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Releases: jiangtian616/JHenTai


27 Oct 13:03
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  1. Fix the problem that online reading or downloading is not available due to the update of E-Hentai on 10.27

  1. 适配10.27日E站更新导致无法阅读&下载的问题


17 Sep 08:26
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  1. 手机布局下支持在偏好设置中关闭排行榜和热门模块(可在偏好设置中更改)
  2. 搜索框内输入画廊链接时支持直接跳转至详情页
  3. 默认向下滚动时隐藏FAB(可在偏好设置中更改)
  4. 添加阅读方向类型
  5. 处理强杀App时无法记录阅读进度的问题
  6. 详情页点击标签搜索时 支持不继承上一次搜索配置(可在偏好设置中更改)
  7. 兜底处理修改详情页缩略图数量后,加载缩略图卡住的bug
  8. 现在下载会强制优先下载最老的画廊
  9. 支持同时下载同一优先级下的所有画廊
  10. 修复部分场景下下载顺序错误的bug
  11. 修复重新下载已经完成的画廊时,页面显示错误的bug
  12. 修复无法分享至应用的bug
  13. 修复部分归档画廊阅读时顺序错误的bug,如第41页在第5页之前
  14. 修复H@H Dialog中GP和Credit顺序错误的bug
  15. 修复某些场景下,读取本地归档图片失败的bug

  1. Support remove ranklist and popular modules in mobile layout(can be changed in preference setting)
  2. Support jumping to detail page when input gallery link in search bar
  3. Hide FAB when scrolling down by default(can be changed in preference setting)
  4. Add a new reading direction type
  5. Fix the problem that the reading progress cannot be recorded when the app is killed
  6. Support not inheriting the last search options for tag search in detail page(can be changed in preference setting)
  7. Fix the bug with thumbnail loading in some extreme cases
  8. Now the oldest gallery will be downloaded first
  9. Support downloading all galleries with same priority simultaneously
  10. Fix the bug with wrong download order in some cases
  11. Fix a bug with re-downloading gallery if we have already downloaded it
  12. Fix a bug with wrong image order for some archives
  13. Fix a bug with sharing
  14. Fix a bug with GP and Credit order in H@H Dialog
  15. Fix a bug that local archive images cannot be loaded in some cases


27 Jul 13:34
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  1. 现在给画廊标签投票并刷新页面后,会显示标签的投票状态
  2. 支持默认收藏夹
  3. 优化阅读方向的展示
  4. 优化移动端阅读页UI

  1. Display own vote status of gallery tag
  2. Support default favorite selection
  3. Optimize reading direction
  4. Optimize reading page UI on mobile


23 Jul 15:55
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  1. 阅读页支持锁定屏幕方向
  2. 支持关闭音量键翻页功能
  3. 支持自定义手机布局下左右两侧抽屉菜单的手势区域宽度
  4. 手机布局下从主页进入排行榜和热门时不再新建路由页面
  5. 详情页右上角按钮布局优化
  6. 支持手动为画廊增加标签
  7. 将原来的双击放大手势和单击后拖拽放大手势分离,可在设置中分别开启
  8. 支持设置启动时的默认菜单
  9. 修复在双列阅读模式下放大后无法左右移动图片的bug

  1. Support lock screen orientation in reading page
  2. Support disable volume key page turning
  3. Support customizing drawer gesture edge width
  4. Don't create new route page when entering ranklist and popular page from home dashboard page in mobile layout
  5. Optimize top right button layout in detail page
  6. Support manually adding tags for gallery
  7. Separate double tap zoom gesture and tap drag zoom gesture, they can be enabled separately in settings now
  8. Support setting default tab when app starts
  9. Fix the bug that can't drag image in double column read mode


16 Jul 06:54
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  1. 详情页布局优化
  2. 支持修改收藏页排序条件
  3. 支持在详情页直接删除当前画廊的下载文件
  4. 手机布局下左侧菜单支持上下滚动
  5. 在线阅读模式下支持重新加载图片

  1. Optimize the layout of detail page
  2. Support changing the sort condition in favorite page
  3. Support deleting downloaded files of current gallery in detail page
  4. Make left menu scrollable in mobile layout
  5. Support reloading images in online reading


11 Jul 07:15
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  1. 支持隐藏评论、显示所有评论
  2. 本地标签设置移到偏好设置
  3. 修复应用启动时未自动更新标签翻译数据的bug
  4. 修复账号密码登录失败时解析失败的bug
  5. 修复部分npe

  1. Support hide comments and show all comments
  2. Move Local Tag Setting to Preference Setting
  3. Fix the bug with password login
  4. Fix some npe


07 Jul 13:27
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  1. 多线程优化
  2. 现在更新画廊时也会同步迁移原画廊已AI放大过的图片数据
  3. 修复在线阅读在双页模式下,图片大小异常的bug
  4. 修复在双页模式下,AI放大后的图片布局异常的bug

  1. Multi-thread optimization
  2. When updating the gallery, the AI-upscaled image data from the original gallery will also be synchronously migrated
  3. Fix the bug with image size in online reading in double column mode
  4. Fix the bug that the wrong layout of AI-upscaled images in double column mode


06 Jul 13:29
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  1. 优化多线程相关

  1. Fix bug with thread


06 Jul 11:50
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  1. 双页阅读模式下,自动识别跨页(宽度>长度)并单独显示
  2. Linux系统下应用目录由~/Documents改为~/.local/share/jhentai
  3. 下载时利用缓存加速
  4. 优化桌面端多线程解析的性能
  5. 现在被本地标签过滤的画廊会直接不显示
  6. 修复手机布局下主页排行榜和热门部分的画廊未应用本地标签屏蔽的问题
  7. 修复一些取消下载后的报错

  1. Recognize spread page in double-column read mode and display spread page in a single page
  2. Change application directory from ~/Documents to ~/.local/share/jhentai in Linux
  3. Use cache to speed up download
  4. Optimize the performance of multi-threaded parsing in desktop layout
  5. Now galleries filtered by local tags will not be displayed
  6. Fix the bug that galleries are not filtered by local tags at home page in mobile layout
  7. Fix some errors after canceling download


27 Jun 15:29
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  1. iOS和macOS现在也可以自定义本地画廊扫描路径了
  2. 支持修改标签颜色
  3. 阅读页限制缩略图分辨率大小,移动端额外会限制图片分辨率大小
  4. 修复修改标签权重时,无法设置为负数的bug
  5. 修复修改下载设置的bug

  1. iOS and macOS can now customize the local gallery scan path
  2. Add support to customize tag color
  3. Add limit to image resolution in read page
  4. Fix the bug that the tag weight cannot be set to a negative number
  5. Fix the bug with download setting