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523 lines (308 loc) · 19.9 KB

Changelog - xerparser

0.13.4 - 2024-12-18

In TASKRSRC class, changed data type of target_lag_drtn_hr_cnt property from int to float. Reference Issue #10


  • Added properties to PROJWBS class:
    • project gives PROJWBS objects access to the project and its properties.
    • original_duration calendar days between start and finish dates.
    • actual_duration calendar days between the project data date the wbs start date.
    • remaining_duration calendar days between the wbd finish date and the project data date.

0.13.2 - 2024-10-09

  • Added all_task property to PROJWBS class, which returns all tasks assigned to a node and all it's children nodes.
  • Added actual_cost, budgeted_cost, remaining_cost, and this_period_cost properties to PROJWBS class. These are sums of the costs for all activities under a WBS node.
  • Added start and finish properties to PROJWBS class.
  • PROJWBS objects are now sorted by seq_num to match the order reflected in P6.

0.13.1 - 2024-10-09

  • Node object now use seq_num attribute for comparison and sorting.
  • Fixed potential bug in how children are stored in the Node class; switched from a list to a dict to avoid having multiple of the same child.

0.13.0 - 2024-10-06

NOTE: If you have tests setup, this change will require you to delete the existing xer_data.json fixture and recreate it in the test process.

  • Added functionality for traversing Node objects:
    • traverse_parents method iterates through parents to root node.
    • traverse_children method iterates through all children to leaves.
    • height property is the length of the longest downward path to a leaf from a given node (leaf nodes with have a height of 0).
    • depth property is the length of the path to the root node from a given node (root node will have a depth of 0).

0.12.3 - 2024-09-14

  • Fixed potential KeyErrors in the SCHEDOPTIONS class due to missing attributes in files exported from older versions of P6. Issue #7
  • Fixed bug where create_date and update_date attributes of the TASK class may be empty. Issue #8

0.12.2 - 2024-07-04

  • Added tasks (list[TASK]) attribute to PROJWBS class.
  • Added task_rsrcs (list[TASKRSRC]) attribute to RSRC class.

0.12.1 - 2024-07-02

Patched potential errors when transformming from a string to a float. Some languages use a comma rather than a period in floating point numbers.

0.12.0 - 2024-06-19

  • Added class RSRCRATE which represents a Resource Rate. This can be accessed from the resource_rate (dict) attribute of the Xer object. Issue #6

0.11.2 - 2024-05-25

  • Refactored inheritance for Node objects.
    • The description attribute of the ACTVCODE and PCATVAL classes has been changed to name.

0.11.1 - 2024-05-24

  • Fixed bug in the equal override function for the RSRC object; missing a return.

0.11.0 - 2024-04-28

  • Updated type hints, which now requires a minimum of Python 3.11.
  • RSRC class now inherits from Node.
  • Updating / filling in docstrings.

0.10.4 - 2024-03-08

  • Updated dependencies to new versions.
  • ACCOUNT class equal overide now checks if other object is None type.
  • The max_multiple_longest_path attribute of the SCHEDOPTIONS class can be type int or None.

0.10.3 - 2023-08-11


  • Added Node class to represent a Tree data structure - can have one parent and multiple children. ACCOUNT, ACTVCODE, PCATVAL, and PROJWBS classes now inherit from Node class.

0.10.2 - 2023-08-05


  • Updated dependency html-sanitizer to the latest version 2.2.0
  • Added Node class to represent a Tree data structure - can have one parent and multiple children.
  • ACCOUNT, ACTVCODE, PCATVAL, and PROJWBS classes now inherit from Node class.

0.10.1 - 2023-08-05


  • Added is_wbs property to TaskType enum class. Checks if task is a wbs summary type.

0.10.0 - 2023-07-17


  • Added wbs_root attribute to the PROJECT class. This is the root WBS node.
  • Added children attribute to the PROJWBS class. Along with the wbs_root above, this forms a Tree Data Structure.
  • Added children attribute to the ACCOUNT class.
  • Added children attribute to the ACTVCODE class.
  • Added children attribute to the PCATVAL class.


  • Changed the PROJECT name from an attribute to a property. The project name is stored in the wbs_root added above.

0.9.9 - 2023-06-14


  • The task_percent property of the PROJECT class now ignores Level of Effort activities when calculating percent complete. There were edge cases where the LOE activity had a remaining duration much greater than its original duration, which significantly reduced the calculated percent complete.

0.9.8 - 2023-05-24

  • Bug fixes with validating data types for TASKPRED objects.

0.9.7 - 2023-05-24

  • Bug fixes with validating data types for TASK objects.

0.9.6 - 2023-05-14


  • Added resources attribute containing a list of TASKRSRC objects to the PROJECT class. Previously, TASKRSRC objects were only accessible through a TASK object.

0.9.5 - 2023-05-13


Both project specific and global calendars are now included in the PROJECT calendars attribute. Covers cases where project tasks are assigned to a gobal calendar.

0.9.4 - 2023-04-19


  • Added actual_duartion property to PROJECT class.

0.9.3 - 2023-04-08


Some code cleanup and corrections to the python code in the README file.

0.9.2 - 2023-03-19


  • Added function file_reader which accepts a .xer file and reads it to a string object.
    • Accepts str or Path objects for files stored locally or on a server.
    • Accepts BinaryIO files from requests, Flask, FastAPI, etc...
  • Added classmethods reader to the Xer class. A .xer file can be passed directly to this method, which will read and decode the file, and return a Xer object. Uses the file_reader function above.


  • Changed name of function xer_to_dict to parser.

0.9.1 - 2023-03-18

Updated CorruptXerFile Exception to receive the list of errors and print them out when the exception is raised. The errors can now be accessed from the Exception when using try except.

    xer = Xer(file_contents)
except CorruptXerFile as e:
    for error in e.errors:

0.9.0 - 2023-03-17

General Notes

Remove error attribute from xer class. If the errors are encoutered during initialization of an xer object, then a CorruptXerFile Exception is raised.


  • find_xer_errors function. Error checking for the file is now its own function that that can find errors in an xer file and povide the results in a list.
  • Error checking now looks for invalid rsrc_id assigned to a TASKRSRC object.


The option for None type on the following items was originally done to avoid Exceptions being thrown if the file is corrupted. This created additional code to handle situations when the attributes equal None.

  • Removed option for calendar attribute of the TASK class to be type None; All TASK objects must have a calendar or the CorruptXerFile Exception is raised.
  • Removed option for the resource attribute of the TASKRSRC class to be type None; all TASKRSRC objects must have a resource or the CorruptXerFile Exception is raised.

0.8.2 - 2023-03-05


  • Added actual_total_cost property to TASKFIN class
  • Added late_start property to PROJECT class


  • TASK method rem_hours_per_day can now accept a late flag (bool) to calculate late dates rather than early dates.

0.8.1 - 2023-02-28

General Notes

Refactor / cleanup code. Working on functionality to generate cost loading projections.


  • Added rem_hours_per_day method to TASK class. This return a dict with date: workhour key value pairs. This function was originally contained within the module, but was not being used. Makes more sense to have it as a TASK method.
  • Added base_calendar attribute to CALENDAR class. The is_workday function will now search the base_calendar for holidays when determining if a date is a workday.


  • remain_drtn_hr_cnt attribute of TASK no longer allows None type.
  • finish property of TASK will now check for reend_date and return it before it returns early_end_date

0.8.0 - 2023-02-28

General Notes

Added parsing of User Defined Fields (UDF). Issue #4
Expanded testing for more coverage.
Refactor / clean up code for initialization of XER class.


  • Added class UDFTYPE which represents a User Defined Field.
  • Added attribute user_defined_fields to PROJECT, PROJWBS, RSRC, and TASK classes, which hold a dictionary of UDFTYPE: UDF Value key value pairs.

0.7.0 - 2023-02-25

General Notes

Added parsing of Project Codes. Issue #3.


  • Added class PCATTYPE which represents a Project Code Type.
  • Added class PCATVAL which represents a Project Code Value.
  • Added attribute project_code_types to Xer class, which holds a dictionary of PCATTYPE objects.
  • Added attribute project_code_values to Xer class, which holds a dictionary of PCATVAL objects.
  • Added attribute project_codes to PROJECT class, which holds a dictionary of PCATTYPE: PCATVAL key value pairs assigned to a project.

0.6.0 - 2023-02-24

General Notes

The ScheduleWarnings class will no longer be developed under this project. This is a breaking change if you were using the ScheduleWarnings class.


  • Added __len__ method to CALENDAR class. Returns number of workdays in a week.


  • Removed from project. This may become a seperate project.

0.5.9 - 2023-02-12

  • Added default_calendar attribute to PROJECT class.

0.5.8 - 2023-02-05


  • Added SCHEDOPTIONS class.
  • Added options attribute the PROJECT class, which is a SCHEDOPTIONS object.`
  • Added lineage and full_code properties to the ACTVCODE class. Issue #2


  • Comparison operators for ACTVCODE are now based on full_code property rather than code property.

0.5.7 - 2023-02-03

General Notes

Added some additional features noted below, and continue working on Warnings class.


  • Added lineage property to PROJWBS class. Returns list of all ancestor PROJWBS objects, including self.
  • Added duration property to TASK class. This will return remaining_duration if the task is not started; otherwise, it returns original_duration. This is usefull when the remaining duration is unlinked from the original duration in the project settings - in these cases, the remaining duration can be different to the original duration in tasks that have not started.

0.5.6 - 2023-01-24

Fixed bug where the start property of the TASK class will return the early finish date rather than early start date if task is not started. Issue #1

0.5.5 - 2023-01-21

General Notes

  • Added docstrings to more classes.
  • Improved type validation.


  • Added full_code property to ACCOUNT class. This property returns the full path to the cost code including any parent codes. This property is now the basis for comparing ACCOUNT objects.

0.5.4 - 2023-01-07

General Notes

  • Small amount of code cleanup and refactoring.


  • Added parent_acct_id and seq_num attributes to ACCOUNT class.
  • Added parent property to ACCOUNT class.

0.5.3 - 2023-01-05

General Notes

  • Small amount of refactoring and moving around files.
  • Added gt and lt dunder methods to some of the classes.
  • Using decorator to round any class method that returns a float. Just playing with decorators, may switch back to rounding directly in the method.

0.5.2 - 2023-01-02

General Notes

  • Removed dependency on Pydantic. Speeds up code by ~25%.


  • Added testing of errors attribute of Xer class.


  • Moved functions is_workday, iter_holidays, and iter_workdays to be methods of the CALENDAR class.
  • The budgeted_cost, actual_cost, this_period_cost, and remaining_cost properties of the TASK class now return float values rounded to two decimal places. Warning: this may cause the PROJECT level values to be off by .01 from what was previously reported; you will need to recreate test data.


  • Removed has_predecessor, has_successor, has_finish_successor, and has_start_successor of TASK class. These analyses can be done in the users program.

In Development

  • Continue working on Warnings class.

0.5.1 - 2022-12-31

General Notes

  • Updated tests.
  • More testing has resulted in minor code cleanup and refactoring.


  • The description attribute of ACCOUNT class will now return an empty string if its empty; it used to return None.
  • Fixed bug in parser that was stripping out the last values (columns) in a table row if they were empty. This was causing validation errors with missing attributes in Pydantic.
  • Changed CALENDAR class variable CALENDAR_TYPES (dict) to CalendarTypes (Enum).
  • wbs argument is now required during initialization of a TASK object.
  • predecessor and successor arguments are now required during initialization of a TASKPRED object.

0.5.0 - 2022-12-29

General Notes

  • This change focused on parsing Activity Code Data stored in a .xer file. This information is stored in the ACTVTYPE, ACTVCODE, and TASKACTV Tables.
  • WARNING: Some refactoring includes breaking changes, so this is being considered a minor version bump rather than a patch.


  • Added ACTVTYPE class to represent Activity Code Types.
  • Added ACTVCODE class to represent Activity Code Values.
  • Added activity_code_types (dict), activity_code_values (dict), wbs_nodes (dict), tasks (dict) and relationships (dict) attributes to Xer class.
  • Added activity_codes attribute to TASK class, which holds a dict of ACTVTYPE, ACTVCODE pairs assigned to a task via the TASKACTV Table.
  • Added activity_codes attribute to PROJECT class, which holds Project level activity code types.
  • Added relationships_by_hash property to PROJECT class. Returns a dict with a hash of the relationship as the key and the relationship as the value. This is usefull for evaluating logic changes between two schedules; Unique IDs will change from schedule to schedule, but the hash value will be the same. Note: hash value is calculated based on predecessor task_code, successor task_code, and relationship link.


  • Moved conv_excel_date function from to a Static Method of the CALENDAR class. This function is only used to parse dates in the clndr_data.
  • Moved CALENDAR_TYPES from being a Global variable in to be a CALENDAR class variable.
  • The Global Regular Expression variables in now use the re.compile method.
  • Renamed fin_dates_id attribute of FINDATES class to uid. This is consistent with the naming in other classes.
  • Renamed fin_dates_name attribute of FINDATES class to name. This is consistent with the naming in other classes.
  • MEMOTYPE and TASKMEMO classes no longer iherit from Pydantic BaseModel class. All attributes of both MEMOTYPE and TASKMEMO are strings, so type validation is not needed.
  • Added __eq__ and __hash__ methods to MEMOTYPE class.
  • Moved Enumerators ConstraintType, PercentType, TaskStatus and TaskType to inside the TASK class.
  • Refactored how calendars, wbs_nodes, tasks and relationships attributes are assigned for the PROJECT class. Each of these attributes is now a list rather than a dict or set. These objects are now referenced directly in the Xer class as a dict using its Unique ID as the key, so the PROJECT reference to these objects can now be a simple list.
  • PROJECT properties actual_cost, budgeted_cost, remaining_cost, and this_period_cost now return float values rounded to two decimal places.


  • Removed __str__ method from WeekDay class in This was originally used for testing and is no longer needed.
  • Removed print_cal method from CALENDAR class. This were originally used for testing and is no longer needed.

0.4.1 - 2022-12-21

General Note

This change focused on parsing Financial Periods and Past Period Data stored in a .xer file. This information is stored in the FINDATES, TASKFIN and TRSRCFIN Tables.


  • Added FINDATES class to represent Financial Periods.
  • Added TASKFIN class to represent Activity Past Period Actuals.
  • Added TRSRCFIN class to represent Activity Resource Assignment Past Period Actuals.
  • Xer class now has financial_periods (dict) attribute, which stores FINDATES objects.
  • TASK class now has a periods (list) attribute, which stores TASKFIN objects.
  • TASKRSRC class now has a periods (list) attribute, which stores TRSRCFIN objects.


  • resources attribute of TASK class changed from type list to type dict. This allows for easier assignment of financial period data (TRSRCFIN) to task resources (TASKRSRC).

0.4.0 - 2022-12-20


  • General code clean up and refactoring


  • Xer class now has a class variable CODEC, which stores the type of encoding for a .xer file.
  • Added LinkToTask class for use in storing a TASK objects predecessor and successor links. Has properties task, link, and lag.
  • TASK objects now have a predecessors attribute, which holds a list of LinkToTask objects representing predecessor logic ties.
  • TASK objects now have a successors attribute, which holds a list of LinkToTask objects representing successor logic ties.
  • TASK objects now have a has_predecessor property, which return True if task has at least one predecessor stored in its predecessors attribute.
  • TASK objects now have a has_successors property, which return True if task has at least one successor stored in its successors attribute.
  • TASK objects now have a has_finish_successor property, which return True if task has at least one Finish-Start or Finish-Finish logic tie (link) stored in its successors attribute. Will also return True if the task has no successors.
  • TASK objects now have a has_start_predecessor property, which return True if task has at least one Finish-Start or Start-Start logic tie (link) stored in its predecessors attribute. Will also return True if the task has no predecessors.


  • Xer class no longer accepts raw .xer files as an argument. The xer file must be decoded into a string, which is then passed as an argument. This helps avoid multiple try / except statements to read the xer file.
  • xer_to_dict function no longer returns a dictionary with a 'tables' key. Each table name is now a top level key in the dictionary.
  • xer_to_dict function no longer parses the potential errors in the xer files. Errors are now parsed when the Xer object is initialized.
  • Xer attribute notebook is renamed to notebook_topic to better define the objects stored in this attribute.
  • Xer attribute export is renamed to export_info to better define the values stored in this attribute.

In Development

  • Working on a ScheduleWarnings class to provide schedule health analysis.