_index + 1] = [q_area[i] * -q_cargo[i] for i in range(dim_index)]
+ q.volume[dim_index] = hvol
+ if q.ignore >= dim_index:
+ q_area[dim_index] = q_prev_dim_index.area[dim_index]
+ else:
+ q_area[dim_index] = hv_recursive(dim_index - 1, length, bounds)
+ if q_area[dim_index] <= q_prev_dim_index.area[dim_index]:
+ q.ignore = dim_index
+ while p is not sentinel:
+ p_cargo_dim_index = p.cargo[dim_index]
+ hvol += q.area[dim_index] * (p_cargo_dim_index - q.cargo[dim_index])
+ bounds[dim_index] = p_cargo_dim_index
+ reinsert(p, dim_index, bounds)
+ length += 1
+ q = p
+ p = p.next[dim_index]
+ q.volume[dim_index] = hvol
+ if q.ignore >= dim_index:
+ q.area[dim_index] = q.prev[dim_index].area[dim_index]
+ else:
+ q.area[dim_index] = hv_recursive(dim_index - 1, length, bounds)
+ if q.area[dim_index] <= q.prev[dim_index].area[dim_index]:
+ q.ignore = dim_index
+ hvol -= q.area[dim_index] * q.cargo[dim_index]
+ return hvol
+ def _pre_process(self, front):
+ """Sets up the list front structure needed for calculation."""
+ dimensions = len(self.referencePoint)
+ node_list = MultiList(dimensions)
+ nodes = [MultiList.Node(dimensions, point) for point in front]
+ for i in range(dimensions):
+ self._sort_by_dimension(nodes, i)
+ node_list.extend(nodes, i)
+ self.list = node_list
+ def _sort_by_dimension(self, nodes, i):
+ """Sorts the list of nodes by the i-th value of the contained points."""
+ # build a list of tuples of (point[i], node)
+ decorated = [(node.cargo[i], node) for node in nodes]
+ # sort by this value
+ decorated.sort()
+ # write back to original list
+ nodes[:] = [node for (_, node) in decorated]
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Hypervolume'
+class MultiList:
+ """A special front structure needed by FonsecaHyperVolume.
+ It consists of several doubly linked lists that share common nodes. So,
+ every node has multiple predecessors and successors, one in every list.
+ """
+ class Node:
+ def __init__(self, number_lists, cargo=None):
+ self.cargo = cargo
+ self.next = [None] * number_lists
+ self.prev = [None] * number_lists
+ self.ignore = 0
+ self.area = [0.0] * number_lists
+ self.volume = [0.0] * number_lists
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.cargo)
+ def __init__(self, number_lists):
+ """ Builds 'numberLists' doubly linked lists.
+ """
+ self.number_lists = number_lists
+ self.sentinel = MultiList.Node(number_lists)
+ self.sentinel.next = [self.sentinel] * number_lists
+ self.sentinel.prev = [self.sentinel] * number_lists
+ def __str__(self):
+ strings = []
+ for i in range(self.number_lists):
+ current_list = []
+ node = self.sentinel.next[i]
+ while node != self.sentinel:
+ current_list.append(str(node))
+ node = node.next[i]
+ strings.append(str(current_list))
+ string_repr = ""
+ for string in strings:
+ string_repr += string + "\n"
+ return string_repr
+ def __len__(self):
+ """Returns the number of lists that are included in this MultiList."""
+ return self.number_lists
+ def get_length(self, i):
+ """Returns the length of the i-th list."""
+ length = 0
+ sentinel = self.sentinel
+ node = sentinel.next[i]
+ while node != sentinel:
+ length += 1
+ node = node.next[i]
+ return length
+ def append(self, node, index):
+ """ Appends a node to the end of the list at the given index."""
+ last_but_one = self.sentinel.prev[index]
+ node.next[index] = self.sentinel
+ node.prev[index] = last_but_one
+ # set the last element as the new one
+ self.sentinel.prev[index] = node
+ last_but_one.next[index] = node
+ def extend(self, nodes, index):
+ """ Extends the list at the given index with the nodes."""
+ sentinel = self.sentinel
+ for node in nodes:
+ last_but_one = sentinel.prev[index]
+ node.next[index] = sentinel
+ node.prev[index] = last_but_one
+ # set the last element as the new one
+ sentinel.prev[index] = node
+ last_but_one.next[index] = node
+ def remove(self, node, index, bounds):
+ """ Removes and returns 'node' from all lists in [0, 'index'[."""
+ for i in range(index):
+ predecessor = node.prev[i]
+ successor = node.next[i]
+ predecessor.next[i] = successor
+ successor.prev[i] = predecessor
+ if bounds[i] > node.cargo[i]:
+ bounds[i] = node.cargo[i]
+ return node
+ def reinsert(self, node, index, bounds):
+ """ Inserts 'node' at the position it had in all lists in [0, 'index'[
+ before it was removed. This method assumes that the next and previous
+ nodes of the node that is reinserted are in the list.
+ """
+ for i in range(index):
+ node.prev[i].next[i] = node
+ node.next[i].prev[i] = node
+ if bounds[i] > node.cargo[i]:
+ bounds[i] = node.cargo[i]
diff --git a/jmetal/util/ranking.py b/jmetal/component/ranking.py
similarity index 52%
rename from jmetal/util/ranking.py
rename to jmetal/component/ranking.py
index af25dd49..bf3d23aa 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/ranking.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/ranking.py
@@ -1,89 +1,93 @@
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import TypeVar, List
-from jmetal.util.comparator import DominanceComparator
+from jmetal.component.comparator import DominanceComparator
S = TypeVar('S')
class Ranking(List[S]):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
- self.number_of_comparions = 0
+ super(Ranking, self).__init__()
+ self.number_of_comparisons = 0
self.ranked_sublists = []
+ @abstractmethod
def compute_ranking(self, solution_list: List[S]):
def get_subfront(self, rank: int):
if rank >= len(self.ranked_sublists):
- raise Exception("Invalid rank: " + str(rank) + ". Max rank = " + str(len(self.ranked_sublists) -1))
+ raise Exception('Invalid rank: {0}. Max rank: {1}'.format(rank, len(self.ranked_sublists) - 1))
return self.ranked_sublists[rank]
def get_number_of_subfronts(self):
return len(self.ranked_sublists)
- def get_number_of_comparions(self) -> int:
- return self.number_of_comparisons
class FastNonDominatedRanking(Ranking[List[S]]):
- """ Class implementing the non-dominated ranking of NSGA-II"""
+ """ Class implementing the non-dominated ranking of NSGA-II. """
def __init__(self):
super(FastNonDominatedRanking, self).__init__()
def compute_ranking(self, solution_list: List[S]):
# number of solutions dominating solution ith
- dominate_me = [0 for i in range(len(solution_list))]
+ dominating_ith = [0 for _ in range(len(solution_list))]
# list of solutions dominated by solution ith
- i_dominate = [[] for i in range(len(solution_list))]
+ ith_dominated = [[] for _ in range(len(solution_list))]
# front[i] contains the list of solutions belonging to front i
- front = [[] for i in range(len(solution_list) + 1)]
+ front = [[] for _ in range(len(solution_list) + 1)]
for p in range(len(solution_list) - 1):
for q in range(p + 1, len(solution_list)):
dominance_test_result = DominanceComparator().compare(solution_list[p], solution_list[q])
- self.number_of_comparions += 1
- if dominance_test_result is -1:
- i_dominate[p].append(q)
- dominate_me[q] += 1
+ self.number_of_comparisons += 1
+ if dominance_test_result == -1:
+ ith_dominated[p].append(q)
+ dominating_ith[q] += 1
elif dominance_test_result is 1:
- i_dominate[q].append(p)
- dominate_me[p] += 1
+ ith_dominated[q].append(p)
+ dominating_ith[p] += 1
for i in range(len(solution_list)):
- if dominate_me[i] is 0:
+ if dominating_ith[i] is 0:
- solution_list[i].attributes["dominance_ranking"] = 0
+ solution_list[i].attributes['dominance_ranking'] = 0
i = 0
while len(front[i]) != 0:
i += 1
for p in front[i - 1]:
- if p <= len(i_dominate):
- for q in i_dominate[p]:
- index = q
- dominate_me[index] -= 1
- if dominate_me[index] is 0:
- front[i].append(index)
- solution_list[index].attributes["dominance_ranking"] = i
+ if p <= len(ith_dominated):
+ for q in ith_dominated[p]:
+ dominating_ith[q] -= 1
+ if dominating_ith[q] is 0:
+ front[i].append(q)
+ solution_list[q].attributes['dominance_ranking'] = i
self.ranked_sublists = [[]] * i
for j in range(i):
- Q = [0] * len(front[j])
+ q = [0] * len(front[j])
for k in range(len(front[j])):
- Q[k] = solution_list[front[j][k]]
- self.ranked_sublists[j] = Q
+ q[k] = solution_list[front[j][k]]
+ self.ranked_sublists[j] = q
return self.ranked_sublists
class EfficientNonDominatedRanking(Ranking[List[S]]):
- """ Class implementing the EDS (efficient non-dominated sorting) algorithm """
+ """ Class implementing the EDS (efficient non-dominated sorting) algorithm. """
def __init__(self):
super(EfficientNonDominatedRanking, self).__init__()
def compute_ranking(self, solution_list: List[S]):
- #todo
- return self.ranked_sublists
\ No newline at end of file
+ # todo
+ return self.ranked_sublists
diff --git a/jmetal/component/test/test_archive.py b/jmetal/component/test/test_archive.py
index e7d2f3a3..47c86043 100644
--- a/jmetal/component/test/test_archive.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/test/test_archive.py
@@ -5,53 +5,59 @@
class ArchiveTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
+ class DummyArchive(Archive):
+ def add(self, solution) -> bool:
+ pass
def setUp(self):
- self.archive = Archive[Solution]()
+ self.archive = self.DummyArchive()
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
def test_should_constructor_create_an_empty_list(self):
- self.assertEqual(0, len(self.archive.get_solution_list()))
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(self.archive.solution_list))
class BoundedArchiveTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- self.archive = BoundedArchive[Solution](5)
+ self.archive = BoundedArchive(5)
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
def test_should_constructor_set_the_max_size(self):
- self.assertEqual(5, self.archive.get_max_size())
+ self.assertEqual(5, self.archive.maximum_size)
class NonDominatedSolutionListArchiveTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- self.archive = NonDominatedSolutionListArchive[Solution]()
+ self.archive = NonDominatedSolutionListArchive()
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
def test_should_adding_one_solution_work_properly(self):
- solution = Solution(1,1)
+ solution = Solution(1, 1)
self.assertEqual(1, self.archive.size())
- self.assertEqual(solution, self.archive.get_solution_list()[0])
+ self.assertEqual(solution, self.archive.solution_list[0])
def test_should_adding_two_solutions_work_properly_if_one_is_dominated(self):
- dominated_solution = Solution(1,2)
- dominated_solution.objectives = [2.0,2.0]
+ dominated_solution = Solution(1, 2)
+ dominated_solution.objectives = [2.0, 2.0]
- dominant_solution = Solution(1,2)
- dominant_solution.objectives = [1.0,1.0]
+ dominant_solution = Solution(1, 2)
+ dominant_solution.objectives = [1.0, 1.0]
self.assertEqual(1, self.archive.size())
- self.assertEqual(dominant_solution, self.archive.get_solution_list()[0])
+ self.assertEqual(dominant_solution, self.archive.solution_list[0])
def test_should_adding_two_solutions_work_properly_if_both_are_non_dominated(self):
solution1 = Solution(1, 2)
@@ -64,8 +70,8 @@ def test_should_adding_two_solutions_work_properly_if_both_are_non_dominated(sel
self.assertEqual(2, self.archive.size())
- self.assertTrue(solution1 in self.archive.get_solution_list() and
- solution2 in self.archive.get_solution_list())
+ self.assertTrue(solution1 in self.archive.solution_list and
+ solution2 in self.archive.solution_list)
def test_should_adding_four_solutions_work_properly_if_one_dominates_the_others(self):
solution1 = Solution(1, 2)
@@ -86,7 +92,7 @@ def test_should_adding_four_solutions_work_properly_if_one_dominates_the_others(
self.assertEqual(1, self.archive.size())
- self.assertEqual(solution4, self.archive.get_solution_list()[0])
+ self.assertEqual(solution4, self.archive.solution_list[0])
def test_should_adding_three_solutions_work_properly_if_two_of_them_are_equal(self):
solution1 = Solution(1, 2)
@@ -104,159 +110,139 @@ def test_should_adding_three_solutions_work_properly_if_two_of_them_are_equal(se
self.assertEqual(2, self.archive.size())
- self.assertTrue(solution1 in self.archive.get_solution_list()
- or solution3 in self.archive.get_solution_list())
+ self.assertTrue(solution1 in self.archive.solution_list
+ or solution3 in self.archive.solution_list)
class CrowdingDistanceArchiveTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- pass
+ self.archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
- self.assertIsNotNone(archive)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.archive)
def test_should_constructor_set_the_max_size(self):
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
- self.assertEqual(5, archive.get_max_size())
+ self.assertEqual(5, self.archive.maximum_size)
def test_should_constructor_create_an_empty_archive(self):
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
- self.assertEqual(0, archive.size())
+ self.assertEqual(0, self.archive.size())
def test_should_add_a_solution_when_the_archive_is_empty_work_properly(self):
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
solution = Solution(2, 3)
- archive.add(solution)
+ self.archive.add(solution)
- self.assertEqual(1, archive.size())
- self.assertEqual(solution, archive.get(0))
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.archive.size())
+ self.assertEqual(solution, self.archive.get(0))
- def test_should_add_work_properly_case1(self) :
- """
- Case 1: add a dominated solution when the archive size is 1 must not include the solution
+ def test_should_add_work_properly_case1(self):
+ """ Case 1: add a dominated solution when the archive size is 1 must not include the solution.
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1, 2]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [3, 4]
- archive.add(solution1)
- archive.add(solution2)
+ self.archive.add(solution1)
+ self.archive.add(solution2)
- self.assertEqual(1, archive.size())
- self.assertEqual(solution1, archive.get(0))
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.archive.size())
+ self.assertEqual(solution1, self.archive.get(0))
- def test_should_add_work_properly_case2(self) :
- """
- Case 2: add a non-dominated solution when the archive size is 1 must include the solution
+ def test_should_add_work_properly_case2(self):
+ """ Case 2: add a non-dominated solution when the archive size is 1 must include the solution.
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1, 2]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0, 4]
- archive.add(solution1)
- archive.add(solution2)
+ self.archive.add(solution1)
+ self.archive.add(solution2)
- self.assertEqual(2, archive.size())
- self.assertTrue(solution1 in archive.get_solution_list())
- self.assertTrue(solution2 in archive.get_solution_list())
+ self.assertEqual(2, self.archive.size())
+ self.assertTrue(solution1 in self.archive.solution_list)
+ self.assertTrue(solution2 in self.archive.solution_list)
- def test_should_add_work_properly_case3(self) :
- """
- Case 3: add a non-dominated solution when the archive size is 3 must include the solution
+ def test_should_add_work_properly_case3(self):
+ """ Case 3: add a non-dominated solution when the archive size is 3 must include the solution.
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 4.0]
solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
- solution3.objectives = [1.5, 1.5 ]
+ solution3.objectives = [1.5, 1.5]
solution4 = Solution(2, 2)
solution4.objectives = [1.6, 1.2]
- archive.add(solution1)
- archive.add(solution2)
- archive.add(solution3)
- archive.add(solution4)
+ self.archive.add(solution1)
+ self.archive.add(solution2)
+ self.archive.add(solution3)
+ self.archive.add(solution4)
- self.assertEqual(4, archive.size())
- self.assertTrue(solution1 in archive.get_solution_list())
- self.assertTrue(solution2 in archive.get_solution_list())
- self.assertTrue(solution3 in archive.get_solution_list())
- self.assertTrue(solution4 in archive.get_solution_list())
+ self.assertEqual(4, self.archive.size())
+ self.assertTrue(solution1 in self.archive.solution_list)
+ self.assertTrue(solution2 in self.archive.solution_list)
+ self.assertTrue(solution3 in self.archive.solution_list)
+ self.assertTrue(solution4 in self.archive.solution_list)
- def test_should_add_work_properly_case4(self) :
+ def test_should_add_work_properly_case4(self):
+ """ Case 4: add a dominated solution when the archive size is 3 must not include the solution.
- Case 4: add a dominated solution when the archive size is 3 must not include the solution
- """
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](5)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 4.0]
solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
- solution3.objectives = [1.5, 1.5 ]
+ solution3.objectives = [1.5, 1.5]
solution4 = Solution(2, 2)
solution4.objectives = [5.0, 6.0]
- archive.add(solution1)
- archive.add(solution2)
- archive.add(solution3)
- archive.add(solution4)
+ self.archive.add(solution1)
+ self.archive.add(solution2)
+ self.archive.add(solution3)
+ self.archive.add(solution4)
- self.assertEqual(3, archive.size())
- self.assertTrue(solution1 in archive.get_solution_list())
- self.assertTrue(solution2 in archive.get_solution_list())
- self.assertTrue(solution3 in archive.get_solution_list())
+ self.assertEqual(3, self.archive.size())
+ self.assertTrue(solution1 in self.archive.solution_list)
+ self.assertTrue(solution2 in self.archive.solution_list)
+ self.assertTrue(solution3 in self.archive.solution_list)
- def test_should_add_work_properly_case5(self) :
- """
- Case 5: add a dominated solution when the archive is full should not include the solution
+ def test_should_add_work_properly_case5(self):
+ """ Case 5: add a dominated solution when the archive is full should not include the solution.
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](3)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 4.0]
solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
- solution3.objectives = [1.5, 1.5 ]
+ solution3.objectives = [1.5, 1.5]
solution4 = Solution(2, 2)
solution4.objectives = [5.0, 6.0]
- archive.add(solution1)
- archive.add(solution2)
- archive.add(solution3)
- archive.add(solution4)
+ self.archive.add(solution1)
+ self.archive.add(solution2)
+ self.archive.add(solution3)
+ self.archive.add(solution4)
- self.assertEqual(3, archive.size())
- self.assertTrue(solution1 in archive.get_solution_list())
- self.assertTrue(solution2 in archive.get_solution_list())
- self.assertTrue(solution3 in archive.get_solution_list())
+ self.assertEqual(3, self.archive.size())
+ self.assertTrue(solution1 in self.archive.solution_list)
+ self.assertTrue(solution2 in self.archive.solution_list)
+ self.assertTrue(solution3 in self.archive.solution_list)
- def test_should_add_work_properly_case6(self) :
+ def test_should_add_work_properly_case6(self):
+ """ Case 6: add a non-dominated solution when the archive is full should not include
+ the solution if it has the highest distance crowding value.
- Case 6: add a non-dominated solution when the archive is full should not include
- the solution if it has the highest distance crowding value
- """
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](4)
+ archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive(4)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
- solution3.objectives = [2.0, 1.5 ]
+ solution3.objectives = [2.0, 1.5]
solution4 = Solution(2, 2)
solution4.objectives = [3.0, 0.0]
@@ -270,21 +256,19 @@ def test_should_add_work_properly_case6(self) :
self.assertEqual(4, archive.size())
- self.assertTrue(new_solution not in archive.get_solution_list())
+ self.assertTrue(new_solution not in archive.solution_list)
- def test_should_add_work_properly_case7(self) :
- """
- Case 7: add a non-dominated solution when the archive is full should remove all the
- dominated solutions
+ def test_should_add_work_properly_case7(self):
+ """ Case 7: add a non-dominated solution when the archive is full should remove all the dominated solutions.
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](4)
+ archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive(4)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
- solution3.objectives = [2.0, 1.5 ]
+ solution3.objectives = [2.0, 1.5]
solution4 = Solution(2, 2)
solution4.objectives = [3.0, 0.0]
@@ -298,13 +282,12 @@ def test_should_add_work_properly_case7(self) :
self.assertEqual(1, archive.size())
- self.assertTrue(new_solution in archive.get_solution_list())
+ self.assertTrue(new_solution in archive.solution_list)
- def test_should_compute_density_estimator_work_properly_case1(self) :
+ def test_should_compute_density_estimator_work_properly_case1(self):
+ """ Case 1: The archive contains one solution.
- Case 1: The archive contains one solution
- """
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](4)
+ archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive(4)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
@@ -315,11 +298,10 @@ def test_should_compute_density_estimator_work_properly_case1(self) :
self.assertEqual(1, archive.size())
self.assertEqual(float("inf"), solution1.attributes["crowding_distance"])
- def test_should_compute_density_estimator_work_properly_case2(self) :
- """
- Case 2: The archive contains two solutions
+ def test_should_compute_density_estimator_work_properly_case2(self):
+ """ Case 2: The archive contains two solutions.
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](4)
+ archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive(4)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
@@ -335,18 +317,17 @@ def test_should_compute_density_estimator_work_properly_case2(self) :
self.assertEqual(float("inf"), solution1.attributes["crowding_distance"])
self.assertEqual(float("inf"), solution2.attributes["crowding_distance"])
- def test_should_compute_density_estimator_work_properly_case3(self) :
- """
- Case 3: The archive contains two solutions
+ def test_should_compute_density_estimator_work_properly_case3(self):
+ """ Case 3: The archive contains two solutions.
- archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive[Solution](4)
+ archive = CrowdingDistanceArchive(4)
solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
- solution3.objectives = [2.0, 1.5 ]
+ solution3.objectives = [2.0, 1.5]
diff --git a/jmetal/util/test/test_comparator.py b/jmetal/component/test/test_comparator.py
similarity index 82%
rename from jmetal/util/test/test_comparator.py
rename to jmetal/component/test/test_comparator.py
index c3265518..0daddbb9 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/test/test_comparator.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/test/test_comparator.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import unittest
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution, Solution
-from jmetal.util.comparator import DominanceComparator, SolutionAttributeComparator, \
+from jmetal.component.comparator import DominanceComparator, SolutionAttributeComparator, \
@@ -21,13 +21,7 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_raise_an_exception_if_the_second_solution_i
solution2 = None
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
self.comparator.compare(solution, solution2)
- """
- def test_should_dominance_comparator_raise_an_exception_if_the_solutions_have_not_the_same_number_of_objectives(self):
- solution = FloatSolution(3, 2, 0, [], [])
- solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 5, 0, [], [])
- with self.assertRaises(Exception):
- self.comparator.compare(solution, solution2)
- """
def test_should_dominance_comparator_return_zero_if_the_two_solutions_have_one_objective_with_the_same_value(self):
solution = FloatSolution(3, 1, 0, [], [])
solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 1, 0, [], [])
@@ -56,9 +50,8 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_return_minus_one_if_the_two_solutions_have_
self.assertEqual(-1, self.comparator.compare(solution, solution2))
def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_a(self):
- '''
- Case A: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [2.0, 6.0, 15.0]
- '''
+ """ Case A: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [2.0, 6.0, 15.0]
+ """
solution = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
@@ -68,9 +61,8 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_a(self):
self.assertEqual(-1, self.comparator.compare(solution, solution2))
def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_b(self):
- '''
- Case b: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [-1.0, 5.0, 10.0]
- '''
+ """ Case b: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [-1.0, 5.0, 10.0]
+ """
solution = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
@@ -80,9 +72,8 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_b(self):
self.assertEqual(-1, self.comparator.compare(solution, solution2))
def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_c(self):
- '''
- Case c: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [-2.0, 5.0, 9.0]
- '''
+ """ Case c: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [-2.0, 5.0, 9.0]
+ """
solution = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
@@ -92,11 +83,10 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_c(self):
self.assertEqual(1, self.comparator.compare(solution, solution2))
def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_d(self):
- '''
- Case d: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [-1.0, 5.0, 8.0]
- '''
+ """ Case d: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [-1.0, 5.0, 8.0]
+ """
solution = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
- solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0 , [], [])
+ solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution.objectives = [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0]
solution2.objectives = [-1.0, 5.0, 8.0]
@@ -104,9 +94,8 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_d(self):
self.assertEqual(1, self.comparator.compare(solution, solution2))
def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_3(self):
- '''
- Case d: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [-2.0, 5.0, 10.0]
- '''
+ """ Case d: solution1 has objectives [-1.0, 5.0, 9.0] and solution2 has [-2.0, 5.0, 10.0]
+ """
solution = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
@@ -116,9 +105,8 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_case_3(self):
self.assertEqual(0, self.comparator.compare(solution, solution2))
def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_with_constrains_case_1(self):
- '''
- Case 1: solution1 has a higher degree of constraint violation than solution 2
- '''
+ """ Case 1: solution1 has a higher degree of constraint violation than solution 2
+ """
solution1 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution1.attributes["overall_constraint_violation"] = -0.1
@@ -130,9 +118,8 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_with_constrains_case_1(self):
self.assertEqual(-1, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_with_constrains_case_2(self):
- '''
- Case 2: solution1 has a lower degree of constraint violation than solution 2
- '''
+ """ Case 2: solution1 has a lower degree of constraint violation than solution 2
+ """
solution1 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution2 = FloatSolution(3, 3, 0, [], [])
solution1.attributes["overall_constraint_violation"] = -0.3
@@ -144,7 +131,6 @@ def test_should_dominance_comparator_work_properly_with_constrains_case_2(self):
self.assertEqual(1, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
class SolutionAttributeComparatorTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@@ -179,8 +165,7 @@ def test_should_compare_return_zero_if_both_solutions_have_the_same_attribute_va
self.assertEqual(0, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_compare_works_properly_case1(self):
- """
- Case 1: solution1.attribute < solution2.attribute (lowest is best)
+ """ Case 1: solution1.attribute < solution2.attribute (lowest is best)
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
solution2 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -190,8 +175,7 @@ def test_should_compare_works_properly_case1(self):
self.assertEqual(-1, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_compare_works_properly_case2(self):
- """
- Case 2: solution1.attribute > solution2.attribute (lowest is best)
+ """ Case 2: solution1.attribute > solution2.attribute (lowest is best)
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
solution2 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -201,8 +185,7 @@ def test_should_compare_works_properly_case2(self):
self.assertEqual(1, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_compare_works_properly_case3(self):
- """
- Case 3: solution1.attribute < solution2.attribute (highest is best)
+ """ Case 3: solution1.attribute < solution2.attribute (highest is best)
comparator = SolutionAttributeComparator("attribute", False)
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -213,8 +196,7 @@ def test_should_compare_works_properly_case3(self):
self.assertEqual(1, comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_compare_works_properly_case4(self):
- """
- Case 4: solution1.attribute > solution2.attribute (highest is best)
+ """ Case 4: solution1.attribute > solution2.attribute (highest is best)
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
solution2 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -231,8 +213,7 @@ def setUp(self):
self.comparator = RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator()
def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_1(self):
- """
- Case 1: solution1.ranking < solution2.ranking
+ """ Case 1: solution1.ranking < solution2.ranking
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
solution2 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -242,8 +223,7 @@ def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_1(self):
self.assertEqual(-1, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_2(self):
- """
- Case 2: solution1.ranking > solution2.ranking
+ """ Case 2: solution1.ranking > solution2.ranking
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
solution2 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -253,9 +233,8 @@ def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_2(self):
self.assertEqual(1, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_3(self):
- """
- Case 3: solution1.ranking == solution2.ranking
- solution1.crowding < solution2.crowding
+ """ Case 3: solution1.ranking == solution2.ranking
+ solution1.crowding < solution2.crowding
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
solution2 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -267,9 +246,8 @@ def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_3(self):
self.assertEqual(1, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_4(self):
- """
- Case 4: solution1.ranking == solution2.ranking
- solution1.crowding > solution2.crowding
+ """ Case 4: solution1.ranking == solution2.ranking
+ solution1.crowding > solution2.crowding
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
solution2 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -281,9 +259,8 @@ def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_4(self):
self.assertEqual(-1, self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2))
def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_5(self):
- """
- Case 5: solution1.ranking == solution2.ranking
- solution1.crowding == solution2.crowding
+ """ Case 5: solution1.ranking == solution2.ranking
+ solution1.crowding == solution2.crowding
solution1 = Solution(1, 1)
solution2 = Solution(1, 1)
@@ -297,4 +274,3 @@ def test_should_compare_work_properly_case_5(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/component/test/test_density_estimator.py b/jmetal/component/test/test_density_estimator.py
index 69251817..e34ff1d6 100644
--- a/jmetal/component/test/test_density_estimator.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/test/test_density_estimator.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
class CrowdingDistanceTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.crowding = CrowdingDistance()
@@ -87,4 +88,4 @@ def test_should_the_crowding_distance_of_four_solutions_correctly_assigned(self)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/jmetal/component/test/test_evaluator.py b/jmetal/component/test/test_evaluator.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f091894c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/component/test/test_evaluator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import unittest
+from jmetal.component.evaluator import SequentialEvaluator, MapEvaluator
+from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem
+from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
+class MockedProblem(FloatProblem):
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 3):
+ super(MockedProblem, self).__init__()
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
+ self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
+ self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.lower_bound = [-5.0 for _ in range(number_of_variables)]
+ self.upper_bound = [5.0 for _ in range(number_of_variables)]
+ FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
+ FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution):
+ solution.objectives[0] = 1.2
+ solution.objectives[1] = 2.3
+ return solution
+class SequentialEvaluatorTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.evaluator = SequentialEvaluator()
+ self.problem = MockedProblem()
+ def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.evaluator)
+ def test_should_evaluate_a_list_of_problem_work_properly_with_a_solution(self):
+ problem_list = [self.problem.create_solution() for _ in range(1)]
+ self.evaluator.evaluate(problem_list, self.problem)
+ self.assertEqual(1.2, problem_list[0].objectives[0])
+ self.assertEqual(2.3, problem_list[0].objectives[1])
+ def test_should_evaluate_a_list_of_problem_work_properly(self):
+ problem_list = [self.problem.create_solution() for _ in range(10)]
+ self.evaluator.evaluate(problem_list, self.problem)
+ for i in range(10):
+ self.assertEqual(1.2, problem_list[i].objectives[0])
+ self.assertEqual(2.3, problem_list[i].objectives[1])
+class ParallelEvaluatorTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.evaluator = MapEvaluator()
+ self.problem = MockedProblem()
+ def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.evaluator)
+ def test_should_evaluate_a_list_of_problem_work_properly_with_a_solution(self):
+ problem_list = [self.problem.create_solution() for _ in range(1)]
+ self.evaluator.evaluate(problem_list, self.problem)
+ self.assertEqual(1.2, problem_list[0].objectives[0])
+ self.assertEqual(2.3, problem_list[0].objectives[1])
+ def test_should_evaluate_a_list_of_problem_work_properly(self):
+ problem_list = [self.problem.create_solution() for _ in range(10)]
+ self.evaluator.evaluate(problem_list, self.problem)
+ for i in range(10):
+ self.assertEqual(1.2, problem_list[i].objectives[0])
+ self.assertEqual(2.3, problem_list[i].objectives[1])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/jmetal/component/test/test_quality_indicator.py b/jmetal/component/test/test_quality_indicator.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1874f4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/component/test/test_quality_indicator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from os.path import dirname, join
+import unittest
+from jmetal.core.solution import Solution
+from jmetal.problem import ZDT1
+from jmetal.component.quality_indicator import HyperVolume
+class HyperVolumeTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.file_path = dirname(join(dirname(__file__)))
+ def test_should_hypervolume_return_5_0(self):
+ reference_point = [2, 2, 2]
+ solution1 = Solution(1, 3)
+ solution1.objectives = [1, 0, 1]
+ solution2 = Solution(1, 3)
+ solution2.objectives = [0, 1, 0]
+ front = [solution1, solution2]
+ hv = HyperVolume(reference_point)
+ value = hv.compute(front)
+ self.assertEqual(5.0, value)
+ def test_should_hypervolume_return_the_correct_value_when_applied_to_the_ZDT1_reference_front(self):
+ problem = ZDT1()
+ reference_point = [1, 1]
+ hv = HyperVolume(reference_point)
+ value = hv.compute(problem.get_reference_front())
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(0.666, value, delta=0.001)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/jmetal/util/test/test_ranking.py b/jmetal/component/test/test_ranking.py
similarity index 97%
rename from jmetal/util/test/test_ranking.py
rename to jmetal/component/test/test_ranking.py
index 43634a34..6dc993b6 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/test/test_ranking.py
+++ b/jmetal/component/test/test_ranking.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import unittest
from jmetal.core.solution import Solution
-from jmetal.util.ranking import FastNonDominatedRanking
+from jmetal.component.ranking import FastNonDominatedRanking
class FastNonDominatedRankingTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ranking = FastNonDominatedRanking()
@@ -40,7 +41,8 @@ def test_should_compute_ranking_return_a_subfront_if_the_solution_list_contains_
self.assertEqual(solution2, ranking[0][1])
def test_should_compute_ranking_work_properly_case1(self):
- """ The list contains two solutions and one of them is dominated by the other one """
+ """ The list contains two solutions and one of them is dominated by the other one.
+ """
solution = Solution(2, 2)
solution.objectives = [2, 3]
solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
diff --git a/jmetal/core/algorithm.py b/jmetal/core/algorithm.py
index fd92053f..99b1e5ce 100644
--- a/jmetal/core/algorithm.py
+++ b/jmetal/core/algorithm.py
@@ -1,28 +1,34 @@
-import logging
import threading
import time
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List
-from jmetal.component.evaluator import Evaluator, SequentialEvaluator
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from jmetal.core.observable import DefaultObservable
S = TypeVar('S')
R = TypeVar('R')
+.. module:: algorithm
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Templates for algorithms.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class Algorithm(Generic[S, R], threading.Thread):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
- self.observable = None
- self.evaluations: int = 0
- self.start_computing_time: int = 0
- self.total_computing_time: int = 0
- def get_name(self) -> str:
- return type(self).__name__
+ self.evaluations = 0
+ self.max_evaluations = 100
+ self.start_computing_time = 0
+ self.total_computing_time = 0
+ self.observable = DefaultObservable()
def get_evaluations(self) -> int:
return self.evaluations
@@ -30,117 +36,147 @@ def get_evaluations(self) -> int:
def get_current_computing_time(self) -> float:
return time.time() - self.start_computing_time
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_result(self) -> R:
+ """ :return: Final population.
+ """
+ pass
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return self.__class__.__name__
class EvolutionaryAlgorithm(Algorithm[S, R]):
- def __init__(self, evaluator: Evaluator[S] = SequentialEvaluator[S]()):
- super(EvolutionaryAlgorithm,self).__init__()
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(EvolutionaryAlgorithm, self).__init__()
self.population = []
- self.evaluator = evaluator
+ @abstractmethod
def create_initial_population(self) -> List[S]:
+ @abstractmethod
def evaluate_population(self, population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
+ @abstractmethod
def init_progress(self) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def is_stopping_condition_reached(self) -> bool:
+ @abstractmethod
def selection(self, population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
+ @abstractmethod
def reproduction(self, population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
+ @abstractmethod
def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) -> List[S]:
+ @abstractmethod
def update_progress(self):
- def get_result(self) -> R:
- pass
def run(self):
- """
- Step One: Generate the initial population of individuals randomly. (First generation)
- Step Two: Evaluate the fitness of each individual in that population (time limit, sufficient fitness achieved, etc.)
- Step Three: Repeat the following regenerational steps until termination:
+ """* Step One: Generate the initial population of individuals randomly. (First generation)
+ * Step Two: Evaluate the fitness of each individual in that population
+ * Step Three: Repeat the following regenerational steps until termination
1. Select the best-fit individuals for reproduction. (Parents)
2. Breed new individuals through crossover and mutation operations to give birth to offspring.
3. Evaluate the individual fitness of new individuals.
4. Replace least-fit population with new individuals.
+ .. note::
+ To develop an EA, all the abstract the methods used in the run() method must be implemented.
self.start_computing_time = time.time()
- self.population = self.create_initial_population() # Step One
- self.population = self.evaluate_population(self.population) # Step Two
+ self.population = self.create_initial_population()
+ self.population = self.evaluate_population(self.population)
- while not self.is_stopping_condition_reached(): # Step Three
- mating_population = self.selection(self.population) # Step Three.1
- offspring_population = self.reproduction(mating_population) # Step Three.2
- offspring_population = self.evaluate_population(offspring_population) # Step Three.3
- self.population = self.replacement(self.population, offspring_population) # Step Three.4
+ while not self.is_stopping_condition_reached():
+ mating_population = self.selection(self.population)
+ offspring_population = self.reproduction(mating_population)
+ offspring_population = self.evaluate_population(offspring_population)
+ self.population = self.replacement(self.population, offspring_population)
self.total_computing_time = self.get_current_computing_time()
class ParticleSwarmOptimization(Algorithm[FloatSolution, List[FloatSolution]]):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
super(ParticleSwarmOptimization, self).__init__()
self.swarm = []
- def init_progress(self) -> None :
+ @abstractmethod
+ def init_progress(self) -> None:
- def update_progress(self) -> None :
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update_progress(self) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def is_stopping_condition_reached(self) -> bool:
+ @abstractmethod
def create_initial_swarm(self) -> List[FloatSolution]:
+ @abstractmethod
def evaluate_swarm(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
+ @abstractmethod
def initialize_global_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def initialize_particle_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def initialize_velocity(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def update_velocity(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def update_position(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def perturbation(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def update_global_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
+ @abstractmethod
def update_particle_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
- def get_result(self) -> R:
- pass
def run(self):
- """
- """
self.start_computing_time = time.time()
self.swarm = self.create_initial_swarm()
diff --git a/jmetal/core/objective.py b/jmetal/core/objective.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5682eb5d..00000000
--- a/jmetal/core/objective.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from jmetal.core.problem import Problem
-from jmetal.core.solution import Solution
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
-class Objective:
- def compute(self, solution: Solution, problem: Problem) -> float:
- pass
- def is_a_minimization_objective(self) -> bool:
- return True
diff --git a/jmetal/util/observable.py b/jmetal/core/observable.py
similarity index 73%
rename from jmetal/util/observable.py
rename to jmetal/core/observable.py
index 4240c09c..dd901044 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/observable.py
+++ b/jmetal/core/observable.py
@@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+.. module:: Observable
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Implementation of the observer-observable pattern.
-class Observable(object):
- def register(self, observer):
- pass
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
- def deregister(self, observer):
- pass
- def deregister_all(self):
- pass
- def notify_all(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
+class Observer:
-class Observer(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Update method
+ """ Update method
:param args:
:param kwargs:
@@ -29,7 +24,29 @@ def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
+class Observable:
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ @abstractmethod
+ def register(self, observer):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def deregister(self, observer):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def deregister_all(self):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def notify_all(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
class DefaultObservable(Observable):
def __init__(self):
self.observers = []
diff --git a/jmetal/core/operator.py b/jmetal/core/operator.py
index 3f47b9f3..837ecef3 100644
--- a/jmetal/core/operator.py
+++ b/jmetal/core/operator.py
@@ -1,55 +1,92 @@
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
+S = TypeVar('S')
+R = TypeVar('R')
-Source = TypeVar('S')
-Result = TypeVar('R')
+.. module:: Operator
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Templates for operators.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
-class Operator(Generic[Source, Result]):
- """ Class representing operators """
- def execute(self, source: Source) -> Result:
+class Operator(Generic[S, R]):
+ """ Class representing operator """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ @abstractmethod
+ def execute(self, source: S) -> R:
- def get_name(self):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
-class Mutation(Operator[Source, Source]):
- """ Class representing mutation operators """
+class Mutation(Operator[S, S]):
+ """ Class representing mutation operator. """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self, probability: float):
if probability > 1.0:
- raise Exception("The probability is greater than one: " + str(probability))
+ raise Exception('The probability is greater than one: {}'.format(probability))
elif probability < 0.0:
- raise Exception("The probability is lower than zero: " + str(probability))
+ raise Exception('The probability is lower than zero: {}'.format(probability))
self.probability = probability
- def execute(self, source: Source) -> Source:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def execute(self, source: S) -> R:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ pass
+class Crossover(Operator[List[S], List[R]]):
+ """ Class representing crossover operator. """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-class Crossover(Operator[List[Source], List[Result]]):
def __init__(self, probability: float):
if probability > 1.0:
- raise Exception("The probability is greater than one: " + str(probability))
+ raise Exception('The probability is greater than one: {}'.format(probability))
elif probability < 0.0:
- raise Exception("The probability is lower than zero: " + str(probability))
+ raise Exception('The probability is lower than zero: {}'.format(probability))
self.probability = probability
- def execute(self, source: Source) -> Result:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_number_of_parents(self):
- def get_number_of_parents(self) -> int:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def execute(self, source: S) -> R:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ pass
+class Selection(Operator[S, R]):
+ """ Class representing selection operator. """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-class Selection(Operator[Source, Result]):
def __init__(self):
- super(Selection, self).__init__()
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def execute(self, source: S) -> R:
+ pass
- def execute(self, source: Source) -> Result:
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
diff --git a/jmetal/core/problem.py b/jmetal/core/problem.py
index 056ea7a9..da10044b 100644
--- a/jmetal/core/problem.py
+++ b/jmetal/core/problem.py
@@ -1,56 +1,94 @@
-import random
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from os.path import dirname, join
+from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
+import random
-import jmetal
from jmetal.core.solution import BinarySolution, FloatSolution, IntegerSolution
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
+from jmetal.util.front_file import read_front_from_file_as_solutions
S = TypeVar('S')
class Problem(Generic[S]):
- """ Class representing problems """
+ """ Class representing problems. """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
- self.objectives = [jmetal.core.objective.Objective]
- self.number_of_variables: int = None
- self.number_of_objectives: int = None
- self.number_of_constraints: int = None
- def evaluate(self, solution: S) -> None:
- for i in range(self.number_of_objectives):
- if self.objectives[i].is_a_minimization_objective():
- solution.objectives[i] = self.objectives[i].compute(solution, self)
- else:
- solution.objectives[i] = -1.0 * self.objectives[i].compute(solution, self)
+ self.number_of_variables = None
+ self.number_of_objectives = None
+ self.number_of_constraints = None
+ self.obj_directions = []
- def evaluate_constraints(self, solution: S):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def evaluate(self, solution: S) -> S:
+ """ Evaluate a solution.
+ :return: Evaluated solution. """
+ @abstractmethod
def create_solution(self) -> S:
+ """ Creates a random solution to the problem.
+ :return: Solution. """
- def get_name(self) -> str :
+ def evaluate_constraints(self, solution: S):
+ def get_reference_front(self) -> list:
+ """ Get the reference front to the problem (if any).
+ This method read front files (.pf) located in `jmetal/problem/reference_front/`, which must have the same
+ name as the problem.
+ :return: Front."""
+ reference_front_path = 'problem/reference_front/{0}.pf'.format(self.get_name())
+ front = []
+ file_path = dirname(join(dirname(__file__)))
+ computed_path = join(file_path, reference_front_path)
+ if Path(computed_path).is_file():
+ front = read_front_from_file_as_solutions(computed_path)
+ return front
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return self.__class__.__name__
class BinaryProblem(Problem[BinarySolution]):
- """ Class representing binary problems """
+ """ Class representing binary problems. """
- def evaluate(self, solution: BinarySolution) -> None:
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ @abstractmethod
+ def evaluate(self, solution: BinarySolution) -> BinarySolution:
+ @abstractmethod
def create_solution(self) -> BinarySolution:
class FloatProblem(Problem[FloatSolution]):
- """ Class representing float problems """
+ """ Class representing float problems. """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
- self.lower_bound : [] = None
- self.upper_bound : [] = None
+ super(FloatProblem, self).__init__()
+ self.lower_bound = None
+ self.upper_bound = None
+ @abstractmethod
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ pass
def create_solution(self) -> FloatSolution:
new_solution = FloatSolution(self.number_of_variables, self.number_of_objectives, self.number_of_constraints,
@@ -62,10 +100,18 @@ def create_solution(self) -> FloatSolution:
class IntegerProblem(Problem[IntegerSolution]):
- """ Class representing integer problems """
+ """ Class representing integer problems. """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
- self.lower_bound : [] = None
- self.upper_bound : [] = None
+ super(IntegerProblem, self).__init__()
+ self.lower_bound = None
+ self.upper_bound = None
+ @abstractmethod
+ def evaluate(self, solution: IntegerSolution) -> IntegerSolution:
+ pass
def create_solution(self) -> IntegerSolution:
new_solution = IntegerSolution(
@@ -75,6 +121,7 @@ def create_solution(self) -> IntegerSolution:
self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound)
new_solution.variables = \
- [int(random.uniform(self.lower_bound[i]*1.0, self.upper_bound[i]*1.0)) for i in range(self.number_of_variables)]
+ [int(random.uniform(self.lower_bound[i]*1.0, self.upper_bound[i]*1.0))
+ for i in range(self.number_of_variables)]
return new_solution
diff --git a/jmetal/core/solution.py b/jmetal/core/solution.py
index 9233fcfd..2ead41d7 100644
--- a/jmetal/core/solution.py
+++ b/jmetal/core/solution.py
@@ -7,14 +7,23 @@
class Solution(Generic[S]):
""" Class representing solutions """
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables : int, number_of_objectives : int, number_of_constraints = 0):
- self.number_of_objectives: int = number_of_objectives
- self.number_of_variables: int = number_of_variables
- self.number_of_constraints: int = number_of_constraints
- self.objectives = [0.0 for x in range(self.number_of_objectives)]
- self.variables = [[] for x in range(self.number_of_variables)]
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int, number_of_objectives: int, number_of_constraints: int = 0):
+ self.number_of_objectives = number_of_objectives
+ self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
+ self.number_of_constraints = number_of_constraints
+ self.objectives = [0.0 for _ in range(self.number_of_objectives)]
+ self.variables = [[] for _ in range(self.number_of_variables)]
self.attributes = {}
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ solution = 'number_of_objectives: {0} \nnumber_of_variables: {1} \nnumber_of_constraints: {2} \n'.format(
+ self.number_of_objectives, self.number_of_variables, self.number_of_constraints
+ )
+ solution += 'objectives: \n {0} \n'.format(self.objectives)
+ solution += 'variables: \n {0}'.format(self.variables)
+ return solution
class BinarySolution(Solution[BitSet]):
""" Class representing float solutions """
@@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ def get_total_number_of_bits(self) -> int:
class FloatSolution(Solution[float]):
""" Class representing float solutions """
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables : int, number_of_objectives : int, number_of_constraints : int,
- lower_bound : List[float], upper_bound : List[float]):
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int, number_of_objectives: int, number_of_constraints: int,
+ lower_bound: List[float], upper_bound: List[float]):
super(FloatSolution, self).__init__(number_of_variables, number_of_objectives, number_of_constraints)
self.lower_bound = lower_bound
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
@@ -65,8 +74,8 @@ def __copy__(self):
class IntegerSolution(Solution[int]):
""" Class representing integer solutions """
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables : int, number_of_objectives : int, number_of_constraints : int,
- lower_bound : List[int], upper_bound : List[int]):
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int, number_of_objectives: int, number_of_constraints: int,
+ lower_bound: List[int], upper_bound: List[int]):
super(IntegerSolution, self).__init__(number_of_variables, number_of_objectives, number_of_constraints)
self.lower_bound = lower_bound
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
diff --git a/jmetal/core/test/test_algorithm.py b/jmetal/core/test/test_algorithm.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a6903253..00000000
--- a/jmetal/core/test/test_algorithm.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
->>>>>>> 5fdebfdf33c118dab271bc7ab380a121b396fde5
-class AlgorithmTestIntegrationTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- bits = 512
- self.problem = OneMax(bits)
- self.algorithm = GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm[BinarySolution, BinarySolution](
- self.problem,
- population_size=100,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=BitFlip(1.0 / bits),
- crossover=SinglePoint(0.9),
- selection=BinaryTournament())
- def test_genetic_algorithm(self):
- self.algorithm.run()
- result = self.algorithm.get_result()
- logger.info("Algorithm (binary problem): " + self.algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + self.problem.get_name())
- logger.info("Solution: " + str(result.variables[0]))
- logger.info("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
- assert(-500 <= result.objectives[0] <= -300 or 300 <= result.objectives[0] <= 500)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jmetal/util/test/test_observable.py b/jmetal/core/test/test_observable.py
similarity index 86%
rename from jmetal/util/test/test_observable.py
rename to jmetal/core/test/test_observable.py
index dad01cab..eb75c856 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/test/test_observable.py
+++ b/jmetal/core/test/test_observable.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import unittest
-from jmetal.util.observable import DefaultObservable, Observer
+from jmetal.core.observable import DefaultObservable, Observer
class ObservableTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.observable = DefaultObservable()
@@ -52,13 +53,6 @@ def test_should_deregister_all_remove_all_the_observers(self):
self.assertEqual(0, len(self.observable.observers))
- def test_should_notify_all_update_an_observer(self):
- observer = mock(Observer)
- self.observable.register(observer)
- self.observable.notify_all("color", "blue")
if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/jmetal/core/test/test_operator.py b/jmetal/core/test/test_operator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/jmetal/core/test/test_problem.py b/jmetal/core/test/test_problem.py
index 8d5bf1d9..62954395 100644
--- a/jmetal/core/test/test_problem.py
+++ b/jmetal/core/test/test_problem.py
@@ -1,28 +1,22 @@
import unittest
-from jmetal.core.problem import Problem, FloatProblem, IntegerProblem
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
-class ProblemTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_should_default_constructor_create_a_valid_problem(self) -> None:
- problem = Problem()
- self.assertEqual(None, problem.number_of_variables)
- self.assertEqual(None, problem.number_of_objectives)
- self.assertEqual(None, problem.number_of_constraints)
+from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem, IntegerProblem
+from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution, IntegerSolution
class FloatProblemTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
+ class DummyFloatProblem(FloatProblem):
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ pass
def test_should_default_constructor_create_a_valid_problem(self) -> None:
- problem = FloatProblem()
+ problem = self.DummyFloatProblem()
problem.number_of_variables = 1
problem.number_of_objectives = 2
problem.number_of_constraints = 0
problem.lower_bound = [-1.0]
- problem.upper_bound= [1.0]
+ problem.upper_bound = [1.0]
self.assertEqual(1, problem.number_of_variables)
self.assertEqual(2, problem.number_of_objectives)
self.assertEqual(0, problem.number_of_constraints)
@@ -30,12 +24,12 @@ def test_should_default_constructor_create_a_valid_problem(self) -> None:
self.assertEqual([1], problem.upper_bound)
def test_should_create_solution_create_a_valid_solution(self) -> None:
- problem = FloatProblem()
+ problem = self.DummyFloatProblem()
problem.number_of_variables = 2
problem.number_of_objectives = 2
problem.number_of_constraints = 0
problem.lower_bound = [-1.0, -2.0]
- problem.upper_bound= [1.0, 2.0]
+ problem.upper_bound = [1.0, 2.0]
solution = problem.create_solution()
self.assertNotEqual(None, solution)
@@ -44,14 +38,18 @@ def test_should_create_solution_create_a_valid_solution(self) -> None:
class IntegerProblemTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
+ class DummyIntegerProblem(IntegerProblem):
+ def evaluate(self, solution: IntegerSolution) -> IntegerSolution:
+ pass
def test_should_default_constructor_create_a_valid_problem(self) -> None:
- problem = IntegerProblem()
+ problem = self.DummyIntegerProblem()
problem.number_of_variables = 1
problem.number_of_objectives = 2
problem.number_of_constraints = 0
problem.lower_bound = [-1]
- problem.upper_bound= [1]
+ problem.upper_bound = [1]
self.assertEqual(1, problem.number_of_variables)
self.assertEqual(2, problem.number_of_objectives)
@@ -60,14 +58,18 @@ def test_should_default_constructor_create_a_valid_problem(self) -> None:
self.assertEqual([1], problem.upper_bound)
def test_should_create_solution_create_a_valid_solution(self) -> None:
- problem = FloatProblem()
+ problem = self.DummyIntegerProblem()
problem.number_of_variables = 2
problem.number_of_objectives = 2
problem.number_of_constraints = 0
problem.lower_bound = [-1, -2]
- problem.upper_bound= [1, 2]
+ problem.upper_bound = [1, 2]
solution = problem.create_solution()
self.assertNotEqual(None, solution)
self.assertTrue(-1 <= solution.variables[0] <= 1)
- self.assertTrue(-2 <= solution.variables[1] <= 2)
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.assertTrue(-2 <= solution.variables[1] <= 2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/jmetal/core/test/test_solution.py b/jmetal/core/test/test_solution.py
index f0f5a3d5..dd28c356 100644
--- a/jmetal/core/test/test_solution.py
+++ b/jmetal/core/test/test_solution.py
@@ -3,14 +3,9 @@
from jmetal.core.solution import BinarySolution, FloatSolution, Solution, IntegerSolution
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
class SolutionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self) -> None:
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
solution = Solution[int](3, 2)
@@ -34,9 +29,6 @@ def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_objective_list(self) -> None:
class BinarySolutionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self) -> None:
- pass
def test_should_default_constructor_create_a_valid_solution(self) -> None:
solution = BinarySolution(2, 3, 1)
self.assertEqual(2, solution.number_of_variables)
@@ -67,9 +59,6 @@ def test_should_get_total_number_of_bits_return_the_right_value(self) -> None:
class FloatSolutionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self) -> None:
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
solution = FloatSolution(3, 2, 0, [], [])
@@ -106,9 +95,6 @@ def test_should_copy_work_properly(self) -> None:
class IntegerSolutionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self) -> None:
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
solution = IntegerSolution(3, 2, 0, [], [])
diff --git a/jmetal/operator/__init__.py b/jmetal/operator/__init__.py
index e69de29b..f2bb825c 100644
--- a/jmetal/operator/__init__.py
+++ b/jmetal/operator/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from .crossover import NullCrossover, SBX, SP
+from .mutation import NullMutation, BitFlip, Polynomial, IntegerPolynomial, Uniform, SimpleRandom
+from .selection import BestSolutionSelection, BinaryTournamentSelection, BinaryTournament2Selection, \
+ RandomSolutionSelection, NaryRandomSolutionSelection, RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection
+__all__ = [
+ 'NullCrossover', 'SBX', 'SP',
+ 'NullMutation', 'BitFlip', 'Polynomial', 'IntegerPolynomial', 'Uniform', 'SimpleRandom',
+ 'BestSolutionSelection', 'BinaryTournamentSelection', 'BinaryTournament2Selection', 'RandomSolutionSelection',
+ 'NaryRandomSolutionSelection', 'RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection'
diff --git a/jmetal/operator/crossover.py b/jmetal/operator/crossover.py
index 71c722ed..5967d125 100644
--- a/jmetal/operator/crossover.py
+++ b/jmetal/operator/crossover.py
@@ -5,22 +5,32 @@
from jmetal.core.operator import Crossover
from jmetal.core.solution import Solution, FloatSolution, BinarySolution
-""" Class implementing the null crossover operators """
+.. module:: crosover
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Module implementing crossover operators.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
+class NullCrossover(Crossover[Solution, Solution]):
-class Null(Crossover[Solution, Solution]):
def __init__(self):
- super(Null, self).__init__(probability=0)
+ super(NullCrossover, self).__init__(probability=0)
def execute(self, parents: List[Solution]) -> List[Solution]:
if len(parents) != 2:
- raise Exception("The number of parents is not two: " + str(len(parents)))
+ raise Exception('The number of parents is not two: {}'.format(len(parents)))
- return [copy.deepcopy(parents[0]), copy.deepcopy(parents[1])]
+ return parents
def get_number_of_parents(self):
return 2
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Null crossover'
class SBX(Crossover[FloatSolution, FloatSolution]):
__EPS = 1.0e-14
@@ -31,7 +41,7 @@ def __init__(self, probability: float, distribution_index: float = 20.0):
def execute(self, parents: List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
if len(parents) != 2:
- raise Exception("The number of parents is not two: " + str(len(parents)))
+ raise Exception('The number of parents is not two: {}'.format(len(parents)))
offspring = [copy.copy(parents[0]), copy.copy(parents[1])]
rand = random.random()
@@ -47,9 +57,9 @@ def execute(self, parents: List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
y1, y2 = value_x2, value_x1
- lowerBound, upperBound = parents[0].lower_bound[i], parents[1].upper_bound[i]
+ lower_bound, upper_bound = parents[0].lower_bound[i], parents[1].upper_bound[i]
- beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - lowerBound) / (y2 - y1))
+ beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - lower_bound) / (y2 - y1))
alpha = 2.0 - pow(beta, -(self.distribution_index + 1.0))
rand = random.random()
@@ -59,7 +69,7 @@ def execute(self, parents: List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
betaq = pow(1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha), 1.0 / (self.distribution_index + 1.0))
c1 = 0.5 * (y1 + y2 - betaq * (y2 - y1))
- beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (upperBound - y2) / (y2 - y1))
+ beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (upper_bound - y2) / (y2 - y1))
alpha = 2.0 - pow(beta, -(self.distribution_index + 1.0))
if rand <= (1.0 / alpha):
@@ -69,14 +79,14 @@ def execute(self, parents: List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
c2 = 0.5 * (y1 + y2 + betaq * (y2 - y1))
- if c1 < lowerBound:
- c1 = lowerBound
- if c2 < lowerBound:
- c2 = lowerBound
- if c1 > upperBound:
- c1 = upperBound
- if c2 > upperBound:
- c2 = upperBound
+ if c1 < lower_bound:
+ c1 = lower_bound
+ if c2 < lower_bound:
+ c2 = lower_bound
+ if c1 > upper_bound:
+ c1 = upper_bound
+ if c2 > upper_bound:
+ c2 = upper_bound
if random.random() <= 0.5:
offspring[0].variables[i] = c2
@@ -95,14 +105,18 @@ def execute(self, parents: List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
def get_number_of_parents(self):
return 2
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'SBX crossover'
+class SP(Crossover[BinarySolution, BinarySolution]):
-class SinglePoint(Crossover[BinarySolution, BinarySolution]):
def __init__(self, probability: float):
- super(SinglePoint, self).__init__(probability=probability)
+ super(SP, self).__init__(probability=probability)
def execute(self, parents: List[BinarySolution]) -> List[BinarySolution]:
if len(parents) != 2:
- raise Exception("The number of parents is not two: " + str(len(parents)))
+ raise Exception('The number of parents is not two: {}'.format(len(parents)))
offspring = [copy.copy(parents[0]), copy.copy(parents[1])]
rand = random.random()
@@ -146,3 +160,6 @@ def execute(self, parents: List[BinarySolution]) -> List[BinarySolution]:
def get_number_of_parents(self):
return 2
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Single point crossover'
diff --git a/jmetal/operator/mutation.py b/jmetal/operator/mutation.py
index 38338603..c0459204 100644
--- a/jmetal/operator/mutation.py
+++ b/jmetal/operator/mutation.py
@@ -3,11 +3,29 @@
from jmetal.core.operator import Mutation
from jmetal.core.solution import BinarySolution, Solution, FloatSolution, IntegerSolution
-""" Class implementing the binary BitFlip mutation operators """
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
+.. module:: mutation
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Module implementing mutation operators.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
+class NullMutation(Mutation[Solution]):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(NullMutation, self).__init__(probability=0)
+ def execute(self, solution: Solution) -> Solution:
+ return solution
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Null mutation'
class BitFlip(Mutation[BinarySolution]):
def __init__(self, probability: float):
super(BitFlip, self).__init__(probability=probability)
@@ -16,30 +34,20 @@ def execute(self, solution: BinarySolution) -> BinarySolution:
for j in range(len(solution.variables[i])):
rand = random.random()
if rand <= self.probability:
- solution.variables[i][j] = True if solution.variables[i][j] == False else False
+ solution.variables[i][j] = True if solution.variables[i][j] is False else False
return solution
-class Null(Mutation[Solution]):
- def __init__(self):
- super(Null, self).__init__(probability=0)
def get_name(self):
- return "Null mutation"
- def execute(self, solution: Solution) -> Solution:
- return solution
+ return 'BitFlip mutation'
class Polynomial(Mutation[FloatSolution]):
def __init__(self, probability: float, distribution_index: float = 0.20):
super(Polynomial, self).__init__(probability=probability)
self.distribution_index = distribution_index
- def get_name(self):
- return "Polynomial mutation"
def execute(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
for i in range(solution.number_of_variables):
rand = random.random()
@@ -61,7 +69,7 @@ def execute(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
deltaq = pow(val, mut_pow) - 1.0
xy = 1.0 - delta2
- val = 2.0 * (1.0 - rnd) + 2.0 * (rnd - 0.5) * (pow(xy, self.distribution_index + 1.0));
+ val = 2.0 * (1.0 - rnd) + 2.0 * (rnd - 0.5) * (pow(xy, self.distribution_index + 1.0))
deltaq = 1.0 - pow(val, mut_pow)
y += deltaq * (yu - yl)
@@ -74,15 +82,16 @@ def execute(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
return solution
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Polynomial mutation'
class IntegerPolynomial(Mutation[IntegerSolution]):
def __init__(self, probability: float, distribution_index: float = 0.20):
super(IntegerPolynomial, self).__init__(probability=probability)
self.distribution_index = distribution_index
- def get_name(self):
- return "Polynomial mutation (Integer)"
def execute(self, solution: IntegerSolution) -> IntegerSolution:
for i in range(solution.number_of_variables):
if random.random() <= self.probability:
@@ -94,16 +103,16 @@ def execute(self, solution: IntegerSolution) -> IntegerSolution:
delta1 = (y - yl) / (yu - yl)
delta2 = (yu - y) / (yu - yl)
- mutPow = 1.0 / (self.distribution_index + 1.0)
+ mut_pow = 1.0 / (self.distribution_index + 1.0)
rnd = random.random()
if rnd <= 0.5:
xy = 1.0 - delta1
val = 2.0 * rnd + (1.0 - 2.0 * rnd) * (xy ** (self.distribution_index + 1.0))
- deltaq = val ** mutPow - 1.0
+ deltaq = val ** mut_pow - 1.0
xy = 1.0 - delta2
val = 2.0 * (1.0 - rnd) + 2.0 * (rnd - 0.5) * (xy ** (self.distribution_index + 1.0))
- deltaq = 1.0 - val ** mutPow
+ deltaq = 1.0 - val ** mut_pow
y += deltaq * (yu - yl)
if y < solution.lower_bound[i]:
@@ -114,14 +123,15 @@ def execute(self, solution: IntegerSolution) -> IntegerSolution:
solution.variables[i] = int(round(y))
return solution
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Polynomial mutation (Integer)'
class SimpleRandom(Mutation[FloatSolution]):
def __init__(self, probability: float):
super(SimpleRandom, self).__init__(probability=probability)
- def get_name(self):
- return "Simple random mutation"
def execute(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
for i in range(solution.number_of_variables):
rand = random.random()
@@ -130,15 +140,16 @@ def execute(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
(solution.upper_bound[i] - solution.lower_bound[i]) * random.random()
return solution
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Simple random mutation'
class Uniform(Mutation[FloatSolution]):
def __init__(self, probability: float, perturbation: float = 0.5):
super(Uniform, self).__init__(probability=probability)
self.perturbation = perturbation
- def get_name(self):
- return "Uniform mutation"
def execute(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
for i in range(solution.number_of_variables):
rand = random.random()
@@ -154,4 +165,7 @@ def execute(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
solution.variables[i] = tmp
- return solution
\ No newline at end of file
+ return solution
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Uniform mutation'
diff --git a/jmetal/operator/selection.py b/jmetal/operator/selection.py
index 7308eb5f..d3785520 100644
--- a/jmetal/operator/selection.py
+++ b/jmetal/operator/selection.py
@@ -3,31 +3,39 @@
from jmetal.component.density_estimator import CrowdingDistance
from jmetal.core.operator import Selection
-from jmetal.util.comparator import Comparator, DominanceComparator
-from jmetal.util.ranking import FastNonDominatedRanking
-""" Class implementing a best solution selection operators """
+from jmetal.component.comparator import Comparator, DominanceComparator
+from jmetal.component.ranking import FastNonDominatedRanking
S = TypeVar('S')
+.. module:: selection
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Module implementing selection operators.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class BinaryTournamentSelection(Selection[List[S], S]):
def __init__(self, comparator: Comparator = DominanceComparator()):
super(BinaryTournamentSelection, self).__init__()
self.comparator = comparator
- def execute(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> S:
- if solution_list is None:
- raise Exception("The solution list is null")
- elif len(solution_list) == 0:
- raise Exception("The solution is empty")
+ def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S:
+ if front is None:
+ raise Exception('The front is null')
+ elif len(front) == 0:
+ raise Exception('The front is empty')
- if len(solution_list) == 1:
- result = solution_list[0]
+ if len(front) == 1:
+ result = front[0]
- i, j = random.sample(range(0, len(solution_list)), 2) # sampling without replacement
- solution1 = solution_list[i]
- solution2 = solution_list[j]
+ # Sampling without replacement
+ i, j = random.sample(range(0, len(front)), 2)
+ solution1 = front[i]
+ solution2 = front[j]
flag = self.comparator.compare(solution1, solution2)
@@ -41,69 +49,82 @@ def execute(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> S:
return result
def get_name(self) -> str:
- return "Binary tournament selection"
+ return 'Binary tournament selection'
class BestSolutionSelection(Selection[List[S], S]):
def __init__(self):
super(BestSolutionSelection, self).__init__()
- def execute(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> S:
- if solution_list is None:
- raise Exception("The solution list is null")
- elif len(solution_list) == 0:
- raise Exception("The solution is empty")
+ def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S:
+ if front is None:
+ raise Exception('The front is null')
+ elif len(front) == 0:
+ raise Exception('The front is empty')
- result = solution_list[0]
- for solution in solution_list[1:]:
+ result = front[0]
+ for solution in front[1:]:
if DominanceComparator().compare(solution, result) < 0:
result = solution
return result
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Best solution selection'
class NaryRandomSolutionSelection(Selection[List[S], S]):
- def __init__(self, number_of_solutions_to_be_returned:int = 1):
+ def __init__(self, number_of_solutions_to_be_returned: int = 1):
super(NaryRandomSolutionSelection, self).__init__()
if number_of_solutions_to_be_returned < 0:
- raise Exception("The number of solutions to be returned must be positive integer")
+ raise Exception('The number of solutions to be returned must be positive integer')
self.number_of_solutions_to_be_returned = number_of_solutions_to_be_returned
- def execute(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> S:
- if solution_list is None:
- raise Exception("The solution list is null")
- if len(solution_list) == 0:
- raise Exception("The solution is empty")
- if len(solution_list) S:
+ if front is None:
+ raise Exception('The front is null')
+ if len(front) == 0:
+ raise Exception('The front is empty')
+ if len(front) < self.number_of_solutions_to_be_returned:
+ raise Exception('The front contains less elements than required')
# random sampling without replacement
- return random.sample(solution_list, self.number_of_solutions_to_be_returned)
+ return random.sample(front, self.number_of_solutions_to_be_returned)
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Nary random solution selection'
class RandomSolutionSelection(Selection[List[S], S]):
def __init__(self):
super(RandomSolutionSelection, self).__init__()
- def execute(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> S:
- if solution_list is None:
- raise Exception("The solution list is null")
- elif len(solution_list) == 0:
- raise Exception("The solution is empty")
+ def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S:
+ if front is None:
+ raise Exception('The front is null')
+ elif len(front) == 0:
+ raise Exception('The front is empty')
- return random.choice(solution_list)
+ return random.choice(front)
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Random solution selection'
class RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection(Selection[List[S], List[S]]):
def __init__(self, max_population_size: int):
super(RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection, self).__init__()
self.max_population_size = max_population_size
- def execute(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> List[S]:
+ def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> List[S]:
ranking = FastNonDominatedRanking()
crowding_distance = CrowdingDistance()
- ranking.compute_ranking(solution_list)
+ ranking.compute_ranking(front)
ranking_index = 0
new_solution_list = []
@@ -115,49 +136,52 @@ def execute(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> List[S]:
subfront = ranking.get_subfront(ranking_index)
- sorted_subfront = sorted(subfront, key=lambda x: x.attributes["crowding_distance"], reverse=True)
+ sorted_subfront = sorted(subfront, key=lambda x: x.attributes['crowding_distance'], reverse=True)
for i in range((self.max_population_size - len(new_solution_list))):
return new_solution_list
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Ranking and crowding distance selection'
class BinaryTournament2Selection(Selection[List[S], S]):
def __init__(self, comparator_list: List[Comparator]):
super(BinaryTournament2Selection, self).__init__()
self.comparator_list = comparator_list
- def get_name(self):
- return "Binary tournament selection (experimental)"
- def execute(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> S:
- if solution_list is None:
- raise Exception("The solution list is null")
- elif len(solution_list) == 0:
- raise Exception("The solution is empty")
+ def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S:
+ if front is None:
+ raise Exception('The front is null')
+ elif len(front) == 0:
+ raise Exception('The front is empty')
elif not self.comparator_list:
- raise Exception("The list of comparators is empty")
+ raise Exception('The comparators\' list is empty')
winner = None
- if len(solution_list) == 1:
- winner = solution_list[0]
+ if len(front) == 1:
+ winner = front[0]
for comparator in self.comparator_list:
- winner = self.__winner(solution_list, comparator)
+ winner = self.__winner(front, comparator)
if winner is not None:
if not winner:
- i = random.randrange(0, len(solution_list))
- winner = solution_list[i]
+ i = random.randrange(0, len(front))
+ winner = front[i]
return winner
- def __winner(self, solution_list: List[S], comparator: Comparator):
- i, j = random.sample(range(0, len(solution_list)), 2) # sampling without replacement
- solution1 = solution_list[i]
- solution2 = solution_list[j]
+ def __winner(self, front: List[S], comparator: Comparator):
+ # Sampling without replacement
+ i, j = random.sample(range(0, len(front)), 2)
+ solution1 = front[i]
+ solution2 = front[j]
flag = comparator.compare(solution1, solution2)
@@ -169,3 +193,6 @@ def __winner(self, solution_list: List[S], comparator: Comparator):
result = None
return result
+ def get_name(self) -> str:
+ return 'Binary tournament selection (experimental)'
diff --git a/jmetal/operator/test/test_crossover.py b/jmetal/operator/test/test_crossover.py
index 305354f0..1a880985 100644
--- a/jmetal/operator/test/test_crossover.py
+++ b/jmetal/operator/test/test_crossover.py
@@ -2,24 +2,21 @@
from unittest import mock
from jmetal.core.solution import BinarySolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import Null, SinglePoint
+from jmetal.operator.crossover import NullCrossover, SP
class NullCrossoverTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
- solution = Null()
+ solution = NullCrossover()
def test_should_constructor_create_a_valid_operator(self):
- operator = Null()
+ operator = NullCrossover()
self.assertEqual(0, operator.probability)
def test_should_the_solution_remain_unchanged(self):
- operator = Null()
+ operator = NullCrossover()
solution1 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
solution1.variables[0] = [True, False, False, True, True, False]
solution2 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
@@ -31,27 +28,25 @@ def test_should_the_solution_remain_unchanged(self):
class SinglePointTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
- solution = SinglePoint(1.0)
+ solution = SP(1.0)
def test_should_constructor_create_a_valid_operator(self):
- operator = SinglePoint(0.5)
+ operator = SP(0.5)
self.assertEqual(0.5, operator.probability)
def test_should_constructor_raise_an_exception_if_the_probability_is_greater_than_one(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
- SinglePoint(2)
+ SP(2)
def test_should_constructor_raise_an_exception_if_the_probability_is_lower_than_zero(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
- SinglePoint(-12)
+ SP(-12)
def test_should_the_solution_remain_unchanged_if_the_probability_is_zero(self):
- operator = SinglePoint(0.0)
+ operator = SP(0.0)
solution1 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
solution1.variables[0] = [True, False, False, True, True, False]
solution2 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
@@ -63,7 +58,7 @@ def test_should_the_solution_remain_unchanged_if_the_probability_is_zero(self):
def test_should_the_operator_work_if_the_first_bit_is_selected(self, random_call):
- operator = SinglePoint(1.0)
+ operator = SP(1.0)
solution1 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
solution1.variables[0] = [True, False, False, True, True, False]
solution2 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
@@ -76,7 +71,7 @@ def test_should_the_operator_work_if_the_first_bit_is_selected(self, random_call
def test_should_the_operator_work_if_the_last_bit_is_selected(self, random_call):
- operator = SinglePoint(1.0)
+ operator = SP(1.0)
solution1 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
solution1.variables[0] = [True, False, False, True, True, False]
solution2 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
@@ -89,7 +84,7 @@ def test_should_the_operator_work_if_the_last_bit_is_selected(self, random_call)
def test_should_the_operator_work_if_the_third_bit_is_selected(self, random_call):
- operator = SinglePoint(1.0)
+ operator = SP(1.0)
solution1 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
solution1.variables[0] = [True, False, False, True, True, False]
solution2 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
@@ -102,7 +97,7 @@ def test_should_the_operator_work_if_the_third_bit_is_selected(self, random_call
def test_should_the_operator_work_with_a_solution_with_three_binary_variables(self, random_call):
- operator = SinglePoint(1.0)
+ operator = SP(1.0)
solution1 = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=3, number_of_objectives=1)
solution1.variables[0] = [True, False, False, True, True, False]
solution1.variables[1] = [True, False, False, True, False, False]
@@ -121,5 +116,6 @@ def test_should_the_operator_work_with_a_solution_with_three_binary_variables(se
self.assertEqual([True, True, False, True, False, False], offspring[1].variables[1])
self.assertEqual([True, False, True, True, True, True], offspring[1].variables[2])
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/operator/test/test_mutation.py b/jmetal/operator/test/test_mutation.py
index 87c9021a..d6bca2e3 100644
--- a/jmetal/operator/test/test_mutation.py
+++ b/jmetal/operator/test/test_mutation.py
@@ -3,14 +3,9 @@
from jmetal.core.solution import BinarySolution, FloatSolution, IntegerSolution
from jmetal.operator.mutation import BitFlip, Uniform, SimpleRandom, Polynomial, IntegerPolynomial
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
class PolynomialMutationTestMethods(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
mutation = Polynomial(1.0)
@@ -50,9 +45,6 @@ def test_should_the_solution_change__if_the_probability_is_one(self):
class BitFlipTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
solution = BitFlip(1.0)
@@ -90,9 +82,6 @@ def test_should_the_solution_change_all_the_bits_if_the_probability_is_one(self)
class UniformMutationTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
operator = Uniform(0.3)
operator2 = Uniform(0.3, 0.7)
@@ -141,9 +130,6 @@ def test_should_the_solution_change_between_max_and_min_value(self):
class RandomMutationTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
operator = SimpleRandom(1.0)
@@ -188,8 +174,6 @@ def test_should_the_solution_change_between_max_and_min_value(self):
class IntegerPolynomialMutationTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
operator = IntegerPolynomial(1.0)
@@ -224,7 +208,8 @@ def test_should_the_solution_change__if_the_probability_is_one(self):
mutated_solution = operator.execute(solution)
self.assertNotEqual([1, 2, 3], mutated_solution.variables)
- self.assertEqual([True, True, True], [isinstance(x, int) for x in mutated_solution.variables])
+ self.assertEqual([True, True, True], [isinstance(x, int) for x in mutated_solution.variables])
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/operator/test/test_selection.py b/jmetal/operator/test/test_selection.py
index 91267046..08d31a0a 100644
--- a/jmetal/operator/test/test_selection.py
+++ b/jmetal/operator/test/test_selection.py
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
import unittest
-from hamcrest import *
+from hamcrest import assert_that, any_of
from jmetal.core.solution import Solution
from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection, BestSolutionSelection, RandomSolutionSelection, \
- NaryRandomSolutionSelection, \
- RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection, BinaryTournament2Selection
-from jmetal.util.comparator import Comparator, SolutionAttributeComparator
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
+ NaryRandomSolutionSelection, RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection, BinaryTournament2Selection
+from jmetal.component.comparator import SolutionAttributeComparator, EqualSolutionsComparator
class BinaryTournamentTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.selection = BinaryTournamentSelection[Solution]()
@@ -29,25 +27,25 @@ def test_should_execute_raise_an_exception_if_the_list_of_solutions_is_empty(sel
def test_should_execute_return_the_solution_in_a_list_with_one_solution(self):
- solution = Solution(3,2)
+ solution = Solution(3, 2)
solution_list = [solution]
self.assertEqual(solution, self.selection.execute(solution_list))
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_non_dominated_solutions(self):
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.variables = [1.0, 2.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.variables = [0.0, 3.0]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2]
- assert_that(any_of(solution1 , solution2), self.selection.execute(solution_list))
+ assert_that(any_of(solution1, solution2), self.selection.execute(solution_list))
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_solutions_and_one_them_is_dominated(self):
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.variables = [1.0, 4.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.variables = [0.0, 3.0]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2]
@@ -56,6 +54,7 @@ def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_solutions_and_one
class BestSolutionSelectionTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.selection = BestSolutionSelection[Solution]()
@@ -74,15 +73,15 @@ def test_should_execute_raise_an_exception_if_the_list_of_solutions_is_empty(sel
def test_should_execute_return_the_solution_in_a_list_with_one_solution(self):
- solution = Solution(3,2)
+ solution = Solution(3, 2)
solution_list = [solution]
self.assertEqual(solution, self.selection.execute(solution_list))
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_non_dominated_solutions(self):
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2]
@@ -90,9 +89,9 @@ def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_non_dominated_sol
self.assertTrue(self.selection.execute(solution_list) in solution_list)
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_solutions_and_one_them_is_dominated(self):
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 4.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2]
@@ -100,15 +99,15 @@ def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_solutions_and_one
self.assertEqual(solution2, self.selection.execute(solution_list))
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_five_solutions_and_one_them_is_dominated(self):
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 4.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
- solution3 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
solution3.objectives = [0.0, 4.0]
- solution4 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution4 = Solution(2, 2)
solution4.objectives = [1.0, 3.0]
- solution5 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution5 = Solution(2, 2)
solution5.objectives = [0.2, 4.4]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2, solution3, solution4, solution5]
@@ -135,15 +134,15 @@ def test_should_execute_raise_an_exception_if_the_list_of_solutions_is_empty(sel
def test_should_execute_return_the_solution_in_a_list_with_one_solution(self):
- solution = Solution(3,2)
+ solution = Solution(3, 2)
solution_list = [solution]
self.assertEqual(solution, self.selection.execute(solution_list))
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_non_dominated_solutions(self):
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2]
@@ -151,9 +150,9 @@ def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_non_dominated_sol
self.assertTrue(self.selection.execute(solution_list) in solution_list)
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_solutions_and_one_them_is_dominated(self):
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 4.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2]
@@ -161,15 +160,15 @@ def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_solutions_and_one
self.assertTrue(self.selection.execute(solution_list) in solution_list)
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_five_solutions_and_one_them_is_dominated(self):
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 4.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
- solution3 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
solution3.objectives = [0.0, 4.0]
- solution4 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution4 = Solution(2, 2)
solution4.objectives = [1.0, 3.0]
- solution5 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution5 = Solution(2, 2)
solution5.objectives = [0.2, 4.4]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2, solution3, solution4, solution5]
@@ -178,9 +177,6 @@ def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_five_solutions_and_on
class NaryRandomSolutionSelectionTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
selection = NaryRandomSolutionSelection[Solution]()
@@ -199,26 +195,26 @@ def test_should_execute_raise_an_exception_if_the_list_of_solutions_is_empty(sel
selection = NaryRandomSolutionSelection[Solution]()
solution_list = []
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
- selection.execute(solution_list)
+ selection.execute(solution_list)
def test_should_execute_raise_an_exception_if_the_list_of_solutions_is_smaller_than_required(self):
selection = NaryRandomSolutionSelection[Solution](4)
- solution_list = [Solution(1,1), Solution(1,1)]
+ solution_list = [Solution(1, 1), Solution(1, 1)]
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
- selection.execute(solution_list)
+ selection.execute(solution_list)
def test_should_execute_return_the_solution_in_a_list_with_one_solution(self):
selection = NaryRandomSolutionSelection[Solution](1)
- solution = Solution(3,2)
+ solution = Solution(3, 2)
solution_list = [solution]
self.assertEqual([solution], selection.execute(solution_list))
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_non_dominated_solutions(self):
selection = NaryRandomSolutionSelection[Solution](2)
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 2.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2]
@@ -229,15 +225,15 @@ def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_two_non_dominated_sol
def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_five_solutions_and_one_them_is_dominated(self):
selection = NaryRandomSolutionSelection[Solution](1)
- solution1 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(2, 2)
solution1.objectives = [1.0, 4.0]
- solution2 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(2, 2)
solution2.objectives = [0.0, 3.0]
- solution3 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution3 = Solution(2, 2)
solution3.objectives = [0.0, 4.0]
- solution4 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution4 = Solution(2, 2)
solution4.objectives = [1.0, 3.0]
- solution5 = Solution(2,2)
+ solution5 = Solution(2, 2)
solution5.objectives = [0.2, 4.4]
solution_list = [solution1, solution2, solution3, solution4, solution5]
@@ -246,6 +242,7 @@ def test_should_execute_work_if_the_solution_list_contains_five_solutions_and_on
class DominanceRankingTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ranking_and_crowding_selection = RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection(5)
@@ -312,17 +309,16 @@ def test_should_operator_raise_an_exception_if_the_list_of_comparators_is_empty(
def test_should_execute_return_the_solution_in_a_list_with_one_solution(self):
- solution = Solution(3,2)
+ solution = Solution(3, 2)
solution_list = [solution]
- selection = BinaryTournament2Selection[Solution]([Comparator()])
+ selection = BinaryTournament2Selection[Solution]([EqualSolutionsComparator()])
self.assertEqual(solution, selection.execute(solution_list))
def test_should_execute_work_properly_case1(self):
- solution1 = Solution(3,2)
+ solution1 = Solution(3, 2)
solution1.objectives = [2, 3]
- solution2 = Solution(3,2)
+ solution2 = Solution(3, 2)
solution2.objectives = [1, 4]
solution1.attributes["dominance_ranking"] = 1
solution2.attributes["dominance_ranking"] = 1
@@ -330,9 +326,9 @@ def test_should_execute_work_properly_case1(self):
solution_list = [solution1, solution2]
operator = BinaryTournament2Selection[Solution]([SolutionAttributeComparator("key")])
selection1 = operator.execute(solution_list)
- selection2 = operator.execute(solution_list)
- self.assertTrue(1, selection1.attributes["dominance_ranking"])
+ self.assertTrue(1, selection1.attributes["dominance_ranking"])
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/__init__.py b/jmetal/problem/__init__.py
index e69de29b..49d74770 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/__init__.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from .multiobjective.constrained import Srinivas, Tanaka
+from .multiobjective.unconstrained import Kursawe, Fonseca, Schaffer, Viennet2
+from .multiobjective.dtlz import DTLZ1, DTLZ2
+from .multiobjective.zdt import ZDT1, ZDT2, ZDT3, ZDT4, ZDT6
+from .singleobjective.unconstrained import OneMax, Sphere
+__all__ = [
+ 'Srinivas', 'Tanaka',
+ 'Kursawe', 'Fonseca', 'Schaffer', 'Viennet2',
+ 'DTLZ1', 'DTLZ2',
+ 'ZDT1', 'ZDT2', 'ZDT3', 'ZDT4', 'ZDT6',
+ 'OneMax', 'Sphere'
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/constrained.py b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/constrained.py
index 683cd0b4..c0cf034e 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/constrained.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/constrained.py
@@ -1,46 +1,43 @@
from math import pi, cos, atan
-""" Unconstrained Test problems for multi-objective optimization """
-from jmetal.core.objective import Objective
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem
+.. module:: constrained
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Constrained test problems for multi-objective optimization
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class Srinivas(FloatProblem):
- """ Class representing problem Srinivas """
- def __init__(self):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ """ Class representing problem Srinivas. """
- self.number_of_objectives = len(self.objectives)
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Srinivas, self).__init__()
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_variables = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 2
- self.lower_bound = [-20.0 for i in range(self.number_of_variables)]
- self.upper_bound = [20.0 for i in range(self.number_of_variables)]
+ self.lower_bound = [-20.0 for _ in range(self.number_of_variables)]
+ self.upper_bound = [20.0 for _ in range(self.number_of_variables)]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- def get_name(self):
- return "Srinivas"
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- x1 = solution.variables[0]
- x2 = solution.variables[1]
- return 2.0 + (x1 - 2.0) * (x1 - 2.0) + (x2 - 1.0) * (x2 - 1.0)
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ x1 = solution.variables[0]
+ x2 = solution.variables[1]
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- x1 = solution.variables[0]
- x2 = solution.variables[1]
+ solution.objectives[0] = 2.0 + (x1 - 2.0) * (x1 - 2.0) + (x2 - 1.0) * (x2 - 1.0)
+ solution.objectives[1] = 9.0 * x1 - (x2 - 1.0) * (x2 - 1.0)
- return 9.0 * x1 - (x2 - 1.0) * (x2 - 1.0)
+ return solution
def evaluate_constraints(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> None:
- constraints : [float] = [0.0 for x in range(self.number_of_constraints)]
+ constraints = [0.0 for _ in range(self.number_of_constraints)]
x1 = solution.variables[0]
x2 = solution.variables[1]
@@ -56,38 +53,36 @@ def evaluate_constraints(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> None:
overall_constraint_violation += constrain
number_of_violated_constraints += 1
- solution.attributes["overall_constraint_violation"] = overall_constraint_violation
- solution.attributes["number_of_violated_constraints"] = number_of_violated_constraints
+ solution.attributes['overall_constraint_violation'] = overall_constraint_violation
+ solution.attributes['number_of_violated_constraints'] = number_of_violated_constraints
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Srinivas'
class Tanaka(FloatProblem):
""" Class representing problem Tanaka """
- def __init__(self):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
- self.number_of_objectives = len(self.objectives)
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Tanaka, self).__init__()
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_variables = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 2
- self.lower_bound = [10e-5 for i in range(self.number_of_variables)]
- self.upper_bound = [pi for i in range(self.number_of_variables)]
+ self.lower_bound = [10e-5 for _ in range(self.number_of_variables)]
+ self.upper_bound = [pi for _ in range(self.number_of_variables)]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- def get_name(self):
- return "Tanaka"
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return solution.variables[0]
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ solution.objectives[0] = solution.variables[0]
+ solution.objectives[1] = solution.variables[1]
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return solution.variables[1]
+ return solution
def evaluate_constraints(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> None:
- constraints : [float] = [0.0 for x in range(self.number_of_constraints)]
+ constraints = [0.0 for _ in range(self.number_of_constraints)]
x1 = solution.variables[0]
x2 = solution.variables[1]
@@ -103,6 +98,8 @@ def evaluate_constraints(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> None:
overall_constraint_violation += constrain
number_of_violated_constraints += 1
- solution.attributes["overall_constraint_violation"] = overall_constraint_violation
- solution.attributes["number_of_violated_constraints"] = number_of_violated_constraints
+ solution.attributes['overall_constraint_violation'] = overall_constraint_violation
+ solution.attributes['number_of_violated_constraints'] = number_of_violated_constraints
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Tanaka'
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/dtlz.py b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/dtlz.py
index d4944f9e..2a908641 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/dtlz.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/dtlz.py
@@ -1,87 +1,99 @@
+from math import pi, cos, sin
+from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem
+from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
- ============================================================
- :mod:`dtlz` -- DTLZ problem family of multi-objective problems
- ============================================================
+.. module:: DTLZ
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: DTLZ problem family of multi-objective problems.
- This module provides the implementation of the DTLZ problems defined in:
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
- ...
- DOI: ...
+class DTLZ1(FloatProblem):
+ """ Problem DTLZ1. Continuous problem having a flat Pareto front
+ .. note:: Unconstrained problem. The default number of variables and objectives are, respectively, 7 and 3.
+ """
- These problems are scalable in the number of the decision variables and the number of
- objective functions
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 7, number_of_objectives=3):
+ """ :param number_of_variables: number of decision variables of the problem.
+ """
+ super(DTLZ1, self).__init__()
+ self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
+ self.number_of_objectives = number_of_objectives
+ self.number_of_constraints = 0
- .. module:: jmetal.problem.multiobjective.dtlz
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE] * number_of_objectives
- :platform: Unix, Windows
- :synopsis: Module including the implementation of the DTLZ problem family.
+ self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [0.0]
+ self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [1.0]
- .. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
+ FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
+ FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ k = self.number_of_variables - self.number_of_objectives + 1
+ g = sum([(x - 0.5) * (x - 0.5) - cos(20.0 * pi * (x - 0.5))
+ for x in solution.variables[self.number_of_variables - k:]])
-from math import pi, cos
+ g = 100 * (k + g)
-from jmetal.core.objective import Objective
-from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
+ solution.objectives = [(1.0 + g) * 0.5] * self.number_of_objectives
+ for i in range(self.number_of_objectives):
+ for j in range(self.number_of_objectives - (i + 1)):
+ solution.objectives[i] *= solution.variables[j]
-class DTLZ1(FloatProblem):
- """ Problem DTLZ1
+ if i != 0:
+ solution.objectives[i] *= 1 - solution.variables[self.number_of_objectives - (i + 1)]
- .. note:: Unconstrained problem. The default number of variables and objectives are,
- respectively, 7 and 3.
+ return solution
- .. note:: Continuous problem having a convex Pareto front
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'DTLZ1'
- """
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 30, number_of_objectives = 3):
- """Constructor
- Arguments:
+class DTLZ2(FloatProblem):
+ """ Problem DTLZ2. Continuous problem having a convex Pareto front
- :param number_of_variables: number of decision variables of the problem
- """
- self.objectives = [self.Dtlz1Objective() for i in range(number_of_objectives)]
+ .. note:: Unconstrained problem. The default number of variables and objectives are, respectively, 12 and 3.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 12, number_of_objectives=3):
+ """:param number_of_variables: number of decision variables of the problem
+ """
+ super(DTLZ2, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
self.number_of_objectives = number_of_objectives
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE] * number_of_objectives
self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [0.0]
self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [1.0]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- class Dtlz1Objective(Objective):
- def is_a_minimization_objective(self):
- return True
- def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution):
- g = 0.0
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
k = self.number_of_variables - self.number_of_objectives + 1
- for i in range (self.number_of_variables - k, self.number_of_variables):
- g += (solution.variables[i] - 0.5) * (solution.variables[i] - 0.5) - \
- cos(20.0 * pi * (solution.variables[i] - 0.5))
- g = 100 * (k + g)
- for i in range(self.number_of_objectives):
- solution.objectives[i] = (1.0 + g) * 0.5
+ g = sum([(x - 0.5) * (x - 0.5) for x in solution.variables[self.number_of_variables - k:]])
+ solution.objectives = [1.0 + g] * self.number_of_objectives
for i in range(self.number_of_objectives):
for j in range(self.number_of_objectives - (i + 1)):
- solution.objectives[i] *= solution.variables[j]
+ solution.objectives[i] *= cos(solution.variables[j] * 0.5 * pi)
if i != 0:
- aux = self.number_of_objectives - (i + 1)
- solution.objectives[i] *= 1 - solution.variables[aux]
- def get_name(self):
- return "DTLZ1"
+ solution.objectives[i] *= sin(0.5 * pi * solution.variables[self.number_of_objectives - (i + 1)])
+ return solution
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'DTLZ2'
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_constrained.py b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_constrained.py
index 1117beee..7d0ac8e1 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_constrained.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_constrained.py
@@ -3,14 +3,9 @@
from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.constrained import Srinivas, Tanaka
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
class SrinivasTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = Srinivas()
@@ -41,9 +36,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class TanakaTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = Tanaka()
@@ -71,5 +63,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
problem = Tanaka()
self.assertEqual("Tanaka", problem.get_name())
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_unconstrained.py b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_unconstrained.py
index 8427b36f..f2a41612 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_unconstrained.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_unconstrained.py
@@ -2,14 +2,9 @@
from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.unconstrained import Kursawe, Fonseca, Schaffer, Viennet2
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
class KursaweTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = Kursawe(3)
@@ -50,8 +45,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class FonsecaTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
problem = Fonseca()
@@ -63,8 +56,8 @@ def test_should_constructor_create_a_valid_problem_with_default_settings(self):
self.assertEqual(2, problem.number_of_objectives)
self.assertEqual(0, problem.number_of_constraints)
- self.assertEqual( 3 * [-4], problem.lower_bound)
- self.assertEqual( 3 * [ 4], problem.upper_bound)
+ self.assertEqual(3 * [-4], problem.lower_bound)
+ self.assertEqual(3 * [4], problem.upper_bound)
def test_should_create_solution_create_a_valid_float_solution(self):
problem = Fonseca()
@@ -77,7 +70,7 @@ def test_should_create_solution_create_a_valid_float_solution(self):
self.assertEqual(0, problem.number_of_constraints)
self.assertEqual(3 * [-4], problem.lower_bound)
- self.assertEqual(3 * [ 4], problem.upper_bound)
+ self.assertEqual(3 * [4], problem.upper_bound)
self.assertTrue(solution.variables[0] >= -4)
self.assertTrue(solution.variables[0] <= 4)
@@ -92,8 +85,8 @@ def test_should_create_solution_return_right_evaluation_values(self):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution1.objectives[0], 0.991563628, 4);
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution1.objectives[1], 0.999663388, 4);
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution1.objectives[0], 0.991563628, 4)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution1.objectives[1], 0.999663388, 4)
def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
problem = Fonseca()
@@ -102,9 +95,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class SchafferTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
problem = Schaffer()
@@ -145,11 +135,11 @@ def test_should_create_solution_return_right_evaluation_values(self):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution1.objectives[0], 9);
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution1.objectives[1], 1);
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution1.objectives[0], 9)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution1.objectives[1], 1)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[0], 6.76);
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[1], 21.16);
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[0], 6.76)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[1], 21.16)
def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
problem = Schaffer()
@@ -158,9 +148,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class Viennet2TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
problem = Viennet2()
@@ -198,13 +185,14 @@ def test_should_create_solution_return_right_evaluation_values(self):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[0], 14.0607692307);
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[1], -11.8818055555);
- self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[2], -11.1532369747);
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[0], 14.0607692307)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[1], -11.8818055555)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(solution2.objectives[2], -11.1532369747)
def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
problem = Viennet2()
self.assertEqual("Viennet2", problem.get_name())
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_zdt.py b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_zdt.py
index 98f07919..a87168ba 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_zdt.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/test/test_zdt.py
@@ -2,14 +2,9 @@
from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.zdt import ZDT1, ZDT2, ZDT3, ZDT4, ZDT6
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
class ZDT1TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = ZDT1()
@@ -51,9 +46,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class ZDT2TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = ZDT2()
@@ -95,9 +87,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class ZDT3TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = ZDT3()
@@ -139,9 +128,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class ZDT4TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = ZDT4()
@@ -191,9 +177,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class ZDT6TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = ZDT6()
@@ -232,5 +215,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
problem = ZDT6()
self.assertEqual("ZDT6", problem.get_name())
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/unconstrained.py b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/unconstrained.py
index 0c83441d..cd2ade73 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/unconstrained.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/unconstrained.py
@@ -1,138 +1,136 @@
from math import sqrt, exp, pow, sin
-from jmetal.core.objective import Objective
from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-""" Unconstrained Test problems for multi-objective optimization """
+.. module:: constrained
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Unconstrained test problems for multi-objective optimization
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class Kursawe(FloatProblem):
- """ Class representing problem Kursawe """
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 3):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ """ Class representing problem Kursawe. """
- self.number_of_objectives = len(self.objectives)
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 3):
+ super(Kursawe, self).__init__()
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
self.number_of_constraints = 0
- self.lower_bound = [-5.0 for i in range(number_of_variables)]
- self.upper_bound = [5.0 for i in range(number_of_variables)]
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
+ self.lower_bound = [-5.0 for _ in range(number_of_variables)]
+ self.upper_bound = [5.0 for _ in range(number_of_variables)]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- def get_name(self):
- return "Kursawe"
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- fx = 0.0
- for i in range(problem.number_of_variables - 1):
- xi = solution.variables[i] * solution.variables[i]
- xj = solution.variables[i + 1] * solution.variables[i + 1]
- aux = -0.2 * sqrt(xi + xj)
- fx += -10 * exp(aux)
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ fx = [0.0 for _ in range(self.number_of_objectives)]
+ for i in range(self.number_of_variables - 1):
+ xi = solution.variables[i] * solution.variables[i]
+ xj = solution.variables[i + 1] * solution.variables[i + 1]
+ aux = -0.2 * sqrt(xi + xj)
+ fx[0] += -10 * exp(aux)
+ fx[1] += pow(abs(solution.variables[i]), 0.8) + 5.0 * sin(pow(solution.variables[i], 3.0))
- return fx
+ solution.objectives[0] = fx[0]
+ solution.objectives[1] = fx[1]
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- fx = 0.0
- for i in range(problem.number_of_variables):
- fx += pow(abs(solution.variables[i]), 0.8) + 5.0 * sin(pow(solution.variables[i], 3.0))
+ return solution
- return fx
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Kursawe'
class Fonseca(FloatProblem):
- def __init__(self):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Fonseca, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = 3
self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [-4]
- self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [ 4]
+ self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [4]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- def get_name(self):
- return "Fonseca"
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- n = problem.number_of_variables
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ n = self.number_of_variables
+ solution.objectives[0] = 1 - exp(-sum([(x - 1.0 / n ** 0.5) ** 2 for x in solution.variables]))
+ solution.objectives[1] = 1 - exp(-sum([(x + 1.0 / n ** 0.5) ** 2 for x in solution.variables]))
- return 1 - exp(-sum([(x - 1.0 / n ** 0.5) ** 2 for x in solution.variables]))
+ return solution
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- n = problem.number_of_variables
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Fonseca'
- return 1 - exp(-sum([(x + 1.0 / n ** 0.5) ** 2 for x in solution.variables]))
class Schaffer(FloatProblem):
- def __init__(self):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Schaffer, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = 1
self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
self.lower_bound = [-100000]
self.upper_bound = [100000]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- def get_name(self):
- return "Schaffer"
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ value = solution.variables[0]
+ solution.objectives[0] = value ** 2
+ solution.objectives[1] = (value - 2) ** 2
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return solution.variables[0] ** 2
+ return solution
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return (solution.variables[0] - 2.0) ** 2
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Schaffer'
class Viennet2(FloatProblem):
- def __init__(self):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2(), self.Objective3()]
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Viennet2, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = 2
self.number_of_objectives = 3
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [-4]
self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [4]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- def get_name(self):
- return "Viennet2"
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ x0 = solution.variables[0]
+ x1 = solution.variables[1]
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- x0 = solution.variables[0]
- x1 = solution.variables[1]
+ f1 = (x0 - 2) * (x0 - 2) / 2.0 + (x1 + 1) * (x1 + 1) / 13.0 + 3.0
+ f2 = (x0 + x1 - 3.0) * (x0 + x1 - 3.0) / 36.0 + (-x0 + x1 + 2.0) * (-x0 + x1 + 2.0) / 8.0 - 17.0
+ f3 = (x0 + 2 * x1 - 1) * (x0 + 2 * x1 - 1) / 175.0 + (2 * x1 - x0) * (2 * x1 - x0) / 17.0 - 13.0
- return (x0 - 2) * (x0 - 2) / 2.0 + (x1 + 1) * (x1 + 1) / 13.0 + 3.0
+ solution.objectives[0] = f1
+ solution.objectives[1] = f2
+ solution.objectives[2] = f3
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- x0 = solution.variables[0]
- x1 = solution.variables[1]
+ return solution
- return (x0 + x1 - 3.0) * (x0 + x1 - 3.0) / 36.0 + (-x0 + x1 + 2.0) * (-x0 + x1 + 2.0) / 8.0 - 17.0
- class Objective3(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- x0 = solution.variables[0]
- x1 = solution.variables[1]
- return (x0 + 2 * x1 - 1) * (x0 + 2 * x1 - 1) / 175.0 + (2 * x1 - x0) * (2 * x1 - x0) / 17.0 - 13.0
+ def get_name(self):
+ return 'Viennet2'
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/zdt.py b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/zdt.py
index 7e0ded61..8e05124a 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/zdt.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/multiobjective/zdt.py
@@ -1,201 +1,172 @@
- ============================================================
- :mod:`zdt` -- ZDT problem family of multi-objective problems
- ============================================================
- This module provides the implementation of the ZDT problems defined in:
- Zitzler, E., Deb, K., Thiele, L.
- Comparison of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: Empirical results.
- Evolutionary Computation 8(2), pp: 173-195. 2000
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1162/106365600568202
- These problems are scalable in the number of the decision variables, i.e. the Pareto front
- is the same independently of the number of variables
+from math import sqrt, pow, sin, pi, cos
- .. module:: jmetal.problem.multiobjective.zdt
- :platform: Unix, Windows
- :synopsis: Module including the implementation of the ZDT problem family.
- .. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
+from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem
+from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
+.. module:: ZDT
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: ZDT problem family of multi-objective problems.
-from math import sqrt, exp, pow, sin, pi, cos
-from jmetal.core.objective import Objective
-from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class ZDT1(FloatProblem):
- """ Problem ZDT1
+ """ Problem ZDT1.
.. note:: Bi-objective unconstrained problem. The default number of variables is 30.
.. note:: Continuous problem having a convex Pareto front
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 30):
- """Constructor
- Arguments:
- :param number_of_variables: number of decision variables of the problem
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 30):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ :param number_of_variables: Number of decision variables of the problem.
+ """
+ super(ZDT1, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
- self.number_of_objectives = len(self.objectives)
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [0.0]
self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [1.0]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return solution.variables[0]
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ g = self.__eval_g(solution)
+ h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- g = self.__eval_g(solution)
- h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
+ solution.objectives[0] = solution.variables[0]
+ solution.objectives[1] = h * g
- return h * g
+ return solution
- @staticmethod
- def __eval_g(solution: FloatSolution):
- g = sum(solution.variables) - solution.variables[0]
+ def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
+ g = sum(solution.variables) - solution.variables[0]
- constant = 9.0 / (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
- g = constant * g
- g = g + 1.0
- return g
+ constant = 9.0 / (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
+ g = constant * g
+ g = g + 1.0
- @staticmethod
- def __eval_h(f: float, g: float) -> float:
- return 1.0 - sqrt(f/g)
+ return g
+ def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
+ return 1.0 - sqrt(f / g)
def get_name(self):
- return "ZDT1"
+ return 'ZDT1'
class ZDT2(FloatProblem):
""" Problem ZDT2
.. note:: Bi-objective unconstrained problem. The default number of variables is 30.
.. note:: Continuous problem having a non-convex Pareto front
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 30):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 30):
+ super(ZDT2, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
- self.number_of_objectives = len(self.objectives)
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [0.0]
self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [1.0]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return solution.variables[0]
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ g = self.__eval_g(solution)
+ h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- g = self.__eval_g(solution)
- h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
+ solution.objectives[0] = solution.variables[0]
+ solution.objectives[1] = h * g
- return h * g
+ return solution
- def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
- g = sum(solution.variables) - solution.variables[0]
+ def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
+ g = sum(solution.variables) - solution.variables[0]
- constant = 9.0 / (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
- g = constant * g
- g = g + 1.0
- return g
+ constant = 9.0 / (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
+ g = constant * g
+ g = g + 1.0
- def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
- return 1.0 - pow(f / g, 2.0)
+ return g
+ def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
+ return 1.0 - pow(f / g, 2.0)
def get_name(self):
- return "ZDT2"
+ return 'ZDT2'
class ZDT3(FloatProblem):
""" Problem ZDT3
.. note:: Bi-objective unconstrained problem. The default number of variables is 30.
.. note:: Continuous problem having a partitioned Pareto front
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 30):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 30):
+ super(ZDT3, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
- self.number_of_objectives = len(self.objectives)
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [0.0]
self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [1.0]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return solution.variables[0]
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ g = self.__eval_g(solution)
+ h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- g = self.__eval_g(solution)
- h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
+ solution.objectives[0] = solution.variables[0]
+ solution.objectives[1] = h * g
- return h * g
+ return solution
- def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
- g = sum(solution.variables) - solution.variables[0]
+ def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
+ g = sum(solution.variables) - solution.variables[0]
- constant = 9.0 / (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
- g = constant * g
- g = g + 1.0
- return g
+ constant = 9.0 / (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
+ g = constant * g
+ g = g + 1.0
+ return g
- def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
- return 1.0 - sqrt(f / g) - (f / g) * sin(10.0 * f * pi)
+ def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
+ return 1.0 - sqrt(f / g) - (f / g) * sin(10.0 * f * pi)
def get_name(self):
- return "ZDT3"
+ return 'ZDT3'
class ZDT4(FloatProblem):
""" Problem ZDT4
.. note:: Bi-objective unconstrained problem. The default number of variables is 10.
.. note:: Continuous multi-modal problem having a convex Pareto front
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 10):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 10):
+ super(ZDT4, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
- self.number_of_objectives = len(self.objectives)
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [-5.0]
self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [5.0]
self.lower_bound[0] = 0.0
@@ -204,78 +175,73 @@ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 10):
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return solution.variables[0]
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ g = self.__eval_g(solution)
+ h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- g = self.__eval_g(solution)
- h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
+ solution.objectives[0] = solution.variables[0]
+ solution.objectives[1] = h * g
- return h * g
+ return solution
- def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
- g = 0.0
+ def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
+ g = 0.0
- for i in range(1, solution.number_of_variables):
- g += pow(solution.variables[i], 2.0) - 10.0 * cos(4.0 * pi * solution.variables[i])
+ for i in range(1, solution.number_of_variables):
+ g += pow(solution.variables[i], 2.0) - 10.0 * cos(4.0 * pi * solution.variables[i])
- g += 1.0 + 10.0 * (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
+ g += 1.0 + 10.0 * (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
- return g
+ return g
- def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
- return 1.0 - sqrt(f / g)
+ def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
+ return 1.0 - sqrt(f / g)
def get_name(self):
- return "ZDT4"
+ return 'ZDT4'
class ZDT6(FloatProblem):
""" Problem ZDT6
.. note:: Bi-objective unconstrained problem. The default number of variables is 10.
.. note:: Continuous problem having a non-convex Pareto front
- def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 10):
- self.objectives = [self.Objective1(), self.Objective2()]
+ def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 10):
+ super(ZDT6, self).__init__()
self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
- self.number_of_objectives = len(self.objectives)
+ self.number_of_objectives = 2
self.number_of_constraints = 0
+ self.obj_directions = [self.MINIMIZE, self.MINIMIZE]
self.lower_bound = self.number_of_variables * [0.0]
self.upper_bound = self.number_of_variables * [1.0]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- class Objective1(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- return 1.0 - exp((-4.0) * solution.variables[0]) \
- * pow(sin(6.0 * pi * solution.variables[0]), 6.0)
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
+ g = self.__eval_g(solution)
+ h = self.__eval_h(solution.variables[0], g)
- class Objective2(Objective):
- def compute(self, solution: FloatSolution, problem: FloatProblem):
- g = self.__eval_g(solution)
- h = self.__eval_h(solution.objectives[0], g)
+ solution.objectives[0] = solution.variables[0]
+ solution.objectives[1] = h * g
- return h * g
+ return solution
- def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
- g = sum(solution.variables) - solution.variables[0]
- g = g / (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
- g = pow(g, 0.25)
- g = 9.0 * g
- g = 1.0 + g
+ def __eval_g(self, solution: FloatSolution):
+ g = sum(solution.variables) - solution.variables[0]
+ g = g / (solution.number_of_variables - 1)
+ g = pow(g, 0.25)
+ g = 9.0 * g
+ g = 1.0 + g
- return g
+ return g
- def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
- return 1.0 - pow(f / g, 2.0)
+ def __eval_h(self, f: float, g: float) -> float:
+ return 1.0 - pow(f / g, 2.0)
def get_name(self):
- return "ZDT6"
+ return 'ZDT6'
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/reference_front/DTLZ1.pf b/jmetal/problem/reference_front/DTLZ1.pf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48d5dbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/problem/reference_front/DTLZ1.pf
@@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0 0.5
+0 0.005 0.495
+5e-005 0.00495 0.495
+0.0001 0.0049 0.495
+0.00015 0.00485 0.495
+0.0002 0.0048 0.495
+0.00025 0.00475 0.495
+0.0003 0.0047 0.495
+0.00035 0.00465 0.495
+0.0004 0.0046 0.495
+0.00045 0.00455 0.495
+0.0005 0.0045 0.495
+0.00055 0.00445 0.495
+0.0006 0.0044 0.495
+0.00065 0.00435 0.495
+0.0007 0.0043 0.495
+0.00075 0.00425 0.495
+0.0008 0.0042 0.495
+0.00085 0.00415 0.495
+0.0009 0.0041 0.495
+0.00095 0.00405 0.495
+0.001 0.004 0.495
+0.00105 0.00395 0.495
+0.0011 0.0039 0.495
+0.00115 0.00385 0.495
+0.0012 0.0038 0.495
+0.00125 0.00375 0.495
+0.0013 0.0037 0.495
+0.00135 0.00365 0.495
+0.0014 0.0036 0.495
+0.00145 0.00355 0.495
+0.0015 0.0035 0.495
+0.00155 0.00345 0.495
+0.0016 0.0034 0.495
+0.00165 0.00335 0.495
+0.0017 0.0033 0.495
+0.00175 0.00325 0.495
+0.0018 0.0032 0.495
+0.00185 0.00315 0.495
+0.0019 0.0031 0.495
+0.00195 0.00305 0.495
+0.002 0.003 0.495
+0.00205 0.00295 0.495
+0.0021 0.0029 0.495
+0.00215 0.00285 0.495
+0.0022 0.0028 0.495
+0.00225 0.00275 0.495
+0.0023 0.0027 0.495
+0.00235 0.00265 0.495
+0.0024 0.0026 0.495
+0.00245 0.00255 0.495
+0.0025 0.0025 0.495
+0.00255 0.00245 0.495
+0.0026 0.0024 0.495
+0.00265 0.00235 0.495
+0.0027 0.0023 0.495
+0.00275 0.00225 0.495
+0.0028 0.0022 0.495
+0.00285 0.00215 0.495
+0.0029 0.0021 0.495
+0.00295 0.00205 0.495
+0.003 0.002 0.495
+0.00305 0.00195 0.495
+0.0031 0.0019 0.495
+0.00315 0.00185 0.495
+0.0032 0.0018 0.495
+0.00325 0.00175 0.495
+0.0033 0.0017 0.495
+0.00335 0.00165 0.495
+0.0034 0.0016 0.495
+0.00345 0.00155 0.495
+0.0035 0.0015 0.495
+0.00355 0.00145 0.495
+0.0036 0.0014 0.495
+0.00365 0.00135 0.495
+0.0037 0.0013 0.495
+0.00375 0.00125 0.495
+0.0038 0.0012 0.495
+0.00385 0.00115 0.495
+0.0039 0.0011 0.495
+0.00395 0.00105 0.495
+0.004 0.001 0.495
+0.00405 0.00095 0.495
+0.0041 0.0009 0.495
+0.00415 0.00085 0.495
+0.0042 0.0008 0.495
+0.00425 0.00075 0.495
+0.0043 0.0007 0.495
+0.00435 0.00065 0.495
+0.0044 0.0006 0.495
+0.00445 0.00055 0.495
+0.0045 0.0005 0.495
+0.00455 0.00045 0.495
+0.0046 0.0004 0.495
+0.00465 0.00035 0.495
+0.0047 0.0003 0.495
+0.00475 0.00025 0.495
+0.0048 0.0002 0.495
+0.00485 0.00015 0.495
+0.0049 0.0001 0.495
+0.00495 5e-005 0.495
+0 0.01 0.49
+0.0001 0.0099 0.49
+0.0002 0.0098 0.49
+0.0003 0.0097 0.49
+0.0004 0.0096 0.49
+0.0005 0.0095 0.49
+0.0006 0.0094 0.49
+0.0007 0.0093 0.49
+0.0008 0.0092 0.49
+0.0009 0.0091 0.49
+0.001 0.009 0.49
+0.0011 0.0089 0.49
+0.0012 0.0088 0.49
+0.0013 0.0087 0.49
+0.0014 0.0086 0.49
+0.0015 0.0085 0.49
+0.0016 0.0084 0.49
+0.0017 0.0083 0.49
+0.0018 0.0082 0.49
+0.0019 0.0081 0.49
+0.002 0.008 0.49
+0.0021 0.0079 0.49
+0.0022 0.0078 0.49
+0.0023 0.0077 0.49
+0.0024 0.0076 0.49
+0.0025 0.0075 0.49
+0.0026 0.0074 0.49
+0.0027 0.0073 0.49
+0.0028 0.0072 0.49
+0.0029 0.0071 0.49
+0.003 0.007 0.49
+0.0031 0.0069 0.49
+0.0032 0.0068 0.49
+0.0033 0.0067 0.49
+0.0034 0.0066 0.49
+0.0035 0.0065 0.49
+0.0036 0.0064 0.49
+0.0037 0.0063 0.49
+0.0038 0.0062 0.49
+0.0039 0.0061 0.49
+0.004 0.006 0.49
+0.0041 0.0059 0.49
+0.0042 0.0058 0.49
+0.0043 0.0057 0.49
+0.0044 0.0056 0.49
+0.0045 0.0055 0.49
+0.0046 0.0054 0.49
+0.0047 0.0053 0.49
+0.0048 0.0052 0.49
+0.0049 0.0051 0.49
+0.005 0.005 0.49
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+0.0052 0.0048 0.49
+0.0053 0.0047 0.49
+0.0054 0.0046 0.49
+0.0055 0.0045 0.49
+0.0056 0.0044 0.49
+0.0057 0.0043 0.49
+0.0058 0.0042 0.49
+0.0059 0.0041 0.49
+0.006 0.004 0.49
+0.0061 0.0039 0.49
+0.0062 0.0038 0.49
+0.0063 0.0037 0.49
+0.0064 0.0036 0.49
+0.0065 0.0035 0.49
+0.0066 0.0034 0.49
+0.0067 0.0033 0.49
+0.0068 0.0032 0.49
+0.0069 0.0031 0.49
+0.007 0.003 0.49
+0.0071 0.0029 0.49
+0.0072 0.0028 0.49
+0.0073 0.0027 0.49
+0.0074 0.0026 0.49
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+0.0076 0.0024 0.49
+0.0077 0.0023 0.49
+0.0078 0.0022 0.49
+0.0079 0.0021 0.49
+0.008 0.002 0.49
+0.0081 0.0019 0.49
+0.0082 0.0018 0.49
+0.0083 0.0017 0.49
+0.0084 0.0016 0.49
+0.0085 0.0015 0.49
+0.0086 0.0014 0.49
+0.0087 0.0013 0.49
+0.0088 0.0012 0.49
+0.0089 0.0011 0.49
+0.009 0.001 0.49
+0.0091 0.0009 0.49
+0.0092 0.0008 0.49
+0.0093 0.0007 0.49
+0.0094 0.0006 0.49
+0.0095 0.0005 0.49
+0.0096 0.0004 0.49
+0.0097 0.0003 0.49
+0.0098 0.0002 0.49
+0.0099 0.0001 0.49
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+0.0024 0.0126 0.485
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+0.0027 0.0123 0.485
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+0.003 0.012 0.485
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+0.0033 0.0117 0.485
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+0.0036 0.0114 0.485
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+0.0066 0.0084 0.485
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+0.0072 0.0078 0.485
+0.00735 0.00765 0.485
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+0.00765 0.00735 0.485
+0.0078 0.0072 0.485
+0.00795 0.00705 0.485
+0.0081 0.0069 0.485
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+0.0087 0.0063 0.485
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+0.00945 0.00555 0.485
+0.0096 0.0054 0.485
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+0.01065 0.00435 0.485
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+0.01095 0.00405 0.485
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+0.0117 0.0033 0.485
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+0.0012 0.0188 0.48
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+0.0016 0.0184 0.48
+0.0018 0.0182 0.48
+0.002 0.018 0.48
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+0.0024 0.0176 0.48
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+0.0028 0.0172 0.48
+0.003 0.017 0.48
+0.0032 0.0168 0.48
+0.0034 0.0166 0.48
+0.0036 0.0164 0.48
+0.0038 0.0162 0.48
+0.004 0.016 0.48
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+0.0044 0.0156 0.48
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+0.0048 0.0152 0.48
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+0.0052 0.0148 0.48
+0.0054 0.0146 0.48
+0.0056 0.0144 0.48
+0.0058 0.0142 0.48
+0.006 0.014 0.48
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+0.0064 0.0136 0.48
+0.0066 0.0134 0.48
+0.0068 0.0132 0.48
+0.007 0.013 0.48
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+0.0074 0.0126 0.48
+0.0076 0.0124 0.48
+0.0078 0.0122 0.48
+0.008 0.012 0.48
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+0.0084 0.0116 0.48
+0.0086 0.0114 0.48
+0.0088 0.0112 0.48
+0.009 0.011 0.48
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+0.0094 0.0106 0.48
+0.0096 0.0104 0.48
+0.0098 0.0102 0.48
+0.01 0.01 0.48
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+0.0104 0.0096 0.48
+0.0106 0.0094 0.48
+0.0108 0.0092 0.48
+0.011 0.009 0.48
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+0.0114 0.0086 0.48
+0.0116 0.0084 0.48
+0.0118 0.0082 0.48
+0.012 0.008 0.48
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+0.0124 0.0076 0.48
+0.0126 0.0074 0.48
+0.0128 0.0072 0.48
+0.013 0.007 0.48
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+0.0134 0.0066 0.48
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+0.0138 0.0062 0.48
+0.014 0.006 0.48
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+0.0146 0.0054 0.48
+0.0148 0.0052 0.48
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+0.0152 0.0048 0.48
+0.0154 0.0046 0.48
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+0.0158 0.0042 0.48
+0.016 0.004 0.48
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+0.017 0.003 0.48
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+0.019 0.001 0.48
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+0.0198 0.0002 0.48
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+0.0015 0.0235 0.475
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+0.002 0.023 0.475
+0.00225 0.02275 0.475
+0.0025 0.0225 0.475
+0.00275 0.02225 0.475
+0.003 0.022 0.475
+0.00325 0.02175 0.475
+0.0035 0.0215 0.475
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+0.004 0.021 0.475
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+0.0045 0.0205 0.475
+0.00475 0.02025 0.475
+0.005 0.02 0.475
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+0.0055 0.0195 0.475
+0.00575 0.01925 0.475
+0.006 0.019 0.475
+0.00625 0.01875 0.475
+0.0065 0.0185 0.475
+0.00675 0.01825 0.475
+0.007 0.018 0.475
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+0.0075 0.0175 0.475
+0.00775 0.01725 0.475
+0.008 0.017 0.475
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+0.00875 0.01625 0.475
+0.009 0.016 0.475
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+0.00975 0.01525 0.475
+0.01 0.015 0.475
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+0.01075 0.01425 0.475
+0.011 0.014 0.475
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+0.0115 0.0135 0.475
+0.01175 0.01325 0.475
+0.012 0.013 0.475
+0.01225 0.01275 0.475
+0.0125 0.0125 0.475
+0.01275 0.01225 0.475
+0.013 0.012 0.475
+0.01325 0.01175 0.475
+0.0135 0.0115 0.475
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+0.014 0.011 0.475
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+0.0145 0.0105 0.475
+0.01475 0.01025 0.475
+0.015 0.01 0.475
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+0.01575 0.00925 0.475
+0.016 0.009 0.475
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+0.0165 0.0085 0.475
+0.01675 0.00825 0.475
+0.017 0.008 0.475
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+0.0175 0.0075 0.475
+0.01775 0.00725 0.475
+0.018 0.007 0.475
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+0.01875 0.00625 0.475
+0.019 0.006 0.475
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+0.01975 0.00525 0.475
+0.02 0.005 0.475
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+0.02075 0.00425 0.475
+0.021 0.004 0.475
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+0.022 0.003 0.475
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+0.0225 0.0025 0.475
+0.02275 0.00225 0.475
+0.023 0.002 0.475
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+0.024 0.001 0.475
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+0.02475 0.00025 0.475
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+0.003 0.027 0.47
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+0.006 0.024 0.47
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+0.0072 0.0228 0.47
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+0.0171 0.0129 0.47
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+0.021 0.014 0.465
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+0.0088 0.0312 0.46
+0.0092 0.0308 0.46
+0.0096 0.0304 0.46
+0.01 0.03 0.46
+0.0104 0.0296 0.46
+0.0108 0.0292 0.46
+0.0112 0.0288 0.46
+0.0116 0.0284 0.46
+0.012 0.028 0.46
+0.0124 0.0276 0.46
+0.0128 0.0272 0.46
+0.0132 0.0268 0.46
+0.0136 0.0264 0.46
+0.014 0.026 0.46
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+0.0148 0.0252 0.46
+0.0152 0.0248 0.46
+0.0156 0.0244 0.46
+0.016 0.024 0.46
+0.0164 0.0236 0.46
+0.0168 0.0232 0.46
+0.0172 0.0228 0.46
+0.0176 0.0224 0.46
+0.018 0.022 0.46
+0.0184 0.0216 0.46
+0.0188 0.0212 0.46
+0.0192 0.0208 0.46
+0.0196 0.0204 0.46
+0.02 0.02 0.46
+0.0204 0.0196 0.46
+0.0208 0.0192 0.46
+0.0212 0.0188 0.46
+0.0216 0.0184 0.46
+0.022 0.018 0.46
+0.0224 0.0176 0.46
+0.0228 0.0172 0.46
+0.0232 0.0168 0.46
+0.0236 0.0164 0.46
+0.024 0.016 0.46
+0.0244 0.0156 0.46
+0.0248 0.0152 0.46
+0.0252 0.0148 0.46
+0.0256 0.0144 0.46
+0.026 0.014 0.46
+0.0264 0.0136 0.46
+0.0268 0.0132 0.46
+0.0272 0.0128 0.46
+0.0276 0.0124 0.46
+0.028 0.012 0.46
+0.0284 0.0116 0.46
+0.0288 0.0112 0.46
+0.0292 0.0108 0.46
+0.0296 0.0104 0.46
+0.03 0.01 0.46
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+0.0308 0.0092 0.46
+0.0312 0.0088 0.46
+0.0316 0.0084 0.46
+0.032 0.008 0.46
+0.0324 0.0076 0.46
+0.0328 0.0072 0.46
+0.0332 0.0068 0.46
+0.0336 0.0064 0.46
+0.034 0.006 0.46
+0.0344 0.0056 0.46
+0.0348 0.0052 0.46
+0.0352 0.0048 0.46
+0.0356 0.0044 0.46
+0.036 0.004 0.46
+0.0364 0.0036 0.46
+0.0368 0.0032 0.46
+0.0372 0.0028 0.46
+0.0376 0.0024 0.46
+0.038 0.002 0.46
+0.0384 0.0016 0.46
+0.0388 0.0012 0.46
+0.0392 0.0008 0.46
+0.0396 0.0004 0.46
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+0.00045 0.04455 0.455
+0.0009 0.0441 0.455
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+0.0018 0.0432 0.455
+0.00225 0.04275 0.455
+0.0027 0.0423 0.455
+0.00315 0.04185 0.455
+0.0036 0.0414 0.455
+0.00405 0.04095 0.455
+0.0045 0.0405 0.455
+0.00495 0.04005 0.455
+0.0054 0.0396 0.455
+0.00585 0.03915 0.455
+0.0063 0.0387 0.455
+0.00675 0.03825 0.455
+0.0072 0.0378 0.455
+0.00765 0.03735 0.455
+0.0081 0.0369 0.455
+0.00855 0.03645 0.455
+0.009 0.036 0.455
+0.00945 0.03555 0.455
+0.0099 0.0351 0.455
+0.01035 0.03465 0.455
+0.0108 0.0342 0.455
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+0.0117 0.0333 0.455
+0.01215 0.03285 0.455
+0.0126 0.0324 0.455
+0.01305 0.03195 0.455
+0.0135 0.0315 0.455
+0.01395 0.03105 0.455
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+0.01485 0.03015 0.455
+0.0153 0.0297 0.455
+0.01575 0.02925 0.455
+0.0162 0.0288 0.455
+0.01665 0.02835 0.455
+0.0171 0.0279 0.455
+0.01755 0.02745 0.455
+0.018 0.027 0.455
+0.01845 0.02655 0.455
+0.0189 0.0261 0.455
+0.01935 0.02565 0.455
+0.0198 0.0252 0.455
+0.02025 0.02475 0.455
+0.0207 0.0243 0.455
+0.02115 0.02385 0.455
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+0.02205 0.02295 0.455
+0.0225 0.0225 0.455
+0.02295 0.02205 0.455
+0.0234 0.0216 0.455
+0.02385 0.02115 0.455
+0.0243 0.0207 0.455
+0.02475 0.02025 0.455
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+0.0261 0.0189 0.455
+0.02655 0.01845 0.455
+0.027 0.018 0.455
+0.02745 0.01755 0.455
+0.0279 0.0171 0.455
+0.02835 0.01665 0.455
+0.0288 0.0162 0.455
+0.02925 0.01575 0.455
+0.0297 0.0153 0.455
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+0.0306 0.0144 0.455
+0.03105 0.01395 0.455
+0.0315 0.0135 0.455
+0.03195 0.01305 0.455
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+0.03285 0.01215 0.455
+0.0333 0.0117 0.455
+0.03375 0.01125 0.455
+0.0342 0.0108 0.455
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+0.0351 0.0099 0.455
+0.03555 0.00945 0.455
+0.036 0.009 0.455
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+0.0369 0.0081 0.455
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+0.0378 0.0072 0.455
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+0.0387 0.0063 0.455
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+0.0396 0.0054 0.455
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+0.0405 0.0045 0.455
+0.04095 0.00405 0.455
+0.0414 0.0036 0.455
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+0.0423 0.0027 0.455
+0.04275 0.00225 0.455
+0.0432 0.0018 0.455
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+0.0441 0.0009 0.455
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+0 0.05 0.45
+0.0005 0.0495 0.45
+0.001 0.049 0.45
+0.0015 0.0485 0.45
+0.002 0.048 0.45
+0.0025 0.0475 0.45
+0.003 0.047 0.45
+0.0035 0.0465 0.45
+0.004 0.046 0.45
+0.0045 0.0455 0.45
+0.005 0.045 0.45
+0.0055 0.0445 0.45
+0.006 0.044 0.45
+0.0065 0.0435 0.45
+0.007 0.043 0.45
+0.0075 0.0425 0.45
+0.008 0.042 0.45
+0.0085 0.0415 0.45
+0.009 0.041 0.45
+0.0095 0.0405 0.45
+0.01 0.04 0.45
+0.0105 0.0395 0.45
+0.011 0.039 0.45
+0.0115 0.0385 0.45
+0.012 0.038 0.45
+0.0125 0.0375 0.45
+0.013 0.037 0.45
+0.0135 0.0365 0.45
+0.014 0.036 0.45
+0.0145 0.0355 0.45
+0.015 0.035 0.45
+0.0155 0.0345 0.45
+0.016 0.034 0.45
+0.0165 0.0335 0.45
+0.017 0.033 0.45
+0.0175 0.0325 0.45
+0.018 0.032 0.45
+0.0185 0.0315 0.45
+0.019 0.031 0.45
+0.0195 0.0305 0.45
+0.02 0.03 0.45
+0.0205 0.0295 0.45
+0.021 0.029 0.45
+0.0215 0.0285 0.45
+0.022 0.028 0.45
+0.0225 0.0275 0.45
+0.023 0.027 0.45
+0.0235 0.0265 0.45
+0.024 0.026 0.45
+0.0245 0.0255 0.45
+0.025 0.025 0.45
+0.0255 0.0245 0.45
+0.026 0.024 0.45
+0.0265 0.0235 0.45
+0.027 0.023 0.45
+0.0275 0.0225 0.45
+0.028 0.022 0.45
+0.0285 0.0215 0.45
+0.029 0.021 0.45
+0.0295 0.0205 0.45
+0.03 0.02 0.45
+0.0305 0.0195 0.45
+0.031 0.019 0.45
+0.0315 0.0185 0.45
+0.032 0.018 0.45
+0.0325 0.0175 0.45
+0.033 0.017 0.45
+0.0335 0.0165 0.45
+0.034 0.016 0.45
+0.0345 0.0155 0.45
+0.035 0.015 0.45
+0.0355 0.0145 0.45
+0.036 0.014 0.45
+0.0365 0.0135 0.45
+0.037 0.013 0.45
+0.0375 0.0125 0.45
+0.038 0.012 0.45
+0.0385 0.0115 0.45
+0.039 0.011 0.45
+0.0395 0.0105 0.45
+0.04 0.01 0.45
+0.0405 0.0095 0.45
+0.041 0.009 0.45
+0.0415 0.0085 0.45
+0.042 0.008 0.45
+0.0425 0.0075 0.45
+0.043 0.007 0.45
+0.0435 0.0065 0.45
+0.044 0.006 0.45
+0.0445 0.0055 0.45
+0.045 0.005 0.45
+0.0455 0.0045 0.45
+0.046 0.004 0.45
+0.0465 0.0035 0.45
+0.047 0.003 0.45
+0.0475 0.0025 0.45
+0.048 0.002 0.45
+0.0485 0.0015 0.45
+0.049 0.001 0.45
+0.0495 0.0005 0.45
+0 0.055 0.445
+0.00055 0.05445 0.445
+0.0011 0.0539 0.445
+0.00165 0.05335 0.445
+0.0022 0.0528 0.445
+0.00275 0.05225 0.445
+0.0033 0.0517 0.445
+0.00385 0.05115 0.445
+0.0044 0.0506 0.445
+0.00495 0.05005 0.445
+0.0055 0.0495 0.445
+0.00605 0.04895 0.445
+0.0066 0.0484 0.445
+0.00715 0.04785 0.445
+0.0077 0.0473 0.445
+0.00825 0.04675 0.445
+0.0088 0.0462 0.445
+0.00935 0.04565 0.445
+0.0099 0.0451 0.445
+0.01045 0.04455 0.445
+0.011 0.044 0.445
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+0.0121 0.0429 0.445
+0.01265 0.04235 0.445
+0.0132 0.0418 0.445
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+0.0143 0.0407 0.445
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+0.0154 0.0396 0.445
+0.01595 0.03905 0.445
+0.0165 0.0385 0.445
+0.01705 0.03795 0.445
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+0.0198 0.0352 0.445
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+0.0209 0.0341 0.445
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+0.022 0.033 0.445
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+0.02365 0.03135 0.445
+0.0242 0.0308 0.445
+0.02475 0.03025 0.445
+0.0253 0.0297 0.445
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+0.0275 0.0275 0.445
+0.02805 0.02695 0.445
+0.0286 0.0264 0.445
+0.02915 0.02585 0.445
+0.0297 0.0253 0.445
+0.03025 0.02475 0.445
+0.0308 0.0242 0.445
+0.03135 0.02365 0.445
+0.0319 0.0231 0.445
+0.03245 0.02255 0.445
+0.033 0.022 0.445
+0.03355 0.02145 0.445
+0.0341 0.0209 0.445
+0.03465 0.02035 0.445
+0.0352 0.0198 0.445
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+0.0363 0.0187 0.445
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+0.0429 0.0121 0.445
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+0.044 0.011 0.445
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+0.04675 0.00825 0.445
+0.0473 0.0077 0.445
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+0.04895 0.00605 0.445
+0.0495 0.0055 0.445
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+0.0506 0.0044 0.445
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+0.0517 0.0033 0.445
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+0.0528 0.0022 0.445
+0.05335 0.00165 0.445
+0.0539 0.0011 0.445
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+0.0006 0.0594 0.44
+0.0012 0.0588 0.44
+0.0018 0.0582 0.44
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+0.003 0.057 0.44
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+0.0042 0.0558 0.44
+0.0048 0.0552 0.44
+0.0054 0.0546 0.44
+0.006 0.054 0.44
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+0.0072 0.0528 0.44
+0.0078 0.0522 0.44
+0.0084 0.0516 0.44
+0.009 0.051 0.44
+0.0096 0.0504 0.44
+0.0102 0.0498 0.44
+0.0108 0.0492 0.44
+0.0114 0.0486 0.44
+0.012 0.048 0.44
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+0.0132 0.0468 0.44
+0.0138 0.0462 0.44
+0.0144 0.0456 0.44
+0.015 0.045 0.44
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+0.0162 0.0438 0.44
+0.0168 0.0432 0.44
+0.0174 0.0426 0.44
+0.018 0.042 0.44
+0.0186 0.0414 0.44
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+0.021 0.039 0.44
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+0.0228 0.0372 0.44
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+0.024 0.036 0.44
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+0.0258 0.0342 0.44
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+0.027 0.033 0.44
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+0.0288 0.0312 0.44
+0.0294 0.0306 0.44
+0.03 0.03 0.44
+0.0306 0.0294 0.44
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+0.0324 0.0276 0.44
+0.033 0.027 0.44
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+0.0342 0.0258 0.44
+0.0348 0.0252 0.44
+0.0354 0.0246 0.44
+0.036 0.024 0.44
+0.0366 0.0234 0.44
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+0.0378 0.0222 0.44
+0.0384 0.0216 0.44
+0.039 0.021 0.44
+0.0396 0.0204 0.44
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+0.042 0.018 0.44
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+0.0438 0.0162 0.44
+0.0444 0.0156 0.44
+0.045 0.015 0.44
+0.0456 0.0144 0.44
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+0.0468 0.0132 0.44
+0.0474 0.0126 0.44
+0.048 0.012 0.44
+0.0486 0.0114 0.44
+0.0492 0.0108 0.44
+0.0498 0.0102 0.44
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+0.051 0.009 0.44
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+0.0528 0.0072 0.44
+0.0534 0.0066 0.44
+0.054 0.006 0.44
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+0.0552 0.0048 0.44
+0.0558 0.0042 0.44
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+0.057 0.003 0.44
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+0.0582 0.0018 0.44
+0.0588 0.0012 0.44
+0.0594 0.0006 0.44
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+0.00325 0.06175 0.435
+0.0039 0.0611 0.435
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+0.0052 0.0598 0.435
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+0.0065 0.0585 0.435
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+0.013 0.052 0.435
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+0.0143 0.0507 0.435
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+0.0156 0.0494 0.435
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+0.03315 0.03185 0.435
+0.0338 0.0312 0.435
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+0.0377 0.0273 0.435
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+0.039 0.026 0.435
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+0.0481 0.0169 0.435
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+0.06045 0.00455 0.435
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+0.0637 0.0013 0.435
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+0.0007 0.0693 0.43
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+0.007 0.063 0.43
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+0.0098 0.0602 0.43
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+0.0126 0.0574 0.43
+0.0133 0.0567 0.43
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+0.0175 0.0525 0.43
+0.0182 0.0518 0.43
+0.0189 0.0511 0.43
+0.0196 0.0504 0.43
+0.0203 0.0497 0.43
+0.021 0.049 0.43
+0.0217 0.0483 0.43
+0.0224 0.0476 0.43
+0.0231 0.0469 0.43
+0.0238 0.0462 0.43
+0.0245 0.0455 0.43
+0.0252 0.0448 0.43
+0.0259 0.0441 0.43
+0.0266 0.0434 0.43
+0.0273 0.0427 0.43
+0.028 0.042 0.43
+0.0287 0.0413 0.43
+0.0294 0.0406 0.43
+0.0301 0.0399 0.43
+0.0308 0.0392 0.43
+0.0315 0.0385 0.43
+0.0322 0.0378 0.43
+0.0329 0.0371 0.43
+0.0336 0.0364 0.43
+0.0343 0.0357 0.43
+0.035 0.035 0.43
+0.0357 0.0343 0.43
+0.0364 0.0336 0.43
+0.0371 0.0329 0.43
+0.0378 0.0322 0.43
+0.0385 0.0315 0.43
+0.0392 0.0308 0.43
+0.0399 0.0301 0.43
+0.0406 0.0294 0.43
+0.0413 0.0287 0.43
+0.042 0.028 0.43
+0.0427 0.0273 0.43
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+0.0441 0.0259 0.43
+0.0448 0.0252 0.43
+0.0455 0.0245 0.43
+0.0462 0.0238 0.43
+0.0469 0.0231 0.43
+0.0476 0.0224 0.43
+0.0483 0.0217 0.43
+0.049 0.021 0.43
+0.0497 0.0203 0.43
+0.0504 0.0196 0.43
+0.0511 0.0189 0.43
+0.0518 0.0182 0.43
+0.0525 0.0175 0.43
+0.0532 0.0168 0.43
+0.0539 0.0161 0.43
+0.0546 0.0154 0.43
+0.0553 0.0147 0.43
+0.056 0.014 0.43
+0.0567 0.0133 0.43
+0.0574 0.0126 0.43
+0.0581 0.0119 0.43
+0.0588 0.0112 0.43
+0.0595 0.0105 0.43
+0.0602 0.0098 0.43
+0.0609 0.0091 0.43
+0.0616 0.0084 0.43
+0.0623 0.0077 0.43
+0.063 0.007 0.43
+0.0637 0.0063 0.43
+0.0644 0.0056 0.43
+0.0651 0.0049 0.43
+0.0658 0.0042 0.43
+0.0665 0.0035 0.43
+0.0672 0.0028 0.43
+0.0679 0.0021 0.43
+0.0686 0.0014 0.43
+0.0693 0.0007 0.43
+0 0.075 0.425
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+0.0015 0.0735 0.425
+0.00225 0.07275 0.425
+0.003 0.072 0.425
+0.00375 0.07125 0.425
+0.0045 0.0705 0.425
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+0.006 0.069 0.425
+0.00675 0.06825 0.425
+0.0075 0.0675 0.425
+0.00825 0.06675 0.425
+0.009 0.066 0.425
+0.00975 0.06525 0.425
+0.0105 0.0645 0.425
+0.01125 0.06375 0.425
+0.012 0.063 0.425
+0.01275 0.06225 0.425
+0.0135 0.0615 0.425
+0.01425 0.06075 0.425
+0.015 0.06 0.425
+0.01575 0.05925 0.425
+0.0165 0.0585 0.425
+0.01725 0.05775 0.425
+0.018 0.057 0.425
+0.01875 0.05625 0.425
+0.0195 0.0555 0.425
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+0.021 0.054 0.425
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+0.0225 0.0525 0.425
+0.02325 0.05175 0.425
+0.024 0.051 0.425
+0.02475 0.05025 0.425
+0.0255 0.0495 0.425
+0.02625 0.04875 0.425
+0.027 0.048 0.425
+0.02775 0.04725 0.425
+0.0285 0.0465 0.425
+0.02925 0.04575 0.425
+0.03 0.045 0.425
+0.03075 0.04425 0.425
+0.0315 0.0435 0.425
+0.03225 0.04275 0.425
+0.033 0.042 0.425
+0.03375 0.04125 0.425
+0.0345 0.0405 0.425
+0.03525 0.03975 0.425
+0.036 0.039 0.425
+0.03675 0.03825 0.425
+0.0375 0.0375 0.425
+0.03825 0.03675 0.425
+0.039 0.036 0.425
+0.03975 0.03525 0.425
+0.0405 0.0345 0.425
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+0.042 0.033 0.425
+0.04275 0.03225 0.425
+0.0435 0.0315 0.425
+0.04425 0.03075 0.425
+0.045 0.03 0.425
+0.04575 0.02925 0.425
+0.0465 0.0285 0.425
+0.04725 0.02775 0.425
+0.048 0.027 0.425
+0.04875 0.02625 0.425
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+0.05025 0.02475 0.425
+0.051 0.024 0.425
+0.05175 0.02325 0.425
+0.0525 0.0225 0.425
+0.05325 0.02175 0.425
+0.054 0.021 0.425
+0.05475 0.02025 0.425
+0.0555 0.0195 0.425
+0.05625 0.01875 0.425
+0.057 0.018 0.425
+0.05775 0.01725 0.425
+0.0585 0.0165 0.425
+0.05925 0.01575 0.425
+0.06 0.015 0.425
+0.06075 0.01425 0.425
+0.0615 0.0135 0.425
+0.06225 0.01275 0.425
+0.063 0.012 0.425
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+0.066 0.009 0.425
+0.06675 0.00825 0.425
+0.0675 0.0075 0.425
+0.06825 0.00675 0.425
+0.069 0.006 0.425
+0.06975 0.00525 0.425
+0.0705 0.0045 0.425
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+0.072 0.003 0.425
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+0.0735 0.0015 0.425
+0.07425 0.00075 0.425
+0 0.08 0.42
+0.0008 0.0792 0.42
+0.0016 0.0784 0.42
+0.0024 0.0776 0.42
+0.0032 0.0768 0.42
+0.004 0.076 0.42
+0.0048 0.0752 0.42
+0.0056 0.0744 0.42
+0.0064 0.0736 0.42
+0.0072 0.0728 0.42
+0.008 0.072 0.42
+0.0088 0.0712 0.42
+0.0096 0.0704 0.42
+0.0104 0.0696 0.42
+0.0112 0.0688 0.42
+0.012 0.068 0.42
+0.0128 0.0672 0.42
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+0.0144 0.0656 0.42
+0.0152 0.0648 0.42
+0.016 0.064 0.42
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+0.0176 0.0624 0.42
+0.0184 0.0616 0.42
+0.0192 0.0608 0.42
+0.02 0.06 0.42
+0.0208 0.0592 0.42
+0.0216 0.0584 0.42
+0.0224 0.0576 0.42
+0.0232 0.0568 0.42
+0.024 0.056 0.42
+0.0248 0.0552 0.42
+0.0256 0.0544 0.42
+0.0264 0.0536 0.42
+0.0272 0.0528 0.42
+0.028 0.052 0.42
+0.0288 0.0512 0.42
+0.0296 0.0504 0.42
+0.0304 0.0496 0.42
+0.0312 0.0488 0.42
+0.032 0.048 0.42
+0.0328 0.0472 0.42
+0.0336 0.0464 0.42
+0.0344 0.0456 0.42
+0.0352 0.0448 0.42
+0.036 0.044 0.42
+0.0368 0.0432 0.42
+0.0376 0.0424 0.42
+0.0384 0.0416 0.42
+0.0392 0.0408 0.42
+0.04 0.04 0.42
+0.0408 0.0392 0.42
+0.0416 0.0384 0.42
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+0.0432 0.0368 0.42
+0.044 0.036 0.42
+0.0448 0.0352 0.42
+0.0456 0.0344 0.42
+0.0464 0.0336 0.42
+0.0472 0.0328 0.42
+0.048 0.032 0.42
+0.0488 0.0312 0.42
+0.0496 0.0304 0.42
+0.0504 0.0296 0.42
+0.0512 0.0288 0.42
+0.052 0.028 0.42
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+0.0552 0.0248 0.42
+0.056 0.024 0.42
+0.0568 0.0232 0.42
+0.0576 0.0224 0.42
+0.0584 0.0216 0.42
+0.0592 0.0208 0.42
+0.06 0.02 0.42
+0.0608 0.0192 0.42
+0.0616 0.0184 0.42
+0.0624 0.0176 0.42
+0.0632 0.0168 0.42
+0.064 0.016 0.42
+0.0648 0.0152 0.42
+0.0656 0.0144 0.42
+0.0664 0.0136 0.42
+0.0672 0.0128 0.42
+0.068 0.012 0.42
+0.0688 0.0112 0.42
+0.0696 0.0104 0.42
+0.0704 0.0096 0.42
+0.0712 0.0088 0.42
+0.072 0.008 0.42
+0.0728 0.0072 0.42
+0.0736 0.0064 0.42
+0.0744 0.0056 0.42
+0.0752 0.0048 0.42
+0.076 0.004 0.42
+0.0768 0.0032 0.42
+0.0776 0.0024 0.42
+0.0784 0.0016 0.42
+0.0792 0.0008 0.42
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+0.0034 0.0816 0.415
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+0.0051 0.0799 0.415
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+0.0068 0.0782 0.415
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+0.0085 0.0765 0.415
+0.00935 0.07565 0.415
+0.0102 0.0748 0.415
+0.01105 0.07395 0.415
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+0.0136 0.0714 0.415
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+0.0153 0.0697 0.415
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+0.017 0.068 0.415
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+0.0187 0.0663 0.415
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+0.0272 0.0578 0.415
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+0.0289 0.0561 0.415
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+0.0306 0.0544 0.415
+0.03145 0.05355 0.415
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+0.03485 0.05015 0.415
+0.0357 0.0493 0.415
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+0.04335 0.04165 0.415
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+0.0009 0.0891 0.41
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+0.0027 0.0873 0.41
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+0.0054 0.0846 0.41
+0.0063 0.0837 0.41
+0.0072 0.0828 0.41
+0.0081 0.0819 0.41
+0.009 0.081 0.41
+0.0099 0.0801 0.41
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+0.0126 0.0774 0.41
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+0.0144 0.0756 0.41
+0.0153 0.0747 0.41
+0.0162 0.0738 0.41
+0.0171 0.0729 0.41
+0.018 0.072 0.41
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+0.0198 0.0702 0.41
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+0.0216 0.0684 0.41
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+0.0234 0.0666 0.41
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+0.0288 0.0612 0.41
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+0.0315 0.0585 0.41
+0.0324 0.0576 0.41
+0.0333 0.0567 0.41
+0.0342 0.0558 0.41
+0.0351 0.0549 0.41
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+0.0369 0.0531 0.41
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+0.0387 0.0513 0.41
+0.0396 0.0504 0.41
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+0.045 0.045 0.41
+0.0459 0.0441 0.41
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+0.0477 0.0423 0.41
+0.0486 0.0414 0.41
+0.0495 0.0405 0.41
+0.0504 0.0396 0.41
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+0.0666 0.0234 0.41
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+0.0693 0.0207 0.41
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+0.0711 0.0189 0.41
+0.072 0.018 0.41
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+0.0738 0.0162 0.41
+0.0747 0.0153 0.41
+0.0756 0.0144 0.41
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+0.0774 0.0126 0.41
+0.0783 0.0117 0.41
+0.0792 0.0108 0.41
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+0.081 0.009 0.41
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+0.0828 0.0072 0.41
+0.0837 0.0063 0.41
+0.0846 0.0054 0.41
+0.0855 0.0045 0.41
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+0.00095 0.09405 0.405
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+0.0057 0.0893 0.405
+0.00665 0.08835 0.405
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+0.0095 0.0855 0.405
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+0.0152 0.0798 0.405
+0.01615 0.07885 0.405
+0.0171 0.0779 0.405
+0.01805 0.07695 0.405
+0.019 0.076 0.405
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+0.0228 0.0722 0.405
+0.02375 0.07125 0.405
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+0.038 0.057 0.405
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+0.04465 0.05035 0.405
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+0.04845 0.04655 0.405
+0.0494 0.0456 0.405
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+0.0741 0.0209 0.405
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+0.0893 0.0057 0.405
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+0.0931 0.0019 0.405
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+0 0.1 0.4
+0.001 0.099 0.4
+0.002 0.098 0.4
+0.003 0.097 0.4
+0.004 0.096 0.4
+0.005 0.095 0.4
+0.006 0.094 0.4
+0.007 0.093 0.4
+0.008 0.092 0.4
+0.009 0.091 0.4
+0.01 0.09 0.4
+0.011 0.089 0.4
+0.012 0.088 0.4
+0.013 0.087 0.4
+0.014 0.086 0.4
+0.015 0.085 0.4
+0.016 0.084 0.4
+0.017 0.083 0.4
+0.018 0.082 0.4
+0.019 0.081 0.4
+0.02 0.08 0.4
+0.021 0.079 0.4
+0.022 0.078 0.4
+0.023 0.077 0.4
+0.024 0.076 0.4
+0.025 0.075 0.4
+0.026 0.074 0.4
+0.027 0.073 0.4
+0.028 0.072 0.4
+0.029 0.071 0.4
+0.03 0.07 0.4
+0.031 0.069 0.4
+0.032 0.068 0.4
+0.033 0.067 0.4
+0.034 0.066 0.4
+0.035 0.065 0.4
+0.036 0.064 0.4
+0.037 0.063 0.4
+0.038 0.062 0.4
+0.039 0.061 0.4
+0.04 0.06 0.4
+0.041 0.059 0.4
+0.042 0.058 0.4
+0.043 0.057 0.4
+0.044 0.056 0.4
+0.045 0.055 0.4
+0.046 0.054 0.4
+0.047 0.053 0.4
+0.048 0.052 0.4
+0.049 0.051 0.4
+0.05 0.05 0.4
+0.051 0.049 0.4
+0.052 0.048 0.4
+0.053 0.047 0.4
+0.054 0.046 0.4
+0.055 0.045 0.4
+0.056 0.044 0.4
+0.057 0.043 0.4
+0.058 0.042 0.4
+0.059 0.041 0.4
+0.06 0.04 0.4
+0.061 0.039 0.4
+0.062 0.038 0.4
+0.063 0.037 0.4
+0.064 0.036 0.4
+0.065 0.035 0.4
+0.066 0.034 0.4
+0.067 0.033 0.4
+0.068 0.032 0.4
+0.069 0.031 0.4
+0.07 0.03 0.4
+0.071 0.029 0.4
+0.072 0.028 0.4
+0.073 0.027 0.4
+0.074 0.026 0.4
+0.075 0.025 0.4
+0.076 0.024 0.4
+0.077 0.023 0.4
+0.078 0.022 0.4
+0.079 0.021 0.4
+0.08 0.02 0.4
+0.081 0.019 0.4
+0.082 0.018 0.4
+0.083 0.017 0.4
+0.084 0.016 0.4
+0.085 0.015 0.4
+0.086 0.014 0.4
+0.087 0.013 0.4
+0.088 0.012 0.4
+0.089 0.011 0.4
+0.09 0.01 0.4
+0.091 0.009 0.4
+0.092 0.008 0.4
+0.093 0.007 0.4
+0.094 0.006 0.4
+0.095 0.005 0.4
+0.096 0.004 0.4
+0.097 0.003 0.4
+0.098 0.002 0.4
+0.099 0.001 0.4
+0 0.105 0.395
+0.00105 0.10395 0.395
+0.0021 0.1029 0.395
+0.00315 0.10185 0.395
+0.0042 0.1008 0.395
+0.00525 0.09975 0.395
+0.0063 0.0987 0.395
+0.00735 0.09765 0.395
+0.0084 0.0966 0.395
+0.00945 0.09555 0.395
+0.0105 0.0945 0.395
+0.01155 0.09345 0.395
+0.0126 0.0924 0.395
+0.01365 0.09135 0.395
+0.0147 0.0903 0.395
+0.01575 0.08925 0.395
+0.0168 0.0882 0.395
+0.01785 0.08715 0.395
+0.0189 0.0861 0.395
+0.01995 0.08505 0.395
+0.021 0.084 0.395
+0.02205 0.08295 0.395
+0.0231 0.0819 0.395
+0.02415 0.08085 0.395
+0.0252 0.0798 0.395
+0.02625 0.07875 0.395
+0.0273 0.0777 0.395
+0.02835 0.07665 0.395
+0.0294 0.0756 0.395
+0.03045 0.07455 0.395
+0.0315 0.0735 0.395
+0.03255 0.07245 0.395
+0.0336 0.0714 0.395
+0.03465 0.07035 0.395
+0.0357 0.0693 0.395
+0.03675 0.06825 0.395
+0.0378 0.0672 0.395
+0.03885 0.06615 0.395
+0.0399 0.0651 0.395
+0.04095 0.06405 0.395
+0.042 0.063 0.395
+0.04305 0.06195 0.395
+0.0441 0.0609 0.395
+0.04515 0.05985 0.395
+0.0462 0.0588 0.395
+0.04725 0.05775 0.395
+0.0483 0.0567 0.395
+0.04935 0.05565 0.395
+0.0504 0.0546 0.395
+0.05145 0.05355 0.395
+0.0525 0.0525 0.395
+0.05355 0.05145 0.395
+0.0546 0.0504 0.395
+0.05565 0.04935 0.395
+0.0567 0.0483 0.395
+0.05775 0.04725 0.395
+0.0588 0.0462 0.395
+0.05985 0.04515 0.395
+0.0609 0.0441 0.395
+0.06195 0.04305 0.395
+0.063 0.042 0.395
+0.06405 0.04095 0.395
+0.0651 0.0399 0.395
+0.06615 0.03885 0.395
+0.0672 0.0378 0.395
+0.06825 0.03675 0.395
+0.0693 0.0357 0.395
+0.07035 0.03465 0.395
+0.0714 0.0336 0.395
+0.07245 0.03255 0.395
+0.0735 0.0315 0.395
+0.07455 0.03045 0.395
+0.0756 0.0294 0.395
+0.07665 0.02835 0.395
+0.0777 0.0273 0.395
+0.07875 0.02625 0.395
+0.0798 0.0252 0.395
+0.08085 0.02415 0.395
+0.0819 0.0231 0.395
+0.08295 0.02205 0.395
+0.084 0.021 0.395
+0.08505 0.01995 0.395
+0.0861 0.0189 0.395
+0.08715 0.01785 0.395
+0.0882 0.0168 0.395
+0.08925 0.01575 0.395
+0.0903 0.0147 0.395
+0.09135 0.01365 0.395
+0.0924 0.0126 0.395
+0.09345 0.01155 0.395
+0.0945 0.0105 0.395
+0.09555 0.00945 0.395
+0.0966 0.0084 0.395
+0.09765 0.00735 0.395
+0.0987 0.0063 0.395
+0.09975 0.00525 0.395
+0.1008 0.0042 0.395
+0.10185 0.00315 0.395
+0.1029 0.0021 0.395
+0.10395 0.00105 0.395
+0 0.11 0.39
+0.0011 0.1089 0.39
+0.0022 0.1078 0.39
+0.0033 0.1067 0.39
+0.0044 0.1056 0.39
+0.0055 0.1045 0.39
+0.0066 0.1034 0.39
+0.0077 0.1023 0.39
+0.0088 0.1012 0.39
+0.0099 0.1001 0.39
+0.011 0.099 0.39
+0.0121 0.0979 0.39
+0.0132 0.0968 0.39
+0.0143 0.0957 0.39
+0.0154 0.0946 0.39
+0.0165 0.0935 0.39
+0.0176 0.0924 0.39
+0.0187 0.0913 0.39
+0.0198 0.0902 0.39
+0.0209 0.0891 0.39
+0.022 0.088 0.39
+0.0231 0.0869 0.39
+0.0242 0.0858 0.39
+0.0253 0.0847 0.39
+0.0264 0.0836 0.39
+0.0275 0.0825 0.39
+0.0286 0.0814 0.39
+0.0297 0.0803 0.39
+0.0308 0.0792 0.39
+0.0319 0.0781 0.39
+0.033 0.077 0.39
+0.0341 0.0759 0.39
+0.0352 0.0748 0.39
+0.0363 0.0737 0.39
+0.0374 0.0726 0.39
+0.0385 0.0715 0.39
+0.0396 0.0704 0.39
+0.0407 0.0693 0.39
+0.0418 0.0682 0.39
+0.0429 0.0671 0.39
+0.044 0.066 0.39
+0.0451 0.0649 0.39
+0.0462 0.0638 0.39
+0.0473 0.0627 0.39
+0.0484 0.0616 0.39
+0.0495 0.0605 0.39
+0.0506 0.0594 0.39
+0.0517 0.0583 0.39
+0.0528 0.0572 0.39
+0.0539 0.0561 0.39
+0.055 0.055 0.39
+0.0561 0.0539 0.39
+0.0572 0.0528 0.39
+0.0583 0.0517 0.39
+0.0594 0.0506 0.39
+0.0605 0.0495 0.39
+0.0616 0.0484 0.39
+0.0627 0.0473 0.39
+0.0638 0.0462 0.39
+0.0649 0.0451 0.39
+0.066 0.044 0.39
+0.0671 0.0429 0.39
+0.0682 0.0418 0.39
+0.0693 0.0407 0.39
+0.0704 0.0396 0.39
+0.0715 0.0385 0.39
+0.0726 0.0374 0.39
+0.0737 0.0363 0.39
+0.0748 0.0352 0.39
+0.0759 0.0341 0.39
+0.077 0.033 0.39
+0.0781 0.0319 0.39
+0.0792 0.0308 0.39
+0.0803 0.0297 0.39
+0.0814 0.0286 0.39
+0.0825 0.0275 0.39
+0.0836 0.0264 0.39
+0.0847 0.0253 0.39
+0.0858 0.0242 0.39
+0.0869 0.0231 0.39
+0.088 0.022 0.39
+0.0891 0.0209 0.39
+0.0902 0.0198 0.39
+0.0913 0.0187 0.39
+0.0924 0.0176 0.39
+0.0935 0.0165 0.39
+0.0946 0.0154 0.39
+0.0957 0.0143 0.39
+0.0968 0.0132 0.39
+0.0979 0.0121 0.39
+0.099 0.011 0.39
+0.1001 0.0099 0.39
+0.1012 0.0088 0.39
+0.1023 0.0077 0.39
+0.1034 0.0066 0.39
+0.1045 0.0055 0.39
+0.1056 0.0044 0.39
+0.1067 0.0033 0.39
+0.1078 0.0022 0.39
+0.1089 0.0011 0.39
+0 0.115 0.385
+0.00115 0.11385 0.385
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+0.0069 0.1081 0.385
+0.00805 0.10695 0.385
+0.0092 0.1058 0.385
+0.01035 0.10465 0.385
+0.0115 0.1035 0.385
+0.01265 0.10235 0.385
+0.0138 0.1012 0.385
+0.01495 0.10005 0.385
+0.0161 0.0989 0.385
+0.01725 0.09775 0.385
+0.0184 0.0966 0.385
+0.01955 0.09545 0.385
+0.0207 0.0943 0.385
+0.02185 0.09315 0.385
+0.023 0.092 0.385
+0.02415 0.09085 0.385
+0.0253 0.0897 0.385
+0.02645 0.08855 0.385
+0.0276 0.0874 0.385
+0.02875 0.08625 0.385
+0.0299 0.0851 0.385
+0.03105 0.08395 0.385
+0.0322 0.0828 0.385
+0.03335 0.08165 0.385
+0.0345 0.0805 0.385
+0.03565 0.07935 0.385
+0.0368 0.0782 0.385
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+0.0391 0.0759 0.385
+0.04025 0.07475 0.385
+0.0414 0.0736 0.385
+0.04255 0.07245 0.385
+0.0437 0.0713 0.385
+0.04485 0.07015 0.385
+0.046 0.069 0.385
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+0.0552 0.0598 0.385
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+0.0575 0.0575 0.385
+0.05865 0.05635 0.385
+0.0598 0.0552 0.385
+0.06095 0.05405 0.385
+0.0621 0.0529 0.385
+0.06325 0.05175 0.385
+0.0644 0.0506 0.385
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+0.0667 0.0483 0.385
+0.06785 0.04715 0.385
+0.069 0.046 0.385
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+0.0713 0.0437 0.385
+0.07245 0.04255 0.385
+0.0736 0.0414 0.385
+0.07475 0.04025 0.385
+0.0759 0.0391 0.385
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+0.0828 0.0322 0.385
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+0.0851 0.0299 0.385
+0.08625 0.02875 0.385
+0.0874 0.0276 0.385
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+0.0897 0.0253 0.385
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+0.092 0.023 0.385
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+0.0943 0.0207 0.385
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+0.0966 0.0184 0.385
+0.09775 0.01725 0.385
+0.0989 0.0161 0.385
+0.10005 0.01495 0.385
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+0.1035 0.0115 0.385
+0.10465 0.01035 0.385
+0.1058 0.0092 0.385
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+0.1081 0.0069 0.385
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+0 0.12 0.38
+0.0012 0.1188 0.38
+0.0024 0.1176 0.38
+0.0036 0.1164 0.38
+0.0048 0.1152 0.38
+0.006 0.114 0.38
+0.0072 0.1128 0.38
+0.0084 0.1116 0.38
+0.0096 0.1104 0.38
+0.0108 0.1092 0.38
+0.012 0.108 0.38
+0.0132 0.1068 0.38
+0.0144 0.1056 0.38
+0.0156 0.1044 0.38
+0.0168 0.1032 0.38
+0.018 0.102 0.38
+0.0192 0.1008 0.38
+0.0204 0.0996 0.38
+0.0216 0.0984 0.38
+0.0228 0.0972 0.38
+0.024 0.096 0.38
+0.0252 0.0948 0.38
+0.0264 0.0936 0.38
+0.0276 0.0924 0.38
+0.0288 0.0912 0.38
+0.03 0.09 0.38
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+0.0324 0.0876 0.38
+0.0336 0.0864 0.38
+0.0348 0.0852 0.38
+0.036 0.084 0.38
+0.0372 0.0828 0.38
+0.0384 0.0816 0.38
+0.0396 0.0804 0.38
+0.0408 0.0792 0.38
+0.042 0.078 0.38
+0.0432 0.0768 0.38
+0.0444 0.0756 0.38
+0.0456 0.0744 0.38
+0.0468 0.0732 0.38
+0.048 0.072 0.38
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+0.0516 0.0684 0.38
+0.0528 0.0672 0.38
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+0.0576 0.0624 0.38
+0.0588 0.0612 0.38
+0.06 0.06 0.38
+0.0612 0.0588 0.38
+0.0624 0.0576 0.38
+0.0636 0.0564 0.38
+0.0648 0.0552 0.38
+0.066 0.054 0.38
+0.0672 0.0528 0.38
+0.0684 0.0516 0.38
+0.0696 0.0504 0.38
+0.0708 0.0492 0.38
+0.072 0.048 0.38
+0.0732 0.0468 0.38
+0.0744 0.0456 0.38
+0.0756 0.0444 0.38
+0.0768 0.0432 0.38
+0.078 0.042 0.38
+0.0792 0.0408 0.38
+0.0804 0.0396 0.38
+0.0816 0.0384 0.38
+0.0828 0.0372 0.38
+0.084 0.036 0.38
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+0.0876 0.0324 0.38
+0.0888 0.0312 0.38
+0.09 0.03 0.38
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+0.0948 0.0252 0.38
+0.096 0.024 0.38
+0.0972 0.0228 0.38
+0.0984 0.0216 0.38
+0.0996 0.0204 0.38
+0.1008 0.0192 0.38
+0.102 0.018 0.38
+0.1032 0.0168 0.38
+0.1044 0.0156 0.38
+0.1056 0.0144 0.38
+0.1068 0.0132 0.38
+0.108 0.012 0.38
+0.1092 0.0108 0.38
+0.1104 0.0096 0.38
+0.1116 0.0084 0.38
+0.1128 0.0072 0.38
+0.114 0.006 0.38
+0.1152 0.0048 0.38
+0.1164 0.0036 0.38
+0.1176 0.0024 0.38
+0.1188 0.0012 0.38
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+0.00125 0.12375 0.375
+0.0025 0.1225 0.375
+0.00375 0.12125 0.375
+0.005 0.12 0.375
+0.00625 0.11875 0.375
+0.0075 0.1175 0.375
+0.00875 0.11625 0.375
+0.01 0.115 0.375
+0.01125 0.11375 0.375
+0.0125 0.1125 0.375
+0.01375 0.11125 0.375
+0.015 0.11 0.375
+0.01625 0.10875 0.375
+0.0175 0.1075 0.375
+0.01875 0.10625 0.375
+0.02 0.105 0.375
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+0.0225 0.1025 0.375
+0.02375 0.10125 0.375
+0.025 0.1 0.375
+0.02625 0.09875 0.375
+0.0275 0.0975 0.375
+0.02875 0.09625 0.375
+0.03 0.095 0.375
+0.03125 0.09375 0.375
+0.0325 0.0925 0.375
+0.03375 0.09125 0.375
+0.035 0.09 0.375
+0.03625 0.08875 0.375
+0.0375 0.0875 0.375
+0.03875 0.08625 0.375
+0.04 0.085 0.375
+0.04125 0.08375 0.375
+0.0425 0.0825 0.375
+0.04375 0.08125 0.375
+0.045 0.08 0.375
+0.04625 0.07875 0.375
+0.0475 0.0775 0.375
+0.04875 0.07625 0.375
+0.05 0.075 0.375
+0.05125 0.07375 0.375
+0.0525 0.0725 0.375
+0.05375 0.07125 0.375
+0.055 0.07 0.375
+0.05625 0.06875 0.375
+0.0575 0.0675 0.375
+0.05875 0.06625 0.375
+0.06 0.065 0.375
+0.06125 0.06375 0.375
+0.0625 0.0625 0.375
+0.06375 0.06125 0.375
+0.065 0.06 0.375
+0.06625 0.05875 0.375
+0.0675 0.0575 0.375
+0.06875 0.05625 0.375
+0.07 0.055 0.375
+0.07125 0.05375 0.375
+0.0725 0.0525 0.375
+0.07375 0.05125 0.375
+0.075 0.05 0.375
+0.07625 0.04875 0.375
+0.0775 0.0475 0.375
+0.07875 0.04625 0.375
+0.08 0.045 0.375
+0.08125 0.04375 0.375
+0.0825 0.0425 0.375
+0.08375 0.04125 0.375
+0.085 0.04 0.375
+0.08625 0.03875 0.375
+0.0875 0.0375 0.375
+0.08875 0.03625 0.375
+0.09 0.035 0.375
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+0.0925 0.0325 0.375
+0.09375 0.03125 0.375
+0.095 0.03 0.375
+0.09625 0.02875 0.375
+0.0975 0.0275 0.375
+0.09875 0.02625 0.375
+0.1 0.025 0.375
+0.10125 0.02375 0.375
+0.1025 0.0225 0.375
+0.10375 0.02125 0.375
+0.105 0.02 0.375
+0.10625 0.01875 0.375
+0.1075 0.0175 0.375
+0.10875 0.01625 0.375
+0.11 0.015 0.375
+0.11125 0.01375 0.375
+0.1125 0.0125 0.375
+0.11375 0.01125 0.375
+0.115 0.01 0.375
+0.11625 0.00875 0.375
+0.1175 0.0075 0.375
+0.11875 0.00625 0.375
+0.12 0.005 0.375
+0.12125 0.00375 0.375
+0.1225 0.0025 0.375
+0.12375 0.00125 0.375
+0 0.13 0.37
+0.0013 0.1287 0.37
+0.0026 0.1274 0.37
+0.0039 0.1261 0.37
+0.0052 0.1248 0.37
+0.0065 0.1235 0.37
+0.0078 0.1222 0.37
+0.0091 0.1209 0.37
+0.0104 0.1196 0.37
+0.0117 0.1183 0.37
+0.013 0.117 0.37
+0.0143 0.1157 0.37
+0.0156 0.1144 0.37
+0.0169 0.1131 0.37
+0.0182 0.1118 0.37
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+0.0221 0.1079 0.37
+0.0234 0.1066 0.37
+0.0247 0.1053 0.37
+0.026 0.104 0.37
+0.0273 0.1027 0.37
+0.0286 0.1014 0.37
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+0.0325 0.0975 0.37
+0.0338 0.0962 0.37
+0.0351 0.0949 0.37
+0.0364 0.0936 0.37
+0.0377 0.0923 0.37
+0.039 0.091 0.37
+0.0403 0.0897 0.37
+0.0416 0.0884 0.37
+0.0429 0.0871 0.37
+0.0442 0.0858 0.37
+0.0455 0.0845 0.37
+0.0468 0.0832 0.37
+0.0481 0.0819 0.37
+0.0494 0.0806 0.37
+0.0507 0.0793 0.37
+0.052 0.078 0.37
+0.0533 0.0767 0.37
+0.0546 0.0754 0.37
+0.0559 0.0741 0.37
+0.0572 0.0728 0.37
+0.0585 0.0715 0.37
+0.0598 0.0702 0.37
+0.0611 0.0689 0.37
+0.0624 0.0676 0.37
+0.0637 0.0663 0.37
+0.065 0.065 0.37
+0.0663 0.0637 0.37
+0.0676 0.0624 0.37
+0.0689 0.0611 0.37
+0.0702 0.0598 0.37
+0.0715 0.0585 0.37
+0.0728 0.0572 0.37
+0.0741 0.0559 0.37
+0.0754 0.0546 0.37
+0.0767 0.0533 0.37
+0.078 0.052 0.37
+0.0793 0.0507 0.37
+0.0806 0.0494 0.37
+0.0819 0.0481 0.37
+0.0832 0.0468 0.37
+0.0845 0.0455 0.37
+0.0858 0.0442 0.37
+0.0871 0.0429 0.37
+0.0884 0.0416 0.37
+0.0897 0.0403 0.37
+0.091 0.039 0.37
+0.0923 0.0377 0.37
+0.0936 0.0364 0.37
+0.0949 0.0351 0.37
+0.0962 0.0338 0.37
+0.0975 0.0325 0.37
+0.0988 0.0312 0.37
+0.1001 0.0299 0.37
+0.1014 0.0286 0.37
+0.1027 0.0273 0.37
+0.104 0.026 0.37
+0.1053 0.0247 0.37
+0.1066 0.0234 0.37
+0.1079 0.0221 0.37
+0.1092 0.0208 0.37
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+0.1131 0.0169 0.37
+0.1144 0.0156 0.37
+0.1157 0.0143 0.37
+0.117 0.013 0.37
+0.1183 0.0117 0.37
+0.1196 0.0104 0.37
+0.1209 0.0091 0.37
+0.1222 0.0078 0.37
+0.1235 0.0065 0.37
+0.1248 0.0052 0.37
+0.1261 0.0039 0.37
+0.1274 0.0026 0.37
+0.1287 0.0013 0.37
+0 0.135 0.365
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+0.0027 0.1323 0.365
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+0.0081 0.1269 0.365
+0.00945 0.12555 0.365
+0.0108 0.1242 0.365
+0.01215 0.12285 0.365
+0.0135 0.1215 0.365
+0.01485 0.12015 0.365
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+0.01755 0.11745 0.365
+0.0189 0.1161 0.365
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+0.02295 0.11205 0.365
+0.0243 0.1107 0.365
+0.02565 0.10935 0.365
+0.027 0.108 0.365
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+0.0324 0.1026 0.365
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+0.0405 0.0945 0.365
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+0.0432 0.0918 0.365
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+0.04995 0.08505 0.365
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+0.05265 0.08235 0.365
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+0.0594 0.0756 0.365
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+0.0621 0.0729 0.365
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+0.0675 0.0675 0.365
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+0.0702 0.0648 0.365
+0.07155 0.06345 0.365
+0.0729 0.0621 0.365
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+0.0756 0.0594 0.365
+0.07695 0.05805 0.365
+0.0783 0.0567 0.365
+0.07965 0.05535 0.365
+0.081 0.054 0.365
+0.08235 0.05265 0.365
+0.0837 0.0513 0.365
+0.08505 0.04995 0.365
+0.0864 0.0486 0.365
+0.08775 0.04725 0.365
+0.0891 0.0459 0.365
+0.09045 0.04455 0.365
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+0.09315 0.04185 0.365
+0.0945 0.0405 0.365
+0.09585 0.03915 0.365
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+0.0999 0.0351 0.365
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+0.11475 0.02025 0.365
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+0.1215 0.0135 0.365
+0.12285 0.01215 0.365
+0.1242 0.0108 0.365
+0.12555 0.00945 0.365
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+0.13095 0.00405 0.365
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+0.0028 0.1372 0.36
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+0.0056 0.1344 0.36
+0.007 0.133 0.36
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+0.0098 0.1302 0.36
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+0.0126 0.1274 0.36
+0.014 0.126 0.36
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+0.0168 0.1232 0.36
+0.0182 0.1218 0.36
+0.0196 0.1204 0.36
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+0.0238 0.1162 0.36
+0.0252 0.1148 0.36
+0.0266 0.1134 0.36
+0.028 0.112 0.36
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+0.0336 0.1064 0.36
+0.035 0.105 0.36
+0.0364 0.1036 0.36
+0.0378 0.1022 0.36
+0.0392 0.1008 0.36
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+0.042 0.098 0.36
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+0.0462 0.0938 0.36
+0.0476 0.0924 0.36
+0.049 0.091 0.36
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+0.0546 0.0854 0.36
+0.056 0.084 0.36
+0.0574 0.0826 0.36
+0.0588 0.0812 0.36
+0.0602 0.0798 0.36
+0.0616 0.0784 0.36
+0.063 0.077 0.36
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+0.0658 0.0742 0.36
+0.0672 0.0728 0.36
+0.0686 0.0714 0.36
+0.07 0.07 0.36
+0.0714 0.0686 0.36
+0.0728 0.0672 0.36
+0.0742 0.0658 0.36
+0.0756 0.0644 0.36
+0.077 0.063 0.36
+0.0784 0.0616 0.36
+0.0798 0.0602 0.36
+0.0812 0.0588 0.36
+0.0826 0.0574 0.36
+0.084 0.056 0.36
+0.0854 0.0546 0.36
+0.0868 0.0532 0.36
+0.0882 0.0518 0.36
+0.0896 0.0504 0.36
+0.091 0.049 0.36
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+0.0938 0.0462 0.36
+0.0952 0.0448 0.36
+0.0966 0.0434 0.36
+0.098 0.042 0.36
+0.0994 0.0406 0.36
+0.1008 0.0392 0.36
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+0.1036 0.0364 0.36
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+0.112 0.028 0.36
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+0.1176 0.0224 0.36
+0.119 0.021 0.36
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+0.1246 0.0154 0.36
+0.126 0.014 0.36
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+0.1288 0.0112 0.36
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+0.1316 0.0084 0.36
+0.133 0.007 0.36
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+0.1358 0.0042 0.36
+0.1372 0.0028 0.36
+0.1386 0.0014 0.36
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+0.0087 0.1363 0.355
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+0.0116 0.1334 0.355
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+0.0145 0.1305 0.355
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+0.0319 0.1131 0.355
+0.03335 0.11165 0.355
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+0.06815 0.07685 0.355
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+0.0725 0.0725 0.355
+0.07395 0.07105 0.355
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+0.07685 0.06815 0.355
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+0.08555 0.05945 0.355
+0.087 0.058 0.355
+0.08845 0.05655 0.355
+0.0899 0.0551 0.355
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+0.0928 0.0522 0.355
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+0.0986 0.0464 0.355
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+0.116 0.029 0.355
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+0.13485 0.01015 0.355
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+0.0015 0.1485 0.35
+0.003 0.147 0.35
+0.0045 0.1455 0.35
+0.006 0.144 0.35
+0.0075 0.1425 0.35
+0.009 0.141 0.35
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+0.012 0.138 0.35
+0.0135 0.1365 0.35
+0.015 0.135 0.35
+0.0165 0.1335 0.35
+0.018 0.132 0.35
+0.0195 0.1305 0.35
+0.021 0.129 0.35
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+0.024 0.126 0.35
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+0.027 0.123 0.35
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+0.03 0.12 0.35
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+0.033 0.117 0.35
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+0.036 0.114 0.35
+0.0375 0.1125 0.35
+0.039 0.111 0.35
+0.0405 0.1095 0.35
+0.042 0.108 0.35
+0.0435 0.1065 0.35
+0.045 0.105 0.35
+0.0465 0.1035 0.35
+0.048 0.102 0.35
+0.0495 0.1005 0.35
+0.051 0.099 0.35
+0.0525 0.0975 0.35
+0.054 0.096 0.35
+0.0555 0.0945 0.35
+0.057 0.093 0.35
+0.0585 0.0915 0.35
+0.06 0.09 0.35
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+0.063 0.087 0.35
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+0.066 0.084 0.35
+0.0675 0.0825 0.35
+0.069 0.081 0.35
+0.0705 0.0795 0.35
+0.072 0.078 0.35
+0.0735 0.0765 0.35
+0.075 0.075 0.35
+0.0765 0.0735 0.35
+0.078 0.072 0.35
+0.0795 0.0705 0.35
+0.081 0.069 0.35
+0.0825 0.0675 0.35
+0.084 0.066 0.35
+0.0855 0.0645 0.35
+0.087 0.063 0.35
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+0.09 0.06 0.35
+0.0915 0.0585 0.35
+0.093 0.057 0.35
+0.0945 0.0555 0.35
+0.096 0.054 0.35
+0.0975 0.0525 0.35
+0.099 0.051 0.35
+0.1005 0.0495 0.35
+0.102 0.048 0.35
+0.1035 0.0465 0.35
+0.105 0.045 0.35
+0.1065 0.0435 0.35
+0.108 0.042 0.35
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+0.111 0.039 0.35
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+0.114 0.036 0.35
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+0.117 0.033 0.35
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+0.12 0.03 0.35
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+0.123 0.027 0.35
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+0.126 0.024 0.35
+0.1275 0.0225 0.35
+0.129 0.021 0.35
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+0.132 0.018 0.35
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+0.135 0.015 0.35
+0.1365 0.0135 0.35
+0.138 0.012 0.35
+0.1395 0.0105 0.35
+0.141 0.009 0.35
+0.1425 0.0075 0.35
+0.144 0.006 0.35
+0.1455 0.0045 0.35
+0.147 0.003 0.35
+0.1485 0.0015 0.35
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+0.00155 0.15345 0.345
+0.0031 0.1519 0.345
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+0.01085 0.14415 0.345
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+0.0775 0.0775 0.345
+0.07905 0.07595 0.345
+0.0806 0.0744 0.345
+0.08215 0.07285 0.345
+0.0837 0.0713 0.345
+0.08525 0.06975 0.345
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+0.09765 0.05735 0.345
+0.0992 0.0558 0.345
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+0.1085 0.0465 0.345
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+0.1333 0.0217 0.345
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+0.1426 0.0124 0.345
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+0.0016 0.1584 0.34
+0.0032 0.1568 0.34
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+0.0064 0.1536 0.34
+0.008 0.152 0.34
+0.0096 0.1504 0.34
+0.0112 0.1488 0.34
+0.0128 0.1472 0.34
+0.0144 0.1456 0.34
+0.016 0.144 0.34
+0.0176 0.1424 0.34
+0.0192 0.1408 0.34
+0.0208 0.1392 0.34
+0.0224 0.1376 0.34
+0.024 0.136 0.34
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+0.0272 0.1328 0.34
+0.0288 0.1312 0.34
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+0.0368 0.1232 0.34
+0.0384 0.1216 0.34
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+0.0432 0.1168 0.34
+0.0448 0.1152 0.34
+0.0464 0.1136 0.34
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+0.0496 0.1104 0.34
+0.0512 0.1088 0.34
+0.0528 0.1072 0.34
+0.0544 0.1056 0.34
+0.056 0.104 0.34
+0.0576 0.1024 0.34
+0.0592 0.1008 0.34
+0.0608 0.0992 0.34
+0.0624 0.0976 0.34
+0.064 0.096 0.34
+0.0656 0.0944 0.34
+0.0672 0.0928 0.34
+0.0688 0.0912 0.34
+0.0704 0.0896 0.34
+0.072 0.088 0.34
+0.0736 0.0864 0.34
+0.0752 0.0848 0.34
+0.0768 0.0832 0.34
+0.0784 0.0816 0.34
+0.08 0.08 0.34
+0.0816 0.0784 0.34
+0.0832 0.0768 0.34
+0.0848 0.0752 0.34
+0.0864 0.0736 0.34
+0.088 0.072 0.34
+0.0896 0.0704 0.34
+0.0912 0.0688 0.34
+0.0928 0.0672 0.34
+0.0944 0.0656 0.34
+0.096 0.064 0.34
+0.0976 0.0624 0.34
+0.0992 0.0608 0.34
+0.1008 0.0592 0.34
+0.1024 0.0576 0.34
+0.104 0.056 0.34
+0.1056 0.0544 0.34
+0.1072 0.0528 0.34
+0.1088 0.0512 0.34
+0.1104 0.0496 0.34
+0.112 0.048 0.34
+0.1136 0.0464 0.34
+0.1152 0.0448 0.34
+0.1168 0.0432 0.34
+0.1184 0.0416 0.34
+0.12 0.04 0.34
+0.1216 0.0384 0.34
+0.1232 0.0368 0.34
+0.1248 0.0352 0.34
+0.1264 0.0336 0.34
+0.128 0.032 0.34
+0.1296 0.0304 0.34
+0.1312 0.0288 0.34
+0.1328 0.0272 0.34
+0.1344 0.0256 0.34
+0.136 0.024 0.34
+0.1376 0.0224 0.34
+0.1392 0.0208 0.34
+0.1408 0.0192 0.34
+0.1424 0.0176 0.34
+0.144 0.016 0.34
+0.1456 0.0144 0.34
+0.1472 0.0128 0.34
+0.1488 0.0112 0.34
+0.1504 0.0096 0.34
+0.152 0.008 0.34
+0.1536 0.0064 0.34
+0.1552 0.0048 0.34
+0.1568 0.0032 0.34
+0.1584 0.0016 0.34
+0 0.165 0.335
+0.00165 0.16335 0.335
+0.0033 0.1617 0.335
+0.00495 0.16005 0.335
+0.0066 0.1584 0.335
+0.00825 0.15675 0.335
+0.0099 0.1551 0.335
+0.01155 0.15345 0.335
+0.0132 0.1518 0.335
+0.01485 0.15015 0.335
+0.0165 0.1485 0.335
+0.01815 0.14685 0.335
+0.0198 0.1452 0.335
+0.02145 0.14355 0.335
+0.0231 0.1419 0.335
+0.02475 0.14025 0.335
+0.0264 0.1386 0.335
+0.02805 0.13695 0.335
+0.0297 0.1353 0.335
+0.03135 0.13365 0.335
+0.033 0.132 0.335
+0.03465 0.13035 0.335
+0.0363 0.1287 0.335
+0.03795 0.12705 0.335
+0.0396 0.1254 0.335
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+0.0429 0.1221 0.335
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+0.04785 0.11715 0.335
+0.0495 0.1155 0.335
+0.05115 0.11385 0.335
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+0.0561 0.1089 0.335
+0.05775 0.10725 0.335
+0.0594 0.1056 0.335
+0.06105 0.10395 0.335
+0.0627 0.1023 0.335
+0.06435 0.10065 0.335
+0.066 0.099 0.335
+0.06765 0.09735 0.335
+0.0693 0.0957 0.335
+0.07095 0.09405 0.335
+0.0726 0.0924 0.335
+0.07425 0.09075 0.335
+0.0759 0.0891 0.335
+0.07755 0.08745 0.335
+0.0792 0.0858 0.335
+0.08085 0.08415 0.335
+0.0825 0.0825 0.335
+0.08415 0.08085 0.335
+0.0858 0.0792 0.335
+0.08745 0.07755 0.335
+0.0891 0.0759 0.335
+0.09075 0.07425 0.335
+0.0924 0.0726 0.335
+0.09405 0.07095 0.335
+0.0957 0.0693 0.335
+0.09735 0.06765 0.335
+0.099 0.066 0.335
+0.10065 0.06435 0.335
+0.1023 0.0627 0.335
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+0.1056 0.0594 0.335
+0.10725 0.05775 0.335
+0.1089 0.0561 0.335
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+0.1122 0.0528 0.335
+0.11385 0.05115 0.335
+0.1155 0.0495 0.335
+0.11715 0.04785 0.335
+0.1188 0.0462 0.335
+0.12045 0.04455 0.335
+0.1221 0.0429 0.335
+0.12375 0.04125 0.335
+0.1254 0.0396 0.335
+0.12705 0.03795 0.335
+0.1287 0.0363 0.335
+0.13035 0.03465 0.335
+0.132 0.033 0.335
+0.13365 0.03135 0.335
+0.1353 0.0297 0.335
+0.13695 0.02805 0.335
+0.1386 0.0264 0.335
+0.14025 0.02475 0.335
+0.1419 0.0231 0.335
+0.14355 0.02145 0.335
+0.1452 0.0198 0.335
+0.14685 0.01815 0.335
+0.1485 0.0165 0.335
+0.15015 0.01485 0.335
+0.1518 0.0132 0.335
+0.15345 0.01155 0.335
+0.1551 0.0099 0.335
+0.15675 0.00825 0.335
+0.1584 0.0066 0.335
+0.16005 0.00495 0.335
+0.1617 0.0033 0.335
+0.16335 0.00165 0.335
+0 0.17 0.33
+0.0017 0.1683 0.33
+0.0034 0.1666 0.33
+0.0051 0.1649 0.33
+0.0068 0.1632 0.33
+0.0085 0.1615 0.33
+0.0102 0.1598 0.33
+0.0119 0.1581 0.33
+0.0136 0.1564 0.33
+0.0153 0.1547 0.33
+0.017 0.153 0.33
+0.0187 0.1513 0.33
+0.0204 0.1496 0.33
+0.0221 0.1479 0.33
+0.0238 0.1462 0.33
+0.0255 0.1445 0.33
+0.0272 0.1428 0.33
+0.0289 0.1411 0.33
+0.0306 0.1394 0.33
+0.0323 0.1377 0.33
+0.034 0.136 0.33
+0.0357 0.1343 0.33
+0.0374 0.1326 0.33
+0.0391 0.1309 0.33
+0.0408 0.1292 0.33
+0.0425 0.1275 0.33
+0.0442 0.1258 0.33
+0.0459 0.1241 0.33
+0.0476 0.1224 0.33
+0.0493 0.1207 0.33
+0.051 0.119 0.33
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+0.0544 0.1156 0.33
+0.0561 0.1139 0.33
+0.0578 0.1122 0.33
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+0.0629 0.1071 0.33
+0.0646 0.1054 0.33
+0.0663 0.1037 0.33
+0.068 0.102 0.33
+0.0697 0.1003 0.33
+0.0714 0.0986 0.33
+0.0731 0.0969 0.33
+0.0748 0.0952 0.33
+0.0765 0.0935 0.33
+0.0782 0.0918 0.33
+0.0799 0.0901 0.33
+0.0816 0.0884 0.33
+0.0833 0.0867 0.33
+0.085 0.085 0.33
+0.0867 0.0833 0.33
+0.0884 0.0816 0.33
+0.0901 0.0799 0.33
+0.0918 0.0782 0.33
+0.0935 0.0765 0.33
+0.0952 0.0748 0.33
+0.0969 0.0731 0.33
+0.0986 0.0714 0.33
+0.1003 0.0697 0.33
+0.102 0.068 0.33
+0.1037 0.0663 0.33
+0.1054 0.0646 0.33
+0.1071 0.0629 0.33
+0.1088 0.0612 0.33
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+0.1122 0.0578 0.33
+0.1139 0.0561 0.33
+0.1156 0.0544 0.33
+0.1173 0.0527 0.33
+0.119 0.051 0.33
+0.1207 0.0493 0.33
+0.1224 0.0476 0.33
+0.1241 0.0459 0.33
+0.1258 0.0442 0.33
+0.1275 0.0425 0.33
+0.1292 0.0408 0.33
+0.1309 0.0391 0.33
+0.1326 0.0374 0.33
+0.1343 0.0357 0.33
+0.136 0.034 0.33
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+0.1394 0.0306 0.33
+0.1411 0.0289 0.33
+0.1428 0.0272 0.33
+0.1445 0.0255 0.33
+0.1462 0.0238 0.33
+0.1479 0.0221 0.33
+0.1496 0.0204 0.33
+0.1513 0.0187 0.33
+0.153 0.017 0.33
+0.1547 0.0153 0.33
+0.1564 0.0136 0.33
+0.1581 0.0119 0.33
+0.1598 0.0102 0.33
+0.1615 0.0085 0.33
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+0.1649 0.0051 0.33
+0.1666 0.0034 0.33
+0.1683 0.0017 0.33
+0 0.175 0.325
+0.00175 0.17325 0.325
+0.0035 0.1715 0.325
+0.00525 0.16975 0.325
+0.007 0.168 0.325
+0.00875 0.16625 0.325
+0.0105 0.1645 0.325
+0.01225 0.16275 0.325
+0.014 0.161 0.325
+0.01575 0.15925 0.325
+0.0175 0.1575 0.325
+0.01925 0.15575 0.325
+0.021 0.154 0.325
+0.02275 0.15225 0.325
+0.0245 0.1505 0.325
+0.02625 0.14875 0.325
+0.028 0.147 0.325
+0.02975 0.14525 0.325
+0.0315 0.1435 0.325
+0.03325 0.14175 0.325
+0.035 0.14 0.325
+0.03675 0.13825 0.325
+0.0385 0.1365 0.325
+0.04025 0.13475 0.325
+0.042 0.133 0.325
+0.04375 0.13125 0.325
+0.0455 0.1295 0.325
+0.04725 0.12775 0.325
+0.049 0.126 0.325
+0.05075 0.12425 0.325
+0.0525 0.1225 0.325
+0.05425 0.12075 0.325
+0.056 0.119 0.325
+0.05775 0.11725 0.325
+0.0595 0.1155 0.325
+0.06125 0.11375 0.325
+0.063 0.112 0.325
+0.06475 0.11025 0.325
+0.0665 0.1085 0.325
+0.06825 0.10675 0.325
+0.07 0.105 0.325
+0.07175 0.10325 0.325
+0.0735 0.1015 0.325
+0.07525 0.09975 0.325
+0.077 0.098 0.325
+0.07875 0.09625 0.325
+0.0805 0.0945 0.325
+0.08225 0.09275 0.325
+0.084 0.091 0.325
+0.08575 0.08925 0.325
+0.0875 0.0875 0.325
+0.08925 0.08575 0.325
+0.091 0.084 0.325
+0.09275 0.08225 0.325
+0.0945 0.0805 0.325
+0.09625 0.07875 0.325
+0.098 0.077 0.325
+0.09975 0.07525 0.325
+0.1015 0.0735 0.325
+0.10325 0.07175 0.325
+0.105 0.07 0.325
+0.10675 0.06825 0.325
+0.1085 0.0665 0.325
+0.11025 0.06475 0.325
+0.112 0.063 0.325
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+0.1155 0.0595 0.325
+0.11725 0.05775 0.325
+0.119 0.056 0.325
+0.12075 0.05425 0.325
+0.1225 0.0525 0.325
+0.12425 0.05075 0.325
+0.126 0.049 0.325
+0.12775 0.04725 0.325
+0.1295 0.0455 0.325
+0.13125 0.04375 0.325
+0.133 0.042 0.325
+0.13475 0.04025 0.325
+0.1365 0.0385 0.325
+0.13825 0.03675 0.325
+0.14 0.035 0.325
+0.14175 0.03325 0.325
+0.1435 0.0315 0.325
+0.14525 0.02975 0.325
+0.147 0.028 0.325
+0.14875 0.02625 0.325
+0.1505 0.0245 0.325
+0.15225 0.02275 0.325
+0.154 0.021 0.325
+0.15575 0.01925 0.325
+0.1575 0.0175 0.325
+0.15925 0.01575 0.325
+0.161 0.014 0.325
+0.16275 0.01225 0.325
+0.1645 0.0105 0.325
+0.16625 0.00875 0.325
+0.168 0.007 0.325
+0.16975 0.00525 0.325
+0.1715 0.0035 0.325
+0.17325 0.00175 0.325
+0 0.18 0.32
+0.0018 0.1782 0.32
+0.0036 0.1764 0.32
+0.0054 0.1746 0.32
+0.0072 0.1728 0.32
+0.009 0.171 0.32
+0.0108 0.1692 0.32
+0.0126 0.1674 0.32
+0.0144 0.1656 0.32
+0.0162 0.1638 0.32
+0.018 0.162 0.32
+0.0198 0.1602 0.32
+0.0216 0.1584 0.32
+0.0234 0.1566 0.32
+0.0252 0.1548 0.32
+0.027 0.153 0.32
+0.0288 0.1512 0.32
+0.0306 0.1494 0.32
+0.0324 0.1476 0.32
+0.0342 0.1458 0.32
+0.036 0.144 0.32
+0.0378 0.1422 0.32
+0.0396 0.1404 0.32
+0.0414 0.1386 0.32
+0.0432 0.1368 0.32
+0.045 0.135 0.32
+0.0468 0.1332 0.32
+0.0486 0.1314 0.32
+0.0504 0.1296 0.32
+0.0522 0.1278 0.32
+0.054 0.126 0.32
+0.0558 0.1242 0.32
+0.0576 0.1224 0.32
+0.0594 0.1206 0.32
+0.0612 0.1188 0.32
+0.063 0.117 0.32
+0.0648 0.1152 0.32
+0.0666 0.1134 0.32
+0.0684 0.1116 0.32
+0.0702 0.1098 0.32
+0.072 0.108 0.32
+0.0738 0.1062 0.32
+0.0756 0.1044 0.32
+0.0774 0.1026 0.32
+0.0792 0.1008 0.32
+0.081 0.099 0.32
+0.0828 0.0972 0.32
+0.0846 0.0954 0.32
+0.0864 0.0936 0.32
+0.0882 0.0918 0.32
+0.09 0.09 0.32
+0.0918 0.0882 0.32
+0.0936 0.0864 0.32
+0.0954 0.0846 0.32
+0.0972 0.0828 0.32
+0.099 0.081 0.32
+0.1008 0.0792 0.32
+0.1026 0.0774 0.32
+0.1044 0.0756 0.32
+0.1062 0.0738 0.32
+0.108 0.072 0.32
+0.1098 0.0702 0.32
+0.1116 0.0684 0.32
+0.1134 0.0666 0.32
+0.1152 0.0648 0.32
+0.117 0.063 0.32
+0.1188 0.0612 0.32
+0.1206 0.0594 0.32
+0.1224 0.0576 0.32
+0.1242 0.0558 0.32
+0.126 0.054 0.32
+0.1278 0.0522 0.32
+0.1296 0.0504 0.32
+0.1314 0.0486 0.32
+0.1332 0.0468 0.32
+0.135 0.045 0.32
+0.1368 0.0432 0.32
+0.1386 0.0414 0.32
+0.1404 0.0396 0.32
+0.1422 0.0378 0.32
+0.144 0.036 0.32
+0.1458 0.0342 0.32
+0.1476 0.0324 0.32
+0.1494 0.0306 0.32
+0.1512 0.0288 0.32
+0.153 0.027 0.32
+0.1548 0.0252 0.32
+0.1566 0.0234 0.32
+0.1584 0.0216 0.32
+0.1602 0.0198 0.32
+0.162 0.018 0.32
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+0.1656 0.0144 0.32
+0.1674 0.0126 0.32
+0.1692 0.0108 0.32
+0.171 0.009 0.32
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+0.1746 0.0054 0.32
+0.1764 0.0036 0.32
+0.1782 0.0018 0.32
+0 0.185 0.315
+0.00185 0.18315 0.315
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+0.01295 0.17205 0.315
+0.0148 0.1702 0.315
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+0.0222 0.1628 0.315
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+0.04995 0.13505 0.315
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+0.0703 0.1147 0.315
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+0.074 0.111 0.315
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+0.0777 0.1073 0.315
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+0.0814 0.1036 0.315
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+0.0888 0.0962 0.315
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+0.0925 0.0925 0.315
+0.09435 0.09065 0.315
+0.0962 0.0888 0.315
+0.09805 0.08695 0.315
+0.0999 0.0851 0.315
+0.10175 0.08325 0.315
+0.1036 0.0814 0.315
+0.10545 0.07955 0.315
+0.1073 0.0777 0.315
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+0.111 0.074 0.315
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+0.1147 0.0703 0.315
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+0.1184 0.0666 0.315
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+0.14615 0.03885 0.315
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+0.16465 0.02035 0.315
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+0.1739 0.0111 0.315
+0.17575 0.00925 0.315
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+0.17945 0.00555 0.315
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+0.18315 0.00185 0.315
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+0.0019 0.1881 0.31
+0.0038 0.1862 0.31
+0.0057 0.1843 0.31
+0.0076 0.1824 0.31
+0.0095 0.1805 0.31
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+0.0133 0.1767 0.31
+0.0152 0.1748 0.31
+0.0171 0.1729 0.31
+0.019 0.171 0.31
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+0.0228 0.1672 0.31
+0.0247 0.1653 0.31
+0.0266 0.1634 0.31
+0.0285 0.1615 0.31
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+0.0323 0.1577 0.31
+0.0342 0.1558 0.31
+0.0361 0.1539 0.31
+0.038 0.152 0.31
+0.0399 0.1501 0.31
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+0.0437 0.1463 0.31
+0.0456 0.1444 0.31
+0.0475 0.1425 0.31
+0.0494 0.1406 0.31
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+0.0532 0.1368 0.31
+0.0551 0.1349 0.31
+0.057 0.133 0.31
+0.0589 0.1311 0.31
+0.0608 0.1292 0.31
+0.0627 0.1273 0.31
+0.0646 0.1254 0.31
+0.0665 0.1235 0.31
+0.0684 0.1216 0.31
+0.0703 0.1197 0.31
+0.0722 0.1178 0.31
+0.0741 0.1159 0.31
+0.076 0.114 0.31
+0.0779 0.1121 0.31
+0.0798 0.1102 0.31
+0.0817 0.1083 0.31
+0.0836 0.1064 0.31
+0.0855 0.1045 0.31
+0.0874 0.1026 0.31
+0.0893 0.1007 0.31
+0.0912 0.0988 0.31
+0.0931 0.0969 0.31
+0.095 0.095 0.31
+0.0969 0.0931 0.31
+0.0988 0.0912 0.31
+0.1007 0.0893 0.31
+0.1026 0.0874 0.31
+0.1045 0.0855 0.31
+0.1064 0.0836 0.31
+0.1083 0.0817 0.31
+0.1102 0.0798 0.31
+0.1121 0.0779 0.31
+0.114 0.076 0.31
+0.1159 0.0741 0.31
+0.1178 0.0722 0.31
+0.1197 0.0703 0.31
+0.1216 0.0684 0.31
+0.1235 0.0665 0.31
+0.1254 0.0646 0.31
+0.1273 0.0627 0.31
+0.1292 0.0608 0.31
+0.1311 0.0589 0.31
+0.133 0.057 0.31
+0.1349 0.0551 0.31
+0.1368 0.0532 0.31
+0.1387 0.0513 0.31
+0.1406 0.0494 0.31
+0.1425 0.0475 0.31
+0.1444 0.0456 0.31
+0.1463 0.0437 0.31
+0.1482 0.0418 0.31
+0.1501 0.0399 0.31
+0.152 0.038 0.31
+0.1539 0.0361 0.31
+0.1558 0.0342 0.31
+0.1577 0.0323 0.31
+0.1596 0.0304 0.31
+0.1615 0.0285 0.31
+0.1634 0.0266 0.31
+0.1653 0.0247 0.31
+0.1672 0.0228 0.31
+0.1691 0.0209 0.31
+0.171 0.019 0.31
+0.1729 0.0171 0.31
+0.1748 0.0152 0.31
+0.1767 0.0133 0.31
+0.1786 0.0114 0.31
+0.1805 0.0095 0.31
+0.1824 0.0076 0.31
+0.1843 0.0057 0.31
+0.1862 0.0038 0.31
+0.1881 0.0019 0.31
+0 0.195 0.305
+0.00195 0.19305 0.305
+0.0039 0.1911 0.305
+0.00585 0.18915 0.305
+0.0078 0.1872 0.305
+0.00975 0.18525 0.305
+0.0117 0.1833 0.305
+0.01365 0.18135 0.305
+0.0156 0.1794 0.305
+0.01755 0.17745 0.305
+0.0195 0.1755 0.305
+0.02145 0.17355 0.305
+0.0234 0.1716 0.305
+0.02535 0.16965 0.305
+0.0273 0.1677 0.305
+0.02925 0.16575 0.305
+0.0312 0.1638 0.305
+0.03315 0.16185 0.305
+0.0351 0.1599 0.305
+0.03705 0.15795 0.305
+0.039 0.156 0.305
+0.04095 0.15405 0.305
+0.0429 0.1521 0.305
+0.04485 0.15015 0.305
+0.0468 0.1482 0.305
+0.04875 0.14625 0.305
+0.0507 0.1443 0.305
+0.05265 0.14235 0.305
+0.0546 0.1404 0.305
+0.05655 0.13845 0.305
+0.0585 0.1365 0.305
+0.06045 0.13455 0.305
+0.0624 0.1326 0.305
+0.06435 0.13065 0.305
+0.0663 0.1287 0.305
+0.06825 0.12675 0.305
+0.0702 0.1248 0.305
+0.07215 0.12285 0.305
+0.0741 0.1209 0.305
+0.07605 0.11895 0.305
+0.078 0.117 0.305
+0.07995 0.11505 0.305
+0.0819 0.1131 0.305
+0.08385 0.11115 0.305
+0.0858 0.1092 0.305
+0.08775 0.10725 0.305
+0.0897 0.1053 0.305
+0.09165 0.10335 0.305
+0.0936 0.1014 0.305
+0.09555 0.09945 0.305
+0.0975 0.0975 0.305
+0.09945 0.09555 0.305
+0.1014 0.0936 0.305
+0.10335 0.09165 0.305
+0.1053 0.0897 0.305
+0.10725 0.08775 0.305
+0.1092 0.0858 0.305
+0.11115 0.08385 0.305
+0.1131 0.0819 0.305
+0.11505 0.07995 0.305
+0.117 0.078 0.305
+0.11895 0.07605 0.305
+0.1209 0.0741 0.305
+0.12285 0.07215 0.305
+0.1248 0.0702 0.305
+0.12675 0.06825 0.305
+0.1287 0.0663 0.305
+0.13065 0.06435 0.305
+0.1326 0.0624 0.305
+0.13455 0.06045 0.305
+0.1365 0.0585 0.305
+0.13845 0.05655 0.305
+0.1404 0.0546 0.305
+0.14235 0.05265 0.305
+0.1443 0.0507 0.305
+0.14625 0.04875 0.305
+0.1482 0.0468 0.305
+0.15015 0.04485 0.305
+0.1521 0.0429 0.305
+0.15405 0.04095 0.305
+0.156 0.039 0.305
+0.15795 0.03705 0.305
+0.1599 0.0351 0.305
+0.16185 0.03315 0.305
+0.1638 0.0312 0.305
+0.16575 0.02925 0.305
+0.1677 0.0273 0.305
+0.16965 0.02535 0.305
+0.1716 0.0234 0.305
+0.17355 0.02145 0.305
+0.1755 0.0195 0.305
+0.17745 0.01755 0.305
+0.1794 0.0156 0.305
+0.18135 0.01365 0.305
+0.1833 0.0117 0.305
+0.18525 0.00975 0.305
+0.1872 0.0078 0.305
+0.18915 0.00585 0.305
+0.1911 0.0039 0.305
+0.19305 0.00195 0.305
+0 0.2 0.3
+0.002 0.198 0.3
+0.004 0.196 0.3
+0.006 0.194 0.3
+0.008 0.192 0.3
+0.01 0.19 0.3
+0.012 0.188 0.3
+0.014 0.186 0.3
+0.016 0.184 0.3
+0.018 0.182 0.3
+0.02 0.18 0.3
+0.022 0.178 0.3
+0.024 0.176 0.3
+0.026 0.174 0.3
+0.028 0.172 0.3
+0.03 0.17 0.3
+0.032 0.168 0.3
+0.034 0.166 0.3
+0.036 0.164 0.3
+0.038 0.162 0.3
+0.04 0.16 0.3
+0.042 0.158 0.3
+0.044 0.156 0.3
+0.046 0.154 0.3
+0.048 0.152 0.3
+0.05 0.15 0.3
+0.052 0.148 0.3
+0.054 0.146 0.3
+0.056 0.144 0.3
+0.058 0.142 0.3
+0.06 0.14 0.3
+0.062 0.138 0.3
+0.064 0.136 0.3
+0.066 0.134 0.3
+0.068 0.132 0.3
+0.07 0.13 0.3
+0.072 0.128 0.3
+0.074 0.126 0.3
+0.076 0.124 0.3
+0.078 0.122 0.3
+0.08 0.12 0.3
+0.082 0.118 0.3
+0.084 0.116 0.3
+0.086 0.114 0.3
+0.088 0.112 0.3
+0.09 0.11 0.3
+0.092 0.108 0.3
+0.094 0.106 0.3
+0.096 0.104 0.3
+0.098 0.102 0.3
+0.1 0.1 0.3
+0.102 0.098 0.3
+0.104 0.096 0.3
+0.106 0.094 0.3
+0.108 0.092 0.3
+0.11 0.09 0.3
+0.112 0.088 0.3
+0.114 0.086 0.3
+0.116 0.084 0.3
+0.118 0.082 0.3
+0.12 0.08 0.3
+0.122 0.078 0.3
+0.124 0.076 0.3
+0.126 0.074 0.3
+0.128 0.072 0.3
+0.13 0.07 0.3
+0.132 0.068 0.3
+0.134 0.066 0.3
+0.136 0.064 0.3
+0.138 0.062 0.3
+0.14 0.06 0.3
+0.142 0.058 0.3
+0.144 0.056 0.3
+0.146 0.054 0.3
+0.148 0.052 0.3
+0.15 0.05 0.3
+0.152 0.048 0.3
+0.154 0.046 0.3
+0.156 0.044 0.3
+0.158 0.042 0.3
+0.16 0.04 0.3
+0.162 0.038 0.3
+0.164 0.036 0.3
+0.166 0.034 0.3
+0.168 0.032 0.3
+0.17 0.03 0.3
+0.172 0.028 0.3
+0.174 0.026 0.3
+0.176 0.024 0.3
+0.178 0.022 0.3
+0.18 0.02 0.3
+0.182 0.018 0.3
+0.184 0.016 0.3
+0.186 0.014 0.3
+0.188 0.012 0.3
+0.19 0.01 0.3
+0.192 0.008 0.3
+0.194 0.006 0.3
+0.196 0.004 0.3
+0.198 0.002 0.3
+0 0.205 0.295
+0.00205 0.20295 0.295
+0.0041 0.2009 0.295
+0.00615 0.19885 0.295
+0.0082 0.1968 0.295
+0.01025 0.19475 0.295
+0.0123 0.1927 0.295
+0.01435 0.19065 0.295
+0.0164 0.1886 0.295
+0.01845 0.18655 0.295
+0.0205 0.1845 0.295
+0.02255 0.18245 0.295
+0.0246 0.1804 0.295
+0.02665 0.17835 0.295
+0.0287 0.1763 0.295
+0.03075 0.17425 0.295
+0.0328 0.1722 0.295
+0.03485 0.17015 0.295
+0.0369 0.1681 0.295
+0.03895 0.16605 0.295
+0.041 0.164 0.295
+0.04305 0.16195 0.295
+0.0451 0.1599 0.295
+0.04715 0.15785 0.295
+0.0492 0.1558 0.295
+0.05125 0.15375 0.295
+0.0533 0.1517 0.295
+0.05535 0.14965 0.295
+0.0574 0.1476 0.295
+0.05945 0.14555 0.295
+0.0615 0.1435 0.295
+0.06355 0.14145 0.295
+0.0656 0.1394 0.295
+0.06765 0.13735 0.295
+0.0697 0.1353 0.295
+0.07175 0.13325 0.295
+0.0738 0.1312 0.295
+0.07585 0.12915 0.295
+0.0779 0.1271 0.295
+0.07995 0.12505 0.295
+0.082 0.123 0.295
+0.08405 0.12095 0.295
+0.0861 0.1189 0.295
+0.08815 0.11685 0.295
+0.0902 0.1148 0.295
+0.09225 0.11275 0.295
+0.0943 0.1107 0.295
+0.09635 0.10865 0.295
+0.0984 0.1066 0.295
+0.10045 0.10455 0.295
+0.1025 0.1025 0.295
+0.10455 0.10045 0.295
+0.1066 0.0984 0.295
+0.10865 0.09635 0.295
+0.1107 0.0943 0.295
+0.11275 0.09225 0.295
+0.1148 0.0902 0.295
+0.11685 0.08815 0.295
+0.1189 0.0861 0.295
+0.12095 0.08405 0.295
+0.123 0.082 0.295
+0.12505 0.07995 0.295
+0.1271 0.0779 0.295
+0.12915 0.07585 0.295
+0.1312 0.0738 0.295
+0.13325 0.07175 0.295
+0.1353 0.0697 0.295
+0.13735 0.06765 0.295
+0.1394 0.0656 0.295
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+0.1435 0.0615 0.295
+0.14555 0.05945 0.295
+0.1476 0.0574 0.295
+0.14965 0.05535 0.295
+0.1517 0.0533 0.295
+0.15375 0.05125 0.295
+0.1558 0.0492 0.295
+0.15785 0.04715 0.295
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+0.16195 0.04305 0.295
+0.164 0.041 0.295
+0.16605 0.03895 0.295
+0.1681 0.0369 0.295
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+0.1722 0.0328 0.295
+0.17425 0.03075 0.295
+0.1763 0.0287 0.295
+0.17835 0.02665 0.295
+0.1804 0.0246 0.295
+0.18245 0.02255 0.295
+0.1845 0.0205 0.295
+0.18655 0.01845 0.295
+0.1886 0.0164 0.295
+0.19065 0.01435 0.295
+0.1927 0.0123 0.295
+0.19475 0.01025 0.295
+0.1968 0.0082 0.295
+0.19885 0.00615 0.295
+0.2009 0.0041 0.295
+0.20295 0.00205 0.295
+0 0.21 0.29
+0.0021 0.2079 0.29
+0.0042 0.2058 0.29
+0.0063 0.2037 0.29
+0.0084 0.2016 0.29
+0.0105 0.1995 0.29
+0.0126 0.1974 0.29
+0.0147 0.1953 0.29
+0.0168 0.1932 0.29
+0.0189 0.1911 0.29
+0.021 0.189 0.29
+0.0231 0.1869 0.29
+0.0252 0.1848 0.29
+0.0273 0.1827 0.29
+0.0294 0.1806 0.29
+0.0315 0.1785 0.29
+0.0336 0.1764 0.29
+0.0357 0.1743 0.29
+0.0378 0.1722 0.29
+0.0399 0.1701 0.29
+0.042 0.168 0.29
+0.0441 0.1659 0.29
+0.0462 0.1638 0.29
+0.0483 0.1617 0.29
+0.0504 0.1596 0.29
+0.0525 0.1575 0.29
+0.0546 0.1554 0.29
+0.0567 0.1533 0.29
+0.0588 0.1512 0.29
+0.0609 0.1491 0.29
+0.063 0.147 0.29
+0.0651 0.1449 0.29
+0.0672 0.1428 0.29
+0.0693 0.1407 0.29
+0.0714 0.1386 0.29
+0.0735 0.1365 0.29
+0.0756 0.1344 0.29
+0.0777 0.1323 0.29
+0.0798 0.1302 0.29
+0.0819 0.1281 0.29
+0.084 0.126 0.29
+0.0861 0.1239 0.29
+0.0882 0.1218 0.29
+0.0903 0.1197 0.29
+0.0924 0.1176 0.29
+0.0945 0.1155 0.29
+0.0966 0.1134 0.29
+0.0987 0.1113 0.29
+0.1008 0.1092 0.29
+0.1029 0.1071 0.29
+0.105 0.105 0.29
+0.1071 0.1029 0.29
+0.1092 0.1008 0.29
+0.1113 0.0987 0.29
+0.1134 0.0966 0.29
+0.1155 0.0945 0.29
+0.1176 0.0924 0.29
+0.1197 0.0903 0.29
+0.1218 0.0882 0.29
+0.1239 0.0861 0.29
+0.126 0.084 0.29
+0.1281 0.0819 0.29
+0.1302 0.0798 0.29
+0.1323 0.0777 0.29
+0.1344 0.0756 0.29
+0.1365 0.0735 0.29
+0.1386 0.0714 0.29
+0.1407 0.0693 0.29
+0.1428 0.0672 0.29
+0.1449 0.0651 0.29
+0.147 0.063 0.29
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+0.1533 0.0567 0.29
+0.1554 0.0546 0.29
+0.1575 0.0525 0.29
+0.1596 0.0504 0.29
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+0.1638 0.0462 0.29
+0.1659 0.0441 0.29
+0.168 0.042 0.29
+0.1701 0.0399 0.29
+0.1722 0.0378 0.29
+0.1743 0.0357 0.29
+0.1764 0.0336 0.29
+0.1785 0.0315 0.29
+0.1806 0.0294 0.29
+0.1827 0.0273 0.29
+0.1848 0.0252 0.29
+0.1869 0.0231 0.29
+0.189 0.021 0.29
+0.1911 0.0189 0.29
+0.1932 0.0168 0.29
+0.1953 0.0147 0.29
+0.1974 0.0126 0.29
+0.1995 0.0105 0.29
+0.2016 0.0084 0.29
+0.2037 0.0063 0.29
+0.2058 0.0042 0.29
+0.2079 0.0021 0.29
+0 0.215 0.285
+0.00215 0.21285 0.285
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+0.0086 0.2064 0.285
+0.01075 0.20425 0.285
+0.0129 0.2021 0.285
+0.01505 0.19995 0.285
+0.0172 0.1978 0.285
+0.01935 0.19565 0.285
+0.0215 0.1935 0.285
+0.02365 0.19135 0.285
+0.0258 0.1892 0.285
+0.02795 0.18705 0.285
+0.0301 0.1849 0.285
+0.03225 0.18275 0.285
+0.0344 0.1806 0.285
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+0.043 0.172 0.285
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+0.0473 0.1677 0.285
+0.04945 0.16555 0.285
+0.0516 0.1634 0.285
+0.05375 0.16125 0.285
+0.0559 0.1591 0.285
+0.05805 0.15695 0.285
+0.0602 0.1548 0.285
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+0.07095 0.14405 0.285
+0.0731 0.1419 0.285
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+0.0774 0.1376 0.285
+0.07955 0.13545 0.285
+0.0817 0.1333 0.285
+0.08385 0.13115 0.285
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+0.0946 0.1204 0.285
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+0.10105 0.11395 0.285
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+0.1075 0.1075 0.285
+0.10965 0.10535 0.285
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+0.11395 0.10105 0.285
+0.1161 0.0989 0.285
+0.11825 0.09675 0.285
+0.1204 0.0946 0.285
+0.12255 0.09245 0.285
+0.1247 0.0903 0.285
+0.12685 0.08815 0.285
+0.129 0.086 0.285
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+0.1333 0.0817 0.285
+0.13545 0.07955 0.285
+0.1376 0.0774 0.285
+0.13975 0.07525 0.285
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+0.14405 0.07095 0.285
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+0.172 0.043 0.285
+0.17415 0.04085 0.285
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+0.1849 0.0301 0.285
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+0.1892 0.0258 0.285
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+0.19565 0.01935 0.285
+0.1978 0.0172 0.285
+0.19995 0.01505 0.285
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+0.20425 0.01075 0.285
+0.2064 0.0086 0.285
+0.20855 0.00645 0.285
+0.2107 0.0043 0.285
+0.21285 0.00215 0.285
+0 0.22 0.28
+0.0022 0.2178 0.28
+0.0044 0.2156 0.28
+0.0066 0.2134 0.28
+0.0088 0.2112 0.28
+0.011 0.209 0.28
+0.0132 0.2068 0.28
+0.0154 0.2046 0.28
+0.0176 0.2024 0.28
+0.0198 0.2002 0.28
+0.022 0.198 0.28
+0.0242 0.1958 0.28
+0.0264 0.1936 0.28
+0.0286 0.1914 0.28
+0.0308 0.1892 0.28
+0.033 0.187 0.28
+0.0352 0.1848 0.28
+0.0374 0.1826 0.28
+0.0396 0.1804 0.28
+0.0418 0.1782 0.28
+0.044 0.176 0.28
+0.0462 0.1738 0.28
+0.0484 0.1716 0.28
+0.0506 0.1694 0.28
+0.0528 0.1672 0.28
+0.055 0.165 0.28
+0.0572 0.1628 0.28
+0.0594 0.1606 0.28
+0.0616 0.1584 0.28
+0.0638 0.1562 0.28
+0.066 0.154 0.28
+0.0682 0.1518 0.28
+0.0704 0.1496 0.28
+0.0726 0.1474 0.28
+0.0748 0.1452 0.28
+0.077 0.143 0.28
+0.0792 0.1408 0.28
+0.0814 0.1386 0.28
+0.0836 0.1364 0.28
+0.0858 0.1342 0.28
+0.088 0.132 0.28
+0.0902 0.1298 0.28
+0.0924 0.1276 0.28
+0.0946 0.1254 0.28
+0.0968 0.1232 0.28
+0.099 0.121 0.28
+0.1012 0.1188 0.28
+0.1034 0.1166 0.28
+0.1056 0.1144 0.28
+0.1078 0.1122 0.28
+0.11 0.11 0.28
+0.1122 0.1078 0.28
+0.1144 0.1056 0.28
+0.1166 0.1034 0.28
+0.1188 0.1012 0.28
+0.121 0.099 0.28
+0.1232 0.0968 0.28
+0.1254 0.0946 0.28
+0.1276 0.0924 0.28
+0.1298 0.0902 0.28
+0.132 0.088 0.28
+0.1342 0.0858 0.28
+0.1364 0.0836 0.28
+0.1386 0.0814 0.28
+0.1408 0.0792 0.28
+0.143 0.077 0.28
+0.1452 0.0748 0.28
+0.1474 0.0726 0.28
+0.1496 0.0704 0.28
+0.1518 0.0682 0.28
+0.154 0.066 0.28
+0.1562 0.0638 0.28
+0.1584 0.0616 0.28
+0.1606 0.0594 0.28
+0.1628 0.0572 0.28
+0.165 0.055 0.28
+0.1672 0.0528 0.28
+0.1694 0.0506 0.28
+0.1716 0.0484 0.28
+0.1738 0.0462 0.28
+0.176 0.044 0.28
+0.1782 0.0418 0.28
+0.1804 0.0396 0.28
+0.1826 0.0374 0.28
+0.1848 0.0352 0.28
+0.187 0.033 0.28
+0.1892 0.0308 0.28
+0.1914 0.0286 0.28
+0.1936 0.0264 0.28
+0.1958 0.0242 0.28
+0.198 0.022 0.28
+0.2002 0.0198 0.28
+0.2024 0.0176 0.28
+0.2046 0.0154 0.28
+0.2068 0.0132 0.28
+0.209 0.011 0.28
+0.2112 0.0088 0.28
+0.2134 0.0066 0.28
+0.2156 0.0044 0.28
+0.2178 0.0022 0.28
+0 0.225 0.275
+0.00225 0.22275 0.275
+0.0045 0.2205 0.275
+0.00675 0.21825 0.275
+0.009 0.216 0.275
+0.01125 0.21375 0.275
+0.0135 0.2115 0.275
+0.01575 0.20925 0.275
+0.018 0.207 0.275
+0.02025 0.20475 0.275
+0.0225 0.2025 0.275
+0.02475 0.20025 0.275
+0.027 0.198 0.275
+0.02925 0.19575 0.275
+0.0315 0.1935 0.275
+0.03375 0.19125 0.275
+0.036 0.189 0.275
+0.03825 0.18675 0.275
+0.0405 0.1845 0.275
+0.04275 0.18225 0.275
+0.045 0.18 0.275
+0.04725 0.17775 0.275
+0.0495 0.1755 0.275
+0.05175 0.17325 0.275
+0.054 0.171 0.275
+0.05625 0.16875 0.275
+0.0585 0.1665 0.275
+0.06075 0.16425 0.275
+0.063 0.162 0.275
+0.06525 0.15975 0.275
+0.0675 0.1575 0.275
+0.06975 0.15525 0.275
+0.072 0.153 0.275
+0.07425 0.15075 0.275
+0.0765 0.1485 0.275
+0.07875 0.14625 0.275
+0.081 0.144 0.275
+0.08325 0.14175 0.275
+0.0855 0.1395 0.275
+0.08775 0.13725 0.275
+0.09 0.135 0.275
+0.09225 0.13275 0.275
+0.0945 0.1305 0.275
+0.09675 0.12825 0.275
+0.099 0.126 0.275
+0.10125 0.12375 0.275
+0.1035 0.1215 0.275
+0.10575 0.11925 0.275
+0.108 0.117 0.275
+0.11025 0.11475 0.275
+0.1125 0.1125 0.275
+0.11475 0.11025 0.275
+0.117 0.108 0.275
+0.11925 0.10575 0.275
+0.1215 0.1035 0.275
+0.12375 0.10125 0.275
+0.126 0.099 0.275
+0.12825 0.09675 0.275
+0.1305 0.0945 0.275
+0.13275 0.09225 0.275
+0.135 0.09 0.275
+0.13725 0.08775 0.275
+0.1395 0.0855 0.275
+0.14175 0.08325 0.275
+0.144 0.081 0.275
+0.14625 0.07875 0.275
+0.1485 0.0765 0.275
+0.15075 0.07425 0.275
+0.153 0.072 0.275
+0.15525 0.06975 0.275
+0.1575 0.0675 0.275
+0.15975 0.06525 0.275
+0.162 0.063 0.275
+0.16425 0.06075 0.275
+0.1665 0.0585 0.275
+0.16875 0.05625 0.275
+0.171 0.054 0.275
+0.17325 0.05175 0.275
+0.1755 0.0495 0.275
+0.17775 0.04725 0.275
+0.18 0.045 0.275
+0.18225 0.04275 0.275
+0.1845 0.0405 0.275
+0.18675 0.03825 0.275
+0.189 0.036 0.275
+0.19125 0.03375 0.275
+0.1935 0.0315 0.275
+0.19575 0.02925 0.275
+0.198 0.027 0.275
+0.20025 0.02475 0.275
+0.2025 0.0225 0.275
+0.20475 0.02025 0.275
+0.207 0.018 0.275
+0.20925 0.01575 0.275
+0.2115 0.0135 0.275
+0.21375 0.01125 0.275
+0.216 0.009 0.275
+0.21825 0.00675 0.275
+0.2205 0.0045 0.275
+0.22275 0.00225 0.275
+0 0.23 0.27
+0.0023 0.2277 0.27
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+0.0069 0.2231 0.27
+0.0092 0.2208 0.27
+0.0115 0.2185 0.27
+0.0138 0.2162 0.27
+0.0161 0.2139 0.27
+0.0184 0.2116 0.27
+0.0207 0.2093 0.27
+0.023 0.207 0.27
+0.0253 0.2047 0.27
+0.0276 0.2024 0.27
+0.0299 0.2001 0.27
+0.0322 0.1978 0.27
+0.0345 0.1955 0.27
+0.0368 0.1932 0.27
+0.0391 0.1909 0.27
+0.0414 0.1886 0.27
+0.0437 0.1863 0.27
+0.046 0.184 0.27
+0.0483 0.1817 0.27
+0.0506 0.1794 0.27
+0.0529 0.1771 0.27
+0.0552 0.1748 0.27
+0.0575 0.1725 0.27
+0.0598 0.1702 0.27
+0.0621 0.1679 0.27
+0.0644 0.1656 0.27
+0.0667 0.1633 0.27
+0.069 0.161 0.27
+0.0713 0.1587 0.27
+0.0736 0.1564 0.27
+0.0759 0.1541 0.27
+0.0782 0.1518 0.27
+0.0805 0.1495 0.27
+0.0828 0.1472 0.27
+0.0851 0.1449 0.27
+0.0874 0.1426 0.27
+0.0897 0.1403 0.27
+0.092 0.138 0.27
+0.0943 0.1357 0.27
+0.0966 0.1334 0.27
+0.0989 0.1311 0.27
+0.1012 0.1288 0.27
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+0.1058 0.1242 0.27
+0.1081 0.1219 0.27
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+0.1127 0.1173 0.27
+0.115 0.115 0.27
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+0.1196 0.1104 0.27
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+0.1242 0.1058 0.27
+0.1265 0.1035 0.27
+0.1288 0.1012 0.27
+0.1311 0.0989 0.27
+0.1334 0.0966 0.27
+0.1357 0.0943 0.27
+0.138 0.092 0.27
+0.1403 0.0897 0.27
+0.1426 0.0874 0.27
+0.1449 0.0851 0.27
+0.1472 0.0828 0.27
+0.1495 0.0805 0.27
+0.1518 0.0782 0.27
+0.1541 0.0759 0.27
+0.1564 0.0736 0.27
+0.1587 0.0713 0.27
+0.161 0.069 0.27
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+0.1656 0.0644 0.27
+0.1679 0.0621 0.27
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+0.1725 0.0575 0.27
+0.1748 0.0552 0.27
+0.1771 0.0529 0.27
+0.1794 0.0506 0.27
+0.1817 0.0483 0.27
+0.184 0.046 0.27
+0.1863 0.0437 0.27
+0.1886 0.0414 0.27
+0.1909 0.0391 0.27
+0.1932 0.0368 0.27
+0.1955 0.0345 0.27
+0.1978 0.0322 0.27
+0.2001 0.0299 0.27
+0.2024 0.0276 0.27
+0.2047 0.0253 0.27
+0.207 0.023 0.27
+0.2093 0.0207 0.27
+0.2116 0.0184 0.27
+0.2139 0.0161 0.27
+0.2162 0.0138 0.27
+0.2185 0.0115 0.27
+0.2208 0.0092 0.27
+0.2231 0.0069 0.27
+0.2254 0.0046 0.27
+0.2277 0.0023 0.27
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+0.00235 0.23265 0.265
+0.0047 0.2303 0.265
+0.00705 0.22795 0.265
+0.0094 0.2256 0.265
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+0.0141 0.2209 0.265
+0.01645 0.21855 0.265
+0.0188 0.2162 0.265
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+0.0235 0.2115 0.265
+0.02585 0.20915 0.265
+0.0282 0.2068 0.265
+0.03055 0.20445 0.265
+0.0329 0.2021 0.265
+0.03525 0.19975 0.265
+0.0376 0.1974 0.265
+0.03995 0.19505 0.265
+0.0423 0.1927 0.265
+0.04465 0.19035 0.265
+0.047 0.188 0.265
+0.04935 0.18565 0.265
+0.0517 0.1833 0.265
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+0.05875 0.17625 0.265
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+0.06815 0.16685 0.265
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+0.07285 0.16215 0.265
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+0.07755 0.15745 0.265
+0.0799 0.1551 0.265
+0.08225 0.15275 0.265
+0.0846 0.1504 0.265
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+0.0893 0.1457 0.265
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+0.094 0.141 0.265
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+0.0987 0.1363 0.265
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+0.11985 0.11515 0.265
+0.1222 0.1128 0.265
+0.12455 0.11045 0.265
+0.1269 0.1081 0.265
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+0.1316 0.1034 0.265
+0.13395 0.10105 0.265
+0.1363 0.0987 0.265
+0.13865 0.09635 0.265
+0.141 0.094 0.265
+0.14335 0.09165 0.265
+0.1457 0.0893 0.265
+0.14805 0.08695 0.265
+0.1504 0.0846 0.265
+0.15275 0.08225 0.265
+0.1551 0.0799 0.265
+0.15745 0.07755 0.265
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+0.16215 0.07285 0.265
+0.1645 0.0705 0.265
+0.16685 0.06815 0.265
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+0.1786 0.0564 0.265
+0.18095 0.05405 0.265
+0.1833 0.0517 0.265
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+0.188 0.047 0.265
+0.19035 0.04465 0.265
+0.1927 0.0423 0.265
+0.19505 0.03995 0.265
+0.1974 0.0376 0.265
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+0.22795 0.00705 0.265
+0.2303 0.0047 0.265
+0.23265 0.00235 0.265
+0 0.24 0.26
+0.0024 0.2376 0.26
+0.0048 0.2352 0.26
+0.0072 0.2328 0.26
+0.0096 0.2304 0.26
+0.012 0.228 0.26
+0.0144 0.2256 0.26
+0.0168 0.2232 0.26
+0.0192 0.2208 0.26
+0.0216 0.2184 0.26
+0.024 0.216 0.26
+0.0264 0.2136 0.26
+0.0288 0.2112 0.26
+0.0312 0.2088 0.26
+0.0336 0.2064 0.26
+0.036 0.204 0.26
+0.0384 0.2016 0.26
+0.0408 0.1992 0.26
+0.0432 0.1968 0.26
+0.0456 0.1944 0.26
+0.048 0.192 0.26
+0.0504 0.1896 0.26
+0.0528 0.1872 0.26
+0.0552 0.1848 0.26
+0.0576 0.1824 0.26
+0.06 0.18 0.26
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+0.0648 0.1752 0.26
+0.0672 0.1728 0.26
+0.0696 0.1704 0.26
+0.072 0.168 0.26
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+0.0768 0.1632 0.26
+0.0792 0.1608 0.26
+0.0816 0.1584 0.26
+0.084 0.156 0.26
+0.0864 0.1536 0.26
+0.0888 0.1512 0.26
+0.0912 0.1488 0.26
+0.0936 0.1464 0.26
+0.096 0.144 0.26
+0.0984 0.1416 0.26
+0.1008 0.1392 0.26
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+0.1056 0.1344 0.26
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+0.1176 0.1224 0.26
+0.12 0.12 0.26
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+0.1248 0.1152 0.26
+0.1272 0.1128 0.26
+0.1296 0.1104 0.26
+0.132 0.108 0.26
+0.1344 0.1056 0.26
+0.1368 0.1032 0.26
+0.1392 0.1008 0.26
+0.1416 0.0984 0.26
+0.144 0.096 0.26
+0.1464 0.0936 0.26
+0.1488 0.0912 0.26
+0.1512 0.0888 0.26
+0.1536 0.0864 0.26
+0.156 0.084 0.26
+0.1584 0.0816 0.26
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+0.1656 0.0744 0.26
+0.168 0.072 0.26
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+0.1728 0.0672 0.26
+0.1752 0.0648 0.26
+0.1776 0.0624 0.26
+0.18 0.06 0.26
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+0.1848 0.0552 0.26
+0.1872 0.0528 0.26
+0.1896 0.0504 0.26
+0.192 0.048 0.26
+0.1944 0.0456 0.26
+0.1968 0.0432 0.26
+0.1992 0.0408 0.26
+0.2016 0.0384 0.26
+0.204 0.036 0.26
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+0.2088 0.0312 0.26
+0.2112 0.0288 0.26
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+0.216 0.024 0.26
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+0.2232 0.0168 0.26
+0.2256 0.0144 0.26
+0.228 0.012 0.26
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+0.2328 0.0072 0.26
+0.2352 0.0048 0.26
+0.2376 0.0024 0.26
+0 0.245 0.255
+0.00245 0.24255 0.255
+0.0049 0.2401 0.255
+0.00735 0.23765 0.255
+0.0098 0.2352 0.255
+0.01225 0.23275 0.255
+0.0147 0.2303 0.255
+0.01715 0.22785 0.255
+0.0196 0.2254 0.255
+0.02205 0.22295 0.255
+0.0245 0.2205 0.255
+0.02695 0.21805 0.255
+0.0294 0.2156 0.255
+0.03185 0.21315 0.255
+0.0343 0.2107 0.255
+0.03675 0.20825 0.255
+0.0392 0.2058 0.255
+0.04165 0.20335 0.255
+0.0441 0.2009 0.255
+0.04655 0.19845 0.255
+0.049 0.196 0.255
+0.05145 0.19355 0.255
+0.0539 0.1911 0.255
+0.05635 0.18865 0.255
+0.0588 0.1862 0.255
+0.06125 0.18375 0.255
+0.0637 0.1813 0.255
+0.06615 0.17885 0.255
+0.0686 0.1764 0.255
+0.07105 0.17395 0.255
+0.0735 0.1715 0.255
+0.07595 0.16905 0.255
+0.0784 0.1666 0.255
+0.08085 0.16415 0.255
+0.0833 0.1617 0.255
+0.08575 0.15925 0.255
+0.0882 0.1568 0.255
+0.09065 0.15435 0.255
+0.0931 0.1519 0.255
+0.09555 0.14945 0.255
+0.098 0.147 0.255
+0.10045 0.14455 0.255
+0.1029 0.1421 0.255
+0.10535 0.13965 0.255
+0.1078 0.1372 0.255
+0.11025 0.13475 0.255
+0.1127 0.1323 0.255
+0.11515 0.12985 0.255
+0.1176 0.1274 0.255
+0.12005 0.12495 0.255
+0.1225 0.1225 0.255
+0.12495 0.12005 0.255
+0.1274 0.1176 0.255
+0.12985 0.11515 0.255
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+0.13475 0.11025 0.255
+0.1372 0.1078 0.255
+0.13965 0.10535 0.255
+0.1421 0.1029 0.255
+0.14455 0.10045 0.255
+0.147 0.098 0.255
+0.14945 0.09555 0.255
+0.1519 0.0931 0.255
+0.15435 0.09065 0.255
+0.1568 0.0882 0.255
+0.15925 0.08575 0.255
+0.1617 0.0833 0.255
+0.16415 0.08085 0.255
+0.1666 0.0784 0.255
+0.16905 0.07595 0.255
+0.1715 0.0735 0.255
+0.17395 0.07105 0.255
+0.1764 0.0686 0.255
+0.17885 0.06615 0.255
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+0.18375 0.06125 0.255
+0.1862 0.0588 0.255
+0.18865 0.05635 0.255
+0.1911 0.0539 0.255
+0.19355 0.05145 0.255
+0.196 0.049 0.255
+0.19845 0.04655 0.255
+0.2009 0.0441 0.255
+0.20335 0.04165 0.255
+0.2058 0.0392 0.255
+0.20825 0.03675 0.255
+0.2107 0.0343 0.255
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+0.2156 0.0294 0.255
+0.21805 0.02695 0.255
+0.2205 0.0245 0.255
+0.22295 0.02205 0.255
+0.2254 0.0196 0.255
+0.22785 0.01715 0.255
+0.2303 0.0147 0.255
+0.23275 0.01225 0.255
+0.2352 0.0098 0.255
+0.23765 0.00735 0.255
+0.2401 0.0049 0.255
+0.24255 0.00245 0.255
+0 0.25 0.25
+0.0025 0.2475 0.25
+0.005 0.245 0.25
+0.0075 0.2425 0.25
+0.01 0.24 0.25
+0.0125 0.2375 0.25
+0.015 0.235 0.25
+0.0175 0.2325 0.25
+0.02 0.23 0.25
+0.0225 0.2275 0.25
+0.025 0.225 0.25
+0.0275 0.2225 0.25
+0.03 0.22 0.25
+0.0325 0.2175 0.25
+0.035 0.215 0.25
+0.0375 0.2125 0.25
+0.04 0.21 0.25
+0.0425 0.2075 0.25
+0.045 0.205 0.25
+0.0475 0.2025 0.25
+0.05 0.2 0.25
+0.0525 0.1975 0.25
+0.055 0.195 0.25
+0.0575 0.1925 0.25
+0.06 0.19 0.25
+0.0625 0.1875 0.25
+0.065 0.185 0.25
+0.0675 0.1825 0.25
+0.07 0.18 0.25
+0.0725 0.1775 0.25
+0.075 0.175 0.25
+0.0775 0.1725 0.25
+0.08 0.17 0.25
+0.0825 0.1675 0.25
+0.085 0.165 0.25
+0.0875 0.1625 0.25
+0.09 0.16 0.25
+0.0925 0.1575 0.25
+0.095 0.155 0.25
+0.0975 0.1525 0.25
+0.1 0.15 0.25
+0.1025 0.1475 0.25
+0.105 0.145 0.25
+0.1075 0.1425 0.25
+0.11 0.14 0.25
+0.1125 0.1375 0.25
+0.115 0.135 0.25
+0.1175 0.1325 0.25
+0.12 0.13 0.25
+0.1225 0.1275 0.25
+0.125 0.125 0.25
+0.1275 0.1225 0.25
+0.13 0.12 0.25
+0.1325 0.1175 0.25
+0.135 0.115 0.25
+0.1375 0.1125 0.25
+0.14 0.11 0.25
+0.1425 0.1075 0.25
+0.145 0.105 0.25
+0.1475 0.1025 0.25
+0.15 0.1 0.25
+0.1525 0.0975 0.25
+0.155 0.095 0.25
+0.1575 0.0925 0.25
+0.16 0.09 0.25
+0.1625 0.0875 0.25
+0.165 0.085 0.25
+0.1675 0.0825 0.25
+0.17 0.08 0.25
+0.1725 0.0775 0.25
+0.175 0.075 0.25
+0.1775 0.0725 0.25
+0.18 0.07 0.25
+0.1825 0.0675 0.25
+0.185 0.065 0.25
+0.1875 0.0625 0.25
+0.19 0.06 0.25
+0.1925 0.0575 0.25
+0.195 0.055 0.25
+0.1975 0.0525 0.25
+0.2 0.05 0.25
+0.2025 0.0475 0.25
+0.205 0.045 0.25
+0.2075 0.0425 0.25
+0.21 0.04 0.25
+0.2125 0.0375 0.25
+0.215 0.035 0.25
+0.2175 0.0325 0.25
+0.22 0.03 0.25
+0.2225 0.0275 0.25
+0.225 0.025 0.25
+0.2275 0.0225 0.25
+0.23 0.02 0.25
+0.2325 0.0175 0.25
+0.235 0.015 0.25
+0.2375 0.0125 0.25
+0.24 0.01 0.25
+0.2425 0.0075 0.25
+0.245 0.005 0.25
+0.2475 0.0025 0.25
+0 0.255 0.245
+0.00255 0.25245 0.245
+0.0051 0.2499 0.245
+0.00765 0.24735 0.245
+0.0102 0.2448 0.245
+0.01275 0.24225 0.245
+0.0153 0.2397 0.245
+0.01785 0.23715 0.245
+0.0204 0.2346 0.245
+0.02295 0.23205 0.245
+0.0255 0.2295 0.245
+0.02805 0.22695 0.245
+0.0306 0.2244 0.245
+0.03315 0.22185 0.245
+0.0357 0.2193 0.245
+0.03825 0.21675 0.245
+0.0408 0.2142 0.245
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+0.0459 0.2091 0.245
+0.04845 0.20655 0.245
+0.051 0.204 0.245
+0.05355 0.20145 0.245
+0.0561 0.1989 0.245
+0.05865 0.19635 0.245
+0.0612 0.1938 0.245
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+0.0663 0.1887 0.245
+0.06885 0.18615 0.245
+0.0714 0.1836 0.245
+0.07395 0.18105 0.245
+0.0765 0.1785 0.245
+0.07905 0.17595 0.245
+0.0816 0.1734 0.245
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+0.08925 0.16575 0.245
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+0.09435 0.16065 0.245
+0.0969 0.1581 0.245
+0.09945 0.15555 0.245
+0.102 0.153 0.245
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+0.1071 0.1479 0.245
+0.10965 0.14535 0.245
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+0.11475 0.14025 0.245
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+0.1224 0.1326 0.245
+0.12495 0.13005 0.245
+0.1275 0.1275 0.245
+0.13005 0.12495 0.245
+0.1326 0.1224 0.245
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+0.14025 0.11475 0.245
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+0.14535 0.10965 0.245
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+0.15045 0.10455 0.245
+0.153 0.102 0.245
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+0.16065 0.09435 0.245
+0.1632 0.0918 0.245
+0.16575 0.08925 0.245
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+0.1836 0.0714 0.245
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+0.1887 0.0663 0.245
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+0.1938 0.0612 0.245
+0.19635 0.05865 0.245
+0.1989 0.0561 0.245
+0.20145 0.05355 0.245
+0.204 0.051 0.245
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+0.2091 0.0459 0.245
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+0.2346 0.0204 0.245
+0.23715 0.01785 0.245
+0.2397 0.0153 0.245
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+0.2448 0.0102 0.245
+0.24735 0.00765 0.245
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+0.25245 0.00255 0.245
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+0.0026 0.2574 0.24
+0.0052 0.2548 0.24
+0.0078 0.2522 0.24
+0.0104 0.2496 0.24
+0.013 0.247 0.24
+0.0156 0.2444 0.24
+0.0182 0.2418 0.24
+0.0208 0.2392 0.24
+0.0234 0.2366 0.24
+0.026 0.234 0.24
+0.0286 0.2314 0.24
+0.0312 0.2288 0.24
+0.0338 0.2262 0.24
+0.0364 0.2236 0.24
+0.039 0.221 0.24
+0.0416 0.2184 0.24
+0.0442 0.2158 0.24
+0.0468 0.2132 0.24
+0.0494 0.2106 0.24
+0.052 0.208 0.24
+0.0546 0.2054 0.24
+0.0572 0.2028 0.24
+0.0598 0.2002 0.24
+0.0624 0.1976 0.24
+0.065 0.195 0.24
+0.0676 0.1924 0.24
+0.0702 0.1898 0.24
+0.0728 0.1872 0.24
+0.0754 0.1846 0.24
+0.078 0.182 0.24
+0.0806 0.1794 0.24
+0.0832 0.1768 0.24
+0.0858 0.1742 0.24
+0.0884 0.1716 0.24
+0.091 0.169 0.24
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+0.0962 0.1638 0.24
+0.0988 0.1612 0.24
+0.1014 0.1586 0.24
+0.104 0.156 0.24
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+0.1092 0.1508 0.24
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+0.1144 0.1456 0.24
+0.117 0.143 0.24
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+0.1248 0.1352 0.24
+0.1274 0.1326 0.24
+0.13 0.13 0.24
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+0.1352 0.1248 0.24
+0.1378 0.1222 0.24
+0.1404 0.1196 0.24
+0.143 0.117 0.24
+0.1456 0.1144 0.24
+0.1482 0.1118 0.24
+0.1508 0.1092 0.24
+0.1534 0.1066 0.24
+0.156 0.104 0.24
+0.1586 0.1014 0.24
+0.1612 0.0988 0.24
+0.1638 0.0962 0.24
+0.1664 0.0936 0.24
+0.169 0.091 0.24
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+0.1742 0.0858 0.24
+0.1768 0.0832 0.24
+0.1794 0.0806 0.24
+0.182 0.078 0.24
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+0.1872 0.0728 0.24
+0.1898 0.0702 0.24
+0.1924 0.0676 0.24
+0.195 0.065 0.24
+0.1976 0.0624 0.24
+0.2002 0.0598 0.24
+0.2028 0.0572 0.24
+0.2054 0.0546 0.24
+0.208 0.052 0.24
+0.2106 0.0494 0.24
+0.2132 0.0468 0.24
+0.2158 0.0442 0.24
+0.2184 0.0416 0.24
+0.221 0.039 0.24
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+0.2262 0.0338 0.24
+0.2288 0.0312 0.24
+0.2314 0.0286 0.24
+0.234 0.026 0.24
+0.2366 0.0234 0.24
+0.2392 0.0208 0.24
+0.2418 0.0182 0.24
+0.2444 0.0156 0.24
+0.247 0.013 0.24
+0.2496 0.0104 0.24
+0.2522 0.0078 0.24
+0.2548 0.0052 0.24
+0.2574 0.0026 0.24
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+0.00265 0.26235 0.235
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+0.01325 0.25175 0.235
+0.0159 0.2491 0.235
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+0.0212 0.2438 0.235
+0.02385 0.24115 0.235
+0.0265 0.2385 0.235
+0.02915 0.23585 0.235
+0.0318 0.2332 0.235
+0.03445 0.23055 0.235
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+0.03975 0.22525 0.235
+0.0424 0.2226 0.235
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+0.053 0.212 0.235
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+0.0583 0.2067 0.235
+0.06095 0.20405 0.235
+0.0636 0.2014 0.235
+0.06625 0.19875 0.235
+0.0689 0.1961 0.235
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+0.0742 0.1908 0.235
+0.07685 0.18815 0.235
+0.0795 0.1855 0.235
+0.08215 0.18285 0.235
+0.0848 0.1802 0.235
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+0.09805 0.16695 0.235
+0.1007 0.1643 0.235
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+0.106 0.159 0.235
+0.10865 0.15635 0.235
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+0.11395 0.15105 0.235
+0.1166 0.1484 0.235
+0.11925 0.14575 0.235
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+0.1325 0.1325 0.235
+0.13515 0.12985 0.235
+0.1378 0.1272 0.235
+0.14045 0.12455 0.235
+0.1431 0.1219 0.235
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+0.1484 0.1166 0.235
+0.15105 0.11395 0.235
+0.1537 0.1113 0.235
+0.15635 0.10865 0.235
+0.159 0.106 0.235
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+0.1643 0.1007 0.235
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+0.1696 0.0954 0.235
+0.17225 0.09275 0.235
+0.1749 0.0901 0.235
+0.17755 0.08745 0.235
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+0.18285 0.08215 0.235
+0.1855 0.0795 0.235
+0.18815 0.07685 0.235
+0.1908 0.0742 0.235
+0.19345 0.07155 0.235
+0.1961 0.0689 0.235
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+0.2014 0.0636 0.235
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+0.2067 0.0583 0.235
+0.20935 0.05565 0.235
+0.212 0.053 0.235
+0.21465 0.05035 0.235
+0.2173 0.0477 0.235
+0.21995 0.04505 0.235
+0.2226 0.0424 0.235
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+0.2385 0.0265 0.235
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+0.2438 0.0212 0.235
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+0.2491 0.0159 0.235
+0.25175 0.01325 0.235
+0.2544 0.0106 0.235
+0.25705 0.00795 0.235
+0.2597 0.0053 0.235
+0.26235 0.00265 0.235
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+0.0027 0.2673 0.23
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+0.0081 0.2619 0.23
+0.0108 0.2592 0.23
+0.0135 0.2565 0.23
+0.0162 0.2538 0.23
+0.0189 0.2511 0.23
+0.0216 0.2484 0.23
+0.0243 0.2457 0.23
+0.027 0.243 0.23
+0.0297 0.2403 0.23
+0.0324 0.2376 0.23
+0.0351 0.2349 0.23
+0.0378 0.2322 0.23
+0.0405 0.2295 0.23
+0.0432 0.2268 0.23
+0.0459 0.2241 0.23
+0.0486 0.2214 0.23
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+0.0594 0.2106 0.23
+0.0621 0.2079 0.23
+0.0648 0.2052 0.23
+0.0675 0.2025 0.23
+0.0702 0.1998 0.23
+0.0729 0.1971 0.23
+0.0756 0.1944 0.23
+0.0783 0.1917 0.23
+0.081 0.189 0.23
+0.0837 0.1863 0.23
+0.0864 0.1836 0.23
+0.0891 0.1809 0.23
+0.0918 0.1782 0.23
+0.0945 0.1755 0.23
+0.0972 0.1728 0.23
+0.0999 0.1701 0.23
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+0.1053 0.1647 0.23
+0.108 0.162 0.23
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+0.1161 0.1539 0.23
+0.1188 0.1512 0.23
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+0.1242 0.1458 0.23
+0.1269 0.1431 0.23
+0.1296 0.1404 0.23
+0.1323 0.1377 0.23
+0.135 0.135 0.23
+0.1377 0.1323 0.23
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+0.1431 0.1269 0.23
+0.1458 0.1242 0.23
+0.1485 0.1215 0.23
+0.1512 0.1188 0.23
+0.1539 0.1161 0.23
+0.1566 0.1134 0.23
+0.1593 0.1107 0.23
+0.162 0.108 0.23
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+0.1674 0.1026 0.23
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+0.1755 0.0945 0.23
+0.1782 0.0918 0.23
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+0.1863 0.0837 0.23
+0.189 0.081 0.23
+0.1917 0.0783 0.23
+0.1944 0.0756 0.23
+0.1971 0.0729 0.23
+0.1998 0.0702 0.23
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+0.2052 0.0648 0.23
+0.2079 0.0621 0.23
+0.2106 0.0594 0.23
+0.2133 0.0567 0.23
+0.216 0.054 0.23
+0.2187 0.0513 0.23
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+0.2268 0.0432 0.23
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+0.2403 0.0297 0.23
+0.243 0.027 0.23
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+0.2484 0.0216 0.23
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+0.2538 0.0162 0.23
+0.2565 0.0135 0.23
+0.2592 0.0108 0.23
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+0.2646 0.0054 0.23
+0.2673 0.0027 0.23
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+0.00275 0.27225 0.225
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+0.0165 0.2585 0.225
+0.01925 0.25575 0.225
+0.022 0.253 0.225
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+0.0275 0.2475 0.225
+0.03025 0.24475 0.225
+0.033 0.242 0.225
+0.03575 0.23925 0.225
+0.0385 0.2365 0.225
+0.04125 0.23375 0.225
+0.044 0.231 0.225
+0.04675 0.22825 0.225
+0.0495 0.2255 0.225
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+0.055 0.22 0.225
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+0.066 0.209 0.225
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+0.07425 0.20075 0.225
+0.077 0.198 0.225
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+0.0825 0.1925 0.225
+0.08525 0.18975 0.225
+0.088 0.187 0.225
+0.09075 0.18425 0.225
+0.0935 0.1815 0.225
+0.09625 0.17875 0.225
+0.099 0.176 0.225
+0.10175 0.17325 0.225
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+0.11 0.165 0.225
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+0.1155 0.1595 0.225
+0.11825 0.15675 0.225
+0.121 0.154 0.225
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+0.1265 0.1485 0.225
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+0.132 0.143 0.225
+0.13475 0.14025 0.225
+0.1375 0.1375 0.225
+0.14025 0.13475 0.225
+0.143 0.132 0.225
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+0.15125 0.12375 0.225
+0.154 0.121 0.225
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+0.165 0.11 0.225
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+0.17325 0.10175 0.225
+0.176 0.099 0.225
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+0.18425 0.09075 0.225
+0.187 0.088 0.225
+0.18975 0.08525 0.225
+0.1925 0.0825 0.225
+0.19525 0.07975 0.225
+0.198 0.077 0.225
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+0.20625 0.06875 0.225
+0.209 0.066 0.225
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+0.22 0.055 0.225
+0.22275 0.05225 0.225
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+0.22825 0.04675 0.225
+0.231 0.044 0.225
+0.23375 0.04125 0.225
+0.2365 0.0385 0.225
+0.23925 0.03575 0.225
+0.242 0.033 0.225
+0.24475 0.03025 0.225
+0.2475 0.0275 0.225
+0.25025 0.02475 0.225
+0.253 0.022 0.225
+0.25575 0.01925 0.225
+0.2585 0.0165 0.225
+0.26125 0.01375 0.225
+0.264 0.011 0.225
+0.26675 0.00825 0.225
+0.2695 0.0055 0.225
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+0.0028 0.2772 0.22
+0.0056 0.2744 0.22
+0.0084 0.2716 0.22
+0.0112 0.2688 0.22
+0.014 0.266 0.22
+0.0168 0.2632 0.22
+0.0196 0.2604 0.22
+0.0224 0.2576 0.22
+0.0252 0.2548 0.22
+0.028 0.252 0.22
+0.0308 0.2492 0.22
+0.0336 0.2464 0.22
+0.0364 0.2436 0.22
+0.0392 0.2408 0.22
+0.042 0.238 0.22
+0.0448 0.2352 0.22
+0.0476 0.2324 0.22
+0.0504 0.2296 0.22
+0.0532 0.2268 0.22
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+0.0588 0.2212 0.22
+0.0616 0.2184 0.22
+0.0644 0.2156 0.22
+0.0672 0.2128 0.22
+0.07 0.21 0.22
+0.0728 0.2072 0.22
+0.0756 0.2044 0.22
+0.0784 0.2016 0.22
+0.0812 0.1988 0.22
+0.084 0.196 0.22
+0.0868 0.1932 0.22
+0.0896 0.1904 0.22
+0.0924 0.1876 0.22
+0.0952 0.1848 0.22
+0.098 0.182 0.22
+0.1008 0.1792 0.22
+0.1036 0.1764 0.22
+0.1064 0.1736 0.22
+0.1092 0.1708 0.22
+0.112 0.168 0.22
+0.1148 0.1652 0.22
+0.1176 0.1624 0.22
+0.1204 0.1596 0.22
+0.1232 0.1568 0.22
+0.126 0.154 0.22
+0.1288 0.1512 0.22
+0.1316 0.1484 0.22
+0.1344 0.1456 0.22
+0.1372 0.1428 0.22
+0.14 0.14 0.22
+0.1428 0.1372 0.22
+0.1456 0.1344 0.22
+0.1484 0.1316 0.22
+0.1512 0.1288 0.22
+0.154 0.126 0.22
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+0.1596 0.1204 0.22
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+0.1652 0.1148 0.22
+0.168 0.112 0.22
+0.1708 0.1092 0.22
+0.1736 0.1064 0.22
+0.1764 0.1036 0.22
+0.1792 0.1008 0.22
+0.182 0.098 0.22
+0.1848 0.0952 0.22
+0.1876 0.0924 0.22
+0.1904 0.0896 0.22
+0.1932 0.0868 0.22
+0.196 0.084 0.22
+0.1988 0.0812 0.22
+0.2016 0.0784 0.22
+0.2044 0.0756 0.22
+0.2072 0.0728 0.22
+0.21 0.07 0.22
+0.2128 0.0672 0.22
+0.2156 0.0644 0.22
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+0.2212 0.0588 0.22
+0.224 0.056 0.22
+0.2268 0.0532 0.22
+0.2296 0.0504 0.22
+0.2324 0.0476 0.22
+0.2352 0.0448 0.22
+0.238 0.042 0.22
+0.2408 0.0392 0.22
+0.2436 0.0364 0.22
+0.2464 0.0336 0.22
+0.2492 0.0308 0.22
+0.252 0.028 0.22
+0.2548 0.0252 0.22
+0.2576 0.0224 0.22
+0.2604 0.0196 0.22
+0.2632 0.0168 0.22
+0.266 0.014 0.22
+0.2688 0.0112 0.22
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+0.2744 0.0056 0.22
+0.2772 0.0028 0.22
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+0.00285 0.28215 0.215
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+0.00855 0.27645 0.215
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+0.01425 0.27075 0.215
+0.0171 0.2679 0.215
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+0.0285 0.2565 0.215
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+0.0399 0.2451 0.215
+0.04275 0.24225 0.215
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+0.04845 0.23655 0.215
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+0.05415 0.23085 0.215
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+0.0741 0.2109 0.215
+0.07695 0.20805 0.215
+0.0798 0.2052 0.215
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+0.0855 0.1995 0.215
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+0.14535 0.13965 0.215
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+0.1938 0.0912 0.215
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+0.228 0.057 0.215
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+0.0145 0.2755 0.21
+0.0174 0.2726 0.21
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+0.0435 0.2465 0.21
+0.0464 0.2436 0.21
+0.0493 0.2407 0.21
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+0.0841 0.2059 0.21
+0.087 0.203 0.21
+0.0899 0.2001 0.21
+0.0928 0.1972 0.21
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+0.1566 0.1334 0.21
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+0.1885 0.1015 0.21
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+0.1972 0.0928 0.21
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+0.00295 0.29205 0.205
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+0.0177 0.2773 0.205
+0.02065 0.27435 0.205
+0.0236 0.2714 0.205
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+0.03245 0.26255 0.205
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+0.0531 0.2419 0.205
+0.05605 0.23895 0.205
+0.059 0.236 0.205
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+0.08555 0.20945 0.205
+0.0885 0.2065 0.205
+0.09145 0.20355 0.205
+0.0944 0.2006 0.205
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+0.15045 0.14455 0.205
+0.1534 0.1416 0.205
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+0.2006 0.0944 0.205
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+0.003 0.297 0.2
+0.006 0.294 0.2
+0.009 0.291 0.2
+0.012 0.288 0.2
+0.015 0.285 0.2
+0.018 0.282 0.2
+0.021 0.279 0.2
+0.024 0.276 0.2
+0.027 0.273 0.2
+0.03 0.27 0.2
+0.033 0.267 0.2
+0.036 0.264 0.2
+0.039 0.261 0.2
+0.042 0.258 0.2
+0.045 0.255 0.2
+0.048 0.252 0.2
+0.051 0.249 0.2
+0.054 0.246 0.2
+0.057 0.243 0.2
+0.06 0.24 0.2
+0.063 0.237 0.2
+0.066 0.234 0.2
+0.069 0.231 0.2
+0.072 0.228 0.2
+0.075 0.225 0.2
+0.078 0.222 0.2
+0.081 0.219 0.2
+0.084 0.216 0.2
+0.087 0.213 0.2
+0.09 0.21 0.2
+0.093 0.207 0.2
+0.096 0.204 0.2
+0.099 0.201 0.2
+0.102 0.198 0.2
+0.105 0.195 0.2
+0.108 0.192 0.2
+0.111 0.189 0.2
+0.114 0.186 0.2
+0.117 0.183 0.2
+0.12 0.18 0.2
+0.123 0.177 0.2
+0.126 0.174 0.2
+0.129 0.171 0.2
+0.132 0.168 0.2
+0.135 0.165 0.2
+0.138 0.162 0.2
+0.141 0.159 0.2
+0.144 0.156 0.2
+0.147 0.153 0.2
+0.15 0.15 0.2
+0.153 0.147 0.2
+0.156 0.144 0.2
+0.159 0.141 0.2
+0.162 0.138 0.2
+0.165 0.135 0.2
+0.168 0.132 0.2
+0.171 0.129 0.2
+0.174 0.126 0.2
+0.177 0.123 0.2
+0.18 0.12 0.2
+0.183 0.117 0.2
+0.186 0.114 0.2
+0.189 0.111 0.2
+0.192 0.108 0.2
+0.195 0.105 0.2
+0.198 0.102 0.2
+0.201 0.099 0.2
+0.204 0.096 0.2
+0.207 0.093 0.2
+0.21 0.09 0.2
+0.213 0.087 0.2
+0.216 0.084 0.2
+0.219 0.081 0.2
+0.222 0.078 0.2
+0.225 0.075 0.2
+0.228 0.072 0.2
+0.231 0.069 0.2
+0.234 0.066 0.2
+0.237 0.063 0.2
+0.24 0.06 0.2
+0.243 0.057 0.2
+0.246 0.054 0.2
+0.249 0.051 0.2
+0.252 0.048 0.2
+0.255 0.045 0.2
+0.258 0.042 0.2
+0.261 0.039 0.2
+0.264 0.036 0.2
+0.267 0.033 0.2
+0.27 0.03 0.2
+0.273 0.027 0.2
+0.276 0.024 0.2
+0.279 0.021 0.2
+0.282 0.018 0.2
+0.285 0.015 0.2
+0.288 0.012 0.2
+0.291 0.009 0.2
+0.294 0.006 0.2
+0.297 0.003 0.2
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+0.0549 0.2501 0.195
+0.05795 0.24705 0.195
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+0.06405 0.24095 0.195
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+0.15555 0.14945 0.195
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+0.1891 0.1159 0.195
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+0.0031 0.3069 0.19
+0.0062 0.3038 0.19
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+0.0155 0.2945 0.19
+0.0186 0.2914 0.19
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+0.0248 0.2852 0.19
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+0.0465 0.2635 0.19
+0.0496 0.2604 0.19
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+0.0558 0.2542 0.19
+0.0589 0.2511 0.19
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+0.0744 0.2356 0.19
+0.0775 0.2325 0.19
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+0.0837 0.2263 0.19
+0.0868 0.2232 0.19
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+0.0992 0.2108 0.19
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+0.1054 0.2046 0.19
+0.1085 0.2015 0.19
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+0.1178 0.1922 0.19
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+0.124 0.186 0.19
+0.1271 0.1829 0.19
+0.1302 0.1798 0.19
+0.1333 0.1767 0.19
+0.1364 0.1736 0.19
+0.1395 0.1705 0.19
+0.1426 0.1674 0.19
+0.1457 0.1643 0.19
+0.1488 0.1612 0.19
+0.1519 0.1581 0.19
+0.155 0.155 0.19
+0.1581 0.1519 0.19
+0.1612 0.1488 0.19
+0.1643 0.1457 0.19
+0.1674 0.1426 0.19
+0.1705 0.1395 0.19
+0.1736 0.1364 0.19
+0.1767 0.1333 0.19
+0.1798 0.1302 0.19
+0.1829 0.1271 0.19
+0.186 0.124 0.19
+0.1891 0.1209 0.19
+0.1922 0.1178 0.19
+0.1953 0.1147 0.19
+0.1984 0.1116 0.19
+0.2015 0.1085 0.19
+0.2046 0.1054 0.19
+0.2077 0.1023 0.19
+0.2108 0.0992 0.19
+0.2139 0.0961 0.19
+0.217 0.093 0.19
+0.2201 0.0899 0.19
+0.2232 0.0868 0.19
+0.2263 0.0837 0.19
+0.2294 0.0806 0.19
+0.2325 0.0775 0.19
+0.2356 0.0744 0.19
+0.2387 0.0713 0.19
+0.2418 0.0682 0.19
+0.2449 0.0651 0.19
+0.248 0.062 0.19
+0.2511 0.0589 0.19
+0.2542 0.0558 0.19
+0.2573 0.0527 0.19
+0.2604 0.0496 0.19
+0.2635 0.0465 0.19
+0.2666 0.0434 0.19
+0.2697 0.0403 0.19
+0.2728 0.0372 0.19
+0.2759 0.0341 0.19
+0.279 0.031 0.19
+0.2821 0.0279 0.19
+0.2852 0.0248 0.19
+0.2883 0.0217 0.19
+0.2914 0.0186 0.19
+0.2945 0.0155 0.19
+0.2976 0.0124 0.19
+0.3007 0.0093 0.19
+0.3038 0.0062 0.19
+0.3069 0.0031 0.19
+0 0.315 0.185
+0.00315 0.31185 0.185
+0.0063 0.3087 0.185
+0.00945 0.30555 0.185
+0.0126 0.3024 0.185
+0.01575 0.29925 0.185
+0.0189 0.2961 0.185
+0.02205 0.29295 0.185
+0.0252 0.2898 0.185
+0.02835 0.28665 0.185
+0.0315 0.2835 0.185
+0.03465 0.28035 0.185
+0.0378 0.2772 0.185
+0.04095 0.27405 0.185
+0.0441 0.2709 0.185
+0.04725 0.26775 0.185
+0.0504 0.2646 0.185
+0.05355 0.26145 0.185
+0.0567 0.2583 0.185
+0.05985 0.25515 0.185
+0.063 0.252 0.185
+0.06615 0.24885 0.185
+0.0693 0.2457 0.185
+0.07245 0.24255 0.185
+0.0756 0.2394 0.185
+0.07875 0.23625 0.185
+0.0819 0.2331 0.185
+0.08505 0.22995 0.185
+0.0882 0.2268 0.185
+0.09135 0.22365 0.185
+0.0945 0.2205 0.185
+0.09765 0.21735 0.185
+0.1008 0.2142 0.185
+0.10395 0.21105 0.185
+0.1071 0.2079 0.185
+0.11025 0.20475 0.185
+0.1134 0.2016 0.185
+0.11655 0.19845 0.185
+0.1197 0.1953 0.185
+0.12285 0.19215 0.185
+0.126 0.189 0.185
+0.12915 0.18585 0.185
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+0.13545 0.17955 0.185
+0.1386 0.1764 0.185
+0.14175 0.17325 0.185
+0.1449 0.1701 0.185
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+0.15435 0.16065 0.185
+0.1575 0.1575 0.185
+0.16065 0.15435 0.185
+0.1638 0.1512 0.185
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+0.1701 0.1449 0.185
+0.17325 0.14175 0.185
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+0.17955 0.13545 0.185
+0.1827 0.1323 0.185
+0.18585 0.12915 0.185
+0.189 0.126 0.185
+0.19215 0.12285 0.185
+0.1953 0.1197 0.185
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+0.2016 0.1134 0.185
+0.20475 0.11025 0.185
+0.2079 0.1071 0.185
+0.21105 0.10395 0.185
+0.2142 0.1008 0.185
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+0.2205 0.0945 0.185
+0.22365 0.09135 0.185
+0.2268 0.0882 0.185
+0.22995 0.08505 0.185
+0.2331 0.0819 0.185
+0.23625 0.07875 0.185
+0.2394 0.0756 0.185
+0.24255 0.07245 0.185
+0.2457 0.0693 0.185
+0.24885 0.06615 0.185
+0.252 0.063 0.185
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+0.2583 0.0567 0.185
+0.26145 0.05355 0.185
+0.2646 0.0504 0.185
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+0.27405 0.04095 0.185
+0.2772 0.0378 0.185
+0.28035 0.03465 0.185
+0.2835 0.0315 0.185
+0.28665 0.02835 0.185
+0.2898 0.0252 0.185
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+0.29925 0.01575 0.185
+0.3024 0.0126 0.185
+0.30555 0.00945 0.185
+0.3087 0.0063 0.185
+0.31185 0.00315 0.185
+0 0.32 0.18
+0.0032 0.3168 0.18
+0.0064 0.3136 0.18
+0.0096 0.3104 0.18
+0.0128 0.3072 0.18
+0.016 0.304 0.18
+0.0192 0.3008 0.18
+0.0224 0.2976 0.18
+0.0256 0.2944 0.18
+0.0288 0.2912 0.18
+0.032 0.288 0.18
+0.0352 0.2848 0.18
+0.0384 0.2816 0.18
+0.0416 0.2784 0.18
+0.0448 0.2752 0.18
+0.048 0.272 0.18
+0.0512 0.2688 0.18
+0.0544 0.2656 0.18
+0.0576 0.2624 0.18
+0.0608 0.2592 0.18
+0.064 0.256 0.18
+0.0672 0.2528 0.18
+0.0704 0.2496 0.18
+0.0736 0.2464 0.18
+0.0768 0.2432 0.18
+0.08 0.24 0.18
+0.0832 0.2368 0.18
+0.0864 0.2336 0.18
+0.0896 0.2304 0.18
+0.0928 0.2272 0.18
+0.096 0.224 0.18
+0.0992 0.2208 0.18
+0.1024 0.2176 0.18
+0.1056 0.2144 0.18
+0.1088 0.2112 0.18
+0.112 0.208 0.18
+0.1152 0.2048 0.18
+0.1184 0.2016 0.18
+0.1216 0.1984 0.18
+0.1248 0.1952 0.18
+0.128 0.192 0.18
+0.1312 0.1888 0.18
+0.1344 0.1856 0.18
+0.1376 0.1824 0.18
+0.1408 0.1792 0.18
+0.144 0.176 0.18
+0.1472 0.1728 0.18
+0.1504 0.1696 0.18
+0.1536 0.1664 0.18
+0.1568 0.1632 0.18
+0.16 0.16 0.18
+0.1632 0.1568 0.18
+0.1664 0.1536 0.18
+0.1696 0.1504 0.18
+0.1728 0.1472 0.18
+0.176 0.144 0.18
+0.1792 0.1408 0.18
+0.1824 0.1376 0.18
+0.1856 0.1344 0.18
+0.1888 0.1312 0.18
+0.192 0.128 0.18
+0.1952 0.1248 0.18
+0.1984 0.1216 0.18
+0.2016 0.1184 0.18
+0.2048 0.1152 0.18
+0.208 0.112 0.18
+0.2112 0.1088 0.18
+0.2144 0.1056 0.18
+0.2176 0.1024 0.18
+0.2208 0.0992 0.18
+0.224 0.096 0.18
+0.2272 0.0928 0.18
+0.2304 0.0896 0.18
+0.2336 0.0864 0.18
+0.2368 0.0832 0.18
+0.24 0.08 0.18
+0.2432 0.0768 0.18
+0.2464 0.0736 0.18
+0.2496 0.0704 0.18
+0.2528 0.0672 0.18
+0.256 0.064 0.18
+0.2592 0.0608 0.18
+0.2624 0.0576 0.18
+0.2656 0.0544 0.18
+0.2688 0.0512 0.18
+0.272 0.048 0.18
+0.2752 0.0448 0.18
+0.2784 0.0416 0.18
+0.2816 0.0384 0.18
+0.2848 0.0352 0.18
+0.288 0.032 0.18
+0.2912 0.0288 0.18
+0.2944 0.0256 0.18
+0.2976 0.0224 0.18
+0.3008 0.0192 0.18
+0.304 0.016 0.18
+0.3072 0.0128 0.18
+0.3104 0.0096 0.18
+0.3136 0.0064 0.18
+0.3168 0.0032 0.18
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+0.00325 0.32175 0.175
+0.0065 0.3185 0.175
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+0.013 0.312 0.175
+0.01625 0.30875 0.175
+0.0195 0.3055 0.175
+0.02275 0.30225 0.175
+0.026 0.299 0.175
+0.02925 0.29575 0.175
+0.0325 0.2925 0.175
+0.03575 0.28925 0.175
+0.039 0.286 0.175
+0.04225 0.28275 0.175
+0.0455 0.2795 0.175
+0.04875 0.27625 0.175
+0.052 0.273 0.175
+0.05525 0.26975 0.175
+0.0585 0.2665 0.175
+0.06175 0.26325 0.175
+0.065 0.26 0.175
+0.06825 0.25675 0.175
+0.0715 0.2535 0.175
+0.07475 0.25025 0.175
+0.078 0.247 0.175
+0.08125 0.24375 0.175
+0.0845 0.2405 0.175
+0.08775 0.23725 0.175
+0.091 0.234 0.175
+0.09425 0.23075 0.175
+0.0975 0.2275 0.175
+0.10075 0.22425 0.175
+0.104 0.221 0.175
+0.10725 0.21775 0.175
+0.1105 0.2145 0.175
+0.11375 0.21125 0.175
+0.117 0.208 0.175
+0.12025 0.20475 0.175
+0.1235 0.2015 0.175
+0.12675 0.19825 0.175
+0.13 0.195 0.175
+0.13325 0.19175 0.175
+0.1365 0.1885 0.175
+0.13975 0.18525 0.175
+0.143 0.182 0.175
+0.14625 0.17875 0.175
+0.1495 0.1755 0.175
+0.15275 0.17225 0.175
+0.156 0.169 0.175
+0.15925 0.16575 0.175
+0.1625 0.1625 0.175
+0.16575 0.15925 0.175
+0.169 0.156 0.175
+0.17225 0.15275 0.175
+0.1755 0.1495 0.175
+0.17875 0.14625 0.175
+0.182 0.143 0.175
+0.18525 0.13975 0.175
+0.1885 0.1365 0.175
+0.19175 0.13325 0.175
+0.195 0.13 0.175
+0.19825 0.12675 0.175
+0.2015 0.1235 0.175
+0.20475 0.12025 0.175
+0.208 0.117 0.175
+0.21125 0.11375 0.175
+0.2145 0.1105 0.175
+0.21775 0.10725 0.175
+0.221 0.104 0.175
+0.22425 0.10075 0.175
+0.2275 0.0975 0.175
+0.23075 0.09425 0.175
+0.234 0.091 0.175
+0.23725 0.08775 0.175
+0.2405 0.0845 0.175
+0.24375 0.08125 0.175
+0.247 0.078 0.175
+0.25025 0.07475 0.175
+0.2535 0.0715 0.175
+0.25675 0.06825 0.175
+0.26 0.065 0.175
+0.26325 0.06175 0.175
+0.2665 0.0585 0.175
+0.26975 0.05525 0.175
+0.273 0.052 0.175
+0.27625 0.04875 0.175
+0.2795 0.0455 0.175
+0.28275 0.04225 0.175
+0.286 0.039 0.175
+0.28925 0.03575 0.175
+0.2925 0.0325 0.175
+0.29575 0.02925 0.175
+0.299 0.026 0.175
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+0.3055 0.0195 0.175
+0.30875 0.01625 0.175
+0.312 0.013 0.175
+0.31525 0.00975 0.175
+0.3185 0.0065 0.175
+0.32175 0.00325 0.175
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+0.0033 0.3267 0.17
+0.0066 0.3234 0.17
+0.0099 0.3201 0.17
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+0.0165 0.3135 0.17
+0.0198 0.3102 0.17
+0.0231 0.3069 0.17
+0.0264 0.3036 0.17
+0.0297 0.3003 0.17
+0.033 0.297 0.17
+0.0363 0.2937 0.17
+0.0396 0.2904 0.17
+0.0429 0.2871 0.17
+0.0462 0.2838 0.17
+0.0495 0.2805 0.17
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+0.0561 0.2739 0.17
+0.0594 0.2706 0.17
+0.0627 0.2673 0.17
+0.066 0.264 0.17
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+0.0726 0.2574 0.17
+0.0759 0.2541 0.17
+0.0792 0.2508 0.17
+0.0825 0.2475 0.17
+0.0858 0.2442 0.17
+0.0891 0.2409 0.17
+0.0924 0.2376 0.17
+0.0957 0.2343 0.17
+0.099 0.231 0.17
+0.1023 0.2277 0.17
+0.1056 0.2244 0.17
+0.1089 0.2211 0.17
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+0.1188 0.2112 0.17
+0.1221 0.2079 0.17
+0.1254 0.2046 0.17
+0.1287 0.2013 0.17
+0.132 0.198 0.17
+0.1353 0.1947 0.17
+0.1386 0.1914 0.17
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+0.1452 0.1848 0.17
+0.1485 0.1815 0.17
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+0.1551 0.1749 0.17
+0.1584 0.1716 0.17
+0.1617 0.1683 0.17
+0.165 0.165 0.17
+0.1683 0.1617 0.17
+0.1716 0.1584 0.17
+0.1749 0.1551 0.17
+0.1782 0.1518 0.17
+0.1815 0.1485 0.17
+0.1848 0.1452 0.17
+0.1881 0.1419 0.17
+0.1914 0.1386 0.17
+0.1947 0.1353 0.17
+0.198 0.132 0.17
+0.2013 0.1287 0.17
+0.2046 0.1254 0.17
+0.2079 0.1221 0.17
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+0.2244 0.1056 0.17
+0.2277 0.1023 0.17
+0.231 0.099 0.17
+0.2343 0.0957 0.17
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+0.2442 0.0858 0.17
+0.2475 0.0825 0.17
+0.2508 0.0792 0.17
+0.2541 0.0759 0.17
+0.2574 0.0726 0.17
+0.2607 0.0693 0.17
+0.264 0.066 0.17
+0.2673 0.0627 0.17
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+0.2739 0.0561 0.17
+0.2772 0.0528 0.17
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+0.2838 0.0462 0.17
+0.2871 0.0429 0.17
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+0.2937 0.0363 0.17
+0.297 0.033 0.17
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+0.3069 0.0231 0.17
+0.3102 0.0198 0.17
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+0.3168 0.0132 0.17
+0.3201 0.0099 0.17
+0.3234 0.0066 0.17
+0.3267 0.0033 0.17
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+0.00335 0.33165 0.165
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+0.0268 0.3082 0.165
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+0.0335 0.3015 0.165
+0.03685 0.29815 0.165
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+0.04355 0.29145 0.165
+0.0469 0.2881 0.165
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+0.0536 0.2814 0.165
+0.05695 0.27805 0.165
+0.0603 0.2747 0.165
+0.06365 0.27135 0.165
+0.067 0.268 0.165
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+0.0737 0.2613 0.165
+0.07705 0.25795 0.165
+0.0804 0.2546 0.165
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+0.09045 0.24455 0.165
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+0.1005 0.2345 0.165
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+0.13065 0.20435 0.165
+0.134 0.201 0.165
+0.13735 0.19765 0.165
+0.1407 0.1943 0.165
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+0.1474 0.1876 0.165
+0.15075 0.18425 0.165
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+0.16415 0.17085 0.165
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+0.17085 0.16415 0.165
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+0.18425 0.15075 0.165
+0.1876 0.1474 0.165
+0.19095 0.14405 0.165
+0.1943 0.1407 0.165
+0.19765 0.13735 0.165
+0.201 0.134 0.165
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+0.28475 0.05025 0.165
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+0.32495 0.01005 0.165
+0.3283 0.0067 0.165
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+0.0034 0.3366 0.16
+0.0068 0.3332 0.16
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+0.0136 0.3264 0.16
+0.017 0.323 0.16
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+0.0238 0.3162 0.16
+0.0272 0.3128 0.16
+0.0306 0.3094 0.16
+0.034 0.306 0.16
+0.0374 0.3026 0.16
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+0.0476 0.2924 0.16
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+0.0578 0.2822 0.16
+0.0612 0.2788 0.16
+0.0646 0.2754 0.16
+0.068 0.272 0.16
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+0.0748 0.2652 0.16
+0.0782 0.2618 0.16
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+0.085 0.255 0.16
+0.0884 0.2516 0.16
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+0.0952 0.2448 0.16
+0.0986 0.2414 0.16
+0.102 0.238 0.16
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+0.1088 0.2312 0.16
+0.1122 0.2278 0.16
+0.1156 0.2244 0.16
+0.119 0.221 0.16
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+0.1258 0.2142 0.16
+0.1292 0.2108 0.16
+0.1326 0.2074 0.16
+0.136 0.204 0.16
+0.1394 0.2006 0.16
+0.1428 0.1972 0.16
+0.1462 0.1938 0.16
+0.1496 0.1904 0.16
+0.153 0.187 0.16
+0.1564 0.1836 0.16
+0.1598 0.1802 0.16
+0.1632 0.1768 0.16
+0.1666 0.1734 0.16
+0.17 0.17 0.16
+0.1734 0.1666 0.16
+0.1768 0.1632 0.16
+0.1802 0.1598 0.16
+0.1836 0.1564 0.16
+0.187 0.153 0.16
+0.1904 0.1496 0.16
+0.1938 0.1462 0.16
+0.1972 0.1428 0.16
+0.2006 0.1394 0.16
+0.204 0.136 0.16
+0.2074 0.1326 0.16
+0.2108 0.1292 0.16
+0.2142 0.1258 0.16
+0.2176 0.1224 0.16
+0.221 0.119 0.16
+0.2244 0.1156 0.16
+0.2278 0.1122 0.16
+0.2312 0.1088 0.16
+0.2346 0.1054 0.16
+0.238 0.102 0.16
+0.2414 0.0986 0.16
+0.2448 0.0952 0.16
+0.2482 0.0918 0.16
+0.2516 0.0884 0.16
+0.255 0.085 0.16
+0.2584 0.0816 0.16
+0.2618 0.0782 0.16
+0.2652 0.0748 0.16
+0.2686 0.0714 0.16
+0.272 0.068 0.16
+0.2754 0.0646 0.16
+0.2788 0.0612 0.16
+0.2822 0.0578 0.16
+0.2856 0.0544 0.16
+0.289 0.051 0.16
+0.2924 0.0476 0.16
+0.2958 0.0442 0.16
+0.2992 0.0408 0.16
+0.3026 0.0374 0.16
+0.306 0.034 0.16
+0.3094 0.0306 0.16
+0.3128 0.0272 0.16
+0.3162 0.0238 0.16
+0.3196 0.0204 0.16
+0.323 0.017 0.16
+0.3264 0.0136 0.16
+0.3298 0.0102 0.16
+0.3332 0.0068 0.16
+0.3366 0.0034 0.16
+0 0.345 0.155
+0.00345 0.34155 0.155
+0.0069 0.3381 0.155
+0.01035 0.33465 0.155
+0.0138 0.3312 0.155
+0.01725 0.32775 0.155
+0.0207 0.3243 0.155
+0.02415 0.32085 0.155
+0.0276 0.3174 0.155
+0.03105 0.31395 0.155
+0.0345 0.3105 0.155
+0.03795 0.30705 0.155
+0.0414 0.3036 0.155
+0.04485 0.30015 0.155
+0.0483 0.2967 0.155
+0.05175 0.29325 0.155
+0.0552 0.2898 0.155
+0.05865 0.28635 0.155
+0.0621 0.2829 0.155
+0.06555 0.27945 0.155
+0.069 0.276 0.155
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+0.0759 0.2691 0.155
+0.07935 0.26565 0.155
+0.0828 0.2622 0.155
+0.08625 0.25875 0.155
+0.0897 0.2553 0.155
+0.09315 0.25185 0.155
+0.0966 0.2484 0.155
+0.10005 0.24495 0.155
+0.1035 0.2415 0.155
+0.10695 0.23805 0.155
+0.1104 0.2346 0.155
+0.11385 0.23115 0.155
+0.1173 0.2277 0.155
+0.12075 0.22425 0.155
+0.1242 0.2208 0.155
+0.12765 0.21735 0.155
+0.1311 0.2139 0.155
+0.13455 0.21045 0.155
+0.138 0.207 0.155
+0.14145 0.20355 0.155
+0.1449 0.2001 0.155
+0.14835 0.19665 0.155
+0.1518 0.1932 0.155
+0.15525 0.18975 0.155
+0.1587 0.1863 0.155
+0.16215 0.18285 0.155
+0.1656 0.1794 0.155
+0.16905 0.17595 0.155
+0.1725 0.1725 0.155
+0.17595 0.16905 0.155
+0.1794 0.1656 0.155
+0.18285 0.16215 0.155
+0.1863 0.1587 0.155
+0.18975 0.15525 0.155
+0.1932 0.1518 0.155
+0.19665 0.14835 0.155
+0.2001 0.1449 0.155
+0.20355 0.14145 0.155
+0.207 0.138 0.155
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+0.2139 0.1311 0.155
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+0.2208 0.1242 0.155
+0.22425 0.12075 0.155
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+0.2415 0.1035 0.155
+0.24495 0.10005 0.155
+0.2484 0.0966 0.155
+0.25185 0.09315 0.155
+0.2553 0.0897 0.155
+0.25875 0.08625 0.155
+0.2622 0.0828 0.155
+0.26565 0.07935 0.155
+0.2691 0.0759 0.155
+0.27255 0.07245 0.155
+0.276 0.069 0.155
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+0.2829 0.0621 0.155
+0.28635 0.05865 0.155
+0.2898 0.0552 0.155
+0.29325 0.05175 0.155
+0.2967 0.0483 0.155
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+0.3036 0.0414 0.155
+0.30705 0.03795 0.155
+0.3105 0.0345 0.155
+0.31395 0.03105 0.155
+0.3174 0.0276 0.155
+0.32085 0.02415 0.155
+0.3243 0.0207 0.155
+0.32775 0.01725 0.155
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+0.33465 0.01035 0.155
+0.3381 0.0069 0.155
+0.34155 0.00345 0.155
+0 0.35 0.15
+0.0035 0.3465 0.15
+0.007 0.343 0.15
+0.0105 0.3395 0.15
+0.014 0.336 0.15
+0.0175 0.3325 0.15
+0.021 0.329 0.15
+0.0245 0.3255 0.15
+0.028 0.322 0.15
+0.0315 0.3185 0.15
+0.035 0.315 0.15
+0.0385 0.3115 0.15
+0.042 0.308 0.15
+0.0455 0.3045 0.15
+0.049 0.301 0.15
+0.0525 0.2975 0.15
+0.056 0.294 0.15
+0.0595 0.2905 0.15
+0.063 0.287 0.15
+0.0665 0.2835 0.15
+0.07 0.28 0.15
+0.0735 0.2765 0.15
+0.077 0.273 0.15
+0.0805 0.2695 0.15
+0.084 0.266 0.15
+0.0875 0.2625 0.15
+0.091 0.259 0.15
+0.0945 0.2555 0.15
+0.098 0.252 0.15
+0.1015 0.2485 0.15
+0.105 0.245 0.15
+0.1085 0.2415 0.15
+0.112 0.238 0.15
+0.1155 0.2345 0.15
+0.119 0.231 0.15
+0.1225 0.2275 0.15
+0.126 0.224 0.15
+0.1295 0.2205 0.15
+0.133 0.217 0.15
+0.1365 0.2135 0.15
+0.14 0.21 0.15
+0.1435 0.2065 0.15
+0.147 0.203 0.15
+0.1505 0.1995 0.15
+0.154 0.196 0.15
+0.1575 0.1925 0.15
+0.161 0.189 0.15
+0.1645 0.1855 0.15
+0.168 0.182 0.15
+0.1715 0.1785 0.15
+0.175 0.175 0.15
+0.1785 0.1715 0.15
+0.182 0.168 0.15
+0.1855 0.1645 0.15
+0.189 0.161 0.15
+0.1925 0.1575 0.15
+0.196 0.154 0.15
+0.1995 0.1505 0.15
+0.203 0.147 0.15
+0.2065 0.1435 0.15
+0.21 0.14 0.15
+0.2135 0.1365 0.15
+0.217 0.133 0.15
+0.2205 0.1295 0.15
+0.224 0.126 0.15
+0.2275 0.1225 0.15
+0.231 0.119 0.15
+0.2345 0.1155 0.15
+0.238 0.112 0.15
+0.2415 0.1085 0.15
+0.245 0.105 0.15
+0.2485 0.1015 0.15
+0.252 0.098 0.15
+0.2555 0.0945 0.15
+0.259 0.091 0.15
+0.2625 0.0875 0.15
+0.266 0.084 0.15
+0.2695 0.0805 0.15
+0.273 0.077 0.15
+0.2765 0.0735 0.15
+0.28 0.07 0.15
+0.2835 0.0665 0.15
+0.287 0.063 0.15
+0.2905 0.0595 0.15
+0.294 0.056 0.15
+0.2975 0.0525 0.15
+0.301 0.049 0.15
+0.3045 0.0455 0.15
+0.308 0.042 0.15
+0.3115 0.0385 0.15
+0.315 0.035 0.15
+0.3185 0.0315 0.15
+0.322 0.028 0.15
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+0.329 0.021 0.15
+0.3325 0.0175 0.15
+0.336 0.014 0.15
+0.3395 0.0105 0.15
+0.343 0.007 0.15
+0.3465 0.0035 0.15
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+0.00355 0.35145 0.145
+0.0071 0.3479 0.145
+0.01065 0.34435 0.145
+0.0142 0.3408 0.145
+0.01775 0.33725 0.145
+0.0213 0.3337 0.145
+0.02485 0.33015 0.145
+0.0284 0.3266 0.145
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+0.0355 0.3195 0.145
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+0.0426 0.3124 0.145
+0.04615 0.30885 0.145
+0.0497 0.3053 0.145
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+0.0568 0.2982 0.145
+0.06035 0.29465 0.145
+0.0639 0.2911 0.145
+0.06745 0.28755 0.145
+0.071 0.284 0.145
+0.07455 0.28045 0.145
+0.0781 0.2769 0.145
+0.08165 0.27335 0.145
+0.0852 0.2698 0.145
+0.08875 0.26625 0.145
+0.0923 0.2627 0.145
+0.09585 0.25915 0.145
+0.0994 0.2556 0.145
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+0.1065 0.2485 0.145
+0.11005 0.24495 0.145
+0.1136 0.2414 0.145
+0.11715 0.23785 0.145
+0.1207 0.2343 0.145
+0.12425 0.23075 0.145
+0.1278 0.2272 0.145
+0.13135 0.22365 0.145
+0.1349 0.2201 0.145
+0.13845 0.21655 0.145
+0.142 0.213 0.145
+0.14555 0.20945 0.145
+0.1491 0.2059 0.145
+0.15265 0.20235 0.145
+0.1562 0.1988 0.145
+0.15975 0.19525 0.145
+0.1633 0.1917 0.145
+0.16685 0.18815 0.145
+0.1704 0.1846 0.145
+0.17395 0.18105 0.145
+0.1775 0.1775 0.145
+0.18105 0.17395 0.145
+0.1846 0.1704 0.145
+0.18815 0.16685 0.145
+0.1917 0.1633 0.145
+0.19525 0.15975 0.145
+0.1988 0.1562 0.145
+0.20235 0.15265 0.145
+0.2059 0.1491 0.145
+0.20945 0.14555 0.145
+0.213 0.142 0.145
+0.21655 0.13845 0.145
+0.2201 0.1349 0.145
+0.22365 0.13135 0.145
+0.2272 0.1278 0.145
+0.23075 0.12425 0.145
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+0.23785 0.11715 0.145
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+0.24495 0.11005 0.145
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+0.2556 0.0994 0.145
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+0.284 0.071 0.145
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+0.34435 0.01065 0.145
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+0.35145 0.00355 0.145
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+0.0036 0.3564 0.14
+0.0072 0.3528 0.14
+0.0108 0.3492 0.14
+0.0144 0.3456 0.14
+0.018 0.342 0.14
+0.0216 0.3384 0.14
+0.0252 0.3348 0.14
+0.0288 0.3312 0.14
+0.0324 0.3276 0.14
+0.036 0.324 0.14
+0.0396 0.3204 0.14
+0.0432 0.3168 0.14
+0.0468 0.3132 0.14
+0.0504 0.3096 0.14
+0.054 0.306 0.14
+0.0576 0.3024 0.14
+0.0612 0.2988 0.14
+0.0648 0.2952 0.14
+0.0684 0.2916 0.14
+0.072 0.288 0.14
+0.0756 0.2844 0.14
+0.0792 0.2808 0.14
+0.0828 0.2772 0.14
+0.0864 0.2736 0.14
+0.09 0.27 0.14
+0.0936 0.2664 0.14
+0.0972 0.2628 0.14
+0.1008 0.2592 0.14
+0.1044 0.2556 0.14
+0.108 0.252 0.14
+0.1116 0.2484 0.14
+0.1152 0.2448 0.14
+0.1188 0.2412 0.14
+0.1224 0.2376 0.14
+0.126 0.234 0.14
+0.1296 0.2304 0.14
+0.1332 0.2268 0.14
+0.1368 0.2232 0.14
+0.1404 0.2196 0.14
+0.144 0.216 0.14
+0.1476 0.2124 0.14
+0.1512 0.2088 0.14
+0.1548 0.2052 0.14
+0.1584 0.2016 0.14
+0.162 0.198 0.14
+0.1656 0.1944 0.14
+0.1692 0.1908 0.14
+0.1728 0.1872 0.14
+0.1764 0.1836 0.14
+0.18 0.18 0.14
+0.1836 0.1764 0.14
+0.1872 0.1728 0.14
+0.1908 0.1692 0.14
+0.1944 0.1656 0.14
+0.198 0.162 0.14
+0.2016 0.1584 0.14
+0.2052 0.1548 0.14
+0.2088 0.1512 0.14
+0.2124 0.1476 0.14
+0.216 0.144 0.14
+0.2196 0.1404 0.14
+0.2232 0.1368 0.14
+0.2268 0.1332 0.14
+0.2304 0.1296 0.14
+0.234 0.126 0.14
+0.2376 0.1224 0.14
+0.2412 0.1188 0.14
+0.2448 0.1152 0.14
+0.2484 0.1116 0.14
+0.252 0.108 0.14
+0.2556 0.1044 0.14
+0.2592 0.1008 0.14
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+0.2664 0.0936 0.14
+0.27 0.09 0.14
+0.2736 0.0864 0.14
+0.2772 0.0828 0.14
+0.2808 0.0792 0.14
+0.2844 0.0756 0.14
+0.288 0.072 0.14
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+0.2988 0.0612 0.14
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+0.3168 0.0432 0.14
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+0.324 0.036 0.14
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+0.3348 0.0252 0.14
+0.3384 0.0216 0.14
+0.342 0.018 0.14
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+0.3492 0.0108 0.14
+0.3528 0.0072 0.14
+0.3564 0.0036 0.14
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+0.00365 0.36135 0.135
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+0.01825 0.34675 0.135
+0.0219 0.3431 0.135
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+0.03285 0.33215 0.135
+0.0365 0.3285 0.135
+0.04015 0.32485 0.135
+0.0438 0.3212 0.135
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+0.0584 0.3066 0.135
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+0.0657 0.2993 0.135
+0.06935 0.29565 0.135
+0.073 0.292 0.135
+0.07665 0.28835 0.135
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+0.08395 0.28105 0.135
+0.0876 0.2774 0.135
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+0.0949 0.2701 0.135
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+0.12045 0.24455 0.135
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+0.1387 0.2263 0.135
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+0.146 0.219 0.135
+0.14965 0.21535 0.135
+0.1533 0.2117 0.135
+0.15695 0.20805 0.135
+0.1606 0.2044 0.135
+0.16425 0.20075 0.135
+0.1679 0.1971 0.135
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+0.1752 0.1898 0.135
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+0.1825 0.1825 0.135
+0.18615 0.17885 0.135
+0.1898 0.1752 0.135
+0.19345 0.17155 0.135
+0.1971 0.1679 0.135
+0.20075 0.16425 0.135
+0.2044 0.1606 0.135
+0.20805 0.15695 0.135
+0.2117 0.1533 0.135
+0.21535 0.14965 0.135
+0.219 0.146 0.135
+0.22265 0.14235 0.135
+0.2263 0.1387 0.135
+0.22995 0.13505 0.135
+0.2336 0.1314 0.135
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+0.2701 0.0949 0.135
+0.27375 0.09125 0.135
+0.2774 0.0876 0.135
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+0.2847 0.0803 0.135
+0.28835 0.07665 0.135
+0.292 0.073 0.135
+0.29565 0.06935 0.135
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+0.31025 0.05475 0.135
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+0.32485 0.04015 0.135
+0.3285 0.0365 0.135
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+0.3431 0.0219 0.135
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+0.35405 0.01095 0.135
+0.3577 0.0073 0.135
+0.36135 0.00365 0.135
+0 0.37 0.13
+0.0037 0.3663 0.13
+0.0074 0.3626 0.13
+0.0111 0.3589 0.13
+0.0148 0.3552 0.13
+0.0185 0.3515 0.13
+0.0222 0.3478 0.13
+0.0259 0.3441 0.13
+0.0296 0.3404 0.13
+0.0333 0.3367 0.13
+0.037 0.333 0.13
+0.0407 0.3293 0.13
+0.0444 0.3256 0.13
+0.0481 0.3219 0.13
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+0.0555 0.3145 0.13
+0.0592 0.3108 0.13
+0.0629 0.3071 0.13
+0.0666 0.3034 0.13
+0.0703 0.2997 0.13
+0.074 0.296 0.13
+0.0777 0.2923 0.13
+0.0814 0.2886 0.13
+0.0851 0.2849 0.13
+0.0888 0.2812 0.13
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+0.0962 0.2738 0.13
+0.0999 0.2701 0.13
+0.1036 0.2664 0.13
+0.1073 0.2627 0.13
+0.111 0.259 0.13
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+0.1184 0.2516 0.13
+0.1221 0.2479 0.13
+0.1258 0.2442 0.13
+0.1295 0.2405 0.13
+0.1332 0.2368 0.13
+0.1369 0.2331 0.13
+0.1406 0.2294 0.13
+0.1443 0.2257 0.13
+0.148 0.222 0.13
+0.1517 0.2183 0.13
+0.1554 0.2146 0.13
+0.1591 0.2109 0.13
+0.1628 0.2072 0.13
+0.1665 0.2035 0.13
+0.1702 0.1998 0.13
+0.1739 0.1961 0.13
+0.1776 0.1924 0.13
+0.1813 0.1887 0.13
+0.185 0.185 0.13
+0.1887 0.1813 0.13
+0.1924 0.1776 0.13
+0.1961 0.1739 0.13
+0.1998 0.1702 0.13
+0.2035 0.1665 0.13
+0.2072 0.1628 0.13
+0.2109 0.1591 0.13
+0.2146 0.1554 0.13
+0.2183 0.1517 0.13
+0.222 0.148 0.13
+0.2257 0.1443 0.13
+0.2294 0.1406 0.13
+0.2331 0.1369 0.13
+0.2368 0.1332 0.13
+0.2405 0.1295 0.13
+0.2442 0.1258 0.13
+0.2479 0.1221 0.13
+0.2516 0.1184 0.13
+0.2553 0.1147 0.13
+0.259 0.111 0.13
+0.2627 0.1073 0.13
+0.2664 0.1036 0.13
+0.2701 0.0999 0.13
+0.2738 0.0962 0.13
+0.2775 0.0925 0.13
+0.2812 0.0888 0.13
+0.2849 0.0851 0.13
+0.2886 0.0814 0.13
+0.2923 0.0777 0.13
+0.296 0.074 0.13
+0.2997 0.0703 0.13
+0.3034 0.0666 0.13
+0.3071 0.0629 0.13
+0.3108 0.0592 0.13
+0.3145 0.0555 0.13
+0.3182 0.0518 0.13
+0.3219 0.0481 0.13
+0.3256 0.0444 0.13
+0.3293 0.0407 0.13
+0.333 0.037 0.13
+0.3367 0.0333 0.13
+0.3404 0.0296 0.13
+0.3441 0.0259 0.13
+0.3478 0.0222 0.13
+0.3515 0.0185 0.13
+0.3552 0.0148 0.13
+0.3589 0.0111 0.13
+0.3626 0.0074 0.13
+0.3663 0.0037 0.13
+0 0.375 0.125
+0.00375 0.37125 0.125
+0.0075 0.3675 0.125
+0.01125 0.36375 0.125
+0.015 0.36 0.125
+0.01875 0.35625 0.125
+0.0225 0.3525 0.125
+0.02625 0.34875 0.125
+0.03 0.345 0.125
+0.03375 0.34125 0.125
+0.0375 0.3375 0.125
+0.04125 0.33375 0.125
+0.045 0.33 0.125
+0.04875 0.32625 0.125
+0.0525 0.3225 0.125
+0.05625 0.31875 0.125
+0.06 0.315 0.125
+0.06375 0.31125 0.125
+0.0675 0.3075 0.125
+0.07125 0.30375 0.125
+0.075 0.3 0.125
+0.07875 0.29625 0.125
+0.0825 0.2925 0.125
+0.08625 0.28875 0.125
+0.09 0.285 0.125
+0.09375 0.28125 0.125
+0.0975 0.2775 0.125
+0.10125 0.27375 0.125
+0.105 0.27 0.125
+0.10875 0.26625 0.125
+0.1125 0.2625 0.125
+0.11625 0.25875 0.125
+0.12 0.255 0.125
+0.12375 0.25125 0.125
+0.1275 0.2475 0.125
+0.13125 0.24375 0.125
+0.135 0.24 0.125
+0.13875 0.23625 0.125
+0.1425 0.2325 0.125
+0.14625 0.22875 0.125
+0.15 0.225 0.125
+0.15375 0.22125 0.125
+0.1575 0.2175 0.125
+0.16125 0.21375 0.125
+0.165 0.21 0.125
+0.16875 0.20625 0.125
+0.1725 0.2025 0.125
+0.17625 0.19875 0.125
+0.18 0.195 0.125
+0.18375 0.19125 0.125
+0.1875 0.1875 0.125
+0.19125 0.18375 0.125
+0.195 0.18 0.125
+0.19875 0.17625 0.125
+0.2025 0.1725 0.125
+0.20625 0.16875 0.125
+0.21 0.165 0.125
+0.21375 0.16125 0.125
+0.2175 0.1575 0.125
+0.22125 0.15375 0.125
+0.225 0.15 0.125
+0.22875 0.14625 0.125
+0.2325 0.1425 0.125
+0.23625 0.13875 0.125
+0.24 0.135 0.125
+0.24375 0.13125 0.125
+0.2475 0.1275 0.125
+0.25125 0.12375 0.125
+0.255 0.12 0.125
+0.25875 0.11625 0.125
+0.2625 0.1125 0.125
+0.26625 0.10875 0.125
+0.27 0.105 0.125
+0.27375 0.10125 0.125
+0.2775 0.0975 0.125
+0.28125 0.09375 0.125
+0.285 0.09 0.125
+0.28875 0.08625 0.125
+0.2925 0.0825 0.125
+0.29625 0.07875 0.125
+0.3 0.075 0.125
+0.30375 0.07125 0.125
+0.3075 0.0675 0.125
+0.31125 0.06375 0.125
+0.315 0.06 0.125
+0.31875 0.05625 0.125
+0.3225 0.0525 0.125
+0.32625 0.04875 0.125
+0.33 0.045 0.125
+0.33375 0.04125 0.125
+0.3375 0.0375 0.125
+0.34125 0.03375 0.125
+0.345 0.03 0.125
+0.34875 0.02625 0.125
+0.3525 0.0225 0.125
+0.35625 0.01875 0.125
+0.36 0.015 0.125
+0.36375 0.01125 0.125
+0.3675 0.0075 0.125
+0.37125 0.00375 0.125
+0 0.38 0.12
+0.0038 0.3762 0.12
+0.0076 0.3724 0.12
+0.0114 0.3686 0.12
+0.0152 0.3648 0.12
+0.019 0.361 0.12
+0.0228 0.3572 0.12
+0.0266 0.3534 0.12
+0.0304 0.3496 0.12
+0.0342 0.3458 0.12
+0.038 0.342 0.12
+0.0418 0.3382 0.12
+0.0456 0.3344 0.12
+0.0494 0.3306 0.12
+0.0532 0.3268 0.12
+0.057 0.323 0.12
+0.0608 0.3192 0.12
+0.0646 0.3154 0.12
+0.0684 0.3116 0.12
+0.0722 0.3078 0.12
+0.076 0.304 0.12
+0.0798 0.3002 0.12
+0.0836 0.2964 0.12
+0.0874 0.2926 0.12
+0.0912 0.2888 0.12
+0.095 0.285 0.12
+0.0988 0.2812 0.12
+0.1026 0.2774 0.12
+0.1064 0.2736 0.12
+0.1102 0.2698 0.12
+0.114 0.266 0.12
+0.1178 0.2622 0.12
+0.1216 0.2584 0.12
+0.1254 0.2546 0.12
+0.1292 0.2508 0.12
+0.133 0.247 0.12
+0.1368 0.2432 0.12
+0.1406 0.2394 0.12
+0.1444 0.2356 0.12
+0.1482 0.2318 0.12
+0.152 0.228 0.12
+0.1558 0.2242 0.12
+0.1596 0.2204 0.12
+0.1634 0.2166 0.12
+0.1672 0.2128 0.12
+0.171 0.209 0.12
+0.1748 0.2052 0.12
+0.1786 0.2014 0.12
+0.1824 0.1976 0.12
+0.1862 0.1938 0.12
+0.19 0.19 0.12
+0.1938 0.1862 0.12
+0.1976 0.1824 0.12
+0.2014 0.1786 0.12
+0.2052 0.1748 0.12
+0.209 0.171 0.12
+0.2128 0.1672 0.12
+0.2166 0.1634 0.12
+0.2204 0.1596 0.12
+0.2242 0.1558 0.12
+0.228 0.152 0.12
+0.2318 0.1482 0.12
+0.2356 0.1444 0.12
+0.2394 0.1406 0.12
+0.2432 0.1368 0.12
+0.247 0.133 0.12
+0.2508 0.1292 0.12
+0.2546 0.1254 0.12
+0.2584 0.1216 0.12
+0.2622 0.1178 0.12
+0.266 0.114 0.12
+0.2698 0.1102 0.12
+0.2736 0.1064 0.12
+0.2774 0.1026 0.12
+0.2812 0.0988 0.12
+0.285 0.095 0.12
+0.2888 0.0912 0.12
+0.2926 0.0874 0.12
+0.2964 0.0836 0.12
+0.3002 0.0798 0.12
+0.304 0.076 0.12
+0.3078 0.0722 0.12
+0.3116 0.0684 0.12
+0.3154 0.0646 0.12
+0.3192 0.0608 0.12
+0.323 0.057 0.12
+0.3268 0.0532 0.12
+0.3306 0.0494 0.12
+0.3344 0.0456 0.12
+0.3382 0.0418 0.12
+0.342 0.038 0.12
+0.3458 0.0342 0.12
+0.3496 0.0304 0.12
+0.3534 0.0266 0.12
+0.3572 0.0228 0.12
+0.361 0.019 0.12
+0.3648 0.0152 0.12
+0.3686 0.0114 0.12
+0.3724 0.0076 0.12
+0.3762 0.0038 0.12
+0 0.385 0.115
+0.00385 0.38115 0.115
+0.0077 0.3773 0.115
+0.01155 0.37345 0.115
+0.0154 0.3696 0.115
+0.01925 0.36575 0.115
+0.0231 0.3619 0.115
+0.02695 0.35805 0.115
+0.0308 0.3542 0.115
+0.03465 0.35035 0.115
+0.0385 0.3465 0.115
+0.04235 0.34265 0.115
+0.0462 0.3388 0.115
+0.05005 0.33495 0.115
+0.0539 0.3311 0.115
+0.05775 0.32725 0.115
+0.0616 0.3234 0.115
+0.06545 0.31955 0.115
+0.0693 0.3157 0.115
+0.07315 0.31185 0.115
+0.077 0.308 0.115
+0.08085 0.30415 0.115
+0.0847 0.3003 0.115
+0.08855 0.29645 0.115
+0.0924 0.2926 0.115
+0.09625 0.28875 0.115
+0.1001 0.2849 0.115
+0.10395 0.28105 0.115
+0.1078 0.2772 0.115
+0.11165 0.27335 0.115
+0.1155 0.2695 0.115
+0.11935 0.26565 0.115
+0.1232 0.2618 0.115
+0.12705 0.25795 0.115
+0.1309 0.2541 0.115
+0.13475 0.25025 0.115
+0.1386 0.2464 0.115
+0.14245 0.24255 0.115
+0.1463 0.2387 0.115
+0.15015 0.23485 0.115
+0.154 0.231 0.115
+0.15785 0.22715 0.115
+0.1617 0.2233 0.115
+0.16555 0.21945 0.115
+0.1694 0.2156 0.115
+0.17325 0.21175 0.115
+0.1771 0.2079 0.115
+0.18095 0.20405 0.115
+0.1848 0.2002 0.115
+0.18865 0.19635 0.115
+0.1925 0.1925 0.115
+0.19635 0.18865 0.115
+0.2002 0.1848 0.115
+0.20405 0.18095 0.115
+0.2079 0.1771 0.115
+0.21175 0.17325 0.115
+0.2156 0.1694 0.115
+0.21945 0.16555 0.115
+0.2233 0.1617 0.115
+0.22715 0.15785 0.115
+0.231 0.154 0.115
+0.23485 0.15015 0.115
+0.2387 0.1463 0.115
+0.24255 0.14245 0.115
+0.2464 0.1386 0.115
+0.25025 0.13475 0.115
+0.2541 0.1309 0.115
+0.25795 0.12705 0.115
+0.2618 0.1232 0.115
+0.26565 0.11935 0.115
+0.2695 0.1155 0.115
+0.27335 0.11165 0.115
+0.2772 0.1078 0.115
+0.28105 0.10395 0.115
+0.2849 0.1001 0.115
+0.28875 0.09625 0.115
+0.2926 0.0924 0.115
+0.29645 0.08855 0.115
+0.3003 0.0847 0.115
+0.30415 0.08085 0.115
+0.308 0.077 0.115
+0.31185 0.07315 0.115
+0.3157 0.0693 0.115
+0.31955 0.06545 0.115
+0.3234 0.0616 0.115
+0.32725 0.05775 0.115
+0.3311 0.0539 0.115
+0.33495 0.05005 0.115
+0.3388 0.0462 0.115
+0.34265 0.04235 0.115
+0.3465 0.0385 0.115
+0.35035 0.03465 0.115
+0.3542 0.0308 0.115
+0.35805 0.02695 0.115
+0.3619 0.0231 0.115
+0.36575 0.01925 0.115
+0.3696 0.0154 0.115
+0.37345 0.01155 0.115
+0.3773 0.0077 0.115
+0.38115 0.00385 0.115
+0 0.39 0.11
+0.0039 0.3861 0.11
+0.0078 0.3822 0.11
+0.0117 0.3783 0.11
+0.0156 0.3744 0.11
+0.0195 0.3705 0.11
+0.0234 0.3666 0.11
+0.0273 0.3627 0.11
+0.0312 0.3588 0.11
+0.0351 0.3549 0.11
+0.039 0.351 0.11
+0.0429 0.3471 0.11
+0.0468 0.3432 0.11
+0.0507 0.3393 0.11
+0.0546 0.3354 0.11
+0.0585 0.3315 0.11
+0.0624 0.3276 0.11
+0.0663 0.3237 0.11
+0.0702 0.3198 0.11
+0.0741 0.3159 0.11
+0.078 0.312 0.11
+0.0819 0.3081 0.11
+0.0858 0.3042 0.11
+0.0897 0.3003 0.11
+0.0936 0.2964 0.11
+0.0975 0.2925 0.11
+0.1014 0.2886 0.11
+0.1053 0.2847 0.11
+0.1092 0.2808 0.11
+0.1131 0.2769 0.11
+0.117 0.273 0.11
+0.1209 0.2691 0.11
+0.1248 0.2652 0.11
+0.1287 0.2613 0.11
+0.1326 0.2574 0.11
+0.1365 0.2535 0.11
+0.1404 0.2496 0.11
+0.1443 0.2457 0.11
+0.1482 0.2418 0.11
+0.1521 0.2379 0.11
+0.156 0.234 0.11
+0.1599 0.2301 0.11
+0.1638 0.2262 0.11
+0.1677 0.2223 0.11
+0.1716 0.2184 0.11
+0.1755 0.2145 0.11
+0.1794 0.2106 0.11
+0.1833 0.2067 0.11
+0.1872 0.2028 0.11
+0.1911 0.1989 0.11
+0.195 0.195 0.11
+0.1989 0.1911 0.11
+0.2028 0.1872 0.11
+0.2067 0.1833 0.11
+0.2106 0.1794 0.11
+0.2145 0.1755 0.11
+0.2184 0.1716 0.11
+0.2223 0.1677 0.11
+0.2262 0.1638 0.11
+0.2301 0.1599 0.11
+0.234 0.156 0.11
+0.2379 0.1521 0.11
+0.2418 0.1482 0.11
+0.2457 0.1443 0.11
+0.2496 0.1404 0.11
+0.2535 0.1365 0.11
+0.2574 0.1326 0.11
+0.2613 0.1287 0.11
+0.2652 0.1248 0.11
+0.2691 0.1209 0.11
+0.273 0.117 0.11
+0.2769 0.1131 0.11
+0.2808 0.1092 0.11
+0.2847 0.1053 0.11
+0.2886 0.1014 0.11
+0.2925 0.0975 0.11
+0.2964 0.0936 0.11
+0.3003 0.0897 0.11
+0.3042 0.0858 0.11
+0.3081 0.0819 0.11
+0.312 0.078 0.11
+0.3159 0.0741 0.11
+0.3198 0.0702 0.11
+0.3237 0.0663 0.11
+0.3276 0.0624 0.11
+0.3315 0.0585 0.11
+0.3354 0.0546 0.11
+0.3393 0.0507 0.11
+0.3432 0.0468 0.11
+0.3471 0.0429 0.11
+0.351 0.039 0.11
+0.3549 0.0351 0.11
+0.3588 0.0312 0.11
+0.3627 0.0273 0.11
+0.3666 0.0234 0.11
+0.3705 0.0195 0.11
+0.3744 0.0156 0.11
+0.3783 0.0117 0.11
+0.3822 0.0078 0.11
+0.3861 0.0039 0.11
+0 0.395 0.105
+0.00395 0.39105 0.105
+0.0079 0.3871 0.105
+0.01185 0.38315 0.105
+0.0158 0.3792 0.105
+0.01975 0.37525 0.105
+0.0237 0.3713 0.105
+0.02765 0.36735 0.105
+0.0316 0.3634 0.105
+0.03555 0.35945 0.105
+0.0395 0.3555 0.105
+0.04345 0.35155 0.105
+0.0474 0.3476 0.105
+0.05135 0.34365 0.105
+0.0553 0.3397 0.105
+0.05925 0.33575 0.105
+0.0632 0.3318 0.105
+0.06715 0.32785 0.105
+0.0711 0.3239 0.105
+0.07505 0.31995 0.105
+0.079 0.316 0.105
+0.08295 0.31205 0.105
+0.0869 0.3081 0.105
+0.09085 0.30415 0.105
+0.0948 0.3002 0.105
+0.09875 0.29625 0.105
+0.1027 0.2923 0.105
+0.10665 0.28835 0.105
+0.1106 0.2844 0.105
+0.11455 0.28045 0.105
+0.1185 0.2765 0.105
+0.12245 0.27255 0.105
+0.1264 0.2686 0.105
+0.13035 0.26465 0.105
+0.1343 0.2607 0.105
+0.13825 0.25675 0.105
+0.1422 0.2528 0.105
+0.14615 0.24885 0.105
+0.1501 0.2449 0.105
+0.15405 0.24095 0.105
+0.158 0.237 0.105
+0.16195 0.23305 0.105
+0.1659 0.2291 0.105
+0.16985 0.22515 0.105
+0.1738 0.2212 0.105
+0.17775 0.21725 0.105
+0.1817 0.2133 0.105
+0.18565 0.20935 0.105
+0.1896 0.2054 0.105
+0.19355 0.20145 0.105
+0.1975 0.1975 0.105
+0.20145 0.19355 0.105
+0.2054 0.1896 0.105
+0.20935 0.18565 0.105
+0.2133 0.1817 0.105
+0.21725 0.17775 0.105
+0.2212 0.1738 0.105
+0.22515 0.16985 0.105
+0.2291 0.1659 0.105
+0.23305 0.16195 0.105
+0.237 0.158 0.105
+0.24095 0.15405 0.105
+0.2449 0.1501 0.105
+0.24885 0.14615 0.105
+0.2528 0.1422 0.105
+0.25675 0.13825 0.105
+0.2607 0.1343 0.105
+0.26465 0.13035 0.105
+0.2686 0.1264 0.105
+0.27255 0.12245 0.105
+0.2765 0.1185 0.105
+0.28045 0.11455 0.105
+0.2844 0.1106 0.105
+0.28835 0.10665 0.105
+0.2923 0.1027 0.105
+0.29625 0.09875 0.105
+0.3002 0.0948 0.105
+0.30415 0.09085 0.105
+0.3081 0.0869 0.105
+0.31205 0.08295 0.105
+0.316 0.079 0.105
+0.31995 0.07505 0.105
+0.3239 0.0711 0.105
+0.32785 0.06715 0.105
+0.3318 0.0632 0.105
+0.33575 0.05925 0.105
+0.3397 0.0553 0.105
+0.34365 0.05135 0.105
+0.3476 0.0474 0.105
+0.35155 0.04345 0.105
+0.3555 0.0395 0.105
+0.35945 0.03555 0.105
+0.3634 0.0316 0.105
+0.36735 0.02765 0.105
+0.3713 0.0237 0.105
+0.37525 0.01975 0.105
+0.3792 0.0158 0.105
+0.38315 0.01185 0.105
+0.3871 0.0079 0.105
+0.39105 0.00395 0.105
+0 0.4 0.1
+0.004 0.396 0.1
+0.008 0.392 0.1
+0.012 0.388 0.1
+0.016 0.384 0.1
+0.02 0.38 0.1
+0.024 0.376 0.1
+0.028 0.372 0.1
+0.032 0.368 0.1
+0.036 0.364 0.1
+0.04 0.36 0.1
+0.044 0.356 0.1
+0.048 0.352 0.1
+0.052 0.348 0.1
+0.056 0.344 0.1
+0.06 0.34 0.1
+0.064 0.336 0.1
+0.068 0.332 0.1
+0.072 0.328 0.1
+0.076 0.324 0.1
+0.08 0.32 0.1
+0.084 0.316 0.1
+0.088 0.312 0.1
+0.092 0.308 0.1
+0.096 0.304 0.1
+0.1 0.3 0.1
+0.104 0.296 0.1
+0.108 0.292 0.1
+0.112 0.288 0.1
+0.116 0.284 0.1
+0.12 0.28 0.1
+0.124 0.276 0.1
+0.128 0.272 0.1
+0.132 0.268 0.1
+0.136 0.264 0.1
+0.14 0.26 0.1
+0.144 0.256 0.1
+0.148 0.252 0.1
+0.152 0.248 0.1
+0.156 0.244 0.1
+0.16 0.24 0.1
+0.164 0.236 0.1
+0.168 0.232 0.1
+0.172 0.228 0.1
+0.176 0.224 0.1
+0.18 0.22 0.1
+0.184 0.216 0.1
+0.188 0.212 0.1
+0.192 0.208 0.1
+0.196 0.204 0.1
+0.2 0.2 0.1
+0.204 0.196 0.1
+0.208 0.192 0.1
+0.212 0.188 0.1
+0.216 0.184 0.1
+0.22 0.18 0.1
+0.224 0.176 0.1
+0.228 0.172 0.1
+0.232 0.168 0.1
+0.236 0.164 0.1
+0.24 0.16 0.1
+0.244 0.156 0.1
+0.248 0.152 0.1
+0.252 0.148 0.1
+0.256 0.144 0.1
+0.26 0.14 0.1
+0.264 0.136 0.1
+0.268 0.132 0.1
+0.272 0.128 0.1
+0.276 0.124 0.1
+0.28 0.12 0.1
+0.284 0.116 0.1
+0.288 0.112 0.1
+0.292 0.108 0.1
+0.296 0.104 0.1
+0.3 0.1 0.1
+0.304 0.096 0.1
+0.308 0.092 0.1
+0.312 0.088 0.1
+0.316 0.084 0.1
+0.32 0.08 0.1
+0.324 0.076 0.1
+0.328 0.072 0.1
+0.332 0.068 0.1
+0.336 0.064 0.1
+0.34 0.06 0.1
+0.344 0.056 0.1
+0.348 0.052 0.1
+0.352 0.048 0.1
+0.356 0.044 0.1
+0.36 0.04 0.1
+0.364 0.036 0.1
+0.368 0.032 0.1
+0.372 0.028 0.1
+0.376 0.024 0.1
+0.38 0.02 0.1
+0.384 0.016 0.1
+0.388 0.012 0.1
+0.392 0.008 0.1
+0.396 0.004 0.1
+0 0.405 0.095
+0.00405 0.40095 0.095
+0.0081 0.3969 0.095
+0.01215 0.39285 0.095
+0.0162 0.3888 0.095
+0.02025 0.38475 0.095
+0.0243 0.3807 0.095
+0.02835 0.37665 0.095
+0.0324 0.3726 0.095
+0.03645 0.36855 0.095
+0.0405 0.3645 0.095
+0.04455 0.36045 0.095
+0.0486 0.3564 0.095
+0.05265 0.35235 0.095
+0.0567 0.3483 0.095
+0.06075 0.34425 0.095
+0.0648 0.3402 0.095
+0.06885 0.33615 0.095
+0.0729 0.3321 0.095
+0.07695 0.32805 0.095
+0.081 0.324 0.095
+0.08505 0.31995 0.095
+0.0891 0.3159 0.095
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+0.10125 0.30375 0.095
+0.1053 0.2997 0.095
+0.10935 0.29565 0.095
+0.1134 0.2916 0.095
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+0.12555 0.27945 0.095
+0.1296 0.2754 0.095
+0.13365 0.27135 0.095
+0.1377 0.2673 0.095
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+0.1458 0.2592 0.095
+0.14985 0.25515 0.095
+0.1539 0.2511 0.095
+0.15795 0.24705 0.095
+0.162 0.243 0.095
+0.16605 0.23895 0.095
+0.1701 0.2349 0.095
+0.17415 0.23085 0.095
+0.1782 0.2268 0.095
+0.18225 0.22275 0.095
+0.1863 0.2187 0.095
+0.19035 0.21465 0.095
+0.1944 0.2106 0.095
+0.19845 0.20655 0.095
+0.2025 0.2025 0.095
+0.20655 0.19845 0.095
+0.2106 0.1944 0.095
+0.21465 0.19035 0.095
+0.2187 0.1863 0.095
+0.22275 0.18225 0.095
+0.2268 0.1782 0.095
+0.23085 0.17415 0.095
+0.2349 0.1701 0.095
+0.23895 0.16605 0.095
+0.243 0.162 0.095
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+0.2511 0.1539 0.095
+0.25515 0.14985 0.095
+0.2592 0.1458 0.095
+0.26325 0.14175 0.095
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+0.2835 0.1215 0.095
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+0.3078 0.0972 0.095
+0.31185 0.09315 0.095
+0.3159 0.0891 0.095
+0.31995 0.08505 0.095
+0.324 0.081 0.095
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+0.3321 0.0729 0.095
+0.33615 0.06885 0.095
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+0.3483 0.0567 0.095
+0.35235 0.05265 0.095
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+0.36045 0.04455 0.095
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+0.38475 0.02025 0.095
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+0.40095 0.00405 0.095
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+0.0041 0.4059 0.09
+0.0082 0.4018 0.09
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+0.0205 0.3895 0.09
+0.0246 0.3854 0.09
+0.0287 0.3813 0.09
+0.0328 0.3772 0.09
+0.0369 0.3731 0.09
+0.041 0.369 0.09
+0.0451 0.3649 0.09
+0.0492 0.3608 0.09
+0.0533 0.3567 0.09
+0.0574 0.3526 0.09
+0.0615 0.3485 0.09
+0.0656 0.3444 0.09
+0.0697 0.3403 0.09
+0.0738 0.3362 0.09
+0.0779 0.3321 0.09
+0.082 0.328 0.09
+0.0861 0.3239 0.09
+0.0902 0.3198 0.09
+0.0943 0.3157 0.09
+0.0984 0.3116 0.09
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+0.1066 0.3034 0.09
+0.1107 0.2993 0.09
+0.1148 0.2952 0.09
+0.1189 0.2911 0.09
+0.123 0.287 0.09
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+0.1353 0.2747 0.09
+0.1394 0.2706 0.09
+0.1435 0.2665 0.09
+0.1476 0.2624 0.09
+0.1517 0.2583 0.09
+0.1558 0.2542 0.09
+0.1599 0.2501 0.09
+0.164 0.246 0.09
+0.1681 0.2419 0.09
+0.1722 0.2378 0.09
+0.1763 0.2337 0.09
+0.1804 0.2296 0.09
+0.1845 0.2255 0.09
+0.1886 0.2214 0.09
+0.1927 0.2173 0.09
+0.1968 0.2132 0.09
+0.2009 0.2091 0.09
+0.205 0.205 0.09
+0.2091 0.2009 0.09
+0.2132 0.1968 0.09
+0.2173 0.1927 0.09
+0.2214 0.1886 0.09
+0.2255 0.1845 0.09
+0.2296 0.1804 0.09
+0.2337 0.1763 0.09
+0.2378 0.1722 0.09
+0.2419 0.1681 0.09
+0.246 0.164 0.09
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+0.2542 0.1558 0.09
+0.2583 0.1517 0.09
+0.2624 0.1476 0.09
+0.2665 0.1435 0.09
+0.2706 0.1394 0.09
+0.2747 0.1353 0.09
+0.2788 0.1312 0.09
+0.2829 0.1271 0.09
+0.287 0.123 0.09
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+0.2952 0.1148 0.09
+0.2993 0.1107 0.09
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+0.3075 0.1025 0.09
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+0.3157 0.0943 0.09
+0.3198 0.0902 0.09
+0.3239 0.0861 0.09
+0.328 0.082 0.09
+0.3321 0.0779 0.09
+0.3362 0.0738 0.09
+0.3403 0.0697 0.09
+0.3444 0.0656 0.09
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+0.3567 0.0533 0.09
+0.3608 0.0492 0.09
+0.3649 0.0451 0.09
+0.369 0.041 0.09
+0.3731 0.0369 0.09
+0.3772 0.0328 0.09
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+0.3854 0.0246 0.09
+0.3895 0.0205 0.09
+0.3936 0.0164 0.09
+0.3977 0.0123 0.09
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+0.0249 0.3901 0.085
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+0.0332 0.3818 0.085
+0.03735 0.37765 0.085
+0.0415 0.3735 0.085
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+0.0581 0.3569 0.085
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+0.083 0.332 0.085
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+0.1743 0.2407 0.085
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+0.1992 0.2158 0.085
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+0.2075 0.2075 0.085
+0.21165 0.20335 0.085
+0.2158 0.1992 0.085
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+0.22825 0.18675 0.085
+0.2324 0.1826 0.085
+0.23655 0.17845 0.085
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+0.249 0.166 0.085
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+0.0084 0.4116 0.08
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+0.0168 0.4032 0.08
+0.021 0.399 0.08
+0.0252 0.3948 0.08
+0.0294 0.3906 0.08
+0.0336 0.3864 0.08
+0.0378 0.3822 0.08
+0.042 0.378 0.08
+0.0462 0.3738 0.08
+0.0504 0.3696 0.08
+0.0546 0.3654 0.08
+0.0588 0.3612 0.08
+0.063 0.357 0.08
+0.0672 0.3528 0.08
+0.0714 0.3486 0.08
+0.0756 0.3444 0.08
+0.0798 0.3402 0.08
+0.084 0.336 0.08
+0.0882 0.3318 0.08
+0.0924 0.3276 0.08
+0.0966 0.3234 0.08
+0.1008 0.3192 0.08
+0.105 0.315 0.08
+0.1092 0.3108 0.08
+0.1134 0.3066 0.08
+0.1176 0.3024 0.08
+0.1218 0.2982 0.08
+0.126 0.294 0.08
+0.1302 0.2898 0.08
+0.1344 0.2856 0.08
+0.1386 0.2814 0.08
+0.1428 0.2772 0.08
+0.147 0.273 0.08
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+0.1554 0.2646 0.08
+0.1596 0.2604 0.08
+0.1638 0.2562 0.08
+0.168 0.252 0.08
+0.1722 0.2478 0.08
+0.1764 0.2436 0.08
+0.1806 0.2394 0.08
+0.1848 0.2352 0.08
+0.189 0.231 0.08
+0.1932 0.2268 0.08
+0.1974 0.2226 0.08
+0.2016 0.2184 0.08
+0.2058 0.2142 0.08
+0.21 0.21 0.08
+0.2142 0.2058 0.08
+0.2184 0.2016 0.08
+0.2226 0.1974 0.08
+0.2268 0.1932 0.08
+0.231 0.189 0.08
+0.2352 0.1848 0.08
+0.2394 0.1806 0.08
+0.2436 0.1764 0.08
+0.2478 0.1722 0.08
+0.252 0.168 0.08
+0.2562 0.1638 0.08
+0.2604 0.1596 0.08
+0.2646 0.1554 0.08
+0.2688 0.1512 0.08
+0.273 0.147 0.08
+0.2772 0.1428 0.08
+0.2814 0.1386 0.08
+0.2856 0.1344 0.08
+0.2898 0.1302 0.08
+0.294 0.126 0.08
+0.2982 0.1218 0.08
+0.3024 0.1176 0.08
+0.3066 0.1134 0.08
+0.3108 0.1092 0.08
+0.315 0.105 0.08
+0.3192 0.1008 0.08
+0.3234 0.0966 0.08
+0.3276 0.0924 0.08
+0.3318 0.0882 0.08
+0.336 0.084 0.08
+0.3402 0.0798 0.08
+0.3444 0.0756 0.08
+0.3486 0.0714 0.08
+0.3528 0.0672 0.08
+0.357 0.063 0.08
+0.3612 0.0588 0.08
+0.3654 0.0546 0.08
+0.3696 0.0504 0.08
+0.3738 0.0462 0.08
+0.378 0.042 0.08
+0.3822 0.0378 0.08
+0.3864 0.0336 0.08
+0.3906 0.0294 0.08
+0.3948 0.0252 0.08
+0.399 0.021 0.08
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+0.4074 0.0126 0.08
+0.4116 0.0084 0.08
+0.4158 0.0042 0.08
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+0.00425 0.42075 0.075
+0.0085 0.4165 0.075
+0.01275 0.41225 0.075
+0.017 0.408 0.075
+0.02125 0.40375 0.075
+0.0255 0.3995 0.075
+0.02975 0.39525 0.075
+0.034 0.391 0.075
+0.03825 0.38675 0.075
+0.0425 0.3825 0.075
+0.04675 0.37825 0.075
+0.051 0.374 0.075
+0.05525 0.36975 0.075
+0.0595 0.3655 0.075
+0.06375 0.36125 0.075
+0.068 0.357 0.075
+0.07225 0.35275 0.075
+0.0765 0.3485 0.075
+0.08075 0.34425 0.075
+0.085 0.34 0.075
+0.08925 0.33575 0.075
+0.0935 0.3315 0.075
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+0.102 0.323 0.075
+0.10625 0.31875 0.075
+0.1105 0.3145 0.075
+0.11475 0.31025 0.075
+0.119 0.306 0.075
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+0.1275 0.2975 0.075
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+0.136 0.289 0.075
+0.14025 0.28475 0.075
+0.1445 0.2805 0.075
+0.14875 0.27625 0.075
+0.153 0.272 0.075
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+0.16575 0.25925 0.075
+0.17 0.255 0.075
+0.17425 0.25075 0.075
+0.1785 0.2465 0.075
+0.18275 0.24225 0.075
+0.187 0.238 0.075
+0.19125 0.23375 0.075
+0.1955 0.2295 0.075
+0.19975 0.22525 0.075
+0.204 0.221 0.075
+0.20825 0.21675 0.075
+0.2125 0.2125 0.075
+0.21675 0.20825 0.075
+0.221 0.204 0.075
+0.22525 0.19975 0.075
+0.2295 0.1955 0.075
+0.23375 0.19125 0.075
+0.238 0.187 0.075
+0.24225 0.18275 0.075
+0.2465 0.1785 0.075
+0.25075 0.17425 0.075
+0.255 0.17 0.075
+0.25925 0.16575 0.075
+0.2635 0.1615 0.075
+0.26775 0.15725 0.075
+0.272 0.153 0.075
+0.27625 0.14875 0.075
+0.2805 0.1445 0.075
+0.28475 0.14025 0.075
+0.289 0.136 0.075
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+0.2975 0.1275 0.075
+0.30175 0.12325 0.075
+0.306 0.119 0.075
+0.31025 0.11475 0.075
+0.3145 0.1105 0.075
+0.31875 0.10625 0.075
+0.323 0.102 0.075
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+0.34 0.085 0.075
+0.34425 0.08075 0.075
+0.3485 0.0765 0.075
+0.35275 0.07225 0.075
+0.357 0.068 0.075
+0.36125 0.06375 0.075
+0.3655 0.0595 0.075
+0.36975 0.05525 0.075
+0.374 0.051 0.075
+0.37825 0.04675 0.075
+0.3825 0.0425 0.075
+0.38675 0.03825 0.075
+0.391 0.034 0.075
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+0.3995 0.0255 0.075
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+0.408 0.017 0.075
+0.41225 0.01275 0.075
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+0.42075 0.00425 0.075
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+0.0043 0.4257 0.07
+0.0086 0.4214 0.07
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+0.0172 0.4128 0.07
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+0.0258 0.4042 0.07
+0.0301 0.3999 0.07
+0.0344 0.3956 0.07
+0.0387 0.3913 0.07
+0.043 0.387 0.07
+0.0473 0.3827 0.07
+0.0516 0.3784 0.07
+0.0559 0.3741 0.07
+0.0602 0.3698 0.07
+0.0645 0.3655 0.07
+0.0688 0.3612 0.07
+0.0731 0.3569 0.07
+0.0774 0.3526 0.07
+0.0817 0.3483 0.07
+0.086 0.344 0.07
+0.0903 0.3397 0.07
+0.0946 0.3354 0.07
+0.0989 0.3311 0.07
+0.1032 0.3268 0.07
+0.1075 0.3225 0.07
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+0.1161 0.3139 0.07
+0.1204 0.3096 0.07
+0.1247 0.3053 0.07
+0.129 0.301 0.07
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+0.1376 0.2924 0.07
+0.1419 0.2881 0.07
+0.1462 0.2838 0.07
+0.1505 0.2795 0.07
+0.1548 0.2752 0.07
+0.1591 0.2709 0.07
+0.1634 0.2666 0.07
+0.1677 0.2623 0.07
+0.172 0.258 0.07
+0.1763 0.2537 0.07
+0.1806 0.2494 0.07
+0.1849 0.2451 0.07
+0.1892 0.2408 0.07
+0.1935 0.2365 0.07
+0.1978 0.2322 0.07
+0.2021 0.2279 0.07
+0.2064 0.2236 0.07
+0.2107 0.2193 0.07
+0.215 0.215 0.07
+0.2193 0.2107 0.07
+0.2236 0.2064 0.07
+0.2279 0.2021 0.07
+0.2322 0.1978 0.07
+0.2365 0.1935 0.07
+0.2408 0.1892 0.07
+0.2451 0.1849 0.07
+0.2494 0.1806 0.07
+0.2537 0.1763 0.07
+0.258 0.172 0.07
+0.2623 0.1677 0.07
+0.2666 0.1634 0.07
+0.2709 0.1591 0.07
+0.2752 0.1548 0.07
+0.2795 0.1505 0.07
+0.2838 0.1462 0.07
+0.2881 0.1419 0.07
+0.2924 0.1376 0.07
+0.2967 0.1333 0.07
+0.301 0.129 0.07
+0.3053 0.1247 0.07
+0.3096 0.1204 0.07
+0.3139 0.1161 0.07
+0.3182 0.1118 0.07
+0.3225 0.1075 0.07
+0.3268 0.1032 0.07
+0.3311 0.0989 0.07
+0.3354 0.0946 0.07
+0.3397 0.0903 0.07
+0.344 0.086 0.07
+0.3483 0.0817 0.07
+0.3526 0.0774 0.07
+0.3569 0.0731 0.07
+0.3612 0.0688 0.07
+0.3655 0.0645 0.07
+0.3698 0.0602 0.07
+0.3741 0.0559 0.07
+0.3784 0.0516 0.07
+0.3827 0.0473 0.07
+0.387 0.043 0.07
+0.3913 0.0387 0.07
+0.3956 0.0344 0.07
+0.3999 0.0301 0.07
+0.4042 0.0258 0.07
+0.4085 0.0215 0.07
+0.4128 0.0172 0.07
+0.4171 0.0129 0.07
+0.4214 0.0086 0.07
+0.4257 0.0043 0.07
+0 0.435 0.065
+0.00435 0.43065 0.065
+0.0087 0.4263 0.065
+0.01305 0.42195 0.065
+0.0174 0.4176 0.065
+0.02175 0.41325 0.065
+0.0261 0.4089 0.065
+0.03045 0.40455 0.065
+0.0348 0.4002 0.065
+0.03915 0.39585 0.065
+0.0435 0.3915 0.065
+0.04785 0.38715 0.065
+0.0522 0.3828 0.065
+0.05655 0.37845 0.065
+0.0609 0.3741 0.065
+0.06525 0.36975 0.065
+0.0696 0.3654 0.065
+0.07395 0.36105 0.065
+0.0783 0.3567 0.065
+0.08265 0.35235 0.065
+0.087 0.348 0.065
+0.09135 0.34365 0.065
+0.0957 0.3393 0.065
+0.10005 0.33495 0.065
+0.1044 0.3306 0.065
+0.10875 0.32625 0.065
+0.1131 0.3219 0.065
+0.11745 0.31755 0.065
+0.1218 0.3132 0.065
+0.12615 0.30885 0.065
+0.1305 0.3045 0.065
+0.13485 0.30015 0.065
+0.1392 0.2958 0.065
+0.14355 0.29145 0.065
+0.1479 0.2871 0.065
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+0.1566 0.2784 0.065
+0.16095 0.27405 0.065
+0.1653 0.2697 0.065
+0.16965 0.26535 0.065
+0.174 0.261 0.065
+0.17835 0.25665 0.065
+0.1827 0.2523 0.065
+0.18705 0.24795 0.065
+0.1914 0.2436 0.065
+0.19575 0.23925 0.065
+0.2001 0.2349 0.065
+0.20445 0.23055 0.065
+0.2088 0.2262 0.065
+0.21315 0.22185 0.065
+0.2175 0.2175 0.065
+0.22185 0.21315 0.065
+0.2262 0.2088 0.065
+0.23055 0.20445 0.065
+0.2349 0.2001 0.065
+0.23925 0.19575 0.065
+0.2436 0.1914 0.065
+0.24795 0.18705 0.065
+0.2523 0.1827 0.065
+0.25665 0.17835 0.065
+0.261 0.174 0.065
+0.26535 0.16965 0.065
+0.2697 0.1653 0.065
+0.27405 0.16095 0.065
+0.2784 0.1566 0.065
+0.28275 0.15225 0.065
+0.2871 0.1479 0.065
+0.29145 0.14355 0.065
+0.2958 0.1392 0.065
+0.30015 0.13485 0.065
+0.3045 0.1305 0.065
+0.30885 0.12615 0.065
+0.3132 0.1218 0.065
+0.31755 0.11745 0.065
+0.3219 0.1131 0.065
+0.32625 0.10875 0.065
+0.3306 0.1044 0.065
+0.33495 0.10005 0.065
+0.3393 0.0957 0.065
+0.34365 0.09135 0.065
+0.348 0.087 0.065
+0.35235 0.08265 0.065
+0.3567 0.0783 0.065
+0.36105 0.07395 0.065
+0.3654 0.0696 0.065
+0.36975 0.06525 0.065
+0.3741 0.0609 0.065
+0.37845 0.05655 0.065
+0.3828 0.0522 0.065
+0.38715 0.04785 0.065
+0.3915 0.0435 0.065
+0.39585 0.03915 0.065
+0.4002 0.0348 0.065
+0.40455 0.03045 0.065
+0.4089 0.0261 0.065
+0.41325 0.02175 0.065
+0.4176 0.0174 0.065
+0.42195 0.01305 0.065
+0.4263 0.0087 0.065
+0.43065 0.00435 0.065
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+0.0044 0.4356 0.06
+0.0088 0.4312 0.06
+0.0132 0.4268 0.06
+0.0176 0.4224 0.06
+0.022 0.418 0.06
+0.0264 0.4136 0.06
+0.0308 0.4092 0.06
+0.0352 0.4048 0.06
+0.0396 0.4004 0.06
+0.044 0.396 0.06
+0.0484 0.3916 0.06
+0.0528 0.3872 0.06
+0.0572 0.3828 0.06
+0.0616 0.3784 0.06
+0.066 0.374 0.06
+0.0704 0.3696 0.06
+0.0748 0.3652 0.06
+0.0792 0.3608 0.06
+0.0836 0.3564 0.06
+0.088 0.352 0.06
+0.0924 0.3476 0.06
+0.0968 0.3432 0.06
+0.1012 0.3388 0.06
+0.1056 0.3344 0.06
+0.11 0.33 0.06
+0.1144 0.3256 0.06
+0.1188 0.3212 0.06
+0.1232 0.3168 0.06
+0.1276 0.3124 0.06
+0.132 0.308 0.06
+0.1364 0.3036 0.06
+0.1408 0.2992 0.06
+0.1452 0.2948 0.06
+0.1496 0.2904 0.06
+0.154 0.286 0.06
+0.1584 0.2816 0.06
+0.1628 0.2772 0.06
+0.1672 0.2728 0.06
+0.1716 0.2684 0.06
+0.176 0.264 0.06
+0.1804 0.2596 0.06
+0.1848 0.2552 0.06
+0.1892 0.2508 0.06
+0.1936 0.2464 0.06
+0.198 0.242 0.06
+0.2024 0.2376 0.06
+0.2068 0.2332 0.06
+0.2112 0.2288 0.06
+0.2156 0.2244 0.06
+0.22 0.22 0.06
+0.2244 0.2156 0.06
+0.2288 0.2112 0.06
+0.2332 0.2068 0.06
+0.2376 0.2024 0.06
+0.242 0.198 0.06
+0.2464 0.1936 0.06
+0.2508 0.1892 0.06
+0.2552 0.1848 0.06
+0.2596 0.1804 0.06
+0.264 0.176 0.06
+0.2684 0.1716 0.06
+0.2728 0.1672 0.06
+0.2772 0.1628 0.06
+0.2816 0.1584 0.06
+0.286 0.154 0.06
+0.2904 0.1496 0.06
+0.2948 0.1452 0.06
+0.2992 0.1408 0.06
+0.3036 0.1364 0.06
+0.308 0.132 0.06
+0.3124 0.1276 0.06
+0.3168 0.1232 0.06
+0.3212 0.1188 0.06
+0.3256 0.1144 0.06
+0.33 0.11 0.06
+0.3344 0.1056 0.06
+0.3388 0.1012 0.06
+0.3432 0.0968 0.06
+0.3476 0.0924 0.06
+0.352 0.088 0.06
+0.3564 0.0836 0.06
+0.3608 0.0792 0.06
+0.3652 0.0748 0.06
+0.3696 0.0704 0.06
+0.374 0.066 0.06
+0.3784 0.0616 0.06
+0.3828 0.0572 0.06
+0.3872 0.0528 0.06
+0.3916 0.0484 0.06
+0.396 0.044 0.06
+0.4004 0.0396 0.06
+0.4048 0.0352 0.06
+0.4092 0.0308 0.06
+0.4136 0.0264 0.06
+0.418 0.022 0.06
+0.4224 0.0176 0.06
+0.4268 0.0132 0.06
+0.4312 0.0088 0.06
+0.4356 0.0044 0.06
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+0.00445 0.44055 0.055
+0.0089 0.4361 0.055
+0.01335 0.43165 0.055
+0.0178 0.4272 0.055
+0.02225 0.42275 0.055
+0.0267 0.4183 0.055
+0.03115 0.41385 0.055
+0.0356 0.4094 0.055
+0.04005 0.40495 0.055
+0.0445 0.4005 0.055
+0.04895 0.39605 0.055
+0.0534 0.3916 0.055
+0.05785 0.38715 0.055
+0.0623 0.3827 0.055
+0.06675 0.37825 0.055
+0.0712 0.3738 0.055
+0.07565 0.36935 0.055
+0.0801 0.3649 0.055
+0.08455 0.36045 0.055
+0.089 0.356 0.055
+0.09345 0.35155 0.055
+0.0979 0.3471 0.055
+0.10235 0.34265 0.055
+0.1068 0.3382 0.055
+0.11125 0.33375 0.055
+0.1157 0.3293 0.055
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+0.1246 0.3204 0.055
+0.12905 0.31595 0.055
+0.1335 0.3115 0.055
+0.13795 0.30705 0.055
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+0.14685 0.29815 0.055
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+0.15575 0.28925 0.055
+0.1602 0.2848 0.055
+0.16465 0.28035 0.055
+0.1691 0.2759 0.055
+0.17355 0.27145 0.055
+0.178 0.267 0.055
+0.18245 0.26255 0.055
+0.1869 0.2581 0.055
+0.19135 0.25365 0.055
+0.1958 0.2492 0.055
+0.20025 0.24475 0.055
+0.2047 0.2403 0.055
+0.20915 0.23585 0.055
+0.2136 0.2314 0.055
+0.21805 0.22695 0.055
+0.2225 0.2225 0.055
+0.22695 0.21805 0.055
+0.2314 0.2136 0.055
+0.23585 0.20915 0.055
+0.2403 0.2047 0.055
+0.24475 0.20025 0.055
+0.2492 0.1958 0.055
+0.25365 0.19135 0.055
+0.2581 0.1869 0.055
+0.26255 0.18245 0.055
+0.267 0.178 0.055
+0.27145 0.17355 0.055
+0.2759 0.1691 0.055
+0.28035 0.16465 0.055
+0.2848 0.1602 0.055
+0.28925 0.15575 0.055
+0.2937 0.1513 0.055
+0.29815 0.14685 0.055
+0.3026 0.1424 0.055
+0.30705 0.13795 0.055
+0.3115 0.1335 0.055
+0.31595 0.12905 0.055
+0.3204 0.1246 0.055
+0.32485 0.12015 0.055
+0.3293 0.1157 0.055
+0.33375 0.11125 0.055
+0.3382 0.1068 0.055
+0.34265 0.10235 0.055
+0.3471 0.0979 0.055
+0.35155 0.09345 0.055
+0.356 0.089 0.055
+0.36045 0.08455 0.055
+0.3649 0.0801 0.055
+0.36935 0.07565 0.055
+0.3738 0.0712 0.055
+0.37825 0.06675 0.055
+0.3827 0.0623 0.055
+0.38715 0.05785 0.055
+0.3916 0.0534 0.055
+0.39605 0.04895 0.055
+0.4005 0.0445 0.055
+0.40495 0.04005 0.055
+0.4094 0.0356 0.055
+0.41385 0.03115 0.055
+0.4183 0.0267 0.055
+0.42275 0.02225 0.055
+0.4272 0.0178 0.055
+0.43165 0.01335 0.055
+0.4361 0.0089 0.055
+0.44055 0.00445 0.055
+0 0.45 0.05
+0.0045 0.4455 0.05
+0.009 0.441 0.05
+0.0135 0.4365 0.05
+0.018 0.432 0.05
+0.0225 0.4275 0.05
+0.027 0.423 0.05
+0.0315 0.4185 0.05
+0.036 0.414 0.05
+0.0405 0.4095 0.05
+0.045 0.405 0.05
+0.0495 0.4005 0.05
+0.054 0.396 0.05
+0.0585 0.3915 0.05
+0.063 0.387 0.05
+0.0675 0.3825 0.05
+0.072 0.378 0.05
+0.0765 0.3735 0.05
+0.081 0.369 0.05
+0.0855 0.3645 0.05
+0.09 0.36 0.05
+0.0945 0.3555 0.05
+0.099 0.351 0.05
+0.1035 0.3465 0.05
+0.108 0.342 0.05
+0.1125 0.3375 0.05
+0.117 0.333 0.05
+0.1215 0.3285 0.05
+0.126 0.324 0.05
+0.1305 0.3195 0.05
+0.135 0.315 0.05
+0.1395 0.3105 0.05
+0.144 0.306 0.05
+0.1485 0.3015 0.05
+0.153 0.297 0.05
+0.1575 0.2925 0.05
+0.162 0.288 0.05
+0.1665 0.2835 0.05
+0.171 0.279 0.05
+0.1755 0.2745 0.05
+0.18 0.27 0.05
+0.1845 0.2655 0.05
+0.189 0.261 0.05
+0.1935 0.2565 0.05
+0.198 0.252 0.05
+0.2025 0.2475 0.05
+0.207 0.243 0.05
+0.2115 0.2385 0.05
+0.216 0.234 0.05
+0.2205 0.2295 0.05
+0.225 0.225 0.05
+0.2295 0.2205 0.05
+0.234 0.216 0.05
+0.2385 0.2115 0.05
+0.243 0.207 0.05
+0.2475 0.2025 0.05
+0.252 0.198 0.05
+0.2565 0.1935 0.05
+0.261 0.189 0.05
+0.2655 0.1845 0.05
+0.27 0.18 0.05
+0.2745 0.1755 0.05
+0.279 0.171 0.05
+0.2835 0.1665 0.05
+0.288 0.162 0.05
+0.2925 0.1575 0.05
+0.297 0.153 0.05
+0.3015 0.1485 0.05
+0.306 0.144 0.05
+0.3105 0.1395 0.05
+0.315 0.135 0.05
+0.3195 0.1305 0.05
+0.324 0.126 0.05
+0.3285 0.1215 0.05
+0.333 0.117 0.05
+0.3375 0.1125 0.05
+0.342 0.108 0.05
+0.3465 0.1035 0.05
+0.351 0.099 0.05
+0.3555 0.0945 0.05
+0.36 0.09 0.05
+0.3645 0.0855 0.05
+0.369 0.081 0.05
+0.3735 0.0765 0.05
+0.378 0.072 0.05
+0.3825 0.0675 0.05
+0.387 0.063 0.05
+0.3915 0.0585 0.05
+0.396 0.054 0.05
+0.4005 0.0495 0.05
+0.405 0.045 0.05
+0.4095 0.0405 0.05
+0.414 0.036 0.05
+0.4185 0.0315 0.05
+0.423 0.027 0.05
+0.4275 0.0225 0.05
+0.432 0.018 0.05
+0.4365 0.0135 0.05
+0.441 0.009 0.05
+0.4455 0.0045 0.05
+0 0.455 0.045
+0.00455 0.45045 0.045
+0.0091 0.4459 0.045
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+0.0182 0.4368 0.045
+0.02275 0.43225 0.045
+0.0273 0.4277 0.045
+0.03185 0.42315 0.045
+0.0364 0.4186 0.045
+0.04095 0.41405 0.045
+0.0455 0.4095 0.045
+0.05005 0.40495 0.045
+0.0546 0.4004 0.045
+0.05915 0.39585 0.045
+0.0637 0.3913 0.045
+0.06825 0.38675 0.045
+0.0728 0.3822 0.045
+0.07735 0.37765 0.045
+0.0819 0.3731 0.045
+0.08645 0.36855 0.045
+0.091 0.364 0.045
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+0.1001 0.3549 0.045
+0.10465 0.35035 0.045
+0.1092 0.3458 0.045
+0.11375 0.34125 0.045
+0.1183 0.3367 0.045
+0.12285 0.33215 0.045
+0.1274 0.3276 0.045
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+0.1365 0.3185 0.045
+0.14105 0.31395 0.045
+0.1456 0.3094 0.045
+0.15015 0.30485 0.045
+0.1547 0.3003 0.045
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+0.16835 0.28665 0.045
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+0.17745 0.27755 0.045
+0.182 0.273 0.045
+0.18655 0.26845 0.045
+0.1911 0.2639 0.045
+0.19565 0.25935 0.045
+0.2002 0.2548 0.045
+0.20475 0.25025 0.045
+0.2093 0.2457 0.045
+0.21385 0.24115 0.045
+0.2184 0.2366 0.045
+0.22295 0.23205 0.045
+0.2275 0.2275 0.045
+0.23205 0.22295 0.045
+0.2366 0.2184 0.045
+0.24115 0.21385 0.045
+0.2457 0.2093 0.045
+0.25025 0.20475 0.045
+0.2548 0.2002 0.045
+0.25935 0.19565 0.045
+0.2639 0.1911 0.045
+0.26845 0.18655 0.045
+0.273 0.182 0.045
+0.27755 0.17745 0.045
+0.2821 0.1729 0.045
+0.28665 0.16835 0.045
+0.2912 0.1638 0.045
+0.29575 0.15925 0.045
+0.3003 0.1547 0.045
+0.30485 0.15015 0.045
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+0.31395 0.14105 0.045
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+0.32305 0.13195 0.045
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+0.33215 0.12285 0.045
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+0.3458 0.1092 0.045
+0.35035 0.10465 0.045
+0.3549 0.1001 0.045
+0.35945 0.09555 0.045
+0.364 0.091 0.045
+0.36855 0.08645 0.045
+0.3731 0.0819 0.045
+0.37765 0.07735 0.045
+0.3822 0.0728 0.045
+0.38675 0.06825 0.045
+0.3913 0.0637 0.045
+0.39585 0.05915 0.045
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+0.4095 0.0455 0.045
+0.41405 0.04095 0.045
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+0.42315 0.03185 0.045
+0.4277 0.0273 0.045
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+0.44135 0.01365 0.045
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+0.45045 0.00455 0.045
+0 0.46 0.04
+0.0046 0.4554 0.04
+0.0092 0.4508 0.04
+0.0138 0.4462 0.04
+0.0184 0.4416 0.04
+0.023 0.437 0.04
+0.0276 0.4324 0.04
+0.0322 0.4278 0.04
+0.0368 0.4232 0.04
+0.0414 0.4186 0.04
+0.046 0.414 0.04
+0.0506 0.4094 0.04
+0.0552 0.4048 0.04
+0.0598 0.4002 0.04
+0.0644 0.3956 0.04
+0.069 0.391 0.04
+0.0736 0.3864 0.04
+0.0782 0.3818 0.04
+0.0828 0.3772 0.04
+0.0874 0.3726 0.04
+0.092 0.368 0.04
+0.0966 0.3634 0.04
+0.1012 0.3588 0.04
+0.1058 0.3542 0.04
+0.1104 0.3496 0.04
+0.115 0.345 0.04
+0.1196 0.3404 0.04
+0.1242 0.3358 0.04
+0.1288 0.3312 0.04
+0.1334 0.3266 0.04
+0.138 0.322 0.04
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+0.1472 0.3128 0.04
+0.1518 0.3082 0.04
+0.1564 0.3036 0.04
+0.161 0.299 0.04
+0.1656 0.2944 0.04
+0.1702 0.2898 0.04
+0.1748 0.2852 0.04
+0.1794 0.2806 0.04
+0.184 0.276 0.04
+0.1886 0.2714 0.04
+0.1932 0.2668 0.04
+0.1978 0.2622 0.04
+0.2024 0.2576 0.04
+0.207 0.253 0.04
+0.2116 0.2484 0.04
+0.2162 0.2438 0.04
+0.2208 0.2392 0.04
+0.2254 0.2346 0.04
+0.23 0.23 0.04
+0.2346 0.2254 0.04
+0.2392 0.2208 0.04
+0.2438 0.2162 0.04
+0.2484 0.2116 0.04
+0.253 0.207 0.04
+0.2576 0.2024 0.04
+0.2622 0.1978 0.04
+0.2668 0.1932 0.04
+0.2714 0.1886 0.04
+0.276 0.184 0.04
+0.2806 0.1794 0.04
+0.2852 0.1748 0.04
+0.2898 0.1702 0.04
+0.2944 0.1656 0.04
+0.299 0.161 0.04
+0.3036 0.1564 0.04
+0.3082 0.1518 0.04
+0.3128 0.1472 0.04
+0.3174 0.1426 0.04
+0.322 0.138 0.04
+0.3266 0.1334 0.04
+0.3312 0.1288 0.04
+0.3358 0.1242 0.04
+0.3404 0.1196 0.04
+0.345 0.115 0.04
+0.3496 0.1104 0.04
+0.3542 0.1058 0.04
+0.3588 0.1012 0.04
+0.3634 0.0966 0.04
+0.368 0.092 0.04
+0.3726 0.0874 0.04
+0.3772 0.0828 0.04
+0.3818 0.0782 0.04
+0.3864 0.0736 0.04
+0.391 0.069 0.04
+0.3956 0.0644 0.04
+0.4002 0.0598 0.04
+0.4048 0.0552 0.04
+0.4094 0.0506 0.04
+0.414 0.046 0.04
+0.4186 0.0414 0.04
+0.4232 0.0368 0.04
+0.4278 0.0322 0.04
+0.4324 0.0276 0.04
+0.437 0.023 0.04
+0.4416 0.0184 0.04
+0.4462 0.0138 0.04
+0.4508 0.0092 0.04
+0.4554 0.0046 0.04
+0 0.465 0.035
+0.00465 0.46035 0.035
+0.0093 0.4557 0.035
+0.01395 0.45105 0.035
+0.0186 0.4464 0.035
+0.02325 0.44175 0.035
+0.0279 0.4371 0.035
+0.03255 0.43245 0.035
+0.0372 0.4278 0.035
+0.04185 0.42315 0.035
+0.0465 0.4185 0.035
+0.05115 0.41385 0.035
+0.0558 0.4092 0.035
+0.06045 0.40455 0.035
+0.0651 0.3999 0.035
+0.06975 0.39525 0.035
+0.0744 0.3906 0.035
+0.07905 0.38595 0.035
+0.0837 0.3813 0.035
+0.08835 0.37665 0.035
+0.093 0.372 0.035
+0.09765 0.36735 0.035
+0.1023 0.3627 0.035
+0.10695 0.35805 0.035
+0.1116 0.3534 0.035
+0.11625 0.34875 0.035
+0.1209 0.3441 0.035
+0.12555 0.33945 0.035
+0.1302 0.3348 0.035
+0.13485 0.33015 0.035
+0.1395 0.3255 0.035
+0.14415 0.32085 0.035
+0.1488 0.3162 0.035
+0.15345 0.31155 0.035
+0.1581 0.3069 0.035
+0.16275 0.30225 0.035
+0.1674 0.2976 0.035
+0.17205 0.29295 0.035
+0.1767 0.2883 0.035
+0.18135 0.28365 0.035
+0.186 0.279 0.035
+0.19065 0.27435 0.035
+0.1953 0.2697 0.035
+0.19995 0.26505 0.035
+0.2046 0.2604 0.035
+0.20925 0.25575 0.035
+0.2139 0.2511 0.035
+0.21855 0.24645 0.035
+0.2232 0.2418 0.035
+0.22785 0.23715 0.035
+0.2325 0.2325 0.035
+0.23715 0.22785 0.035
+0.2418 0.2232 0.035
+0.24645 0.21855 0.035
+0.2511 0.2139 0.035
+0.25575 0.20925 0.035
+0.2604 0.2046 0.035
+0.26505 0.19995 0.035
+0.2697 0.1953 0.035
+0.27435 0.19065 0.035
+0.279 0.186 0.035
+0.28365 0.18135 0.035
+0.2883 0.1767 0.035
+0.29295 0.17205 0.035
+0.2976 0.1674 0.035
+0.30225 0.16275 0.035
+0.3069 0.1581 0.035
+0.31155 0.15345 0.035
+0.3162 0.1488 0.035
+0.32085 0.14415 0.035
+0.3255 0.1395 0.035
+0.33015 0.13485 0.035
+0.3348 0.1302 0.035
+0.33945 0.12555 0.035
+0.3441 0.1209 0.035
+0.34875 0.11625 0.035
+0.3534 0.1116 0.035
+0.35805 0.10695 0.035
+0.3627 0.1023 0.035
+0.36735 0.09765 0.035
+0.372 0.093 0.035
+0.37665 0.08835 0.035
+0.3813 0.0837 0.035
+0.38595 0.07905 0.035
+0.3906 0.0744 0.035
+0.39525 0.06975 0.035
+0.3999 0.0651 0.035
+0.40455 0.06045 0.035
+0.4092 0.0558 0.035
+0.41385 0.05115 0.035
+0.4185 0.0465 0.035
+0.42315 0.04185 0.035
+0.4278 0.0372 0.035
+0.43245 0.03255 0.035
+0.4371 0.0279 0.035
+0.44175 0.02325 0.035
+0.4464 0.0186 0.035
+0.45105 0.01395 0.035
+0.4557 0.0093 0.035
+0.46035 0.00465 0.035
+0 0.47 0.03
+0.0047 0.4653 0.03
+0.0094 0.4606 0.03
+0.0141 0.4559 0.03
+0.0188 0.4512 0.03
+0.0235 0.4465 0.03
+0.0282 0.4418 0.03
+0.0329 0.4371 0.03
+0.0376 0.4324 0.03
+0.0423 0.4277 0.03
+0.047 0.423 0.03
+0.0517 0.4183 0.03
+0.0564 0.4136 0.03
+0.0611 0.4089 0.03
+0.0658 0.4042 0.03
+0.0705 0.3995 0.03
+0.0752 0.3948 0.03
+0.0799 0.3901 0.03
+0.0846 0.3854 0.03
+0.0893 0.3807 0.03
+0.094 0.376 0.03
+0.0987 0.3713 0.03
+0.1034 0.3666 0.03
+0.1081 0.3619 0.03
+0.1128 0.3572 0.03
+0.1175 0.3525 0.03
+0.1222 0.3478 0.03
+0.1269 0.3431 0.03
+0.1316 0.3384 0.03
+0.1363 0.3337 0.03
+0.141 0.329 0.03
+0.1457 0.3243 0.03
+0.1504 0.3196 0.03
+0.1551 0.3149 0.03
+0.1598 0.3102 0.03
+0.1645 0.3055 0.03
+0.1692 0.3008 0.03
+0.1739 0.2961 0.03
+0.1786 0.2914 0.03
+0.1833 0.2867 0.03
+0.188 0.282 0.03
+0.1927 0.2773 0.03
+0.1974 0.2726 0.03
+0.2021 0.2679 0.03
+0.2068 0.2632 0.03
+0.2115 0.2585 0.03
+0.2162 0.2538 0.03
+0.2209 0.2491 0.03
+0.2256 0.2444 0.03
+0.2303 0.2397 0.03
+0.235 0.235 0.03
+0.2397 0.2303 0.03
+0.2444 0.2256 0.03
+0.2491 0.2209 0.03
+0.2538 0.2162 0.03
+0.2585 0.2115 0.03
+0.2632 0.2068 0.03
+0.2679 0.2021 0.03
+0.2726 0.1974 0.03
+0.2773 0.1927 0.03
+0.282 0.188 0.03
+0.2867 0.1833 0.03
+0.2914 0.1786 0.03
+0.2961 0.1739 0.03
+0.3008 0.1692 0.03
+0.3055 0.1645 0.03
+0.3102 0.1598 0.03
+0.3149 0.1551 0.03
+0.3196 0.1504 0.03
+0.3243 0.1457 0.03
+0.329 0.141 0.03
+0.3337 0.1363 0.03
+0.3384 0.1316 0.03
+0.3431 0.1269 0.03
+0.3478 0.1222 0.03
+0.3525 0.1175 0.03
+0.3572 0.1128 0.03
+0.3619 0.1081 0.03
+0.3666 0.1034 0.03
+0.3713 0.0987 0.03
+0.376 0.094 0.03
+0.3807 0.0893 0.03
+0.3854 0.0846 0.03
+0.3901 0.0799 0.03
+0.3948 0.0752 0.03
+0.3995 0.0705 0.03
+0.4042 0.0658 0.03
+0.4089 0.0611 0.03
+0.4136 0.0564 0.03
+0.4183 0.0517 0.03
+0.423 0.047 0.03
+0.4277 0.0423 0.03
+0.4324 0.0376 0.03
+0.4371 0.0329 0.03
+0.4418 0.0282 0.03
+0.4465 0.0235 0.03
+0.4512 0.0188 0.03
+0.4559 0.0141 0.03
+0.4606 0.0094 0.03
+0.4653 0.0047 0.03
+0 0.475 0.025
+0.00475 0.47025 0.025
+0.0095 0.4655 0.025
+0.01425 0.46075 0.025
+0.019 0.456 0.025
+0.02375 0.45125 0.025
+0.0285 0.4465 0.025
+0.03325 0.44175 0.025
+0.038 0.437 0.025
+0.04275 0.43225 0.025
+0.0475 0.4275 0.025
+0.05225 0.42275 0.025
+0.057 0.418 0.025
+0.06175 0.41325 0.025
+0.0665 0.4085 0.025
+0.07125 0.40375 0.025
+0.076 0.399 0.025
+0.08075 0.39425 0.025
+0.0855 0.3895 0.025
+0.09025 0.38475 0.025
+0.095 0.38 0.025
+0.09975 0.37525 0.025
+0.1045 0.3705 0.025
+0.10925 0.36575 0.025
+0.114 0.361 0.025
+0.11875 0.35625 0.025
+0.1235 0.3515 0.025
+0.12825 0.34675 0.025
+0.133 0.342 0.025
+0.13775 0.33725 0.025
+0.1425 0.3325 0.025
+0.14725 0.32775 0.025
+0.152 0.323 0.025
+0.15675 0.31825 0.025
+0.1615 0.3135 0.025
+0.16625 0.30875 0.025
+0.171 0.304 0.025
+0.17575 0.29925 0.025
+0.1805 0.2945 0.025
+0.18525 0.28975 0.025
+0.19 0.285 0.025
+0.19475 0.28025 0.025
+0.1995 0.2755 0.025
+0.20425 0.27075 0.025
+0.209 0.266 0.025
+0.21375 0.26125 0.025
+0.2185 0.2565 0.025
+0.22325 0.25175 0.025
+0.228 0.247 0.025
+0.23275 0.24225 0.025
+0.2375 0.2375 0.025
+0.24225 0.23275 0.025
+0.247 0.228 0.025
+0.25175 0.22325 0.025
+0.2565 0.2185 0.025
+0.26125 0.21375 0.025
+0.266 0.209 0.025
+0.27075 0.20425 0.025
+0.2755 0.1995 0.025
+0.28025 0.19475 0.025
+0.285 0.19 0.025
+0.28975 0.18525 0.025
+0.2945 0.1805 0.025
+0.29925 0.17575 0.025
+0.304 0.171 0.025
+0.30875 0.16625 0.025
+0.3135 0.1615 0.025
+0.31825 0.15675 0.025
+0.323 0.152 0.025
+0.32775 0.14725 0.025
+0.3325 0.1425 0.025
+0.33725 0.13775 0.025
+0.342 0.133 0.025
+0.34675 0.12825 0.025
+0.3515 0.1235 0.025
+0.35625 0.11875 0.025
+0.361 0.114 0.025
+0.36575 0.10925 0.025
+0.3705 0.1045 0.025
+0.37525 0.09975 0.025
+0.38 0.095 0.025
+0.38475 0.09025 0.025
+0.3895 0.0855 0.025
+0.39425 0.08075 0.025
+0.399 0.076 0.025
+0.40375 0.07125 0.025
+0.4085 0.0665 0.025
+0.41325 0.06175 0.025
+0.418 0.057 0.025
+0.42275 0.05225 0.025
+0.4275 0.0475 0.025
+0.43225 0.04275 0.025
+0.437 0.038 0.025
+0.44175 0.03325 0.025
+0.4465 0.0285 0.025
+0.45125 0.02375 0.025
+0.456 0.019 0.025
+0.46075 0.01425 0.025
+0.4655 0.0095 0.025
+0.47025 0.00475 0.025
+0 0.48 0.02
+0.0048 0.4752 0.02
+0.0096 0.4704 0.02
+0.0144 0.4656 0.02
+0.0192 0.4608 0.02
+0.024 0.456 0.02
+0.0288 0.4512 0.02
+0.0336 0.4464 0.02
+0.0384 0.4416 0.02
+0.0432 0.4368 0.02
+0.048 0.432 0.02
+0.0528 0.4272 0.02
+0.0576 0.4224 0.02
+0.0624 0.4176 0.02
+0.0672 0.4128 0.02
+0.072 0.408 0.02
+0.0768 0.4032 0.02
+0.0816 0.3984 0.02
+0.0864 0.3936 0.02
+0.0912 0.3888 0.02
+0.096 0.384 0.02
+0.1008 0.3792 0.02
+0.1056 0.3744 0.02
+0.1104 0.3696 0.02
+0.1152 0.3648 0.02
+0.12 0.36 0.02
+0.1248 0.3552 0.02
+0.1296 0.3504 0.02
+0.1344 0.3456 0.02
+0.1392 0.3408 0.02
+0.144 0.336 0.02
+0.1488 0.3312 0.02
+0.1536 0.3264 0.02
+0.1584 0.3216 0.02
+0.1632 0.3168 0.02
+0.168 0.312 0.02
+0.1728 0.3072 0.02
+0.1776 0.3024 0.02
+0.1824 0.2976 0.02
+0.1872 0.2928 0.02
+0.192 0.288 0.02
+0.1968 0.2832 0.02
+0.2016 0.2784 0.02
+0.2064 0.2736 0.02
+0.2112 0.2688 0.02
+0.216 0.264 0.02
+0.2208 0.2592 0.02
+0.2256 0.2544 0.02
+0.2304 0.2496 0.02
+0.2352 0.2448 0.02
+0.24 0.24 0.02
+0.2448 0.2352 0.02
+0.2496 0.2304 0.02
+0.2544 0.2256 0.02
+0.2592 0.2208 0.02
+0.264 0.216 0.02
+0.2688 0.2112 0.02
+0.2736 0.2064 0.02
+0.2784 0.2016 0.02
+0.2832 0.1968 0.02
+0.288 0.192 0.02
+0.2928 0.1872 0.02
+0.2976 0.1824 0.02
+0.3024 0.1776 0.02
+0.3072 0.1728 0.02
+0.312 0.168 0.02
+0.3168 0.1632 0.02
+0.3216 0.1584 0.02
+0.3264 0.1536 0.02
+0.3312 0.1488 0.02
+0.336 0.144 0.02
+0.3408 0.1392 0.02
+0.3456 0.1344 0.02
+0.3504 0.1296 0.02
+0.3552 0.1248 0.02
+0.36 0.12 0.02
+0.3648 0.1152 0.02
+0.3696 0.1104 0.02
+0.3744 0.1056 0.02
+0.3792 0.1008 0.02
+0.384 0.096 0.02
+0.3888 0.0912 0.02
+0.3936 0.0864 0.02
+0.3984 0.0816 0.02
+0.4032 0.0768 0.02
+0.408 0.072 0.02
+0.4128 0.0672 0.02
+0.4176 0.0624 0.02
+0.4224 0.0576 0.02
+0.4272 0.0528 0.02
+0.432 0.048 0.02
+0.4368 0.0432 0.02
+0.4416 0.0384 0.02
+0.4464 0.0336 0.02
+0.4512 0.0288 0.02
+0.456 0.024 0.02
+0.4608 0.0192 0.02
+0.4656 0.0144 0.02
+0.4704 0.0096 0.02
+0.4752 0.0048 0.02
+0 0.485 0.015
+0.00485 0.48015 0.015
+0.0097 0.4753 0.015
+0.01455 0.47045 0.015
+0.0194 0.4656 0.015
+0.02425 0.46075 0.015
+0.0291 0.4559 0.015
+0.03395 0.45105 0.015
+0.0388 0.4462 0.015
+0.04365 0.44135 0.015
+0.0485 0.4365 0.015
+0.05335 0.43165 0.015
+0.0582 0.4268 0.015
+0.06305 0.42195 0.015
+0.0679 0.4171 0.015
+0.07275 0.41225 0.015
+0.0776 0.4074 0.015
+0.08245 0.40255 0.015
+0.0873 0.3977 0.015
+0.09215 0.39285 0.015
+0.097 0.388 0.015
+0.10185 0.38315 0.015
+0.1067 0.3783 0.015
+0.11155 0.37345 0.015
+0.1164 0.3686 0.015
+0.12125 0.36375 0.015
+0.1261 0.3589 0.015
+0.13095 0.35405 0.015
+0.1358 0.3492 0.015
+0.14065 0.34435 0.015
+0.1455 0.3395 0.015
+0.15035 0.33465 0.015
+0.1552 0.3298 0.015
+0.16005 0.32495 0.015
+0.1649 0.3201 0.015
+0.16975 0.31525 0.015
+0.1746 0.3104 0.015
+0.17945 0.30555 0.015
+0.1843 0.3007 0.015
+0.18915 0.29585 0.015
+0.194 0.291 0.015
+0.19885 0.28615 0.015
+0.2037 0.2813 0.015
+0.20855 0.27645 0.015
+0.2134 0.2716 0.015
+0.21825 0.26675 0.015
+0.2231 0.2619 0.015
+0.22795 0.25705 0.015
+0.2328 0.2522 0.015
+0.23765 0.24735 0.015
+0.2425 0.2425 0.015
+0.24735 0.23765 0.015
+0.2522 0.2328 0.015
+0.25705 0.22795 0.015
+0.2619 0.2231 0.015
+0.26675 0.21825 0.015
+0.2716 0.2134 0.015
+0.27645 0.20855 0.015
+0.2813 0.2037 0.015
+0.28615 0.19885 0.015
+0.291 0.194 0.015
+0.29585 0.18915 0.015
+0.3007 0.1843 0.015
+0.30555 0.17945 0.015
+0.3104 0.1746 0.015
+0.31525 0.16975 0.015
+0.3201 0.1649 0.015
+0.32495 0.16005 0.015
+0.3298 0.1552 0.015
+0.33465 0.15035 0.015
+0.3395 0.1455 0.015
+0.34435 0.14065 0.015
+0.3492 0.1358 0.015
+0.35405 0.13095 0.015
+0.3589 0.1261 0.015
+0.36375 0.12125 0.015
+0.3686 0.1164 0.015
+0.37345 0.11155 0.015
+0.3783 0.1067 0.015
+0.38315 0.10185 0.015
+0.388 0.097 0.015
+0.39285 0.09215 0.015
+0.3977 0.0873 0.015
+0.40255 0.08245 0.015
+0.4074 0.0776 0.015
+0.41225 0.07275 0.015
+0.4171 0.0679 0.015
+0.42195 0.06305 0.015
+0.4268 0.0582 0.015
+0.43165 0.05335 0.015
+0.4365 0.0485 0.015
+0.44135 0.04365 0.015
+0.4462 0.0388 0.015
+0.45105 0.03395 0.015
+0.4559 0.0291 0.015
+0.46075 0.02425 0.015
+0.4656 0.0194 0.015
+0.47045 0.01455 0.015
+0.4753 0.0097 0.015
+0.48015 0.00485 0.015
+0 0.49 0.01
+0.0049 0.4851 0.01
+0.0098 0.4802 0.01
+0.0147 0.4753 0.01
+0.0196 0.4704 0.01
+0.0245 0.4655 0.01
+0.0294 0.4606 0.01
+0.0343 0.4557 0.01
+0.0392 0.4508 0.01
+0.0441 0.4459 0.01
+0.049 0.441 0.01
+0.0539 0.4361 0.01
+0.0588 0.4312 0.01
+0.0637 0.4263 0.01
+0.0686 0.4214 0.01
+0.0735 0.4165 0.01
+0.0784 0.4116 0.01
+0.0833 0.4067 0.01
+0.0882 0.4018 0.01
+0.0931 0.3969 0.01
+0.098 0.392 0.01
+0.1029 0.3871 0.01
+0.1078 0.3822 0.01
+0.1127 0.3773 0.01
+0.1176 0.3724 0.01
+0.1225 0.3675 0.01
+0.1274 0.3626 0.01
+0.1323 0.3577 0.01
+0.1372 0.3528 0.01
+0.1421 0.3479 0.01
+0.147 0.343 0.01
+0.1519 0.3381 0.01
+0.1568 0.3332 0.01
+0.1617 0.3283 0.01
+0.1666 0.3234 0.01
+0.1715 0.3185 0.01
+0.1764 0.3136 0.01
+0.1813 0.3087 0.01
+0.1862 0.3038 0.01
+0.1911 0.2989 0.01
+0.196 0.294 0.01
+0.2009 0.2891 0.01
+0.2058 0.2842 0.01
+0.2107 0.2793 0.01
+0.2156 0.2744 0.01
+0.2205 0.2695 0.01
+0.2254 0.2646 0.01
+0.2303 0.2597 0.01
+0.2352 0.2548 0.01
+0.2401 0.2499 0.01
+0.245 0.245 0.01
+0.2499 0.2401 0.01
+0.2548 0.2352 0.01
+0.2597 0.2303 0.01
+0.2646 0.2254 0.01
+0.2695 0.2205 0.01
+0.2744 0.2156 0.01
+0.2793 0.2107 0.01
+0.2842 0.2058 0.01
+0.2891 0.2009 0.01
+0.294 0.196 0.01
+0.2989 0.1911 0.01
+0.3038 0.1862 0.01
+0.3087 0.1813 0.01
+0.3136 0.1764 0.01
+0.3185 0.1715 0.01
+0.3234 0.1666 0.01
+0.3283 0.1617 0.01
+0.3332 0.1568 0.01
+0.3381 0.1519 0.01
+0.343 0.147 0.01
+0.3479 0.1421 0.01
+0.3528 0.1372 0.01
+0.3577 0.1323 0.01
+0.3626 0.1274 0.01
+0.3675 0.1225 0.01
+0.3724 0.1176 0.01
+0.3773 0.1127 0.01
+0.3822 0.1078 0.01
+0.3871 0.1029 0.01
+0.392 0.098 0.01
+0.3969 0.0931 0.01
+0.4018 0.0882 0.01
+0.4067 0.0833 0.01
+0.4116 0.0784 0.01
+0.4165 0.0735 0.01
+0.4214 0.0686 0.01
+0.4263 0.0637 0.01
+0.4312 0.0588 0.01
+0.4361 0.0539 0.01
+0.441 0.049 0.01
+0.4459 0.0441 0.01
+0.4508 0.0392 0.01
+0.4557 0.0343 0.01
+0.4606 0.0294 0.01
+0.4655 0.0245 0.01
+0.4704 0.0196 0.01
+0.4753 0.0147 0.01
+0.4802 0.0098 0.01
+0.4851 0.0049 0.01
+0 0.495 0.005
+0.00495 0.49005 0.005
+0.0099 0.4851 0.005
+0.01485 0.48015 0.005
+0.0198 0.4752 0.005
+0.02475 0.47025 0.005
+0.0297 0.4653 0.005
+0.03465 0.46035 0.005
+0.0396 0.4554 0.005
+0.04455 0.45045 0.005
+0.0495 0.4455 0.005
+0.05445 0.44055 0.005
+0.0594 0.4356 0.005
+0.06435 0.43065 0.005
+0.0693 0.4257 0.005
+0.07425 0.42075 0.005
+0.0792 0.4158 0.005
+0.08415 0.41085 0.005
+0.0891 0.4059 0.005
+0.09405 0.40095 0.005
+0.099 0.396 0.005
+0.10395 0.39105 0.005
+0.1089 0.3861 0.005
+0.11385 0.38115 0.005
+0.1188 0.3762 0.005
+0.12375 0.37125 0.005
+0.1287 0.3663 0.005
+0.13365 0.36135 0.005
+0.1386 0.3564 0.005
+0.14355 0.35145 0.005
+0.1485 0.3465 0.005
+0.15345 0.34155 0.005
+0.1584 0.3366 0.005
+0.16335 0.33165 0.005
+0.1683 0.3267 0.005
+0.17325 0.32175 0.005
+0.1782 0.3168 0.005
+0.18315 0.31185 0.005
+0.1881 0.3069 0.005
+0.19305 0.30195 0.005
+0.198 0.297 0.005
+0.20295 0.29205 0.005
+0.2079 0.2871 0.005
+0.21285 0.28215 0.005
+0.2178 0.2772 0.005
+0.22275 0.27225 0.005
+0.2277 0.2673 0.005
+0.23265 0.26235 0.005
+0.2376 0.2574 0.005
+0.24255 0.25245 0.005
+0.2475 0.2475 0.005
+0.25245 0.24255 0.005
+0.2574 0.2376 0.005
+0.26235 0.23265 0.005
+0.2673 0.2277 0.005
+0.27225 0.22275 0.005
+0.2772 0.2178 0.005
+0.28215 0.21285 0.005
+0.2871 0.2079 0.005
+0.29205 0.20295 0.005
+0.297 0.198 0.005
+0.30195 0.19305 0.005
+0.3069 0.1881 0.005
+0.31185 0.18315 0.005
+0.3168 0.1782 0.005
+0.32175 0.17325 0.005
+0.3267 0.1683 0.005
+0.33165 0.16335 0.005
+0.3366 0.1584 0.005
+0.34155 0.15345 0.005
+0.3465 0.1485 0.005
+0.35145 0.14355 0.005
+0.3564 0.1386 0.005
+0.36135 0.13365 0.005
+0.3663 0.1287 0.005
+0.37125 0.12375 0.005
+0.3762 0.1188 0.005
+0.38115 0.11385 0.005
+0.3861 0.1089 0.005
+0.39105 0.10395 0.005
+0.396 0.099 0.005
+0.40095 0.09405 0.005
+0.4059 0.0891 0.005
+0.41085 0.08415 0.005
+0.4158 0.0792 0.005
+0.42075 0.07425 0.005
+0.4257 0.0693 0.005
+0.43065 0.06435 0.005
+0.4356 0.0594 0.005
+0.44055 0.05445 0.005
+0.4455 0.0495 0.005
+0.45045 0.04455 0.005
+0.4554 0.0396 0.005
+0.46035 0.03465 0.005
+0.4653 0.0297 0.005
+0.47025 0.02475 0.005
+0.4752 0.0198 0.005
+0.48015 0.01485 0.005
+0.4851 0.0099 0.005
+0.49005 0.00495 0.005
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/reference_front/ZDT1.pf b/jmetal/problem/reference_front/ZDT1.pf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78593afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/problem/reference_front/ZDT1.pf
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+0 1
+0.001 0.968377
+0.002 0.955279
+0.003 0.945228
+0.004 0.936754
+0.005 0.929289
+0.006 0.92254
+0.007 0.916334
+0.008 0.910557
+0.009 0.905132
+0.01 0.9
+0.011 0.895119
+0.012 0.890455
+0.013 0.885982
+0.014 0.881678
+0.015 0.877526
+0.016 0.873509
+0.017 0.869616
+0.018 0.865836
+0.019 0.86216
+0.02 0.858579
+0.021 0.855086
+0.022 0.851676
+0.023 0.848342
+0.024 0.845081
+0.025 0.841886
+0.026 0.838755
+0.027 0.835683
+0.028 0.832668
+0.029 0.829706
+0.03 0.826795
+0.031 0.823932
+0.032 0.821115
+0.033 0.818341
+0.034 0.815609
+0.035 0.812917
+0.036 0.810263
+0.037 0.807646
+0.038 0.805064
+0.039 0.802516
+0.04 0.8
+0.041 0.797515
+0.042 0.795061
+0.043 0.792636
+0.044 0.790238
+0.045 0.787868
+0.046 0.785524
+0.047 0.783205
+0.048 0.780911
+0.049 0.778641
+0.05 0.776393
+0.051 0.774168
+0.052 0.771965
+0.053 0.769783
+0.054 0.767621
+0.055 0.765479
+0.056 0.763357
+0.057 0.761253
+0.058 0.759168
+0.059 0.757101
+0.06 0.755051
+0.061 0.753018
+0.062 0.751002
+0.063 0.749002
+0.064 0.747018
+0.065 0.745049
+0.066 0.743095
+0.067 0.741156
+0.068 0.739232
+0.069 0.737321
+0.07 0.735425
+0.071 0.733542
+0.072 0.731672
+0.073 0.729815
+0.074 0.727971
+0.075 0.726139
+0.076 0.724319
+0.077 0.722511
+0.078 0.720715
+0.079 0.718931
+0.08 0.717157
+0.081 0.715395
+0.082 0.713644
+0.083 0.711903
+0.084 0.710172
+0.085 0.708452
+0.086 0.706742
+0.087 0.705042
+0.088 0.703352
+0.089 0.701671
+0.09 0.7
+0.091 0.698338
+0.092 0.696685
+0.093 0.695041
+0.094 0.693406
+0.095 0.691779
+0.096 0.690161
+0.097 0.688552
+0.098 0.68695
+0.099 0.685357
+0.1 0.683772
+0.101 0.682195
+0.102 0.680626
+0.103 0.679064
+0.104 0.67751
+0.105 0.675963
+0.106 0.674424
+0.107 0.672891
+0.108 0.671366
+0.109 0.669849
+0.11 0.668338
+0.111 0.666833
+0.112 0.665336
+0.113 0.663845
+0.114 0.662361
+0.115 0.660884
+0.116 0.659412
+0.117 0.657947
+0.118 0.656489
+0.119 0.655036
+0.12 0.65359
+0.121 0.652149
+0.122 0.650715
+0.123 0.649286
+0.124 0.647864
+0.125 0.646447
+0.126 0.645035
+0.127 0.643629
+0.128 0.642229
+0.129 0.640834
+0.13 0.639445
+0.131 0.638061
+0.132 0.636682
+0.133 0.635308
+0.134 0.63394
+0.135 0.632577
+0.136 0.631218
+0.137 0.629865
+0.138 0.628516
+0.139 0.627173
+0.14 0.625834
+0.141 0.6245
+0.142 0.623171
+0.143 0.621847
+0.144 0.620527
+0.145 0.619211
+0.146 0.617901
+0.147 0.616594
+0.148 0.615292
+0.149 0.613995
+0.15 0.612702
+0.151 0.611413
+0.152 0.610128
+0.153 0.608848
+0.154 0.607572
+0.155 0.6063
+0.156 0.605032
+0.157 0.603768
+0.158 0.602508
+0.159 0.601252
+0.16 0.6
+0.161 0.598752
+0.162 0.597508
+0.163 0.596267
+0.164 0.595031
+0.165 0.593798
+0.166 0.592569
+0.167 0.591344
+0.168 0.590122
+0.169 0.588904
+0.17 0.587689
+0.171 0.586479
+0.172 0.585271
+0.173 0.584067
+0.174 0.582867
+0.175 0.58167
+0.176 0.580476
+0.177 0.579286
+0.178 0.5781
+0.179 0.576916
+0.18 0.575736
+0.181 0.574559
+0.182 0.573385
+0.183 0.572215
+0.184 0.571048
+0.185 0.569884
+0.186 0.568723
+0.187 0.567565
+0.188 0.56641
+0.189 0.565259
+0.19 0.56411
+0.191 0.562965
+0.192 0.561822
+0.193 0.560682
+0.194 0.559546
+0.195 0.558412
+0.196 0.557281
+0.197 0.556153
+0.198 0.555028
+0.199 0.553906
+0.2 0.552786
+0.201 0.55167
+0.202 0.550556
+0.203 0.549445
+0.204 0.548336
+0.205 0.547231
+0.206 0.546128
+0.207 0.545027
+0.208 0.54393
+0.209 0.542835
+0.21 0.541742
+0.211 0.540653
+0.212 0.539565
+0.213 0.538481
+0.214 0.537399
+0.215 0.536319
+0.216 0.535242
+0.217 0.534167
+0.218 0.533095
+0.219 0.532026
+0.22 0.530958
+0.221 0.529894
+0.222 0.528831
+0.223 0.527771
+0.224 0.526714
+0.225 0.525658
+0.226 0.524605
+0.227 0.523555
+0.228 0.522507
+0.229 0.521461
+0.23 0.520417
+0.231 0.519375
+0.232 0.518336
+0.233 0.517299
+0.234 0.516265
+0.235 0.515232
+0.236 0.514202
+0.237 0.513174
+0.238 0.512148
+0.239 0.511124
+0.24 0.510102
+0.241 0.509082
+0.242 0.508065
+0.243 0.50705
+0.244 0.506036
+0.245 0.505025
+0.246 0.504016
+0.247 0.503009
+0.248 0.502004
+0.249 0.501001
+0.25 0.5
+0.251 0.499001
+0.252 0.498004
+0.253 0.497009
+0.254 0.496016
+0.255 0.495025
+0.256 0.494036
+0.257 0.493048
+0.258 0.492063
+0.259 0.49108
+0.26 0.490098
+0.261 0.489118
+0.262 0.488141
+0.263 0.487165
+0.264 0.486191
+0.265 0.485218
+0.266 0.484248
+0.267 0.48328
+0.268 0.482313
+0.269 0.481348
+0.27 0.480385
+0.271 0.479423
+0.272 0.478464
+0.273 0.477506
+0.274 0.47655
+0.275 0.475596
+0.276 0.474643
+0.277 0.473692
+0.278 0.472743
+0.279 0.471795
+0.28 0.47085
+0.281 0.469906
+0.282 0.468963
+0.283 0.468023
+0.284 0.467083
+0.285 0.466146
+0.286 0.46521
+0.287 0.464276
+0.288 0.463344
+0.289 0.462413
+0.29 0.461484
+0.291 0.460556
+0.292 0.45963
+0.293 0.458705
+0.294 0.457782
+0.295 0.456861
+0.296 0.455941
+0.297 0.455023
+0.298 0.454106
+0.299 0.453191
+0.3 0.452277
+0.301 0.451365
+0.302 0.450455
+0.303 0.449546
+0.304 0.448638
+0.305 0.447732
+0.306 0.446827
+0.307 0.445924
+0.308 0.445023
+0.309 0.444122
+0.31 0.443224
+0.311 0.442326
+0.312 0.44143
+0.313 0.440536
+0.314 0.439643
+0.315 0.438751
+0.316 0.437861
+0.317 0.436972
+0.318 0.436085
+0.319 0.435199
+0.32 0.434315
+0.321 0.433431
+0.322 0.43255
+0.323 0.431669
+0.324 0.43079
+0.325 0.429912
+0.326 0.429036
+0.327 0.428161
+0.328 0.427287
+0.329 0.426415
+0.33 0.425544
+0.331 0.424674
+0.332 0.423806
+0.333 0.422938
+0.334 0.422073
+0.335 0.421208
+0.336 0.420345
+0.337 0.419483
+0.338 0.418622
+0.339 0.417763
+0.34 0.416905
+0.341 0.416048
+0.342 0.415192
+0.343 0.414338
+0.344 0.413485
+0.345 0.412633
+0.346 0.411782
+0.347 0.410933
+0.348 0.410085
+0.349 0.409238
+0.35 0.408392
+0.351 0.407547
+0.352 0.406704
+0.353 0.405862
+0.354 0.405021
+0.355 0.404181
+0.356 0.403343
+0.357 0.402505
+0.358 0.401669
+0.359 0.400834
+0.36 0.4
+0.361 0.399167
+0.362 0.398336
+0.363 0.397505
+0.364 0.396676
+0.365 0.395848
+0.366 0.395021
+0.367 0.394195
+0.368 0.39337
+0.369 0.392546
+0.37 0.391724
+0.371 0.390902
+0.372 0.390082
+0.373 0.389263
+0.374 0.388445
+0.375 0.387628
+0.376 0.386812
+0.377 0.385997
+0.378 0.385183
+0.379 0.38437
+0.38 0.383559
+0.381 0.382748
+0.382 0.381939
+0.383 0.38113
+0.384 0.380323
+0.385 0.379516
+0.386 0.378711
+0.387 0.377907
+0.388 0.377104
+0.389 0.376301
+0.39 0.3755
+0.391 0.3747
+0.392 0.373901
+0.393 0.373103
+0.394 0.372306
+0.395 0.37151
+0.396 0.370715
+0.397 0.369921
+0.398 0.369128
+0.399 0.368336
+0.4 0.367544
+0.401 0.366754
+0.402 0.365965
+0.403 0.365177
+0.404 0.36439
+0.405 0.363604
+0.406 0.362819
+0.407 0.362034
+0.408 0.361251
+0.409 0.360469
+0.41 0.359688
+0.411 0.358907
+0.412 0.358128
+0.413 0.357349
+0.414 0.356572
+0.415 0.355795
+0.416 0.355019
+0.417 0.354245
+0.418 0.353471
+0.419 0.352698
+0.42 0.351926
+0.421 0.351155
+0.422 0.350385
+0.423 0.349615
+0.424 0.348847
+0.425 0.34808
+0.426 0.347313
+0.427 0.346548
+0.428 0.345783
+0.429 0.345019
+0.43 0.344256
+0.431 0.343494
+0.432 0.342733
+0.433 0.341973
+0.434 0.341213
+0.435 0.340455
+0.436 0.339697
+0.437 0.33894
+0.438 0.338184
+0.439 0.337429
+0.44 0.336675
+0.441 0.335922
+0.442 0.335169
+0.443 0.334418
+0.444 0.333667
+0.445 0.332917
+0.446 0.332168
+0.447 0.331419
+0.448 0.330672
+0.449 0.329925
+0.45 0.32918
+0.451 0.328435
+0.452 0.327691
+0.453 0.326947
+0.454 0.326205
+0.455 0.325463
+0.456 0.324722
+0.457 0.323982
+0.458 0.323243
+0.459 0.322505
+0.46 0.321767
+0.461 0.32103
+0.462 0.320294
+0.463 0.319559
+0.464 0.318825
+0.465 0.318091
+0.466 0.317358
+0.467 0.316626
+0.468 0.315895
+0.469 0.315164
+0.47 0.314435
+0.471 0.313706
+0.472 0.312977
+0.473 0.31225
+0.474 0.311523
+0.475 0.310798
+0.476 0.310072
+0.477 0.309348
+0.478 0.308625
+0.479 0.307902
+0.48 0.30718
+0.481 0.306458
+0.482 0.305738
+0.483 0.305018
+0.484 0.304299
+0.485 0.303581
+0.486 0.302863
+0.487 0.302146
+0.488 0.30143
+0.489 0.300715
+0.49 0.3
+0.491 0.299286
+0.492 0.298573
+0.493 0.29786
+0.494 0.297149
+0.495 0.296438
+0.496 0.295727
+0.497 0.295018
+0.498 0.294309
+0.499 0.293601
+0.5 0.292893
+0.501 0.292186
+0.502 0.29148
+0.503 0.290775
+0.504 0.29007
+0.505 0.289366
+0.506 0.288663
+0.507 0.287961
+0.508 0.287259
+0.509 0.286558
+0.51 0.285857
+0.511 0.285157
+0.512 0.284458
+0.513 0.28376
+0.514 0.283062
+0.515 0.282365
+0.516 0.281669
+0.517 0.280973
+0.518 0.280278
+0.519 0.279583
+0.52 0.27889
+0.521 0.278197
+0.522 0.277504
+0.523 0.276813
+0.524 0.276122
+0.525 0.275431
+0.526 0.274741
+0.527 0.274052
+0.528 0.273364
+0.529 0.272676
+0.53 0.271989
+0.531 0.271303
+0.532 0.270617
+0.533 0.269932
+0.534 0.269247
+0.535 0.268563
+0.536 0.26788
+0.537 0.267197
+0.538 0.266515
+0.539 0.265834
+0.54 0.265153
+0.541 0.264473
+0.542 0.263794
+0.543 0.263115
+0.544 0.262436
+0.545 0.261759
+0.546 0.261082
+0.547 0.260406
+0.548 0.25973
+0.549 0.259055
+0.55 0.25838
+0.551 0.257706
+0.552 0.257033
+0.553 0.25636
+0.554 0.255688
+0.555 0.255017
+0.556 0.254346
+0.557 0.253676
+0.558 0.253006
+0.559 0.252337
+0.56 0.251669
+0.561 0.251001
+0.562 0.250333
+0.563 0.249667
+0.564 0.249001
+0.565 0.248335
+0.566 0.24767
+0.567 0.247006
+0.568 0.246342
+0.569 0.245679
+0.57 0.245017
+0.571 0.244355
+0.572 0.243693
+0.573 0.243032
+0.574 0.242372
+0.575 0.241712
+0.576 0.241053
+0.577 0.240395
+0.578 0.239737
+0.579 0.23908
+0.58 0.238423
+0.581 0.237766
+0.582 0.237111
+0.583 0.236456
+0.584 0.235801
+0.585 0.235147
+0.586 0.234494
+0.587 0.233841
+0.588 0.233188
+0.589 0.232537
+0.59 0.231885
+0.591 0.231235
+0.592 0.230585
+0.593 0.229935
+0.594 0.229286
+0.595 0.228638
+0.596 0.22799
+0.597 0.227342
+0.598 0.226695
+0.599 0.226049
+0.6 0.225403
+0.601 0.224758
+0.602 0.224113
+0.603 0.223469
+0.604 0.222826
+0.605 0.222183
+0.606 0.22154
+0.607 0.220898
+0.608 0.220256
+0.609 0.219615
+0.61 0.218975
+0.611 0.218335
+0.612 0.217696
+0.613 0.217057
+0.614 0.216418
+0.615 0.215781
+0.616 0.215143
+0.617 0.214507
+0.618 0.21387
+0.619 0.213234
+0.62 0.212599
+0.621 0.211964
+0.622 0.21133
+0.623 0.210697
+0.624 0.210063
+0.625 0.209431
+0.626 0.208798
+0.627 0.208167
+0.628 0.207535
+0.629 0.206905
+0.63 0.206275
+0.631 0.205645
+0.632 0.205016
+0.633 0.204387
+0.634 0.203759
+0.635 0.203131
+0.636 0.202504
+0.637 0.201877
+0.638 0.201251
+0.639 0.200625
+0.64 0.2
+0.641 0.199375
+0.642 0.198751
+0.643 0.198127
+0.644 0.197504
+0.645 0.196881
+0.646 0.196259
+0.647 0.195637
+0.648 0.195016
+0.649 0.194395
+0.65 0.193774
+0.651 0.193154
+0.652 0.192535
+0.653 0.191916
+0.654 0.191297
+0.655 0.190679
+0.656 0.190062
+0.657 0.189445
+0.658 0.188828
+0.659 0.188212
+0.66 0.187596
+0.661 0.186981
+0.662 0.186366
+0.663 0.185752
+0.664 0.185138
+0.665 0.184525
+0.666 0.183912
+0.667 0.183299
+0.668 0.182687
+0.669 0.182076
+0.67 0.181465
+0.671 0.180854
+0.672 0.180244
+0.673 0.179634
+0.674 0.179025
+0.675 0.178416
+0.676 0.177808
+0.677 0.1772
+0.678 0.176592
+0.679 0.175985
+0.68 0.175379
+0.681 0.174773
+0.682 0.174167
+0.683 0.173562
+0.684 0.172957
+0.685 0.172353
+0.686 0.171749
+0.687 0.171145
+0.688 0.170542
+0.689 0.16994
+0.69 0.169338
+0.691 0.168736
+0.692 0.168135
+0.693 0.167534
+0.694 0.166933
+0.695 0.166333
+0.696 0.165734
+0.697 0.165135
+0.698 0.164536
+0.699 0.163938
+0.7 0.16334
+0.701 0.162743
+0.702 0.162146
+0.703 0.161549
+0.704 0.160953
+0.705 0.160357
+0.706 0.159762
+0.707 0.159167
+0.708 0.158573
+0.709 0.157979
+0.71 0.157385
+0.711 0.156792
+0.712 0.156199
+0.713 0.155607
+0.714 0.155015
+0.715 0.154423
+0.716 0.153832
+0.717 0.153241
+0.718 0.152651
+0.719 0.152061
+0.72 0.151472
+0.721 0.150883
+0.722 0.150294
+0.723 0.149706
+0.724 0.149118
+0.725 0.148531
+0.726 0.147944
+0.727 0.147357
+0.728 0.146771
+0.729 0.146185
+0.73 0.1456
+0.731 0.145015
+0.732 0.14443
+0.733 0.143846
+0.734 0.143262
+0.735 0.142679
+0.736 0.142096
+0.737 0.141513
+0.738 0.140931
+0.739 0.140349
+0.74 0.139767
+0.741 0.139186
+0.742 0.138606
+0.743 0.138026
+0.744 0.137446
+0.745 0.136866
+0.746 0.136287
+0.747 0.135708
+0.748 0.13513
+0.749 0.134552
+0.75 0.133975
+0.751 0.133397
+0.752 0.132821
+0.753 0.132244
+0.754 0.131668
+0.755 0.131093
+0.756 0.130517
+0.757 0.129943
+0.758 0.129368
+0.759 0.128794
+0.76 0.12822
+0.761 0.127647
+0.762 0.127074
+0.763 0.126501
+0.764 0.125929
+0.765 0.125357
+0.766 0.124786
+0.767 0.124215
+0.768 0.123644
+0.769 0.123074
+0.77 0.122504
+0.771 0.121934
+0.772 0.121365
+0.773 0.120796
+0.774 0.120227
+0.775 0.119659
+0.776 0.119091
+0.777 0.118524
+0.778 0.117957
+0.779 0.11739
+0.78 0.116824
+0.781 0.116258
+0.782 0.115692
+0.783 0.115127
+0.784 0.114562
+0.785 0.113998
+0.786 0.113434
+0.787 0.11287
+0.788 0.112306
+0.789 0.111743
+0.79 0.111181
+0.791 0.110618
+0.792 0.110056
+0.793 0.109495
+0.794 0.108933
+0.795 0.108372
+0.796 0.107812
+0.797 0.107251
+0.798 0.106692
+0.799 0.106132
+0.8 0.105573
+0.801 0.105014
+0.802 0.104455
+0.803 0.103897
+0.804 0.10334
+0.805 0.102782
+0.806 0.102225
+0.807 0.101668
+0.808 0.101112
+0.809 0.100556
+0.81 0.1
+0.811 0.0994446
+0.812 0.0988896
+0.813 0.0983349
+0.814 0.0977805
+0.815 0.0972265
+0.816 0.0966728
+0.817 0.0961195
+0.818 0.0955665
+0.819 0.0950138
+0.82 0.0944615
+0.821 0.0939095
+0.822 0.0933578
+0.823 0.0928065
+0.824 0.0922555
+0.825 0.0917049
+0.826 0.0911546
+0.827 0.0906046
+0.828 0.0900549
+0.829 0.0895056
+0.83 0.0889566
+0.831 0.088408
+0.832 0.0878597
+0.833 0.0873117
+0.834 0.086764
+0.835 0.0862167
+0.836 0.0856696
+0.837 0.085123
+0.838 0.0845766
+0.839 0.0840306
+0.84 0.0834849
+0.841 0.0829395
+0.842 0.0823944
+0.843 0.0818497
+0.844 0.0813053
+0.845 0.0807612
+0.846 0.0802174
+0.847 0.079674
+0.848 0.0791308
+0.849 0.078588
+0.85 0.0780456
+0.851 0.0775034
+0.852 0.0769615
+0.853 0.07642
+0.854 0.0758788
+0.855 0.0753379
+0.856 0.0747973
+0.857 0.0742571
+0.858 0.0737171
+0.859 0.0731775
+0.86 0.0726382
+0.861 0.0720991
+0.862 0.0715604
+0.863 0.0710221
+0.864 0.070484
+0.865 0.0699462
+0.866 0.0694088
+0.867 0.0688717
+0.868 0.0683348
+0.869 0.0677983
+0.87 0.0672621
+0.871 0.0667262
+0.872 0.0661906
+0.873 0.0656553
+0.874 0.0651203
+0.875 0.0645857
+0.876 0.0640513
+0.877 0.0635172
+0.878 0.0629835
+0.879 0.06245
+0.88 0.0619168
+0.881 0.061384
+0.882 0.0608514
+0.883 0.0603192
+0.884 0.0597873
+0.885 0.0592556
+0.886 0.0587243
+0.887 0.0581932
+0.888 0.0576625
+0.889 0.057132
+0.89 0.0566019
+0.891 0.056072
+0.892 0.0555425
+0.893 0.0550132
+0.894 0.0544843
+0.895 0.0539556
+0.896 0.0534272
+0.897 0.0528992
+0.898 0.0523714
+0.899 0.0518439
+0.9 0.0513167
+0.901 0.0507898
+0.902 0.0502632
+0.903 0.0497369
+0.904 0.0492109
+0.905 0.0486851
+0.906 0.0481597
+0.907 0.0476345
+0.908 0.0471097
+0.909 0.0465851
+0.91 0.0460608
+0.911 0.0455368
+0.912 0.0450131
+0.913 0.0444897
+0.914 0.0439665
+0.915 0.0434437
+0.916 0.0429211
+0.917 0.0423988
+0.918 0.0418768
+0.919 0.0413551
+0.92 0.0408337
+0.921 0.0403126
+0.922 0.0397917
+0.923 0.0392711
+0.924 0.0387508
+0.925 0.0382308
+0.926 0.0377111
+0.927 0.0371916
+0.928 0.0366724
+0.929 0.0361535
+0.93 0.0356349
+0.931 0.0351166
+0.932 0.0345985
+0.933 0.0340807
+0.934 0.0335632
+0.935 0.033046
+0.936 0.0325291
+0.937 0.0320124
+0.938 0.031496
+0.939 0.0309799
+0.94 0.030464
+0.941 0.0299485
+0.942 0.0294332
+0.943 0.0289181
+0.944 0.0284034
+0.945 0.0278889
+0.946 0.0273747
+0.947 0.0268607
+0.948 0.0263471
+0.949 0.0258337
+0.95 0.0253206
+0.951 0.0248077
+0.952 0.0242951
+0.953 0.0237828
+0.954 0.0232708
+0.955 0.022759
+0.956 0.0222475
+0.957 0.0217362
+0.958 0.0212253
+0.959 0.0207145
+0.96 0.0202041
+0.961 0.0196939
+0.962 0.019184
+0.963 0.0186744
+0.964 0.018165
+0.965 0.0176559
+0.966 0.017147
+0.967 0.0166384
+0.968 0.0161301
+0.969 0.015622
+0.97 0.0151142
+0.971 0.0146067
+0.972 0.0140994
+0.973 0.0135924
+0.974 0.0130856
+0.975 0.0125791
+0.976 0.0120729
+0.977 0.0115669
+0.978 0.0110612
+0.979 0.0105557
+0.98 0.0100505
+0.981 0.00954556
+0.982 0.00904087
+0.983 0.00853644
+0.984 0.00803226
+0.985 0.00752834
+0.986 0.00702467
+0.987 0.00652126
+0.988 0.00601811
+0.989 0.00551521
+0.99 0.00501256
+0.991 0.00451017
+0.992 0.00400803
+0.993 0.00350615
+0.994 0.00300451
+0.995 0.00250313
+0.996 0.002002
+0.997 0.00150113
+0.998 0.0010005
+0.999 0.000500125
+1 0
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9df822e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/problem/reference_front/ZDT2.pf
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+0 1
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+0.007200271 0.999948156
+0.008597509 0.999926083
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+0.034102435 0.998837024
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+0.035916506 0.998710005
+0.036828477 0.998643663
+0.037729156 0.998576511
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+0.776938321 0.396366846
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+0.805959584 0.350429149
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2025363b
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
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+0.997989495 0.001005758
+0.998994621 0.000502816
+1 0
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e240aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/problem/reference_front/ZDT6.pf
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
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+0.652273798 0.574538893
+0.652993817 0.573599075
+0.65371344 0.572658739
+0.654433576 0.571716695
+0.655153315 0.570774134
+0.655873467 0.569829996
+0.656593223 0.56888534
+0.657313018 0.567939597
+0.658032904 0.566992697
+0.658752989 0.5660445
+0.659472679 0.565095785
+0.660192648 0.564145668
+0.660912224 0.563195032
+0.661631805 0.562243354
+0.662351781 0.561290118
+0.663071748 0.560335857
+0.66379214 0.559379995
+0.664512141 0.558423614
+0.665231956 0.557466445
+0.665951894 0.556508075
+0.666671442 0.555549188
+0.667391397 0.554588724
+0.668110963 0.553627741
+0.668831342 0.552664636
+0.669551333 0.551701013
+0.670270945 0.55073686
+0.670991047 0.549771016
+0.671710762 0.548804653
+0.672430881 0.547836711
+0.67315135 0.54686726
+0.673871605 0.54589706
+0.674591475 0.544926342
+0.675311131 0.543954877
+0.676031102 0.542981949
+0.67675069 0.542008503
+0.67747112 0.541032881
+0.678191384 0.540056446
+0.678911266 0.539079494
+0.679631201 0.538101431
+0.680350754 0.537122851
+0.681070857 0.536142487
+0.68179058 0.535161606
+0.682510189 0.534179842
+0.683230422 0.53319619
+0.683950276 0.53221202
+0.684670518 0.531226282
+0.685390381 0.530240026
+0.686110612 0.529252228
+0.686830465 0.528263912
+0.687550502 0.527274307
+0.688270679 0.526283473
+0.688990479 0.52529212
+0.68971042 0.524299537
+0.690430162 0.523306192
+0.691149881 0.522311842
+0.691870038 0.521315851
+0.692589926 0.520319194
+0.69330944 0.51932202
+0.694029111 0.518323593
+0.694749245 0.517323486
+0.695469006 0.516322862
+0.696189274 0.515320495
+0.696909169 0.51431761
+0.697629439 0.513313166
+0.698349361 0.51230817
+0.699069513 0.511301815
+0.699789295 0.510294943
+0.700509308 0.50928671
+0.701229481 0.508277215
+0.701949424 0.507267007
+0.702668997 0.506256281
+0.703388933 0.505244009
+0.704108886 0.504230677
+0.704828471 0.503216827
+0.705548328 0.502201557
+0.706268057 0.501185431
+0.70698742 0.500168788
+0.707707659 0.49914987
+0.708427531 0.498130433
+0.709147857 0.497109316
+0.709868203 0.496087134
+0.710588183 0.495064434
+0.711308327 0.494040464
+0.712028107 0.493015975
+0.712747888 0.491990448
+0.713467838 0.490963645
+0.714187424 0.489936324
+0.714907453 0.488907333
+0.715627684 0.487877019
+0.716347551 0.486846186
+0.717067687 0.485813933
+0.717787627 0.484780923
+0.718507206 0.483747396
+0.719227364 0.482712
+0.719947377 0.481675774
+0.720667467 0.480638402
+0.721387197 0.479600512
+0.72210727 0.478561091
+0.722826984 0.477521152
+0.723546964 0.476479791
+0.724266586 0.475437912
+0.724986899 0.474393996
+0.725706855 0.473349561
+0.726426656 0.472304314
+0.727146832 0.471257484
+0.727866653 0.470210136
+0.728586473 0.469161751
+0.729305939 0.468112848
+0.730026104 0.467061888
+0.730746398 0.466009702
+0.731466337 0.464956999
+0.732186576 0.463902818
+0.732906461 0.462848119
+0.733626088 0.461792763
+0.734346273 0.460735552
+0.735066104 0.459677823
+0.735786087 0.458618834
+0.736506325 0.457558433
+0.737226398 0.456497239
+0.737946295 0.455435265
+0.738665842 0.454372774
+0.739385646 0.453308867
+0.7401051 0.452244442
+0.740825242 0.45117796
+0.741545245 0.45011065
+0.742265222 0.44904234
+0.74298485 0.447973512
+0.743704903 0.446903018
+0.744424607 0.445832005
+0.74514441 0.444759808
+0.745864321 0.443686415
+0.746584344 0.442611818
+0.747304178 0.441536466
+0.748023665 0.440460596
+0.748743831 0.439382676
+0.749464118 0.438303536
+0.750184059 0.437223878
+0.750904501 0.43614243
+0.751624599 0.435060463
+0.752344894 0.433977161
+0.753064844 0.432893341
+0.753785101 0.431808022
+0.754505013 0.430722185
+0.75522507 0.429635093
+0.75594524 0.428546794
+0.756665553 0.427457242
+0.757385522 0.426367171
+0.758105437 0.425276146
+0.758825011 0.424184603
+0.759544622 0.423091967
+0.760264555 0.421997806
+0.760984418 0.420902716
+0.761704589 0.41980612
+0.762424419 0.418709005
+0.763144089 0.4176111
+0.763863902 0.41651194
+0.764583618 0.415411891
+0.765302996 0.414311324
+0.766023383 0.413208177
+0.76674343 0.412104512
+0.76746323 0.41100019
+0.768182873 0.409895073
+0.768903203 0.408787864
+0.769623196 0.407680137
+0.7703434 0.406571046
+0.771063268 0.405461436
+0.771783301 0.404350537
+0.772502998 0.403239119
+0.773223112 0.402126019
+0.773942891 0.401012401
+0.774662735 0.399897647
+0.775382811 0.398781496
+0.776102932 0.397664239
+0.776822719 0.396546463
+0.777542552 0.39542758
+0.778262363 0.394307695
+0.778982203 0.393186727
+0.779701711 0.392065242
+0.780421856 0.390941726
+0.781141988 0.389817194
+0.781861788 0.388692144
+0.782581911 0.387565553
+0.783302085 0.386437844
+0.784021928 0.385309617
+0.78474212 0.384179805
+0.785461982 0.383049475
+0.78618181 0.381918162
+0.786901984 0.380785268
+0.787622198 0.379651273
+0.788342083 0.37851676
+0.789061759 0.377381541
+0.789781344 0.37624543
+0.790501423 0.3751075
+0.791221175 0.373969052
+0.791941198 0.37282914
+0.792661003 0.371688535
+0.793380701 0.370547063
+0.79410048 0.369404428
+0.794820884 0.368259763
+0.795540961 0.367114579
+0.796261015 0.365968396
+0.796981136 0.364821068
+0.797700932 0.363673223
+0.798420795 0.362524234
+0.799141056 0.361373573
+0.799861131 0.360222171
+0.800581306 0.359069572
+0.801301157 0.357916455
+0.802021108 0.356762142
+0.802740896 0.355607054
+0.803460946 0.354450509
+0.804180673 0.353293445
+0.804900614 0.352135002
+0.805620379 0.350975805
+0.806340305 0.349815312
+0.80705991 0.348654301
+0.807779676 0.347491994
+0.808499969 0.3463278
+0.809219941 0.345163087
+0.809939772 0.343997566
+0.810659981 0.342830396
+0.81137987 0.341662707
+0.812099883 0.34049378
+0.812819578 0.339324334
+0.813539103 0.338154129
+0.814259122 0.336982083
+0.81497908 0.3358091
+0.815698719 0.334635599
+0.816418395 0.333461004
+0.817138554 0.332284584
+0.817858395 0.331107646
+0.818578526 0.329929197
+0.819298695 0.328749649
+0.820018547 0.327569583
+0.820738132 0.326388918
+0.821458447 0.32520602
+0.822178446 0.324022603
+0.822898598 0.322837897
+0.823618694 0.321652247
+0.824338475 0.320466079
+0.8250582 0.319278967
+0.825777883 0.318090888
+0.826498198 0.316900729
+0.8272182 0.31571005
+0.827938273 0.314518216
+0.828658033 0.313325865
+0.829377739 0.312132567
+0.830097636 0.310937916
+0.83081722 0.309742746
+0.831537703 0.308545049
+0.832257873 0.307346832
+0.832977931 0.306147766
+0.833697993 0.304947656
+0.834417744 0.303747028
+0.8351375 0.302545356
+0.835857665 0.301341964
+0.836577519 0.300138055
+0.837297617 0.2989327
+0.838017577 0.29772654
+0.838737228 0.296519862
+0.839457369 0.295311325
+0.840177202 0.29410227
+0.840897458 0.292891466
+0.841617405 0.291680143
+0.84233717 0.290468092
+0.843056879 0.289255099
+0.843777079 0.288040241
+0.844497074 0.286824693
+0.845216761 0.285608627
+0.845937093 0.284390434
+0.846657163 0.283171649
+0.847376926 0.281952345
+0.848096871 0.280731697
+0.848816511 0.279510531
+0.84953662 0.278287531
+0.850256424 0.277064014
+0.850976572 0.275838874
+0.851696667 0.274612787
+0.852416457 0.273386183
+0.853136403 0.272158277
+0.853856045 0.270929854
+0.854575664 0.269700434
+0.855295949 0.26846884
+0.85601593 0.267236727
+0.856735769 0.266003823
+0.857455369 0.264770291
+0.858175456 0.263534886
+0.858895242 0.262298963
+0.859615427 0.261061318
+0.86033531 0.259823154
+0.861055335 0.258583709
+0.861775476 0.257343028
+0.862495553 0.256101422
+0.863215329 0.254859296
+0.863935041 0.253616246
+0.864655336 0.252371151
+0.865375331 0.251125537
+0.866095351 0.249878842
+0.866815073 0.248631629
+0.867535266 0.247382563
+0.868255483 0.246132417
+0.868975401 0.244881753
+0.869695164 0.243630322
+0.870414917 0.242377872
+0.871135112 0.241123617
+0.871855252 0.239868419
+0.872575095 0.238612703
+0.873294957 0.237355919
+0.874014521 0.236098617
+0.874734274 0.23483995
+0.875454392 0.233579608
+0.876174691 0.232317911
+0.876894694 0.231055695
+0.877614574 0.22979266
+0.878334671 0.228528205
+0.879054653 0.227262917
+0.87977434 0.225997111
+0.880493912 0.224730471
+0.881213845 0.22346216
+0.881933716 0.22219292
+0.882653595 0.220922632
+0.88337318 0.219651825
+0.884092947 0.21837966
+0.884813276 0.217105467
+0.885533608 0.21583023
+0.886253646 0.214554475
+0.886973496 0.213278017
+0.887693373 0.212000475
+0.888413313 0.210721785
+0.889132961 0.209442578
+0.889853017 0.208161608
+0.890573126 0.206879507
+0.891292944 0.205596888
+0.892013125 0.204312585
+0.892733015 0.203027764
+0.893452924 0.201741873
+0.894173085 0.200454494
+0.894892956 0.199166597
+0.895612805 0.197877704
+0.896332775 0.196587557
+0.897052781 0.195296308
+0.897772499 0.19400454
+0.898492409 0.19271139
+0.899212568 0.191416757
+0.899932526 0.190121449
+0.900652196 0.188825622
+0.901371665 0.187529122
+0.902091707 0.186230552
+0.902811462 0.184931464
+0.903531337 0.183631124
+0.904251405 0.182329398
+0.904971186 0.181027153
+0.905691252 0.179723357
+0.906411031 0.178419043
+0.907131418 0.17711259
+0.907851519 0.17580562
+0.908571502 0.174497827
+0.909291671 0.173188658
+0.910011593 0.171878902
+0.910731695 0.17056778
+0.911451513 0.16925614
+0.912171596 0.16794298
+0.912891394 0.166629302
+0.913610993 0.165314953
+0.914330915 0.163998978
+0.91505089 0.162681869
+0.915770581 0.161364243
+0.916490671 0.160044851
+0.917210806 0.158724338
+0.917930928 0.157402811
+0.918650768 0.156080766
+0.919370597 0.154757706
+0.920090525 0.153433426
+0.920810171 0.152108628
+0.921530541 0.150781462
+0.922250629 0.149453778
+0.922970826 0.148124854
+0.923690743 0.146795412
+0.924410652 0.145464946
+0.925130608 0.144133359
+0.92585056 0.14280074
+0.926570233 0.141467603
+0.927289903 0.140133435
+0.928010009 0.138797423
+0.928729835 0.137460893
+0.929449835 0.136123003
+0.930169557 0.134784596
+0.930889867 0.133444056
+0.931609898 0.132102998
+0.93232984 0.13076107
+0.933049674 0.129418305
+0.933769652 0.128074237
+0.934489352 0.126729651
+0.935209535 0.125383126
+0.935929628 0.124035731
+0.936649752 0.122687242
+0.937369599 0.121338234
+0.938089327 0.119988414
+0.938809222 0.118637246
+0.939529243 0.117284801
+0.940248989 0.115931839
+0.940968671 0.114577961
+0.9416885 0.113222769
+0.942408655 0.111865927
+0.943128535 0.110508567
+0.943848578 0.109149861
+0.944568569 0.107790219
+0.945288285 0.106430058
+0.946007949 0.105068961
+0.946728064 0.103705973
+0.947448213 0.102341885
+0.948168087 0.100977278
+0.948887996 0.099611571
+0.94960831 0.098244058
+0.950328351 0.096876026
+0.951048301 0.09550713
+0.951767978 0.094137716
+0.952488054 0.092766508
+0.953207857 0.091394782
+0.95392805 0.090021275
+0.95464825 0.088646719
+0.955368178 0.087271644
+0.956088114 0.085895519
+0.9568081 0.08451826
+0.957527815 0.083140483
+0.958247949 0.081760869
+0.958967989 0.080380395
+0.95968776 0.078999404
+0.960407437 0.077617554
+0.961127634 0.07623367
+0.961847636 0.074849125
+0.962567368 0.073464062
+0.963287571 0.072077055
+0.964007505 0.07068953
+0.964727265 0.069301304
+0.96544734 0.067911434
+0.966167147 0.066521045
+0.966887145 0.065129248
+0.967606876 0.063736934
+0.968326861 0.06234309
+0.969046579 0.060948728
+0.969766384 0.059553161
+0.970485937 0.058157046
+0.971205224 0.056760413
+0.971925803 0.055360234
+0.972646115 0.053959536
+0.973366468 0.052557719
+0.974086555 0.051155383
+0.97480661 0.049752073
+0.975526658 0.04834774
+0.976246439 0.04694289
+0.976966397 0.045536659
+0.977686326 0.044129448
+0.978406108 0.042721488
+0.979125626 0.04131301
+0.979845639 0.039902524
+0.980565589 0.038491125
+0.981285785 0.037078208
+0.982005717 0.035664772
+0.982725894 0.034249817
+0.983446051 0.032833865
+0.984165944 0.031417394
+0.984885748 0.030000064
+0.985605798 0.028581211
+0.986325585 0.027161841
+0.987045123 0.025741926
+0.987765355 0.024319604
+0.988485324 0.022896765
+0.989205132 0.021473206
+0.989925181 0.020048137
+0.990644967 0.01862255
+0.991364789 0.017195855
+0.99208481 0.015767731
+0.992804569 0.014339088
+0.993524516 0.012909036
+0.994244202 0.011478466
+0.994964247 0.010046147
+0.995684151 0.008613071
+0.996403807 0.007179454
+0.9971234 0.005744926
+0.997842733 0.00430988
+0.998562004 0.002873923
+0.999281132 0.00143722
+1 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/singleobjective/test/test_unconstrained.py b/jmetal/problem/singleobjective/test/test_unconstrained.py
index a3672045..5f2ae81c 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/singleobjective/test/test_unconstrained.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/singleobjective/test/test_unconstrained.py
@@ -2,14 +2,9 @@
from jmetal.problem.singleobjective.unconstrained import OneMax, Sphere
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
class OneMaxTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self) -> None:
problem = OneMax()
@@ -33,17 +28,10 @@ def test_should_create_solution_a_valid_binary_solution(self) -> None:
solution = problem.create_solution()
self.assertEqual(256, len(solution.variables[0]))
- # def test_should_evaluate_work_properly_if_the_bitset_only_contains_ones(self) -> None:
- # problem = OneMax(512)
- # solution = problem.create_solution()
- # solution.variables[0] = [True for i in range(problem.number_of_bits)]
- # problem.evaluate(solution)
- # self.assertEqual(512.0, solution.objectives[0])
def test_should_evaluate_work_properly_if_the_bitset_only_contains_zeroes(self) -> None:
problem = OneMax(512)
solution = problem.create_solution()
- solution.variables[0] = [False for i in range(problem.number_of_bits)]
+ solution.variables[0] = [False for _ in range(problem.number_of_bits)]
self.assertEqual(0.0, solution.objectives[0])
@@ -54,9 +42,6 @@ def test_should_get_name_return_the_right_name(self):
class SphereTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
def test_should_constructor_create_a_non_null_object(self):
problem = Sphere(3)
@@ -67,8 +52,8 @@ def test_should_constructor_create_a_valid_problem_with_default_settings(self):
self.assertEqual(1, problem.number_of_objectives)
self.assertEqual(0, problem.number_of_constraints)
- self.assertEqual([-5.12 for i in range(10)], problem.lower_bound)
- self.assertEqual([5.12 for i in range(10)], problem.upper_bound)
+ self.assertEqual([-5.12 for _ in range(10)], problem.lower_bound)
+ self.assertEqual([5.12 for _ in range(10)], problem.upper_bound)
def test_should_constructor_create_a_valid_problem_with_5_variables(self):
problem = Sphere(5)
diff --git a/jmetal/problem/singleobjective/unconstrained.py b/jmetal/problem/singleobjective/unconstrained.py
index 61c9523e..f27bcaf4 100644
--- a/jmetal/problem/singleobjective/unconstrained.py
+++ b/jmetal/problem/singleobjective/unconstrained.py
@@ -3,19 +3,25 @@
from jmetal.core.problem import BinaryProblem, FloatProblem
from jmetal.core.solution import BinarySolution, FloatSolution
-__author__ = "Antonio J. Nebro"
+.. module:: unconstrained
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Unconstrained test problems for single-objective optimization
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
class OneMax(BinaryProblem):
- """ Class representing problem Kursawe """
def __init__(self, number_of_bits: int = 256):
+ super(OneMax, self).__init__()
self.number_of_bits = number_of_bits
self.number_of_objectives = 1
self.number_of_variables = 1
self.number_of_constraints = 0
- def evaluate(self, solution: BinarySolution) -> None:
+ def evaluate(self, solution: BinarySolution) -> BinarySolution:
counter_of_ones = 0
for bits in solution.variables[0]:
if bits:
@@ -23,34 +29,40 @@ def evaluate(self, solution: BinarySolution) -> None:
solution.objectives[0] = -1.0 * counter_of_ones
+ return solution
def create_solution(self) -> BinarySolution:
new_solution = BinarySolution(number_of_variables=1, number_of_objectives=1)
new_solution.variables[0] = \
- [True if random.randint(0, 1) == 0 else False for i in range(self.number_of_bits)]
+ [True if random.randint(0, 1) == 0 else False for _ in range(self.number_of_bits)]
return new_solution
def get_name(self) -> str:
- return "OneMax"
+ return 'OneMax'
class Sphere(FloatProblem):
def __init__(self, number_of_variables: int = 10):
+ super(Sphere, self).__init__()
self.number_of_objectives = 1
self.number_of_variables = number_of_variables
self.number_of_constraints = 0
- self.lower_bound = [-5.12 for i in range(number_of_variables)]
- self.upper_bound = [5.12 for i in range(number_of_variables)]
+ self.lower_bound = [-5.12 for _ in range(number_of_variables)]
+ self.upper_bound = [5.12 for _ in range(number_of_variables)]
FloatSolution.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
FloatSolution.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
- def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution):
+ def evaluate(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> FloatSolution:
total = 0.0
for x in solution.variables:
total += x * x
solution.objectives[0] = total
+ return solution
def get_name(self) -> str:
- return "Sphere"
+ return 'Sphere'
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/__init__.py b/jmetal/runner/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/__init__.py b/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaII_standard_settings_plot_interactive.py b/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaII_standard_settings_plot_interactive.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 744df195..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaII_standard_settings_plot_interactive.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from typing import List
-from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
-from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.unconstrained import Kursawe
-from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionListOutput
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main() -> None:
- problem = Kursawe()
- algorithm = NSGAII[FloatSolution, List[FloatSolution]](
- problem,
- population_size=100,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection=BinaryTournamentSelection())
- algorithm.run()
- result = algorithm.get_result()
- SolutionListOutput[FloatSolution].plot_scatter_to_file(result, file_name="FUN."+problem.get_name(),
- output_format='eps', dpi=200)
- SolutionListOutput[FloatSolution].plot_scatter_to_screen(result)
- logger.info("Algorithm (continuous problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaII_standard_settings_with_observer_basic.py b/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaII_standard_settings_with_observer_basic.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c40c99bb..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaII_standard_settings_with_observer_basic.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from typing import List
-from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
-from jmetal.component.observer import BasicAlgorithmObserver
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
-from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.zdt import ZDT1
-from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionListOutput
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main() -> None:
- problem = ZDT1()
- algorithm = NSGAII[FloatSolution, List[FloatSolution]](
- problem,
- population_size=100,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection=BinaryTournamentSelection())
- observer = BasicAlgorithmObserver(1000)
- algorithm.observable.register(observer=observer)
- algorithm.run()
- result = algorithm.get_result()
- SolutionListOutput[FloatSolution].print_function_values_to_file("FUN."+problem.get_name(), result)
- logger.info("Algorithm (continuous problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
- logger.info("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings.py b/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index df3334d1..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from typing import List
-from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournament2Selection
-from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.zdt import ZDT1
-from jmetal.util.comparator import SolutionAttributeComparator
-from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionListOutput
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main() -> None:
- problem = ZDT1()
- algorithm = NSGAII[FloatSolution, List[FloatSolution]](
- problem=problem,
- population_size=100,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- #selection=BinaryTournamentSelection(RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator()))
- selection = BinaryTournament2Selection([SolutionAttributeComparator("dominance_ranking"),
- SolutionAttributeComparator("crowding_distance", lowest_is_best=False)]))
- algorithm.run()
- result = algorithm.get_result()
- SolutionListOutput[FloatSolution].print_function_values_to_file("FUN."+problem.get_name(), result)
- logger.info("Algorithm (continuous problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
- logger.info("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings_with_observer.py b/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings_with_observer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f7e2116..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings_with_observer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from typing import List
-from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
-from jmetal.component.observer import WriteFrontToFileObserver
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
-from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.unconstrained import Kursawe
-from jmetal.util.comparator import RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator
-from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionListOutput
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main() -> None:
- problem = Kursawe()
- algorithm = NSGAII[FloatSolution, List[FloatSolution]](
- problem,
- population_size=100,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection=BinaryTournamentSelection(RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator()))
- observer = WriteFrontToFileObserver("output_directory")
- algorithm.observable.register(observer=observer)
- algorithm.run()
- result = algorithm.get_result()
- SolutionListOutput[FloatSolution].print_function_values_to_file("FUN."+problem.get_name(), result)
- logger.info("Algorithm (continuous problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings_with_observer_plot_realtime.py b/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings_with_observer_plot_realtime.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 87a00d5a..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_standard_settings_with_observer_plot_realtime.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from typing import List
-from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
-from jmetal.component.observer import AlgorithmObserver
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournament2Selection
-from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.zdt import ZDT4
-from jmetal.util.comparator import SolutionAttributeComparator
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main() -> None:
- problem = ZDT4()
- algorithm = NSGAII[FloatSolution, List[FloatSolution]](
- problem,
- population_size=100,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection=BinaryTournament2Selection([SolutionAttributeComparator("dominance_ranking"),
- SolutionAttributeComparator("crowding_distance", lowest_is_best=False)]))
- observer = AlgorithmObserver(animation_speed=1*10e-8)
- algorithm.observable.register(observer=observer)
- algorithm.run()
- logger.info("Algorithm (continuous problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_stopping_by_time.py b/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_stopping_by_time.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3070201e..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/nsgaii_stopping_by_time.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from typing import List, TypeVar
-from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
-from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.unconstrained import Fonseca
-from jmetal.util.comparator import RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator
-from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionListOutput
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-S = TypeVar('S')
-R = TypeVar(List[S])
-def main() -> None:
- class NSGA2b(NSGAII[S, R]):
- def is_stopping_condition_reached(self):
- # Re-define the stopping condition
- reached = [False, True][self.get_current_computing_time() > 4]
- if reached:
- logger.info("Stopping condition reached!")
- return reached
- problem = Fonseca()
- algorithm = NSGA2b[FloatSolution, List[FloatSolution]](
- problem,
- population_size=100,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover=SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection=BinaryTournamentSelection(RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator()))
- algorithm.run()
- result = algorithm.get_result()
- SolutionListOutput[FloatSolution].print_function_values_to_file("FUN."+problem.get_name(), result)
- logger.info("Algorithm (continuous problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/smpso_standard_settings.py b/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/smpso_standard_settings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 799053f1..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/multiobjective/smpso_standard_settings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.smpso import SMPSO
-from jmetal.component.archive import CrowdingDistanceArchive
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-from jmetal.problem.multiobjective.unconstrained import Kursawe
-from jmetal.util.solution_list_output import SolutionListOutput
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main() -> None:
- problem = Kursawe()
- algorithm = SMPSO(
- problem=problem,
- swarm_size=100,
- max_evaluations=25000,
- mutation=Polynomial(1.0/problem.number_of_variables, distribution_index=20),
- leaders=CrowdingDistanceArchive(100))
- algorithm.run()
- result = algorithm.get_result()
- SolutionListOutput[FloatSolution].print_function_values_to_file("FUN."+problem.get_name(), result)
- logger.info("Algorithm (continuous problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/__init__.py b/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/__init__.py b/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/evolution_strategy/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/__init__.py b/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_binary.py b/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_binary.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e998481c..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_binary.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.evolutionaryalgorithm import GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm
-from jmetal.core.solution import BinarySolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import SinglePoint
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import BitFlip
-from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
-from jmetal.problem.singleobjective.unconstrained import OneMax
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main() -> None:
- bits = 256
- problem = OneMax(bits)
- algorithm = GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm[BinarySolution, BinarySolution](
- problem,
- population_size = 100,
- max_evaluations = 150000,
- mutation = BitFlip(1.0/bits),
- crossover = SinglePoint(0.9),
- selection = BinaryTournamentSelection())
- algorithm.run()
- result = algorithm.get_result()
- logger.info("Algorithm (binary problem): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
- logger.info("Solution: " + str(result.variables[0]))
- logger.info("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_running_as_a_thread.py b/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_running_as_a_thread.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fa751c12..00000000
--- a/jmetal/runner/singleobjective/genetic_algorithm/generational_genetic_algorithm_running_as_a_thread.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from jmetal.algorithm.singleobjective.evolutionaryalgorithm import GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm
-from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
-from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBX
-from jmetal.operator.mutation import Polynomial
-from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
-from jmetal.problem.singleobjective.unconstrained import Sphere
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main() -> None:
- variables = 10
- problem = Sphere(variables)
- algorithm = GenerationalGeneticAlgorithm[FloatSolution, FloatSolution](
- problem,
- population_size = 100,
- max_evaluations = 25000,
- mutation = Polynomial(1.0/variables, distribution_index=20),
- crossover = SBX(1.0, distribution_index=20),
- selection = BinaryTournamentSelection())
- algorithm.start()
- logger.info("Algorithm (running as a thread): " + algorithm.get_name())
- logger.info("Problem: " + problem.get_name())
- algorithm.join()
- result = algorithm.get_result()
- logger.info("Solution: " + str(result.variables))
- logger.info("Fitness: " + str(result.objectives[0]))
- logger.info("Computing time: " + str(algorithm.total_computing_time))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/jmetal/util/__init__.py b/jmetal/util/__init__.py
index e69de29b..8869c71d 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/__init__.py
+++ b/jmetal/util/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from .front_file import read_front_from_file, read_front_from_file_as_solutions
+from .graphic import ScatterBokeh, ScatterMatplotlib
+from .laboratory import experiment, display
+from .solution_list_output import SolutionList
+__all__ = [
+ 'read_front_from_file', 'read_front_from_file_as_solutions',
+ 'ScatterBokeh', 'ScatterMatplotlib',
+ 'experiment', 'display',
+ 'SolutionList'
diff --git a/jmetal/util/front_file.py b/jmetal/util/front_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..362007cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/util/front_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
+.. module:: Front file
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Utils to read reference frontiers from files.
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
+def read_front_from_file(file_name: str):
+ """ Reads a front from a file and returns a list.
+ """
+ front = []
+ with open(file_name) as file:
+ for line in file:
+ vector = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
+ front.append(vector)
+ return front
+def read_front_from_file_as_solutions(file_path: str):
+ """ Reads a front from a file and returns a list of solution objects.
+ :return: List of solution objects.
+ """
+ front = []
+ with open(file_path) as file:
+ for line in file:
+ vector = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
+ solution = FloatSolution(2, 2, 0, [], [])
+ solution.objectives = vector
+ front.append(solution)
+ return front
diff --git a/jmetal/util/graphic.py b/jmetal/util/graphic.py
index 9c29174a..0619ce03 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/graphic.py
+++ b/jmetal/util/graphic.py
@@ -1,142 +1,322 @@
import logging
+import warnings
+from abc import ABCMeta
from typing import TypeVar, List, Tuple
+from bokeh.embed import file_html
+from bokeh.resources import CDN
+from bokeh.client import ClientSession
+from bokeh.io import curdoc, reset_output
+from bokeh.layouts import column, row
+from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ColumnDataSource, TapTool, CustomJS, WheelZoomTool
+from bokeh.plotting import Figure
+from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from jmetal.core.solution import Solution
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*GUI is implemented.*")
+jMetalPyLogger = logging.getLogger('jMetalPy')
S = TypeVar('S')
-.. module:: graphics
+.. module:: Visualization
:platform: Unix, Windows
- :synopsis: Class for plotting solutions.
+ :synopsis: Classes for plotting solutions.
-.. moduleauthor:: Antonio Benítez
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio Benítez-Hidalgo
-class ScatterPlot():
+class Plot:
- def __init__(self, plot_title: str, animation_speed: float = 1*10e-10):
- """ Creates a new :class:`ScatterPlot` instance.
- Args:
- plot_title (str): Title of the scatter diagram.
- animation_speed (float): Delay (for live plot only). Allow time for the gui event loops to trigger
- and update the display.
- """
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ def __init__(self, plot_title: str, number_of_objectives: int,
+ xaxis_label: str='', yaxis_label: str='', zaxis_label: str=''):
self.plot_title = plot_title
- self.fig = plt.figure()
- self.axis = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
- self.sc = None
+ self.number_of_objectives = number_of_objectives
- # Real-time plotting options
- self.animation_speed = animation_speed
+ self.xaxis_label = xaxis_label
+ self.yaxis_label = yaxis_label
+ self.zaxis_label = zaxis_label
- def __init_plot(self, is_auto_scalable: bool = True) -> None:
- """ Initialize the scatter plot the first time. """
- if is_auto_scalable:
- self.axis.set_autoscale_on(True)
- self.axis.autoscale_view(True, True, True)
+ def get_objectives(self, front: List[S]) -> Tuple[list, list, list]:
+ if front is None:
+ raise Exception('Front is none!')
- logger.info("Generating plot...")
+ points = list(solution.objectives for solution in front)
- # Style options
- self.axis.grid(color='#f0f0f5', linestyle='-', linewidth=2, alpha=0.5)
- self.fig.suptitle(self.plot_title, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
+ x_values, y_values = [point[0] for point in points], [point[1] for point in points]
- def __get_data_points(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> Tuple[list, list]:
- """ Get coords (x,y) from a solution_list. """
+ try:
+ z_values = [point[2] for point in points]
+ except IndexError:
+ z_values = [0]*len(points)
- if solution_list is None:
- raise Exception("Solution list is none!")
+ return x_values, y_values, z_values
- points = list(solution.objectives for solution in solution_list)
- x_values, y_values = [point[0] for point in points], [point[1] for point in points]
- return x_values, y_values
+class ScatterMatplotlib(Plot):
- def retrieve_info(self, solution: Solution) -> None:
- """ Retrieve more information about a solution object. """
- pass
+ def __init__(self, plot_title: str, number_of_objectives: int):
+ """ Creates a new :class:`ScatterPlot` instance. Suitable for problems with 2 or 3 objectives.
- def __search_solution(self, solution_list: List[S], x_val: float, y_val: float) -> None:
- """ Return a solution object associated with some values of (x,y). """
+ :param plot_title: Title of the scatter diagram.
+ :param number_of_objectives: Number of objectives to be used (2D/3D).
+ """
+ super(ScatterMatplotlib, self).__init__(plot_title, number_of_objectives)
- sol = next((solution for solution in solution_list
- if solution.objectives[0] == x_val and solution.objectives[1]), None)
+ # Initialize a plot
+ self.fig = plt.figure()
+ self.sc = None
+ self.axis = None
- if sol is not None:
- logger.info('Solution associated to ({0}, {1}): {2}'.format(x_val, y_val, sol))
- self.retrieve_info(sol)
- else:
- raise Exception("Solution is none.")
+ self.__initialize()
- def __pick_handler(self, event, solution_list: List[S]):
- """ Handler for picking points from the plot. """
- line, ind = event.artist, event.ind[0]
- x, y = line.get_xdata(), line.get_ydata()
+ def __initialize(self) -> None:
+ """ Initialize the scatter plot for the first time. """
+ jMetalPyLogger.info("Generating plot...")
- logger.info('Selected data point ({0}): ({1}, {2})'.format(ind, x[ind], y[ind]))
- self.__search_solution(solution_list, x[ind], y[ind])
+ # Initialize a plot
+ self.fig.canvas.set_window_title('jMetalPy')
- def simple_plot(self, solution_list: List[S], file_name: str = "output",
- fmt: str = 'eps', dpi: int = 200, save: bool = True) -> None:
- """ Create a simple plot. """
- self.__init_plot()
- x_values, y_values = self.__get_data_points(solution_list)
+ if self.number_of_objectives == 2:
+ self.axis = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
- self.sc, = self.axis.plot(x_values, y_values, 'go', markersize=5, picker=10)
+ # Stylize axis
+ self.axis.spines['top'].set_visible(False)
+ self.axis.spines['right'].set_visible(False)
+ self.axis.get_xaxis().tick_bottom()
+ self.axis.get_yaxis().tick_left()
+ else:
+ self.axis = Axes3D(self.fig)
+ self.axis.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
- if save:
- supported_formats = ["eps", "jpeg", "jpg", "pdf", "pgf", "png", "ps",
- "raw", "rgba", "svg", "svgz", "tif", "tiff"]
- if fmt not in supported_formats:
- raise Exception(fmt + " is not a valid format! Use one of these instead: "
- + str(supported_formats))
+ self.axis.set_autoscale_on(True)
+ self.axis.autoscale_view(True, True, True)
- self.fig.savefig(file_name + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=dpi)
- logger.info("Output file (function plot): " + file_name + '.' + fmt)
+ # Style options
+ self.axis.grid(color='#f0f0f5', linestyle='-', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
+ self.fig.suptitle(self.plot_title, fontsize=13)
- def interactive_plot(self, solution_list: List[S]) -> None:
- """ Create a plot to get to directly access the coords (x,y) of a point by a mouse click. """
+ jMetalPyLogger.info("Plot initialized")
- self.__init_plot()
- x_values, y_values = self.__get_data_points(solution_list)
+ def __plot(self, x_values, y_values, z_values, color: str = '#98FB98', marker: str = 'o', msize: int = 3):
+ if self.number_of_objectives == 2:
+ self.sc, = self.axis.plot(x_values, y_values,
+ color=color, marker=marker, markersize=msize, ls='None', picker=10)
+ else:
+ self.sc, = self.axis.plot(x_values, y_values, z_values,
+ color=color, marker=marker, markersize=msize, ls='None', picker=10)
- self.sc, = self.axis.plot(x_values, y_values, 'go', markersize=5, picker=10)
- self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', lambda event: self.__pick_handler(event, solution_list))
+ def plot(self, front: List[S], reference: List[S], output: str= '', show: bool=True) -> None:
+ if reference:
+ jMetalPyLogger.info('Reference front found')
+ ref_x_values, ref_y_values, ref_z_values = self.get_objectives(reference)
+ self.__plot(ref_x_values, ref_y_values, ref_z_values, color='#323232', marker='*')
- plt.show()
+ x_values, y_values, z_values = self.get_objectives(front)
+ self.__plot(x_values, y_values, z_values)
- def update(self, solution_list: List[S], evaluations: int = 0, computing_time: float = 0) -> None:
- """ Update a simple_plot(). Note that the plot must be initialized first. """
+ if output:
+ self.__save(output)
+ if show:
+ self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', lambda event: self.__pick_handler(event, front))
+ plt.show()
+ def update(self, front: List[S], reference: List[S], new_title: str= '', persistence: bool=True) -> None:
if self.sc is None:
- raise Exception("Error while updating! Initialize plot first with "
- "simple_plot(solution_list: List[S])")
+ jMetalPyLogger.warning("Plot is none! Generating first plot...")
+ self.plot(front, reference, show=False)
- x_values, y_values = self.__get_data_points(solution_list)
+ x_values, y_values, z_values = self.get_objectives(front)
- # Update points
- self.sc.set_data(x_values, y_values)
- event_handler = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', lambda event: self.__pick_handler(event, solution_list))
+ if persistence:
+ # Replace with new points
+ self.sc.set_data(x_values, y_values)
- # Update title
- self.fig.suptitle(self.plot_title
- + ', \n Eval: ' + str(evaluations)
- + ', Time: ' + str('%.3f'%computing_time), fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
+ if self.number_of_objectives == 3:
+ self.sc.set_3d_properties(z_values)
+ else:
+ # Add new points
+ self.__plot(x_values, y_values, z_values)
- # Re-align the axis.
+ # Also, add event handler
+ event_handler = \
+ self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', lambda event: self.__pick_handler(event, front))
+ # Update title with new times and evaluations
+ self.fig.suptitle(new_title, fontsize=13)
+ # Re-align the axis
self.axis.autoscale_view(True, True, True)
# Draw
- self.fig.canvas.draw()
- plt.pause(self.animation_speed)
+ try:
+ self.fig.canvas.draw()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ plt.pause(0.01)
# Disconnect the pick event for the next update
+ def __save(self, file_name: str, fmt: str = 'png', dpi: int = 200):
+ supported_formats = ["eps", "jpeg", "jpg", "pdf", "pgf", "png", "ps",
+ "raw", "rgba", "svg", "svgz", "tif", "tiff"]
+ if fmt not in supported_formats:
+ raise Exception('{0} is not a valid format! Use one of these instead: {0}'.format(fmt, supported_formats))
+ self.fig.savefig(file_name + '.' + fmt, format=fmt, dpi=dpi)
+ def __retrieve_info(self, x_val: float, y_val: float, solution: Solution) -> None:
+ jMetalPyLogger.info("Output file: " + '{0}-{1}'.format(x_val, y_val))
+ with open('{0}-{1}'.format(x_val, y_val), 'w') as of:
+ of.write(solution.__str__())
+ def __pick_handler(self, event, front: List[S]):
+ """ Handler for picking points from the plot. """
+ line, ind = event.artist, event.ind[0]
+ x, y = line.get_xdata(), line.get_ydata()
+ jMetalPyLogger.debug('Selected front point ({0}): ({1}, {2})'.format(ind, x[ind], y[ind]))
+ sol = next((solution for solution in front
+ if solution.objectives[0] == x[ind] and solution.objectives[1] == y[ind]), None)
+ if sol is not None:
+ self.__retrieve_info(x[ind], y[ind], sol)
+ else:
+ jMetalPyLogger.warning('Solution is none')
+ return True
+class ScatterBokeh(Plot):
+ def __init__(self, plot_title: str, number_of_objectives: int, ws_url: str='localhost:5006'):
+ super(ScatterBokeh, self).__init__(plot_title, number_of_objectives)
+ if self.number_of_objectives == 2:
+ self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], str=[]))
+ elif self.number_of_objectives == 3:
+ self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], z=[], str=[]))
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Wrong number of objectives: {0}'.format(number_of_objectives))
+ self.client = ClientSession(websocket_url='ws://{0}/ws'.format(ws_url))
+ self.doc = curdoc()
+ self.doc.title = plot_title
+ self.figure_xy = None
+ self.figure_xz = None
+ self.figure_yz = None
+ self.__initialize()
+ def __initialize(self) -> None:
+ """ Set-up tools for plot. """
+ code = '''
+ selected = source.selected['1d']['indices'][0]
+ var str = source.front.str[selected]
+ alert(str)
+ '''
+ callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=self.source), code=code)
+ self.plot_tools = [TapTool(callback=callback), WheelZoomTool(), 'save', 'pan',
+ HoverTool(tooltips=[('index', '$index'), ('(x,y)', '($x, $y)')])]
+ def plot(self, front: List[S], reference: List[S]=None, output: str= '', show: bool=True) -> None:
+ # This is important to purge front (if any) between calls
+ reset_output()
+ # Set up figure
+ self.figure_xy = Figure(output_backend='webgl',
+ sizing_mode='scale_width',
+ title=self.plot_title,
+ tools=self.plot_tools)
+ self.figure_xy.scatter(x='x', y='y', legend='solution', fill_alpha=0.7, source=self.source)
+ self.figure_xy.xaxis.axis_label = self.xaxis_label
+ self.figure_xy.yaxis.axis_label = self.yaxis_label
+ x_values, y_values, z_values = self.get_objectives(front)
+ if self.number_of_objectives == 2:
+ # Plot reference solution list (if any)
+ if reference:
+ ref_x_values, ref_y_values, _ = self.get_objectives(reference)
+ self.figure_xy.line(x=ref_x_values, y=ref_y_values, legend='reference', color='green')
+ # Push front to server
+ self.source.stream({'x': x_values, 'y': y_values, 'str': [s.__str__() for s in front]})
+ self.doc.add_root(column(self.figure_xy))
+ else:
+ # Add new figures for each axis
+ self.figure_xz = Figure(title='xz', output_backend='webgl',
+ sizing_mode='scale_width', tools=self.plot_tools)
+ self.figure_xz.scatter(x='x', y='z', legend='solution', fill_alpha=0.7, source=self.source)
+ self.figure_xz.xaxis.axis_label = self.xaxis_label
+ self.figure_xz.yaxis.axis_label = self.zaxis_label
+ self.figure_yz = Figure(title='yz', output_backend='webgl',
+ sizing_mode='scale_width', tools=self.plot_tools)
+ self.figure_yz.scatter(x='y', y='z', legend='solution', fill_alpha=0.7, source=self.source)
+ self.figure_yz.xaxis.axis_label = self.yaxis_label
+ self.figure_yz.yaxis.axis_label = self.zaxis_label
+ # Plot reference solution list (if any)
+ if reference:
+ ref_x_values, ref_y_values, ref_z_values = self.get_objectives(reference)
+ self.figure_xy.line(x=ref_x_values, y=ref_y_values, legend='reference', color='green')
+ self.figure_xz.line(x=ref_x_values, y=ref_z_values, legend='reference', color='green')
+ self.figure_yz.line(x=ref_y_values, y=ref_z_values, legend='reference', color='green')
+ # Push front to server
+ self.source.stream({'x': x_values, 'y': y_values, 'z': z_values, 'str': [s.__str__() for s in front]})
+ self.doc.add_root(row(self.figure_xy, self.figure_xz, self.figure_yz))
+ self.client.push(self.doc)
+ if output:
+ self.__save(output)
+ if show:
+ self.client.show()
+ def update(self, front: List[S], reference: List[S], new_title: str= '', persistence: bool=False) -> None:
+ # Check if plot has not been initialized first
+ if self.figure_xy is None:
+ self.plot(front, reference)
+ if not persistence:
+ rollover = len(front)
+ else:
+ rollover = None
+ self.figure_xy.title.text = new_title
+ x_values, y_values, z_values = self.get_objectives(front)
+ if self.number_of_objectives == 2:
+ self.source.stream({'x': x_values, 'y': y_values, 'str': [s.__str__() for s in front]},
+ rollover=rollover)
+ else:
+ self.source.stream({'x': x_values, 'y': y_values, 'z': z_values, 'str': [s.__str__() for s in front]},
+ rollover=rollover)
+ def __save(self, file_name: str):
+ # env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(BASE_PATH + '/util/'))
+ # env.filters['json'] = lambda obj: Markup(json.dumps(obj))
+ html = file_html(models=self.doc, resources=CDN)
+ with open(file_name + '.html', 'w') as of:
+ of.write(html)
+ def disconnect(self):
+ if self.is_connected():
+ self.client.close()
+ def is_connected(self) -> bool:
+ return self.client.connected
diff --git a/jmetal/util/laboratory.py b/jmetal/util/laboratory.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db00fb6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jmetal/util/laboratory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import logging
+from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
+jMetalPyLogger = logging.getLogger('jMetalPy')
+.. module:: laboratory
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Run experiments. WIP!
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio Benítez-Hidalgo
+def experiment(algorithm_list: list, metric_list: list, problem_list: list, g_params: dict=None, m_workers: int=3):
+ """ :param algorithm_list: List of algorithms as Tuple(Algorithm, dic() with parameters).
+ :param metric_list: List of metrics.
+ :param problem_list: List of problems as Tuple(Problem, dic() with parameters).
+ :param g_params: Global parameters (will override those from algorithm_list).
+ :param m_workers: Maximum number of workers for ProcessPoolExecutor.
+ :return: Stats.
+ """
+ with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=m_workers) as pool:
+ result = dict()
+ for p_index, (problem, problem_params) in enumerate(problem_list):
+ if isinstance(problem, type):
+ jMetalPyLogger.debug('Problem is not instantiated by default')
+ problem = problem(**problem_params)
+ for a_index, (algorithm, algorithm_params) in enumerate(algorithm_list):
+ if g_params:
+ algorithm_params.update(g_params)
+ if isinstance(algorithm, type):
+ jMetalPyLogger.debug('Algorithm {} is not instantiated by default'.format(algorithm))
+ algorithm_list[a_index] = (algorithm(problem=problem, **algorithm_params), {})
+ jMetalPyLogger.info('Running experiment: problem {0}, algorithm {1}'.format(problem, algorithm))
+ pool.submit(algorithm_list[a_index][0].run())
+ jMetalPyLogger.debug('Waiting')
+ # Wait until all computation is done for this problem
+ pool.shutdown(wait=True)
+ for algorithm, _ in algorithm_list:
+ front = algorithm.get_result()
+ result[algorithm.get_name()] = {'front': front,
+ 'problem': algorithm.problem.get_name(),
+ 'time': algorithm.total_computing_time}
+ for metric in metric_list:
+ result[algorithm.get_name()].setdefault('metric', dict()).update({metric.get_name(): metric.compute(front)})
+ return result
+def display(table: dict):
+ for k, v in table.items():
+ print('{0}: {1}'.format(k, v['metric']))
diff --git a/jmetal/util/solution_list_output.py b/jmetal/util/solution_list_output.py
index 5b0a8f95..e2051056 100644
--- a/jmetal/util/solution_list_output.py
+++ b/jmetal/util/solution_list_output.py
@@ -1,61 +1,44 @@
import logging
-from typing import TypeVar, List, Generic
+from typing import TypeVar, Generic
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from jmetal.util.graphic import ScatterPlot
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
S = TypeVar('S')
+.. module:: solution_list
+ :platform: Unix, Windows
+ :synopsis: Utils to print solutions.
-class SolutionListOutput(Generic[S]):
- @staticmethod
- def plot_scatter_to_file(solution_list: List[S], file_name, output_format: str, dpi: int,
- plot_title="Pareto frontier"):
- """ Plot non-dominated solutions. For problems with TWO variables.
- """
- sc = ScatterPlot(plot_title=plot_title)
- sc.simple_plot(solution_list=solution_list, file_name=file_name, fmt=output_format, dpi=dpi)
- @staticmethod
- def plot_scatter_to_screen(solution_list: List[S],
- plot_title="Pareto frontier (interactive)"):
- """ Plot non-dominated solutions. For problems with TWO variables.
- """
- sc = ScatterPlot(plot_title=plot_title)
- sc.interactive_plot(solution_list=solution_list)
+.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro
- @staticmethod
- def plot_scatter_real_time(solution_list: List[S], evaluations: int, computing_time: float, animation_speed: float,
- plot_title="Pareto frontier (real-time)"):
- """ Plot non-dominated solutions in real-time. For problems with TWO variables.
- """
- global sc
- if not plt.get_fignums():
- # The first time, set up plot
- sc = ScatterPlot(plot_title=plot_title, animation_speed=animation_speed)
- sc.simple_plot(solution_list=solution_list, save=False)
- else:
- sc.update(solution_list=solution_list, evaluations=evaluations, computing_time=computing_time)
+class SolutionList(Generic[S]):
- def print_variables_to_screen(solution_list: List[S]):
+ def print_variables_to_screen(solution_list: list):
for solution in solution_list:
- def print_function_values_to_screen(solution_list: List[S]):
+ def print_variables_to_file(solution_list: list, file_name):
+ logger.info("Output file (variables): " + file_name)
+ with open(file_name, 'w') as of:
+ for solution in solution_list:
+ for variables in solution.variables:
+ of.write(str(variables) + " ")
+ of.write("\n")
+ @staticmethod
+ def print_function_values_to_screen(solution_list: list):
for solution in solution_list:
print(str(solution_list.index(solution)) + ": ", sep=' ', end='', flush=True)
print(solution.objectives, sep=' ', end='', flush=True)
- def print_function_values_to_file(file_name, solution_list: List[S]):
+ def print_function_values_to_file(solution_list: list, file_name):
logger.info("Output file (function values): " + file_name)
with open(file_name, 'w') as of:
for solution in solution_list:
diff --git a/jmetal/util/test/conftest.py b/jmetal/util/test/conftest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d93458ce..00000000
--- a/jmetal/util/test/conftest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#from jmetal.util.test.test_ranking import DominanceRankingTestCases
-def pytest_addoption(parser):
- parser.addoption('--self', default=1, help="run many tests")
-def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
- self = metafunc.config.getoption('--self')
- if 'self' in metafunc.fixturenames:
- for x in range(1, self):
- metafunc.parametrize("self", self)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jmetal/util/time.py b/jmetal/util/time.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d623a7d..00000000
--- a/jmetal/util/time.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import time
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def get_time_of_execution(fn):
- """ Decorator to get time of execution of any method inside a class. """
- def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
- start_time = time.time()
- res = fn(*args, **kwargs)
- logger.info("Computing time to " + fn.__name__ + " (in seconds): " + str(time.time() - start_time))
- return res
- return wrapped
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index ba424c05..14dac7a2 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/resources/pages/auto_doc.md b/resources/pages/auto_doc.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e1a659..00000000
--- a/resources/pages/auto_doc.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Create automatic documentation files with Sphinx
-First, you need to know how to correctly document your code.
-## How to write docs directly from source code
-It is **important** to follow these simple rules in order to automatically create good documentation for the project.
-When you create a new module file (testDoc.py in this example), you should mention it using this format:
-.. module:: testDoc
- :platform: Unix, Windows
- :synopsis: A useful module indeed.
-.. moduleauthor:: Andrew Carter
-class testDoc(object):
- """We use this as a public class example class.
- This class is ruled by the very trendy important method :func:`public_fn_with_sphinxy_docstring`.
- .. note::
- An example of intersphinx is this: you **cannot** use :mod:`pickle` on this class.
- """
- def __init__(self, foo: str, bar: str):
- """A really simple class.
- Args:
- foo (str): We all know what foo does.
- bar (str): Really, same as foo.
- """
- self.__foo = foo
- self.__bar = bar
-This code snippet generates the following documentation:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/class_header.png)
-Now, you can document your methods using the following sintax:
- ```python
- def public_fn_with_sphinxy_docstring(self, name: str, state: bool = False) -> int:
- """This function does something.
- :param name: The name to use.
- :type name: str.
- :param state: Current state to be in.
- :type state: bool.
- :returns: int -- the return code.
- :raises: AttributeError, KeyError
- """
- return 0
- def public_fn_without_docstring(self):
- return True
-And the produced output doc will be:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/method_way_sphinx.png)
-As you may notice, if you don't use any docstring, the method documentation will be empty.
-In addition, if you only use "::members", even though you have a docstring, it won't be imported in the documentation.
-For example, this chunk of code does not produce any output doc:
- ```python
- def __private_fn_with_docstring(self, foo: str, bar: str = 'baz', foobarbas: int = None) -> int:
- """I have a docstring, but won't be imported if you just use ``:members:``.
- """
- return 20
-## How to compile and produce the docs
-After you have properly commented your code, you are now able to generate the documentation.
-> Note: You need to have previously installed the Sphinx dependency.
-In order to do that, from the root directory of **jMetalPy** you have to change your directory to the **auto-docs** one.
-$ cd auto-docs/
-Now, you can generate all the .rst files (which is the documentation project "skeleton").
-$ sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../jmetal/
-After that, if you want to produce your docs in *html* format you onle have to run this shell command.
-$ make html
-Your documentation is now served in this path
-Inside that folder it exists a file called *index.html*. If you open it using a web browser, you will be able to visualize the generated docs.
-You should clean this folder if you want to perform another compilation. You can perform that operation with this command:
-$ make clean
-> Note: Whenever you create another module or file (.py), if you want to add it to the docs, you have to re-run *sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../jmetal/* inside the *auto-docs* folder.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/pages/code_style.md b/resources/pages/code_style.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 23ea4ed5..00000000
--- a/resources/pages/code_style.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-## PEP8!
-It is really important to follow some standards when a team develops an application. If all team members format the code in the same format, then it is much easier to read the code. PEP8 is Python's style guide. It's a set of rules for how to format your Python code.
-Some style rules:
- - Package and module names:
-Modules should have short, **all-lowercase** names. Underscores can be used in the module name if it improves readability. Python packages should also have short, **all-lowercase** names, although the use of underscores is discouraged. In Python, a module is a file with the suffix '.py'.
- - Class names:
-Class names should normally use the **CapWords** convention.
- - Method names and instance variables:
-**Lowercase with words separated by underscores** as necessary to improve readability.
-There are many more style standards in PEP8! → [PEP8 documentation](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008).
-The most appropriate is to use an IDE that has support for PEP8. For example, [PyCharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/).
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diff --git a/resources/pages/features_python3.md b/resources/pages/features_python3.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/resources/pages/features_python3.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-## Python 3.5!
-We use the new features of python 3. Concretely, up to version **3.5**.
-### Typing
-We **always** define types in the parameters of the arguments and the return value:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/types_in_methods.png)
-### Abstract class
-We can define abstract classes (ABCs) in Python:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/abstract.png)
-In the case that we want to define an **interface** class, it is done in the same way. We just have to define all the methods of the class as abstract.
-### Generic types
-Example of use of generic types:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/generic_types.png)
-In the code below, the IDE displays a **warning**, since although the 2nd parameter is a float type, which is a type allowed in the definition of the generic type X, it is not of the same type as the first, since the first 2 parameters must be of the same generic type (S):
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/instance_with_generic_types1_wearning.png)
-In the code below, the IDE displays a **warning**, since the 2nd parameter is a type not allowed in the definition of the generic type ( *TypeVar('S', int, float)* ):
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/instance_with_generic_types2_wearning.png)
-### Generic class
-When the class inherits from *Generic[...]*, the **class is defined as generic**. In this way we can indicate the types that will have the values of the generic types, when using the class as type. Look at the *add_car()* method of the *Parking* class.
-NOTE: The generic classes inherit from abc.ABCMeta, so they are abstract classes and **abstract methods can be used** .
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/generic_class1.png)
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/generic_class2.png)
-In the code below, the IDE displays a **warning** in the call to the *add_car()* method when adding the car, since the 3rd parameter of the init must be a *str* type, as defined in the *add_car()* method of the *Parking* class.
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/instance_with_generic_class_wearning.png)
-When inheriting from generic classes, some type variables could be fixed:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/generic_types_fixed.png)
-Example of inheritance from non-generic class to generic class:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/inheritance_non_generic_to_generic.png)
-Example of inheritance from generic class to another generic class:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/inheritance_generic_to_generic.png)
-There are more features in Python3.5! → [Python3.5 documentation](https://docs.python.org/3.5/contents.html).
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-## Object-oriented programming!
-**Object-oriented programming should be the single programming paradigm used**. Avoiding as far as possible, imperative and functional programming.
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/python_poo_programming.png)
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/python_functional_programming.png)
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/python_imperative_programming.png)
-In classes, we directly access the attributes, which are usually defined as public.
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/without_getter_setter.png)
-Only when we want to **implement additional logic in the accesses to the attributes** we define getter/setter methods, but **always by using the ***property*** annotation or the ***property*** function**:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/property_annotation.png)
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/property_functional.png)
-By using ***property***, we continue to access the attributes directly:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/good_access.png)
-Do not use getter/setter methods without the *property* annotation or the *property* function:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/with_getter_setter.png)
-Since this way of accessing the attribute is not commonly used in Python:
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/bad_access.png)
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-# Profiling with Python using `cProfile`
-Python allow us to collect and analize statistics about it's performance using the profiler module.
-This can be done by running
-`CProfile` is one of the three built-in modules of Python. [It is recommended for most users](https://docs.python.org/2/library/profile.html#introduction-to-the-profilers).
-This way we can know which functions are faster than others. The module can be invoked as a script:
-python -m cProfile -o [OUTPUT.FILE] [SCRIPT.PY]
-When `-o` is not supplied, we can use `-s` to specify one of the `sort_stats()` sort values to sort the output by.
-## Reading profile results
-The `pstats.Stats` class allow us to examine the profile data:
-import pstats
-p = pstats.Stats('restats')
-# Memory usage
-`memory_profiler` is a python module for monitoring memory consumption of a process as well as line-by-line analysis of memory consumption for python programs
-To use it, simply install with
- pip install -U memory_profiler
- pip install psutil
-From its website:
-> (Installing the psutil package here is recommended because it greatly improves the performance of the memory_profiler).
-Then decorate a function with `@profile` to view line-by-line memory usage:
-from memory_profiler import profile
-def function():
- ...
-And execute:
-python -m memory_profiler example.py
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-## Structure!
-Python is not Java. In Java you cannot, by design, have more than one class in a file. In Python, you can do it.
-In Python, **it is appropriate to group several classes into a single .py file. For that reason, the .py files are called modules.**
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-## Git WorkFlow
-We have a set of branches on the remote Git server.
-Some branches are temporary, and others are constant throughout the life of the repository.
-* Branches always present in the repository:
- * *master*: You have the latest released to production, receive merges from the develop branch, or merge from a *hotfix* branch (emergency).
- * Do I have to put a TAG when doing a merge from develop to master? yes
- * Do I have to put a TAG when doing a merge from a hotfix branch to master? yes
- * After merge from a hotfix to master, do I have to merge from master to develop? yes
- * *develop*: It is considered the "Next Release", receives merges from branches of each developer, either corrections (*fix*) or new features (*feature*).
-* Temporary branches:
- * *feature/\\-\*: When we are doing a development, we create a local branch with the prefix "feature/", then only if there is a task id, we indicate it and we add a hyphen. The following we indicate a description according to the functionality that we are developing. The words are separated by hyphens.
- * Where does this branch emerge? This branch always emerge from the develop branch
- * When I finish the development in my feature branch, which branch to merge into?: You always merge feature branch into develop branch
- * *fix/\\-\*: When we are making a correction, we create a local branch with the prefix "fix/", then only if there is a task id, we indicate it and we add a hyphen. The following we indicate a description according to the functionality that we are correcting. The words are separated by hyphens.
- * Where does this branch emerge? This branch always emerge from the develop branch
- * When I finish the correction in my fix branch, which branch to merge into?: You always merge feature branch into develop branch
- * *hotfix/\\-\*: When we are correcting an emergency incidence in production, we create a local branch with the prefix "hotfix/", then only if there is a task id, we indicate it and we add a hyphen. The following we indicate a description according to the functionality that we are correcting. The words are separated by hyphens.
- * Where does this branch emerge?: This branch always emerge from the master branch
- * When I finish the correction in my hotfix branch, which branch to merge into?: This branch always emerge from the master and develop branch
-![jMetal architecture](../../resources/WorkflowGitBranches.png)
-* Steps to follow when you are creating or going to work on a branch of any kind (feature / fix / hotfix):
- 1. After you create your branch (feature / fix / hotfix) locally, upload it to the remote Git server. The integration system will verify your code from the outset.
- 2. Each time you commit, as much as possible, you send a push to the server. Each push will trigger the automated launch of the tests, etc.
- 3. Once the development is finished, having done a push to the remote Git server, and that the test phase has passed without problem, you create an pull request:
NOTE: Do not forget to remove your branch (feature / fix / hotfix) once the merge has been made.
-* Some useful Git commands:
- * git fetch --prune: Cleaning branches removed and bringing new branches
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index ae560e21..ee867b5a 100644
--- a/setup.py
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-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+from setuptools import find_packages
- version='0.2',
- description='JMetalPy. Python version of the jMetal framework',
- author='Antonio J. Nebro',
- author_email='ajnebro@uma.es',
- maintainer='Antonio Nebro',
- maintainer_email='ajnebro@uma.es',
- license='MIT',
- url='https://github.com/jMetal/jMetalPy',
- classifiers=[
- 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
+ from setuptools import setup
+except ImportError:
+ from distutils.core import setup
- 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
- 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
- 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6'],
- packages=find_packages(exclude=['test_']),
- )
+ name='jmetalpy',
+ version='0.5.0',
+ description='JMetalPy. Python version of the jMetal framework',
+ author='Antonio J. Nebro',
+ author_email='antonio@lcc.uma.es',
+ maintainer='Antonio J. Nebro',
+ maintainer_email='antonio@lcc.uma.es',
+ license='MIT',
+ url='https://github.com/jMetal/jMetalPy',
+ long_description=open('README.md').read(),
+ packages=find_packages(exclude=['test_']),
+ classifiers=[
+ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
+ 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6'
+ ],
+ install_requires=[
+ 'numpy',
+ 'matplotlib==2.0.2',
+ 'bokeh==0.12.16',
+ 'tqdm'
+ ],
+ tests_require=[
+ 'mockito'
+ 'PyHamcrest',
+ 'pytest'
+ ]
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-# Required metadata
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