I'm using a few features from the Bullet Journal along with a liberal sprinkling of Emoji 🎉!
Emoji | Raw Emoji Code | Description |
➡️ | :arrow_right: |
Task migrated |
⬅️ | :arrow_left: |
Task scheduled |
🚧 | :construction: |
In progress |
❗ | :exclamation: |
Priority |
✨ | :sparkles: |
Inspiration |
🔍 | :mag: |
Explore |
⭐ | :star: |
Favorite |
🌟 | :star2: |
Bestest |
🏥 | :hospital: |
Health |
🎓 | :mortar_board: |
Learning |
- Emoji Searcher 🔍
- Lookup Emoji 🙈
- Hear Emoji 🙉
- English in, Emoji out 🙊
- Moar Emoji for Slack
- VMD Preview markdown files with Emoji 🔍
- Emojipedia
- Unicode Party 🎈
- Thank you @kojoidrissa for the Twitter recommendation!