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73 lines (65 loc) · 2.89 KB

LIDC Segmentation of Lung Nodule with U-Net, U-Net++

This repository is the second stage for Lung Cancer project. Please check out my first repository LIDC-IDRI-Preprocessing Explanation for my first repository is on Medium as well! The input for this repository requires the output format from the first stage. This repository would train a segmentation model(U-Net, U-Net++) for Lung Nodules. The whole script is implemented in Pytorch Framework. The model script for U-Net++ and some of the script format is sourced from here


  • pytorch 1.4
  • GPU is needed

1. Check out my LIDC-IDRI-Preprocessing repository

This repository goes through the preprocessing steps of the LIDC-IDRI data. Running the script will return .npy images for each lung cancer slice and mask slice. Also, a meta.csv, clean_meta.csv file will be made after running the jupyter file.

2. Fix directory settings

All the scripts were written when I was not so familiar with directory settings. I mostly used absolute directory. Please change each directory setting to fit yours. I apologize for the inconvenience.


  1. Create a virtual environment
conda create -n=<env_name> python=3.6 
conda activate <env_name>
  1. Install pip packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

File Structure

+-- Unet
|    # This folder contains the model code for U-Net
+-- UnetNested
|    # This folder contains the model code for U-Net++
+-- figures
|    # This folder saves figure images
+-- meta_csv
|    # This folder contains information of each images in a csv format. 
|    # The cs
+-- notebook
|    # This folder contains jupyter notebook files for some visuialization
|    # Dataset class for Pytorch, Accepts .npy file format
|    # Loss function. Here I use the BCE dice loss. Sourced from 
     # Metric function. It is interesting to note that somehow the dice coefficient doesn't increase as fast as IOU in the early stages of training.
|    # Training of Segmentation model. Adjust hyperparameters
|    # Utility file
|    # For validation of the model


  1. Train the model. There will be total of 4 cases. UNET_base, UNET_with_augmentation, NestedUNET_base, NestedUNET_with_augmentation
# Training U-net
python --name UNET --augmentation True
# Training U-Net++
python --name NestedUNET --augmentation True 
  1. Validate the model
# if you want to get the augmented version
python --name UNET --augmentaton True

Some resources that were useful

Evaluatuion Metric