iOS app to be paired with the Shio platform developed by Maruchi Kim and Jose Jaime
- Scan for devices
- Connect to devices, Shio will turn on a green LED to indicate that a central devices has connected
- Press the "Start Mic Stream" button, each connected Shio devices will begin streaming PDM microphone data to the iPhone
- Once connected, press "Refresh Channels" next to the Shio Channel Selector
- The selector will populate with numbers representing the Shio channels present
- Select the desired channel and press "Make Master" to promote this device to time sync master and all others to time sync slave
- Once connected and the data stream is enabled, press "Start Record" to log received PDM data to a text file
- To access this data after pressing "Stop Record", connect iPhone to Mac device with XCode
- With devices selected, navigate to Window -> Devices and Simulators
- Select "shio-ble" from the Installed Apps section and click the gear icon followed by Download Container
- Once connected and the data stream is enabled, press "Start Predicting" to enable the CoreML Model which will stream received PDM data into model for source separation and localization
- Once connected and the data stream is enabled, press "Start Plotting" to enable a real-time plot of incoming PDM data