This repository includes the data of the IEEE RTS-96 test system [1] modified to accommodate 19 wind farms as proposed in [2]. This power systems includes 73 nodes and 120 transmission lines. Each data file is explained below:
thermal_ieee96.csv: data on thermal generators including minimum and maximum outputs, variable cost and ramping limits
lines_ieee96.csv: data on transmission lines including susceptance and maximum capacity
load_ieee96.csv: data on hourly electricity demand at each node of the system for a whole year
wind_ieee96.csv: data on hourly wind power generatino at each node of the system for a whole year
[1] Grigg, C., Wong, P., Albrecht, P., Allan, R., Bhavaraju, M., Billinton, R., … Singh, C. (1999). The IEEE Reliability Test System-1996. A report prepared by the Reliability Test System Task Force of the Application of Probability Methods Subcommittee. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 14(3), 1010–1020.
[2] Pandzic, H., Dvorkin, Y., Qiu, T., Wang, Y., & Kirschen, D. S. (2015). Toward Cost-Efficient and Reliable Unit Commitment Under Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, PP(99), 1–13.