Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute literal copies of this license without alteration. If there are any questions regarding this End-User License Agreement Please contact us using the above details.
This agreement sets the barriers for the permissions allocated to you (where “you” is referred to a typical user, developer, contributor or a distributor of this software - “you” with regards to the terms and conditions found herein this agreement also applies to an organization sitting in the above mentioned categories of user) pertaining to the usage, manipulation and distribution of source code and compiled machine code (software) accompanied by this license.
The aim of this license is to ensure that the rights and privileges of modifying, distributing and copying any software or its source code accompanied by this license are not withheld from you provided that you abide by certain terms and conditions. All software accompanied by this license is classified as freeware.
By referring to the term “software”, we mean any compiled (machine code) and non-compiled (object code) whether as a whole or as part. Therefore, pieces/part of codes taken/reused from any software accompanied by this license are subjected to the terms and conditions disclosed herein.
Furthermore, this license has been designed not only to exclusively grant you the rights of manipulating any software accompanied with this license but also to prevent you from claiming any charge for it. By referring to the term “free”, we do not only refer to free redistribution and manipulation of software but also to software which is free/gratis of any cost/money.
- A. You are not prevented from uploading or distributing any software accompanied by this license using any possible means you want or anything that can be classified as, medium for exchange of software, whether partially or as a whole. Distribution means or methods include the Internet, any network and any file hosting server that can be publicly or privately accessed.
B. However, a copy of this license should be given to the recipients or uploaded/distributed along with the software so that they (the recipients) may know their rights pertaining to the usage and manipulation of the software. When redistributing this software whether as modified, as a whole or partially you should provide the recipients with the source code or anything else that is subjected to the terms of this license.
C. Any software that uses the terms found under this license should provide a mean, where possible stating that the software is licensed by these terms whether at the beginning or at end of the program’s execution or within the source code itself. You may not accept the terms and conditions of this license but no any other material allows you to use, manipulate and redistribute software accompanied under its terms. These actions are banned by the law if you don’t accept this End User License Agreement.
- Any software that may accompany this license is not to be used in any illegal way. Deeds other than copying,distributing, selling and modifying are not covered by this license. Any software under this license must notbe used for any hacking or malicious purposes. Any attempt against the terms disclosed in Section Two ofthis EULA will automatically annul your rights under this license or annul the coverage of this license foryour software.
- When redistributing modified versions of this software and its related components protected under the termsof this agreement you must: 1) Credit the original author 2) With exception to cases where part(s) of thissoftware has been re-used in a new software, you should acknowledge the changes you have made to theoriginal software in an acknowledgement/log file attached to or within the new program 3) In order toprotect the original author’s reputation, yourself and the J.C.P Laboratory you should never provide anywarranty of any kind. If you intend to provide some sort of warranty then your changes/additions to theoriginal source code cannot be subjected to the terms of this license. You should however, mention thatpart of your software is licensed under these terms and the corresponding author does not provide any kindof viable warranty for it.
- The J.C.P Laboratory may edit and review this license but the aim of this EULA shall stay the same as longas its version number (The number of times this license version has been revised is stated at the heading). Changes to this license might be necessary to address new issues. However, the J.C.P Laboratory may alsorelease new versions of this license, each version covers a particular concern and normally differs in termsand conditions. Therefore, any software accompanied with a CPGSL End User License Agreement shouldmention the appropriate version which applies to it. Any other versions are not to be considered.
- An updated license applies, depending on the author, only to new software and/or software which has beenupdated and subjected to the updated license. If you have downloaded a software version that came with aprevious revision of this license version and have not updated your software until now, that means you are still bound to the terms of that previous revision until you update your software. If else, the author shouldnotify you about a license update for you to comply with.
- By installing any software updates for this software package(s), you agree to comply with any changes thatmay have been made to the CPGSL license (if any) presented to you during the installation of such updates.If you do not agree with the terms of this license anymore you are to immediately discontinue the usageof the software accompanied with this license.
- A. As software accompanied with this license are freeware and free of any cost, neither the author,contributors, nor the J.C.P Laboratory do not guarantee its reliability and therefore, there is no warrantyof any kind applicable for it. The use of this software remains at the users’ own risk. None will be heldresponsible for any kind of software malfunction or damages caused by it.
B. However, if you create a new software that you intend to sell or trade that contains pieces/part ofcode from any materials protected under these terms and you intend to offer any kind of warranty forit then you should abide by the terms disclosed in section 3 of this license.
- All software and its respective components issued with this license are not for sale. Please report illegal use of software to the J.C.P Laboratory team or to the authors of this software usingcontact details below: support@jcplaboratory.org <Author’s email here>
A user of a certain software package(s) acknowledges that he or she downloaded this software and that the author(s) and the J.C.P Laboratory do not guarantee its reliability. The user further acknoprior author and the copyright owner (which can be the J.C.P Laboratory) are not responsible for anymalfunction and system damage. The software will be at the user’s own risk.