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Docker Administration

All In One Docker Guide with the main concepts

Docker Linux Installation

Installation steps for Server applications:

  1. Follow the official installation guidelines (Docker Linux Installation)
  2. Verify the successful installation: sudo docker run hello-world
  3. Better practice is to execute docker as a non-root user. When docker is installed a docker group usually is created which grants root-level privileges to the users added. As we discussed at the we need:
    • check if a docker group exists: cat /etc/group | grep docker (if doesn't exist create one: sudo groupadd docker)
    • check the users which currently are members of the docker group: groups docker (if it's a new docker installation it should be empty)
    • add users to it: sudo usermod -aG docker [USERNAME] (Manage Docker as a non-root user)
    • restart the server
    • verify the execution without sudo privileges: docker run hello-world

Docker Commands

Basic Docker Commands

Command Description
docker --help Prints all the coomands basic commands
docker --version [OPTIONS] Get the current version of the docker
docker images Prints all the current images installed locally.
docker pull [OPTIONS] [IMAGE_NAME] Pull an image/repository from a registry
docker run [OPTIONS] [IMAGE_NAME] Create a container from an image (a new each time)
docker ps List all the containers currently running (plotting their IDs, Ports etc)
docker ps -a print all the past executed containers, the history
docker container ls -a print all the past executed containers, the history
docker stop [OPTIONS] [Container_ID] stop one or more running containers
docker restart [OPTIONS] [Container_ID] restart one or more containers
docker start [OPTIONS] [Container_ID] restart one or more containers
docker kill [OPTIONS] [Container_Name] kill one or more containers
docker rm [OPTIONS] [Container_Name] delete one or more containers
docker logs [Container_ID] helps debugging
docker exec -it Container_ID COMMAND run a command in a running container
docker exec -it Container_ID /bin/bash get the bash as vm as a root user
docker commit create a new image from the container image
docker push push an image or repository to a registry
docker network ls Available networks, used for intercommunication between containers
docker network create NETWORK_NAME create a docker network

There are two categories of commands (basic commands & management commands) in management commands arguments (options) are required


Alternative Docker Commands

Command Command Description
docker container ls docker ps list of processes
docker builder build docker build build a new image
docker container inspect docker inspect inspect specific container
docker container commit docker commit create image on specific container
docker container run docker run start a new container

Basic Docker Options

[OPTIONS] Description
-d detached mode : run the container without the terminal: docker run -d [IMAGE_NAME]
-a Print container that are running and not running
- p[Host Port Number]:[Binding Port Number] Bind port of your host (port of the host <-- port which you exernaly send requests) to the container (port of tha you are binding this). Port: specifies on which port the container is listening to the incomming request. example: docker run -p6000:6379 [IMAGE_NAME]

Docker Architecture

Concept of Docker

Docker uses a Client/Server Architecture. The Docker Client (AKA docker) talks to the Docker Server/Host (AKA daemon):

  • Client/docker: is the primary way that users interact with Docker. By using commands (example: docker pull [OPTIONS] [IMAGE_NAME]) the client sends these requests to Server/daemon, which carries them out. The Docker Client can communicate with more than one Server/daemon.
  • Server/daemon: manages objects such as images, containers, networks, and volumes. Basically daemon does the heavy lifting of building, running, and distributing your Docker containers. A daemon can also communicate with other daemons to manage Docker services.
  • Client and Server/daemon can run on the same system, or you can connect a Docker client to a remote Docker Server/daemon.
  • Client and Server/daemon communicate using a REST API, over UNIX sockets or a network interface.
  • Docker Compose is a type of Client, that lets you work with applications consisting of a set of containers.
  • Registry: stores Docker images. Docker Hub is a public registry, and Docker is configured to look for images on Docker Hub by default. By using commands such as docker pull [OPTIONS] [IMAGE_NAME] or docker run [OPTIONS] [IMAGE_NAME], the required images are pulled from your configured registry. When you use the docker push command, your image is pushed to your configured registry.


Docker Objects

Container Object

  • Container: is an isolated place where an application runs without affecting the rest of the system and without the system impacting the application. Because they are isolated, containers are well-suited for securely running software like databases or web applications that need access to sensitive resources without giving access to every user on the system.
    • Containers run natively on Linux and shares the host machine’s kernel, they are lightweight, not using more memory than other executables. If you stop a container, it will not automatically restart unless you configure it that way. Containers can be much more efficient than virtual machines because they don’t need the overhead of an entire operating system. They share a single kernel with other containers and boot in seconds instead of minutes.
    • Use containers for packaging an application with all the components it needs, then ship it all out as one unit. This approach is popular because it eliminates the friction between development, QA, and production environments, enabling faster software shipping. Building and deploying applications inside software containers eliminates “works on my machine” problems when collaborating on code with fellow developers.
    • You can create, start, stop, move, or delete a container using the Docker API or CLI. You can connect a container to one or more networks, attach storage to it, or even create a new image based on its current state.
    • Container Layers Each time Docker launches a container from an image, it adds a thin writable layer, known as the container layer, which stores all changes to the container throughout its runtime. As this layer is the only difference between a live operational container and the source Docker image itself, any number of like-for-like containers can potentially share access to the same underlying image while maintaining their own individual state.

Image Object

  • Image: is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container. Think of an image like a blueprint or snapshot of what will be in a container when it runs. Basically an image bundles together all the essentials such as installations, application code, and dependencies in order to execute code in a Docker container.
    • Docker container as a running image instance. You can create many containers from the same image, each with its own unique data and state.

    • Often, an image is based on another image, with some additional customization (i.e. build an image which is based on the ubuntu image, but installs the Apache web server).

    • To build an image, you create a Dockerfile with a simple syntax for defining the steps needed to create the image and run it. Each instruction in a Dockerfile creates a layer in the image. When you change the Dockerfile and rebuild the image, only those layers which have changed are rebuilt. This is part of what makes images so lightweight, small, and fast, when compared to other virtualization technologies.

    • Image Layers Each of the files that make up a Docker image is known as a layer. These layers form a series of intermediate images, built one on top of the other in stages, where each layer is dependent on the layer immediately below it. The hierarchy of your layers is key to efficient lifecycle management of your Docker images. Thus, you should organize layers that change most often as high up the stack as possible. This is because, when you make changes to a layer in your image, Docker not only rebuilds that particular layer, but all layers built from it.

      • Change to a layer at the top of a stack involves the least amount of computational work to rebuild the entire image.
      • Parent Image is the first layer of a Docker image. It’s the foundation upon which all other layers are built and provides the basic building blocks for your container environments.
        • A typical parent image may be a stripped-down Linux distribution or come with a preinstalled service
      • Base image is an empty first layer, which allows you to build your Docker images from scratch; give you full control over the contents of images.

Image Creation Methods

You can create a Docker image by using one of Two Methods:

(1) Interactive Method

  • Interactive: By running a container from an existing Docker image (example run ubuntu: docker run -it ubuntu), manually changing that container environment through a series of live steps (example update: apt-get update), and saving the resulting state as a new image (find the container's id after the installation and from another terminal execute: docker commit containers_id) you will find this update container as a new image when you execute: docker images.
    • Advantages: Quickest and simplest way to create Docker images. Ideal for testing, troubleshooting, determining dependencies, and validating processes.
    • Disadvantages: Difficult lifecycle management, requiring error-prone manual reconfiguration of live interactive processes. Create unoptimized images with unnecessary layers.

Core Docker Execution Process (Interactive Method)

The following happens when you run this command: docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash:

  1. Starts by searching a local image of ubuntu. If you do not have the ubuntu image locally, Docker pulls it from your configured registry, as though you had run docker pull ubuntu manually. So a local image is created (if it doesn't exist) and pointed at via the IMAGE ID reference

  2. Docker creates a new container with a new container ID based on the aforementioned image, as though you had run a docker container create command manually.

  3. Docker allocates a read-write filesystem to the container, as its final layer. This allows a running container to create or modify files and directories in its local filesystem.

  4. Docker creates a network interface to connect the container to the default network, since you did not specify any networking options. This includes assigning an IP address to the container. By default, containers can connect to external networks using the host machine’s network connection.

  5. Docker starts the container and executes /bin/bash. Because the container is running interactively and attached to your terminal (due to the -i and -t flags), you can provide input using your keyboard while the output is logged to your terminal.

  6. When you type exit to terminate the /bin/bash command, the container stops but is not removed. You can start it again or remove it.

Basic Docker -it Option (Interactive Method)

The -it option is the same as -i -t just merged. And has the following purpose:

  • Without [Option] --> docker run ubuntu

    • Searches for Ubuntu image(copy from registry if none)
    • Creates a container from this image (a new container with a new ID)
    • Immediately terminates (as there is no such a container in docker ps) because there is no command (processes) after the creation of the container that required to be executed.
    • Nevertheless this container was executed correctly and completely as there is such a container process in history: docker ps -a
  • With [Option]= -it --> docker run -it ubuntu

    • Searches for Ubuntu image(copy from registry if none)
    • Creates a container from this image (a new container with a new ID)
    • You have a bash/shell access as a root user with system name the container ID.
    • this shell is not your server's shell, it is a fully isolated new system with a new shell access
    • if you open a new terminal and execute docker ps you will see this container running
    • you may exit this shell, as usual with exit command and then also from the docker ps with be terminated.

(2) Dockerfile Method

  • Dockerfile: By constructing a plain-text file, known as a Dockerfile, which provides the specifications for creating a Docker image; like a blueprint. This is a three-step process whereby you create the Dockerfile and add the commands you need to assemble the image.
    • Advantages: Clean, compact and repeatable recipe-based images. Easier lifecycle management and easier integration into continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) processes. Clear self-documented record of steps taken to assemble the image.
    • Disadvantages: More difficult for beginners and more time consuming to create from scratch.


Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. Dockerfile is the blueprint of your project.

Core Dockerfile Execution Process

  1. Project Directory Creation

    1. Make a folder with the files used in this Docker image.
    2. cd to this Directory.
  2. Create a Dockerfile

    1. Create a file named DockerFile.

    2. Include the following lines in the DockerFile file:

      FROM ubuntu
      WORKDIR /home/admin/docker_projects/[DIRECTORY_NAME]
      RUN apt-get update
      ENTRYPOINT pwd

  3. Build an image based on this dockerfile:

    After saving the DockerFile file and while you are inside this directory execute:

    docker build -t [MY_IMAGE_NAME]:[VERSION_NUMBER] .

  4. Run the image as a container:


Dockerfile Commands

The following table shows you those Dockerfile statements you’re most likely to use:

Command Purpose - Description
FROM <image>:<tag> (Must included) Specify the parent image
MAINTAINER <name> (Optional) set the Author field of the generated images
WORKDIR </path/to/workdir> (Best Practice) Set working directory for any commands that follow in the Dockerfile *
ARG <key> <value> (Optional) Pass Docker Environment Variables During The Image Build with --build-arg
RUN <command> (Must included) To install any applications and packages required for your container. *
COPY <src> <dest> To copy over files or directories from a specific location.
ADD <src> <dest> As COPY, but also able to handle remote URLs and unpack compressed files.
ENV <key> <value> (Optional) Pass Docker Environment Variables afterwards once the container runs with --env
ENTRYPOINT <command> <param1> <param2> Command that will always be executed when the container starts. If not specified, the default is /bin/sh -c
CMD <command> <param1> <param2> Arguments passed to the entrypoint. If ENTRYPOINT is not set (defaults to /bin/sh -c), the CMD will be the commands the container executes.
EXPOSE <port> To define which port through which to access your container application.
LABEL <key>=<value> To add metadata to the image

* You can have multiple WORKDIR instructions in your Dockerfile which are build as the layers go down

* the RUN statements in your Dockerfile are only executed during the build stage, i.e. using docker build and not with docker run

Environment Variables

Docker ENV and ARG are pretty similar, but not quite the same.

  • ARG can be set during the image build with --build-arg
  • ENV can be set during the container running with --env

Dockerfile Example Environment Variables

  1. Project Directory Creation

    1. Make a folder with the files used in this Docker image
    2. cd to this Directory
  2. Create a Dockerfile

    1. Create a file named DockerFile

    2. Include the following lines in the DockerFile file:

      FROM ubuntu
      WORKDIR /home/admin/docker_projects/proj2

      ARG my_arg
      RUN echo $my_arg

      ENV my_var=$my_arg ENTRYPOINT echo $my_var

  3. Build an image based on this dockerfile:

    After saving the DockerFile file and while you are inside this directory execute:

    docker build -t my_proj2 --build-arg my_arg="TEST_VAR" .

    As you will see during the build the value TEST_VAR will be printed

  4. Run the image as a container:

    1. Without Environment Variable

      docker run my_proj2

    As you will see the value TEST_VAR will be printed

    1. With Environment Variable

      docker run --env my_var='TEST_VAR2' my_proj2

    As you will see the value TEST_VAR2 will be printed

Docker Compose

Docker Compose offers a convenient solution for streamlining the process of building multiple images and running containers:

  • Rather than manually creating each image and running containers one by one from the command line, Docker Compose allows you to perform these tasks all at once, by just including a docker-compose.yml file and executing docker-compose [OPTIONS] command.

  • Docker Compose is similar to a Linux .sh file that contain multiple Linux commands, which can be executed all at once.

  • Docker Compose builds upon the concept of the DockerFile, which serves as the blueprint for creating a single Docker image and running a container based on that image. Expanding on this idea, Docker Compose provides a higher-level blueprint for building multiple single Docker images and creating multiple containers with different dependencies.

  • Just like the DockerFile, Docker Compose utilizes a docker-compose.yml file. This file acts as a guide for building images and running containers with their respective dependencies based on the images. It's important to note that the docker-compose.yml file does not overwrite the DockerFile for each image; instead, it works in conjunction with it by providing instructions on how each individual DockerFile should be built.

Docker Compose Execution Process

Using Compose is essentially a three-step process:

  1. For each independent apps/docker-images you want to build, as usual, create a folder with a Dockerfile file inside, as mentioned above (no difference).
  2. Create one file (the docker compose directory) with docker-compose.yml which will supervise all the independent apps/docker-images and their containers
  3. Run a docker-compose up command and the Docker compose command starts and runs your entire app. Execute the command (no containers should be running): docker-compose [OPTIONS] up.

Basic docker-compose.yml Format

In the docker-compose.yml file, we need to specify the version of the Compose file, at least one service (an image), and optionally volumes and networks:

  • services refer to the containers' configuration based on images, each service may be independent of each other.
  • volumes are physical areas of disk space shared between the host and a container, or even between containers. In other words, a volume is a shared directory in the host, visible from some or all containers.
  • networks define the communication rules between containers, and between a container and the host. Common network zones will make the containers' services discoverable by each other, while private zones will segregate them in virtual sandboxes.
version: "3.7"
        image: service-1-image
        image: service-2-image
        image: service-3-image

Docker Compose Services

There are multiple settings that we can apply to services the core ones are as follows, AND we can combine the followings:

Example 1 - Pulling an Image

  • In the docker-compose.yml you may use already builded images and run container based on them. These images may be custom images available locally at docker images or in the Docker Registry:
            image: ubuntu:latest
            container_name: my-ubuntu-container
            image: my_custom_image:latest
            container_name: my-custom-container
  • The container_name refers to the name when this container will be running

Example 2 - Building One Simple Image

  • In the docker-compose.yml you may build an image available in the same repository. You need to have a Dockerfile under the same path with the usual instructions.

            build: .
            image: my-service-X-image-name
            container_name: my-service-X-container
  • The image refers to the name when this image will be build

  • The container_name refers to the name when this container will be running

Example 3 - Building One Advanced Image

  • More formally you may use the specify the build under context and optionally use Dockerfile Specific file and arguments:
                context: .
                dockerfile: Dockerfile-Specific-name
                    ARG_NAME_1: ARG_VAL_1
                    ARG_NAME_2: ARG_VAL_2
            image: my-service-X-image-name
            container_name: my-service-X-container
  • The context refers to the path where the DockerfileSpecific-name exists. if . is the same path
  • The dockerfile refers to the particular Dockerfile Specific name.
  • The args refers to the arguments passed during the image build as discussed above
  • The image here refers to the name when this image will be build
  • The container_name here refers to the name when this container will be running

Example 4 - Building Multiple Images (Different Directories)

  • In the docker-compose.yml you may build multiple images available in same repository. You need to have a Dockerfile-X with the usual instructions at each of the repositories.

            build: .
            dockerfile: Dockerfile-X
            build: /path/to/image-service-X/dockerfile/
            image: my-service-X-image-name
            container_name: my-service-X-container
            build: .
            dockerfile: Dockerfile-Y
            image: my-service-Y-image-name
            container_name: my-service-Y-container
  • This dockerfile: defines from which Dockerfile each is should be build

  • This path/to/dockerfile for each image may be absolute or relevant.

  • The image here refers to the name when this image will be build.

  • The container_name here refers to the name when this container will be running

Example 5 - Building Multiple Images (Different Directories)

  • In the docker-compose.yml you may build multiple images available in the different repositories (app-image repositories). You need to have a Dockerfile with the usual instructions at each of the repositories.

            build: /path/to/image-service-X/dockerfile/
            image: my-service-X-image-name
            container_name: my-service-X-container
            build: /path/to/image-service-Y/dockerfile/
            image: my-service-Y-image-name
            container_name: my-service-Y-container
  • This path/to/dockerfile for each image may be absolute or relevant.

  • The image here refers to the name when this image will be build.

  • The container_name here refers to the name when this container will be running

Example 6 - Building Remote Images

  • In the docker-compose.yml you may build multiple images available in the different repositories (app-image repositories). You need to have a Dockerfile with the usual instructions at each of the repositories.
            image: my-service-X-image-name
  • The image here refers to the name when this image will be build
  • The container_name here refers to the name when this container will be running

Docker Compose Network

The multi-containers we run via Docker Compose have the option to communicate between themselves.

Example 1 - Simple Network

  • A service can communicate with another service on the same network by simply referencing it by the container name and port (for example network-example-service:80), provided that we've made the port accessible through the expose keyword
        image: karthequian/helloworld:latest
            - "80"

Example 2 - Multi Ports

  • To reach a container from the host, the ports must be exposed declaratively through the ports keyword, which also allows us to choose if we're exposing the port differently in the host:
        image: karthequian/helloworld:latest
            - "80:80"
        image: myapp:latest
            - "8080:3000"
        image: myapp:latest
            - "8081:3000"
  • Port 80 will now be visible from the host, while port 3000 of the other two containers will be available on ports 8080 and 8081 in the host. This powerful mechanism allows us to run different containers exposing the same ports without collisions.

Docker Compose Environment Variables

There are three types of volumes: anonymous, named, and host.


Environment Variables from a file (env_file)

As not to insert Environment Variables on the fly it's best practice to put values into file. Those are used with Docker Compose and Docker Stack. It has nothing to do with ENV, ARG, or anything Docker-specific explained above. It’s exclusively a docker-compose.yml thing.


version: '3'
        image: mongo
            - 27017:27017
            - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin
            - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
            image: mongo-express
            - 8080:8081 
            - ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER=mongodb

References and Appendix