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A Lua library for interacting with AWS (Amazon Web Services).




Implements the AWS Signature v4 algorithm. This can be used to sign requests to a variety of Amazon services.


CanonicalURI = canonicalise_path(path)

Canonicalises the given string argument according to the v4 signature rules for paths:

  • Removes redundant path components, e.g. .. and .
  • Ensures (only) the correct characters are escaped


CanonicalQueryString = canonicalise_query_string(query)

Canonicalises the given string argument according to the v4 signature rules for query strings:

  • Ensures (only) the correct characters are escaped
  • Query arguments are sorted


kSigning = derive_signing_key(kSecret, Date, Region, Service)

Derives the signing key as specified in Uses a SHA256 HMAC.


request, extra = prepare_request(tbl)

Prepares a signed HTTP(S) request.

Currently does not support Authentication parameters in the query string.

The fields of tbl are:

Field Type Description
.Domain string|nil The domain to hit, defaults to ""
.Region string The Amazon region. e.g. "us-east-1"
.Service string The Amazon service. e.g. "kinesis"
.method string e.g. "GET"
.CanonicalURI string|nil A pre-canonicalised path. If not provided .path will be canonicalised
.path string|nil The path of your request. Not used if .CanonicalURI is specified. If not provided or empty, defaults to "/"
.CanonicalQueryString string|nil A pre-canonicalised query-string. If not provided .query will be canonicalised
.query string|nil The query string for your request. Not used if .CanonicalQueryString is specified. Not required.
.headers {string:string|false}|nil Table of string key/value pairs to use as signed headers in the request. A value of false prevents the header from being automatically filled in. Keys will be normalised to Title-Case; behaviour on duplicates is undefined.
.body string|nil Request body
.AccessKey string Your Amazon access key.
.SigningKey string|nil A pre-derived signing key, if one is not provided, it will be derived from .SecretKey
.SecretKey string|nil Your Amazon secret key, only required if you do not specify .SigningKey
.timestamp number|nil When request should be signed for as a unix timestamp. defaults to os.time() i.e. now
.tls boolean|nil A truthy value will use HTTPS, false indicates HTTP. defaults to true
.port number|nil TCP port for request. defaults to 443 for HTTPS or 80 for HTTP

The returned request object has fields:

Field Type Description
.url string URL representing the Host,
.host string Host to connect to. e.g. ""
.port number TCP port to connect to. e.g. 443
.tls boolean Should SSL/TLS be used to connect? e.g. true
.method string e.g. "GET"
.target string The target (the part between method and HTTP/) ready to be used in a HTTP request. i.e. path and query string
.headers {string:string} Table of headers
.body string|nil .body as passed in

The returned extra object has intermediary values calculated by the AWS v4 signing algorithm.

Field Type
.CanonicalURI string
.CanonicalQueryString string
.SignedHeaders string
.CanonicalHeaders string
.CanonicalRequest string
.StringToSign string
.SigningKey string
.Signature string
.Authorization string

If not provided, certain headers will be added. To prevent a header from getting added, provide it in .headers with a boolean value of false

  • Host
  • X-Amz-Date
  • Authorization

This example prepares a HTTP request to Amazon Kinesis to ListStreams

local prepare_request = require "aws.v4".prepare_request
local request, extra = prepare_request {
	Region = "us-east-1";
	Service = "kinesis";
	method = "POST";
	headers = {
		["X-Amz-Target"] = "Kinesis_20131202.ListStreams";
		["Content-Type"] = "application/x-amz-json-1.1";
	body = '{}';
	AccessKey = "AKIDEXAMPLE";