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173 lines (115 loc) · 3.29 KB

File metadata and controls

173 lines (115 loc) · 3.29 KB


Integrator components

  • Integrator
    • deployment-worker
    • config-worker
  • Agent (gRPC)

IntelOps SaaS components

  • Server

IntelOps Market Place

  • Climon
  • Temporal
  • Cassandra

Installation using kind

Prepare docker images

make docker-build

Setup kind

create kind

# Create a file kind-dev-cluster-config.yaml with below content, where "" is Ip of the machine kind k8s to be created:

kind: Cluster
  apiServerAddress: ""
  apiServerPort: 8443

# Start kind with the above configuration
kind create cluster --name dev-cluster --config kind-dev-cluster-config.yaml

Delete kind

kind delete --name dev-cluster

Load the images to kind

kind load docker-image kad-deployment-worker:0.1.1  --name dev-cluster
kind load docker-image kad-config-worker:0.1.1  --name dev-cluster
kind load docker-image kad-agent:0.1.1  --name dev-cluster
kind load docker-image kad-server:0.1.1  --name dev-cluster

Setup server

Install server

helm install server ./charts/server/

Delete server

helm delete server

Setup kad

Install kad

helm install kad ./charts/kad/

Delete kad

helm delete kad

Setup temporal

Install temporal

# Clone temporal helm charts
git clone

# Update dependancies
helm dependencies update

# Install temporal
helm install     --set server.replicaCount=1     --set cassandra.config.cluster_size=1     --set prometheus.enabled=false     --set grafana.enabled=false     --set elasticsearch.enabled=false     temporal . --timeout 8m 

Delete temporal

helm delete temporal

Portward service ports

kubectl port-forward services/temporal-frontend 7233:7233
kubectl port-forward service/temporal-web 9082:8080
kubectl port-forward services/server 9091:8080

Testing helm plugin

Update kubeconfiguration in below files

  • "integrator/tests/argocd-helm-plugin.json"
  • "integrator/tests/argocd-helm-plugin-delete.json"

Create argocd app

curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d @integrator/tests/argocd-helm-plugin.json

Delete argocd app

curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d @integrator/tests/argocd-helm-plugin-delete.json

Testing argocd plugin

Port forward the aprgocd for GUI access

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server  8083:80

Get the argocd password

kubectl -n default get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

Add below env parameters to kad-deployment-worker deployment according to argocd deployment

kubectl edit deployments.apps kad-deployment-worker 

            - name: ARGOCD_SERVICE_URL
              value: {{ .Values.argocd.serviceURL }}
            - name: ARGOCD_PASSWORD
              value: {{ .Values.argocd.password }}

Create helloworld app

curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d @tests/hello-world-argocd-plugin.json 

Delete helloworld app

curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d @tests/hello-world-argocd-plugin-delete.json