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1082 lines (741 loc) · 27.8 KB


  • void main(){ ==> Work <== } ==> Void Is a main Function In this we do our complete work
  • print("ExamPle Print"); ==> Print This OutPut Inside Console


  • KeyWord: (var) ==> (Variable) ==> (Variable Inside (Integer_Val,Boolean_Val,String_Val,Double_Val))
  • KeyWord: (int) ==> (Integer) ==> (Integer Inside (Numeric_Val))
  • KeyWord: (num) ==> (Number) ==> (Number Inside (Numeric_Val && Double))
  • KeyWord: (double) ==> (Double) ==> (Double Inside (Double_Val Means (.,Devide_Val) Value))
  • KeyWord: (bool) ==> (Boolean) ==> (Boolean Inside (Boolean_Val Means (True,False) Value))
  • KeyWord: (String) ==> (String) ==> (String Inside (String_Val Means ("This_Is_String") Value))


  • Operator: (+) ==> (Addition) ==> (Addition both values)
  • Operator: (-) ==> (Subtraction) ==> (Subtraction both values)
  • Operator: (*) ==> (MultipliCation) ==> (Multiplication both values)
  • Operator: (/) ==> (DiviSion) ==> (Division both values)
  • Operator: (~/) ==> (DiviSion_Integer) ==> (Return Integer Value)
  • Operator: (%) ==> (Module) ==> (Module both values)

Equality & Relational Operators

  • Operator: (<) ==> (Less_then) ==> (2 Less_then 5 = True)
  • Operator: (>) ==> (Greater_than) ==> (2 Greater_then 5 = False)
  • Operator: (<=) ==> (Less_then_Equal_To) ==> (5 Less_then_Equal_To 5 = True)
  • Operator: (>=) ==> (Greater_than_Equal_To) ==> (12 Greater_than_Equal_To 12 = True)
  • Operator: (==) ==> (Equal To Equal) ==> (Two values are equal)
  • Operator: (!=) ==> (Not Equal_To) ==> (Two values are not equal)
  • Operator: (${}) ==> (Dollor Culry Breket) ==> (String Inside Uses Variable Name Output Is Variable Value)

LogiCal Operators

  • Operator: (&&) ==> (Equal To Equal) ==> (Two values are equal)
  • Operator: (||) ==> (Correct Any One Value) ==> (Correct one of the two values)
  • Operator: (!) ==> (Not) ==> (Output Is False But This Operator (!) Output Convert Into True)

Increament & Decreament (Post & Pre):

  • Unary_Operators: (i++) ==> (Post_Increament) ==> (Increments later)
  • Unary_Operators: (++i) ==> (Pre_Increament) ==> (Increments first)
  • Unary_Operators: (i--) ==> (Post_Decreament) ==> (Decreament later)
  • Unary_Operators: (--i) ==> (Pre_Decreament) ==> (Decreament first)

IF & Else_IF & Else Condition_Statement:

  • Conditional_Statement: (if) ==> (First_Condition) ==> (If condition is true then print output (IF))
  • Conditional_Statement: (else if) ==> (Second_Condition) ==> (If condition is true then print output(Else_IF))
  • Conditional_Statement: (else) ==> (Last_Condition) ==> (If IF and Else IF are both wrong then print Else)


  • ArraY: (["ExamPle",123,false,23.45]) ==> (Square Brecket) ==> (In List we store more than one element)


  • Method: (Replace) ==> (listName[5] = "ReplaCe_Text") ==> (Replace One Element)
  • Method: (Replace_Range) ==> (listName.replaceRange(1,4,[786,false,65.98])) ==> (Replace Multiples Elements)
  • Method: (List_First_Element_Access) ==> (listName.first;) ==> (List Inside First Element Print Console)
  • Method: (List_Last_Element_Access) ==> (listName.last;) ==> (List Inside Last Element Print Console)
  • Method: (Center Element Access) ==> (listName.elementAt(3);) ==> (List Inside Center Element Access Throw By ElementAt Function)
  • Method: (List_Length) ==> (listName.length) ==> (Print List Length)
  • Method: (Elements Line By Line) ==> (listName.sort()) ==> (Elements Line By Line Interpretion Alphabets || Number)
  • Method: (Is_Emplty_Now) ==> (listName.isEmpty) ==> (Check List Is Empty Print OutPut Booleans Value)
  • Method: (Is_Not_Emplty_Now) ==> (listName.isNotEmpty) ==> (Check List Is Not Empty Print OutPut Booleans Value)
  • Method: (Clear_List) ==> (listName.clear()) ==> (List Is Empty Now)
  • Method: (Reversed_List) ==> (List.of(listName.reversed)) ==> (List Is Reversed Throw By reversed Method)
  • Method: (Add_New_Element_Inside_List) ==> (listName.add("New_Element")) ==> (List Inside One New Element Added)
  • Method: (Add_All) ==> (listName.addAll(["New_Element","New_Element_1","New_Element_2"]))==>(Add_Multiples_New_Elements_Inside_List)
  • Method: (Insert_One_Element) ==> (listName.insert(3,"New_Element")) ==> (List_Inside_Insert_PartiCular_Point_Of_Index_Value)
  • Method: (InsertAll) ==> (listName.insertAll(2,["New_Element_1","New_Element_2","New_Element_3"]))==> (Insert_More_Then_One_Element)
  • Method: (Remove_Element) ==> (listName.remove("Remove_Element_Name")) ==> (Inside_List_Remove_Element)
  • Method: (Remove_At) ==> (listName.removeAt(listName.length -5))==>(List_Inside_More_Then_One_Elements_Remove_Throw_removeAt_Method)
  • Method: (Remove_Last) ==> (listName.removeLast()) ==> (List_Inside_Last_Element_Remove_Throw_By_(removeLast)_Method)
  • Method: (remove_Where) ==> (listName.removeWhere((e) => e < 0)) ==> (List_Elements Is Less_Then 0 Then Remove This Elements)
  • Method: (retain_Where) ==> (listName.retainWhere((e) => e > 30)) ==> (List_Elements Is Greater_Then 30 Then Print This Elements)
  • Method: (Remove_Range) ==>(listName.removeRange(3,6))==>(List_Inside_One_&More_Then_Elements_Remove_Throw_By(removeRange)_Method)


  • Map: ({Pro: "Val",Pro1: 23.45}) ==> (Square Brecket) ==> (In List we store more than one element)

void main(){

Introduction To Variables:

  • A variable is “a named space in the memory”
  • that stores values. In other words, it acts a
  • container for values in a program.


  • var name = "FullName: Jibran Abdul Jabbar;";
  • var school = "Coaching: Online Jawan Pakistan";
  • print(name + " " + school);

Introduction to Data Types:

Numbers (Int, Double, Num):


  • int: locale_Variable
  • double: locale_Variable
  • num: locale_Variable

int Variable Keyword:

  • int numberVal = 86;
  • print(numberVal);

double Variable Keyword:

  • double pointVal = 86.6;
  • print(pointVal);

num Variable Keyword:

  • num numAndPointVal = 83;

  • print(numAndPointVal);

  • num numAndPointVal1 = 86.66;

  • print(numAndPointVal1);

Strings (Represents a sequence of character):

String Variable Keyword:

  • String Full_Name = "Jibran Abdul Jabbar";

  • print(Full_Name);

  • String date = "2-April-2021";

  • print(date);

  • String email = "";

  • print(email);

Booleans (true,false)

Booleans Condition:

  • bool statusTrue = true;

  • bool statusFalse = false;

  • print(statusTrue);

  • print(statusFalse);

Second Condition:

  • int num1 = 7;
  • int num2 = 2;
  • bool checkCondition = num2 < num1;
  • print(checkCondition);

Booleans Uses && Operator:

  • int num3 = 9;
  • int num4 = 6;
  • bool checkCondition1 = num3 < num4 && num3 > num4;
  • print(checkCondition1);

Booleans Uses || Operator:

  • int num5 = 4;
  • int num6 = 8;
  • bool checkCondition2 = num5 < num6 || num5 > num6;
  • print(checkCondition2);

Booleans Uses == Operator:

  • int num7 = 9;
  • int num8 = 14;
  • bool checkCondition3 = num7 < num8 == num7 < num8;
  • print(checkCondition3);


    1. Arithmetic Operators.
    1. Equality & Relational Operators.
    1. Logical Operators.

Arithmetic Operators:

Addition Condition:

  • int num9 = 5;
  • int num10 = 10;
  • int outputAddition = num9 + num10;
  • print(outputAddition);
  • print("Addition OutPut Is: ${outputAddition}");

Subtract Condition:

  • int num11 = 7;
  • int num12 = 6;
  • int outputSubtraction = num11 - num12;
  • print(outputSubtraction);
  • print("Subtraction OutPut Is: ${outputSubtraction}");

MultipliCation Condition:

  • int num13 = 5;
  • int num14 = 4;
  • int outputMultipliCation = num13 * num14;
  • print(outputMultipliCation);
  • print("MultipliCation OutPut Is: ${outputMultipliCation}");

Division Condition:

  • int num15 = 9;
  • int num16 = 7;
  • double outputDivision = num15 / num16;
  • print(outputDivision);
  • print("Division OutPut Is: ${outputDivision}");

Division_Int_Uses Condition:

  • int num17 = 435;
  • int num18 = 1;
  • int outputDivisionInt = num17 ~/ num18;
  • print(outputDivisionInt);
  • print("Division_Int OutPut Is: ${outputDivisionInt}");

Module % Condition:

  • int num19 = 10;
  • int num20 = 3;
  • int outputModule = num19 % num20;
  • print(outputModule);
  • print("Module % OutPut Is: ${outputModule}");

Increament & Decreament:

    1. Compilation => Whole code get translate at one step.
    1. Interpretation => Line by Line which is left to right
  •  translation.
    1. Assembler => Translation of Assembly Language.


  • int a = 10;

  • int b = a++;

  • print("Post_Increament Output Is: ${b}");

  • int c = 35;

  • int d = ++c;

  • print("Pre_Increament Output Is: ${d}");

  • int e = 5;

  • int f = e--;

  • print("Post_Decreament Output Is: ${f}");

  • int g = 15;

  • int h = --g;

  • print("Pre_Decreament Output Is: ${h}");

Your Increament/Decreament Test:

  • int i = 5;
  • int j = i++ + --i - i + i++ - i-- + ++i;
  • // 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 - 6 + 6 = 10
  • print("Answer Is: ${j}");

  • int x = 9;

  • int y = x + ++x - x-- + x++ + x - --x + ++x - x--;

  • // 9 + 10 - 10 + 9 +10 - 9 + 10 - 10 = 19
  • print("Answer Is: ${y}");

Equality & Relational Operators:

Greater than Condition:

  • int age = 9;
  • bool checkCondition = age > 8;
  •                  //  9  > 8                
  • print(checkCondition);

Less than Condition:

  • int age1 = 7;
  • bool checkCondition1 = age1 < 9;
  •                   //  7   < 9                
  • print(checkCondition1);

Greater than Equal To Condition:

  • int age2 = 8;
  • bool checkCondition2 = age2 >= 8;
  •                  //   8   >= 8                
  • print(checkCondition2);

Less than Equal To Condition:

  • int age3 = 5;
  • bool checkCondition3 = age3 <= 5;
  •                  //   5   <= 5                
  • print(checkCondition3);

Equal To Condition:

  • int age4 = 12;
  • bool checkCondition4 = age4 == 12;
  •                  //   12   == 12                
  • print(checkCondition4);

Not Equal To Condition:

  • int age5 = 3;
  • bool checkCondition5 = age5 != 5;
  •                  //   3   != 5;                
  • print(checkCondition5);

LogiCal Operators:

  • &&
  • String name0 = "Jibran";
  • int age6 = 7;
  • bool checkCondition0 = name0 == "Jibran" && age6 == 7;
  • print(checkCondition0);
  • ||
  • String name1 = "ExamPle";
  • int age = 7;
  • bool checkCondition01 = name1=="ExamPlesss" || age==7;
  • print(checkCondition01);
  • !
  • int age8 = 8;
  • bool checkCondition02 = !(age8 > 8);
  • print(checkCondition02);

Conditional Statement (IF,Else):

Syntex (IF,Else):


  • var age = 6;
  • var age1 = 6;
  • if(age > age1) {
  •  print('Age Is Greater Then Age1');
  • }
  • else if(age < age1) {
  •  print('Age Is Less Then Age1');
  • }
  • else if(age == age1) {
  •  print("Age Is Equal To Age1");
  • }
  • else{
  •  print("There Is No Output");
  • }


  • var marks = 85;

  • if(marks > 96){

  •    print("OutPut_Is: Exellent...");
  • }

  • else if(marks > 86){

  •    print("OutPut_Is: Very_Good...");
  • }

  • else if(marks > 76){

  •    print("OutPut_Is: Good...");
  • }

  • else {

  •    print("OutPut_Is: AveraGe...");
  • }


  • var a = "Jibran";
  • var b = "Jibran";
  • if(a == b){
  •   print("A Is Equal To B");
  • }
  • else if(a == "Hayyan"){
  •   print("A Is Equal To Hayyan");
  • }
  • else{
  •   print("Not Equality");
  • }

List ArraY Syntex:

  • JavaScript Programming Language = [ ] = Array ;

  • C Shap Programming Language = [ ] = Array ;

  • Python Programming Language = [ ] = List ;

  • Dart Programming Language = [ ] = List ;

  • In List we store more than one element

  • var arrDigit = [0,1,2,3,4,5];

  • print(arr);

  • var arrString = ["ExamPle1","ExamPle2","ExamPle3","ExamPle4","ExamPle5"];

  • print(arrString);

  • var arrBool = [true,false];

  • print(arrBool);

  • var arrMulti = ["ExamPle",123,true,65.66];

  • Index = 0 1 2 3
  • Length = 1 2 3 4
  • print(arrMulti);
  • int integer_Val = 23;

  • String string_Val = "ExamPle_String";

  • double double_Val = 1.43;

  • bool boolean_Val = true;

  • arrMulti[2] = false; ===> Replace_Element_Throw_Index

  • print(arrMulti.first); ===> List Inside First Element Return = ExamPle

  • print(arrMulti.last); ===> List Inside Last Element Return = 65.66

  • print(arrMulti.elementAt(2)); ===> List Inside Center Element Return = true

  • print(arrMulti.length) ===> Return List Length = 4

  • arrMulti.replaceRange(1,3,[786, false]) print(arrMulti) ===> Replace Element Throw Index

  • var list_Multi_Digit = [67,54,87,23,91,9,120,1];

  • list_Multi_Digit.sort()

  • print(listMulti)

  • var list_Multi_String = ["Car","Bike","Apple","Gents","Fruit","Verb","Onion","Mango"];

  • list_Multi_String.sort()

  • print(listMulti)

Is_Empty & Is_Not_Empty | Add

  • var list = [];

  • if(list.isEmpty){ ===> List Inside Empty List = Console = List Is Empty Now

  • print("List Is Empty Now");
  • }

  • list.add("ExamPle1"); ===> List Inside .Add Element = [ExamPle1]

  • list.add("ExamPle2"); ===> List Inside .Add Element = [ExamPle1,ExamPle2]

  • list.add("ExamPle3"); ===> List Inside .Add Element = [ExamPle1,ExamPle2,ExamPle3]

  • print(list); ===> List Is Not Empty Because List Inside Multiples Items For ExamPle: [ExamPle1,ExamPle2,ExamPle3]

  • if(list.isNotEmpty){ ===> List Is Not Empty Because List Inside Multiples Items = Console = List Is Not Empty Now

  • print("List Is Not Empty Now");
  • }


  • list.clear(); ===> List Is Empty Now = []

  • print(list);


  • var list1 = [8,4,6,2,9,1,5];
  • var reversed = List.of(list1.reversed); ===> List Inside Values Reversed
  • print("List: ${list1}");
  • print("Reversed_Value: ${reversed}");

Add & Add_All

  • Add
  • var list2 = [];
  • list2.add(3); ===> Add Single Element Inside List2 Throw add Method
  • list2.add(1);
  • list2.add(2);
  • Add_All
  • var list3 = [5,0,4]

  • list2.addAll(list3); ===> Add Multiples Elements Inside List2 Throw addAll Method

  • Or
  • list2.addAll(["ExamPle3","ExamPle4","ExamPle5"]); ===> Add Multiples Elements Inside List2 Throw addAll Method

  • list2.sort()

  • print(list2);

Insert & InsertAll

  • Insert
  • var list4 = [1,2,3,4,5];
  • list4.insert(3,30);
  • print(list4);
  • list4.insertAll(2,[23,33,43]);
  • print(list4);
  • var list5 = ["ExamPle","ExamPle1","ExamPle2"];
  • print(list5);
  • list5.insert(1,"Insert_ExamPle");  
  • print(list5);
  • Insert_All
  • list5.insertAll(0,["Insert_All_ExamPle","Insert_All_ExamPle_1"]);
  • print(list5);

Remove & Remove_At | RemoveLast

  • Remove
  • var list6 = ["ExamPle","ExamPle1","ExamPle2"];
  • list6.remove("ExamPle1");
  • print(list6);
  • RemoveAt
  • var list6 = ["ExamPle","ExamPle1","ExamPle2"];
  • list6.removeAt(list6.length -1);
  • print(list6);
  • RemoveLast
  • var list6 = [1,2,3];
  • list6.removeLast();
  • print(list6);

RemoveWhere, RemoveRange, RetainWhere

  • var list7 = [7,89,-3,-27,-8,54,3];
  • list7.removeWhere((e) => e < 0);
  • print(list7);
  • var list7 = [7,89,-3,-27,-8,54,3];
  • list7.removeWhere((e) => e > 0);
  • print(list7);
  • var list7 = [7,5,4,2,1,8,12,76];
  • list7.removeRange(0,6);
  • print(list7);
  • var list7 = ["ExamPle","ExamPle1","ExamPle2"];
  • list7.removeRange(0,2);
  • print(list7);
  • var list7 = [7,89,-3,-27,-8,54,3];
  • list7.retainWhere((e) => e < 7);
  • print(list7);
  • var list7 = [7,89,-3,-27,-8,54,3];
  • list7.retainWhere((e) => e > 7);
  • print(list7);


  • Map is an object that represent is an key/value.
  • The Map can be declared by using curly braces {}.
  • And each key-value pair is separated by the commas(,).
  • Map_Syntex:

  • var map = {                                            ===>                   +  var map = {                 
  •   "Name": "ExamPle_Name",                              ===>                   +    "Key" : "Value",                            
  •   "Roll_No": "1897",                                   ===>                   +    "Key" : "Value",                      
  •   "Contact_No": "+92111111111"                         ===>                   +    "Key" : "Value",                       
  • };                                                     ===>                   +  }; ===>                 (SemiColon(;))    
  • print(map);                                                                    +  print(map);
  • Second_ExamPle
  • var fruit = {1: "Apple", 2: "Mango", 3: "OranGe", 4: "Banana", 5: "WaterMelon"};
  • print(fruit); 
  • Map_Keys:

  • print(fruit.keys); ===> Return Also Map_(fruit) Keys
  • Map_Values:

  • print(fruit.values); ===> Return Also Map_(fruit) Values
  • Map_Length
  • print('Fruit Map length Is: ${fruit.length} '); ===> Return Also Map_(fruit) Length
  • Is_Empty && Is_Not_Empty Using Map
  • var map1 = {};
  • if(map1.isEmpty){
  •   print("Map1 Is Empty Now");
  • }
  • if(map1.isNotEmpty){ 
  •   print("Map1 Is Not Empty");
  • }
  • ||
  • print(map1.isEmpty);
  • print(map.isNotEmpty);
  • Clear Map
  • map_Name.clear(); ===> Return map_Name Is Empty;
  • Add & Replace Pare Inside Map
  • var map_2 = {
  •   1: "ExamPle_1",
  •   2: "ExamPle_2",
  •   3: "ExamPle_3"
  • };
  • print(map_2);  
  • Add
  • map_2[4] = "ExamPle_4"; ===> SQuare Braces Inside Keys And Assigning Operator Inside Value && Add New Pare Inside Map
  • print(map_2);
  • Replace
  • map_2[3] = "ExamPle_Replace_Value"; ===> Replace Any Key/Value Inside Map 
  • print(map_2);
  • Put_If_Absent ==> Key Is not Exits Inside Map Then Put This Key Inside Map
  • map_2.putIfAbsent(5, () => "ExamPle_5"); ===> Map Inside 5 Key Is Not_Exits false Add Key/Value To Assign Put_If_Absent Method Inside
  • print(map_2);
  • map_2.putIfAbsent(6, () => "ExamPle_6"); 
  • print(map_2);
  • Add_All
  •  var student = {
  •    "Name": "Mark",
  •    "Father_Name": "Myers",
  •    "Roll_No": 1878,
  •    "CoaChing": "BMJ_EduCation"
  •  };
  •  student.putIfAbsent("Contact_No", () => "+921111111111");
  • Add_All
  •  student.addAll({"Gender": "Male","Country": "Pakistan"}); 
  •  print("Student Data Is: ${student}");
  • Student Data Store ExamPle
  • var Student = {

  • 1878: ["Myers","Online_Mobile_App_Dev","+921111111111"],

  • 1879: ["Mark","Online_Mobile_App_Dev","+922222222222"],

  • 1880: ["Ace","Online_Mobile_App_Dev","+923333333333"];

  • };

  • print(student)

  • Remove_Map_Elements
  • var map_1 = {
  •   1: "Apple",
  •   2: "Mango",
  •   3: "Orange",
  •   4: "Watermillon",
  •   5: "Banana",
  •   6: "Strawberry",
  •   7: "Cherry",
  •   8: "Grapes"
  •   9: "Coconot"
  • };
  • print(map_1);
  • map_1.remove(3);
  • print(map_1);
  • StartsWith || EndsWith && RemoveWhere
  • map_1.removeWhere((key, value) => value.startsWith("C"));
  • map_1.removeWhere((key, value) => value.endsWith("e"));


  • ||

  • StartsWith

  • String subject_Phy = "Physic";
  • var startWith = subject_Phy.startsWith("W");
  • print("Subject Name Is: ${subject_Phy}; Condition Is True Or False: ${startWith} "); // False
  • ||
  • String subject_Che = "Chemistry";
  • var startWith1 = subject_Che.startsWith("C");
  • print("Subject Name Is: ${subject_Che}; Condition Is True Or False: ${startWith1} "); // True
  • EndsWith
  • String subject_Bio = "Biology";
  • var startWith2 = subject_Bio.endsWith("y");
  • print("Subject Name Is: ${subject_Bio}; Condition Is True Or False: ${startWith2} "); // True
  • ||
  • String subject_Comp = "Computer";
  • var startWith3 = subject_Comp.endsWith("e");
  • print("Subject Name Is: ${subject_Comp}; Condition Is True Or False: ${startWith3} "); // False

Merge Method In Map

  • Spread Operators: ...Map_Name
  • var map_2 = {

  • 1: "One",

  • 2: "Two"

  • };

  • var map_3 = {

  • 3: "Three",

  • 4: "Four"

  • };

  • var map_4 = {

  • 5: "Five",

  • 6: "Six"

  • };

  • var map_Complete = {...map_2,...map_3,...map_4};

  • print(map_Complete);

  • Second_Example: {}..addAll(Map_Name);
  • var map_Complete1 = {}..addAll(map_2)..addAll(map_3)..addAll(map_4);
  • print(map_Complete1);
  • From_Iterables_Method
  • var keys = [1,2,3,4,5];
  • print(keys);
  • var values = ["Dart","Flutter","Node_Js","Docker","MongoDB"];
  • print(values);
  • var complete_Keys_Values = Map.fromIterables(keys,values);
  • print(complete_Keys_Values);

Find Keys && Values

  • Contain_Keys || Contain_Values
  • var map_Find = {

  • 1: "HTML",
  • 2: "CSS",
  • 3: "JavaScript",
  • 4: "ES6",
  • 5: "React Js",
  • 6: "Redux",
  • 7: "React Native",
  • 8: "Linux",
  • 9: "Github",
  • };

  • print(map_Find);

  • var find_Key = map_Find.containsKey(4);

  • var find_Key1 = map_Find.containsKey(43); // False

  • print(find_Key); // True

  • print(find_Key1); // False

  • var find_Value = map_Find.containsValue("Linux");

  • var find_Value1 = map_Find.containsValue("Firebase"); //False

  • print(find_Value); // True

  • print(find_Value1); // False

  • Map Iteration Dart
  • var map_Iteration = {

  • 1: "Firebase",

  • 2: "Bootstrap",

  • 3: "Responsive_Web_Designing",

  • 4: "Material_UI",

  • 5: "Devops",

  • };

  • map_Iteration.forEach((key,val) {

  • print("Key: ${key}; Value: ${val};");
  • });

  • For Loop In Dart
  • for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  • print(i);
  • }
  • Infinite Loop
  • for (var i = 1; i > 0; i++) {
  • print(i);
  • }
  • Table Generate Using For Loop
  • var num_Table = 2;

  • for (var t = 1; t <= 10; t++) {

  • print('${num_Table} x ${t} = ${num_Table*t}')
  • }

  • For_In In Dart
  • var database = ["SQL","No_SQL","Firebase_Database","MongoDB"];
  • This Is LonG Coading
  • print(database[0]);
  • print(database[1]);
  • print(database[2]);
  • print(database[3]);
  • This Is Short CoadinG
  • for (var a in database) {
  • print(a);
  • }
  • Second Option
  • for (var s = 0; s < database.length; s++){
  •  print(database[s]);
  • }
  • While Loop In Dart
  • var num = 0;
  • while(num <= 10){
  • print(num);
  • num++;
  • }
  • Second Condition
  • var condition = "Yes";
  • while(condition == "Yes"){
  • print(condition);
  • condition = "No";
  • }
  • Infinite Loop
  • var condition = "Yes";
  • while(condition == "Yes"){
  • print(condition);
  • condition = "Yes";
  • }
  • Table Generate Using While Loop
  • var table_Count = 1;
  • var table_Num = 3;
  • while(table_Count <= 10){
  • print('${table_Num} x ${table_Count} = ${table_Num * table_Count}');
  • table_Count++;
  • }
  • Do While Loop In Dart
  • var num1 = 0;
  • do{
  • print(num1);
  • num1++;
  • }
  • while(num1 <= 10);
  • Second Condition
  • var condition_Do = "Yes"; // Ye Ek Bar Print Lazmi Hoga
  • do {
  • print(condition_Do);
  • condition_Do = "No"; 
  • }
  • while(condition_Do == "Yes");
  • Infinite Loop
  • var condition_Do = "Yes"; // Ye Ek Bar Print Lazmi Hoga
  • do {
  • print(condition_Do);
  • condition_Do = "Yes"; 
  • }
  • while(condition_Do == "Yes");
  • Table Generate Using Do While Loop
  • var table_Num_1 = 4;
  • var table_Count_1 = 1;
  • do {
  • print('${table_Num_1} x ${table_Count_1} = ${table_Num_1 * table_Count_1}');
  • table_Count_1++;
  • }
  • while(table_Count_1 <= 10);
  • Function

  • Functions are the building blocks of readable, maintainable, and reusable code. A

  • function is a set of statements to perform a specific task. Functions organize the

  • program into logical blocks of code. Once defined, functions may be called to

  • access code.

  • Function Call

  • functionName(); // Function Call Syntex
  • Second Condition
  • condition();

  • Within Parameters Function Call

  • withInPara(10, 15, 5);

  • withInPara(25, 5, 20);

  • withInPara(31, 29, 5);

  • Uses Return Keyword
  • print(withInPara(10, 15, 5));
  • print(withInPara(25, 5, 20));
  • print(withInPara(31, 29, 5));

ObJect Oriented ProGramminG

  • Classes In Object Oriented Programming
  • var carInstence = Car();
  • carInstence.carName = "Lamborghini";
  • carInstence.carNamePrint();
  • Second Instence Of Class
  • var carInstence1 = Car();
  • carInstence1.carName = "Farari";
  • carInstence1.carNamePrint();
  • Classes Extends Uses Inheritence Impelement
  • var class2 = Class2();

  • class2.class1Func();

  • class2.class2Func();

  • var class3 = Class3();

  • class3.class1Func();

  • class3.class3Func();

  • Second Example

  • Circle Class Extends With Parent Class

    var cir = Circle(); cir.dis(); cir.cir();

  • Square Class Extends With Circle Class And Parent Class

    var sq = Square(); sq.sq(); sq.cir(); sq.dis();


  • Without Parameters Function
  • dynamic functionName(){
  •  print("This Is a Function Syntex"); // Function Create Syntex
  • }
  • Second Condition
  • dynamic condition(){
  • var num1 = 5;
  • var num2 = 10;
  • var value = num1 + num2;
  • print(value);
  • }
  • Within Parameters Function
  • dynamic withInPara(var num1, var num2, var num3,){
  • var total = num1 + num2 + num3;
  • print(total);
  • }
  • Uses Return Keyword
  • dynamic withInPara(var num1, var num2, var num3,){
  • var total = num1 + num2 + num3;
  • return total;
  • }
  • Arrow Function
  • void Function_Name() => Call_Function()
  • Syntex
  • Function_Name () => Coading_Writen

ObJect Oriented ProGramminG

  • Classes In ObJect Oriented ProGramminG
  • class Car {

  • var carName = "";
  • dynamic carNamePrint() => print("This Car Name Is: ${carName}");
  • }

  • Classes Extends Uses Inheritence Impelement
  • class Class1{

  • dynamic class1Func () => print("This Is Class_1");
  • }

  • class Class2 extends Class1 {

  • dynamic class2Func () => print("This Is Class_2");
  • }

  • class Class3 extends Class1 {

  • dynamic class3Func () => print("This Is Class_3");
  • }

  • Second Example
  • class Shape {

  • dynamic dis() {
  •   print("Parent Class");
  • }
  • }

  • class Circle extends Shape {

  • dynamic cir() {
  •   print("Circle (Child) Class");
  • }
  • }

  • class Square extends Circle {

  • dynamic sq() {
  •   print("Square (Child) Class");
  • }
  • }

Complete Dart With ObJect Oriented ProGramminG