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Setting up icon pack (Part 2)

Jahir Fiquitiva edited this page Sep 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

Navigate to app/src/main/res/values/

There you will find a set of more XMLs, which are required for the icon pack to work properly too.

Those files are:

  • bools.xml
  • docks.xml
  • icon_pack.xml
  • skin_colors.xml
  • wallpapers.xml

You can keep bools.xml and skin_colors.xml exactly as they are.

How to edit the other files...

  • docks.xml

    This file only contains an array:

     <string-array name="dock_backgroundlist">

    The items must match the names of png pictures you must add in the same folder where the icons go. Also, keep the string-array name (dock_backgroundlist) exactly as it is, otherwise this list may not work properly.

    If you don't want to provide docks, simply remove all items from this array.

  • wallpapers.xml

    This file contains a string-array and a string:

     <string-array name="wallpapers">
     <string name="default_wallpaper">circles_wall</string>

    Keep the string-array and string names ("wallpapers" and "default_wallpaper" respectively) exactly as that, for they to be properly recognized.

    The items of the array, and the default wallpaper, must match the name of pictures you must add in the folder app/src/main/res/drawable-nodpi

  • Now the longest file


    This file contains many arrays that contains the names of the icons files.

    I will try to explain only by the name:

    <string-array name="icons_preview"> This array contains the icons names that will be shown in the icons preview. Try to keep at least 8 icons there.

    <string-array name="icon_filters"> This array contains the filters names that will be used in the icons preview section. Make sure the names you put in the array, match the names of the other arrays. I mean, as you see, the next array is named "something", so I will put "something" as an item of the array icon_filters.

    <string-array name="something"> You can create more arrays with any name you want. The arrays you create will be taken into account to generate the filters in the icons preview section.

    <string-array name="icon_pack"> This array is needed by some launchers too.

If you think creating this file is tedious, or a bit hard, you might want to check the tool Allan Wang created.

That's it.

Naming icons

Blueprint has file naming conventions (from Polar dashboard) which allow you to specify how the app's name will be displayed in the dashboard. Here are the rules:

  • No changes: the first letter of the name will be capital.
  • Single underscores: will become a space in the middle of a word, the next letter is capital. If it's placed at the beginning of the name, it makes the first letter lowercase.
  • Double underscores: no space, makes the next letter capital.
  • Triple underscores: makes the next word all capital.

Here are some examples:

  • betternet.png will become Betternet
  • google_chrome.png will become Google Chrome
  • pay__pal.png will become PayPal
  • _blueprint.png will become blueprint
  • ___blueprint.png will become BLUEPRINT
  • ___npr_one.png will become NPR One
  • material___os.png will become MaterialOS
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