A library for creating Readable, Writable and Transform stream which adopt Stream and Promise with declarative programming approach.
Node.js native stream is very powerfully tool for creating high performance application. This library designed to use the power of stream for read, transform and write streams in object mode. the API is very declarative and inspired by RxJs. another design decision is combining streams with promise for better async handling; Most of the helpers could return promise instead of absolute data.
$ npm install stream-operators
counter: (limit: number = Infinity) => Readable
Creates a read stream that starts a counter from zero to limit - the limit default value is Infinity.
const { counter } = require("stream-operators");
// console 0 1 2 3 4
from: (list: any[]) => Readable
Creates a read stream from a list and pushs items in sequence.
const { from } = require("stream-operators");
from([1, 2, 3, 4])
// console: 1 2 3 4
read: (readFn: (times: number, size: number) => any) => Readable
Creates a read stream from a read function, each time a consumer sends a read signal the reader function gets called and the return value get pushed to the stream. The return value could be a promise and in this case the resolved value get pushed to the stream.
read((page) => fetchProducts(page).then(list => list.map(p => p.name).join("\n")))
// console apple\n orange\n banana
write: (writeFn: (chunk: any) => any | Promise<any>) => Writable
Creates a write stream from a write function, each time a chunk is prepared this function is called and when the function execution finishes ( in case of promise if the promise resolved) the read signal send to top reader stream.
// console 0 1 2 3 4
.pipe(write((line) => writeToDb(mapToProduct(line))))
fork: (...branches: ((stream: Stream) => void | Writable)[]) => Writable
forks N read stream from a main read stream. if the callback function return a write stream the finish event fire after branches finish event.
(stream) => stream.pipe(res), // echo request to response
(stream) => stream.pipe(write(console.log)), // log request to console
map: (map: (item: any) => any | Promise<any>) => Transform
Creates a transform stream from a map function. for each chunk the the result of map function ( the resolved value in case of promise) push to stream.
const logger = write(console.log);
.pipe(map((item) => item * 2))
// console: 0 2 4 6 8
// response [ {id:1, name:"apple"}, {id:2, name:"orange"}, ... ]
filter: (filter: (item: any) => boolean | Promise<boolean>) => Transform
Creates a transform stream from a map function. for each chunk if the result of filter be true (or it resolve to truthy value in case of promise) the chunk push to stream.
const logger = write(console.log);
const isEven = (item) => item % 2 === 0;
// console: 0 2 4
delay: (time: number) => Transform
Creates a transform stream that made delay on the input stream. the time unit is ms
const logger = write(console.log);
const isEven = (item) => item % 2 === 0;
// console: 0 2 4
buffer: (bufferSize: number = Infinity) => Transform
Creates a transform stream that buffer N chunk and pushes this buffer to output stream. the bufferSize default value is Infinity - so the output stream push only one chunk when the input stream ends.
const logger = write(console.log);
// console: [0,1] [2,3] [4]
// writing a json stream data to db - each 1000 items insert in one bulk insert query for better performance
startWith: (data: any) => Transform
Creates a transform stream that push a chunk with input value as first chunk.
const logger = write(console.log);
// console: start 0 1 2 3 4
// read product list from DB and convert it to CSV first csv line is "id,name,price" and send stream as response
endWith: (data: any) => Transform
Creates a transform stream that push a chunk with input value as last chunk.
const logger = write(console.log);
// console: start 0 1 2 3 4 end
// response [ {id:1, name:"apple"}, {id:2, name:"orange"}, ... ]
extract: () => Transform
Create a transform stream that push item of a chunk (if chunk is am array or has forEach function) to output stream.
const logger = write(console.log);
// console: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// read each 1000 records in one query from DB then push array to stream the extract function extract the list for normalizing data and the rest of stream chain work with simple data instead of a list.
read((page) => readProductFromDB({limit:1000, page})
reduce: (reducer: (acc: any, item: any) => any, reset?: any | (times:number) => any, bufferSize = Infinity) => Transform
Create a transform stream that reduce N chunk to one chunk. the N - bufferSize - default value is Infinity, so it reduce all chunk to one chunk by default. the initial value is reset value (or the output of reset if the reset is a function - the reset function give a times (chunk index) and return reset value ).
const logger = write(console.log);
.pipe(reduce((acc, sum)=>acc + sum , 0))
// console 10
.pipe(reduce((acc, sum)=>acc + sum , 0, 3))
// console 3 7
// implementing buffer transform stream with reduce helper.
const buffer = (size = Infinity) => reduce((list, chunk) => [...list, chunk], [])
inspect: () => Transform
Create a transform stream that log each chunk to console without any change to stream. this function is useful in development and debug purpose.
.pipe(write(() => void 0))
// console: 0\n 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n