Covoiturage Libre is a Carpooling Open Source platform, originally created for the French website Click on the button below to access it :
It aims at providing a free, non-profit carpooling service for the shared economy, with no for-profit company controlling the service.
You can help us without knowing how to code, click on the buttons below ;)
You can find the repository for the Android App of Covoiturage Libre just here.
Any reuse of the code must go through a strong speech with the staff members, do not hesitate to open an "Issue" to discuss it. We want the widest federated Project as possible, avoiding forks that do not COMMUNICATE WITH US. (Thus, the proposed car-sharing will be better)
Please visit our Wiki, you will find all important informations right there.
We have General Informations, a guide to install a Dev Setup on Ubuntu, informations about the ENV Variables...
We use this two platforms to test new features and resolve bugs, before pushing to the real platform, you can try them by clicking the buttons below :