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762 lines (530 loc) · 13.2 KB

title: 'Rego & Fugue Rules 101' author: 'Jasper Van der Jeugt' patat: incrementalLists: true eval: rego: command: fregot repl -v0 sql: command: sqlite3 javascript: command: node bash: command: bash eval: command: bash fragment: false replace: true ...


About this talk

  • Let's learn Rego

    • We'll compare Rego to a few other languages, including ones which you may be familiar with including JavaScript and SQL.
    • Gradually we'll focus deeper and deeper on what sets Rego apart.
    • Packages, input, rules
  • Fugue rules

    • Simple rules
    • Advanced rules
    • Custom error messages
  • Interactive part

  • Advanced Rego topics

    • Comprehensions
    • Unification


We're using fregot:

Releases > darwin binary works on Mac OS X.

. . .

Please stop me at any time to ask questions.



What is Rego?

Rego is like JavaScript

Scalars: Numbers, strings, booleans, null

1 + 2
"Hello world"

Rego is like JavaScript

Compound objects: Arrays

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]
count(arr)  # ?
array.slice(arr, 0, 2)  # ?
arr[0]  # ?
sum(arr)  # ?

Rego is like JavaScript

Compound objects: Objects

tags = {"owner": "Finance"}
tags.owner  # ?

Rego is like JavaScript

Compound objects: Sets

allowed_ports = {80, 443, 8080}
count(allowed_ports)  # ?
allowed_ports[80]  # ?
intersection({allowed_ports, {8080}})  # ?

Rego is like JavaScript

Built-in functions

re_match("^::", "::/0")  # ?
time.now_ns()  # ?
base64.encode("Hello world")  # ?

Full list at:

Rego is like JavaScript

Find natural numbers that add up to 5:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var pairs = [];
for (const x of numbers)
  for (const y of numbers)
    if (x < y && x + y == 5)
      pairs.push([x, y]);

console.log(pairs);  // ?

Rego is like JavaScript

Ok so Rego is actually not like JavaScript:

  • Immutable (cannot modify pairs after assignment)
    • Obviously has an effect on built-ins
    • Functional Programming
  • Not Turing Complete
    • Guaranteed to terminate
    • But not that hard to write a query that would take longer than the age of the universe to compute
  • Declarative
    • Order isn't that important
    • Non Turing-Completeness allows for tricks™

Rego is not like JavaScript

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
pairs[[x, y]] {
  x + y = 5
  x = numbers[i]
  y = numbers[j]
  i < j

pairs[_]  # ?

Rego is like SQL

CREATE TABLE numbers (value INT);
INSERT INTO numbers (value) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);

SELECT n1.value, n2.value
FROM numbers AS n1 JOIN numbers AS n2
WHERE n1.value < n2.value AND n1.value + n2.value = 5;

...but with first-class JSON support and friendlier syntax

Rego is like jq

    .[] as $x | .[] as $y |
    select($x<$y) | select($x+$y==5) |
    [$x, $y]'
echo '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]' | jq -c "$jq_script"

...but sometimes you can actually read the code


  • Operates on JavaScript values (with the addition of sets)
  • Syntax looks like JavaScript
  • But it's not an imperative language
  • Closer to datalog, SQL, jq, prolog

Modules, rules and queries

The Rego tree

In Rego, everything is immutable, which means that almost* everything is data:

|-package a
| |-package a.x
|   |-rule
|-package b

The Rego tree

In fregot repl, you're always in the "open" package:

:open a.x
foo = 1
data  # ?  # ?

The Rego tree

cat rules/rule0.rego
fregot eval 'data' rules/rule0.rego | jq '.'

All your rules are just data!

The Rego tree

Working with the Rego tree:

foo = ports_by_account.allowed_ports

. . .

foo = aws.ports_by_account.allowed_ports

. . .

import data.rules as top
foo =

. . .

foo =

The Rego tree

Aside from data., there's input. which holds the input document.

You can set this by using --input foo.json on the command line or by using :input in fregot repl:

:input inputs/resource1.json

The Rego tree: conclusion

Two JSON trees:

  • input is the static input JSON document. In the case of Fugue Rules, this is either a single resource or a collection of resources.

  • data is derived from input through the rules you load, but it is also just a static document.

What is inside the Rego tree?

Rules and functions.


resource_type = "aws_security_group"

What is inside the Rego tree?

Rules can have bodies. A body is a list of queries.

cat rules/rule1.rego
:input inputs/resource1.json
:load rules/rule1.rego
account_id  # ?

What is a query?

A query is a pure function that takes the current environment, and produces a list of new environments:

numbers = ["zero", "one"]
x = numbers[i]; [i, x]  # ?

What is a query?

A query is a pure function that takes the current environment, and produces a list of new environments and results:

numbers = ["zero", "one"]
x = "one"
x = numbers[i]; [i, x]  # ?

What is a query?

A query is a pure function that takes the current environment, and produces a list of new environments and results:

numbers = ["zero", "one"]
i = 3
x = numbers[i]; [i, x]  # ?

What is a query?

A query is a pure function that takes the current environment, and produces a list of new environments and results:

numbers = ["zero", "one"]
x = numbers[i]; [i, x]
  • {} -> [{i = 0, x = "zero"}, {i = 1, x = "one"}]
  • {x = "one"} -> [{i = 1, x = "one"}]
  • {i = 3} -> []

What is inside the Rego tree?

Rules can have bodies. A body is a list of queries.

cat rules/rule1.rego

How do I read queries?

rule = result_1 {
    not query_1_b

rule = result_2 {
    not query_2_b

Read as:

IF query_1_a AND not query_1_b THEN rule = result_1
IF query_2_a AND not query_2_b THEN rule = result_2

How do I read queries?

rule = result_1 {
    not query_1_b
} {
    not query_2_b

Read as:

IF query_1_a AND not query_1_b THEN rule = result_1
IF query_2_a AND not query_2_b THEN rule = result_1


IF (query_1_a AND not query_1_b) OR (query_2_a AND not query_2_b)
THEN rule = result_1

How do I read queries?

rule {
    not query_1_b

Read as:

IF query_1_a AND not query_1_b THEN rule = true

How do I read queries?

rule = result_1 {
    not query_1_b

default rule = result_2

Read as:

IF query_1_a AND not query_1_b THEN rule = result_1

ELSE rule = result_2

Kind of rules

There are different kinds of rules:

  • Complete rule (single result)
  • Set rules (generate sets)
  • Object rules (generate objects)

And then there are functions which are slightly different:

  • Partial rules (aka functions)

All of these rules can have a body consisting of queries.

Kind of rules

Set rules

cat rules/rule2.rego
:input inputs/resource1.json
:load rules/rule1.rego
:load rules/rule2.rego
allowed_ports  # ?

Kind of rules

Object rules

cat rules/rule3.rego
:input inputs/resource1.json
:load rules/rule1.rego
:load rules/rule3.rego
allowed_ports  # ?

Kinds of rules


What makes functions special?

double(x) = y {
  y = x + x
double(10)  # ?

We cannot iterate over all "double" values.

Kinds of rules


What makes functions special?

double[x] = y {
  nums = [1, 2, 3]
  x = nums[_]
  y = x + x
double[1]  # ?
double[_]  # ?

We can iterate over all "rule" values, because it must assign each variable including x.

Kinds of rules


What makes functions special?

double(x) = y {
  y = x * x

Normal rules can be evaluated in different ways:

  • double[1]: is 1 a member of the rule? Give me it's value.
  • double[x]: solve for x.
  • double: give me the entire object.

Functions can only be evaluated in a single way:

  • double(2): What is double of 2?

Kinds of rules


Tests are just normal rules that start with test_.

test_double {
  double(1) == 2

Just run fregot test [all input files] and you're done.

fregot test aws/ azurerm/ fugue/
passed: 630, failed: 0, errored: 0

Fugue rules

What are Fugue rules?

We've seen that Rego is really just a language for producing JSON based on an input document, so any "engine" using Rego relies on conventions.

Simple rules

:input inputs/resource1.json
input.ingress  # ?

Simple rules


  • There must be a resource_type rule (string)
  • There must be a deny rule (bool)
cat rules/rule4.rego

Simple rules


fregot eval 'data' rules/rule4.rego | jq '.'

Simple rules

Interactive evaluation with fregot repl:

:load rules/rule4.rego
:input inputs/resource1.json
deny  # ?

Simple rules


  • There must be a resource_type rule (string)
  • There must either be a deny rule (bool)...
  • ...or an allow rule (bool)...
  • ...or both.

Use whatever is easier!

Simple rules

Conventions for custom messages:

  • There must be a resource_type rule (string)
  • There must be a deny rule (set<string>)
deny[msg] {
  msg = "Not allowed"
deny  #?

Advanced rules

cat rules/rule5.rego

Advanced rules


  • There must be a policy rule (set<judgement>)

You can use the data.fugue API to do this:

  • fugue.resources("resource_type") gives you resources of a type
  • fugue.allow_resource(resource) makes a valid judgement
  • fugue.deny_resource(resource) makes an invalid judgement

Advanced rules


fregot eval -i inputs/everything.json \
    '' \
    lib/fugue.rego rules/rule5.rego | jq '.'

Advanced rules

Are advanced rules "better"?

. . .


. . .

Should I use a advanced rule?

  • Yes/no decision about a single resource: No
  • Anything else: Yes

Advanced rules


  • There must be a policy rule (set<judgement>)

Full API:

  • fugue.resources(resource_type)
  • fugue.allow_resource(resource)
  • fugue.deny_resource(resource)
  • fugue.missing_resource(resource)
  • fugue.deny_resource_with_message(resource, msg)
  • fugue.missing_resource_with_message(resource, msg)
  • fugue.resource_types_v0

Interactive part

Important links

Put fregot in your PATH:

Run commands from the root of this repository:

Writing a rule

  1. Obtain input (this is the hard part)
  2. Write the rule (this is easy cruising)
  3. Write some tests (copy and paste)

Writing a rule

We already have the input

 `/""""/""""/|""|'|""||""|   ' \.
 /    /    / |__| |__||__|      |
/----------=====================|   easy
| \  /V\  /    _.               |   crusing
|()\ \W/ /()   _            _   |
|   \   /     / \          / \  |-( )
=C========C==_| ) |--------| ) _/==] _-{_}_)
 \_\_/__..  \_\_/_ \_\_/ \_\_/__.__.

Writing a rule

Let's look at a rule

head -n 3 rules/ports_by_account.rego

Evaluating with fregot repl --watch:

:input inputs/resource2.json
:load rules/ports_by_account.rego
deny  # ?
account_id  # ?

Advanced Rego topics


:input inputs/everything.json
:load lib/fugue.rego
:open repl
aws_security_groups_by_env[env] = sgs {
  security_groups = data.fugue.resources("aws_security_group")
  env = security_groups[_].tags.env
  sgs = { |
    sg = security_groups[_]
    sg.tags.env == env


:input inputs/everything.json
:load lib/fugue.rego
:open repl
aws_security_groups_by_env[env] = sgs {
  security_groups = data.fugue.resources("aws_security_group")
  env = security_groups[_].tags.env
  sgs = [ |
    sg = security_groups[_]
    sg.tags.env == env


:input inputs/everything.json
:load lib/fugue.rego
:open repl
aws_security_groups_by_env[env] = sgs {
  security_groups = data.fugue.resources("aws_security_group")
  env = security_groups[_].tags.env
  sgs = { sg |
    sg = security_groups[_]
    sg.tags.env == env


provider = ""
region = r {
  [_, _, r] = split(provider, ".")

region  # ?