This repository contains a series of steps and variables for use inside of the Jenkins project’s own Jenkins instance(s).
Check this description of available services.
Gradle support in buildPlugin() is deprecated and will be eventually removed. Please use buildPluginWithGradle()
Applies the appropriate defaults for building a Maven-based plugin project on Linux and Windows.
You are advised to be using a 2.x parent POM.
inherit from Multibranch) - custom Git repository to check out -
) - uses Azure Container Instances for build instead of Azure Virtual Machines. -
) - instruct Maven tests to fail fast -
(default:['linux', 'windows']
) - Labels matching platforms to execute the steps against in parallel -
) - JDK version numbers, must match a version number jdk tool installed -
: (default:[null]
) - a matrix of Jenkins baseline versions to build/test against in parallel (null means default, only available for Maven projects) -
: An alternative way to specifyplatforms
(that can not be combined with any of them).-
Those options will run the build for all combinations of their values. While that is desirable in many cases,
permit to provide a specific combinations of label and java/jenkins versions to usebuildPlugin(/*...*/, configurations: [ [ platform: "linux", jdk: "8", jenkins: null ], [ platform: "windows", jdk: "8", jenkins: null ], [ platform: "linux", jdk: "11", jenkins: "2.150", javaLevel: 8 ] ])
It is also possible to use a
method to get recommended configurations for testing. Note that the recommended configuration may change over time, and hence your CI may break if the new recommended configuration is not compatiblebuildPlugin(/*...*/, configurations: buildPlugin.recommendedConfigurations())
: (default:null
) - a map of parameters to run tests during the build. The test results and the JaCoCo code coverage results are recorded after the build with the corresponding Jenkins plugins.-
- Iftrue
, skip all the tests by setting the-skipTests
profile. It will also skip FindBugs in modern Plugin POMs.
: (default:null
) - a map of parameters to archive SpotBugs, CheckStyle, PMD, or CPD warnings, respectively (only available for Maven projects). These values can replace or amend the default configuration for therecordIssues
step of the Warnings NG Plugin. See Warnings NG Plugin documentation for a list of available configuration parameters. -
: (default:60
) - the number of minutes for build timeout, cannot be bigger than 180, i.e. 3 hours.
The recordIssues steps of the warnings plugin run on the first platform/jdkVersion,jenkinsVersion combination only.
So in the example below it will run for linux /jdk7 but not on jdk8 .
buildPlugin(platforms: ['linux'],
jdkVersions: [7, 8],
checkstyle: [qualityGates: [[threshold: 1, type: 'NEW', unstable: true]]],
pmd: [trendChartType: 'TOOLS_ONLY', qualityGates: [[threshold: 1, type: 'NEW', unstable: true]]])
Builds a Jenkins plugin using Gradle. The implementation follows the standard build/test/archive pattern. The method targets compatibility with Gradle JPI Plugin, and it may not work for other use-cases.
inherit from Multibranch) - custom Git repository to check out -
) - instruct the build to fail fast when one of the configurations fail -
(default:['linux', 'windows']
) - Labels matching platforms to execute the steps against in parallel -
) - JDK version numbers, must match a version number jdk tool installed -
: An alternative way to specifyplatforms
(that can not be combined with any of them)-
Those options will run the build for all combinations of their values. While that is desirable in many cases,
permit to provide a specific combinations of label and java/jenkins versions to usebuildPluginWithGradle(/*...*/, configurations: [ [ platform: "linux", jdk: "8" ], [ platform: "windows", jdk: "8"], ])
It is also possible to use a
method to get recommended configurations for testing. Note that the recommended configuration may change over time, and hence your CI may break if the new recommended configuration is not compatiblebuildPluginWithGradle(/*...*/, configurations: buildPlugin.recommendedConfigurations())
: (default:null
) - a map of parameters to run tests during the build-
- Iftrue
, skip all the tests.
: (default:60
) - the number of minutes for build timeout, cannot be bigger than 180, i.e. 3 hours.
Not all features of buildPlugin()
for Maven are supported in the gradle flow.
Examples of not supported features:
Deployment of incremental versions (JEP-305)
Publishing of static analysis and coverage reports (Checkstyle, SpotBugs, JaCoCo)
for the build flow (as standalone arguments or asconfigurations
) -
Usage of Azure Container Instances as agents (only Maven agents are configured)
Determine whether the Pipeline is executing in an internal "trusted" Jenkins environment
if (infra.isTrusted()) {
/* perform some trusted action like a deployment */
Ensures that the given code block is runs in a node with the specified labels
infra.ensureInNode(env, "docker,highmem", {
sh "docker -v"
Given a version of jenkins downloads it if neccesary and stashes it under the given name (which defaults to "jenkinsWar", see the step doc for more documentation about he allowed versions
Runs the Acceptance Test Harness in a configurable way.
The configuration is divided into two parts, one related to the step itself and another related to how the ATH is run. To configure the step just use the step’s parameters described below, to configure the ATH runs a metadata file (in YAML format) is used. Further sections describe the metadata file in detail. Note that if the metadata file does not exist this step will do nothing at all.
The list of step’s params and the related default values are:
The URL to get the ATH sources. It can point to a local path (by using the file:// protocol) or a github destination. Defaults to Can be overridden from the metadata file
The ATH revision to use, can be a branch or tag name or a commit id. Defaults to branch master. Can be overridden from the metadata file
The docker image used for the environment where to run the ATH. Defaults to "jenkins/ath". Use "local" to build the image directly from the ATH sources. Can be overridden from the metadata file
A String indicating the file path (relative to where this step is executed) to use as metadata file for the build, more details about the metadata file are provided belows. Defaults to
at the location where this step is invoked jenkins
URI to the jenkins.war, Jenkins version or one of "latest", "latest-rc", "lts" and "lts-rc". Defaults to "latest". For local war files use the file:// protocol in the URI. Can be overriden from the metadata file
Java versions to use when running ATH. Defaults to 8. Only 8 and 11 are supported. Can be overridden from the metadata file
(Optional) Relative (to the workspace) path of a groovy script to customize the ATH behaviour .Step call example
runATH(metadataFile:"metadata.yml", athRevision: "master", athUrl:"", jenkins: "2.110")
To make it usable in PR builders this step allows users to run the ATH using custom (typically previously built in the same Jenkinsfile) versions of any plugin, for that you need to set the metadata file’s useLocalSnapshots
property to true and stash the
plugins you want to use in the ATH run. By default you need to stash them with the name localPlugins
the step will unstash them when appropriate and use the ATH`s LOCAL_JARS
property to run the ATH. You can stash any number of plugins, all of
them will be used. You can also stash under other name by setting the env variable RUN_ATH_LOCAL_PLUGINS_STASH_NAME
node("linux") {
dir("sources") {
checkout scm
List<String> mavenEnv = [
"JAVA_HOME=${tool 'jdk8'}",
"PATH+MAVEN=${tool 'mvn'}/bin"]
withEnv(mavenEnv) {
sh "mvn clean install -DskipTests"
dir("target") {
stash includes: '*.hpi', name: 'localPlugins'
runATH(metadataFile:"metadata.yml", athRevision: "master")
node("linux") {
dir("sources") {
checkout scm
List<String> mavenEnv = [
"JAVA_HOME=${tool 'jdk8'}",
"PATH+MAVEN=${tool 'mvn'}/bin"]
withEnv(mavenEnv) {
sh "mvn clean install -DskipTests"
dir("target") {
stash includes: '*.hpi', name: 'snapshots'
runATH(metadataFile:"metadata.yml", athRevision: "master")
The metadata file is a YAML file with the following structure:
athRevision: acceptance-test-harness-1.59
athImage: "jenkins/ath"
jenkins: 2.89.4
failFast: false
rerunFailingTestsCount: 0
useLocalSnapshots: true
- firefox
- chrome
- Test1
- Test2
- Test3
- Category1
- Category2
- 8
- 11
(Optional) The URL to get the ATH sources. It can point to a local path or a github destination. If specified it will override the parameter in the runATH step
(Optional) The ATH revision to use can be a branch or tag name or a commit id. If specified it will override the parameter in the runATH step
(Optional) The docker image used for the environment where to run the ATH. Defaults to "jenkins/ath". Use "local" to build the image directly from the ATH sources.
(Optional) URI to the jenkins.war file, Jenkins version or one of "latest", "latest-rc", "lts" and "lts-rc". If specified it will override the parameter in the runATH step
If the run has to fail fast or not. Defaults to false if not specified
The number of runs per failing test (a la maven). Defaults to zero
If the ATH should use local versions of the plugins. Defaults to true. Note that if true the runATH expects the local plugins to be stashed, setting this to true without the stash will make the step fail
The list of browsers to use when running ATH Defaults to firefox. Note that currently only firefox browser is supported, any other will be ignored
The list of tests to run for the component that calls the step. If no particular set of tests or categories is defined the SmokeTest Category of the ATH will be run
The list of Categories to run. Defaults to nothing
The list of jdks to use when running ATH. Defaults to 8. Note that currently only 8 and 11 are supported, any other will be ignored
In case you want to use the defaults for all properties you can use
ath: "default"
Please note that a blank metadata file will result in an error
Runs the Plugin Compat Tester in a configurable way.
The configuration is divided into two parts, one related to the step itself and another related to how the PCT is run. To configure the step just use the step’s parameters described below, to configure the PCT runs a metadata file (in YAML format) is used. Further sections describe the metadata file in detail. Note that if the metadata file does not exist this step will do nothing at all.
The list of step’s params and the related default values are:
The URL to get the PCT Dockerfile or the pct docker image to use. It can point to a local path of PCT sources (by using the file:// protocol) or a github destination. You can also use this to directly specify a prebuilt PCT docker image by using the docker:// protocol, for example "docker://jenkins/pct". Can be overridden from the metadata file
The PCT revision to use in case that pctUrl points to a github destination, can be a branch or tag name or a commit id. Defaults to branch master. Can be overridden from the metadata file
A String indicating the file path (relative to where this step is executed) to use as metadata file for the build, more details about the metadata file are provided belows. Defaults to
at the location where this step is invoked jenkins
URI to the jenkins.war, Jenkins version or one of "latest", "latest-rc", "lts" and "lts-rc". Defaults to "latest". For local war files use the file:// protocol in the URI. Can be overriden from the metadata file
List of extra PCT options to be passed to the PCT executable. Defaults to empty list.
List of extra Java options to be passed to the PCT executable. Defaults to empty list.
List of extra options to be passed to PCT containers ( e.g.
) jdkVersion
The version of the JDK to use to run the tests. Should be
. Defaults to8
runPCT(metadataFile:"metadata.yml", pctUrl:"docker://mynamspace/pct", jenkins: "2.110")
To make it usable in PR builders this step allows users to run the PCT using custom (typically previously built in the same Jenkinsfile) versions of any plugin, for that you need to set the metadata file’s <i>useLocalSnapshots</i> property to true and stash the plugins you want to use in the PCT run. By default you need to stash them with the name<i>localPlugins</i> the step will unstash them when appropriate and use the PCT`s docker image <i>/pct/plugin-src</i> volume to access the sources. You can stash any number of plugins, all of them will be tested as long as they are specified in the metadata file. You can also stash under other name by setting the env variable <i>RUN_PCT_LOCAL_PLUGIN_SOURCES_STASH_NAME</i>
node("docker&&highmem") {
dir("localPlugins") {
sh "git clone ssh-slaves -b ssh-slaves-1.25"
sh "git clone Credentials"
stash 'localPlugins'
The metadata file is a YAML file with the following structure:
pctUrl: ""
pctRevision: "master"
jenkins: 2.89.4
useLocalSnapshots: true
- Credentials
(Optional) The URL to get the PCT Dockerfile or the pct docker image to use. It can point to a local path of PCT sources (by using the file:// protocol) or a github destination. You can also use this to directly specify a prebuilt PCT docker image by using the docker:// protocol, for example "docker://jenkins/pct".
(Optional) The PCT revision to use in case that pctUrl points to a github destination, can be a branch or tag name or a commit id. Defaults to branch master.
(Optional) URI to the jenkins.war file, Jenkins version or one of "latest", "latest-rc", "lts" and "lts-rc". If specified it will override the parameter in the runATH step
If the ATH should use local versions of the plugins. Defaults to true. Note that if true the runPCT expects the local plugins to be stashed, setting this to true without the stash will make the step fail
The list of plugins to run, you must specify the artifactID of the plugin. Defaults to nothing
In case you want to use the defaults for all properties you can use
pct: "default"
Please note that a blank metadata file will result in an error
Runs JMH benchmarks and archives benchmark reports on highmem
Supported parameters:
(Optional) If
is not null, invokesarchiveArtifacts
with the given string value.
Lints, Builds, then publishes a docker image.
Adds a bunch of build args you can use in your docker image:
GIT_COMMIT_REV - The commit that triggered this build
GIT_SCM_URL - Url to repo
BUILD_DATE - Date that the image was built (now)
Supported parameters:
Name of the docker image to build
(Optional) extra flags
registry: override the smart default of jenkinsciinfra/ or jenkins4eval/ dockerfile: override the default dockerfile of Dockerfile
The design and some more details about the runATH and runPCT steps can be found here