go-guerrilla processor to point a browser to the first URL in an email
I wrote an article https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-i-proved-cancel-brexit-petition-could-have-been-signed-bramsden/ where I proved that the UK petition could be signed by bots. This is the code that I used to prove that it is possible.
- Server to host Go-Guerrilla
- Domain name which has not already had a MX record set in the DNS
- Headless Chrome
- Golang development language.
- Download go-guerrilla
go get github.com/flashmob/go-guerrilla
- Copy p_url.go into the backends directory on go-guerrilla. Not sure if this is the correct way of doing it but it worked for me.
- In the backends directory perform a go get to get all the libraries required for p_url.go
- I editted the Makefile in the go-guerrilla root directory as I need it create a binary for Linux, as that is what the server is running, and I added flags which removed debug information from the compiled binary to make it smaller in size. The following lines were changed:
GO_VARS ?= GOOS=linux
LD_FLAGS := -X $(ROOT).Version=$(VERSION) -X $(ROOT).Commit=$(COMMIT) -X $(ROOT).BuildTime=$(BUILD_TIME) -s -w
- Then I ran
make guerrillad
which produced the compiled binary file. - The guerrillad binary was then SFTP to the server.
- Additional step, not needed, but as I like binarys to be small I installed UPX:
apt-get install upx
and then ranupx --brute guerrillad
- A https://www.scaleway.com/ Start1-XS cloud server with Ubuntu was used which only costs €1.99 per month
- Install chrome:
curl -sS -o - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list apt-get -y update apt-get -y install google-chrome-stable cd /usr/bin ln -s /etc/alternatives/google-chrome chrome
- Create a linux user called chrome. This is required as Chrome does not run in headless on the Root user
- To start Chrome on reboot add the following crontab for the chrome user: `@reboot chrome --headless --disable-gpu --remote-debugging-port=9222 https://www.chromestatus.com
- Go-guerrilla needs a TLS public and private key to work, so as the root user run:
openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha512 -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -out /etc/ssl/certs/mailserver.pem -keyout /etc/ssl/private/mailserver.pem
- Create a goguerrilla.conf.json file where guerrillad binary is located.
"log_file" : "stderr",
"log_level" : "info",
"allowed_hosts": [
"pid_file" : "/var/run/go-guerrilla.pid",
"backend_config": {
"log_received_mails": true,
"save_workers_size": 1,
"save_process" : "HeadersParser|Header|URLParser",
"primary_mail_host" : "mail.example.com",
"gw_save_timeout" : "30s",
"gw_val_rcpt_timeout" : "3s"
"servers" : [
"is_enabled" : true,
"max_size": 1000000,
"max_clients": 1000,
"log_file" : "stderr",
"tls" : {
"protocols" : ["ssl3.0", "tls1.2"],
"curves" : ["P256", "P384", "P521", "X25519"],
"client_auth_type" : "NoClientCert"
"is_enabled" : false,
"log_file" : "stderr",
"tls" : {
"protocols" : ["ssl3.0", "tls1.2"],
"curves" : ["P256", "P384", "P521", "X25519"],
"client_auth_type" : "NoClientCert"
- To run:
./guerrillad serve
For this you will need a Domain name which is currently not being used for Mail already.
- Create a A record with the hostname of mail and the content being the IP address of the server
- Create a MX record with the hostname of @ and the content being mail.YOURDOMAINNAME. E.G. in my example it is mail.bettybot.co.uk
To test just send an email to any email address for you domain with a URL in the body of the message. When it is received by Go-Guerrillad you should see a lot of information from chrome and on the last line you will see the HTML page title of the URL.