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Releases: jborean93/pypsrp

Bugfixes and more Kerberos optimisations

26 Feb 06:37
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0.3.1 - 2019-02-26

  • Fix issue where negotiate_delegate=True did nothing with pywin32 on Windows
  • Fix instances of invalid escape sequences in strings that will break in future Python versions -
  • Added warning if requests version is older than 2.14.0 as it does not support status retries. Pypsrp will continue but without supporting status retries.
  • Fix byte ordering for the PID and RPID values of each PSRP message. This should not be an existing issue on normal hosts but it will make the move to SSH easier in the future
  • Support using a direct IPv6 address as the server name
  • Manually get Kerberos ticket if the one in the cache has expired and the password is set
  • Added explicit documentation to state that on MacOS/Heimdal KRB5 implementations, the Kerberos ticket will persist after running

Timeout, reconnectionn and logging improvements

14 Nov 07:41
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0.3.0 - 2018-11-14

  • Added FEATURE dict to module to denote whether a feature has been added in installed pypsrp
  • Added read_timeout to pypsrp.wsman.WSMan to control the timeout when waiting for a HTTP response from the server
  • Added reconnection_retries and reconnection_backoff to control reconnection attempts on connection failures
  • Changed a few log entries from info to debug as some of those log entries were quite verbose

Bufix for circular refs and better WSMan interfaces

11 Sep 19:58
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  • Fix issue when deserialising a circular reference in a PSRP object
  • Added the ability to specify the Locale and DataLocale values when creating the WSMan object
  • Update the max envelope size default if the negotiated version is greater than or equal to 2.2 (PowerShell v3+)

Initial Release

13 Jul 03:18
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Initial release of pypsrp, it contains the following features

  • Basic Windows Remote Shell over WinRM to execute raw cmd command or processes
  • Various WSMan methods that can be used to execute WSMan commands
  • A mostly complete implementation of the PowerShell Remoting Protocol that mimics the .NET System.Management.Automation.Runspaces interface
  • Support for a reference host base implementation of PSRP for interactive scripts
  • Support for all WinRM authentication protocols like Basic, Certificate, Negotiate, Kerberos, and CredSSP
  • Implementation of the Windows Negotiate auth protocol to negotiate between NTLM and Kerberos auth
  • Support for message encryption of HTTP with the Negotiate (NTLM/Kerberos) and CredSSP protocol