This project has the objective of the show a dashboard with the feedbacks sent by the user through a widget
This project is based on a course of vuejs by treinamento de Vue.js 3
Demo | Backend | Dashboard | Widget | Technologies
The folder of the backend manages all manipulation of requests to the database and the creating user, generate a new token of access, list of feedbacks.
The structure of the backend is ready.
Before of run the commands, installed in your system the Docker.To run of backend use the commands below:
install the dependencies:
$ npm i or yarn
build the backend in a container of docker:
$ npm run build or yarn build
run container created:
$ npm run container or yarn container
This backend run on port 3000
The folder of the dashboard is responsible to manage the visual part of the application, creating a list of feedbacks with a filter personalized to what the user can interact
Before of run the commands, installed in your system the vuejs.To run of dashboard use the commands below:
install the dependencies:
$ npm i or yarn
run application local or developer:
$ npm run serve or yarn serve
run tests unit:
$ npm run test:unit or yarn test:unit
run tests e2e:
$ npm run test:e2e or yarn test:e2e
run build to production:
$ npm run build or yarn build
This dashboard run on port 8080
The folder widget is responsible to create an iframe using some information to create the widget correctly on the page of the client. This widget is used to get the feedback of the user and send the feedback to the dashboard where the owner of the page can access.
Before of run the commands, installed in your system the vuejs.To run of widget use the commands below:
install the dependencies:
$ npm i or yarn
run application local or developer:
$ npm run serve or yarn serve
run tests unit:
$ npm run test:unit or yarn test:unit
run tests e2e:
$ npm run test:e2e or yarn test:e2e
This widget run on port 8080
This project contains those technologies:
Made by Janapc 🤘 Get in touch!