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Database design and implementation

Janne Tahkola edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 29 revisions

Important information for Deadline 2

‼️  This chapter should be completed by Deadline 2 (see course information at Lovelace)

📑  Chapter summary In this section students must design and implement the database structure (mainly the data model).

In this section you must implement:

  • The database table structure.
  • The data models (ORM)
  • Data models access methods (if needed)
  • Populating the database using the models you have created
In this section you should aim for a high quality small implementation instead of implementing a lot of features containing bugs and lack of proper documentation.


  1. Understand database basics
  2. Understand how to use ORM to create database schema and populate a database
  3. Setup and configure database
  4. Implement database backend

✔️     Chapter evaluation (max 5 points) You can get a maximum of 5 points after completing this section. More detailed evaluation is provided in the evaluation sheet in Lovelace.

Database design and implementation

Database design

📑  Content that must be included in the section Describe your database. The documentation must include:
  • A name and a short description of each database model. Describe in one or two sentences what the model represents.
  • An enumeration of the attributes (columns) of each model. Each attribute must include:
    • Its type and restrictions (values that can take)
    • A short description of the attribute whenever the name is not explicit enough. E.g. If you are describing the users of a "forum", it is not necessary to explain the attributes "name", "surname" or "address"
    • because their meanings are obvious.
    • Characteristics of this attribute (e.g. if it is unique, if it contains default values)
  • Connection with other models (primary keys and foreign keys)
  • Other keys
You can use the table skeleton provided below

For this section you can use a visual tool to generate a diagram. Be sure that the digram contains all the information provided in the models. Some tools you can use include:,,


Name Type Restrictions Description Characteristics Links
Name of the attribute Attribute type Values that the type can take Description of the attribute Uniquenes, default... keys and foreign keys
id integer auto incremented, unique, not null primary key
username varchar unique, not null
password varchar Hashed value of the original password not null unique key
salt varchar Salt used in hashing the password not null
created_at timestamp not null, default current_timestamp
last_updated_at timestamp nullable, default null
root boolean true/false Whether this user is root, i.e. unmodifiable, has access to everything not null, default false
active boolean true/false Whether this user is active, i.e. can login not null, default true


Name Type Restrictions Description Characteristics Links
Name of the attribute Attribute type Values that the type can take Description of the attribute Uniquenes, default... keys and foreign keys
id integer auto incremented, unique, not null primary key
name varchar unique, not null unique key
description varchar


Name Type Restrictions Description Characteristics Links
Name of the attribute Attribute type Values that the type can take Description of the attribute Uniquenes, default... keys and foreign keys
id integer auto incremented, unique, not null primary key
domain varchar not null composite unique key with "name"
name varchar not null composite unique key with "domain"
domain_description varchar Description of the privilege in its domain


Database implementation

💻     TODO: SOFTWARE TO DELIVER IN THIS SECTION The code repository must contain:
  1. The ORM models and functions
  2. A .sql dump (or similar data structure) of a database or the .db file (if you are using SQlite). The provided document must contain enough information to replicate your database. You must provide a populated database in order to test your models.
  3. The scripts used to generate your database (if any)
  4. A file containing:
    • All dependencies (external libraries) and how to install them
    • Define database (MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, MongoDB...) and version utilized
    • Instructions how to setup the database framework and external libraries you might have used, or a link where it is clearly explained.
    • Instructions on how to setup and populate the database.
  5. If you are using python a `requirements.txt` with the dependencies

✏️ You do not need to write anything in this section, just complete the implementation.

Resources allocation

Task Student Estimated time
Everything Janne Tahkola ~4 hours