diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/c384_ics.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/c384_ics.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f27ebe9e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/c384_ics.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ 1:ppn=1:tpp=1">
+ 4:ppn=6:tpp=1">
+ 1:ppn=1:tpp=1">
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ &JOBS_DIR;/getic.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsgetic_@H
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsgetic.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/model_data/atmos/input/chgres_done
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/model_data/atmos/restart/@Y@m@d.@H0000.sfcanl_data.tile6.nc
+ &EMCDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &EMCDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &PUBDIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &PUBDIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &RETRODIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &RETRODIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &JOBS_DIR;/init.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsinit_@H
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsinit.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.sanl
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nemsio
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/restart/@Y@m@d.@H0000.sfcanl_data.tile6.nc
+ &JOBS_DIR;/archive_fv3ics.ksh
+ 2G
+ 1
+ 01:30:00
+ mssfv3ics
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/mssfv3ics.log
+ mssDirFV3ICS_L127/@Y/@m
+ yyyymmddhh@Y@m@d@H
+ &ICSDIR;/@Y@m@d@H/&CDUMP;/&CASE;/INPUT/gfs_data.tile6.nc
+ &ICSDIR;/@Y@m@d@H/&CDUMP;/&CASE;/INPUT/sfc_data.tile6.nc
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aero b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aero
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32993554b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aero
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# UFS-Aerosols settings
+# Turn off warnings about unused variables
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+# Path to the input data tree
+case ${machine} in
+ "HERA")
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/data/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/work2/noaa/global/wkolczyn/noscrub/global-workflow/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/data/prod/glopara/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ "WCOSS2")
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/lfs/h2/emc/global/noscrub/emc.global/data/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/glopara/data/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Machine ${machine} unsupported for aerosols"
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+export AERO_DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table.aero"
+export AERO_FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table.aero"
+# Biomass burning emission dataset. Choose from: gbbepx, qfed, none
+export AERO_EMIS_FIRE="qfed"
+# Directory containing GOCART configuration files
+export AERO_CONFIG_DIR="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/gocart"
+# Aerosol convective scavenging factors (list of string array elements)
+# Element syntax: ':'. Use = * to set default factor for all aerosol tracers
+# Scavenging factors are set to 0 (no scavenging) if unset
+export fscav_aero="'*:0.3','so2:0.0','msa:0.0','dms:0.0','nh3:0.4','nh4:0.6','bc1:0.6','bc2:0.6','oc1:0.4','oc2:0.4','dust1:0.6','dust2:0.6', 'dust3:0.6','dust4:0.6','dust5:0.6','seas1:0.5','seas2:0.5','seas3:0.5','seas4:0.5','seas5:0.5'"
+# Number of diagnostic aerosol tracers (default: 0)
+export dnats_aero=2
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..634d8c55b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+########## config.aeroanl ##########
+# configuration common to all aero analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.aeroanl"
+export CASE_ANL=${CASE}
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/obs/config/
+export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/obs/lists/gdas_aero_prototype.yaml
+export STATICB_TYPE='identity'
+export BERROR_YAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/berror/staticb_${STATICB_TYPE}.yaml
+export FIXgdas=${HOMEgfs}/fix/gdas
+export BERROR_DATA_DIR=${FIXgdas}/bump/aero/${CASE_ANL}/
+export BERROR_DATE="20160630.000000"
+export io_layout_x=1
+export io_layout_y=1
+export JEDIEXE=${HOMEgfs}/exec/fv3jedi_var.x
+if [[ "${DOIAU}" == "YES" ]]; then
+ export aero_bkg_times="3,6,9"
+ export AEROVARYAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/variational/3dvar_fgat_gfs_aero.yaml
+ export aero_bkg_times="6"
+ export AEROVARYAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/variational/3dvar_gfs_aero.yaml
+echo "END: config.aeroanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlfinal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlfinal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..230ec5205a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlfinal
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+########## config.aeroanlfinal ##########
+# Post Aero Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.aeroanlfinal"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources aeroanlfinal
+echo "END: config.aeroanlfinal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlinit b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72175b8d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlinit
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+########## config.aeroanlinit ##########
+# Pre Aero Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.aeroanlinit"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources aeroanlinit
+echo "END: config.aeroanlinit"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlrun b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlrun
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da13df2831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aeroanlrun
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+########## config.aeroanlrun ##########
+# Aerosol Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.aeroanlrun"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources aeroanlrun
+echo "END: config.aeroanlrun"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aerosol_init b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aerosol_init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e586e0231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.aerosol_init
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.aerosol_init ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.aerosol_init"
+# Get task specific resources
+source $EXPDIR/config.resources aerosol_init
+echo "END: config.aerosol_init"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.anal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.anal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3a17f9c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.anal
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.anal ##########
+# Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.anal"
+# Get task specific resources
+. ${EXPDIR}/config.resources anal
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then
+ . ${EXPDIR}/config.nsst
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" = "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export USE_RADSTAT="NO" # This can be only used when bias correction is not-zero.
+ export GENDIAG="NO"
+ export SETUP='diag_rad=.false.,diag_pcp=.false.,diag_conv=.false.,diag_ozone=.false.,write_diag(3)=.false.,niter(2)=100,'
+export npe_gsi=${npe_anal}
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" == "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export npe_gsi=${npe_anal_gfs}
+ export nth_anal=${nth_anal_gfs}
+# Set parameters specific to L127
+if [[ ${LEVS} = "128" ]]; then
+ export GRIDOPTS="nlayers(63)=1,nlayers(64)=1,"
+ export SETUP="gpstop=55,nsig_ext=45,${SETUP:-}"
+# Set namelist option for LETKF
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".false." # anal does not need to write out jacobians
+ # set to .true. in config.eobs and config.eupd
+# Do not process the following datasets
+export GSNDBF=${GSNDBF:-/dev/null}
+export AMSREBF=${AMSREBF:-/dev/null}
+export SSMITBF=${SSMITBF:-/dev/null}
+export AMSR2BF=${AMSR2BF:-/dev/null}
+# Set default values for info files and observation error
+# NOTE: Remember to set PRVT in config.prep as OBERROR is set below
+export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/global_convinfo.txt
+export OZINFO=${FIXgsi}/global_ozinfo.txt
+export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/global_satinfo.txt
+export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/prepobs_errtable.global
+# Use experimental dumps in EMC GFS v16 parallels
+if [[ ${RUN_ENVIR} == "emc" ]]; then
+ # Set info files and prepobs.errtable.global for GFS v16 retrospective parallels
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019021900" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2019110706" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2019021900
+ export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2019021900
+ fi
+ # Place GOES-15 AMVs in monitor, assimilate GOES-17 AMVs, assimilate KOMPSAT-5 gps
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019110706" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020040718" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2019110706
+ export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2019110706
+ fi
+ # Assimilate 135 (T) & 235 (uv) Canadian AMDAR observations
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020040718" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020052612" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2020040718
+ export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2020040718
+ fi
+ # Assimilate COSMIC-2
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020052612" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020082412" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2020052612
+ export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2020040718
+ fi
+ # Assimilate HDOB
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020082412" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020091612" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2020082412
+ fi
+ # Assimilate Metop-C GNSSRO
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020091612" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021031712" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2020091612
+ fi
+ # Assimilate DO-2 GeoOptics
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021031712" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021091612" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2021031712
+ fi
+ # NOTE:
+ # As of 2021110312, gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2021110312 is
+ # identical to ../global_convinfo.txt. Thus, the logic below is not
+ # needed at this time.
+ # Assimilate COSMIC-2 GPS
+ # if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021110312" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "YYYYMMDDHH" ]]; then
+ # export CONVINFO=$FIXgsi/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2021110312
+ # fi
+ # Turn off assmilation of OMPS during period of bad data
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020011600" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020011806" ]]; then
+ export OZINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_ozinfo.txt.2020011600
+ fi
+ # Set satinfo for start of GFS v16 parallels
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019021900" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2019110706" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2019021900
+ fi
+ # Turn on assimilation of Metop-C AMSUA and MHS
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019110706" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020022012" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2019110706
+ fi
+ # Turn off assimilation of Metop-A MHS
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020022012" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021052118" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2020022012
+ fi
+ # Turn off assimilation of S-NPP CrIS
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021052118" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021092206" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2021052118
+ fi
+ # Turn off assimilation of MetOp-A IASI
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021092206" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021102612" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2021092206
+ fi
+ # NOTE:
+ # As of 2021110312, gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2021110312 is
+ # identical to ../global_satinfo.txt. Thus, the logic below is not
+ # needed at this time
+ #
+ # Turn off assmilation of all Metop-A MHS
+ # if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021110312" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "YYYYMMDDHH" ]]; then
+ # export SATINFO=$FIXgsi/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2021110312
+ # fi
+echo "END: config.anal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.analcalc b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.analcalc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9405114ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.analcalc
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.analcalc ##########
+# GFS post-anal specific (non-diag)
+echo "BEGIN: config.analcalc"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources analcalc
+if [[ "$CDUMP" == "gfs" ]]; then
+ export nth_echgres=$nth_echgres_gfs
+echo "END: config.analcalc"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.analdiag b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.analdiag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b128d3bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.analdiag
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.analdiag ##########
+# GFS post-anal specific (diag)
+echo "BEGIN: config.analdiag"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources analdiag
+echo "END: config.analdiag"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.arch b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.arch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a23bcce6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.arch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.arch ##########
+# Archive specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.arch"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" arch
+echo "END: config.arch"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59ea7072a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmanl ##########
+# configuration common to all atm var analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmanl"
+export CASE_ANL=${CASE}
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/obs/config/
+export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/obs/lists/gdas_prototype_3d.yaml
+export ATMVARYAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/variational/3dvar_dripcg.yaml
+export STATICB_TYPE="gsibec"
+export BERROR_YAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/berror/staticb_${STATICB_TYPE}.yaml
+export INTERP_METHOD='barycentric'
+export io_layout_x=1
+export io_layout_y=1
+export JEDIEXE=${HOMEgfs}/exec/fv3jedi_var.x
+echo "END: config.atmanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlfinal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlfinal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6b714f7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlfinal
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmanlfinal ##########
+# Post Atm Var Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmanlfinal"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmanlfinal
+echo "END: config.atmanlfinal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlinit b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc95ef4962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlinit
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmanlinit ##########
+# Pre Atm Var Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmanlinit"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmanlinit
+echo "END: config.atmanlinit"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlrun b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlrun
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68b7615718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmanlrun
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmanlrun ##########
+# Atm Var Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmanlrun"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmanlrun
+echo "END: config.atmanlrun"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b5da7699b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmensanl ##########
+# configuration common to all atm ens analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmensanl"
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/obs/config/
+export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/obs/lists/lgetkf_prototype.yaml
+export ATMENSYAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/lgetkf/lgetkf.yaml
+export INTERP_METHOD='barycentric'
+export io_layout_x=1
+export io_layout_y=1
+export JEDIEXE=${HOMEgfs}/exec/fv3jedi_letkf.x
+echo "END: config.atmensanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlfinal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlfinal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d8ec458c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlfinal
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmensanlfinal ##########
+# Post Atm Ens Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmensanlfinal"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmensanlfinal
+echo "END: config.atmensanlfinal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlinit b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34429023bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlinit
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmensanlinit ##########
+# Pre Atm Ens Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmensanlinit"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmensanlinit
+echo "END: config.atmensanlinit"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlrun b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlrun
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01f211a17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmensanlrun
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmensanlrun ##########
+# Atm Ens Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmensanlrun"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmensanlrun
+echo "END: config.atmensanlrun"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmos_products b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmos_products
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3e861b281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.atmos_products
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmos_products ##########
+# atmosphere grib2 products specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmos_products"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmos_products
+# No. of forecast hours to process in a single job
+# Scripts used by this job
+export INTERP_ATMOS_MASTERSH="${HOMEgfs}/ush/interp_atmos_master.sh"
+export INTERP_ATMOS_SFLUXSH="${HOMEgfs}/ush/interp_atmos_sflux.sh"
+if [[ "${RUN:-}" == "gdas" ]]; then
+ export downset=1
+ export FHOUT_PGBS=${FHOUT:-1} # Output frequency of supplemental gfs pgb file at 1.0 and 0.5 deg
+ export FLXGF="NO" # Create interpolated sflux.1p00 file
+elif [[ "${RUN:-}" == "gfs" ]]; then
+ #JKHexport downset=2 ## create pgrb2b files
+ export downset=1 ## JKH
+ export FHOUT_PGBS=${FHOUT_GFS:-3} # Output frequency of supplemental gfs pgb file at 1.0 and 0.5 deg
+ export FLXGF="NO" # Create interpolated sflux.1p00 file
+# paramlist files for the different forecast hours and downsets
+export paramlista="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/global_1x1_paramlist_g2"
+export paramlista_anl="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/global_1x1_paramlist_g2.anl"
+export paramlista_f000="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/global_1x1_paramlist_g2.f000"
+export paramlistb="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/global_master-catchup_parmlist_g2"
+echo "END: config.atmos_products"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.awips b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.awips
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b78d4bb4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.awips
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.awips ##########
+# GFS awips step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.awips"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" awips
+export AWIPSG2SH="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/JGFS_ATMOS_AWIPS_G2"
+# No. of concurrent awips jobs
+export NAWIPSGRP=42
+echo "END: config.awips"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42c5cefbc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.base ##########
+# Common to all steps
+echo "BEGIN: config.base"
+# Machine environment
+export machine="HERA"
+# EMC parallel or NCO production
+export RUN_ENVIR="emc"
+# Account, queue, etc.
+export ACCOUNT="gsd-fv3"
+export QUEUE="batch"
+export QUEUE_SERVICE="batch"
+export PARTITION_BATCH="hera"
+export PARTITION_SERVICE="service"
+# Project to use in mass store:
+export HPSS_PROJECT="fim"
+# Directories relative to installation areas:
+export HOMEgfs=/scratch1/BMC/gsd-fv3/rtruns/UFS-CAMsuite_13jan24
+export PARMgfs="${HOMEgfs}/parm"
+export FIXgfs="${HOMEgfs}/fix"
+export USHgfs="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+export UTILgfs="${HOMEgfs}/util"
+export EXECgfs="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export SCRgfs="${HOMEgfs}/scripts"
+export FIXam="${FIXgfs}/am"
+export FIXaer="${FIXgfs}/aer"
+export FIXcpl="${FIXgfs}/cpl"
+export FIXlut="${FIXgfs}/lut"
+export FIXorog="${FIXgfs}/orog"
+export FIXcice="${FIXgfs}/cice"
+export FIXmom="${FIXgfs}/mom6"
+export FIXreg2grb2="${FIXgfs}/reg2grb2"
+export FIXugwd="${FIXgfs}/ugwd"
+# GLOBAL static environment parameters
+export PACKAGEROOT="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/nwpara" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMROOT="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMINsyn="${COMROOT}/gfs/prod/syndat"
+export DMPDIR="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/dump"
+export BASE_CPLIC="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/data/ICSDIR/prototype_ICs"
+# USER specific paths
+export HOMEDIR="/scratch1/BMC/gsd-fv3-dev/NCEPDEV/global/${USER}"
+export STMP="${HOMEgfs}/FV3GFSrun/"
+export PTMP="${HOMEgfs}/FV3GFSrun/"
+# Base directories for various builds
+export BASE_GIT="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/git"
+# Toggle to turn on/off GFS downstream processing.
+export DO_GOES="NO" # GOES products
+export DO_BUFRSND="NO" # BUFR sounding products
+export DO_GEMPAK="NO" # GEMPAK products
+export DO_AWIPS="NO" # AWIPS products
+export DO_NPOESS="NO" # NPOESS products
+export DO_TRACKER="NO" # Hurricane track verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS_FSU="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification (FSU)
+export DO_VERFOZN="YES" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+export DO_VERFRAD="YES" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+export DO_VMINMON="YES" # GSI minimization monitoring
+export DO_MOS="NO" # GFS Model Output Statistics - Only supported on WCOSS2
+# NO for retrospective parallel; YES for real-time parallel
+# arch.sh uses REALTIME for MOS. Need to set REALTIME=YES
+# if want MOS written to HPSS. Should update arch.sh to
+# use RUNMOS flag
+export REALTIME="YES"
+# Experiment mode (cycled or forecast-only)
+export MODE="forecast-only" # cycled/forecast-only
+# Build paths relative to $HOMEgfs
+export FIXgsi="${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi"
+export HOMEpost="${HOMEgfs}"
+export HOMEobsproc="${BASE_GIT:-}/obsproc/v${obsproc_run_ver:-1.1.2}"
+# CONVENIENT utility scripts and other environment parameters
+export NCP="/bin/cp -p"
+export NMV="/bin/mv"
+export NLN="/bin/ln -sf"
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+export KEEPDATA="NO"
+export CHGRP_CMD="chgrp rstprod"
+export NCDUMP="${NETCDF:-${netcdf_c_ROOT:-}}/bin/ncdump"
+export NCLEN="${HOMEgfs}/ush/getncdimlen"
+# Machine environment, jobs, and other utility scripts
+export BASE_ENV="${HOMEgfs}/env"
+export BASE_JOB="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/rocoto"
+# EXPERIMENT specific environment parameters
+export SDATE=2024020100
+export EDATE=2024021300
+export EXP_WARM_START=".false."
+export assim_freq=6
+export PSLOT="rt_c384ics"
+export EXPDIR="/home/role.rtfim/UFS-CAMsuite//FV3GFSwfm/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR="/home/role.rtfim/UFS-CAMsuite//FV3GFSrun/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR_DUMP="YES" #Note: A value of "NO" does not currently work
+export DUMP_SUFFIX=""
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019092100" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -le "2019110700" ]]; then
+ export DUMP_SUFFIX="p" # Use dumps from NCO GFS v15.3 parallel
+export DATAROOT="${STMP}/RUNDIRS/${PSLOT}" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export RUNDIR="${DATAROOT}" # TODO: Should be removed; use DATAROOT instead
+export ARCDIR="${NOSCRUB}/archive/${PSLOT}"
+export ATARDIR="/BMC/${HPSS_PROJECT}/1year/${USER}/${machine}/scratch/${PSLOT}"
+# Commonly defined parameters in JJOBS
+export envir=${envir:-"prod"}
+export NET="gfs" # NET is defined in the job-card (ecf)
+export RUN=${RUN:-${CDUMP:-"gfs"}} # RUN is defined in the job-card (ecf); CDUMP is used at EMC as a RUN proxy
+# TODO: determine where is RUN actually used in the workflow other than here
+# TODO: is it possible to replace all instances of ${CDUMP} to ${RUN} to be
+# consistent w/ EE2?
+# Get all the COM path templates
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.com"
+export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-'eval [[ $err = 0 ]]'}
+#export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-"err_chk"}
+#export LOGSCRIPT=${LOGSCRIPT:-"startmsg"}
+export REDOUT="1>"
+export REDERR="2>"
+export SENDECF=${SENDECF:-"NO"}
+export SENDSDM=${SENDSDM:-"NO"}
+export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-"NO"}
+export DBNROOT=${DBNROOT:-${UTILROOT:-}/fakedbn}
+# APP settings
+export APP=ATM
+# Defaults:
+export DO_ATM="YES"
+export DO_COUPLED="NO"
+export DO_WAVE="NO"
+export DO_OCN="NO"
+export DO_ICE="NO"
+export DO_AERO="NO"
+export WAVE_CDUMP="" # When to include wave suite: gdas, gfs, or both
+export FRAC_GRID=".true."
+# Set operational resolution
+export OPS_RES="C768" # Do not change # TODO: Why is this needed and where is it used?
+# Resolution specific parameters
+export LEVS=128
+export CASE="C384"
+export CASE_ENS="@CASEENS@"
+# TODO: This should not depend on $CASE or $CASE_ENS
+# These are the currently available grid-combinations
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48")
+ export OCNRES=500
+ export waveGRD='glo_500'
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export OCNRES=500
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export OCNRES=050
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export OCNRES=025
+ export waveGRD='glo_025'
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ export OCNRES=025
+ export waveGRD='mx025'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized CASE ${CASE}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+export ICERES=${OCNRES}
+case "${APP}" in
+ ATM)
+ ;;
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ ;;
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ ;;
+ export DO_ATM="NO"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ ;;
+ S2S*)
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ A$ ]]; then
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ ^S2SW ]]; then
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized APP: '${APP}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Surface cycle update frequency
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=1
+ export FTSFS=10
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=24
+# Output frequency of the forecast model (for cycling)
+export FHMIN=0
+export FHMAX=9
+export FHOUT=3 # Will be changed to 1 in config.base if (DOHYBVAR set to NO and l4densvar set to false)
+# Cycle to run EnKF (set to BOTH for both gfs and gdas)
+export EUPD_CYC="gdas"
+# GFS cycle info
+export gfs_cyc=1 # 0: no GFS cycle, 1: 00Z only, 2: 00Z and 12Z only, 4: all 4 cycles.
+# GFS output and frequency
+export FHMIN_GFS=0
+export FHMAX_GFS_00=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_06=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_12=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_18=120
+current_fhmax_var=FHMAX_GFS_${cyc}; declare -x FHMAX_GFS=${!current_fhmax_var}
+export FHOUT_GFS=6 # Must be 6 for S2S until #1629 is addressed; 3 for ops
+export FHMAX_HF_GFS=0
+export FHOUT_HF_GFS=1
+if (( gfs_cyc != 0 )); then
+ export STEP_GFS=$(( 24 / gfs_cyc ))
+ export STEP_GFS="0"
+export ILPOST=1 # gempak output frequency up to F120
+# GFS restart interval in hours
+#JKHexport restart_interval_gfs=12
+export restart_interval_gfs=-1 ## JKH
+# NOTE: Do not set this to zero. Instead set it to $FHMAX_GFS
+# TODO: Remove this variable from config.base and reference from config.fcst
+# TODO: rework logic in config.wave and push it to parsing_nameslist_WW3.sh where it is actually used
+export QUILTING=".true."
+export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid"
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".true." # WRITE_DOPOST=true, use inline POST
+export WRITE_NSFLIP=".true."
+# IAU related parameters
+export DOIAU="YES" # Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments
+export IAUFHRS="3,6,9"
+export IAU_FHROT=${IAUFHRS%%,*}
+export IAU_DELTHRS=6
+export IAU_OFFSET=6
+export DOIAU_ENKF=${DOIAU:-"YES"} # Enable 4DIAU for EnKF ensemble
+export IAUFHRS_ENKF="3,6,9"
+# Use Jacobians in eupd and thereby remove need to run eomg
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true."
+# if [[ "$SDATE" -lt "2019020100" ]]; then # no rtofs in GDA
+# export DO_WAVE="NO"
+# echo "WARNING: Wave suite turned off due to lack of RTOFS in GDA for SDATE"
+# fi
+# Microphysics Options: 99-ZhaoCarr, 8-Thompson; 6-WSM6, 10-MG, 11-GFDL
+export imp_physics=8
+# Shared parameters
+# DA engine
+# Hybrid related
+export SMOOTH_ENKF="NO"
+export l4densvar=".true."
+export lwrite4danl=".true."
+# EnKF output frequency
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} = "YES" ]]; then
+ export FHMIN_ENKF=3
+ export FHMAX_ENKF=9
+ export FHMAX_ENKF_GFS=120
+ export FHOUT_ENKF_GFS=3
+ if [[ ${l4densvar} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export FHOUT=1
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=1
+ else
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=3
+ fi
+# if 3DVAR and IAU
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} == "NO" && ${DOIAU} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+ export IAU_FHROT="3"
+ export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=".true."
+ export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"
+# Check if cycle is cold starting, DOIAU off, or free-forecast mode
+if [[ "${MODE}" = "cycled" && "${SDATE}" = "${PDY}${cyc}" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] || [[ "${DOIAU}" = "NO" ]] || [[ "${MODE}" = "forecast-only" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] ; then
+ export IAU_OFFSET=0
+ export IAU_FHROT=0
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF}" = "NO" ]]; then export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"; fi
+# turned on nsst in anal and/or fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
+export DONST="YES"
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then export FNTSFA=" "; fi
+# The switch to apply SST elevation correction or not
+export nst_anl=.true.
+# Make the nsstbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Make the aircraft prepbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Analysis increments to zero in CALCINCEXEC
+export INCREMENTS_TO_ZERO="'liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+# Write analysis files for early cycle EnKF
+# Stratospheric increments to zero
+export INCVARS_ZERO_STRAT="'sphum_inc','liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+export INCVARS_EFOLD="5"
+# Swith to generate netcdf or binary diagnostic files. If not specified,
+# script default to binary diagnostic files. Set diagnostic file
+# variables here since used in DA job
+export netcdf_diag=".true."
+export binary_diag=".false."
+# Verification options
+export DO_METP="NO" # Run METPLUS jobs - set METPLUS settings in config.metp; not supported with spack-stack
+export DO_FIT2OBS="NO" # Run fit to observations package ## JKH
+# Archiving options
+export HPSSARCH="YES" # save data to HPSS archive
+export LOCALARCH="NO" # save data to local archive
+if [[ ${HPSSARCH} = "YES" ]] && [[ ${LOCALARCH} = "YES" ]]; then
+ echo "Both HPSS and local archiving selected. Please choose one or the other."
+ exit 2
+export ARCH_CYC=00 # Archive data at this cycle for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_WARMICFREQ=4 # Archive frequency in days for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_FCSTICFREQ=1 # Archive frequency in days for gdas and gfs forecast-only capability
+#--online archive of nemsio files for fit2obs verification
+export FITSARC="YES"
+export FHMAX_FITS=132
+[[ "${FHMAX_FITS}" -gt "${FHMAX_GFS}" ]] && export FHMAX_FITS=${FHMAX_GFS}
+echo "END: config.base"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_emc b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_emc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b726c1788a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_emc
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.base ##########
+# Common to all steps
+echo "BEGIN: config.base"
+# Machine environment
+export machine="@MACHINE@"
+# EMC parallel or NCO production
+export RUN_ENVIR="emc"
+# Account, queue, etc.
+export QUEUE="@QUEUE@"
+# Project to use in mass store:
+# Directories relative to installation areas:
+export HOMEgfs=@HOMEgfs@
+export PARMgfs="${HOMEgfs}/parm"
+export FIXgfs="${HOMEgfs}/fix"
+export USHgfs="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+export UTILgfs="${HOMEgfs}/util"
+export EXECgfs="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export SCRgfs="${HOMEgfs}/scripts"
+export FIXam="${FIXgfs}/am"
+export FIXaer="${FIXgfs}/aer"
+export FIXcpl="${FIXgfs}/cpl"
+export FIXlut="${FIXgfs}/lut"
+export FIXorog="${FIXgfs}/orog"
+export FIXcice="${FIXgfs}/cice"
+export FIXmom="${FIXgfs}/mom6"
+export FIXreg2grb2="${FIXgfs}/reg2grb2"
+export FIXugwd="${FIXgfs}/ugwd"
+# GLOBAL static environment parameters
+export PACKAGEROOT="@PACKAGEROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMROOT="@COMROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMINsyn="@COMINsyn@"
+export DMPDIR="@DMPDIR@"
+# USER specific paths
+export STMP="@STMP@"
+export PTMP="@PTMP@"
+# Base directories for various builds
+export BASE_GIT="@BASE_GIT@"
+# Toggle to turn on/off GFS downstream processing.
+export DO_GOES="NO" # GOES products
+export DO_BUFRSND="NO" # BUFR sounding products
+export DO_GEMPAK="NO" # GEMPAK products
+export DO_AWIPS="NO" # AWIPS products
+export DO_NPOESS="NO" # NPOESS products
+export DO_TRACKER="YES" # Hurricane track verification
+export DO_GENESIS="YES" # Cyclone genesis verification
+export DO_GENESIS_FSU="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification (FSU)
+export DO_VERFOZN="YES" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+export DO_VERFRAD="YES" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+export DO_VMINMON="YES" # GSI minimization monitoring
+export DO_MOS="NO" # GFS Model Output Statistics - Only supported on WCOSS2
+# NO for retrospective parallel; YES for real-time parallel
+# arch.sh uses REALTIME for MOS. Need to set REALTIME=YES
+# if want MOS written to HPSS. Should update arch.sh to
+# use RUNMOS flag
+export REALTIME="YES"
+# Experiment mode (cycled or forecast-only)
+export MODE="@MODE@" # cycled/forecast-only
+# Build paths relative to $HOMEgfs
+export FIXgsi="${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi"
+export HOMEpost="${HOMEgfs}"
+export HOMEobsproc="${BASE_GIT:-}/obsproc/v${obsproc_run_ver:-1.1.2}"
+# CONVENIENT utility scripts and other environment parameters
+export NCP="/bin/cp -p"
+export NMV="/bin/mv"
+export NLN="/bin/ln -sf"
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+export KEEPDATA="NO"
+export NCDUMP="${NETCDF:-${netcdf_c_ROOT:-}}/bin/ncdump"
+export NCLEN="${HOMEgfs}/ush/getncdimlen"
+# Machine environment, jobs, and other utility scripts
+export BASE_ENV="${HOMEgfs}/env"
+export BASE_JOB="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/rocoto"
+# EXPERIMENT specific environment parameters
+export SDATE=@SDATE@
+export EDATE=@EDATE@
+export assim_freq=6
+export PSLOT="@PSLOT@"
+export EXPDIR="@EXPDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR="@ROTDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR_DUMP="YES" #Note: A value of "NO" does not currently work
+export DUMP_SUFFIX=""
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019092100" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -le "2019110700" ]]; then
+ export DUMP_SUFFIX="p" # Use dumps from NCO GFS v15.3 parallel
+export DATAROOT="${STMP}/RUNDIRS/${PSLOT}" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export RUNDIR="${DATAROOT}" # TODO: Should be removed; use DATAROOT instead
+export ARCDIR="${NOSCRUB}/archive/${PSLOT}"
+# Commonly defined parameters in JJOBS
+export envir=${envir:-"prod"}
+export NET="gfs" # NET is defined in the job-card (ecf)
+export RUN=${RUN:-${CDUMP:-"gfs"}} # RUN is defined in the job-card (ecf); CDUMP is used at EMC as a RUN proxy
+# TODO: determine where is RUN actually used in the workflow other than here
+# TODO: is it possible to replace all instances of ${CDUMP} to ${RUN} to be
+# consistent w/ EE2?
+# Get all the COM path templates
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.com"
+export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-'eval [[ $err = 0 ]]'}
+#export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-"err_chk"}
+#export LOGSCRIPT=${LOGSCRIPT:-"startmsg"}
+export REDOUT="1>"
+export REDERR="2>"
+export SENDECF=${SENDECF:-"NO"}
+export SENDSDM=${SENDSDM:-"NO"}
+export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-"NO"}
+export DBNROOT=${DBNROOT:-${UTILROOT:-}/fakedbn}
+# APP settings
+export APP=@APP@
+# Defaults:
+export DO_ATM="YES"
+export DO_COUPLED="NO"
+export DO_WAVE="NO"
+export DO_OCN="NO"
+export DO_ICE="NO"
+export DO_AERO="NO"
+export WAVE_CDUMP="" # When to include wave suite: gdas, gfs, or both
+export FRAC_GRID=".true."
+# Set operational resolution
+export OPS_RES="C768" # Do not change # TODO: Why is this needed and where is it used?
+# Resolution specific parameters
+export LEVS=128
+export CASE="@CASECTL@"
+export CASE_ENS="@CASEENS@"
+# TODO: This should not depend on $CASE or $CASE_ENS
+# These are the currently available grid-combinations
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48")
+ export OCNRES=500
+ export waveGRD='glo_500'
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export OCNRES=500
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export OCNRES=050
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export OCNRES=025
+ export waveGRD='glo_025'
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ export OCNRES=025
+ export waveGRD='mx025'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized CASE ${CASE}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+export ICERES=${OCNRES}
+case "${APP}" in
+ ATM)
+ ;;
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ ;;
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ ;;
+ export DO_ATM="NO"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ ;;
+ S2S*)
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ A$ ]]; then
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ ^S2SW ]]; then
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized APP: '${APP}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Surface cycle update frequency
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=1
+ export FTSFS=10
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=24
+# Output frequency of the forecast model (for cycling)
+export FHMIN=0
+export FHMAX=9
+export FHOUT=3 # Will be changed to 1 in config.base if (DOHYBVAR set to NO and l4densvar set to false)
+# Cycle to run EnKF (set to BOTH for both gfs and gdas)
+export EUPD_CYC="gdas"
+# GFS cycle info
+export gfs_cyc=@gfs_cyc@ # 0: no GFS cycle, 1: 00Z only, 2: 00Z and 12Z only, 4: all 4 cycles.
+# GFS output and frequency
+export FHMIN_GFS=0
+export FHMAX_GFS_00=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_06=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_12=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_18=120
+current_fhmax_var=FHMAX_GFS_${cyc}; declare -x FHMAX_GFS=${!current_fhmax_var}
+export FHOUT_GFS=6 # Must be 6 for S2S until #1629 is addressed; 3 for ops
+export FHMAX_HF_GFS=0
+export FHOUT_HF_GFS=1
+if (( gfs_cyc != 0 )); then
+ export STEP_GFS=$(( 24 / gfs_cyc ))
+ export STEP_GFS="0"
+export ILPOST=1 # gempak output frequency up to F120
+# GFS restart interval in hours
+#JKHexport restart_interval_gfs=12
+export restart_interval_gfs=-1 ## JKH
+# NOTE: Do not set this to zero. Instead set it to $FHMAX_GFS
+# TODO: Remove this variable from config.base and reference from config.fcst
+# TODO: rework logic in config.wave and push it to parsing_nameslist_WW3.sh where it is actually used
+export QUILTING=".true."
+export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid"
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".true." # WRITE_DOPOST=true, use inline POST
+export WRITE_NSFLIP=".true."
+# IAU related parameters
+export DOIAU="@DOIAU@" # Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments
+export IAUFHRS="3,6,9"
+export IAU_FHROT=${IAUFHRS%%,*}
+export IAU_DELTHRS=6
+export IAU_OFFSET=6
+export DOIAU_ENKF=${DOIAU:-"YES"} # Enable 4DIAU for EnKF ensemble
+export IAUFHRS_ENKF="3,6,9"
+# Use Jacobians in eupd and thereby remove need to run eomg
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true."
+# if [[ "$SDATE" -lt "2019020100" ]]; then # no rtofs in GDA
+# export DO_WAVE="NO"
+# echo "WARNING: Wave suite turned off due to lack of RTOFS in GDA for SDATE"
+# fi
+# Microphysics Options: 99-ZhaoCarr, 8-Thompson; 6-WSM6, 10-MG, 11-GFDL
+export imp_physics=8
+# Shared parameters
+# DA engine
+# Hybrid related
+export SMOOTH_ENKF="NO"
+export l4densvar=".true."
+export lwrite4danl=".true."
+# EnKF output frequency
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} = "YES" ]]; then
+ export FHMIN_ENKF=3
+ export FHMAX_ENKF=9
+ export FHMAX_ENKF_GFS=120
+ export FHOUT_ENKF_GFS=3
+ if [[ ${l4densvar} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export FHOUT=1
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=1
+ else
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=3
+ fi
+# if 3DVAR and IAU
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} == "NO" && ${DOIAU} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+ export IAU_FHROT="3"
+ export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=".true."
+ export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"
+# Check if cycle is cold starting, DOIAU off, or free-forecast mode
+if [[ "${MODE}" = "cycled" && "${SDATE}" = "${PDY}${cyc}" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] || [[ "${DOIAU}" = "NO" ]] || [[ "${MODE}" = "forecast-only" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] ; then
+ export IAU_OFFSET=0
+ export IAU_FHROT=0
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF}" = "NO" ]]; then export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"; fi
+# turned on nsst in anal and/or fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
+export DONST="YES"
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then export FNTSFA=" "; fi
+# The switch to apply SST elevation correction or not
+export nst_anl=.true.
+# Make the nsstbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Make the aircraft prepbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Analysis increments to zero in CALCINCEXEC
+export INCREMENTS_TO_ZERO="'liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+# Write analysis files for early cycle EnKF
+# Stratospheric increments to zero
+export INCVARS_ZERO_STRAT="'sphum_inc','liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+export INCVARS_EFOLD="5"
+# Swith to generate netcdf or binary diagnostic files. If not specified,
+# script default to binary diagnostic files. Set diagnostic file
+# variables here since used in DA job
+export netcdf_diag=".true."
+export binary_diag=".false."
+# Verification options
+export DO_METP="NO" # Run METPLUS jobs - set METPLUS settings in config.metp; not supported with spack-stack
+export DO_FIT2OBS="YES" # Run fit to observations package
+# Archiving options
+export HPSSARCH="@HPSSARCH@" # save data to HPSS archive
+export LOCALARCH="@LOCALARCH@" # save data to local archive
+if [[ ${HPSSARCH} = "YES" ]] && [[ ${LOCALARCH} = "YES" ]]; then
+ echo "Both HPSS and local archiving selected. Please choose one or the other."
+ exit 2
+export ARCH_CYC=00 # Archive data at this cycle for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_WARMICFREQ=4 # Archive frequency in days for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_FCSTICFREQ=1 # Archive frequency in days for gdas and gfs forecast-only capability
+#--online archive of nemsio files for fit2obs verification
+export FITSARC="YES"
+export FHMAX_FITS=132
+[[ "${FHMAX_FITS}" -gt "${FHMAX_GFS}" ]] && export FHMAX_FITS=${FHMAX_GFS}
+echo "END: config.base"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_hera b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_hera
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f07dc7970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_hera
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.base ##########
+# Common to all steps
+echo "BEGIN: config.base"
+# Machine environment
+export machine="@MACHINE@"
+# EMC parallel or NCO production
+export RUN_ENVIR="emc"
+# Account, queue, etc.
+export QUEUE="@QUEUE@"
+# Project to use in mass store:
+# Directories relative to installation areas:
+export HOMEgfs=@HOMEgfs@
+export PARMgfs="${HOMEgfs}/parm"
+export FIXgfs="${HOMEgfs}/fix"
+export USHgfs="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+export UTILgfs="${HOMEgfs}/util"
+export EXECgfs="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export SCRgfs="${HOMEgfs}/scripts"
+export FIXam="${FIXgfs}/am"
+export FIXaer="${FIXgfs}/aer"
+export FIXcpl="${FIXgfs}/cpl"
+export FIXlut="${FIXgfs}/lut"
+export FIXorog="${FIXgfs}/orog"
+export FIXcice="${FIXgfs}/cice"
+export FIXmom="${FIXgfs}/mom6"
+export FIXreg2grb2="${FIXgfs}/reg2grb2"
+export FIXugwd="${FIXgfs}/ugwd"
+# GLOBAL static environment parameters
+export PACKAGEROOT="@PACKAGEROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMROOT="@COMROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMINsyn="@COMINsyn@"
+export DMPDIR="@DMPDIR@"
+# USER specific paths
+export STMP="@STMP@"
+export PTMP="@PTMP@"
+# Base directories for various builds
+export BASE_GIT="@BASE_GIT@"
+# Toggle to turn on/off GFS downstream processing.
+export DO_GOES="NO" # GOES products
+export DO_BUFRSND="NO" # BUFR sounding products
+export DO_GEMPAK="NO" # GEMPAK products
+export DO_AWIPS="NO" # AWIPS products
+export DO_NPOESS="NO" # NPOESS products
+export DO_TRACKER="NO" # Hurricane track verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS_FSU="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification (FSU)
+export DO_VERFOZN="YES" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+export DO_VERFRAD="YES" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+export DO_VMINMON="YES" # GSI minimization monitoring
+export DO_MOS="NO" # GFS Model Output Statistics - Only supported on WCOSS2
+# NO for retrospective parallel; YES for real-time parallel
+# arch.sh uses REALTIME for MOS. Need to set REALTIME=YES
+# if want MOS written to HPSS. Should update arch.sh to
+# use RUNMOS flag
+export REALTIME="YES"
+# Experiment mode (cycled or forecast-only)
+export MODE="@MODE@" # cycled/forecast-only
+# Build paths relative to $HOMEgfs
+export FIXgsi="${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi"
+export HOMEpost="${HOMEgfs}"
+export HOMEobsproc="${BASE_GIT:-}/obsproc/v${obsproc_run_ver:-1.1.2}"
+# CONVENIENT utility scripts and other environment parameters
+export NCP="/bin/cp -p"
+export NMV="/bin/mv"
+export NLN="/bin/ln -sf"
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+export KEEPDATA="NO"
+export NCDUMP="${NETCDF:-${netcdf_c_ROOT:-}}/bin/ncdump"
+export NCLEN="${HOMEgfs}/ush/getncdimlen"
+# Machine environment, jobs, and other utility scripts
+export BASE_ENV="${HOMEgfs}/env"
+export BASE_JOB="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/rocoto"
+# EXPERIMENT specific environment parameters
+export SDATE=@SDATE@
+export EDATE=@EDATE@
+export assim_freq=6
+export PSLOT="@PSLOT@"
+export EXPDIR="@EXPDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR="@ROTDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR_DUMP="YES" #Note: A value of "NO" does not currently work
+export DUMP_SUFFIX=""
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019092100" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -le "2019110700" ]]; then
+ export DUMP_SUFFIX="p" # Use dumps from NCO GFS v15.3 parallel
+export DATAROOT="${STMP}/RUNDIRS/${PSLOT}" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export RUNDIR="${DATAROOT}" # TODO: Should be removed; use DATAROOT instead
+export ARCDIR="${NOSCRUB}/archive/${PSLOT}"
+# Commonly defined parameters in JJOBS
+export envir=${envir:-"prod"}
+export NET="gfs" # NET is defined in the job-card (ecf)
+export RUN=${RUN:-${CDUMP:-"gfs"}} # RUN is defined in the job-card (ecf); CDUMP is used at EMC as a RUN proxy
+# TODO: determine where is RUN actually used in the workflow other than here
+# TODO: is it possible to replace all instances of ${CDUMP} to ${RUN} to be
+# consistent w/ EE2?
+# Get all the COM path templates
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.com"
+export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-'eval [[ $err = 0 ]]'}
+#export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-"err_chk"}
+#export LOGSCRIPT=${LOGSCRIPT:-"startmsg"}
+export REDOUT="1>"
+export REDERR="2>"
+export SENDECF=${SENDECF:-"NO"}
+export SENDSDM=${SENDSDM:-"NO"}
+export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-"NO"}
+export DBNROOT=${DBNROOT:-${UTILROOT:-}/fakedbn}
+# APP settings
+export APP=@APP@
+# Defaults:
+export DO_ATM="YES"
+export DO_COUPLED="NO"
+export DO_WAVE="NO"
+export DO_OCN="NO"
+export DO_ICE="NO"
+export DO_AERO="NO"
+export WAVE_CDUMP="" # When to include wave suite: gdas, gfs, or both
+export FRAC_GRID=".true."
+# Set operational resolution
+export OPS_RES="C768" # Do not change # TODO: Why is this needed and where is it used?
+# Resolution specific parameters
+export LEVS=128
+export CASE="@CASECTL@"
+export CASE_ENS="@CASEENS@"
+# TODO: This should not depend on $CASE or $CASE_ENS
+# These are the currently available grid-combinations
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48")
+ export OCNRES=500
+ export waveGRD='glo_500'
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export OCNRES=500
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export OCNRES=050
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export OCNRES=025
+ export waveGRD='glo_025'
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ export OCNRES=025
+ export waveGRD='mx025'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized CASE ${CASE}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+export ICERES=${OCNRES}
+case "${APP}" in
+ ATM)
+ ;;
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ ;;
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ ;;
+ export DO_ATM="NO"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ ;;
+ S2S*)
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ A$ ]]; then
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ ^S2SW ]]; then
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized APP: '${APP}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Surface cycle update frequency
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=1
+ export FTSFS=10
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=24
+# Output frequency of the forecast model (for cycling)
+export FHMIN=0
+export FHMAX=9
+export FHOUT=3 # Will be changed to 1 in config.base if (DOHYBVAR set to NO and l4densvar set to false)
+# Cycle to run EnKF (set to BOTH for both gfs and gdas)
+export EUPD_CYC="gdas"
+# GFS cycle info
+export gfs_cyc=@gfs_cyc@ # 0: no GFS cycle, 1: 00Z only, 2: 00Z and 12Z only, 4: all 4 cycles.
+# GFS output and frequency
+export FHMIN_GFS=0
+export FHMAX_GFS_00=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_06=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_12=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_18=120
+current_fhmax_var=FHMAX_GFS_${cyc}; declare -x FHMAX_GFS=${!current_fhmax_var}
+export FHOUT_GFS=6 # Must be 6 for S2S until #1629 is addressed; 3 for ops
+export FHMAX_HF_GFS=0
+export FHOUT_HF_GFS=1
+if (( gfs_cyc != 0 )); then
+ export STEP_GFS=$(( 24 / gfs_cyc ))
+ export STEP_GFS="0"
+export ILPOST=1 # gempak output frequency up to F120
+# GFS restart interval in hours
+#JKHexport restart_interval_gfs=12
+export restart_interval_gfs=-1 ## JKH
+# NOTE: Do not set this to zero. Instead set it to $FHMAX_GFS
+# TODO: Remove this variable from config.base and reference from config.fcst
+# TODO: rework logic in config.wave and push it to parsing_nameslist_WW3.sh where it is actually used
+export QUILTING=".true."
+export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid"
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".true." # WRITE_DOPOST=true, use inline POST
+export WRITE_NSFLIP=".true."
+# IAU related parameters
+export DOIAU="@DOIAU@" # Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments
+export IAUFHRS="3,6,9"
+export IAU_FHROT=${IAUFHRS%%,*}
+export IAU_DELTHRS=6
+export IAU_OFFSET=6
+export DOIAU_ENKF=${DOIAU:-"YES"} # Enable 4DIAU for EnKF ensemble
+export IAUFHRS_ENKF="3,6,9"
+# Use Jacobians in eupd and thereby remove need to run eomg
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true."
+# if [[ "$SDATE" -lt "2019020100" ]]; then # no rtofs in GDA
+# export DO_WAVE="NO"
+# echo "WARNING: Wave suite turned off due to lack of RTOFS in GDA for SDATE"
+# fi
+# Microphysics Options: 99-ZhaoCarr, 8-Thompson; 6-WSM6, 10-MG, 11-GFDL
+export imp_physics=8
+# Shared parameters
+# DA engine
+# Hybrid related
+export SMOOTH_ENKF="NO"
+export l4densvar=".true."
+export lwrite4danl=".true."
+# EnKF output frequency
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} = "YES" ]]; then
+ export FHMIN_ENKF=3
+ export FHMAX_ENKF=9
+ export FHMAX_ENKF_GFS=120
+ export FHOUT_ENKF_GFS=3
+ if [[ ${l4densvar} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export FHOUT=1
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=1
+ else
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=3
+ fi
+# if 3DVAR and IAU
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} == "NO" && ${DOIAU} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+ export IAU_FHROT="3"
+ export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=".true."
+ export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"
+# Check if cycle is cold starting, DOIAU off, or free-forecast mode
+if [[ "${MODE}" = "cycled" && "${SDATE}" = "${PDY}${cyc}" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] || [[ "${DOIAU}" = "NO" ]] || [[ "${MODE}" = "forecast-only" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] ; then
+ export IAU_OFFSET=0
+ export IAU_FHROT=0
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF}" = "NO" ]]; then export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"; fi
+# turned on nsst in anal and/or fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
+export DONST="YES"
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then export FNTSFA=" "; fi
+# The switch to apply SST elevation correction or not
+export nst_anl=.true.
+# Make the nsstbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Make the aircraft prepbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Analysis increments to zero in CALCINCEXEC
+export INCREMENTS_TO_ZERO="'liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+# Write analysis files for early cycle EnKF
+# Stratospheric increments to zero
+export INCVARS_ZERO_STRAT="'sphum_inc','liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+export INCVARS_EFOLD="5"
+# Swith to generate netcdf or binary diagnostic files. If not specified,
+# script default to binary diagnostic files. Set diagnostic file
+# variables here since used in DA job
+export netcdf_diag=".true."
+export binary_diag=".false."
+# Verification options
+export DO_METP="NO" # Run METPLUS jobs - set METPLUS settings in config.metp; not supported with spack-stack
+export DO_FIT2OBS="NO" # Run fit to observations package ## JKH
+# Archiving options
+export HPSSARCH="@HPSSARCH@" # save data to HPSS archive
+export LOCALARCH="@LOCALARCH@" # save data to local archive
+if [[ ${HPSSARCH} = "YES" ]] && [[ ${LOCALARCH} = "YES" ]]; then
+ echo "Both HPSS and local archiving selected. Please choose one or the other."
+ exit 2
+export ARCH_CYC=00 # Archive data at this cycle for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_WARMICFREQ=4 # Archive frequency in days for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_FCSTICFREQ=1 # Archive frequency in days for gdas and gfs forecast-only capability
+#--online archive of nemsio files for fit2obs verification
+export FITSARC="YES"
+export FHMAX_FITS=132
+[[ "${FHMAX_FITS}" -gt "${FHMAX_GFS}" ]] && export FHMAX_FITS=${FHMAX_GFS}
+echo "END: config.base"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_jet b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_jet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df6498d7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.base.emc.dyn_jet
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.base ##########
+# Common to all steps
+echo "BEGIN: config.base"
+# Machine environment
+export machine="@MACHINE@"
+# EMC parallel or NCO production
+export RUN_ENVIR="emc"
+# Account, queue, etc.
+export QUEUE="@QUEUE@"
+# Project to use in mass store:
+# Directories relative to installation areas:
+export HOMEgfs=@HOMEgfs@
+export PARMgfs="${HOMEgfs}/parm"
+export FIXgfs="${HOMEgfs}/fix"
+export USHgfs="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+export UTILgfs="${HOMEgfs}/util"
+export EXECgfs="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export SCRgfs="${HOMEgfs}/scripts"
+export FIXam="${FIXgfs}/am"
+export FIXaer="${FIXgfs}/aer"
+export FIXcpl="${FIXgfs}/cpl"
+export FIXlut="${FIXgfs}/lut"
+export FIXorog="${FIXgfs}/orog"
+export FIXcice="${FIXgfs}/cice"
+export FIXmom="${FIXgfs}/mom6"
+export FIXreg2grb2="${FIXgfs}/reg2grb2"
+export FIXugwd="${FIXgfs}/ugwd"
+# GLOBAL static environment parameters
+export PACKAGEROOT="@PACKAGEROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMROOT="@COMROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMINsyn="@COMINsyn@"
+export DMPDIR="@DMPDIR@"
+# USER specific paths
+export STMP="@STMP@"
+export PTMP="@PTMP@"
+# Base directories for various builds
+export BASE_GIT="@BASE_GIT@"
+# Toggle to turn on/off GFS downstream processing.
+export DO_GOES="NO" # GOES products
+export DO_BUFRSND="NO" # BUFR sounding products
+export DO_GEMPAK="NO" # GEMPAK products
+export DO_AWIPS="NO" # AWIPS products
+export DO_NPOESS="NO" # NPOESS products
+export DO_TRACKER="YES" # Hurricane track verification
+export DO_GENESIS="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS_FSU="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification (FSU)
+export DO_VERFOZN="YES" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+export DO_VERFRAD="YES" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+export DO_VMINMON="YES" # GSI minimization monitoring
+export DO_MOS="NO" # GFS Model Output Statistics - Only supported on WCOSS2
+# NO for retrospective parallel; YES for real-time parallel
+# arch.sh uses REALTIME for MOS. Need to set REALTIME=YES
+# if want MOS written to HPSS. Should update arch.sh to
+# use RUNMOS flag
+export REALTIME="YES"
+# Experiment mode (cycled or forecast-only)
+export MODE="@MODE@" # cycled/forecast-only
+# Build paths relative to $HOMEgfs
+export FIXgsi="${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi"
+export HOMEpost="${HOMEgfs}"
+export HOMEobsproc="${BASE_GIT:-}/obsproc/v${obsproc_run_ver:-1.1.2}"
+# CONVENIENT utility scripts and other environment parameters
+export NCP="/bin/cp -p"
+export NMV="/bin/mv"
+export NLN="/bin/ln -sf"
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+export KEEPDATA="NO"
+export NCDUMP="${NETCDF:-${netcdf_c_ROOT:-}}/bin/ncdump"
+export NCLEN="${HOMEgfs}/ush/getncdimlen"
+# Machine environment, jobs, and other utility scripts
+export BASE_ENV="${HOMEgfs}/env"
+export BASE_JOB="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/rocoto"
+# EXPERIMENT specific environment parameters
+export SDATE=@SDATE@
+export EDATE=@EDATE@
+export assim_freq=6
+export PSLOT="@PSLOT@"
+export EXPDIR="@EXPDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR="@ROTDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR_DUMP="YES" #Note: A value of "NO" does not currently work
+export DUMP_SUFFIX=""
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019092100" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -le "2019110700" ]]; then
+ export DUMP_SUFFIX="p" # Use dumps from NCO GFS v15.3 parallel
+export DATAROOT="${STMP}/RUNDIRS/${PSLOT}" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export RUNDIR="${DATAROOT}" # TODO: Should be removed; use DATAROOT instead
+export ARCDIR="${NOSCRUB}/archive/${PSLOT}"
+# Commonly defined parameters in JJOBS
+export envir=${envir:-"prod"}
+export NET="gfs" # NET is defined in the job-card (ecf)
+export RUN=${RUN:-${CDUMP:-"gfs"}} # RUN is defined in the job-card (ecf); CDUMP is used at EMC as a RUN proxy
+# TODO: determine where is RUN actually used in the workflow other than here
+# TODO: is it possible to replace all instances of ${CDUMP} to ${RUN} to be
+# consistent w/ EE2?
+# Get all the COM path templates
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.com"
+export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-'eval [[ $err = 0 ]]'}
+#export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-"err_chk"}
+#export LOGSCRIPT=${LOGSCRIPT:-"startmsg"}
+export REDOUT="1>"
+export REDERR="2>"
+export SENDECF=${SENDECF:-"NO"}
+export SENDSDM=${SENDSDM:-"NO"}
+export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-"NO"}
+export DBNROOT=${DBNROOT:-${UTILROOT:-}/fakedbn}
+# APP settings
+export APP=@APP@
+# Defaults:
+export DO_ATM="YES"
+export DO_COUPLED="NO"
+export DO_WAVE="NO"
+export DO_OCN="NO"
+export DO_ICE="NO"
+export DO_AERO="NO"
+export WAVE_CDUMP="" # When to include wave suite: gdas, gfs, or both
+export FRAC_GRID=".true."
+# Set operational resolution
+export OPS_RES="C768" # Do not change # TODO: Why is this needed and where is it used?
+# Resolution specific parameters
+export LEVS=128
+export CASE="@CASECTL@"
+export CASE_ENS="@CASEENS@"
+# TODO: This should not depend on $CASE or $CASE_ENS
+# These are the currently available grid-combinations
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48")
+ export OCNRES=500
+ export waveGRD='glo_500'
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export OCNRES=500
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export OCNRES=050
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export OCNRES=025
+ export waveGRD='glo_025'
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ export OCNRES=025
+ export waveGRD='mx025'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized CASE ${CASE}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+export ICERES=${OCNRES}
+case "${APP}" in
+ ATM)
+ ;;
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ ;;
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ ;;
+ export DO_ATM="NO"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ ;;
+ S2S*)
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ A$ ]]; then
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ ^S2SW ]]; then
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized APP: '${APP}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Surface cycle update frequency
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=1
+ export FTSFS=10
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=24
+# Output frequency of the forecast model (for cycling)
+export FHMIN=0
+export FHMAX=9
+export FHOUT=3 # Will be changed to 1 in config.base if (DOHYBVAR set to NO and l4densvar set to false)
+# Cycle to run EnKF (set to BOTH for both gfs and gdas)
+export EUPD_CYC="gdas"
+# GFS cycle info
+export gfs_cyc=@gfs_cyc@ # 0: no GFS cycle, 1: 00Z only, 2: 00Z and 12Z only, 4: all 4 cycles.
+# GFS output and frequency
+export FHMIN_GFS=0
+export FHMAX_GFS_00=168 ## JKH
+export FHMAX_GFS_06=168 ## JKH
+export FHMAX_GFS_12=168 ## JKH
+export FHMAX_GFS_18=168 ## JKH
+current_fhmax_var=FHMAX_GFS_${cyc}; declare -x FHMAX_GFS=${!current_fhmax_var}
+export FHOUT_GFS=6 # Must be 6 for S2S until #1629 is addressed; 3 for ops
+export FHMAX_HF_GFS=0
+export FHOUT_HF_GFS=1
+if (( gfs_cyc != 0 )); then
+ export STEP_GFS=$(( 24 / gfs_cyc ))
+ export STEP_GFS="0"
+export ILPOST=1 # gempak output frequency up to F120
+# GFS restart interval in hours
+#JKHexport restart_interval_gfs=12
+export restart_interval_gfs=-1 ## JKH
+# NOTE: Do not set this to zero. Instead set it to $FHMAX_GFS
+# TODO: Remove this variable from config.base and reference from config.fcst
+# TODO: rework logic in config.wave and push it to parsing_nameslist_WW3.sh where it is actually used
+export QUILTING=".true."
+export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid"
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".true." # WRITE_DOPOST=true, use inline POST
+export WRITE_NSFLIP=".true."
+# IAU related parameters
+export DOIAU="@DOIAU@" # Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments
+export IAUFHRS="3,6,9"
+export IAU_FHROT=${IAUFHRS%%,*}
+export IAU_DELTHRS=6
+export IAU_OFFSET=6
+export DOIAU_ENKF=${DOIAU:-"YES"} # Enable 4DIAU for EnKF ensemble
+export IAUFHRS_ENKF="3,6,9"
+# Use Jacobians in eupd and thereby remove need to run eomg
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true."
+# if [[ "$SDATE" -lt "2019020100" ]]; then # no rtofs in GDA
+# export DO_WAVE="NO"
+# echo "WARNING: Wave suite turned off due to lack of RTOFS in GDA for SDATE"
+# fi
+# Microphysics Options: 99-ZhaoCarr, 8-Thompson; 6-WSM6, 10-MG, 11-GFDL
+export imp_physics=8
+# Shared parameters
+# DA engine
+# Hybrid related
+export SMOOTH_ENKF="NO"
+export l4densvar=".true."
+export lwrite4danl=".true."
+# EnKF output frequency
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} = "YES" ]]; then
+ export FHMIN_ENKF=3
+ export FHMAX_ENKF=9
+ export FHMAX_ENKF_GFS=120
+ export FHOUT_ENKF_GFS=3
+ if [[ ${l4densvar} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export FHOUT=1
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=1
+ else
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=3
+ fi
+# if 3DVAR and IAU
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} == "NO" && ${DOIAU} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+ export IAU_FHROT="3"
+ export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=".true."
+ export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"
+# Check if cycle is cold starting, DOIAU off, or free-forecast mode
+if [[ "${MODE}" = "cycled" && "${SDATE}" = "${PDY}${cyc}" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] || [[ "${DOIAU}" = "NO" ]] || [[ "${MODE}" = "forecast-only" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] ; then
+ export IAU_OFFSET=0
+ export IAU_FHROT=0
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF}" = "NO" ]]; then export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"; fi
+# turned on nsst in anal and/or fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
+export DONST="YES"
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then export FNTSFA=" "; fi
+# The switch to apply SST elevation correction or not
+export nst_anl=.true.
+# Make the nsstbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Make the aircraft prepbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Analysis increments to zero in CALCINCEXEC
+export INCREMENTS_TO_ZERO="'liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+# Write analysis files for early cycle EnKF
+# Stratospheric increments to zero
+export INCVARS_ZERO_STRAT="'sphum_inc','liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+export INCVARS_EFOLD="5"
+# Swith to generate netcdf or binary diagnostic files. If not specified,
+# script default to binary diagnostic files. Set diagnostic file
+# variables here since used in DA job
+export netcdf_diag=".true."
+export binary_diag=".false."
+# Verification options
+export DO_METP="NO" # Run METPLUS jobs - set METPLUS settings in config.metp; not supported with spack-stack
+export DO_FIT2OBS="NO" # Run fit to observations package ## JKH
+# Archiving options
+export HPSSARCH="@HPSSARCH@" # save data to HPSS archive
+export LOCALARCH="@LOCALARCH@" # save data to local archive
+if [[ ${HPSSARCH} = "YES" ]] && [[ ${LOCALARCH} = "YES" ]]; then
+ echo "Both HPSS and local archiving selected. Please choose one or the other."
+ exit 2
+export ARCH_CYC=00 # Archive data at this cycle for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_WARMICFREQ=4 # Archive frequency in days for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_FCSTICFREQ=1 # Archive frequency in days for gdas and gfs forecast-only capability
+#--online archive of nemsio files for fit2obs verification
+export FITSARC="YES"
+export FHMAX_FITS=132
+[[ "${FHMAX_FITS}" -gt "${FHMAX_GFS}" ]] && export FHMAX_FITS=${FHMAX_GFS}
+echo "END: config.base"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.cleanup b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.cleanup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1908c91bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.cleanup
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.cleanup ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.cleanup"
+# Get task specific resources
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" cleanup
+export CLEANUP_COM="YES" # NO=retain ROTDIR. YES default in cleanup.sh
+#--starting and ending hours of previous cycles to be removed from rotating directory
+export RMOLDSTD=144
+export RMOLDEND=24
+# Specify the list of files to exclude from the first stage of cleanup
+# Because arrays cannot be exported, list is a single string of comma-
+# separated values. This string is split to form an array at runtime.
+case ${RUN} in
+ gdas | gfs) exclude_string="*prepbufr*, *cnvstat*, *atmanl.nc" ;;
+ enkf*) exclude_string="*f006.ens*" ;;
+ *) exclude_string="" ;;
+export exclude_string
+echo "END: config.cleanup"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.com b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.com
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..208b0ac096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.com
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# shellcheck shell=bash
+# Ignore shellcheck warnings about variables not being expanded; this is what we want
+# shellcheck disable=SC2016
+echo "BEGIN: config.com"
+# These are just templates. All templates must use single quotations so variable
+# expansion does not occur when this file is sourced. Substitution happens later
+# during runtime. It is recommended to use the helper function `generate_com()`,
+# to do this substitution, which is defined in `ush/preamble.sh`.
+# Syntax for generate_com():
+# generate_com [-rx] $var1[:$tmpl1] [$var2[:$tmpl2]] [...]]
+# options:
+# -r: Make variable read-only (same as `decalre -r`)
+# -x: Mark variable for declare -rx (same as `declare -x`)
+# var1, var2, etc: Variable names whose values will be generated from a template
+# and declared
+# tmpl1, tmpl2, etc: Specify the template to use (default is "${var}_TMPL")
+# Examples:
+# # Current cycle and RUN
+# YMD=${PDY} HH=${cyc} generate_com -rx COM_ATMOS_ANALYSIS
+# # Previous cycle and gdas
+# RUN=${GDUMP} YMD=${gPDY} HH=${gcyc} generate_com -rx \
+# # Current cycle and COM for first member
+# MEMDIR='mem001' YMD=${PDY} HH=${cyc} generate_com -rx COM_ATMOS_HISTORY
+# If any restart, input, or analysis template is updated, `setup_expt.py.fill_COMROT_cycled()`
+# must correspondingly be updated to match.
+if [[ "${RUN_ENVIR:-emc}" == "nco" ]]; then
+ COM_OBS_TMPL=$(compath.py "${envir}/obsproc/${obsproc_ver}")'/${RUN}.${YMD}/${HH}/atmos'
+ COM_RTOFS_TMPL=$(compath.py "${envir}/${WAVECUR_DID}/${rtofs_ver}")
+ COM_OBS_TMPL='${ROTDIR}/${RUN}.${YMD}/${HH}/obs'
+declare -rx COM_OBSDMP_TMPL='${DMPDIR}/${DUMP}${DUMP_SUFFIX}.${YMD}/${HH}/atmos'
+declare -rx COM_TOP_TMPL='${ROTDIR}/${RUN}.${YMD}/${HH}'
+declare -rx COM_CONF_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/conf'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_INPUT_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/atmos/input'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/atmos/restart'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_ANALYSIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/analysis/atmos'
+declare -rx COM_LAND_ANALYSIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/analysis/land'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/atmos/history'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_MASTER_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/atmos/master'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_GRIB_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/grib2'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_BUFR_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/bufr'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_GEMPAK_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/gempak/${GRID}'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_GENESIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/cyclone/genesis_vital'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_TRACK_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/cyclone/tracks'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_GOES_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/goes_sim'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_IMAGERY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/imagery'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_OZNMON_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/oznmon'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_RADMON_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/radmon'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_MINMON_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/minmon'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_WMO_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/wmo'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/wave/restart'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_PREP_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/wave/prep'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/wave/history'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_GRID_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/wave/gridded'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_STATION_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/wave/station'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_GEMPAK_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/wave/gempak'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_WMO_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/wave/wmo'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ocean/history'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ocean/restart'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_INPUT_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ocean/input'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_ANALYSIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/analysis/ocean'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_2D_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/ocean/2D'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_3D_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/ocean/3D'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_XSECT_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/ocean/xsect'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_GRIB_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/ocean/grib2'
+declare -rx COM_ICE_INPUT_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ice/input'
+declare -rx COM_ICE_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ice/history'
+declare -rx COM_ICE_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ice/restart'
+declare -rx COM_CHEM_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/chem/history'
+declare -rx COM_CHEM_ANALYSIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/analysis/chem'
+declare -rx COM_MED_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/med/restart'
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.earc b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.earc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de73a93731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.earc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.earc ##########
+# Ensemble archive specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.earc"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources earc
+export NMEM_EARCGRP=10
+#--starting and ending hours of previous cycles to be removed from rotating directory
+export RMOLDSTD_ENKF=144
+export RMOLDEND_ENKF=24
+echo "END: config.earc"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ecen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ecen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b686c6b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ecen
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ecen ##########
+# Ensemble recentering specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ecen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources ecen
+# Number of concurrent ecen jobs [1 implies sequential]
+# Usually IAUFHRS_ENKF=3,6,9, so NECENGRP=3. Scripting
+# below queries IAUFHRS_ENKF to determine NECENGRP
+export NECENGRP=1
+if [ $DOIAU_ENKF = "YES" ]; then
+ ngrps=$(grep -o ',' <<<"$IAUFHRS_ENKF" | grep -c .)
+ ((ngrps++))
+ export NECENGRP=$ngrps
+echo "END: config.ecen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.echgres b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.echgres
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..478c6b4bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.echgres
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.echgres ##########
+# regrid full-res forecast for use in ensemble-res analysis generation
+echo "BEGIN: config.echgres"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources echgres
+echo "END: config.echgres"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ediag b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ediag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12b142088d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ediag
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ediag ##########
+# GFS ensemble post-eobs specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ediag"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources ediag
+echo "END: config.ediag"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.efcs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.efcs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..283ec3ab7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.efcs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.efcs ##########
+# Ensemble forecast specific, dependency: config.fcst
+echo "BEGIN: config.efcs"
+# Turn off components in ensemble via _ENKF, or use setting from deterministic
+export DO_AERO=${DO_AERO_ENKF:-${DO_AERO:-"NO"}}
+export DO_OCN=${DO_OCN_ENKF:-${DO_OCN:-"NO"}}
+export DO_ICE=${DO_ICE_ENKF:-${DO_ICE:-"NO"}}
+export DO_WAVE=${DO_WAVE_ENKF:-${DO_WAVE:-"NO"}}
+# Source model specific information that is resolution dependent
+string="--fv3 ${CASE_ENS}"
+# Ocean/Ice/Waves ensemble configurations are identical to deterministic member
+[[ "${DO_OCN}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --mom6 ${OCNRES}"
+[[ "${DO_ICE}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --cice6 ${ICERES}"
+[[ "${DO_WAVE}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --ww3 ${waveGRD// /;}"
+[[ "${DO_AERO}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --gocart"
+# We are counting on $string being multiple arguments
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.ufs" ${string}
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" efcs
+# Use serial I/O for ensemble (lustre?)
+export OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf"
+export OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf"
+# Number of enkf members per fcst job
+export NMEM_EFCSGRP=2
+# Turn off inline UPP for EnKF forecast
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".false."
+# Stochastic physics parameters (only for ensemble forecasts)
+export DO_SKEB="YES"
+export SKEB=0.3
+export SKEB_TAU=21600.
+export SKEB_LSCALE=250000.
+export SKEBNORM=0
+export SKEB_NPASS=30
+export SKEB_VDOF=5
+export DO_SHUM="YES"
+export SHUM=0.005
+export SHUM_TAU=21600.
+export SHUM_LSCALE=500000.
+export DO_SPPT="YES"
+export SPPT=0.5
+export SPPT_TAU=21600.
+export SPPT_LSCALE=500000.
+export SPPT_LOGIT=".true."
+export SPPT_SFCLIMIT=".true."
+if [[ "${QUILTING}" = ".true." ]] && [[ "${OUTPUT_GRID}" = "gaussian_grid" ]]; then
+ export DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table_da"
+ export DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table_da_orig"
+# For IAU, write restarts at beginning of window also
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF:-}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ export restart_interval="3"
+ export restart_interval="6"
+echo "END: config.efcs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.eobs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.eobs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21f982addc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.eobs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.eobs config.eomg ##########
+# Ensemble innovation specific, dependency config.anal
+echo "BEGIN: config.eobs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources eobs
+# Number of enkf members per innovation job
+export NMEM_EOMGGRP=8
+export npe_gsi=$npe_eobs
+# GSI namelist options related to observer for EnKF
+export OBSINPUT_INVOBS="dmesh(1)=225.0,dmesh(2)=225.0,dmesh(3)=225.0,dmesh(4)=100.0"
+export OBSQC_INVOBS="tcp_width=60.0,tcp_ermin=2.0,tcp_ermax=12.0"
+if [ $LEVS = "128" ]; then
+ export GRIDOPTS_INVOBS="nlayers(63)=1,nlayers(64)=1,"
+ export SETUP_INVOBS="gpstop=55,nsig_ext=56,"
+export USE_RADSTAT="NO" # This can be only used when bias correction is non-zero.
+export GENDIAG="YES" # Diagnostic files must be created for EnKF
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true." # write out jacobians from eobs
+ # need to specify .true. setting since config.anal sets to .false.
+echo "END: config.eobs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.epos b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.epos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8026a2ba2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.epos
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.epos ##########
+# Ensemble post processing specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.epos"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources epos
+# No. of concurrent epos jobs [1 implies sequential]
+export NEPOSGRP=7
+if [ $l4densvar = ".false." ]; then
+ export NEPOSGRP=3
+# Generate ensemble spread files
+echo "END: config.epos"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.esfc b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.esfc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bb3d48bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.esfc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.esfc ##########
+# Ensemble surface specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.esfc"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources esfc
+# With IAU only need surface analysis at start of IAU window.
+# Set DOSFCANL_ENKF=NO to prevent creation of sfcanl at
+# center of analysis window.
+if [ $DOIAU_ENKF = "YES" ]; then
+echo "END: config.esfc"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.eupd b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.eupd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ac90d2b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.eupd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.eupd ##########
+# Ensemble update specific, dependency config.anal
+echo "BEGIN: config.eupd"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources eupd
+export npe_enkf=$npe_eupd
+# Use NAM_ENKF below for serial EnKF
+##export NAM_ENKF="analpertwtnh=0.9,analpertwtsh=0.9,analpertwttr=0.9"
+# LETKF specific settings with model space localization
+export modelspace_vloc=".true." # model space localization
+export letkf_flag=".true." # use LETKF instead of serial filter
+export getkf=".true." # Gain form of LETKF (needed for model-space localization)
+export denkf=".true." # EnKF approximation (beneficial since less spread removed by analysis)
+export nobsl_max=10000 # max number of obs in each LETKF volume (uses closest nobsl_max). can
+ # be reduced to speed up execution time.
+export analpertwt=0.85 # relaxation to prior spread inflation factor
+export readin_localization_enkf=".false." # Don’t read in localization scales from file (doesn’t make
+ # sense for LETKF if model space localization on and nobsl_max>0)
+export corrlength=1250 # Horizontal localization scale (max horizontal distance to search for nobsl_max local obs)
+export lnsigcutoff=2.75 # ignored if modelspace_vloc=.true.
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true." # use jacobian. must be .true. if modelspace_vloc=".true."
+ # need to specify .true. setting since config.anal sets to .false.
+export NAM_ENKF="smoothparm=35,"
+echo "END: config.eupd"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4c4ee8072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.fcst ##########
+# Forecast specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.fcst"
+# Turn off waves if not used for this CDUMP
+case ${WAVE_CDUMP} in
+ both | "${CDUMP/enkf}" ) ;; # Don't change
+ *) DO_WAVE="NO" ;; # Turn waves off
+# Source model specific information that is resolution dependent
+string="--fv3 ${CASE}"
+[[ "${DO_OCN}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --mom6 ${OCNRES}"
+[[ "${DO_ICE}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --cice6 ${ICERES}"
+[[ "${DO_WAVE}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --ww3 ${waveGRD// /;}"
+[[ "${DO_AERO}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --gocart"
+# We are counting on $string being multiple arguments
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.ufs" ${string}
+# Get task specific resources
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" fcst
+export domains_stack_size="16000000"
+if [[ "${DONST}" == "YES" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.nsst"
+export esmf_profile=".false."
+export FORECASTSH="${HOMEgfs}/scripts/exglobal_forecast.sh"
+#export FORECASTSH="${HOMEgfs}/scripts/exglobal_forecast.py" # Temp. while this is worked on
+export FCSTEXECDIR="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export FCSTEXEC="ufs_model.x"
+# Model configuration
+export TYPE="nh"
+export MONO="non-mono"
+#JKHexport range_warn=".false." ## JKH
+# Use stratosphere h2o physics
+export h2o_phys=".true."
+# Options of stratosphere O3 physics reaction coefficients
+export new_o3forc="YES"
+export gwd_opt=2
+# --GFS.v16 uGWD.v0, used for suite FV3_GFS_v16 and UFS p6 etc
+# do_ugwp=T: use unified CGWD and OGWD, and turbulent orographic form drag (TOFD)
+# do_ugwp=F: use unified CGWD but old OGWD, TOFD is not uded.
+if (( gwd_opt == 1 )); then
+ export knob_ugwp_version=0
+ export do_ugwp=".false."
+ export do_tofd=".false."
+ launch_level=$(echo "${LEVS}/2.35" |bc)
+ export launch_level
+# -- uGWD.v1, for suite FV3_GFS_v17 and FV3_GFS_v17p8b etc
+if (( gwd_opt == 2 )); then
+ #--used for UFS p7 and p8a
+ #export knob_ugwp_version=1
+ #export do_ugwp=".false."
+ #export do_tofd=".false."
+ #export do_ugwp_v0=".false."
+ #export do_ugwp_v1=".true."
+ #export do_ugwp_v0_orog_only=".false."
+ #export do_ugwp_v0_nst_only=".false."
+ #export do_gsl_drag_ls_bl=".true."
+ #export do_gsl_drag_ss=".true."
+ #export do_gsl_drag_tofd=".true."
+ #export do_ugwp_v1_orog_only=".false."
+ #--used for UFS p8
+ export knob_ugwp_version=1
+ export do_ugwp=".false."
+ export do_tofd=".false."
+ export do_ugwp_v0=".false."
+ export do_ugwp_v1=".true."
+ export do_ugwp_v0_orog_only=".false."
+ export do_ugwp_v0_nst_only=".false."
+ export do_gsl_drag_ls_bl=".true."
+ export do_gsl_drag_ss=".true."
+ export do_gsl_drag_tofd=".true."
+ export do_ugwp_v1_orog_only=".false."
+ launch_level=$(echo "${LEVS}/2.35" |bc)
+ export launch_level
+ if [[ ${do_gsl_drag_ls_bl} == ".true." ]]; then
+ export cdmbgwd=${cdmbgwd_gsl}
+ fi
+# Sponge layer settings
+export tau=0.
+export rf_cutoff=10.
+export d2_bg_k1=0.20
+export d2_bg_k2=0.04
+export dz_min=6
+export n_sponge=42
+if (( LEVS == 128 )) && [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]]; then
+ export tau=5.0
+ export rf_cutoff=1.0e3
+ export d2_bg_k1=0.20
+ export d2_bg_k2=0.0
+# PBL/turbulence schemes
+export hybedmf=".false."
+if [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_c3_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_c3_mynn" ]] ; then
+ export satmedmf=".false."
+ export isatmedmf=0
+ export shal_cnv=".false."
+ export do_mynnedmf=".true."
+ export do_mynnsfclay=".false."
+ export icloud_bl=1
+ export bl_mynn_tkeadvect=".true."
+ export bl_mynn_edmf=1
+ export bl_mynn_edmf_mom=1
+ export lcnorm=".true." ## JKH
+ export satmedmf=".true."
+ export isatmedmf=1
+if [[ "${satmedmf}" == ".true." ]]; then tbf="_satmedmf" ; fi
+#Convection schemes
+export progsigma=".true."
+if [[ "${progsigma}" == ".true." ]]; then tbp="_progsigma" ; fi
+# Radiation options
+export IAER=1011 ; #spectral band mapping method for aerosol optical properties
+export iovr_lw=3 ; #de-correlation length cloud overlap method (Barker, 2008)
+export iovr_sw=3 ; #de-correlation length cloud overlap method (Barker, 2008)
+export iovr=3 ; #de-correlation length cloud overlap method (Barker, 2008)
+export icliq_sw=2 ; #cloud optical coeffs from AER's newer version v3.9-v4.0 for hu and stamnes
+export isubc_sw=2
+export isubc_lw=2
+# RRTMGP radiation scheme
+export do_RRTMGP=.false.
+export doGP_cldoptics_LUT=.false.
+export doGP_lwscat=.false.
+# LSM configuration
+# NoahMP only
+export iopt_sfc="3"
+export iopt_trs="2"
+# Convection Options: 2-SASAS, 3-GF
+export progsigma=".true."
+if [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_c3_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_c3_mynn" ]] ; then
+ export imfdeepcnv=5
+ export imfshalcnv=-1 ## JKH - no shallow GF
+elif [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_c3" ]] ; then
+ export imfdeepcnv=5
+ export imfshalcnv=5
+elif [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_c3" ]] ; then
+ export progsigma=.false.
+ export imfdeepcnv=5
+ export imfshalcnv=5
+elif [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_gf" ]] ; then
+ export imfdeepcnv=3
+ export imfshalcnv=3
+ export imfdeepcnv=2
+ if [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn" ]] ; then
+ export imfshalcnv=-1
+ else
+ export imfshalcnv=2
+ fi
+#Convection schemes ### JKH - affects field table name
+if [ "$progsigma" = ".true." ]; then tbp="_progsigma" ; fi
+# Microphysics configuration
+export dnats=0
+export cal_pre=".true."
+export do_sat_adj=".false."
+export random_clds=".true."
+case ${imp_physics} in
+ 99) # ZhaoCarr
+ export ncld=1
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_zhaocarr${tbf}${tbp}"
+ export nwat=2
+ ;;
+ 6) # WSM6
+ export ncld=2
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_wsm6${tbf}${tbp}"
+ export nwat=6
+ ;;
+ 8) # Thompson
+ export ncld=2
+ export nwat=6
+ export cal_pre=".false."
+ export random_clds=".false."
+ export effr_in=".true."
+ export lradar=".true."
+ export ttendlim="-999"
+ export sedi_semi=.true.
+ export decfl=10
+ if [[ "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_mynn" || "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_c3_mynn" || "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn" || "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_c3_mynn" ||
+ "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_thompson" ]] ; then
+ #JKH keep dt_inner $DELTIM/2 (75) if running aerosol-aware Thompson
+ export dt_inner=$((DELTIM/2))
+ export ltaerosol=".true."
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_thompson_aero_tke${tbp}"
+ else
+ export dt_inner=$((DELTIM/2))
+ if [[ "${sedi_semi}" == .true. ]]; then export dt_inner=${DELTIM} ; fi
+ export ltaerosol=".false."
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_thompson_noaero_tke${tbp}"
+ fi
+ export hord_mt_nh_nonmono=5
+ export hord_xx_nh_nonmono=5
+ export vtdm4_nh_nonmono=0.02
+ export nord=2
+ export dddmp=0.1
+ export d4_bg=0.12
+ ;;
+ 11) # GFDL
+ export ncld=5
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_gfdl${tbf}${tbp}"
+ export nwat=6
+ export dnats=1
+ export cal_pre=".false."
+ export do_sat_adj=".true."
+ export random_clds=".false."
+ export lgfdlmprad=".true."
+ export effr_in=".true."
+ export reiflag=2
+ export hord_mt_nh_nonmono=5
+ export hord_xx_nh_nonmono=5
+ export vtdm4_nh_nonmono=0.02
+ export nord=2
+ export d4_bg=0.12
+ export dddmp=0.1
+ ;;
+ *) echo "Unknown microphysics option, ABORT!" ;;
+# Stochastic physics
+export DO_SPPT=${DO_SPPT:-"NO"}
+export DO_SKEB=${DO_SKEB:-"NO"}
+export DO_SHUM=${DO_SHUM:-"NO"}
+export DO_CA=${DO_CA:-"YES"}
+#coupling settings
+export cplmode="ufs.frac"
+if [[ "${FRAC_GRID:-".true."}" == ".false." ]]; then
+ export cplmode="ufs.nfrac"
+export psm_bc="1"
+export min_lakeice="0.15"
+export min_seaice=${min_seaice:-"0.15"}
+export use_cice_alb=${use_cice_alb:-".false."}
+export FSICL="0"
+export FSICS="0"
+# ideflate: netcdf zlib lossless compression (0-9): 0 no compression
+# nbits: netcdf lossy compression level (0-32): 0 lossless
+export ideflate=1
+export nbits=14
+export ishuffle=0
+# compression for RESTART files written by FMS
+export shuffle=1
+export deflate_level=1
+# Disable the use of coupler.res; get model start time from model_configure
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then # GDAS cycle specific parameters
+ # Variables used in DA cycling
+ export DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table_da"
+ if [[ "${DOIAU}" == "YES" ]]; then
+ export restart_interval="3"
+ else
+ export restart_interval="6"
+ fi
+ # Turn on dry mass adjustment in GDAS
+ export adjust_dry_mass=".true."
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then # GFS cycle specific parameters
+ # Write more variables to output
+ export DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table"
+ # Write gfs restart files to rerun fcst from any break point
+ export restart_interval=${restart_interval_gfs:-12}
+ # Turn off dry mass adjustment in GFS
+ export adjust_dry_mass=".false."
+ # Write each restart file in 16 small files to save time
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = C768 ]]; then
+ export io_layout="4,4"
+ else
+ export io_layout="1,1"
+ fi
+# Remember config.efcs will over-ride these values for ensemble forecasts
+# if these variables are re-defined there.
+# Otherwise, the ensemble forecast will inherit from config.fcst
+echo "END: config.fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.fit2obs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.fit2obs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46baaa9e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.fit2obs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.fit2obs ##########
+# Fit to Observations
+echo "BEGIN: config.fit2obs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" fit2obs
+export PRVT=${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi/prepobs_errtable.global
+export HYBLEVS=${HOMEgfs}/fix/am/global_hyblev.l${LEVS}.txt
+export VBACKUP_FITS=24
+export OUTPUT_FILETYPE="netcdf"
+export CONVNETC="YES"
+export ACPROFit="YES"
+if [[ ${netcdf_diag:-".false."} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export CONVNETC="YES"
+echo "END: config.fit2obs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.gempak b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.gempak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..791770ba4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.gempak
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.gempak ##########
+# GFS gempak step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.gempak"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources gempak
+echo "END: config.gempak"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.genesis b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.genesis
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62a1bf88c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.genesis
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.genesis ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.genesis"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" genesis
+# Get tropcy settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.tropcy"
+echo "END: config.genesis"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.genesis_fsu b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.genesis_fsu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13948592c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.genesis_fsu
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.genesis_fsu ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.genesis_fsu"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" genesis_fsu
+# Get tropcy settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.tropcy"
+echo "END: config.genesis_fsu"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.getic b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.getic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d51e2d3900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.getic
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.getic ##########
+# Fetching GFS initial conditions specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.getic"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources getic
+export RETRO="NO" # YES = Pull v16 inputs from retrospective parallels; NO = use operational inputs
+export gfs_ver="v16" # Default = v16
+export OPS_RES=${OPS_RES:-"C768"} # Operational resolution
+export UFS_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/ufs_utils.fd
+export GDAS_INIT_DIR=${UFS_DIR}/util/gdas_init
+export PRODHPSSDIR=/NCEPPROD/hpssprod/runhistory
+export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_v16.data.sh
+if [ ${RETRO:-"NO"} = "YES" ]; then # Retrospective parallel input
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_v16retro.data.sh
+ if [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019060106" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16retro0e
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019090100" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16retro1e
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019101706" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16retro2e
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2020122200" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16rt2
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -le "2021032506" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16rt2n
+ else
+ set +x
+ exit 3
+ fi
+elif [ ${RETRO:-"NO"} = "NO" ]; then # Operational input
+ # No ENKF data prior to 2012/05/21/00z
+ if [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2012052100" ]]; then
+ set +x
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2016051000" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v12
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_pre-v14.data.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2017072000" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v13
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_pre-v14.data.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019061200" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v14
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_${gfs_ver}.data.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2021032100" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v15
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_${gfs_ver}.data.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2021032106" ]]; then
+ # The way the v16 switch over was done, there is no complete
+ # set of v16 or v15 data for 2021032100. And although
+ # v16 was officially implemented 2021032212, the v16 prod
+ # tarballs were archived starting 2021032106.
+ set +x
+ echo FATAL ERROR: NO V15 OR V16 DATA FOR 2021032100
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "END: config.getic"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ice b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..205458020f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+echo "BEGIN: config.ice"
+# Override atm-only FV3 settings when ice model is on
+export min_seaice="1.0e-6"
+export use_cice_alb=".true."
+echo "END: config.ice"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.init b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fccbc719db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.init
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.init ##########
+# Prepare initial conditions
+echo "BEGIN: config.init"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources init
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.getic
+export UFS_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/ufs_utils.fd
+export GDAS_INIT_DIR=${UFS_DIR}/util/gdas_init
+export EXEC_DIR=${UFS_DIR}/exec
+export CRES_ENKF=""
+export FRAC_ORO="yes"
+export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_v16.chgres.sh
+if [ "${RETRO:-"NO"}" = "YES" ] || [ "$CDUMP" = "gdas" ]; then
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_v16retro.chgres.sh
+if [ ${RETRO:-"NO"} = "NO" ]; then # Operational input
+ # No ENKF data prior to 2012/05/21/00z
+ if [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2012052100" ]]; then
+ set +x
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2016051000" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v12
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_pre-v14.chgres.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2017072000" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v13
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_pre-v14.chgres.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019061200" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v14
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_${gfs_ver}.chgres.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2021032100" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v15
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_${gfs_ver}.chgres.gfs.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2021032106" ]]; then
+ # The way the v16 switch over was done, there is no complete
+ # set of v16 or v15 data for 2021032100. And although
+ # v16 was officially implemented 2021032212, the v16 prod
+ # tarballs were archived starting 2021032106.
+ set +x
+ echo FATAL ERROR: NO V15 OR V16 DATA FOR 2021032100
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "END: config.init"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.landanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.landanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d49f10d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.landanl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.landanl ##########
+# configuration common to land analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.landanl"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" landanl
+if [[ "${cyc}" = "18" ]]; then
+ obs_list_name=gdas_land_prototype.yaml
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/obs/config/
+export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/obs/lists/${obs_list_name}
+# Name of the JEDI executable and its yaml template
+export JEDIEXE="${HOMEgfs}/exec/fv3jedi_letkf.x"
+export JEDIYAML="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/letkfoi/letkfoi.yaml"
+# Ensemble member properties
+export SNOWDEPTHVAR="snodl"
+export BESTDDEV="30." # Background Error Std. Dev. for LETKFOI
+# Name of the executable that applies increment to bkg and its namelist template
+export APPLY_INCR_EXE="${HOMEgfs}/exec/apply_incr.exe"
+export APPLY_INCR_NML_TMPL="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/letkfoi/apply_incr_nml.j2"
+export io_layout_x=1
+export io_layout_y=1
+echo "END: config.landanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.metp b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.metp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c90903f6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.metp
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.metp ##########
+# METplus verification step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.metp"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" metp
+export RUN_GRID2GRID_STEP1="YES" # Run grid-to-grid verification using METplus
+export RUN_GRID2OBS_STEP1="YES" # Run grid-to-obs verification using METplus
+export RUN_PRECIP_STEP1="YES" # Run precip verification using METplus
+# METplus: Verify grid-to-grid, grid-to-obs, precipitation options
+export HOMEverif_global=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/verif-global.fd
+export VERIF_GLOBALSH=${HOMEverif_global}/ush/run_verif_global_in_global_workflow.sh
+export model=${PSLOT}
+export model_file_format="pgbf{lead?fmt=%2H}.${CDUMP}.{init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export model_hpss_dir=${ATARDIR}/..
+export get_data_from_hpss="NO"
+export hpss_walltime="10"
+export model_stat_dir=${ARCDIR}/..
+export make_met_data_by="VALID"
+export VRFYBACK_HRS="0"
+export METplus_verbosity="INFO"
+export MET_verbosity="2"
+export log_MET_output_to_METplus="yes"
+# GRID-TO-GRID STEP 1: gfsmetpg2g1
+export g2g1_type_list="anom pres sfc"
+export g2g1_anom_truth_name="self_anl"
+export g2g1_anom_truth_file_format="pgbanl.${CDUMP}.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export g2g1_anom_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2g1_anom_fhr_max=${FHMAX_GFS}
+export g2g1_anom_grid="G002"
+export g2g1_anom_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2g1_pres_truth_name="self_anl"
+export g2g1_pres_truth_file_format="pgbanl.${CDUMP}.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export g2g1_pres_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2g1_pres_fhr_max=${FHMAX_GFS}
+export g2g1_pres_grid="G002"
+export g2g1_pres_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2g1_sfc_truth_name="self_f00"
+export g2g1_sfc_truth_file_format="pgbf00.${CDUMP}.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export g2g1_sfc_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2g1_sfc_fhr_max=${FHMAX_GFS}
+export g2g1_sfc_grid="G002"
+export g2g1_sfc_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2g1_mv_database_name="mv_${PSLOT}_grid2grid_metplus"
+export g2g1_mv_database_group="NOAA NCEP"
+export g2g1_mv_database_desc="Grid-to-grid METplus data for global workflow experiment ${PSLOT}"
+# GRID-TO-OBS STEP 1: gfsmetpg2o1
+export g2o1_type_list="upper_air conus_sfc"
+export g2o1_upper_air_msg_type_list="ADPUPA"
+export g2o1_upper_air_vhr_list="00 06 12 18"
+export g2o1_upper_air_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2o1_upper_air_fhr_max="240"
+export g2o1_upper_air_grid="G003"
+export g2o1_upper_air_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_msg_type_list="ONLYSF ADPUPA"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_vhr_list="00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_fhr_max="240"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_grid="G104"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_msg_type_list="IABP"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_vhr_list="00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_fhr_max="240"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_grid="G219"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2o1_prepbufr_data_run_hpss="NO"
+export g2o1_mv_database_name="mv_${PSLOT}_grid2obs_metplus"
+export g2o1_mv_database_group="NOAA NCEP"
+export g2o1_mv_database_desc="Grid-to-obs METplus data for global workflow experiment ${PSLOT}"
+# PRECIP STEP 1: gfsmetppcp1
+export precip1_type_list="ccpa_accum24hr"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_model_bucket="06"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_model_var="APCP"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_model_file_format="pgbf{lead?fmt=%2H}.${CDUMP}.{init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_fhr_max="180"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_grid="G211"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_gather_by="VSDB"
+export precip1_obs_data_run_hpss="NO"
+export precip1_mv_database_name="mv_${PSLOT}_precip_metplus"
+export precip1_mv_database_group="NOAA NCEP"
+export precip1_mv_database_desc="Precip METplus data for global workflow experiment ${PSLOT}"
+echo "END: config.metp"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a74c7e7d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos"
+# MOS package location
+export HOMEgfs_mos=/lfs/h1/ops/prod/packages/gfs_mos.v${mos_ver}
+echo "END: config.mos"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db94af945f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_grd_fcst ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_grd_fcst"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_grd_fcst
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_grd_fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ade31b0c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_grd_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ba14e2573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_grd_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_grd_prep ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_grd_prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_grd_prep
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_grd_prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b26d196f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_stn_fcst ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_stn_fcst"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_stn_fcst
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_stn_fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f63eb56fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_stn_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c443503f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_ext_stn_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_stn_prep ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_stn_prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_stn_prep
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_stn_prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd0d50a04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_grd_fcst ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_grd_fcst"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_grd_fcst
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_grd_fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd9ce8bcd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_grd_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_grd_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_grd_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_grd_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a3d334d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_grd_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_grd_prep ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_grd_prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_grd_prep
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_grd_prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cb266ea3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_stn_fcst ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_stn_fcst"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_stn_fcst
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_stn_fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f92edbd0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_stn_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_stn_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_stn_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_stn_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b236f42879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_stn_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_stn_prep ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_stn_prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_stn_prep
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_stn_prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..054cb950ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_wx_ext_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_wx_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_wx_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4481b65fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.mos_wx_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_wx_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_wx_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_wx_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_wx_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.npoess b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.npoess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a388d2e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.npoess
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.npoess ##########
+# GFS NPOESS step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.npoess"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" npoess
+echo "END: config.npoess"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.nsst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.nsst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db4367b2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.nsst
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.nsst ##########
+# NSST specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.nsst"
+# NSST parameters contained within nstf_name
+# nstf_name(1) : NST_MODEL (NSST Model) : 0 = OFF, 1 = ON but uncoupled, 2 = ON and coupled
+export NST_MODEL=2
+# nstf_name(2) : NST_SPINUP : 0 = OFF, 1 = ON,
+export NST_SPINUP=0
+if (( cdate < 2017072000 )); then
+ export NST_SPINUP=1
+# nstf_name(3) : NST_RESV (Reserved, NSST Analysis) : 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
+export NST_RESV=0
+# nstf_name(4,5) : ZSEA1, ZSEA2 the two depths to apply vertical average (bias correction)
+export ZSEA1=0
+export ZSEA2=0
+export NST_GSI=3 # default 0: No NST info at all;
+ # 1: Input NST info but not used in GSI;
+ # 2: Input NST info, used in CRTM simulation, no Tr analysis
+ # 3: Input NST info, used in both CRTM simulation and Tr analysis
+export NSTINFO=0 # number of elements added in obs. data array (default = 0)
+if (( NST_GSI > 0 )); then export NSTINFO=4; fi
+echo "END: config.nsst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocn b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37f6a966aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocn
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocn"
+# MOM_input template to use
+export MOM_INPUT="MOM_input_template_${OCNRES}"
+export DO_OCN_SPPT="NO" # In MOM_input, this variable is determines OCN_SPPT (OCN_SPPT = True|False)
+export DO_OCN_PERT_EPBL="NO" # In MOM_input, this variable determines PERT_EPBL (PERT_EPBL = True|False)
+# Templated variables in MOM_input_template
+export MOM6_USE_LI2016="True" # set to False for restart reproducibility
+export MOM6_THERMO_SPAN="False"
+if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR}" == "YES" ]]; then
+ export ODA_INCUPD="True"
+ export ODA_INCUPD="False"
+export ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS="3.0" # In MOM_input, this is time interval for applying increment
+echo "END: config.ocn"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04c45466da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanal
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+########## config.ocnanal ##########
+# configuration common to all ocean analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanal"
+export OBS_YAML_DIR="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/soca/obs/config"
+export OBS_LIST=/scratch1/BMC/gsd-fv3/rtruns/UFS-CAMsuite_13jan24/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/soca/obs/obs_list.yaml
+export OBS_YAML="${OBS_LIST}"
+export FV3JEDI_STAGE_YAML="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/test/soca/testinput/dumy.yaml"
+export SOCA_INPUT_FIX_DIR=/scratch2/NCEPDEV/ocean/Guillaume.Vernieres/data/static/72x35x25/soca
+export SOCA_VARS=tocn,socn,ssh
+export SOCA_NINNER=100
+export CASE_ANL=C48
+export DOMAIN_STACK_SIZE=116640000 #TODO: Make the stack size resolution dependent
+export JEDI_BIN=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/build/bin
+# R2D2
+export R2D2_OBS_DB=shared
+export R2D2_OBS_DUMP=s2s_v1
+export R2D2_OBS_SRC=gdas_marine
+export R2D2_OBS_WINDOW=24 # TODO: Check if the R2D2 sampling DB window is still needed
+export COMIN_OBS=/scratch2/NCEPDEV/marineda/r2d2-v2-v3
+export NICAS_RESOL=1
+export NICAS_GRID_SIZE=15000
+echo "END: config.ocnanal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalbmat b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalbmat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..024da5f51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalbmat
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+########## config.ocnanalbmat ##########
+# Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalbmat"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalbmat
+echo "END: config.ocnanalbmat"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalchkpt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalchkpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c059fdba42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalchkpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+########## config.ocnanalchkpt ##########
+# Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalchkpt"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalchkpt
+echo "END: config.ocnanalchkpt"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalpost b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalpost
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc4d945865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalpost
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+########## config.ocnanalpost ##########
+# Post Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalpost"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalpost
+echo "END: config.ocnanalpost"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalprep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalprep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..225eb089c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalprep
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+########## config.ocnanalprep ##########
+# Pre Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalprep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalprep
+echo "END: config.ocnanalprep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalrun b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalrun
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5345b6c684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalrun
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+########## config.ocnanalrun ##########
+# Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalrun"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalrun
+echo "END: config.ocnanalrun"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalvrfy b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalvrfy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eda451853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnanalvrfy
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+########## config.ocnanalvrfy ##########
+# Pre Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalvrfy"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalvrfy
+echo "END: config.ocnanalvrfy"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnpost b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnpost
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..851c476e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ocnpost
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ocnpost ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnpost"
+# Get task specific resources
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnpost
+# Convert netcdf files to grib files using post job
+case "${OCNRES}" in
+ "025") export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="YES";;
+ "050") export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO";;
+ "100") export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO";;
+ "500") export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO";;
+ *) export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO";;
+if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]] || [[ "${machine}" = "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ #Currently the conversion to netcdf uses NCL which is not on WCOSS2 or HERCULES
+ #This should be removed when this is updated
+ export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO"
+# No. of forecast hours to process in a single job
+echo "END: config.ocnpost"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.postsnd b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.postsnd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53d66bf4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.postsnd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.postsnd ##########
+# GFS bufr sounding step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.postsnd"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources postsnd
+export ENDHOUR=180
+if [[ "$FHMAX_GFS" -lt "$ENDHOUR" ]] ; then export ENDHOUR=$FHMAX_GFS ; fi
+echo "END: config.postsnd"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5ac1925f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prep
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.prep ##########
+# Prep step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources prep
+export MAKE_PREPBUFR="YES" # if NO, will copy prepbufr from globaldump
+export cdate10=${PDY}${cyc}
+# Relocation and syndata QC
+export TROPCYQCRELOSH="$HOMEgfs/scripts/exglobal_atmos_tropcy_qc_reloc.sh"
+export COMINtcvital=${COMINtcvital:-${DMPDIR}/${CDUMP}.${PDY}/${cyc}/atmos}
+export COMINsyn=${COMINsyn:-$(compath.py ${envir}/com/gfs/${gfs_ver})/syndat}
+export HOMERELO=$HOMEgfs
+export EXECRELO=${HOMERELO}/exec
+export FIXRELO=${HOMERELO}/fix/am
+export USHRELO=${HOMERELO}/ush
+# Adjust observation error for GFS v16 parallels
+# NOTE: Remember to set OBERROR in config.anal as PRVT is set below
+# Set default prepobs_errtable.global
+export PRVT=$FIXgsi/prepobs_errtable.global
+# Set prepobs.errtable.global for GFS v16 retrospective parallels
+if [[ $RUN_ENVIR == "emc" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019021900" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2019110706" ]]; then
+ export PRVT=$FIXgsi/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2019021900
+ fi
+# Place GOES-15 AMVs in monitor, assimilate GOES-17 AMVs, assimilate KOMPSAT-5 gps
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019110706" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020040718" ]]; then
+ export PRVT=$FIXgsi/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2019110706
+ fi
+# NOTE:
+# As of 2020040718, gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2020040718 is
+# identical to ../prepobs_errtable.global. Thus, the logic below is not
+# needed at this time
+# Set observation errors for type 135 (T) & 235 (uv) Canadian AMDAR observations
+# if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020040718" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "YYYMMDDHH" ]]; then
+# export PRVT=$EXPDIR/prepobs_errtable.global
+# fi
+# NSST bufr was created with a different set of files prior to 2020102200
+# See comments at the end of
+# https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/global-workflow/issues/313
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020102200" ]]; then
+ export DTYPS_nsst='sfcshp tesac bathy trkob'
+ export DTYPS_nsst='sfcshp dbuoyb mbuoyb tesac bathy trkob'
+echo "END: config.prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prepatmiodaobs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prepatmiodaobs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed9b246120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prepatmiodaobs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.prepatmiodaobs ##########
+# Atm Obs Prep specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.prepatmiodaobs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" prepatmiodaobs
+export BUFR2IODASH="${HOMEgfs}/ush/run_bufr2ioda.py"
+export IODAPARM="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/ioda/bufr2ioda"
+echo "END: config.prepatmiodaobs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.preplandobs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.preplandobs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20ae20b5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.preplandobs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.preplandobs ##########
+# Land Obs Prep specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.preplandobs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" preplandobs
+export GTS_OBS_LIST="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/prep/prep_gts.yaml"
+export BUFR2IODAX="${HOMEgfs}/exec/bufr2ioda.x"
+export FIMS_NML_TMPL="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/prep/fims.nml.j2"
+export IMS_OBS_LIST="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/prep/prep_ims.yaml"
+export CALCFIMSEXE="${HOMEgfs}/exec/calcfIMS.exe"
+export IMS2IODACONV="${HOMEgfs}/ush/imsfv3_scf2ioda.py"
+echo "END: config.preplandobs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prepoceanobs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prepoceanobs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..068ecff1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.prepoceanobs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+########## config.prepoceanobs ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.prepoceanobs"
+export OCNOBS2IODAEXEC=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/build/bin/gdas_obsprovider2ioda.x
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/soca/obs/config
+[[ -n "${OBS_LIST}" ]] || export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/soca/obs/obs_list.yaml
+export OBS_YAML=${OBS_LIST}
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" prepoceanobs
+echo "END: config.prepoceanobs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.resources b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.resources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c179c33df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.resources
@@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.resources ##########
+# Set resource information for job tasks
+# e.g. walltime, node, cores per node, memory etc.
+if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
+ echo "Must specify an input task argument to set resource variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "stage_ic aerosol_init"
+ echo "prep preplandobs prepatmiodaobs"
+ echo "atmanlinit atmanlrun atmanlfinal"
+ echo "atmensanlinit atmensanlrun atmensanlfinal"
+ echo "landanl"
+ echo "aeroanlinit aeroanlrun aeroanlfinal"
+ echo "anal sfcanl analcalc analdiag fcst echgres"
+ echo "upp atmos_products"
+ echo "tracker genesis genesis_fsu"
+ echo "verfozn verfrad vminmon fit2obs metp arch cleanup"
+ echo "eobs ediag eomg eupd ecen esfc efcs epos earc"
+ echo "init_chem mom6ic ocnpost"
+ echo "waveinit waveprep wavepostsbs wavepostbndpnt wavepostbndpntbll wavepostpnt"
+ echo "wavegempak waveawipsbulls waveawipsgridded"
+ echo "postsnd awips gempak npoess"
+ echo "ocnanalprep prepoceanobs ocnanalbmat ocnanalrun ocnanalchkpt ocnanalpost ocnanalvrfy"
+ exit 1
+echo "BEGIN: config.resources"
+if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=128
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "JET" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${PARTITION_POST_BATCH}" = "sjet" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=16
+ elif [[ "${PARTITION_BATCH}" = "xjet" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=24
+ elif [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "vjet" || ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "sjet" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=16
+ elif [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "kjet" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=40
+ fi
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "HERA" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=40
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "S4" ]]; then
+ if [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "s4" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=32
+ elif [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "ivy" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=20
+ fi
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "AWSPW" ]]; then
+ export PARTITION_BATCH="compute"
+ export npe_node_max=40
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "ORION" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=40
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=80
+if [[ "${step}" = "prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_prep='00:30:00'
+ export npe_prep=4
+ export npe_node_prep=2
+ export nth_prep=1
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ else
+ export memory_prep="40G"
+ fi
+elif [[ "${step}" = "preplandobs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_preplandobs="00:05:00"
+ npe_preplandobs=1
+ export npe_preplandobs
+ export nth_preplandobs=1
+ npe_node_preplandobs=1
+ export npe_node_preplandobs
+elif [[ "${step}" = "prepatmiodaobs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_prepatmiodaobs="00:10:00"
+ export npe_prepatmiodaobs=1
+ export nth_prepatmiodaobs=1
+ npe_node_prepatmiodaobs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_prepatmiodaobs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_prepatmiodaobs
+elif [[ "${step}" = "aerosol_init" ]]; then
+ export wtime_aerosol_init="00:05:00"
+ export npe_aerosol_init=1
+ export nth_aerosol_init=1
+ npe_node_aerosol_init=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_aerosol_init}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_aerosol_init
+ export NTASKS=${npe_aerosol_init}
+ export memory_aerosol_init="6G"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "waveinit" ]]; then
+ export wtime_waveinit="00:10:00"
+ export npe_waveinit=12
+ export nth_waveinit=1
+ npe_node_waveinit=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveinit}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveinit
+ export NTASKS=${npe_waveinit}
+ export memory_waveinit="2GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "waveprep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_waveprep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_waveprep=5
+ export npe_waveprep_gfs=65
+ export nth_waveprep=1
+ export nth_waveprep_gfs=1
+ npe_node_waveprep=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveprep}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveprep
+ npe_node_waveprep_gfs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveprep_gfs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveprep_gfs
+ export NTASKS=${npe_waveprep}
+ export NTASKS_gfs=${npe_waveprep_gfs}
+ export memory_waveprep="100GB"
+ export memory_waveprep_gfs="150GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavepostsbs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavepostsbs="00:20:00"
+ export wtime_wavepostsbs_gfs="03:00:00"
+ export npe_wavepostsbs=8
+ export nth_wavepostsbs=1
+ npe_node_wavepostsbs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavepostsbs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavepostsbs
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavepostsbs}
+ export memory_wavepostsbs="10GB"
+ export memory_wavepostsbs_gfs="10GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavepostbndpnt" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavepostbndpnt="01:00:00"
+ export npe_wavepostbndpnt=240
+ export nth_wavepostbndpnt=1
+ npe_node_wavepostbndpnt=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavepostbndpnt}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavepostbndpnt
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavepostbndpnt}
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavepostbndpntbll" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavepostbndpntbll="01:00:00"
+ export npe_wavepostbndpntbll=448
+ export nth_wavepostbndpntbll=1
+ npe_node_wavepostbndpntbll=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavepostbndpntbll}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavepostbndpntbll
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavepostbndpntbll}
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavepostpnt" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavepostpnt="04:00:00"
+ export npe_wavepostpnt=200
+ export nth_wavepostpnt=1
+ npe_node_wavepostpnt=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavepostpnt}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavepostpnt
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavepostpnt}
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavegempak" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavegempak="02:00:00"
+ export npe_wavegempak=1
+ export nth_wavegempak=1
+ npe_node_wavegempak=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavegempak}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavegempak
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavegempak}
+ export memory_wavegempak="1GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "waveawipsbulls" ]]; then
+ export wtime_waveawipsbulls="00:20:00"
+ export npe_waveawipsbulls=1
+ export nth_waveawipsbulls=1
+ npe_node_waveawipsbulls=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveawipsbulls}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveawipsbulls
+ export NTASKS=${npe_waveawipsbulls}
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "waveawipsgridded" ]]; then
+ export wtime_waveawipsgridded="02:00:00"
+ export npe_waveawipsgridded=1
+ export nth_waveawipsgridded=1
+ npe_node_waveawipsgridded=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveawipsgridded}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveawipsgridded
+ export NTASKS=${npe_waveawipsgridded}
+ export memory_waveawipsgridded_gfs="1GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmanlinit" ]]; then
+ # make below case dependent later
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ layout_gsib_x=$(echo "${layout_x} * 3" | bc)
+ export layout_gsib_x
+ layout_gsib_y=$(echo "${layout_y} * 2" | bc)
+ export layout_gsib_y
+ export wtime_atmanlinit="00:10:00"
+ export npe_atmanlinit=1
+ export nth_atmanlinit=1
+ npe_node_atmanlinit=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmanlinit}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmanlinit
+ export memory_atmanlinit="3072M"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmanlrun" ]]; then
+ # make below case dependent later
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export wtime_atmanlrun="00:30:00"
+ npe_atmanlrun=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_atmanlrun
+ npe_atmanlrun_gfs=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_atmanlrun_gfs
+ export nth_atmanlrun=1
+ export nth_atmanlrun_gfs=${nth_atmanlrun}
+ npe_node_atmanlrun=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmanlrun}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmanlrun
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmanlfinal" ]]; then
+ export wtime_atmanlfinal="00:30:00"
+ export npe_atmanlfinal=${npe_node_max}
+ export nth_atmanlfinal=1
+ npe_node_atmanlfinal=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmanlfinal}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmanlfinal
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "landanl" ]]; then
+ # below lines are for creating JEDI YAML
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C768)
+ layout_x=6
+ layout_y=6
+ ;;
+ C384)
+ layout_x=5
+ layout_y=5
+ ;;
+ C192 | C96 | C48)
+ layout_x=1
+ layout_y=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution not supported for land analysis'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export layout_x
+ export layout_y
+ export wtime_landanl="00:15:00"
+ npe_landanl=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_landanl
+ export nth_landanl=1
+ npe_node_landanl=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_landanl}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_landanl
+elif [[ "${step}" = "aeroanlinit" ]]; then
+ # below lines are for creating JEDI YAML
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C768)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C384)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C192 | C96)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C48 )
+ # this case is for testing only
+ layout_x=1
+ layout_y=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution not supported for aerosol analysis'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export layout_x
+ export layout_y
+ export wtime_aeroanlinit="00:10:00"
+ export npe_aeroanlinit=1
+ export nth_aeroanlinit=1
+ npe_node_aeroanlinit=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_aeroanlinit}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_aeroanlinit
+ export memory_aeroanlinit="3072M"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "aeroanlrun" ]]; then
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C768)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C384)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C192 | C96)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C48 )
+ # this case is for testing only
+ layout_x=1
+ layout_y=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution ${CASE} is not supported, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export layout_x
+ export layout_y
+ export wtime_aeroanlrun="00:30:00"
+ npe_aeroanlrun=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_aeroanlrun
+ npe_aeroanlrun_gfs=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_aeroanlrun_gfs
+ export nth_aeroanlrun=1
+ export nth_aeroanlrun_gfs=1
+ npe_node_aeroanlrun=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_aeroanlrun}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_aeroanlrun
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "aeroanlfinal" ]]; then
+ export wtime_aeroanlfinal="00:10:00"
+ export npe_aeroanlfinal=1
+ export nth_aeroanlfinal=1
+ npe_node_aeroanlfinal=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_aeroanlfinal}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_aeroanlfinal
+ export memory_aeroanlfinal="3072M"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalprep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnanalprep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalprep=1
+ export nth_ocnanalprep=1
+ npe_node_ocnanalprep=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalprep}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalprep
+ export memory_ocnanalprep="24GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "prepoceanobs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_prepoceanobs="00:10:00"
+ export npe_prepoceanobs=1
+ export nth_prepoceanobs=1
+ npe_node_prepoceanobs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_prepoceanobs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_prepoceanobs
+ export memory_prepoceanobs="24GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalbmat" ]]; then
+ npes=16
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C384)
+ npes=480
+ ;;
+ C96)
+ npes=16
+ ;;
+ C48)
+ npes=16
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL: Resolution not supported'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export wtime_ocnanalbmat="00:30:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalbmat=${npes}
+ export nth_ocnanalbmat=1
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ npe_node_ocnanalbmat=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalbmat}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalbmat
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalrun" ]]; then
+ npes=16
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C384)
+ npes=480
+ memory_ocnanalrun="128GB"
+ ;;
+ C96)
+ npes=16
+ ;;
+ C48)
+ npes=16
+ memory_ocnanalrun="64GB"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL: Resolution not supported'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export wtime_ocnanalrun="00:15:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalrun=${npes}
+ export nth_ocnanalrun=2
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ npe_node_ocnanalrun=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalrun}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalrun
+ export memory_ocnanalrun
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalchkpt" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnanalchkpt="00:10:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalchkpt=1
+ export nth_ocnanalchkpt=1
+ npe_node_ocnanalchkpt=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalchkpt}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalchkpt
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C384)
+ export memory_ocnanalchkpt="128GB"
+ ;;
+ C96)
+ export memory_ocnanalchkpt="32GB"
+ ;;
+ C48)
+ export memory_ocnanalchkpt="32GB"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL: Resolution not supported'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalpost" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnanalpost="00:30:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalpost=${npe_node_max}
+ export nth_ocnanalpost=1
+ npe_node_ocnanalpost=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalpost}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalpost
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalvrfy" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnanalvrfy="00:35:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalvrfy=1
+ export nth_ocnanalvrfy=1
+ npe_node_ocnanalvrfy=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalvrfy}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalvrfy
+ export memory_ocnanalvrfy="24GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "anal" ]]; then
+ export wtime_anal="00:50:00"
+ export wtime_anal_gfs="00:40:00"
+ export npe_anal=780
+ export nth_anal=5
+ export npe_anal_gfs=825
+ export nth_anal_gfs=5
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export nth_anal=8
+ export nth_anal_gfs=8
+ fi
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C384" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=160
+ export npe_anal_gfs=160
+ export nth_anal=10
+ export nth_anal_gfs=10
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "S4" ]]; then
+ #On the S4-s4 partition, this is accomplished by increasing the task
+ #count to a multiple of 32
+ if [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "s4" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=416
+ export npe_anal_gfs=416
+ fi
+ #S4 is small, so run this task with just 1 thread
+ export nth_anal=1
+ export nth_anal_gfs=1
+ export wtime_anal="02:00:00"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C192" || "${CASE}" = "C96" || "${CASE}" = "C48" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=84
+ export npe_anal_gfs=84
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "S4" ]]; then
+ export nth_anal=4
+ export nth_anal_gfs=4
+ #Adjust job count for S4
+ if [[ "${PARTITION_BATCH}" = "s4" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=88
+ export npe_anal_gfs=88
+ elif [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "ivy" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=90
+ export npe_anal_gfs=90
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ npe_node_anal=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_anal}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_anal
+ export nth_cycle=${nth_anal}
+ npe_node_cycle=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_cycle}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_cycle
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "analcalc" ]]; then
+ export wtime_analcalc="00:10:00"
+ export npe_analcalc=127
+ export ntasks="${npe_analcalc}"
+ export nth_analcalc=1
+ export nth_echgres=4
+ export nth_echgres_gfs=12
+ npe_node_analcalc=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_analcalc}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_analcalc
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ export memory_analcalc="48GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "analdiag" ]]; then
+ export wtime_analdiag="00:15:00"
+ export npe_analdiag=96 # Should be at least twice npe_ediag
+ export nth_analdiag=1
+ npe_node_analdiag=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_analdiag}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_analdiag
+ export memory_analdiag="48GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "sfcanl" ]]; then
+ export wtime_sfcanl="00:10:00"
+ export npe_sfcanl=6
+ export nth_sfcanl=1
+ npe_node_sfcanl=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_sfcanl}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_sfcanl
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "fcst" || "${step}" = "efcs" ]]; then
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ if [[ "${step}" = "fcst" ]]; then
+ _CDUMP_LIST=${CDUMP:-"gdas gfs"}
+ elif [[ "${step}" = "efcs" ]]; then
+ _CDUMP_LIST=${CDUMP:-"enkfgdas enkfgfs"}
+ fi
+ # During workflow creation, we need resources for all CDUMPs and CDUMP is undefined
+ for _CDUMP in ${_CDUMP_LIST}; do
+ if [[ "${_CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]]; then
+ export layout_x=${layout_x_gfs}
+ export layout_y=${layout_y_gfs}
+ ntasks_fv3=${ntasks_fv3_gfs}
+ ntasks_quilt=${ntasks_quilt_gfs}
+ nthreads_fv3=${nthreads_fv3_gfs}
+ fi
+ # PETS for the atmosphere dycore
+ (( FV3PETS = ntasks_fv3 * nthreads_fv3 ))
+ echo "FV3 using (nthreads, PETS) = (${nthreads_fv3}, ${FV3PETS})"
+ # PETS for quilting
+ if [[ "${QUILTING:-}" = ".true." ]]; then
+ (( QUILTPETS = ntasks_quilt * nthreads_fv3 ))
+ else
+ fi
+ echo "QUILT using (nthreads, PETS) = (${nthreads_fv3}, ${QUILTPETS})"
+ # Total PETS for the atmosphere component
+ ATMTHREADS=${nthreads_fv3}
+ echo "FV3ATM using (nthreads, PETS) = (${ATMTHREADS}, ${ATMPETS})"
+ # Total PETS for the coupled model (starting w/ the atmosphere)
+ # The mediator PETS can overlap with other components, usually it lands on the atmosphere tasks.
+ # However, it is suggested limiting mediator PETS to 300, as it may cause the slow performance.
+ # See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bKpi-52t5jIfv2tuNHmQkYUe3hkKsiG_DG_s6Mnukog/edit
+ # TODO: Update reference when moved to ufs-weather-model RTD
+ MEDTHREADS=${nthreads_mediator:-1}
+ [[ "${MEDPETS}" -gt 300 ]] && MEDPETS=300
+ echo "MEDIATOR using (threads, PETS) = (${MEDTHREADS}, ${MEDPETS})"
+ if [[ "${DO_AERO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ # GOCART shares the same grid and forecast tasks as FV3 (do not add write grid component tasks).
+ # Do not add to NTASKS_TOT
+ echo "GOCART using (threads, PETS) = (${CHMTHREADS}, ${CHMPETS})"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${DO_WAVE}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ (( WAVPETS = ntasks_ww3 * nthreads_ww3 ))
+ (( WAVTHREADS = nthreads_ww3 ))
+ echo "WW3 using (threads, PETS) = (${WAVTHREADS}, ${WAVPETS})"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${DO_OCN}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ (( OCNPETS = ntasks_mom6 * nthreads_mom6 ))
+ (( OCNTHREADS = nthreads_mom6 ))
+ echo "MOM6 using (threads, PETS) = (${OCNTHREADS}, ${OCNPETS})"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${DO_ICE}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ (( ICEPETS = ntasks_cice6 * nthreads_cice6 ))
+ (( ICETHREADS = nthreads_cice6 ))
+ echo "CICE6 using (threads, PETS) = (${ICETHREADS}, ${ICEPETS})"
+ fi
+ echo "Total PETS for ${_CDUMP} = ${NTASKS_TOT}"
+ if [[ "${_CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]]; then
+ declare -x "npe_${step}_gfs"="${NTASKS_TOT}"
+ declare -x "nth_${step}_gfs"=1 # ESMF handles threading for the UFS-weather-model
+ declare -x "npe_node_${step}_gfs"="${npe_node_max}"
+ else
+ declare -x "npe_${step}"="${NTASKS_TOT}"
+ declare -x "nth_${step}"=1 # ESMF handles threading for the UFS-weather-model
+ declare -x "npe_node_${step}"="${npe_node_max}"
+ fi
+ done
+ case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192")
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}"="00:30:00"
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}_gfs"="03:00:00"
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}"="00:20:00"
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}_gfs"="06:00:00"
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}"="01:00:00"
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}_gfs"="06:00:00"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution ${CASE} not supported in ${step}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ unset NTASKS_TOT
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnpost" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnpost="00:30:00"
+ export npe_ocnpost=1
+ export npe_node_ocnpost=1
+ export nth_ocnpost=1
+ export memory_ocnpost="96G"
+ if [[ "${machine}" == "JET" ]]; then
+ # JET only has 88GB of requestable memory per node
+ # so a second node is required to meet the requiremtn
+ npe_ocnpost=2
+ fi
+elif [[ "${step}" = "upp" ]]; then
+ case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48" | "C96")
+ export npe_upp=${CASE:1}
+ ;;
+ "C192" | "C384" | "C768")
+ export npe_upp=120
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution '${CASE}' not supported for UPP'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export npe_node_upp=${npe_upp}
+ export nth_upp=1
+ export wtime_upp="00:15:00"
+ if [[ "${npe_node_upp}" -gt "${npe_node_max}" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_upp=${npe_node_max}
+ fi
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "atmos_products" ]]; then
+ export wtime_atmos_products="00:15:00"
+ export npe_atmos_products=24
+ export nth_atmos_products=1
+ export npe_node_atmos_products="${npe_atmos_products}"
+ export wtime_atmos_products_gfs="${wtime_atmos_products}"
+ export npe_atmos_products_gfs="${npe_atmos_products}"
+ export nth_atmos_products_gfs="${nth_atmos_products}"
+ export npe_node_atmos_products_gfs="${npe_node_atmos_products}"
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "verfozn" ]]; then
+ export wtime_verfozn="00:05:00"
+ export npe_verfozn=1
+ export nth_verfozn=1
+ export npe_node_verfozn=1
+ export memory_verfozn="1G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "verfrad" ]]; then
+ export wtime_verfrad="00:40:00"
+ export npe_verfrad=1
+ export nth_verfrad=1
+ export npe_node_verfrad=1
+ export memory_verfrad="5G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "vminmon" ]]; then
+ export wtime_vminmon="00:05:00"
+ export npe_vminmon=1
+ export nth_vminmon=1
+ export npe_node_vminmon=1
+ export wtime_vminmon_gfs="00:05:00"
+ export npe_vminmon_gfs=1
+ export nth_vminmon_gfs=1
+ export npe_node_vminmon_gfs=1
+ export memory_vminmon="1G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "tracker" ]]; then
+ export wtime_tracker="00:10:00"
+ export npe_tracker=1
+ export nth_tracker=1
+ export npe_node_tracker=1
+ export memory_tracker="4G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "genesis" ]]; then
+ export wtime_genesis="00:25:00"
+ export npe_genesis=1
+ export nth_genesis=1
+ export npe_node_genesis=1
+ export memory_genesis="4G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "genesis_fsu" ]]; then
+ export wtime_genesis_fsu="00:10:00"
+ export npe_genesis_fsu=1
+ export nth_genesis_fsu=1
+ export npe_node_genesis_fsu=1
+ export memory_genesis_fsu="4G"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "fit2obs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_fit2obs="00:20:00"
+ export npe_fit2obs=3
+ export nth_fit2obs=1
+ export npe_node_fit2obs=1
+ export memory_fit2obs="20G"
+ if [[ "${machine}" == "WCOSS2" ]]; then export npe_node_fit2obs=3 ; fi
+elif [[ "${step}" = "metp" ]]; then
+ export nth_metp=1
+ export wtime_metp="03:00:00"
+ export npe_metp=4
+ export npe_node_metp=4
+ export wtime_metp_gfs="06:00:00"
+ export npe_metp_gfs=4
+ export npe_node_metp_gfs=4
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "echgres" ]]; then
+ export wtime_echgres="00:10:00"
+ export npe_echgres=3
+ export nth_echgres=${npe_node_max}
+ export npe_node_echgres=1
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export memory_echgres="200GB"
+ fi
+elif [[ "${step}" = "init" ]]; then
+ export wtime_init="00:30:00"
+ export npe_init=24
+ export nth_init=1
+ export npe_node_init=6
+ export memory_init="70G"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "init_chem" ]]; then
+ export wtime_init_chem="00:30:00"
+ export npe_init_chem=1
+ export npe_node_init_chem=1
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "mom6ic" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mom6ic="00:30:00"
+ export npe_mom6ic=24
+ export npe_node_mom6ic=24
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "arch" || ${step} = "earc" || ${step} = "getic" ]]; then
+ eval "export wtime_${step}='06:00:00'"
+ eval "export npe_${step}=1"
+ eval "export npe_node_${step}=1"
+ eval "export nth_${step}=1"
+ eval "export memory_${step}=4096M"
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ eval "export memory_${step}=50GB"
+ fi
+elif [[ ${step} == "cleanup" ]]; then
+ export wtime_cleanup="01:00:00"
+ export npe_cleanup=1
+ export npe_node_cleanup=1
+ export nth_cleanup=1
+ export memory_cleanup="4096M"
+elif [[ ${step} = "stage_ic" ]]; then
+ export wtime_stage_ic="00:15:00"
+ export npe_stage_ic=1
+ export npe_node_stage_ic=1
+ export nth_stage_ic=1
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmensanlinit" ]]; then
+ # make below case dependent later
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export wtime_atmensanlinit="00:10:00"
+ export npe_atmensanlinit=1
+ export nth_atmensanlinit=1
+ npe_node_atmensanlinit=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmensanlinit}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmensanlinit
+ export memory_atmensanlinit="3072M"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmensanlrun" ]]; then
+ # make below case dependent later
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export wtime_atmensanlrun="00:30:00"
+ npe_atmensanlrun=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_atmensanlrun
+ npe_atmensanlrun_gfs=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_atmensanlrun_gfs
+ export nth_atmensanlrun=1
+ export nth_atmensanlrun_gfs=${nth_atmensanlrun}
+ npe_node_atmensanlrun=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmensanlrun}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmensanlrun
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmensanlfinal" ]]; then
+ export wtime_atmensanlfinal="00:30:00"
+ export npe_atmensanlfinal=${npe_node_max}
+ export nth_atmensanlfinal=1
+ npe_node_atmensanlfinal=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmensanlfinal}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmensanlfinal
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "eobs" || "${step}" = "eomg" ]]; then
+ export wtime_eobs="00:15:00"
+ export wtime_eomg="01:00:00"
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C768" ]]; then
+ export npe_eobs=200
+ elif [[ "${CASE}" = "C384" ]]; then
+ export npe_eobs=100
+ elif [[ "${CASE}" = "C192" || "${CASE}" = "C96" || "${CASE}" = "C48" ]]; then
+ export npe_eobs=40
+ fi
+ export npe_eomg=${npe_eobs}
+ export nth_eobs=2
+ export nth_eomg=${nth_eobs}
+ npe_node_eobs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_eobs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_eobs
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ # The number of tasks and cores used must be the same for eobs
+ # See https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/global-workflow/issues/2092 for details
+ # For S4, this is accomplished by running 10 tasks/node
+ if [[ ${machine} = "S4" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_eobs=10
+ elif [[ ${machine} = "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ # For Hercules, this is only an issue at C384; use 20 tasks/node
+ if [[ ${CASE} = "C384" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_eobs=20
+ fi
+ fi
+ export npe_node_eomg=${npe_node_eobs}
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ediag" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ediag="00:15:00"
+ export npe_ediag=48
+ export nth_ediag=1
+ npe_node_ediag=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ediag}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ediag
+ export memory_ediag="30GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "eupd" ]]; then
+ export wtime_eupd="00:30:00"
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C768" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=480
+ export nth_eupd=6
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=315
+ export nth_eupd=14
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${CASE}" = "C384" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=270
+ export nth_eupd=8
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=315
+ export nth_eupd=14
+ elif [[ "${machine}" = "S4" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=160
+ export nth_eupd=2
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${CASE}" = "C192" || "${CASE}" = "C96" || "${CASE}" = "C48" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=42
+ export nth_eupd=2
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "HERA" || "${machine}" = "JET" ]]; then
+ export nth_eupd=4
+ fi
+ fi
+ npe_node_eupd=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_eupd}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_eupd
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ecen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ecen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_ecen=80
+ export nth_ecen=4
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "HERA" ]]; then export nth_ecen=6; fi
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C384" || "${CASE}" = "C192" || "${CASE}" = "C96" || "${CASE}" = "C48" ]]; then export nth_ecen=2; fi
+ npe_node_ecen=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ecen}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ecen
+ export nth_cycle=${nth_ecen}
+ npe_node_cycle=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_cycle}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_cycle
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "esfc" ]]; then
+ export wtime_esfc="00:08:00"
+ export npe_esfc=80
+ export nth_esfc=1
+ npe_node_esfc=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_esfc}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_esfc
+ export nth_cycle=${nth_esfc}
+ npe_node_cycle=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_cycle}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_cycle
+ export memory_esfc="80GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "epos" ]]; then
+ export wtime_epos="00:15:00"
+ export npe_epos=80
+ export nth_epos=1
+ npe_node_epos=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_epos}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_epos
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "postsnd" ]]; then
+ export wtime_postsnd="02:00:00"
+ export npe_postsnd=40
+ export nth_postsnd=8
+ export npe_node_postsnd=10
+ export npe_postsndcfp=9
+ export npe_node_postsndcfp=1
+ postsnd_req_cores=$(echo "${npe_node_postsnd} * ${nth_postsnd}" | bc)
+ if [[ ${postsnd_req_cores} -gt "${npe_node_max}" ]]; then
+ npe_node_postsnd=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_postsnd}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_postsnd
+ fi
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "awips" ]]; then
+ export wtime_awips="03:30:00"
+ export npe_awips=1
+ export npe_node_awips=1
+ export nth_awips=1
+ export memory_awips="3GB"
+elif [[ ${step} = "npoess" ]]; then
+ export wtime_npoess="03:30:00"
+ export npe_npoess=1
+ export npe_node_npoess=1
+ export nth_npoess=1
+ export memory_npoess="3GB"
+elif [[ ${step} = "gempak" ]]; then
+ export wtime_gempak="03:00:00"
+ export npe_gempak=2
+ export npe_gempak_gfs=28
+ export npe_node_gempak=2
+ export npe_node_gempak_gfs=28
+ export nth_gempak=1
+ export memory_gempak="4GB"
+ export memory_gempak_gfs="2GB"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_stn_prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_stn_prep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_stn_prep=3
+ export npe_node_mos_stn_prep=3
+ export nth_mos_stn_prep=1
+ export memory_mos_stn_prep="5GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_stn_prep}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_stn_prep}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_grd_prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_grd_prep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_grd_prep=4
+ export npe_node_mos_grd_prep=4
+ export nth_mos_grd_prep=1
+ export memory_mos_grd_prep="16GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_grd_prep}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_grd_prep}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_stn_prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_stn_prep="00:15:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_stn_prep=2
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_stn_prep=2
+ export nth_mos_ext_stn_prep=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_stn_prep="5GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_stn_prep}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_stn_prep}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_grd_prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_grd_prep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_grd_prep=7
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_grd_prep=7
+ export nth_mos_ext_grd_prep=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_grd_prep="3GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_grd_prep}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_grd_prep}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_stn_fcst" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_stn_fcst="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_stn_fcst=5
+ export npe_node_mos_stn_fcst=5
+ export nth_mos_stn_fcst=1
+ export memory_mos_stn_fcst="40GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_stn_fcst}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_stn_fcst}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_grd_fcst" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_grd_fcst="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_grd_fcst=7
+ export npe_node_mos_grd_fcst=7
+ export nth_mos_grd_fcst=1
+ export memory_mos_grd_fcst="50GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_grd_fcst}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_grd_fcst}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_stn_fcst" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_stn_fcst="00:20:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_stn_fcst=3
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_stn_fcst=3
+ export nth_mos_ext_stn_fcst=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_stn_fcst="50GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_stn_fcst}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_stn_fcst}"
+ export prepost=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_grd_fcst" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_grd_fcst="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_grd_fcst=7
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_grd_fcst=7
+ export nth_mos_ext_grd_fcst=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_grd_fcst="50GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_grd_fcst}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_grd_fcst}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_stn_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_stn_prdgen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_stn_prdgen=1
+ export npe_node_mos_stn_prdgen=1
+ export nth_mos_stn_prdgen=1
+ export memory_mos_stn_prdgen="15GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_stn_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_stn_prdgen}"
+ export prepost=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_grd_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_grd_prdgen="00:40:00"
+ export npe_mos_grd_prdgen=72
+ export npe_node_mos_grd_prdgen=18
+ export nth_mos_grd_prdgen=4
+ export memory_mos_grd_prdgen="20GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_grd_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_grd_prdgen}"
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS="${nth_mos_grd_prdgen}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_stn_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_stn_prdgen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_stn_prdgen=1
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_stn_prdgen=1
+ export nth_mos_ext_stn_prdgen=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_stn_prdgen="15GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_stn_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_stn_prdgen}"
+ export prepost=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_grd_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_grd_prdgen="00:30:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_grd_prdgen=96
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_grd_prdgen=6
+ export nth_mos_ext_grd_prdgen=16
+ export memory_mos_ext_grd_prdgen="30GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_grd_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_grd_prdgen}"
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS="${nth_mos_ext_grd_prdgen}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_wx_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_wx_prdgen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_wx_prdgen=4
+ export npe_node_mos_wx_prdgen=2
+ export nth_mos_wx_prdgen=2
+ export memory_mos_wx_prdgen="10GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_wx_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_wx_prdgen}"
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS="${nth_mos_wx_prdgen}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_wx_ext_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_wx_ext_prdgen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_wx_ext_prdgen=4
+ export npe_node_mos_wx_ext_prdgen=2
+ export nth_mos_wx_ext_prdgen=2
+ export memory_mos_wx_ext_prdgen="10GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_wx_ext_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_wx_ext_prdgen}"
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS="${nth_mos_wx_ext_prdgen}"
+ echo "Invalid step = ${step}, ABORT!"
+ exit 2
+echo "END: config.resources"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.sfcanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.sfcanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9592fb77c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.sfcanl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.sfcanl ##########
+# GFS surface analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.sfcanl"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources sfcanl
+echo "END: config.sfcanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.stage_ic b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.stage_ic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f3956af4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.stage_ic
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.stage_ic ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.stage_ic"
+# Get task specific resources
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" stage_ic
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48" | "C96")
+ export CPL_ATMIC="workflow_${CASE}_refactored"
+ export CPL_ICEIC="workflow_${CASE}_refactored"
+ export CPL_OCNIC="workflow_${CASE}_refactored"
+ export CPL_WAVIC="workflow_${CASE}_refactored"
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export CPL_ATMIC=GEFS-NoahMP-aerosols-p8c_refactored
+ export CPL_ICEIC=CPC_refactored
+ export CPL_OCNIC=CPC3Dvar_refactored
+ export CPL_WAVIC=workflow_C384_refactored
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export CPL_ATMIC=HR2_refactored
+ export CPL_ICEIC=HR1_refactored
+ export CPL_OCNIC=HR1_refactored
+ export CPL_WAVIC=HR1_refactored
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export CPL_ATMIC=HR2_C1152_refactored
+ export CPL_ICEIC=HR3_refactored
+ export CPL_OCNIC=HR3_refactored
+ export CPL_WAVIC=HR1_refactored
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR Unrecognized resolution: ${CASE}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+echo "END: config.stage_ic"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.tracker b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.tracker
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71fcf9196d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.tracker
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.tracker ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.tracker"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" tracker
+# Get tropcy settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.tropcy"
+echo "END: config.tracker"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.tropcy b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.tropcy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..718abe3be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.tropcy
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.tropcy ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.tropcy"
+# Tracker/genesis package location
+export HOMEens_tracker=${BASE_GIT}/TC_tracker/${ens_tracker_ver}
+export SENDCOM="YES" # Needed by tracker scripts still
+echo "END: config.tropcy"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b3dab7a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ufs ##########
+# UFS model resolution specific parameters
+# e.g. time-step, processor layout, physics and dynamics parameters
+# This config sets default variables for FV3, MOM6, CICE6 for their resolutions
+# User can over-ride after sourcing this config file
+echo "BEGIN: config.ufs"
+if (( $# <= 1 )); then
+ echo "Must specify an input resolution argument to set variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "--fv3 C48|C96|C192|C384|C768|C1152|C3072"
+ echo "--mom6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--cice6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--ww3 gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m|gwes_30m|glo_025|glo_200|glo_500|mx025"
+ echo "--gocart"
+ exit 1
+# Initialize
+# Loop through named arguments
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ "--fv3")
+ fv3_res="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--mom6")
+ mom6_res="$2"
+ skip_mom6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--cice6")
+ cice6_res="$2"
+ skip_cice6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--ww3")
+ ww3_res="$2"
+ skip_ww3=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--gocart")
+ skip_gocart=false
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unknown option: ${key}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Mediator is required if any of the non-ATM components are used
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ skip_mediator=false
+case "${machine}" in
+ "WCOSS2")
+ npe_node_max=128
+ ;;
+ "HERA" | "ORION" )
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ npe_node_max=80
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "xjet")
+ npe_node_max=24
+ ;;
+ "vjet" | "sjet")
+ npe_node_max=16
+ ;;
+ "kjet")
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "s4")
+ npe_node_max=32
+ ;;
+ "ivy")
+ npe_node_max=20
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized machine ${machine}"
+ exit 14
+ ;;
+export npe_node_max
+# (Standard) Model resolution dependent variables
+case "${fv3_res}" in
+ "C48")
+ export DELTIM=1200
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export layout_x_gfs=1
+ export layout_y_gfs=1
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=6.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export DELTIM=600
+ export layout_x=2
+ export layout_y=2
+ export layout_x_gfs=2
+ export layout_y_gfs=2
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=3.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export DELTIM=450
+ export layout_x=4
+ export layout_y=6
+ export layout_x_gfs=4
+ export layout_y_gfs=6
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=1.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export DELTIM=300
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=8
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=8
+ export nthreads_fv3=2
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.8e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export DELTIM=150
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=12
+ export layout_x_gfs=12
+ export layout_y_gfs=12
+ #JKHexport layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ #JKHexport nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=2
+ #JKHexport WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=40 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export DELTIM=120
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=16
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.35e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ "C3072")
+ export DELTIM=90
+ export layout_x=16
+ export layout_y=32
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=32
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.13e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported FV3 resolution = ${fv3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+(( ntasks_fv3 = layout_x * layout_y * 6 ))
+(( ntasks_fv3_gfs = layout_x_gfs * layout_y_gfs * 6 ))
+export ntasks_fv3
+export ntasks_fv3_gfs
+export ntasks_quilt
+export ntasks_quilt_gfs
+# Determine whether to use parallel NetCDF based on resolution
+case ${fv3_res} in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192" | "C384")
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152" | "C3072")
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf_parallel"
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf_parallel"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized FV3 resolution ${fv3_res}"
+ exit 15
+ ;;
+# cpl defaults
+export cpl=".false."
+export cplflx=".false."
+export cplice=".false."
+export cplchm=".false."
+export cplwav=".false."
+export cplwav2atm=".false."
+export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"
+# Mediator specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mediator}" == "false" ]]; then
+ export cpl=".true."
+ export nthreads_mediator=${nthreads_fv3} # Use same threads as FV3
+ export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1" # TODO: Does this include FV3_GFS_v17_p8? Can this be used instead of FV3_GFS_v17_p8?
+# MOM6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ocn"
+ export cplflx=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ocean"
+ nthreads_mom6=1
+ case "${mom6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_mom6=8
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=72
+ NY_GLB=35
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='3600'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="4.0e-1"
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_mom6=20
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=360
+ NY_GLB=320
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1deg.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="2.5e-1"
+ TOPOEDITS="ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_mom6=60
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=720
+ NY_GLB=576
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_mom6=220
+ OCNTIM=1800
+ NX_GLB=1440
+ NY_GLB=1080
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='1800'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported MOM6 resolution = ${mom6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export nthreads_mom6 ntasks_mom6
+ export OCNTIM
+ export NX_GLB NY_GLB
+ export FRUNOFF
+ export CHLCLIM
+ export TOPOEDITS
+ export eps_imesh
+# CICE6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ice"
+ export cplice=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ice"
+ # Ensure we sourced the MOM6 section
+ if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: CICE6 cannot be configured without MOM6, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ nthreads_cice6=${nthreads_mom6} # CICE6 needs to run on same threads as MOM6
+ case "${cice6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_cice6=4
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX1"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_cice6=10
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_cice6=30
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_cice6=120
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported CICE6 resolution = ${cice6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # NX_GLB and NY_GLB are set in the MOM6 section above
+ # CICE6 runs on the same domain decomposition as MOM6
+ export nthreads_cice6 ntasks_cice6
+ export cice6_processor_shape
+# WW3 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.wave"
+ export cplwav=".true."
+ export cplwav2atm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.wave"
+ nthreads_ww3=2
+ case "${ww3_res}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ ntasks_ww3=140
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ ntasks_ww3=100
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ ntasks_ww3=262
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ ntasks_ww3=30
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ ntasks_ww3=12
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ ntasks_ww3=80
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported WW3 resolution = ${ww3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export ntasks_ww3 nthreads_ww3
+# GOCART specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_gocart}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.aero"
+ export cplchm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.aero"
+# Set the name of the UFS (previously nems) configure template to use
+case "${model_list}" in
+ atm)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine appropriate UFS configure template for ${model_list}"
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+if [[ ! -r "${ufs_configure_template}" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: ${ufs_configure_template} either doesn't exist or is not readable."
+ exit 17
+unset model_list
+echo "END: config.ufs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_12x12 b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_12x12
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72b3f9e06b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_12x12
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ufs ##########
+# UFS model resolution specific parameters
+# e.g. time-step, processor layout, physics and dynamics parameters
+# This config sets default variables for FV3, MOM6, CICE6 for their resolutions
+# User can over-ride after sourcing this config file
+echo "BEGIN: config.ufs"
+if (( $# <= 1 )); then
+ echo "Must specify an input resolution argument to set variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "--fv3 C48|C96|C192|C384|C768|C1152|C3072"
+ echo "--mom6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--cice6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--ww3 gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m|gwes_30m|glo_025|glo_200|glo_500|mx025"
+ echo "--gocart"
+ exit 1
+# Initialize
+# Loop through named arguments
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ "--fv3")
+ fv3_res="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--mom6")
+ mom6_res="$2"
+ skip_mom6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--cice6")
+ cice6_res="$2"
+ skip_cice6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--ww3")
+ ww3_res="$2"
+ skip_ww3=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--gocart")
+ skip_gocart=false
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unknown option: ${key}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Mediator is required if any of the non-ATM components are used
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ skip_mediator=false
+case "${machine}" in
+ "WCOSS2")
+ npe_node_max=128
+ ;;
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "xjet")
+ npe_node_max=24
+ ;;
+ "vjet" | "sjet")
+ npe_node_max=16
+ ;;
+ "kjet")
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "s4")
+ npe_node_max=32
+ ;;
+ "ivy")
+ npe_node_max=20
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized machine ${machine}"
+ exit 14
+ ;;
+export npe_node_max
+# (Standard) Model resolution dependent variables
+case "${fv3_res}" in
+ "C48")
+ export DELTIM=1200
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export layout_x_gfs=1
+ export layout_y_gfs=1
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=6.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export DELTIM=600
+ export layout_x=2
+ export layout_y=2
+ export layout_x_gfs=2
+ export layout_y_gfs=2
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=3.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export DELTIM=450
+ export layout_x=4
+ export layout_y=6
+ export layout_x_gfs=4
+ export layout_y_gfs=6
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=1.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export DELTIM=300
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=8
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=8
+ export nthreads_fv3=2
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.8e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export DELTIM=150
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=12
+ export layout_x_gfs=12
+ export layout_y_gfs=12
+ #JKHexport layout_x_gfs=16
+ #JKHexport layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ #JKHexport nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=2
+ #JKHexport WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=40 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export DELTIM=120
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=16
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.35e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ "C3072")
+ export DELTIM=90
+ export layout_x=16
+ export layout_y=32
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=32
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.13e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported FV3 resolution = ${fv3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+(( ntasks_fv3 = layout_x * layout_y * 6 ))
+(( ntasks_fv3_gfs = layout_x_gfs * layout_y_gfs * 6 ))
+export ntasks_fv3
+export ntasks_fv3_gfs
+export ntasks_quilt
+export ntasks_quilt_gfs
+# Determine whether to use parallel NetCDF based on resolution
+case ${fv3_res} in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192" | "C384")
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152" | "C3072")
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf_parallel"
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf_parallel"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized FV3 resolution ${fv3_res}"
+ exit 15
+ ;;
+# cpl defaults
+export cpl=".false."
+export cplflx=".false."
+export cplice=".false."
+export cplchm=".false."
+export cplwav=".false."
+export cplwav2atm=".false."
+export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"
+# Mediator specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mediator}" == "false" ]]; then
+ export cpl=".true."
+ export nthreads_mediator=${nthreads_fv3} # Use same threads as FV3
+ export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1" # TODO: Does this include FV3_GFS_v17_p8? Can this be used instead of FV3_GFS_v17_p8?
+# MOM6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ocn"
+ export cplflx=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ocean"
+ nthreads_mom6=1
+ case "${mom6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_mom6=8
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=72
+ NY_GLB=35
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='3600'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="4.0e-1"
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_mom6=20
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=360
+ NY_GLB=320
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1deg.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="2.5e-1"
+ TOPOEDITS="ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_mom6=60
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=720
+ NY_GLB=576
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_mom6=220
+ OCNTIM=1800
+ NX_GLB=1440
+ NY_GLB=1080
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='1800'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported MOM6 resolution = ${mom6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export nthreads_mom6 ntasks_mom6
+ export OCNTIM
+ export NX_GLB NY_GLB
+ export FRUNOFF
+ export CHLCLIM
+ export TOPOEDITS
+ export eps_imesh
+# CICE6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ice"
+ export cplice=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ice"
+ # Ensure we sourced the MOM6 section
+ if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: CICE6 cannot be configured without MOM6, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ nthreads_cice6=${nthreads_mom6} # CICE6 needs to run on same threads as MOM6
+ case "${cice6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_cice6=4
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX1"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_cice6=10
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_cice6=30
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_cice6=120
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported CICE6 resolution = ${cice6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # NX_GLB and NY_GLB are set in the MOM6 section above
+ # CICE6 runs on the same domain decomposition as MOM6
+ export nthreads_cice6 ntasks_cice6
+ export cice6_processor_shape
+# WW3 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.wave"
+ export cplwav=".true."
+ export cplwav2atm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.wave"
+ nthreads_ww3=2
+ case "${ww3_res}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ ntasks_ww3=140
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ ntasks_ww3=100
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ ntasks_ww3=262
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ ntasks_ww3=30
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ ntasks_ww3=12
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ ntasks_ww3=80
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported WW3 resolution = ${ww3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export ntasks_ww3 nthreads_ww3
+# GOCART specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_gocart}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.aero"
+ export cplchm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.aero"
+# Set the name of the UFS (previously nems) configure template to use
+case "${model_list}" in
+ atm)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine appropriate UFS configure template for ${model_list}"
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+if [[ ! -r "${ufs_configure_template}" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: ${ufs_configure_template} either doesn't exist or is not readable."
+ exit 17
+unset model_list
+echo "END: config.ufs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_16x16 b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_16x16
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4435132ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_16x16
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ufs ##########
+# UFS model resolution specific parameters
+# e.g. time-step, processor layout, physics and dynamics parameters
+# This config sets default variables for FV3, MOM6, CICE6 for their resolutions
+# User can over-ride after sourcing this config file
+echo "BEGIN: config.ufs"
+if (( $# <= 1 )); then
+ echo "Must specify an input resolution argument to set variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "--fv3 C48|C96|C192|C384|C768|C1152|C3072"
+ echo "--mom6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--cice6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--ww3 gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m|gwes_30m|glo_025|glo_200|glo_500|mx025"
+ echo "--gocart"
+ exit 1
+# Initialize
+# Loop through named arguments
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ "--fv3")
+ fv3_res="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--mom6")
+ mom6_res="$2"
+ skip_mom6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--cice6")
+ cice6_res="$2"
+ skip_cice6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--ww3")
+ ww3_res="$2"
+ skip_ww3=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--gocart")
+ skip_gocart=false
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unknown option: ${key}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Mediator is required if any of the non-ATM components are used
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ skip_mediator=false
+case "${machine}" in
+ "WCOSS2")
+ npe_node_max=128
+ ;;
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "xjet")
+ npe_node_max=24
+ ;;
+ "vjet" | "sjet")
+ npe_node_max=16
+ ;;
+ "kjet")
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "s4")
+ npe_node_max=32
+ ;;
+ "ivy")
+ npe_node_max=20
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized machine ${machine}"
+ exit 14
+ ;;
+export npe_node_max
+# (Standard) Model resolution dependent variables
+case "${fv3_res}" in
+ "C48")
+ export DELTIM=1200
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export layout_x_gfs=1
+ export layout_y_gfs=1
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=6.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export DELTIM=600
+ export layout_x=2
+ export layout_y=2
+ export layout_x_gfs=2
+ export layout_y_gfs=2
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=3.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export DELTIM=450
+ export layout_x=4
+ export layout_y=6
+ export layout_x_gfs=4
+ export layout_y_gfs=6
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=1.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export DELTIM=300
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=8
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=8
+ export nthreads_fv3=2
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.8e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export DELTIM=150
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=12
+ #JKHexport layout_x_gfs=12
+ #JKHexport layout_y_gfs=12
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ #JKHexport nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=2
+ #JKHexport WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=40 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export DELTIM=120
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=16
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.35e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ "C3072")
+ export DELTIM=90
+ export layout_x=16
+ export layout_y=32
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=32
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.13e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported FV3 resolution = ${fv3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+(( ntasks_fv3 = layout_x * layout_y * 6 ))
+(( ntasks_fv3_gfs = layout_x_gfs * layout_y_gfs * 6 ))
+export ntasks_fv3
+export ntasks_fv3_gfs
+export ntasks_quilt
+export ntasks_quilt_gfs
+# Determine whether to use parallel NetCDF based on resolution
+case ${fv3_res} in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192" | "C384")
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152" | "C3072")
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf_parallel"
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf_parallel"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized FV3 resolution ${fv3_res}"
+ exit 15
+ ;;
+# cpl defaults
+export cpl=".false."
+export cplflx=".false."
+export cplice=".false."
+export cplchm=".false."
+export cplwav=".false."
+export cplwav2atm=".false."
+export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"
+# Mediator specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mediator}" == "false" ]]; then
+ export cpl=".true."
+ export nthreads_mediator=${nthreads_fv3} # Use same threads as FV3
+ export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1" # TODO: Does this include FV3_GFS_v17_p8? Can this be used instead of FV3_GFS_v17_p8?
+# MOM6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ocn"
+ export cplflx=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ocean"
+ nthreads_mom6=1
+ case "${mom6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_mom6=8
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=72
+ NY_GLB=35
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='3600'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="4.0e-1"
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_mom6=20
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=360
+ NY_GLB=320
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1deg.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="2.5e-1"
+ TOPOEDITS="ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_mom6=60
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=720
+ NY_GLB=576
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_mom6=220
+ OCNTIM=1800
+ NX_GLB=1440
+ NY_GLB=1080
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='1800'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported MOM6 resolution = ${mom6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export nthreads_mom6 ntasks_mom6
+ export OCNTIM
+ export NX_GLB NY_GLB
+ export FRUNOFF
+ export CHLCLIM
+ export TOPOEDITS
+ export eps_imesh
+# CICE6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ice"
+ export cplice=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ice"
+ # Ensure we sourced the MOM6 section
+ if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: CICE6 cannot be configured without MOM6, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ nthreads_cice6=${nthreads_mom6} # CICE6 needs to run on same threads as MOM6
+ case "${cice6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_cice6=4
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX1"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_cice6=10
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_cice6=30
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_cice6=120
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported CICE6 resolution = ${cice6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # NX_GLB and NY_GLB are set in the MOM6 section above
+ # CICE6 runs on the same domain decomposition as MOM6
+ export nthreads_cice6 ntasks_cice6
+ export cice6_processor_shape
+# WW3 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.wave"
+ export cplwav=".true."
+ export cplwav2atm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.wave"
+ nthreads_ww3=2
+ case "${ww3_res}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ ntasks_ww3=140
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ ntasks_ww3=100
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ ntasks_ww3=262
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ ntasks_ww3=30
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ ntasks_ww3=12
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ ntasks_ww3=80
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported WW3 resolution = ${ww3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export ntasks_ww3 nthreads_ww3
+# GOCART specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_gocart}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.aero"
+ export cplchm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.aero"
+# Set the name of the UFS (previously nems) configure template to use
+case "${model_list}" in
+ atm)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine appropriate UFS configure template for ${model_list}"
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+if [[ ! -r "${ufs_configure_template}" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: ${ufs_configure_template} either doesn't exist or is not readable."
+ exit 17
+unset model_list
+echo "END: config.ufs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_c768_12x12_2th_1wg40wt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_c768_12x12_2th_1wg40wt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b3dab7a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_c768_12x12_2th_1wg40wt
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ufs ##########
+# UFS model resolution specific parameters
+# e.g. time-step, processor layout, physics and dynamics parameters
+# This config sets default variables for FV3, MOM6, CICE6 for their resolutions
+# User can over-ride after sourcing this config file
+echo "BEGIN: config.ufs"
+if (( $# <= 1 )); then
+ echo "Must specify an input resolution argument to set variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "--fv3 C48|C96|C192|C384|C768|C1152|C3072"
+ echo "--mom6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--cice6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--ww3 gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m|gwes_30m|glo_025|glo_200|glo_500|mx025"
+ echo "--gocart"
+ exit 1
+# Initialize
+# Loop through named arguments
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ "--fv3")
+ fv3_res="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--mom6")
+ mom6_res="$2"
+ skip_mom6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--cice6")
+ cice6_res="$2"
+ skip_cice6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--ww3")
+ ww3_res="$2"
+ skip_ww3=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--gocart")
+ skip_gocart=false
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unknown option: ${key}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Mediator is required if any of the non-ATM components are used
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ skip_mediator=false
+case "${machine}" in
+ "WCOSS2")
+ npe_node_max=128
+ ;;
+ "HERA" | "ORION" )
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ npe_node_max=80
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "xjet")
+ npe_node_max=24
+ ;;
+ "vjet" | "sjet")
+ npe_node_max=16
+ ;;
+ "kjet")
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "s4")
+ npe_node_max=32
+ ;;
+ "ivy")
+ npe_node_max=20
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized machine ${machine}"
+ exit 14
+ ;;
+export npe_node_max
+# (Standard) Model resolution dependent variables
+case "${fv3_res}" in
+ "C48")
+ export DELTIM=1200
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export layout_x_gfs=1
+ export layout_y_gfs=1
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=6.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export DELTIM=600
+ export layout_x=2
+ export layout_y=2
+ export layout_x_gfs=2
+ export layout_y_gfs=2
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=3.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export DELTIM=450
+ export layout_x=4
+ export layout_y=6
+ export layout_x_gfs=4
+ export layout_y_gfs=6
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=1.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export DELTIM=300
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=8
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=8
+ export nthreads_fv3=2
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.8e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export DELTIM=150
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=12
+ export layout_x_gfs=12
+ export layout_y_gfs=12
+ #JKHexport layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ #JKHexport nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=2
+ #JKHexport WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=40 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export DELTIM=120
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=16
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.35e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ "C3072")
+ export DELTIM=90
+ export layout_x=16
+ export layout_y=32
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=32
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.13e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported FV3 resolution = ${fv3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+(( ntasks_fv3 = layout_x * layout_y * 6 ))
+(( ntasks_fv3_gfs = layout_x_gfs * layout_y_gfs * 6 ))
+export ntasks_fv3
+export ntasks_fv3_gfs
+export ntasks_quilt
+export ntasks_quilt_gfs
+# Determine whether to use parallel NetCDF based on resolution
+case ${fv3_res} in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192" | "C384")
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152" | "C3072")
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf_parallel"
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf_parallel"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized FV3 resolution ${fv3_res}"
+ exit 15
+ ;;
+# cpl defaults
+export cpl=".false."
+export cplflx=".false."
+export cplice=".false."
+export cplchm=".false."
+export cplwav=".false."
+export cplwav2atm=".false."
+export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"
+# Mediator specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mediator}" == "false" ]]; then
+ export cpl=".true."
+ export nthreads_mediator=${nthreads_fv3} # Use same threads as FV3
+ export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1" # TODO: Does this include FV3_GFS_v17_p8? Can this be used instead of FV3_GFS_v17_p8?
+# MOM6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ocn"
+ export cplflx=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ocean"
+ nthreads_mom6=1
+ case "${mom6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_mom6=8
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=72
+ NY_GLB=35
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='3600'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="4.0e-1"
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_mom6=20
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=360
+ NY_GLB=320
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1deg.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="2.5e-1"
+ TOPOEDITS="ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_mom6=60
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=720
+ NY_GLB=576
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_mom6=220
+ OCNTIM=1800
+ NX_GLB=1440
+ NY_GLB=1080
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='1800'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported MOM6 resolution = ${mom6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export nthreads_mom6 ntasks_mom6
+ export OCNTIM
+ export NX_GLB NY_GLB
+ export FRUNOFF
+ export CHLCLIM
+ export TOPOEDITS
+ export eps_imesh
+# CICE6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ice"
+ export cplice=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ice"
+ # Ensure we sourced the MOM6 section
+ if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: CICE6 cannot be configured without MOM6, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ nthreads_cice6=${nthreads_mom6} # CICE6 needs to run on same threads as MOM6
+ case "${cice6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_cice6=4
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX1"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_cice6=10
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_cice6=30
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_cice6=120
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported CICE6 resolution = ${cice6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # NX_GLB and NY_GLB are set in the MOM6 section above
+ # CICE6 runs on the same domain decomposition as MOM6
+ export nthreads_cice6 ntasks_cice6
+ export cice6_processor_shape
+# WW3 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.wave"
+ export cplwav=".true."
+ export cplwav2atm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.wave"
+ nthreads_ww3=2
+ case "${ww3_res}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ ntasks_ww3=140
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ ntasks_ww3=100
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ ntasks_ww3=262
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ ntasks_ww3=30
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ ntasks_ww3=12
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ ntasks_ww3=80
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported WW3 resolution = ${ww3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export ntasks_ww3 nthreads_ww3
+# GOCART specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_gocart}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.aero"
+ export cplchm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.aero"
+# Set the name of the UFS (previously nems) configure template to use
+case "${model_list}" in
+ atm)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine appropriate UFS configure template for ${model_list}"
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+if [[ ! -r "${ufs_configure_template}" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: ${ufs_configure_template} either doesn't exist or is not readable."
+ exit 17
+unset model_list
+echo "END: config.ufs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_c768_16x16_2th_2wg40wt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_c768_16x16_2th_2wg40wt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad3f472873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.ufs_c768_16x16_2th_2wg40wt
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ufs ##########
+# UFS model resolution specific parameters
+# e.g. time-step, processor layout, physics and dynamics parameters
+# This config sets default variables for FV3, MOM6, CICE6 for their resolutions
+# User can over-ride after sourcing this config file
+echo "BEGIN: config.ufs"
+if (( $# <= 1 )); then
+ echo "Must specify an input resolution argument to set variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "--fv3 C48|C96|C192|C384|C768|C1152|C3072"
+ echo "--mom6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--cice6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--ww3 gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m|gwes_30m|glo_025|glo_200|glo_500|mx025"
+ echo "--gocart"
+ exit 1
+# Initialize
+# Loop through named arguments
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ "--fv3")
+ fv3_res="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--mom6")
+ mom6_res="$2"
+ skip_mom6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--cice6")
+ cice6_res="$2"
+ skip_cice6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--ww3")
+ ww3_res="$2"
+ skip_ww3=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--gocart")
+ skip_gocart=false
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unknown option: ${key}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Mediator is required if any of the non-ATM components are used
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ skip_mediator=false
+case "${machine}" in
+ "WCOSS2")
+ npe_node_max=128
+ ;;
+ "HERA" | "ORION" )
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ npe_node_max=80
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "xjet")
+ npe_node_max=24
+ ;;
+ "vjet" | "sjet")
+ npe_node_max=16
+ ;;
+ "kjet")
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "s4")
+ npe_node_max=32
+ ;;
+ "ivy")
+ npe_node_max=20
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized machine ${machine}"
+ exit 14
+ ;;
+export npe_node_max
+# (Standard) Model resolution dependent variables
+case "${fv3_res}" in
+ "C48")
+ export DELTIM=1200
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export layout_x_gfs=1
+ export layout_y_gfs=1
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=6.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export DELTIM=600
+ export layout_x=2
+ export layout_y=2
+ export layout_x_gfs=2
+ export layout_y_gfs=2
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=3.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export DELTIM=450
+ export layout_x=4
+ export layout_y=6
+ export layout_x_gfs=4
+ export layout_y_gfs=6
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=1.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export DELTIM=300
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=8
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=8
+ export nthreads_fv3=2
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.8e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export DELTIM=150
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=12
+ #JKHexport layout_x_gfs=12
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ #JKHexport nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=2
+ #JKHexport WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=40 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export DELTIM=120
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=16
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.35e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ "C3072")
+ export DELTIM=90
+ export layout_x=16
+ export layout_y=32
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=32
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.13e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported FV3 resolution = ${fv3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+(( ntasks_fv3 = layout_x * layout_y * 6 ))
+(( ntasks_fv3_gfs = layout_x_gfs * layout_y_gfs * 6 ))
+export ntasks_fv3
+export ntasks_fv3_gfs
+export ntasks_quilt
+export ntasks_quilt_gfs
+# Determine whether to use parallel NetCDF based on resolution
+case ${fv3_res} in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192" | "C384")
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152" | "C3072")
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf_parallel"
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf_parallel"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized FV3 resolution ${fv3_res}"
+ exit 15
+ ;;
+# cpl defaults
+export cpl=".false."
+export cplflx=".false."
+export cplice=".false."
+export cplchm=".false."
+export cplwav=".false."
+export cplwav2atm=".false."
+export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"
+# Mediator specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mediator}" == "false" ]]; then
+ export cpl=".true."
+ export nthreads_mediator=${nthreads_fv3} # Use same threads as FV3
+ export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1" # TODO: Does this include FV3_GFS_v17_p8? Can this be used instead of FV3_GFS_v17_p8?
+# MOM6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ocn"
+ export cplflx=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ocean"
+ nthreads_mom6=1
+ case "${mom6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_mom6=8
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=72
+ NY_GLB=35
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='3600'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="4.0e-1"
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_mom6=20
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=360
+ NY_GLB=320
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1deg.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="2.5e-1"
+ TOPOEDITS="ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_mom6=60
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=720
+ NY_GLB=576
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_mom6=220
+ OCNTIM=1800
+ NX_GLB=1440
+ NY_GLB=1080
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='1800'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported MOM6 resolution = ${mom6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export nthreads_mom6 ntasks_mom6
+ export OCNTIM
+ export NX_GLB NY_GLB
+ export FRUNOFF
+ export CHLCLIM
+ export TOPOEDITS
+ export eps_imesh
+# CICE6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ice"
+ export cplice=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ice"
+ # Ensure we sourced the MOM6 section
+ if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: CICE6 cannot be configured without MOM6, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ nthreads_cice6=${nthreads_mom6} # CICE6 needs to run on same threads as MOM6
+ case "${cice6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_cice6=4
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX1"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_cice6=10
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_cice6=30
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_cice6=120
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported CICE6 resolution = ${cice6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # NX_GLB and NY_GLB are set in the MOM6 section above
+ # CICE6 runs on the same domain decomposition as MOM6
+ export nthreads_cice6 ntasks_cice6
+ export cice6_processor_shape
+# WW3 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.wave"
+ export cplwav=".true."
+ export cplwav2atm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.wave"
+ nthreads_ww3=2
+ case "${ww3_res}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ ntasks_ww3=140
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ ntasks_ww3=100
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ ntasks_ww3=262
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ ntasks_ww3=30
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ ntasks_ww3=12
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ ntasks_ww3=80
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported WW3 resolution = ${ww3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export ntasks_ww3 nthreads_ww3
+# GOCART specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_gocart}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.aero"
+ export cplchm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.aero"
+# Set the name of the UFS (previously nems) configure template to use
+case "${model_list}" in
+ atm)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine appropriate UFS configure template for ${model_list}"
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+if [[ ! -r "${ufs_configure_template}" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: ${ufs_configure_template} either doesn't exist or is not readable."
+ exit 17
+unset model_list
+echo "END: config.ufs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.upp b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.upp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1bd0a7d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.upp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.upp ##########
+# UPP specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.upp"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" upp
+export UPP_CONFIG="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/upp.yaml"
+# No. of forecast hours to process in a single job
+echo "END: config.upp"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.verfozn b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.verfozn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eea0f25a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.verfozn
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.verfozn ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.verfozn"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" verfozn
+export DO_DATA_RPT=1
+export OZN_AREA="glb"
+export PARMmonitor=${PARMgfs}/monitor
+export SATYPE_FILE=${PARMmonitor}/gdas_oznmon_satype.txt
+# Source the parm file
+. "${PARMmonitor}/gdas_oznmon.parm"
+# Set up validation file
+if [[ ${VALIDATE_DATA} -eq 1 ]]; then
+ export ozn_val_file=${PARMmonitor}/gdas_oznmon_base.tar
+echo "END: config.verfozn"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.verfrad b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.verfrad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd65020180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.verfrad
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.verfrad ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.verfrad"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" verfrad
+export PARMmonitor=${PARMgfs}/monitor
+export satype_file=${PARMmonitor}/gdas_radmon_satype.txt
+# Source the parm file
+. "${PARMmonitor}/da_mon.parm"
+# Other variables
+export RAD_AREA="glb"
+export MAKE_CTL=1
+export MAKE_DATA=1
+export USE_ANL=1
+export DO_DIAG_RPT=1
+export DO_DATA_RPT=1
+export CYCLE_INTERVAL=${assim_freq:-6}
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+echo "END: config.verfrad"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.vminmon b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.vminmon
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8929c36e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.vminmon
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.vminmon ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.vminmon"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" vminmon
+export CYCLE_INTERVAL=${assim_freq:-6}
+export PARMmonitor=${PARMgfs}/monitor
+export mm_gnormfile=${PARMmonitor}/${RUN}_minmon_gnorm.txt
+export mm_costfile=${PARMmonitor}/${RUN}_minmon_cost.txt
+echo "END: config.vminmon"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wave b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wave
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acb4c518ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wave
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wave ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wave"
+# Parameters that are common to all wave model steps
+# System and version
+export wave_sys_ver=v1.0.0
+export EXECwave="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export FIXwave="${HOMEgfs}/fix/wave"
+export PARMwave="${HOMEgfs}/parm/wave"
+export USHwave="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+# This config contains variables/parameters used in the fcst step
+# Some others are also used across the workflow in wave component scripts
+# General runtime labels
+export CDUMPwave="${RUN}wave"
+# In GFS/GDAS, restart files are generated/read from gdas runs
+export CDUMPRSTwave="gdas"
+# Grids for wave model
+export waveGRD=${waveGRD:-'mx025'}
+#grid dependent variable defaults
+export waveGRDN='1' # grid number for ww3_multi
+export waveGRDG='10' # grid group for ww3_multi
+export USE_WAV_RMP='NO' # YES/NO rmp grid remapping pre-processed coefficients
+export waveMULTIGRID='.false.' # .true./.false. for multi or shel
+export MESH_WAV="mesh.${waveGRD}.nc" # Mesh grid for wave model for CMEPS
+export waveesmfGRD=' ' # input grid for multigrid
+#Grid dependent variables for various grids
+case "${waveGRD}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ #GFSv16 settings:
+ export waveGRDN='1 2 3'
+ export waveGRDG='10 20 30'
+ export USE_WAV_RMP='YES'
+ export waveMULTIGRID='.true.'
+ export IOSRV='3'
+ export MESH_WAV=' '
+ export waveesmfGRD='glox_10m'
+ export waveuoutpGRD='points'
+ export waveinterpGRD='glo_15mxt at_10m ep_10m wc_10m glo_30m'
+ export wavepostGRD='gnh_10m aoc_9km gsh_15m'
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ #Grid used for P8
+ export waveinterpGRD=''
+ export wavepostGRD='gwes_30m'
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ #Grid used for HR1 (tripolar 1/4 deg)
+ export waveinterpGRD='reg025'
+ export wavepostGRD=''
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ #GEFSv13 regular lat/lon 1/4 deg grid
+ export waveinterpGRD=''
+ export wavepostGRD='glo_025'
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ #Global regular lat/lon 2deg deg grid
+ export waveinterpGRD=''
+ export wavepostGRD='glo_200'
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ #Global regular lat/lon 5deg deg grid
+ export waveinterpGRD=''
+ export wavepostGRD='glo_500'
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: No grid specific wave config values exist for ${waveGRD}. Aborting."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Grids for input wind fields
+export WAVEWND_DID=
+export WAVEWND_FID=
+# The start time reflects the number of hindcast hours prior to the cycle initial time
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" = "gdas" ]]; then
+ export FHMAX_WAV=${FHMAX:-9}
+export WAVHINDH=0
+export FHMIN_WAV=0
+export FHOUT_WAV=3
+export FHMAX_HF_WAV=120
+export FHOUT_HF_WAV=1
+export FHMAX_WAV_IBP=180
+if (( FHMAX_WAV < FHMAX_WAV_IBP )); then export FHMAX_WAV_IBP=${FHMAX_GFS} ; fi
+# gridded and point output rate
+export DTFLD_WAV=$(( FHOUT_HF_WAV * 3600 ))
+export DTPNT_WAV=3600
+export FHINCP_WAV=$(( DTPNT_WAV / 3600 ))
+# Selected output parameters (gridded)
+# Restart file config
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" = "gdas" ]]; then
+ export WAVNCYC=4
+ export WAVHCYC=${assim_freq:-6}
+ export FHMAX_WAV_CUR=48 # RTOFS forecasts only out to 8 days
+elif [[ ${gfs_cyc} -ne 0 ]]; then
+ export WAVHCYC=${assim_freq:-6}
+ export FHMAX_WAV_CUR=192 # RTOFS forecasts only out to 8 days
+ export WAVHCYC=0
+ export FHMAX_WAV_CUR=192 # RTOFS forecasts only out to 8 days
+# Restart timing business
+export RSTTYPE_WAV='T' # generate second tier of restart files
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" != gfs ]]; then # Setting is valid for GDAS and GEFS
+ export DT_1_RST_WAV=10800 # time between restart files, set to DTRST=1 for a single restart file
+ export DT_2_RST_WAV=43200 # restart stride for checkpointing restart
+ export RSTIOFF_WAV=0 # first restart file offset relative to model start
+else # This is a GFS run
+ rst_dt_gfs=$(( restart_interval_gfs * 3600 )) # TODO: This calculation needs to move to parsing_namelists_WW3.sh
+ if [[ ${rst_dt_gfs} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ export DT_1_RST_WAV=0 #${rst_dt_gfs:-0} # time between restart files, set to DTRST=1 for a single restart file
+ #temporarily set to zero to avoid a clash in requested restart times
+ #which makes the wave model crash a fix for the model issue will be coming
+ export DT_2_RST_WAV=${rst_dt_gfs:-0} # restart stride for checkpointing restart
+ else
+ rst_dt_fhmax=$(( FHMAX_WAV * 3600 ))
+ export DT_1_RST_WAV=0 # time between restart files, set to DTRST=1 for a single restart file
+ export DT_2_RST_WAV=${rst_dt_fhmax:-0} # use checkpoint restart file name for creating restart at end of run
+ fi
+ export RSTIOFF_WAV=0 # first restart file offset relative to model start
+# Set runmember to default value if not GEFS cpl run
+# (for a GFS coupled run, RUNMEN would be unset, this should default to -1)
+export RUNMEM=${RUNMEM:--1}
+# Set wave model member tags if ensemble run
+# -1: no suffix, deterministic; xxxNN: extract two last digits to make ofilename prefix=gwesNN
+if [[ ${RUNMEM} = -1 ]]; then
+# No suffix added to model ID in case of deterministic run
+ export waveMEMB=
+# Extract member number only
+ export waveMEMB="${RUNMEM: -2}"
+# Determine if wave component needs input and/or is coupled
+export WW3ATMINP='CPL'
+if [[ ${DO_ICE} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export WW3ICEINP='CPL'
+ export WAVEICE_FID=
+ export WW3ICEINP='YES'
+ export WAVEICE_FID=glix_10m
+export WAVECUR_DID=rtofs
+if [[ ${DO_OCN} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export WW3CURINP='CPL'
+ export WAVECUR_FID=
+ export WW3CURINP='YES'
+ export WAVECUR_FID=glix_10m
+# Determine if input is from perturbed ensemble (T) or single input file (F) for all members
+export WW3ATMIENS='F'
+export WW3ICEIENS='F'
+export WW3CURIENS='F'
+export GOFILETYPE=1 # GOFILETYPE=1 one gridded file per output step
+export POFILETYPE=1 # POFILETYPE=1 one point file per output step
+# Parameters for ww3_multi/shel.inp
+# Unified output T or F
+export FUNIPNT='T'
+# Output server type (see ww3_shel/multi.inp in WW3 repo)
+export IOSRV=${IOSRV:-'1'}
+# Flag for dedicated output process for unified points
+export FPNTPROC='T'
+# Flag for grids sharing dedicated output processes
+export FGRDPROC='F'
+# Flag for masking computation in two-way nesting
+# Flag for masking at printout time.
+echo "END: config.wave"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveawipsbulls b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveawipsbulls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65a8d5076b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveawipsbulls
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.waveawipsbulls ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.waveawipsbulls"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources waveawipsbulls
+export DBNROOT=/dev/null
+echo "END: config.waveawipsbulls"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveawipsgridded b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveawipsgridded
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd7c7c11e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveawipsgridded
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.waveawipsgridded ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.waveawipsgridded"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources waveawipsgridded
+export DBNROOT=/dev/null
+echo "END: config.waveawipsgridded"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavegempak b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavegempak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcbec91f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavegempak
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavegempak ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavegempak"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavegempak
+echo "END: config.wavegempak"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveinit b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61715f7f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveinit
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.waveinit ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.waveinit"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources waveinit
+# Step label
+export sigMODE=${sigMODE:-init}
+echo "END: config.waveinit"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostbndpnt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostbndpnt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfeddc79b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostbndpnt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavepostbndpnt ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavepostbndpnt"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavepostbndpnt
+echo "END: config.wavepostbndpnt"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostbndpntbll b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostbndpntbll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb7224cc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostbndpntbll
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavepostbndpntbll ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavepostbndpntbll"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavepostbndpntbll
+echo "END: config.wavepostbndpntbll"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostpnt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostpnt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8befb91760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostpnt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavepostpnt ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavepostpnt"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavepostpnt
+echo "END: config.wavepostpnt"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostsbs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostsbs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e74aae069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.wavepostsbs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavepostsbs ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavepostsbs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavepostsbs
+# Subgrid info for grib2 encoding
+export WAV_SUBGRBSRC=""
+export WAV_SUBGRB=""
+# Options for point output (switch on/off boundary point output)
+export DOIBP_WAV='NO' # Input boundary points
+export DOFLD_WAV='YES' # Field data
+export DOPNT_WAV='YES' # Station data
+export DOGRB_WAV='YES' # Create grib2 files
+if [[ -n "${waveinterpGRD}" ]]; then
+ export DOGRI_WAV='YES' # Create interpolated grids
+ export DOGRI_WAV='NO' # Do not create interpolated grids
+export DOSPC_WAV='YES' # Spectral post
+export DOBLL_WAV='YES' # Bulletin post
+echo "END: config.wavepostsbs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveprep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveprep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c9a40c1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/config.waveprep
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.waveprep ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.waveprep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources waveprep
+# Step label
+export sigMODE=${sigMODE:-prep}
+# Intake currents settings
+export WAV_CUR_DT=${WAV_CUR_DT:-3}
+export WAV_CUR_HF_DT=${WAV_CUR_HF_DT:-3}
+export WAV_CUR_HF_FH=${WAV_CUR_HF_FH:-0}
+# Location of CDO module
+export CDO_ROOT=${CDO_ROOT:-/usrx/local/dev/packages/cdo/1.9.8}
+if [ "${WW3ICEINP}" = "YES" ]; then
+ export WAVICEFILE=${CDUMP}.t${cyc}z.seaice.5min.grib2
+echo "END: config.waveprep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/rt_c384_ics.crontab b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/rt_c384_ics.crontab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..572bb52eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/rt_c384_ics.crontab
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#################### rt_c384ics ####################
+*/5 * * * * /apps/rocoto/1.3.6/bin/rocotorun -d /home/role.rtfim/UFS-CAMsuite//FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/rt_c384ics.db -w /home/role.rtfim/UFS-CAMsuite//FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/rt_c384ics.xml
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/rt_c384_ics.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/rt_c384_ics.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a21c401c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/rt_c384_ics.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ 1:ppn=1:tpp=1">
+ 4:ppn=6:tpp=1">
+ 1:ppn=1:tpp=1">
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ &JOBS_DIR;/getic.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsgetic_@H
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsgetic.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/model_data/atmos/input/chgres_done
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/model_data/atmos/restart/@Y@m@d.@H0000.sfcanl_data.tile6.nc
+ &EMCDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &EMCDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &PUBDIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &PUBDIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &RETRODIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &RETRODIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &JOBS_DIR;/init.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsinit_@H
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsinit.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.sanl
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nemsio
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/restart/@Y@m@d.@H0000.sfcanl_data.tile6.nc
+ &JOBS_DIR;/archive_fv3ics.ksh
+ 2G
+ 1
+ 01:30:00
+ mssfv3ics
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/mssfv3ics.log
+ mssDirFV3ICS_L127/@Y/@m
+ yyyymmddhh@Y@m@d@H
+ &ICSDIR;/@Y@m@d@H/&CDUMP;/&CASE;/INPUT/gfs_data.tile6.nc
+ &ICSDIR;/@Y@m@d@H/&CDUMP;/&CASE;/INPUT/sfc_data.tile6.nc
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/runcmds b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/runcmds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c628ccec6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_c384ics/runcmds
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ rocotorun -w rt_c384_ics.xml -d ~/rt_dbfiles/rt_c384_ics.db
+ rocotostat -w rt_c384_ics.xml -d ~/rt_dbfiles/rt_c384_ics.db -c `date --date='4 days ago' +%Y%m%d0000`: | m
+ rocotorun -w c384_ics.xml -d ~/retro_dbfiles/c384_ics.db
+ rocotostat -w c384_ics.xml -d ~/retro_dbfiles/c384_ics.db
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aero b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aero
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32993554b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aero
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# UFS-Aerosols settings
+# Turn off warnings about unused variables
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+# Path to the input data tree
+case ${machine} in
+ "HERA")
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/data/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/work2/noaa/global/wkolczyn/noscrub/global-workflow/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/data/prod/glopara/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ "WCOSS2")
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/lfs/h2/emc/global/noscrub/emc.global/data/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ AERO_INPUTS_DIR="/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/glopara/data/gocart_emissions"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Machine ${machine} unsupported for aerosols"
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+export AERO_DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table.aero"
+export AERO_FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table.aero"
+# Biomass burning emission dataset. Choose from: gbbepx, qfed, none
+export AERO_EMIS_FIRE="qfed"
+# Directory containing GOCART configuration files
+export AERO_CONFIG_DIR="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/gocart"
+# Aerosol convective scavenging factors (list of string array elements)
+# Element syntax: ':'. Use = * to set default factor for all aerosol tracers
+# Scavenging factors are set to 0 (no scavenging) if unset
+export fscav_aero="'*:0.3','so2:0.0','msa:0.0','dms:0.0','nh3:0.4','nh4:0.6','bc1:0.6','bc2:0.6','oc1:0.4','oc2:0.4','dust1:0.6','dust2:0.6', 'dust3:0.6','dust4:0.6','dust5:0.6','seas1:0.5','seas2:0.5','seas3:0.5','seas4:0.5','seas5:0.5'"
+# Number of diagnostic aerosol tracers (default: 0)
+export dnats_aero=2
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..634d8c55b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+########## config.aeroanl ##########
+# configuration common to all aero analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.aeroanl"
+export CASE_ANL=${CASE}
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/obs/config/
+export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/obs/lists/gdas_aero_prototype.yaml
+export STATICB_TYPE='identity'
+export BERROR_YAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/berror/staticb_${STATICB_TYPE}.yaml
+export FIXgdas=${HOMEgfs}/fix/gdas
+export BERROR_DATA_DIR=${FIXgdas}/bump/aero/${CASE_ANL}/
+export BERROR_DATE="20160630.000000"
+export io_layout_x=1
+export io_layout_y=1
+export JEDIEXE=${HOMEgfs}/exec/fv3jedi_var.x
+if [[ "${DOIAU}" == "YES" ]]; then
+ export aero_bkg_times="3,6,9"
+ export AEROVARYAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/variational/3dvar_fgat_gfs_aero.yaml
+ export aero_bkg_times="6"
+ export AEROVARYAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/aero/variational/3dvar_gfs_aero.yaml
+echo "END: config.aeroanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlfinal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlfinal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..230ec5205a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlfinal
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+########## config.aeroanlfinal ##########
+# Post Aero Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.aeroanlfinal"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources aeroanlfinal
+echo "END: config.aeroanlfinal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlinit b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72175b8d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlinit
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+########## config.aeroanlinit ##########
+# Pre Aero Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.aeroanlinit"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources aeroanlinit
+echo "END: config.aeroanlinit"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlrun b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlrun
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da13df2831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aeroanlrun
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+########## config.aeroanlrun ##########
+# Aerosol Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.aeroanlrun"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources aeroanlrun
+echo "END: config.aeroanlrun"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aerosol_init b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aerosol_init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e586e0231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.aerosol_init
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.aerosol_init ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.aerosol_init"
+# Get task specific resources
+source $EXPDIR/config.resources aerosol_init
+echo "END: config.aerosol_init"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.anal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.anal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3a17f9c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.anal
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.anal ##########
+# Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.anal"
+# Get task specific resources
+. ${EXPDIR}/config.resources anal
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then
+ . ${EXPDIR}/config.nsst
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" = "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export USE_RADSTAT="NO" # This can be only used when bias correction is not-zero.
+ export GENDIAG="NO"
+ export SETUP='diag_rad=.false.,diag_pcp=.false.,diag_conv=.false.,diag_ozone=.false.,write_diag(3)=.false.,niter(2)=100,'
+export npe_gsi=${npe_anal}
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" == "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export npe_gsi=${npe_anal_gfs}
+ export nth_anal=${nth_anal_gfs}
+# Set parameters specific to L127
+if [[ ${LEVS} = "128" ]]; then
+ export GRIDOPTS="nlayers(63)=1,nlayers(64)=1,"
+ export SETUP="gpstop=55,nsig_ext=45,${SETUP:-}"
+# Set namelist option for LETKF
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".false." # anal does not need to write out jacobians
+ # set to .true. in config.eobs and config.eupd
+# Do not process the following datasets
+export GSNDBF=${GSNDBF:-/dev/null}
+export AMSREBF=${AMSREBF:-/dev/null}
+export SSMITBF=${SSMITBF:-/dev/null}
+export AMSR2BF=${AMSR2BF:-/dev/null}
+# Set default values for info files and observation error
+# NOTE: Remember to set PRVT in config.prep as OBERROR is set below
+export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/global_convinfo.txt
+export OZINFO=${FIXgsi}/global_ozinfo.txt
+export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/global_satinfo.txt
+export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/prepobs_errtable.global
+# Use experimental dumps in EMC GFS v16 parallels
+if [[ ${RUN_ENVIR} == "emc" ]]; then
+ # Set info files and prepobs.errtable.global for GFS v16 retrospective parallels
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019021900" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2019110706" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2019021900
+ export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2019021900
+ fi
+ # Place GOES-15 AMVs in monitor, assimilate GOES-17 AMVs, assimilate KOMPSAT-5 gps
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019110706" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020040718" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2019110706
+ export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2019110706
+ fi
+ # Assimilate 135 (T) & 235 (uv) Canadian AMDAR observations
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020040718" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020052612" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2020040718
+ export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2020040718
+ fi
+ # Assimilate COSMIC-2
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020052612" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020082412" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2020052612
+ export OBERROR=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2020040718
+ fi
+ # Assimilate HDOB
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020082412" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020091612" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2020082412
+ fi
+ # Assimilate Metop-C GNSSRO
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020091612" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021031712" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2020091612
+ fi
+ # Assimilate DO-2 GeoOptics
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021031712" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021091612" ]]; then
+ export CONVINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2021031712
+ fi
+ # NOTE:
+ # As of 2021110312, gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2021110312 is
+ # identical to ../global_convinfo.txt. Thus, the logic below is not
+ # needed at this time.
+ # Assimilate COSMIC-2 GPS
+ # if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021110312" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "YYYYMMDDHH" ]]; then
+ # export CONVINFO=$FIXgsi/gfsv16_historical/global_convinfo.txt.2021110312
+ # fi
+ # Turn off assmilation of OMPS during period of bad data
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020011600" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020011806" ]]; then
+ export OZINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_ozinfo.txt.2020011600
+ fi
+ # Set satinfo for start of GFS v16 parallels
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019021900" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2019110706" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2019021900
+ fi
+ # Turn on assimilation of Metop-C AMSUA and MHS
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019110706" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020022012" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2019110706
+ fi
+ # Turn off assimilation of Metop-A MHS
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020022012" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021052118" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2020022012
+ fi
+ # Turn off assimilation of S-NPP CrIS
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021052118" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021092206" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2021052118
+ fi
+ # Turn off assimilation of MetOp-A IASI
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021092206" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2021102612" ]]; then
+ export SATINFO=${FIXgsi}/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2021092206
+ fi
+ # NOTE:
+ # As of 2021110312, gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2021110312 is
+ # identical to ../global_satinfo.txt. Thus, the logic below is not
+ # needed at this time
+ #
+ # Turn off assmilation of all Metop-A MHS
+ # if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2021110312" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "YYYYMMDDHH" ]]; then
+ # export SATINFO=$FIXgsi/gfsv16_historical/global_satinfo.txt.2021110312
+ # fi
+echo "END: config.anal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.analcalc b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.analcalc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9405114ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.analcalc
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.analcalc ##########
+# GFS post-anal specific (non-diag)
+echo "BEGIN: config.analcalc"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources analcalc
+if [[ "$CDUMP" == "gfs" ]]; then
+ export nth_echgres=$nth_echgres_gfs
+echo "END: config.analcalc"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.analdiag b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.analdiag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b128d3bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.analdiag
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.analdiag ##########
+# GFS post-anal specific (diag)
+echo "BEGIN: config.analdiag"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources analdiag
+echo "END: config.analdiag"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.arch b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.arch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a23bcce6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.arch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.arch ##########
+# Archive specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.arch"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" arch
+echo "END: config.arch"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59ea7072a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmanl ##########
+# configuration common to all atm var analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmanl"
+export CASE_ANL=${CASE}
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/obs/config/
+export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/obs/lists/gdas_prototype_3d.yaml
+export ATMVARYAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/variational/3dvar_dripcg.yaml
+export STATICB_TYPE="gsibec"
+export BERROR_YAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/berror/staticb_${STATICB_TYPE}.yaml
+export INTERP_METHOD='barycentric'
+export io_layout_x=1
+export io_layout_y=1
+export JEDIEXE=${HOMEgfs}/exec/fv3jedi_var.x
+echo "END: config.atmanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlfinal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlfinal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6b714f7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlfinal
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmanlfinal ##########
+# Post Atm Var Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmanlfinal"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmanlfinal
+echo "END: config.atmanlfinal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlinit b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc95ef4962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlinit
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmanlinit ##########
+# Pre Atm Var Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmanlinit"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmanlinit
+echo "END: config.atmanlinit"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlrun b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlrun
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68b7615718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmanlrun
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmanlrun ##########
+# Atm Var Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmanlrun"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmanlrun
+echo "END: config.atmanlrun"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b5da7699b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmensanl ##########
+# configuration common to all atm ens analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmensanl"
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/obs/config/
+export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/obs/lists/lgetkf_prototype.yaml
+export ATMENSYAML=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/atm/lgetkf/lgetkf.yaml
+export INTERP_METHOD='barycentric'
+export io_layout_x=1
+export io_layout_y=1
+export JEDIEXE=${HOMEgfs}/exec/fv3jedi_letkf.x
+echo "END: config.atmensanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlfinal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlfinal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d8ec458c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlfinal
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmensanlfinal ##########
+# Post Atm Ens Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmensanlfinal"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmensanlfinal
+echo "END: config.atmensanlfinal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlinit b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34429023bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlinit
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmensanlinit ##########
+# Pre Atm Ens Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmensanlinit"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmensanlinit
+echo "END: config.atmensanlinit"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlrun b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlrun
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01f211a17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmensanlrun
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmensanlrun ##########
+# Atm Ens Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmensanlrun"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmensanlrun
+echo "END: config.atmensanlrun"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmos_products b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmos_products
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3e861b281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.atmos_products
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.atmos_products ##########
+# atmosphere grib2 products specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.atmos_products"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" atmos_products
+# No. of forecast hours to process in a single job
+# Scripts used by this job
+export INTERP_ATMOS_MASTERSH="${HOMEgfs}/ush/interp_atmos_master.sh"
+export INTERP_ATMOS_SFLUXSH="${HOMEgfs}/ush/interp_atmos_sflux.sh"
+if [[ "${RUN:-}" == "gdas" ]]; then
+ export downset=1
+ export FHOUT_PGBS=${FHOUT:-1} # Output frequency of supplemental gfs pgb file at 1.0 and 0.5 deg
+ export FLXGF="NO" # Create interpolated sflux.1p00 file
+elif [[ "${RUN:-}" == "gfs" ]]; then
+ #JKHexport downset=2 ## create pgrb2b files
+ export downset=1 ## JKH
+ export FHOUT_PGBS=${FHOUT_GFS:-3} # Output frequency of supplemental gfs pgb file at 1.0 and 0.5 deg
+ export FLXGF="NO" # Create interpolated sflux.1p00 file
+# paramlist files for the different forecast hours and downsets
+export paramlista="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/global_1x1_paramlist_g2"
+export paramlista_anl="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/global_1x1_paramlist_g2.anl"
+export paramlista_f000="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/global_1x1_paramlist_g2.f000"
+export paramlistb="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/global_master-catchup_parmlist_g2"
+echo "END: config.atmos_products"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.awips b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.awips
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b78d4bb4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.awips
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.awips ##########
+# GFS awips step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.awips"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" awips
+export AWIPSG2SH="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/JGFS_ATMOS_AWIPS_G2"
+# No. of concurrent awips jobs
+export NAWIPSGRP=42
+echo "END: config.awips"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..556b424400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.base ##########
+# Common to all steps
+echo "BEGIN: config.base"
+# Machine environment
+export machine="HERA"
+# EMC parallel or NCO production
+export RUN_ENVIR="emc"
+# Account, queue, etc.
+export ACCOUNT="gsd-fv3"
+export QUEUE="batch"
+export QUEUE_SERVICE="batch"
+export PARTITION_BATCH="hera"
+export PARTITION_SERVICE="service"
+# Project to use in mass store:
+export HPSS_PROJECT="fim"
+# Directories relative to installation areas:
+export HOMEgfs=/scratch1/BMC/gsd-fv3/rtruns/UFS-CAMsuite_21mar24
+export PARMgfs="${HOMEgfs}/parm"
+export FIXgfs="${HOMEgfs}/fix"
+export USHgfs="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+export UTILgfs="${HOMEgfs}/util"
+export EXECgfs="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export SCRgfs="${HOMEgfs}/scripts"
+export FIXam="${FIXgfs}/am"
+export FIXaer="${FIXgfs}/aer"
+export FIXcpl="${FIXgfs}/cpl"
+export FIXlut="${FIXgfs}/lut"
+export FIXorog="${FIXgfs}/orog"
+export FIXcice="${FIXgfs}/cice"
+export FIXmom="${FIXgfs}/mom6"
+export FIXreg2grb2="${FIXgfs}/reg2grb2"
+export FIXugwd="${FIXgfs}/ugwd"
+# GLOBAL static environment parameters
+export PACKAGEROOT="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/nwpara" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMROOT="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMINsyn="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com/gfs/prod/syndat"
+export DMPDIR="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/dump"
+export BASE_CPLIC="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/data/ICSDIR/prototype_ICs"
+# USER specific paths
+export HOMEDIR="/scratch1/BMC/gsd-fv3-dev/NCEPDEV/global/${USER}"
+export STMP="${HOMEgfs}/FV3GFSrun/"
+export PTMP="${HOMEgfs}/FV3GFSrun/"
+# Base directories for various builds
+export BASE_GIT="/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/git"
+# Toggle to turn on/off GFS downstream processing.
+export DO_GOES="NO" # GOES products
+export DO_BUFRSND="NO" # BUFR sounding products
+export DO_GEMPAK="NO" # GEMPAK products
+export DO_AWIPS="NO" # AWIPS products
+export DO_NPOESS="NO" # NPOESS products
+export DO_TRACKER="NO" # Hurricane track verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS_FSU="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification (FSU)
+# The monitor is not yet supported on Hercules
+if [[ "${machine}" == "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ export DO_VERFOZN="NO" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VERFRAD="NO" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VMINMON="NO" # GSI minimization monitoring
+ export DO_VERFOZN="YES" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VERFRAD="YES" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VMINMON="YES" # GSI minimization monitoring
+export DO_MOS="NO" # GFS Model Output Statistics - Only supported on WCOSS2
+# NO for retrospective parallel; YES for real-time parallel
+# arch.sh uses REALTIME for MOS. Need to set REALTIME=YES
+# if want MOS written to HPSS. Should update arch.sh to
+# use RUNMOS flag
+export REALTIME="YES"
+# Experiment mode (cycled or forecast-only)
+export MODE="forecast-only" # cycled/forecast-only
+# Build paths relative to $HOMEgfs
+export FIXgsi="${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi"
+export HOMEpost="${HOMEgfs}"
+export HOMEobsproc="${BASE_GIT:-}/obsproc/v${obsproc_run_ver:-1.1.2}"
+# CONVENIENT utility scripts and other environment parameters
+export NCP="/bin/cp -p"
+export NMV="/bin/mv"
+export NLN="/bin/ln -sf"
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+export KEEPDATA="NO"
+export CHGRP_CMD="chgrp rstprod"
+export NCDUMP="${NETCDF:-${netcdf_c_ROOT:-}}/bin/ncdump"
+export NCLEN="${HOMEgfs}/ush/getncdimlen"
+# Machine environment, jobs, and other utility scripts
+export BASE_ENV="${HOMEgfs}/env"
+export BASE_JOB="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/rocoto"
+# EXPERIMENT specific environment parameters
+export SDATE=2024032100
+export EDATE=2024011400
+export EXP_WARM_START=".false."
+export assim_freq=6
+export PSLOT="rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn"
+export EXPDIR="/home/role.rtfim/UFS-CAMsuite//FV3GFSwfm/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR="/home/role.rtfim/UFS-CAMsuite//FV3GFSrun/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR_DUMP="YES" #Note: A value of "NO" does not currently work
+export DUMP_SUFFIX=""
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019092100" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -le "2019110700" ]]; then
+ export DUMP_SUFFIX="p" # Use dumps from NCO GFS v15.3 parallel
+export DATAROOT="${STMP}/RUNDIRS/${PSLOT}" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export RUNDIR="${DATAROOT}" # TODO: Should be removed; use DATAROOT instead
+export ARCDIR="${NOSCRUB}/archive/${PSLOT}"
+export ATARDIR="/BMC/${HPSS_PROJECT}/1year/${USER}/${machine}/scratch/${PSLOT}"
+# Commonly defined parameters in JJOBS
+export envir=${envir:-"prod"}
+export NET="gfs" # NET is defined in the job-card (ecf)
+export RUN=${RUN:-${CDUMP:-"gfs"}} # RUN is defined in the job-card (ecf); CDUMP is used at EMC as a RUN proxy
+# TODO: determine where is RUN actually used in the workflow other than here
+# TODO: is it possible to replace all instances of ${CDUMP} to ${RUN} to be
+# consistent w/ EE2?
+# Get all the COM path templates
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.com"
+export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-'eval [[ $err = 0 ]]'}
+#export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-"err_chk"}
+#export LOGSCRIPT=${LOGSCRIPT:-"startmsg"}
+export REDOUT="1>"
+export REDERR="2>"
+export SENDECF=${SENDECF:-"NO"}
+export SENDSDM=${SENDSDM:-"NO"}
+export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-"NO"}
+export DBNROOT=${DBNROOT:-${UTILROOT:-}/fakedbn}
+# APP settings
+export APP=ATM
+# Defaults:
+export DO_ATM="YES"
+export DO_COUPLED="NO"
+export DO_WAVE="NO"
+export DO_OCN="NO"
+export DO_ICE="NO"
+export DO_AERO="NO"
+export WAVE_CDUMP="" # When to include wave suite: gdas, gfs, or both
+export FRAC_GRID=".true."
+# Set operational resolution
+export OPS_RES="C768" # Do not change # TODO: Why is this needed and where is it used?
+# Resolution specific parameters
+export LEVS=128
+export CASE="C768"
+export CASE_ENS="@CASEENS@"
+export OCNRES="025"
+export ICERES="${OCNRES}"
+# These are the currently recommended grid-combinations
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48")
+ export waveGRD='glo_500'
+ ;;
+ "C96" | "C192")
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export waveGRD='glo_025'
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ export waveGRD='mx025'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized CASE ${CASE}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+case "${APP}" in
+ ATM)
+ ;;
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ ;;
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ ;;
+ export DO_ATM="NO"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ ;;
+ S2S*)
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ A$ ]]; then
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ ^S2SW ]]; then
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized APP: '${APP}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Surface cycle update frequency
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=1
+ export FTSFS=10
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=24
+# Output frequency of the forecast model (for cycling)
+export FHMIN=0
+export FHMAX=9
+export FHOUT=3 # Will be changed to 1 in config.base if (DOHYBVAR set to NO and l4densvar set to false)
+# Cycle to run EnKF (set to BOTH for both gfs and gdas)
+export EUPD_CYC="gdas"
+# GFS cycle info
+export gfs_cyc=1 # 0: no GFS cycle, 1: 00Z only, 2: 00Z and 12Z only, 4: all 4 cycles.
+# GFS output and frequency
+export FHMIN_GFS=0
+export FHMAX_GFS_00=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_06=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_12=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_18=120
+current_fhmax_var=FHMAX_GFS_${cyc}; declare -x FHMAX_GFS=${!current_fhmax_var}
+export FHOUT_GFS=6 # Must be 6 for S2S until #1629 is addressed; 3 for ops
+export FHMAX_HF_GFS=0
+export FHOUT_HF_GFS=1
+if (( gfs_cyc != 0 )); then
+ export STEP_GFS=$(( 24 / gfs_cyc ))
+ export STEP_GFS="0"
+export ILPOST=1 # gempak output frequency up to F120
+# GFS restart interval in hours
+#JKHexport restart_interval_gfs=12
+export restart_interval_gfs=-1 ## JKH
+# NOTE: Do not set this to zero. Instead set it to $FHMAX_GFS
+# TODO: Remove this variable from config.base and reference from config.fcst
+# TODO: rework logic in config.wave and push it to parsing_nameslist_WW3.sh where it is actually used
+export QUILTING=".true."
+export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid"
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".true." # WRITE_DOPOST=true, use inline POST
+export WRITE_NSFLIP=".true."
+# IAU related parameters
+export DOIAU="YES" # Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments
+export IAUFHRS="3,6,9"
+export IAU_FHROT=${IAUFHRS%%,*}
+export IAU_DELTHRS=6
+export IAU_OFFSET=6
+export DOIAU_ENKF=${DOIAU:-"YES"} # Enable 4DIAU for EnKF ensemble
+export IAUFHRS_ENKF="3,6,9"
+# Use Jacobians in eupd and thereby remove need to run eomg
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true."
+# if [[ "$SDATE" -lt "2019020100" ]]; then # no rtofs in GDA
+# export DO_WAVE="NO"
+# echo "WARNING: Wave suite turned off due to lack of RTOFS in GDA for SDATE"
+# fi
+# Microphysics Options: 99-ZhaoCarr, 8-Thompson; 6-WSM6, 10-MG, 11-GFDL
+export imp_physics=8
+# Shared parameters
+# DA engine
+# Hybrid related
+export SMOOTH_ENKF="NO"
+export l4densvar=".true."
+export lwrite4danl=".true."
+# EnKF output frequency
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} = "YES" ]]; then
+ export FHMIN_ENKF=3
+ export FHMAX_ENKF=9
+ export FHMAX_ENKF_GFS=120
+ export FHOUT_ENKF_GFS=3
+ if [[ ${l4densvar} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export FHOUT=1
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=1
+ else
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=3
+ fi
+# if 3DVAR and IAU
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} == "NO" && ${DOIAU} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+ export IAU_FHROT="3"
+ export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=".true."
+ export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"
+# Check if cycle is cold starting, DOIAU off, or free-forecast mode
+if [[ "${MODE}" = "cycled" && "${SDATE}" = "${PDY}${cyc}" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] || [[ "${DOIAU}" = "NO" ]] || [[ "${MODE}" = "forecast-only" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] ; then
+ export IAU_OFFSET=0
+ export IAU_FHROT=0
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF}" = "NO" ]]; then export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"; fi
+# turned on nsst in anal and/or fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
+export DONST="YES"
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then export FNTSFA=" "; fi
+# The switch to apply SST elevation correction or not
+export nst_anl=.true.
+# Make the nsstbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Make the aircraft prepbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Analysis increments to zero in CALCINCEXEC
+export INCREMENTS_TO_ZERO="'liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+# Write analysis files for early cycle EnKF
+# Stratospheric increments to zero
+export INCVARS_ZERO_STRAT="'sphum_inc','liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+export INCVARS_EFOLD="5"
+# Swith to generate netcdf or binary diagnostic files. If not specified,
+# script default to binary diagnostic files. Set diagnostic file
+# variables here since used in DA job
+export netcdf_diag=".true."
+export binary_diag=".false."
+# Verification options
+export DO_METP="NO" # Run METPLUS jobs - set METPLUS settings in config.metp; not supported with spack-stack
+export DO_FIT2OBS="NO" # Run fit to observations package ## JKH
+# Archiving options
+export HPSSARCH="YES" # save data to HPSS archive
+export LOCALARCH="NO" # save data to local archive
+if [[ ${HPSSARCH} = "YES" ]] && [[ ${LOCALARCH} = "YES" ]]; then
+ echo "Both HPSS and local archiving selected. Please choose one or the other."
+ exit 2
+export ARCH_CYC=00 # Archive data at this cycle for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_WARMICFREQ=4 # Archive frequency in days for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_FCSTICFREQ=1 # Archive frequency in days for gdas and gfs forecast-only capability
+#--online archive of nemsio files for fit2obs verification
+export FITSARC="YES"
+export FHMAX_FITS=132
+[[ "${FHMAX_FITS}" -gt "${FHMAX_GFS}" ]] && export FHMAX_FITS=${FHMAX_GFS}
+echo "END: config.base"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_emc b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_emc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88a9643ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_emc
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.base ##########
+# Common to all steps
+echo "BEGIN: config.base"
+# Machine environment
+export machine="@MACHINE@"
+# EMC parallel or NCO production
+export RUN_ENVIR="emc"
+# Account, queue, etc.
+export QUEUE="@QUEUE@"
+# Project to use in mass store:
+# Directories relative to installation areas:
+export HOMEgfs=@HOMEgfs@
+export PARMgfs="${HOMEgfs}/parm"
+export FIXgfs="${HOMEgfs}/fix"
+export USHgfs="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+export UTILgfs="${HOMEgfs}/util"
+export EXECgfs="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export SCRgfs="${HOMEgfs}/scripts"
+export FIXam="${FIXgfs}/am"
+export FIXaer="${FIXgfs}/aer"
+export FIXcpl="${FIXgfs}/cpl"
+export FIXlut="${FIXgfs}/lut"
+export FIXorog="${FIXgfs}/orog"
+export FIXcice="${FIXgfs}/cice"
+export FIXmom="${FIXgfs}/mom6"
+export FIXreg2grb2="${FIXgfs}/reg2grb2"
+export FIXugwd="${FIXgfs}/ugwd"
+# GLOBAL static environment parameters
+export PACKAGEROOT="@PACKAGEROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMROOT="@COMROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMINsyn="@COMINsyn@"
+export DMPDIR="@DMPDIR@"
+# USER specific paths
+export STMP="@STMP@"
+export PTMP="@PTMP@"
+# Base directories for various builds
+export BASE_GIT="@BASE_GIT@"
+# Toggle to turn on/off GFS downstream processing.
+export DO_GOES="@DO_GOES@" # GOES products
+export DO_BUFRSND="NO" # BUFR sounding products
+export DO_GEMPAK="NO" # GEMPAK products
+export DO_AWIPS="NO" # AWIPS products
+export DO_NPOESS="NO" # NPOESS products
+export DO_TRACKER="YES" # Hurricane track verification
+export DO_GENESIS="YES" # Cyclone genesis verification
+export DO_GENESIS_FSU="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification (FSU)
+# The monitor is not yet supported on Hercules
+if [[ "${machine}" == "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ export DO_VERFOZN="NO" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VERFRAD="NO" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VMINMON="NO" # GSI minimization monitoring
+ export DO_VERFOZN="YES" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VERFRAD="YES" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VMINMON="YES" # GSI minimization monitoring
+export DO_MOS="NO" # GFS Model Output Statistics - Only supported on WCOSS2
+# NO for retrospective parallel; YES for real-time parallel
+# arch.sh uses REALTIME for MOS. Need to set REALTIME=YES
+# if want MOS written to HPSS. Should update arch.sh to
+# use RUNMOS flag
+export REALTIME="YES"
+# Experiment mode (cycled or forecast-only)
+export MODE="@MODE@" # cycled/forecast-only
+# Build paths relative to $HOMEgfs
+export FIXgsi="${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi"
+export HOMEpost="${HOMEgfs}"
+export HOMEobsproc="${BASE_GIT:-}/obsproc/v${obsproc_run_ver:-1.1.2}"
+# CONVENIENT utility scripts and other environment parameters
+export NCP="/bin/cp -p"
+export NMV="/bin/mv"
+export NLN="/bin/ln -sf"
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+export KEEPDATA="NO"
+export NCDUMP="${NETCDF:-${netcdf_c_ROOT:-}}/bin/ncdump"
+export NCLEN="${HOMEgfs}/ush/getncdimlen"
+# Machine environment, jobs, and other utility scripts
+export BASE_ENV="${HOMEgfs}/env"
+export BASE_JOB="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/rocoto"
+# EXPERIMENT specific environment parameters
+export SDATE=@SDATE@
+export EDATE=@EDATE@
+export assim_freq=6
+export PSLOT="@PSLOT@"
+export EXPDIR="@EXPDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR_DUMP="YES" #Note: A value of "NO" does not currently work
+export DUMP_SUFFIX=""
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019092100" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -le "2019110700" ]]; then
+ export DUMP_SUFFIX="p" # Use dumps from NCO GFS v15.3 parallel
+export DATAROOT="${STMP}/RUNDIRS/${PSLOT}" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export RUNDIR="${DATAROOT}" # TODO: Should be removed; use DATAROOT instead
+export ARCDIR="${NOSCRUB}/archive/${PSLOT}"
+# Commonly defined parameters in JJOBS
+export envir=${envir:-"prod"}
+export NET="gfs" # NET is defined in the job-card (ecf)
+export RUN=${RUN:-${CDUMP:-"gfs"}} # RUN is defined in the job-card (ecf); CDUMP is used at EMC as a RUN proxy
+# TODO: determine where is RUN actually used in the workflow other than here
+# TODO: is it possible to replace all instances of ${CDUMP} to ${RUN} to be
+# consistent w/ EE2?
+# Get all the COM path templates
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.com"
+export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-'eval [[ $err = 0 ]]'}
+#export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-"err_chk"}
+#export LOGSCRIPT=${LOGSCRIPT:-"startmsg"}
+export REDOUT="1>"
+export REDERR="2>"
+export SENDECF=${SENDECF:-"NO"}
+export SENDSDM=${SENDSDM:-"NO"}
+export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-"NO"}
+export DBNROOT=${DBNROOT:-${UTILROOT:-}/fakedbn}
+# APP settings
+export APP=@APP@
+# Defaults:
+export DO_ATM="YES"
+export DO_COUPLED="NO"
+export DO_WAVE="NO"
+export DO_OCN="NO"
+export DO_ICE="NO"
+export DO_AERO="NO"
+export WAVE_CDUMP="" # When to include wave suite: gdas, gfs, or both
+export FRAC_GRID=".true."
+# Set operational resolution
+export OPS_RES="C768" # Do not change # TODO: Why is this needed and where is it used?
+# Resolution specific parameters
+export LEVS=128
+export CASE="@CASECTL@"
+export CASE_ENS="@CASEENS@"
+export OCNRES="@OCNRES@"
+export ICERES="${OCNRES}"
+# These are the currently recommended grid-combinations
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48")
+ export waveGRD='glo_500'
+ ;;
+ "C96" | "C192")
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export waveGRD='glo_025'
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ export waveGRD='mx025'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized CASE ${CASE}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+case "${APP}" in
+ ATM)
+ ;;
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ ;;
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ ;;
+ export DO_ATM="NO"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ ;;
+ S2S*)
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ A$ ]]; then
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ ^S2SW ]]; then
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized APP: '${APP}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Surface cycle update frequency
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=1
+ export FTSFS=10
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=24
+# Output frequency of the forecast model (for cycling)
+export FHMIN=0
+export FHMAX=9
+export FHOUT=3 # Will be changed to 1 in config.base if (DOHYBVAR set to NO and l4densvar set to false)
+# Cycle to run EnKF (set to BOTH for both gfs and gdas)
+export EUPD_CYC="gdas"
+# GFS cycle info
+export gfs_cyc=@gfs_cyc@ # 0: no GFS cycle, 1: 00Z only, 2: 00Z and 12Z only, 4: all 4 cycles.
+# GFS output and frequency
+export FHMIN_GFS=0
+export FHMAX_GFS_00=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_06=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_12=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_18=120
+current_fhmax_var=FHMAX_GFS_${cyc}; declare -x FHMAX_GFS=${!current_fhmax_var}
+export FHOUT_GFS=6 # Must be 6 for S2S until #1629 is addressed; 3 for ops
+export FHMAX_HF_GFS=0
+export FHOUT_HF_GFS=1
+if (( gfs_cyc != 0 )); then
+ export STEP_GFS=$(( 24 / gfs_cyc ))
+ export STEP_GFS="0"
+export ILPOST=1 # gempak output frequency up to F120
+# GFS restart interval in hours
+#JKHexport restart_interval_gfs=12
+export restart_interval_gfs=-1 ## JKH
+# NOTE: Do not set this to zero. Instead set it to $FHMAX_GFS
+# TODO: Remove this variable from config.base and reference from config.fcst
+# TODO: rework logic in config.wave and push it to parsing_nameslist_WW3.sh where it is actually used
+export QUILTING=".true."
+export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid"
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".true." # WRITE_DOPOST=true, use inline POST
+export WRITE_NSFLIP=".true."
+# IAU related parameters
+export DOIAU="@DOIAU@" # Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments
+export IAUFHRS="3,6,9"
+export IAU_FHROT=${IAUFHRS%%,*}
+export IAU_DELTHRS=6
+export IAU_OFFSET=6
+export DOIAU_ENKF=${DOIAU:-"YES"} # Enable 4DIAU for EnKF ensemble
+export IAUFHRS_ENKF="3,6,9"
+# Use Jacobians in eupd and thereby remove need to run eomg
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true."
+# if [[ "$SDATE" -lt "2019020100" ]]; then # no rtofs in GDA
+# export DO_WAVE="NO"
+# echo "WARNING: Wave suite turned off due to lack of RTOFS in GDA for SDATE"
+# fi
+# Microphysics Options: 99-ZhaoCarr, 8-Thompson; 6-WSM6, 10-MG, 11-GFDL
+export imp_physics=8
+# Shared parameters
+# DA engine
+# Hybrid related
+export SMOOTH_ENKF="NO"
+export l4densvar=".true."
+export lwrite4danl=".true."
+# EnKF output frequency
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} = "YES" ]]; then
+ export FHMIN_ENKF=3
+ export FHMAX_ENKF=9
+ export FHMAX_ENKF_GFS=120
+ export FHOUT_ENKF_GFS=3
+ if [[ ${l4densvar} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export FHOUT=1
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=1
+ else
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=3
+ fi
+# if 3DVAR and IAU
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} == "NO" && ${DOIAU} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+ export IAU_FHROT="3"
+ export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=".true."
+ export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"
+# Check if cycle is cold starting, DOIAU off, or free-forecast mode
+if [[ "${MODE}" = "cycled" && "${SDATE}" = "${PDY}${cyc}" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] || [[ "${DOIAU}" = "NO" ]] || [[ "${MODE}" = "forecast-only" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] ; then
+ export IAU_OFFSET=0
+ export IAU_FHROT=0
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF}" = "NO" ]]; then export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"; fi
+# turned on nsst in anal and/or fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
+export DONST="YES"
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then export FNTSFA=" "; fi
+# The switch to apply SST elevation correction or not
+export nst_anl=.true.
+# Make the nsstbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Make the aircraft prepbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Analysis increments to zero in CALCINCEXEC
+export INCREMENTS_TO_ZERO="'liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+# Write analysis files for early cycle EnKF
+# Stratospheric increments to zero
+export INCVARS_ZERO_STRAT="'sphum_inc','liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+export INCVARS_EFOLD="5"
+# Swith to generate netcdf or binary diagnostic files. If not specified,
+# script default to binary diagnostic files. Set diagnostic file
+# variables here since used in DA job
+export netcdf_diag=".true."
+export binary_diag=".false."
+# Verification options
+export DO_METP="NO" # Run METPLUS jobs - set METPLUS settings in config.metp; not supported with spack-stack
+export DO_FIT2OBS="YES" # Run fit to observations package
+# Archiving options
+export HPSSARCH="@HPSSARCH@" # save data to HPSS archive
+export LOCALARCH="@LOCALARCH@" # save data to local archive
+if [[ ${HPSSARCH} = "YES" ]] && [[ ${LOCALARCH} = "YES" ]]; then
+ echo "Both HPSS and local archiving selected. Please choose one or the other."
+ exit 2
+export ARCH_CYC=00 # Archive data at this cycle for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_WARMICFREQ=4 # Archive frequency in days for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_FCSTICFREQ=1 # Archive frequency in days for gdas and gfs forecast-only capability
+#--online archive of nemsio files for fit2obs verification
+export FITSARC="YES"
+export FHMAX_FITS=132
+[[ "${FHMAX_FITS}" -gt "${FHMAX_GFS}" ]] && export FHMAX_FITS=${FHMAX_GFS}
+echo "END: config.base"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_hera b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_hera
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..231b48b0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_hera
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.base ##########
+# Common to all steps
+echo "BEGIN: config.base"
+# Machine environment
+export machine="@MACHINE@"
+# EMC parallel or NCO production
+export RUN_ENVIR="emc"
+# Account, queue, etc.
+export QUEUE="@QUEUE@"
+# Project to use in mass store:
+# Directories relative to installation areas:
+export HOMEgfs=@HOMEgfs@
+export PARMgfs="${HOMEgfs}/parm"
+export FIXgfs="${HOMEgfs}/fix"
+export USHgfs="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+export UTILgfs="${HOMEgfs}/util"
+export EXECgfs="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export SCRgfs="${HOMEgfs}/scripts"
+export FIXam="${FIXgfs}/am"
+export FIXaer="${FIXgfs}/aer"
+export FIXcpl="${FIXgfs}/cpl"
+export FIXlut="${FIXgfs}/lut"
+export FIXorog="${FIXgfs}/orog"
+export FIXcice="${FIXgfs}/cice"
+export FIXmom="${FIXgfs}/mom6"
+export FIXreg2grb2="${FIXgfs}/reg2grb2"
+export FIXugwd="${FIXgfs}/ugwd"
+# GLOBAL static environment parameters
+export PACKAGEROOT="@PACKAGEROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMROOT="@COMROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMINsyn="@COMINsyn@"
+export DMPDIR="@DMPDIR@"
+# USER specific paths
+export STMP="@STMP@"
+export PTMP="@PTMP@"
+# Base directories for various builds
+export BASE_GIT="@BASE_GIT@"
+# Toggle to turn on/off GFS downstream processing.
+export DO_GOES="@DO_GOES@" # GOES products
+export DO_BUFRSND="NO" # BUFR sounding products
+export DO_GEMPAK="NO" # GEMPAK products
+export DO_AWIPS="NO" # AWIPS products
+export DO_NPOESS="NO" # NPOESS products
+export DO_TRACKER="NO" # Hurricane track verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS_FSU="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification (FSU)
+# The monitor is not yet supported on Hercules
+if [[ "${machine}" == "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ export DO_VERFOZN="NO" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VERFRAD="NO" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VMINMON="NO" # GSI minimization monitoring
+ export DO_VERFOZN="YES" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VERFRAD="YES" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VMINMON="YES" # GSI minimization monitoring
+export DO_MOS="NO" # GFS Model Output Statistics - Only supported on WCOSS2
+# NO for retrospective parallel; YES for real-time parallel
+# arch.sh uses REALTIME for MOS. Need to set REALTIME=YES
+# if want MOS written to HPSS. Should update arch.sh to
+# use RUNMOS flag
+export REALTIME="YES"
+# Experiment mode (cycled or forecast-only)
+export MODE="@MODE@" # cycled/forecast-only
+# Build paths relative to $HOMEgfs
+export FIXgsi="${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi"
+export HOMEpost="${HOMEgfs}"
+export HOMEobsproc="${BASE_GIT:-}/obsproc/v${obsproc_run_ver:-1.1.2}"
+# CONVENIENT utility scripts and other environment parameters
+export NCP="/bin/cp -p"
+export NMV="/bin/mv"
+export NLN="/bin/ln -sf"
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+export KEEPDATA="NO"
+export NCDUMP="${NETCDF:-${netcdf_c_ROOT:-}}/bin/ncdump"
+export NCLEN="${HOMEgfs}/ush/getncdimlen"
+# Machine environment, jobs, and other utility scripts
+export BASE_ENV="${HOMEgfs}/env"
+export BASE_JOB="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/rocoto"
+# EXPERIMENT specific environment parameters
+export SDATE=@SDATE@
+export EDATE=@EDATE@
+export assim_freq=6
+export PSLOT="@PSLOT@"
+export EXPDIR="@EXPDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR_DUMP="YES" #Note: A value of "NO" does not currently work
+export DUMP_SUFFIX=""
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019092100" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -le "2019110700" ]]; then
+ export DUMP_SUFFIX="p" # Use dumps from NCO GFS v15.3 parallel
+export DATAROOT="${STMP}/RUNDIRS/${PSLOT}" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export RUNDIR="${DATAROOT}" # TODO: Should be removed; use DATAROOT instead
+export ARCDIR="${NOSCRUB}/archive/${PSLOT}"
+# Commonly defined parameters in JJOBS
+export envir=${envir:-"prod"}
+export NET="gfs" # NET is defined in the job-card (ecf)
+export RUN=${RUN:-${CDUMP:-"gfs"}} # RUN is defined in the job-card (ecf); CDUMP is used at EMC as a RUN proxy
+# TODO: determine where is RUN actually used in the workflow other than here
+# TODO: is it possible to replace all instances of ${CDUMP} to ${RUN} to be
+# consistent w/ EE2?
+# Get all the COM path templates
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.com"
+export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-'eval [[ $err = 0 ]]'}
+#export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-"err_chk"}
+#export LOGSCRIPT=${LOGSCRIPT:-"startmsg"}
+export REDOUT="1>"
+export REDERR="2>"
+export SENDECF=${SENDECF:-"NO"}
+export SENDSDM=${SENDSDM:-"NO"}
+export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-"NO"}
+export DBNROOT=${DBNROOT:-${UTILROOT:-}/fakedbn}
+# APP settings
+export APP=@APP@
+# Defaults:
+export DO_ATM="YES"
+export DO_COUPLED="NO"
+export DO_WAVE="NO"
+export DO_OCN="NO"
+export DO_ICE="NO"
+export DO_AERO="NO"
+export WAVE_CDUMP="" # When to include wave suite: gdas, gfs, or both
+export FRAC_GRID=".true."
+# Set operational resolution
+export OPS_RES="C768" # Do not change # TODO: Why is this needed and where is it used?
+# Resolution specific parameters
+export LEVS=128
+export CASE="@CASECTL@"
+export CASE_ENS="@CASEENS@"
+export OCNRES="@OCNRES@"
+export ICERES="${OCNRES}"
+# These are the currently recommended grid-combinations
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48")
+ export waveGRD='glo_500'
+ ;;
+ "C96" | "C192")
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export waveGRD='glo_025'
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ export waveGRD='mx025'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized CASE ${CASE}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+case "${APP}" in
+ ATM)
+ ;;
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ ;;
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ ;;
+ export DO_ATM="NO"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ ;;
+ S2S*)
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ A$ ]]; then
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ ^S2SW ]]; then
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized APP: '${APP}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Surface cycle update frequency
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=1
+ export FTSFS=10
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=24
+# Output frequency of the forecast model (for cycling)
+export FHMIN=0
+export FHMAX=9
+export FHOUT=3 # Will be changed to 1 in config.base if (DOHYBVAR set to NO and l4densvar set to false)
+# Cycle to run EnKF (set to BOTH for both gfs and gdas)
+export EUPD_CYC="gdas"
+# GFS cycle info
+export gfs_cyc=@gfs_cyc@ # 0: no GFS cycle, 1: 00Z only, 2: 00Z and 12Z only, 4: all 4 cycles.
+# GFS output and frequency
+export FHMIN_GFS=0
+export FHMAX_GFS_00=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_06=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_12=120
+export FHMAX_GFS_18=120
+current_fhmax_var=FHMAX_GFS_${cyc}; declare -x FHMAX_GFS=${!current_fhmax_var}
+export FHOUT_GFS=6 # Must be 6 for S2S until #1629 is addressed; 3 for ops
+export FHMAX_HF_GFS=0
+export FHOUT_HF_GFS=1
+if (( gfs_cyc != 0 )); then
+ export STEP_GFS=$(( 24 / gfs_cyc ))
+ export STEP_GFS="0"
+export ILPOST=1 # gempak output frequency up to F120
+# GFS restart interval in hours
+#JKHexport restart_interval_gfs=12
+export restart_interval_gfs=-1 ## JKH
+# NOTE: Do not set this to zero. Instead set it to $FHMAX_GFS
+# TODO: Remove this variable from config.base and reference from config.fcst
+# TODO: rework logic in config.wave and push it to parsing_nameslist_WW3.sh where it is actually used
+export QUILTING=".true."
+export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid"
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".true." # WRITE_DOPOST=true, use inline POST
+export WRITE_NSFLIP=".true."
+# IAU related parameters
+export DOIAU="@DOIAU@" # Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments
+export IAUFHRS="3,6,9"
+export IAU_FHROT=${IAUFHRS%%,*}
+export IAU_DELTHRS=6
+export IAU_OFFSET=6
+export DOIAU_ENKF=${DOIAU:-"YES"} # Enable 4DIAU for EnKF ensemble
+export IAUFHRS_ENKF="3,6,9"
+# Use Jacobians in eupd and thereby remove need to run eomg
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true."
+# if [[ "$SDATE" -lt "2019020100" ]]; then # no rtofs in GDA
+# export DO_WAVE="NO"
+# echo "WARNING: Wave suite turned off due to lack of RTOFS in GDA for SDATE"
+# fi
+# Microphysics Options: 99-ZhaoCarr, 8-Thompson; 6-WSM6, 10-MG, 11-GFDL
+export imp_physics=8
+# Shared parameters
+# DA engine
+# Hybrid related
+export SMOOTH_ENKF="NO"
+export l4densvar=".true."
+export lwrite4danl=".true."
+# EnKF output frequency
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} = "YES" ]]; then
+ export FHMIN_ENKF=3
+ export FHMAX_ENKF=9
+ export FHMAX_ENKF_GFS=120
+ export FHOUT_ENKF_GFS=3
+ if [[ ${l4densvar} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export FHOUT=1
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=1
+ else
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=3
+ fi
+# if 3DVAR and IAU
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} == "NO" && ${DOIAU} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+ export IAU_FHROT="3"
+ export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=".true."
+ export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"
+# Check if cycle is cold starting, DOIAU off, or free-forecast mode
+if [[ "${MODE}" = "cycled" && "${SDATE}" = "${PDY}${cyc}" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] || [[ "${DOIAU}" = "NO" ]] || [[ "${MODE}" = "forecast-only" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] ; then
+ export IAU_OFFSET=0
+ export IAU_FHROT=0
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF}" = "NO" ]]; then export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"; fi
+# turned on nsst in anal and/or fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
+export DONST="YES"
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then export FNTSFA=" "; fi
+# The switch to apply SST elevation correction or not
+export nst_anl=.true.
+# Make the nsstbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Make the aircraft prepbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Analysis increments to zero in CALCINCEXEC
+export INCREMENTS_TO_ZERO="'liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+# Write analysis files for early cycle EnKF
+# Stratospheric increments to zero
+export INCVARS_ZERO_STRAT="'sphum_inc','liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+export INCVARS_EFOLD="5"
+# Swith to generate netcdf or binary diagnostic files. If not specified,
+# script default to binary diagnostic files. Set diagnostic file
+# variables here since used in DA job
+export netcdf_diag=".true."
+export binary_diag=".false."
+# Verification options
+export DO_METP="NO" # Run METPLUS jobs - set METPLUS settings in config.metp; not supported with spack-stack
+export DO_FIT2OBS="NO" # Run fit to observations package ## JKH
+# Archiving options
+export HPSSARCH="@HPSSARCH@" # save data to HPSS archive
+export LOCALARCH="@LOCALARCH@" # save data to local archive
+if [[ ${HPSSARCH} = "YES" ]] && [[ ${LOCALARCH} = "YES" ]]; then
+ echo "Both HPSS and local archiving selected. Please choose one or the other."
+ exit 2
+export ARCH_CYC=00 # Archive data at this cycle for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_WARMICFREQ=4 # Archive frequency in days for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_FCSTICFREQ=1 # Archive frequency in days for gdas and gfs forecast-only capability
+#--online archive of nemsio files for fit2obs verification
+export FITSARC="YES"
+export FHMAX_FITS=132
+[[ "${FHMAX_FITS}" -gt "${FHMAX_GFS}" ]] && export FHMAX_FITS=${FHMAX_GFS}
+echo "END: config.base"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_jet b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_jet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be130a79ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.base.emc.dyn_jet
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.base ##########
+# Common to all steps
+echo "BEGIN: config.base"
+# Machine environment
+export machine="@MACHINE@"
+# EMC parallel or NCO production
+export RUN_ENVIR="emc"
+# Account, queue, etc.
+export QUEUE="@QUEUE@"
+# Project to use in mass store:
+# Directories relative to installation areas:
+export HOMEgfs=@HOMEgfs@
+export PARMgfs="${HOMEgfs}/parm"
+export FIXgfs="${HOMEgfs}/fix"
+export USHgfs="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+export UTILgfs="${HOMEgfs}/util"
+export EXECgfs="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export SCRgfs="${HOMEgfs}/scripts"
+export FIXam="${FIXgfs}/am"
+export FIXaer="${FIXgfs}/aer"
+export FIXcpl="${FIXgfs}/cpl"
+export FIXlut="${FIXgfs}/lut"
+export FIXorog="${FIXgfs}/orog"
+export FIXcice="${FIXgfs}/cice"
+export FIXmom="${FIXgfs}/mom6"
+export FIXreg2grb2="${FIXgfs}/reg2grb2"
+export FIXugwd="${FIXgfs}/ugwd"
+# GLOBAL static environment parameters
+export PACKAGEROOT="@PACKAGEROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMROOT="@COMROOT@" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export COMINsyn="@COMINsyn@"
+export DMPDIR="@DMPDIR@"
+# USER specific paths
+export STMP="@STMP@"
+export PTMP="@PTMP@"
+# Base directories for various builds
+export BASE_GIT="@BASE_GIT@"
+# Toggle to turn on/off GFS downstream processing.
+export DO_GOES="@DO_GOES@" # GOES products
+export DO_BUFRSND="NO" # BUFR sounding products
+export DO_GEMPAK="NO" # GEMPAK products
+export DO_AWIPS="NO" # AWIPS products
+export DO_NPOESS="NO" # NPOESS products
+export DO_TRACKER="YES" # Hurricane track verification
+export DO_GENESIS="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification ## JKH
+export DO_GENESIS_FSU="NO" # Cyclone genesis verification (FSU)
+# The monitor is not yet supported on Hercules
+if [[ "${machine}" == "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ export DO_VERFOZN="NO" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VERFRAD="NO" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VMINMON="NO" # GSI minimization monitoring
+ export DO_VERFOZN="YES" # Ozone data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VERFRAD="YES" # Radiance data assimilation monitoring
+ export DO_VMINMON="YES" # GSI minimization monitoring
+export DO_MOS="NO" # GFS Model Output Statistics - Only supported on WCOSS2
+# NO for retrospective parallel; YES for real-time parallel
+# arch.sh uses REALTIME for MOS. Need to set REALTIME=YES
+# if want MOS written to HPSS. Should update arch.sh to
+# use RUNMOS flag
+export REALTIME="YES"
+# Experiment mode (cycled or forecast-only)
+export MODE="@MODE@" # cycled/forecast-only
+# Build paths relative to $HOMEgfs
+export FIXgsi="${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi"
+export HOMEpost="${HOMEgfs}"
+export HOMEobsproc="${BASE_GIT:-}/obsproc/v${obsproc_run_ver:-1.1.2}"
+# CONVENIENT utility scripts and other environment parameters
+export NCP="/bin/cp -p"
+export NMV="/bin/mv"
+export NLN="/bin/ln -sf"
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+export KEEPDATA="NO"
+export NCDUMP="${NETCDF:-${netcdf_c_ROOT:-}}/bin/ncdump"
+export NCLEN="${HOMEgfs}/ush/getncdimlen"
+# Machine environment, jobs, and other utility scripts
+export BASE_ENV="${HOMEgfs}/env"
+export BASE_JOB="${HOMEgfs}/jobs/rocoto"
+# EXPERIMENT specific environment parameters
+export SDATE=@SDATE@
+export EDATE=@EDATE@
+export assim_freq=6
+export PSLOT="@PSLOT@"
+export EXPDIR="@EXPDIR@/${PSLOT}"
+export ROTDIR_DUMP="YES" #Note: A value of "NO" does not currently work
+export DUMP_SUFFIX=""
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019092100" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -le "2019110700" ]]; then
+ export DUMP_SUFFIX="p" # Use dumps from NCO GFS v15.3 parallel
+export DATAROOT="${STMP}/RUNDIRS/${PSLOT}" # TODO: set via prod_envir in Ops
+export RUNDIR="${DATAROOT}" # TODO: Should be removed; use DATAROOT instead
+export ARCDIR="${NOSCRUB}/archive/${PSLOT}"
+# Commonly defined parameters in JJOBS
+export envir=${envir:-"prod"}
+export NET="gfs" # NET is defined in the job-card (ecf)
+export RUN=${RUN:-${CDUMP:-"gfs"}} # RUN is defined in the job-card (ecf); CDUMP is used at EMC as a RUN proxy
+# TODO: determine where is RUN actually used in the workflow other than here
+# TODO: is it possible to replace all instances of ${CDUMP} to ${RUN} to be
+# consistent w/ EE2?
+# Get all the COM path templates
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.com"
+export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-'eval [[ $err = 0 ]]'}
+#export ERRSCRIPT=${ERRSCRIPT:-"err_chk"}
+#export LOGSCRIPT=${LOGSCRIPT:-"startmsg"}
+export REDOUT="1>"
+export REDERR="2>"
+export SENDECF=${SENDECF:-"NO"}
+export SENDSDM=${SENDSDM:-"NO"}
+export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-"NO"}
+export DBNROOT=${DBNROOT:-${UTILROOT:-}/fakedbn}
+# APP settings
+export APP=@APP@
+# Defaults:
+export DO_ATM="YES"
+export DO_COUPLED="NO"
+export DO_WAVE="NO"
+export DO_OCN="NO"
+export DO_ICE="NO"
+export DO_AERO="NO"
+export WAVE_CDUMP="" # When to include wave suite: gdas, gfs, or both
+export FRAC_GRID=".true."
+# Set operational resolution
+export OPS_RES="C768" # Do not change # TODO: Why is this needed and where is it used?
+# Resolution specific parameters
+export LEVS=128
+export CASE="@CASECTL@"
+export CASE_ENS="@CASEENS@"
+export OCNRES="@OCNRES@"
+export ICERES="${OCNRES}"
+# These are the currently recommended grid-combinations
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48")
+ export waveGRD='glo_500'
+ ;;
+ "C96" | "C192")
+ export waveGRD='glo_200'
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export waveGRD='glo_025'
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ export waveGRD='mx025'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized CASE ${CASE}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+case "${APP}" in
+ ATM)
+ ;;
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ ;;
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ ;;
+ export DO_ATM="NO"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ ;;
+ S2S*)
+ export DO_COUPLED="YES"
+ export DO_OCN="YES"
+ export DO_ICE="YES"
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ A$ ]]; then
+ export DO_AERO="YES"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${APP}" =~ ^S2SW ]]; then
+ export DO_WAVE="YES"
+ export WAVE_CDUMP="both"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized APP: '${APP}'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Surface cycle update frequency
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=1
+ export FTSFS=10
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then
+ export FHCYC=24
+# Output frequency of the forecast model (for cycling)
+export FHMIN=0
+export FHMAX=9
+export FHOUT=3 # Will be changed to 1 in config.base if (DOHYBVAR set to NO and l4densvar set to false)
+# Cycle to run EnKF (set to BOTH for both gfs and gdas)
+export EUPD_CYC="gdas"
+# GFS cycle info
+export gfs_cyc=@gfs_cyc@ # 0: no GFS cycle, 1: 00Z only, 2: 00Z and 12Z only, 4: all 4 cycles.
+# GFS output and frequency
+export FHMIN_GFS=0
+export FHMAX_GFS_00=168 ## JKH
+export FHMAX_GFS_06=168 ## JKH
+export FHMAX_GFS_12=168 ## JKH
+export FHMAX_GFS_18=168 ## JKH
+current_fhmax_var=FHMAX_GFS_${cyc}; declare -x FHMAX_GFS=${!current_fhmax_var}
+export FHOUT_GFS=6 # Must be 6 for S2S until #1629 is addressed; 3 for ops
+export FHMAX_HF_GFS=0
+export FHOUT_HF_GFS=1
+if (( gfs_cyc != 0 )); then
+ export STEP_GFS=$(( 24 / gfs_cyc ))
+ export STEP_GFS="0"
+export ILPOST=1 # gempak output frequency up to F120
+# GFS restart interval in hours
+#JKHexport restart_interval_gfs=12
+export restart_interval_gfs=-1 ## JKH
+# NOTE: Do not set this to zero. Instead set it to $FHMAX_GFS
+# TODO: Remove this variable from config.base and reference from config.fcst
+# TODO: rework logic in config.wave and push it to parsing_nameslist_WW3.sh where it is actually used
+export QUILTING=".true."
+export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid"
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".true." # WRITE_DOPOST=true, use inline POST
+export WRITE_NSFLIP=".true."
+# IAU related parameters
+export DOIAU="@DOIAU@" # Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments
+export IAUFHRS="3,6,9"
+export IAU_FHROT=${IAUFHRS%%,*}
+export IAU_DELTHRS=6
+export IAU_OFFSET=6
+export DOIAU_ENKF=${DOIAU:-"YES"} # Enable 4DIAU for EnKF ensemble
+export IAUFHRS_ENKF="3,6,9"
+# Use Jacobians in eupd and thereby remove need to run eomg
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true."
+# if [[ "$SDATE" -lt "2019020100" ]]; then # no rtofs in GDA
+# export DO_WAVE="NO"
+# echo "WARNING: Wave suite turned off due to lack of RTOFS in GDA for SDATE"
+# fi
+# Microphysics Options: 99-ZhaoCarr, 8-Thompson; 6-WSM6, 10-MG, 11-GFDL
+export imp_physics=8
+# Shared parameters
+# DA engine
+# Hybrid related
+export SMOOTH_ENKF="NO"
+export l4densvar=".true."
+export lwrite4danl=".true."
+# EnKF output frequency
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} = "YES" ]]; then
+ export FHMIN_ENKF=3
+ export FHMAX_ENKF=9
+ export FHMAX_ENKF_GFS=120
+ export FHOUT_ENKF_GFS=3
+ if [[ ${l4densvar} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export FHOUT=1
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=1
+ else
+ export FHOUT_ENKF=3
+ fi
+# if 3DVAR and IAU
+if [[ ${DOHYBVAR} == "NO" && ${DOIAU} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+ export IAU_FHROT="3"
+ export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=".true."
+ export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"
+# Check if cycle is cold starting, DOIAU off, or free-forecast mode
+if [[ "${MODE}" = "cycled" && "${SDATE}" = "${PDY}${cyc}" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] || [[ "${DOIAU}" = "NO" ]] || [[ "${MODE}" = "forecast-only" && ${EXP_WARM_START} = ".false." ]] ; then
+ export IAU_OFFSET=0
+ export IAU_FHROT=0
+ export IAUFHRS="6"
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF}" = "NO" ]]; then export IAUFHRS_ENKF="6"; fi
+# turned on nsst in anal and/or fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
+export DONST="YES"
+if [[ ${DONST} = "YES" ]]; then export FNTSFA=" "; fi
+# The switch to apply SST elevation correction or not
+export nst_anl=.true.
+# Make the nsstbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Make the aircraft prepbufr file on the fly or use the GDA version
+# Analysis increments to zero in CALCINCEXEC
+export INCREMENTS_TO_ZERO="'liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+# Write analysis files for early cycle EnKF
+# Stratospheric increments to zero
+export INCVARS_ZERO_STRAT="'sphum_inc','liq_wat_inc','icmr_inc'"
+export INCVARS_EFOLD="5"
+# Swith to generate netcdf or binary diagnostic files. If not specified,
+# script default to binary diagnostic files. Set diagnostic file
+# variables here since used in DA job
+export netcdf_diag=".true."
+export binary_diag=".false."
+# Verification options
+export DO_METP="NO" # Run METPLUS jobs - set METPLUS settings in config.metp; not supported with spack-stack
+export DO_FIT2OBS="NO" # Run fit to observations package ## JKH
+# Archiving options
+export HPSSARCH="@HPSSARCH@" # save data to HPSS archive
+export LOCALARCH="@LOCALARCH@" # save data to local archive
+if [[ ${HPSSARCH} = "YES" ]] && [[ ${LOCALARCH} = "YES" ]]; then
+ echo "Both HPSS and local archiving selected. Please choose one or the other."
+ exit 2
+export ARCH_CYC=00 # Archive data at this cycle for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_WARMICFREQ=4 # Archive frequency in days for warm_start capability
+export ARCH_FCSTICFREQ=1 # Archive frequency in days for gdas and gfs forecast-only capability
+#--online archive of nemsio files for fit2obs verification
+export FITSARC="YES"
+export FHMAX_FITS=132
+[[ "${FHMAX_FITS}" -gt "${FHMAX_GFS}" ]] && export FHMAX_FITS=${FHMAX_GFS}
+echo "END: config.base"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.cleanup b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.cleanup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1908c91bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.cleanup
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.cleanup ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.cleanup"
+# Get task specific resources
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" cleanup
+export CLEANUP_COM="YES" # NO=retain ROTDIR. YES default in cleanup.sh
+#--starting and ending hours of previous cycles to be removed from rotating directory
+export RMOLDSTD=144
+export RMOLDEND=24
+# Specify the list of files to exclude from the first stage of cleanup
+# Because arrays cannot be exported, list is a single string of comma-
+# separated values. This string is split to form an array at runtime.
+case ${RUN} in
+ gdas | gfs) exclude_string="*prepbufr*, *cnvstat*, *atmanl.nc" ;;
+ enkf*) exclude_string="*f006.ens*" ;;
+ *) exclude_string="" ;;
+export exclude_string
+echo "END: config.cleanup"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.com b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.com
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db648b5866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.com
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# shellcheck shell=bash
+# Ignore shellcheck warnings about variables not being expanded; this is what we want
+# shellcheck disable=SC2016
+echo "BEGIN: config.com"
+# These are just templates. All templates must use single quotations so variable
+# expansion does not occur when this file is sourced. Substitution happens later
+# during runtime. It is recommended to use the helper function `generate_com()`,
+# to do this substitution, which is defined in `ush/preamble.sh`.
+# Syntax for generate_com():
+# generate_com [-rx] $var1[:$tmpl1] [$var2[:$tmpl2]] [...]]
+# options:
+# -r: Make variable read-only (same as `decalre -r`)
+# -x: Mark variable for declare -rx (same as `declare -x`)
+# var1, var2, etc: Variable names whose values will be generated from a template
+# and declared
+# tmpl1, tmpl2, etc: Specify the template to use (default is "${var}_TMPL")
+# Examples:
+# # Current cycle and RUN
+# YMD=${PDY} HH=${cyc} generate_com -rx COM_ATMOS_ANALYSIS
+# # Previous cycle and gdas
+# RUN=${GDUMP} YMD=${gPDY} HH=${gcyc} generate_com -rx \
+# # Current cycle and COM for first member
+# MEMDIR='mem001' YMD=${PDY} HH=${cyc} generate_com -rx COM_ATMOS_HISTORY
+# If any restart, input, or analysis template is updated, `setup_expt.py.fill_ROTDIR_cycled()`
+# must correspondingly be updated to match.
+if [[ "${RUN_ENVIR:-emc}" == "nco" ]]; then
+ COM_OBS_TMPL=$(compath.py "${envir}/obsproc/${obsproc_ver}")'/${RUN}.${YMD}/${HH}/atmos'
+ COM_RTOFS_TMPL=$(compath.py "${envir}/${WAVECUR_DID}/${rtofs_ver}")
+ COM_OBS_TMPL='${ROTDIR}/${RUN}.${YMD}/${HH}/obs'
+declare -rx COM_OBSDMP_TMPL='${DMPDIR}/${DUMP}${DUMP_SUFFIX}.${YMD}/${HH}/atmos'
+declare -rx COM_TOP_TMPL='${ROTDIR}/${RUN}.${YMD}/${HH}'
+declare -rx COM_CONF_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/conf'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_INPUT_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/atmos/input'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/atmos/restart'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_ANALYSIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/analysis/atmos'
+declare -rx COM_LAND_ANALYSIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/analysis/land'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/atmos/history'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_MASTER_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/atmos/master'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_GRIB_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/grib2'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_BUFR_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/bufr'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_GEMPAK_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/gempak/${GRID}'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_GENESIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/cyclone/genesis_vital'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_TRACK_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/cyclone/tracks'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_GOES_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/goes_sim'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_IMAGERY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/imagery'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_OZNMON_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/oznmon'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_RADMON_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/radmon'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_MINMON_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/minmon'
+declare -rx COM_ATMOS_WMO_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/atmos/wmo'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/wave/restart'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_PREP_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/wave/prep'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/wave/history'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_GRID_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/wave/gridded'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_STATION_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/wave/station'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_GEMPAK_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/wave/gempak'
+declare -rx COM_WAVE_WMO_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/wave/wmo'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ocean/history'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ocean/restart'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_INPUT_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ocean/input'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_ANALYSIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/analysis/ocean'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_2D_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/ocean/2D'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_3D_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/ocean/3D'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_XSECT_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/ocean/xsect'
+declare -rx COM_OCEAN_GRIB_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/products/ocean/grib2'
+declare -rx COM_ICE_INPUT_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ice/input'
+declare -rx COM_ICE_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ice/history'
+declare -rx COM_ICE_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/ice/restart'
+declare -rx COM_CHEM_HISTORY_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/chem/history'
+declare -rx COM_CHEM_ANALYSIS_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/analysis/chem'
+declare -rx COM_MED_RESTART_TMPL=${COM_BASE}'/model_data/med/restart'
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.earc b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.earc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de73a93731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.earc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.earc ##########
+# Ensemble archive specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.earc"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources earc
+export NMEM_EARCGRP=10
+#--starting and ending hours of previous cycles to be removed from rotating directory
+export RMOLDSTD_ENKF=144
+export RMOLDEND_ENKF=24
+echo "END: config.earc"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ecen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ecen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b686c6b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ecen
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ecen ##########
+# Ensemble recentering specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ecen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources ecen
+# Number of concurrent ecen jobs [1 implies sequential]
+# Usually IAUFHRS_ENKF=3,6,9, so NECENGRP=3. Scripting
+# below queries IAUFHRS_ENKF to determine NECENGRP
+export NECENGRP=1
+if [ $DOIAU_ENKF = "YES" ]; then
+ ngrps=$(grep -o ',' <<<"$IAUFHRS_ENKF" | grep -c .)
+ ((ngrps++))
+ export NECENGRP=$ngrps
+echo "END: config.ecen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.echgres b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.echgres
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..478c6b4bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.echgres
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.echgres ##########
+# regrid full-res forecast for use in ensemble-res analysis generation
+echo "BEGIN: config.echgres"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources echgres
+echo "END: config.echgres"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ediag b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ediag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12b142088d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ediag
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ediag ##########
+# GFS ensemble post-eobs specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ediag"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources ediag
+echo "END: config.ediag"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.efcs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.efcs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..283ec3ab7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.efcs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.efcs ##########
+# Ensemble forecast specific, dependency: config.fcst
+echo "BEGIN: config.efcs"
+# Turn off components in ensemble via _ENKF, or use setting from deterministic
+export DO_AERO=${DO_AERO_ENKF:-${DO_AERO:-"NO"}}
+export DO_OCN=${DO_OCN_ENKF:-${DO_OCN:-"NO"}}
+export DO_ICE=${DO_ICE_ENKF:-${DO_ICE:-"NO"}}
+export DO_WAVE=${DO_WAVE_ENKF:-${DO_WAVE:-"NO"}}
+# Source model specific information that is resolution dependent
+string="--fv3 ${CASE_ENS}"
+# Ocean/Ice/Waves ensemble configurations are identical to deterministic member
+[[ "${DO_OCN}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --mom6 ${OCNRES}"
+[[ "${DO_ICE}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --cice6 ${ICERES}"
+[[ "${DO_WAVE}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --ww3 ${waveGRD// /;}"
+[[ "${DO_AERO}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --gocart"
+# We are counting on $string being multiple arguments
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.ufs" ${string}
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" efcs
+# Use serial I/O for ensemble (lustre?)
+export OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf"
+export OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf"
+# Number of enkf members per fcst job
+export NMEM_EFCSGRP=2
+# Turn off inline UPP for EnKF forecast
+export WRITE_DOPOST=".false."
+# Stochastic physics parameters (only for ensemble forecasts)
+export DO_SKEB="YES"
+export SKEB=0.3
+export SKEB_TAU=21600.
+export SKEB_LSCALE=250000.
+export SKEBNORM=0
+export SKEB_NPASS=30
+export SKEB_VDOF=5
+export DO_SHUM="YES"
+export SHUM=0.005
+export SHUM_TAU=21600.
+export SHUM_LSCALE=500000.
+export DO_SPPT="YES"
+export SPPT=0.5
+export SPPT_TAU=21600.
+export SPPT_LSCALE=500000.
+export SPPT_LOGIT=".true."
+export SPPT_SFCLIMIT=".true."
+if [[ "${QUILTING}" = ".true." ]] && [[ "${OUTPUT_GRID}" = "gaussian_grid" ]]; then
+ export DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table_da"
+ export DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table_da_orig"
+# For IAU, write restarts at beginning of window also
+if [[ "${DOIAU_ENKF:-}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ export restart_interval="3"
+ export restart_interval="6"
+echo "END: config.efcs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.eobs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.eobs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21f982addc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.eobs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.eobs config.eomg ##########
+# Ensemble innovation specific, dependency config.anal
+echo "BEGIN: config.eobs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources eobs
+# Number of enkf members per innovation job
+export NMEM_EOMGGRP=8
+export npe_gsi=$npe_eobs
+# GSI namelist options related to observer for EnKF
+export OBSINPUT_INVOBS="dmesh(1)=225.0,dmesh(2)=225.0,dmesh(3)=225.0,dmesh(4)=100.0"
+export OBSQC_INVOBS="tcp_width=60.0,tcp_ermin=2.0,tcp_ermax=12.0"
+if [ $LEVS = "128" ]; then
+ export GRIDOPTS_INVOBS="nlayers(63)=1,nlayers(64)=1,"
+ export SETUP_INVOBS="gpstop=55,nsig_ext=56,"
+export USE_RADSTAT="NO" # This can be only used when bias correction is non-zero.
+export GENDIAG="YES" # Diagnostic files must be created for EnKF
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true." # write out jacobians from eobs
+ # need to specify .true. setting since config.anal sets to .false.
+echo "END: config.eobs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.epos b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.epos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8026a2ba2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.epos
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.epos ##########
+# Ensemble post processing specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.epos"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources epos
+# No. of concurrent epos jobs [1 implies sequential]
+export NEPOSGRP=7
+if [ $l4densvar = ".false." ]; then
+ export NEPOSGRP=3
+# Generate ensemble spread files
+echo "END: config.epos"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.esfc b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.esfc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bb3d48bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.esfc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.esfc ##########
+# Ensemble surface specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.esfc"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources esfc
+# With IAU only need surface analysis at start of IAU window.
+# Set DOSFCANL_ENKF=NO to prevent creation of sfcanl at
+# center of analysis window.
+if [ $DOIAU_ENKF = "YES" ]; then
+echo "END: config.esfc"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.eupd b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.eupd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ac90d2b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.eupd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.eupd ##########
+# Ensemble update specific, dependency config.anal
+echo "BEGIN: config.eupd"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources eupd
+export npe_enkf=$npe_eupd
+# Use NAM_ENKF below for serial EnKF
+##export NAM_ENKF="analpertwtnh=0.9,analpertwtsh=0.9,analpertwttr=0.9"
+# LETKF specific settings with model space localization
+export modelspace_vloc=".true." # model space localization
+export letkf_flag=".true." # use LETKF instead of serial filter
+export getkf=".true." # Gain form of LETKF (needed for model-space localization)
+export denkf=".true." # EnKF approximation (beneficial since less spread removed by analysis)
+export nobsl_max=10000 # max number of obs in each LETKF volume (uses closest nobsl_max). can
+ # be reduced to speed up execution time.
+export analpertwt=0.85 # relaxation to prior spread inflation factor
+export readin_localization_enkf=".false." # Don’t read in localization scales from file (doesn’t make
+ # sense for LETKF if model space localization on and nobsl_max>0)
+export corrlength=1250 # Horizontal localization scale (max horizontal distance to search for nobsl_max local obs)
+export lnsigcutoff=2.75 # ignored if modelspace_vloc=.true.
+export lobsdiag_forenkf=".true." # use jacobian. must be .true. if modelspace_vloc=".true."
+ # need to specify .true. setting since config.anal sets to .false.
+export NAM_ENKF="smoothparm=35,"
+echo "END: config.eupd"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4c4ee8072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.fcst ##########
+# Forecast specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.fcst"
+# Turn off waves if not used for this CDUMP
+case ${WAVE_CDUMP} in
+ both | "${CDUMP/enkf}" ) ;; # Don't change
+ *) DO_WAVE="NO" ;; # Turn waves off
+# Source model specific information that is resolution dependent
+string="--fv3 ${CASE}"
+[[ "${DO_OCN}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --mom6 ${OCNRES}"
+[[ "${DO_ICE}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --cice6 ${ICERES}"
+[[ "${DO_WAVE}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --ww3 ${waveGRD// /;}"
+[[ "${DO_AERO}" == "YES" ]] && string="${string} --gocart"
+# We are counting on $string being multiple arguments
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.ufs" ${string}
+# Get task specific resources
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" fcst
+export domains_stack_size="16000000"
+if [[ "${DONST}" == "YES" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.nsst"
+export esmf_profile=".false."
+export FORECASTSH="${HOMEgfs}/scripts/exglobal_forecast.sh"
+#export FORECASTSH="${HOMEgfs}/scripts/exglobal_forecast.py" # Temp. while this is worked on
+export FCSTEXECDIR="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export FCSTEXEC="ufs_model.x"
+# Model configuration
+export TYPE="nh"
+export MONO="non-mono"
+#JKHexport range_warn=".false." ## JKH
+# Use stratosphere h2o physics
+export h2o_phys=".true."
+# Options of stratosphere O3 physics reaction coefficients
+export new_o3forc="YES"
+export gwd_opt=2
+# --GFS.v16 uGWD.v0, used for suite FV3_GFS_v16 and UFS p6 etc
+# do_ugwp=T: use unified CGWD and OGWD, and turbulent orographic form drag (TOFD)
+# do_ugwp=F: use unified CGWD but old OGWD, TOFD is not uded.
+if (( gwd_opt == 1 )); then
+ export knob_ugwp_version=0
+ export do_ugwp=".false."
+ export do_tofd=".false."
+ launch_level=$(echo "${LEVS}/2.35" |bc)
+ export launch_level
+# -- uGWD.v1, for suite FV3_GFS_v17 and FV3_GFS_v17p8b etc
+if (( gwd_opt == 2 )); then
+ #--used for UFS p7 and p8a
+ #export knob_ugwp_version=1
+ #export do_ugwp=".false."
+ #export do_tofd=".false."
+ #export do_ugwp_v0=".false."
+ #export do_ugwp_v1=".true."
+ #export do_ugwp_v0_orog_only=".false."
+ #export do_ugwp_v0_nst_only=".false."
+ #export do_gsl_drag_ls_bl=".true."
+ #export do_gsl_drag_ss=".true."
+ #export do_gsl_drag_tofd=".true."
+ #export do_ugwp_v1_orog_only=".false."
+ #--used for UFS p8
+ export knob_ugwp_version=1
+ export do_ugwp=".false."
+ export do_tofd=".false."
+ export do_ugwp_v0=".false."
+ export do_ugwp_v1=".true."
+ export do_ugwp_v0_orog_only=".false."
+ export do_ugwp_v0_nst_only=".false."
+ export do_gsl_drag_ls_bl=".true."
+ export do_gsl_drag_ss=".true."
+ export do_gsl_drag_tofd=".true."
+ export do_ugwp_v1_orog_only=".false."
+ launch_level=$(echo "${LEVS}/2.35" |bc)
+ export launch_level
+ if [[ ${do_gsl_drag_ls_bl} == ".true." ]]; then
+ export cdmbgwd=${cdmbgwd_gsl}
+ fi
+# Sponge layer settings
+export tau=0.
+export rf_cutoff=10.
+export d2_bg_k1=0.20
+export d2_bg_k2=0.04
+export dz_min=6
+export n_sponge=42
+if (( LEVS == 128 )) && [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]]; then
+ export tau=5.0
+ export rf_cutoff=1.0e3
+ export d2_bg_k1=0.20
+ export d2_bg_k2=0.0
+# PBL/turbulence schemes
+export hybedmf=".false."
+if [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_c3_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_c3_mynn" ]] ; then
+ export satmedmf=".false."
+ export isatmedmf=0
+ export shal_cnv=".false."
+ export do_mynnedmf=".true."
+ export do_mynnsfclay=".false."
+ export icloud_bl=1
+ export bl_mynn_tkeadvect=".true."
+ export bl_mynn_edmf=1
+ export bl_mynn_edmf_mom=1
+ export lcnorm=".true." ## JKH
+ export satmedmf=".true."
+ export isatmedmf=1
+if [[ "${satmedmf}" == ".true." ]]; then tbf="_satmedmf" ; fi
+#Convection schemes
+export progsigma=".true."
+if [[ "${progsigma}" == ".true." ]]; then tbp="_progsigma" ; fi
+# Radiation options
+export IAER=1011 ; #spectral band mapping method for aerosol optical properties
+export iovr_lw=3 ; #de-correlation length cloud overlap method (Barker, 2008)
+export iovr_sw=3 ; #de-correlation length cloud overlap method (Barker, 2008)
+export iovr=3 ; #de-correlation length cloud overlap method (Barker, 2008)
+export icliq_sw=2 ; #cloud optical coeffs from AER's newer version v3.9-v4.0 for hu and stamnes
+export isubc_sw=2
+export isubc_lw=2
+# RRTMGP radiation scheme
+export do_RRTMGP=.false.
+export doGP_cldoptics_LUT=.false.
+export doGP_lwscat=.false.
+# LSM configuration
+# NoahMP only
+export iopt_sfc="3"
+export iopt_trs="2"
+# Convection Options: 2-SASAS, 3-GF
+export progsigma=".true."
+if [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_c3_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_c3_mynn" ]] ; then
+ export imfdeepcnv=5
+ export imfshalcnv=-1 ## JKH - no shallow GF
+elif [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_c3" ]] ; then
+ export imfdeepcnv=5
+ export imfshalcnv=5
+elif [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_c3" ]] ; then
+ export progsigma=.false.
+ export imfdeepcnv=5
+ export imfshalcnv=5
+elif [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_gf" ]] ; then
+ export imfdeepcnv=3
+ export imfshalcnv=3
+ export imfdeepcnv=2
+ if [[ "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_mynn" || "$CCPP_SUITE" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn" ]] ; then
+ export imfshalcnv=-1
+ else
+ export imfshalcnv=2
+ fi
+#Convection schemes ### JKH - affects field table name
+if [ "$progsigma" = ".true." ]; then tbp="_progsigma" ; fi
+# Microphysics configuration
+export dnats=0
+export cal_pre=".true."
+export do_sat_adj=".false."
+export random_clds=".true."
+case ${imp_physics} in
+ 99) # ZhaoCarr
+ export ncld=1
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_zhaocarr${tbf}${tbp}"
+ export nwat=2
+ ;;
+ 6) # WSM6
+ export ncld=2
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_wsm6${tbf}${tbp}"
+ export nwat=6
+ ;;
+ 8) # Thompson
+ export ncld=2
+ export nwat=6
+ export cal_pre=".false."
+ export random_clds=".false."
+ export effr_in=".true."
+ export lradar=".true."
+ export ttendlim="-999"
+ export sedi_semi=.true.
+ export decfl=10
+ if [[ "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_mynn" || "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_c3_mynn" || "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn" || "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_c3_mynn" ||
+ "${CCPP_SUITE}" == "FV3_GFS_v17_p8_thompson" ]] ; then
+ #JKH keep dt_inner $DELTIM/2 (75) if running aerosol-aware Thompson
+ export dt_inner=$((DELTIM/2))
+ export ltaerosol=".true."
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_thompson_aero_tke${tbp}"
+ else
+ export dt_inner=$((DELTIM/2))
+ if [[ "${sedi_semi}" == .true. ]]; then export dt_inner=${DELTIM} ; fi
+ export ltaerosol=".false."
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_thompson_noaero_tke${tbp}"
+ fi
+ export hord_mt_nh_nonmono=5
+ export hord_xx_nh_nonmono=5
+ export vtdm4_nh_nonmono=0.02
+ export nord=2
+ export dddmp=0.1
+ export d4_bg=0.12
+ ;;
+ 11) # GFDL
+ export ncld=5
+ export FIELD_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/field_table_gfdl${tbf}${tbp}"
+ export nwat=6
+ export dnats=1
+ export cal_pre=".false."
+ export do_sat_adj=".true."
+ export random_clds=".false."
+ export lgfdlmprad=".true."
+ export effr_in=".true."
+ export reiflag=2
+ export hord_mt_nh_nonmono=5
+ export hord_xx_nh_nonmono=5
+ export vtdm4_nh_nonmono=0.02
+ export nord=2
+ export d4_bg=0.12
+ export dddmp=0.1
+ ;;
+ *) echo "Unknown microphysics option, ABORT!" ;;
+# Stochastic physics
+export DO_SPPT=${DO_SPPT:-"NO"}
+export DO_SKEB=${DO_SKEB:-"NO"}
+export DO_SHUM=${DO_SHUM:-"NO"}
+export DO_CA=${DO_CA:-"YES"}
+#coupling settings
+export cplmode="ufs.frac"
+if [[ "${FRAC_GRID:-".true."}" == ".false." ]]; then
+ export cplmode="ufs.nfrac"
+export psm_bc="1"
+export min_lakeice="0.15"
+export min_seaice=${min_seaice:-"0.15"}
+export use_cice_alb=${use_cice_alb:-".false."}
+export FSICL="0"
+export FSICS="0"
+# ideflate: netcdf zlib lossless compression (0-9): 0 no compression
+# nbits: netcdf lossy compression level (0-32): 0 lossless
+export ideflate=1
+export nbits=14
+export ishuffle=0
+# compression for RESTART files written by FMS
+export shuffle=1
+export deflate_level=1
+# Disable the use of coupler.res; get model start time from model_configure
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gdas" ]] ; then # GDAS cycle specific parameters
+ # Variables used in DA cycling
+ export DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table_da"
+ if [[ "${DOIAU}" == "YES" ]]; then
+ export restart_interval="3"
+ else
+ export restart_interval="6"
+ fi
+ # Turn on dry mass adjustment in GDAS
+ export adjust_dry_mass=".true."
+elif [[ "${CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]] ; then # GFS cycle specific parameters
+ # Write more variables to output
+ export DIAG_TABLE="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/fv3/diag_table"
+ # Write gfs restart files to rerun fcst from any break point
+ export restart_interval=${restart_interval_gfs:-12}
+ # Turn off dry mass adjustment in GFS
+ export adjust_dry_mass=".false."
+ # Write each restart file in 16 small files to save time
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = C768 ]]; then
+ export io_layout="4,4"
+ else
+ export io_layout="1,1"
+ fi
+# Remember config.efcs will over-ride these values for ensemble forecasts
+# if these variables are re-defined there.
+# Otherwise, the ensemble forecast will inherit from config.fcst
+echo "END: config.fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.fit2obs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.fit2obs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46baaa9e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.fit2obs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.fit2obs ##########
+# Fit to Observations
+echo "BEGIN: config.fit2obs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" fit2obs
+export PRVT=${HOMEgfs}/fix/gsi/prepobs_errtable.global
+export HYBLEVS=${HOMEgfs}/fix/am/global_hyblev.l${LEVS}.txt
+export VBACKUP_FITS=24
+export OUTPUT_FILETYPE="netcdf"
+export CONVNETC="YES"
+export ACPROFit="YES"
+if [[ ${netcdf_diag:-".false."} = ".true." ]]; then
+ export CONVNETC="YES"
+echo "END: config.fit2obs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.gempak b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.gempak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..791770ba4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.gempak
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.gempak ##########
+# GFS gempak step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.gempak"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources gempak
+echo "END: config.gempak"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.genesis b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.genesis
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62a1bf88c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.genesis
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.genesis ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.genesis"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" genesis
+# Get tropcy settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.tropcy"
+echo "END: config.genesis"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.genesis_fsu b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.genesis_fsu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13948592c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.genesis_fsu
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.genesis_fsu ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.genesis_fsu"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" genesis_fsu
+# Get tropcy settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.tropcy"
+echo "END: config.genesis_fsu"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.getic b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.getic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d51e2d3900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.getic
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.getic ##########
+# Fetching GFS initial conditions specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.getic"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources getic
+export RETRO="NO" # YES = Pull v16 inputs from retrospective parallels; NO = use operational inputs
+export gfs_ver="v16" # Default = v16
+export OPS_RES=${OPS_RES:-"C768"} # Operational resolution
+export UFS_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/ufs_utils.fd
+export GDAS_INIT_DIR=${UFS_DIR}/util/gdas_init
+export PRODHPSSDIR=/NCEPPROD/hpssprod/runhistory
+export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_v16.data.sh
+if [ ${RETRO:-"NO"} = "YES" ]; then # Retrospective parallel input
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_v16retro.data.sh
+ if [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019060106" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16retro0e
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019090100" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16retro1e
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019101706" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16retro2e
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2020122200" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16rt2
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -le "2021032506" ]]; then
+ HPSSDIR=/NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16rt2n
+ else
+ set +x
+ exit 3
+ fi
+elif [ ${RETRO:-"NO"} = "NO" ]; then # Operational input
+ # No ENKF data prior to 2012/05/21/00z
+ if [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2012052100" ]]; then
+ set +x
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2016051000" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v12
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_pre-v14.data.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2017072000" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v13
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_pre-v14.data.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019061200" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v14
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_${gfs_ver}.data.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2021032100" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v15
+ export GETICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/get_${gfs_ver}.data.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2021032106" ]]; then
+ # The way the v16 switch over was done, there is no complete
+ # set of v16 or v15 data for 2021032100. And although
+ # v16 was officially implemented 2021032212, the v16 prod
+ # tarballs were archived starting 2021032106.
+ set +x
+ echo FATAL ERROR: NO V15 OR V16 DATA FOR 2021032100
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "END: config.getic"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ice b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..205458020f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+echo "BEGIN: config.ice"
+# Override atm-only FV3 settings when ice model is on
+export min_seaice="1.0e-6"
+export use_cice_alb=".true."
+echo "END: config.ice"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.init b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fccbc719db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.init
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.init ##########
+# Prepare initial conditions
+echo "BEGIN: config.init"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources init
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.getic
+export UFS_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/ufs_utils.fd
+export GDAS_INIT_DIR=${UFS_DIR}/util/gdas_init
+export EXEC_DIR=${UFS_DIR}/exec
+export CRES_ENKF=""
+export FRAC_ORO="yes"
+export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_v16.chgres.sh
+if [ "${RETRO:-"NO"}" = "YES" ] || [ "$CDUMP" = "gdas" ]; then
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_v16retro.chgres.sh
+if [ ${RETRO:-"NO"} = "NO" ]; then # Operational input
+ # No ENKF data prior to 2012/05/21/00z
+ if [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2012052100" ]]; then
+ set +x
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2016051000" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v12
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_pre-v14.chgres.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2017072000" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v13
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_pre-v14.chgres.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2019061200" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v14
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_${gfs_ver}.chgres.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2021032100" ]]; then
+ export gfs_ver=v15
+ export RUNICSH=${GDAS_INIT_DIR}/run_${gfs_ver}.chgres.gfs.sh
+ elif [[ "$CDATE" -lt "2021032106" ]]; then
+ # The way the v16 switch over was done, there is no complete
+ # set of v16 or v15 data for 2021032100. And although
+ # v16 was officially implemented 2021032212, the v16 prod
+ # tarballs were archived starting 2021032106.
+ set +x
+ echo FATAL ERROR: NO V15 OR V16 DATA FOR 2021032100
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "END: config.init"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.landanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.landanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d49f10d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.landanl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.landanl ##########
+# configuration common to land analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.landanl"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" landanl
+if [[ "${cyc}" = "18" ]]; then
+ obs_list_name=gdas_land_prototype.yaml
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/obs/config/
+export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/obs/lists/${obs_list_name}
+# Name of the JEDI executable and its yaml template
+export JEDIEXE="${HOMEgfs}/exec/fv3jedi_letkf.x"
+export JEDIYAML="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/letkfoi/letkfoi.yaml"
+# Ensemble member properties
+export SNOWDEPTHVAR="snodl"
+export BESTDDEV="30." # Background Error Std. Dev. for LETKFOI
+# Name of the executable that applies increment to bkg and its namelist template
+export APPLY_INCR_EXE="${HOMEgfs}/exec/apply_incr.exe"
+export APPLY_INCR_NML_TMPL="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/letkfoi/apply_incr_nml.j2"
+export io_layout_x=1
+export io_layout_y=1
+echo "END: config.landanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.metp b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.metp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c90903f6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.metp
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.metp ##########
+# METplus verification step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.metp"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" metp
+export RUN_GRID2GRID_STEP1="YES" # Run grid-to-grid verification using METplus
+export RUN_GRID2OBS_STEP1="YES" # Run grid-to-obs verification using METplus
+export RUN_PRECIP_STEP1="YES" # Run precip verification using METplus
+# METplus: Verify grid-to-grid, grid-to-obs, precipitation options
+export HOMEverif_global=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/verif-global.fd
+export VERIF_GLOBALSH=${HOMEverif_global}/ush/run_verif_global_in_global_workflow.sh
+export model=${PSLOT}
+export model_file_format="pgbf{lead?fmt=%2H}.${CDUMP}.{init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export model_hpss_dir=${ATARDIR}/..
+export get_data_from_hpss="NO"
+export hpss_walltime="10"
+export model_stat_dir=${ARCDIR}/..
+export make_met_data_by="VALID"
+export VRFYBACK_HRS="0"
+export METplus_verbosity="INFO"
+export MET_verbosity="2"
+export log_MET_output_to_METplus="yes"
+# GRID-TO-GRID STEP 1: gfsmetpg2g1
+export g2g1_type_list="anom pres sfc"
+export g2g1_anom_truth_name="self_anl"
+export g2g1_anom_truth_file_format="pgbanl.${CDUMP}.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export g2g1_anom_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2g1_anom_fhr_max=${FHMAX_GFS}
+export g2g1_anom_grid="G002"
+export g2g1_anom_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2g1_pres_truth_name="self_anl"
+export g2g1_pres_truth_file_format="pgbanl.${CDUMP}.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export g2g1_pres_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2g1_pres_fhr_max=${FHMAX_GFS}
+export g2g1_pres_grid="G002"
+export g2g1_pres_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2g1_sfc_truth_name="self_f00"
+export g2g1_sfc_truth_file_format="pgbf00.${CDUMP}.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export g2g1_sfc_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2g1_sfc_fhr_max=${FHMAX_GFS}
+export g2g1_sfc_grid="G002"
+export g2g1_sfc_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2g1_mv_database_name="mv_${PSLOT}_grid2grid_metplus"
+export g2g1_mv_database_group="NOAA NCEP"
+export g2g1_mv_database_desc="Grid-to-grid METplus data for global workflow experiment ${PSLOT}"
+# GRID-TO-OBS STEP 1: gfsmetpg2o1
+export g2o1_type_list="upper_air conus_sfc"
+export g2o1_upper_air_msg_type_list="ADPUPA"
+export g2o1_upper_air_vhr_list="00 06 12 18"
+export g2o1_upper_air_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2o1_upper_air_fhr_max="240"
+export g2o1_upper_air_grid="G003"
+export g2o1_upper_air_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_msg_type_list="ONLYSF ADPUPA"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_vhr_list="00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_fhr_max="240"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_grid="G104"
+export g2o1_conus_sfc_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_msg_type_list="IABP"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_vhr_list="00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_fhr_max="240"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_grid="G219"
+export g2o1_polar_sfc_gather_by="VSDB"
+export g2o1_prepbufr_data_run_hpss="NO"
+export g2o1_mv_database_name="mv_${PSLOT}_grid2obs_metplus"
+export g2o1_mv_database_group="NOAA NCEP"
+export g2o1_mv_database_desc="Grid-to-obs METplus data for global workflow experiment ${PSLOT}"
+# PRECIP STEP 1: gfsmetppcp1
+export precip1_type_list="ccpa_accum24hr"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_model_bucket="06"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_model_var="APCP"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_model_file_format="pgbf{lead?fmt=%2H}.${CDUMP}.{init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_fhr_min=${FHMIN_GFS}
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_fhr_max="180"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_grid="G211"
+export precip1_ccpa_accum24hr_gather_by="VSDB"
+export precip1_obs_data_run_hpss="NO"
+export precip1_mv_database_name="mv_${PSLOT}_precip_metplus"
+export precip1_mv_database_group="NOAA NCEP"
+export precip1_mv_database_desc="Precip METplus data for global workflow experiment ${PSLOT}"
+echo "END: config.metp"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a74c7e7d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos"
+# MOS package location
+export HOMEgfs_mos=/lfs/h1/ops/prod/packages/gfs_mos.v${mos_ver}
+echo "END: config.mos"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db94af945f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_grd_fcst ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_grd_fcst"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_grd_fcst
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_grd_fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ade31b0c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_grd_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_grd_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ba14e2573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_grd_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_grd_prep ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_grd_prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_grd_prep
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_grd_prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b26d196f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_stn_fcst ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_stn_fcst"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_stn_fcst
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_stn_fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f63eb56fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_stn_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_stn_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c443503f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_ext_stn_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_ext_stn_prep ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_ext_stn_prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_ext_stn_prep
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_ext_stn_prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd0d50a04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_grd_fcst ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_grd_fcst"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_grd_fcst
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_grd_fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd9ce8bcd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_grd_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_grd_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_grd_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_grd_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a3d334d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_grd_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_grd_prep ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_grd_prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_grd_prep
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_grd_prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_fcst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_fcst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cb266ea3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_fcst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_stn_fcst ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_stn_fcst"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_stn_fcst
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_stn_fcst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f92edbd0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_stn_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_stn_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_stn_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_stn_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b236f42879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_stn_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_stn_prep ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_stn_prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_stn_prep
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_stn_prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..054cb950ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_wx_ext_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_wx_ext_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_wx_prdgen b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_wx_prdgen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4481b65fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.mos_wx_prdgen
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.mos_wx_prdgen ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.mos_wx_prdgen"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" mos_wx_prdgen
+# Get MOS settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.mos"
+echo "END: config.mos_wx_prdgen"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.npoess b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.npoess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a388d2e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.npoess
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.npoess ##########
+# GFS NPOESS step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.npoess"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" npoess
+echo "END: config.npoess"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.nsst b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.nsst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db4367b2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.nsst
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.nsst ##########
+# NSST specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.nsst"
+# NSST parameters contained within nstf_name
+# nstf_name(1) : NST_MODEL (NSST Model) : 0 = OFF, 1 = ON but uncoupled, 2 = ON and coupled
+export NST_MODEL=2
+# nstf_name(2) : NST_SPINUP : 0 = OFF, 1 = ON,
+export NST_SPINUP=0
+if (( cdate < 2017072000 )); then
+ export NST_SPINUP=1
+# nstf_name(3) : NST_RESV (Reserved, NSST Analysis) : 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
+export NST_RESV=0
+# nstf_name(4,5) : ZSEA1, ZSEA2 the two depths to apply vertical average (bias correction)
+export ZSEA1=0
+export ZSEA2=0
+export NST_GSI=3 # default 0: No NST info at all;
+ # 1: Input NST info but not used in GSI;
+ # 2: Input NST info, used in CRTM simulation, no Tr analysis
+ # 3: Input NST info, used in both CRTM simulation and Tr analysis
+export NSTINFO=0 # number of elements added in obs. data array (default = 0)
+if (( NST_GSI > 0 )); then export NSTINFO=4; fi
+echo "END: config.nsst"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocn b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37f6a966aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocn
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocn"
+# MOM_input template to use
+export MOM_INPUT="MOM_input_template_${OCNRES}"
+export DO_OCN_SPPT="NO" # In MOM_input, this variable is determines OCN_SPPT (OCN_SPPT = True|False)
+export DO_OCN_PERT_EPBL="NO" # In MOM_input, this variable determines PERT_EPBL (PERT_EPBL = True|False)
+# Templated variables in MOM_input_template
+export MOM6_USE_LI2016="True" # set to False for restart reproducibility
+export MOM6_THERMO_SPAN="False"
+if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR}" == "YES" ]]; then
+ export ODA_INCUPD="True"
+ export ODA_INCUPD="False"
+export ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS="3.0" # In MOM_input, this is time interval for applying increment
+echo "END: config.ocn"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanal b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3055f8656d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanal
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+########## config.ocnanal ##########
+# configuration common to all ocean analysis tasks
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanal"
+export OBS_YAML_DIR="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/soca/obs/config"
+export OBS_LIST=/scratch1/BMC/gsd-fv3/rtruns/UFS-CAMsuite_21mar24/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/soca/obs/obs_list.yaml
+export OBS_YAML="${OBS_LIST}"
+export FV3JEDI_STAGE_YAML="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/test/soca/testinput/dumy.yaml"
+export SOCA_INPUT_FIX_DIR=/scratch2/NCEPDEV/ocean/Guillaume.Vernieres/data/static/72x35x25/soca
+export SOCA_VARS=tocn,socn,ssh
+export SOCA_NINNER=100
+export CASE_ANL=C48
+export DOMAIN_STACK_SIZE=116640000 #TODO: Make the stack size resolution dependent
+export JEDI_BIN=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/build/bin
+export COMIN_OBS=/scratch2/NCEPDEV/marineda/r2d2-v2-v3
+export NICAS_RESOL=1
+export NICAS_GRID_SIZE=15000
+echo "END: config.ocnanal"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalbmat b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalbmat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..024da5f51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalbmat
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+########## config.ocnanalbmat ##########
+# Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalbmat"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalbmat
+echo "END: config.ocnanalbmat"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalchkpt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalchkpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c059fdba42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalchkpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+########## config.ocnanalchkpt ##########
+# Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalchkpt"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalchkpt
+echo "END: config.ocnanalchkpt"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalpost b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalpost
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc4d945865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalpost
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+########## config.ocnanalpost ##########
+# Post Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalpost"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalpost
+echo "END: config.ocnanalpost"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalprep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalprep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..225eb089c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalprep
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+########## config.ocnanalprep ##########
+# Pre Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalprep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalprep
+echo "END: config.ocnanalprep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalrun b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalrun
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5345b6c684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalrun
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+########## config.ocnanalrun ##########
+# Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalrun"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalrun
+echo "END: config.ocnanalrun"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalvrfy b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalvrfy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eda451853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnanalvrfy
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+########## config.ocnanalvrfy ##########
+# Pre Ocn Analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnanalvrfy"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnanalvrfy
+echo "END: config.ocnanalvrfy"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnpost b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnpost
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..851c476e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ocnpost
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ocnpost ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.ocnpost"
+# Get task specific resources
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" ocnpost
+# Convert netcdf files to grib files using post job
+case "${OCNRES}" in
+ "025") export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="YES";;
+ "050") export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO";;
+ "100") export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO";;
+ "500") export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO";;
+ *) export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO";;
+if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]] || [[ "${machine}" = "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ #Currently the conversion to netcdf uses NCL which is not on WCOSS2 or HERCULES
+ #This should be removed when this is updated
+ export MAKE_OCN_GRIB="NO"
+# No. of forecast hours to process in a single job
+echo "END: config.ocnpost"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.postsnd b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.postsnd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53d66bf4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.postsnd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.postsnd ##########
+# GFS bufr sounding step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.postsnd"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources postsnd
+export ENDHOUR=180
+if [[ "$FHMAX_GFS" -lt "$ENDHOUR" ]] ; then export ENDHOUR=$FHMAX_GFS ; fi
+echo "END: config.postsnd"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5ac1925f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prep
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.prep ##########
+# Prep step specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.prep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources prep
+export MAKE_PREPBUFR="YES" # if NO, will copy prepbufr from globaldump
+export cdate10=${PDY}${cyc}
+# Relocation and syndata QC
+export TROPCYQCRELOSH="$HOMEgfs/scripts/exglobal_atmos_tropcy_qc_reloc.sh"
+export COMINtcvital=${COMINtcvital:-${DMPDIR}/${CDUMP}.${PDY}/${cyc}/atmos}
+export COMINsyn=${COMINsyn:-$(compath.py ${envir}/com/gfs/${gfs_ver})/syndat}
+export HOMERELO=$HOMEgfs
+export EXECRELO=${HOMERELO}/exec
+export FIXRELO=${HOMERELO}/fix/am
+export USHRELO=${HOMERELO}/ush
+# Adjust observation error for GFS v16 parallels
+# NOTE: Remember to set OBERROR in config.anal as PRVT is set below
+# Set default prepobs_errtable.global
+export PRVT=$FIXgsi/prepobs_errtable.global
+# Set prepobs.errtable.global for GFS v16 retrospective parallels
+if [[ $RUN_ENVIR == "emc" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019021900" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2019110706" ]]; then
+ export PRVT=$FIXgsi/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2019021900
+ fi
+# Place GOES-15 AMVs in monitor, assimilate GOES-17 AMVs, assimilate KOMPSAT-5 gps
+ if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2019110706" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "2020040718" ]]; then
+ export PRVT=$FIXgsi/gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2019110706
+ fi
+# NOTE:
+# As of 2020040718, gfsv16_historical/prepobs_errtable.global.2020040718 is
+# identical to ../prepobs_errtable.global. Thus, the logic below is not
+# needed at this time
+# Set observation errors for type 135 (T) & 235 (uv) Canadian AMDAR observations
+# if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020040718" && "${PDY}${cyc}" -lt "YYYMMDDHH" ]]; then
+# export PRVT=$EXPDIR/prepobs_errtable.global
+# fi
+# NSST bufr was created with a different set of files prior to 2020102200
+# See comments at the end of
+# https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/global-workflow/issues/313
+if [[ "${PDY}${cyc}" -ge "2020102200" ]]; then
+ export DTYPS_nsst='sfcshp tesac bathy trkob'
+ export DTYPS_nsst='sfcshp dbuoyb mbuoyb tesac bathy trkob'
+echo "END: config.prep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prepatmiodaobs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prepatmiodaobs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed9b246120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prepatmiodaobs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.prepatmiodaobs ##########
+# Atm Obs Prep specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.prepatmiodaobs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" prepatmiodaobs
+export BUFR2IODASH="${HOMEgfs}/ush/run_bufr2ioda.py"
+export IODAPARM="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/ioda/bufr2ioda"
+echo "END: config.prepatmiodaobs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.preplandobs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.preplandobs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20ae20b5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.preplandobs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.preplandobs ##########
+# Land Obs Prep specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.preplandobs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" preplandobs
+export GTS_OBS_LIST="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/prep/prep_gts.yaml"
+export BUFR2IODAX="${HOMEgfs}/exec/bufr2ioda.x"
+export FIMS_NML_TMPL="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/prep/fims.nml.j2"
+export IMS_OBS_LIST="${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/land/prep/prep_ims.yaml"
+export CALCFIMSEXE="${HOMEgfs}/exec/calcfIMS.exe"
+export IMS2IODACONV="${HOMEgfs}/ush/imsfv3_scf2ioda.py"
+echo "END: config.preplandobs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prepoceanobs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prepoceanobs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7c4e37bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.prepoceanobs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+########## config.prepoceanobs ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.prepoceanobs"
+export OCNOBS2IODAEXEC=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/build/bin/gdas_obsprovider2ioda.x
+export OBS_YAML_DIR=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/soca/obs/config
+[[ -n "${OBS_LIST}" ]] || export OBS_LIST=${HOMEgfs}/sorc/gdas.cd/parm/soca/obs/obs_list.yaml
+export OBS_YAML=${OBS_LIST}
+# ocean analysis needs own dmpdir until standard dmpdir has full ocean obs
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" prepoceanobs
+echo "END: config.prepoceanobs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.resources b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.resources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c179c33df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.resources
@@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.resources ##########
+# Set resource information for job tasks
+# e.g. walltime, node, cores per node, memory etc.
+if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
+ echo "Must specify an input task argument to set resource variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "stage_ic aerosol_init"
+ echo "prep preplandobs prepatmiodaobs"
+ echo "atmanlinit atmanlrun atmanlfinal"
+ echo "atmensanlinit atmensanlrun atmensanlfinal"
+ echo "landanl"
+ echo "aeroanlinit aeroanlrun aeroanlfinal"
+ echo "anal sfcanl analcalc analdiag fcst echgres"
+ echo "upp atmos_products"
+ echo "tracker genesis genesis_fsu"
+ echo "verfozn verfrad vminmon fit2obs metp arch cleanup"
+ echo "eobs ediag eomg eupd ecen esfc efcs epos earc"
+ echo "init_chem mom6ic ocnpost"
+ echo "waveinit waveprep wavepostsbs wavepostbndpnt wavepostbndpntbll wavepostpnt"
+ echo "wavegempak waveawipsbulls waveawipsgridded"
+ echo "postsnd awips gempak npoess"
+ echo "ocnanalprep prepoceanobs ocnanalbmat ocnanalrun ocnanalchkpt ocnanalpost ocnanalvrfy"
+ exit 1
+echo "BEGIN: config.resources"
+if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=128
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "JET" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${PARTITION_POST_BATCH}" = "sjet" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=16
+ elif [[ "${PARTITION_BATCH}" = "xjet" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=24
+ elif [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "vjet" || ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "sjet" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=16
+ elif [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "kjet" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=40
+ fi
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "HERA" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=40
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "S4" ]]; then
+ if [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "s4" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=32
+ elif [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "ivy" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=20
+ fi
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "AWSPW" ]]; then
+ export PARTITION_BATCH="compute"
+ export npe_node_max=40
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "ORION" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=40
+elif [[ "${machine}" = "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_max=80
+if [[ "${step}" = "prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_prep='00:30:00'
+ export npe_prep=4
+ export npe_node_prep=2
+ export nth_prep=1
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ else
+ export memory_prep="40G"
+ fi
+elif [[ "${step}" = "preplandobs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_preplandobs="00:05:00"
+ npe_preplandobs=1
+ export npe_preplandobs
+ export nth_preplandobs=1
+ npe_node_preplandobs=1
+ export npe_node_preplandobs
+elif [[ "${step}" = "prepatmiodaobs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_prepatmiodaobs="00:10:00"
+ export npe_prepatmiodaobs=1
+ export nth_prepatmiodaobs=1
+ npe_node_prepatmiodaobs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_prepatmiodaobs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_prepatmiodaobs
+elif [[ "${step}" = "aerosol_init" ]]; then
+ export wtime_aerosol_init="00:05:00"
+ export npe_aerosol_init=1
+ export nth_aerosol_init=1
+ npe_node_aerosol_init=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_aerosol_init}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_aerosol_init
+ export NTASKS=${npe_aerosol_init}
+ export memory_aerosol_init="6G"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "waveinit" ]]; then
+ export wtime_waveinit="00:10:00"
+ export npe_waveinit=12
+ export nth_waveinit=1
+ npe_node_waveinit=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveinit}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveinit
+ export NTASKS=${npe_waveinit}
+ export memory_waveinit="2GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "waveprep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_waveprep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_waveprep=5
+ export npe_waveprep_gfs=65
+ export nth_waveprep=1
+ export nth_waveprep_gfs=1
+ npe_node_waveprep=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveprep}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveprep
+ npe_node_waveprep_gfs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveprep_gfs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveprep_gfs
+ export NTASKS=${npe_waveprep}
+ export NTASKS_gfs=${npe_waveprep_gfs}
+ export memory_waveprep="100GB"
+ export memory_waveprep_gfs="150GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavepostsbs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavepostsbs="00:20:00"
+ export wtime_wavepostsbs_gfs="03:00:00"
+ export npe_wavepostsbs=8
+ export nth_wavepostsbs=1
+ npe_node_wavepostsbs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavepostsbs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavepostsbs
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavepostsbs}
+ export memory_wavepostsbs="10GB"
+ export memory_wavepostsbs_gfs="10GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavepostbndpnt" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavepostbndpnt="01:00:00"
+ export npe_wavepostbndpnt=240
+ export nth_wavepostbndpnt=1
+ npe_node_wavepostbndpnt=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavepostbndpnt}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavepostbndpnt
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavepostbndpnt}
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavepostbndpntbll" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavepostbndpntbll="01:00:00"
+ export npe_wavepostbndpntbll=448
+ export nth_wavepostbndpntbll=1
+ npe_node_wavepostbndpntbll=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavepostbndpntbll}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavepostbndpntbll
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavepostbndpntbll}
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavepostpnt" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavepostpnt="04:00:00"
+ export npe_wavepostpnt=200
+ export nth_wavepostpnt=1
+ npe_node_wavepostpnt=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavepostpnt}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavepostpnt
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavepostpnt}
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "wavegempak" ]]; then
+ export wtime_wavegempak="02:00:00"
+ export npe_wavegempak=1
+ export nth_wavegempak=1
+ npe_node_wavegempak=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_wavegempak}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_wavegempak
+ export NTASKS=${npe_wavegempak}
+ export memory_wavegempak="1GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "waveawipsbulls" ]]; then
+ export wtime_waveawipsbulls="00:20:00"
+ export npe_waveawipsbulls=1
+ export nth_waveawipsbulls=1
+ npe_node_waveawipsbulls=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveawipsbulls}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveawipsbulls
+ export NTASKS=${npe_waveawipsbulls}
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "waveawipsgridded" ]]; then
+ export wtime_waveawipsgridded="02:00:00"
+ export npe_waveawipsgridded=1
+ export nth_waveawipsgridded=1
+ npe_node_waveawipsgridded=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_waveawipsgridded}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_waveawipsgridded
+ export NTASKS=${npe_waveawipsgridded}
+ export memory_waveawipsgridded_gfs="1GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmanlinit" ]]; then
+ # make below case dependent later
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ layout_gsib_x=$(echo "${layout_x} * 3" | bc)
+ export layout_gsib_x
+ layout_gsib_y=$(echo "${layout_y} * 2" | bc)
+ export layout_gsib_y
+ export wtime_atmanlinit="00:10:00"
+ export npe_atmanlinit=1
+ export nth_atmanlinit=1
+ npe_node_atmanlinit=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmanlinit}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmanlinit
+ export memory_atmanlinit="3072M"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmanlrun" ]]; then
+ # make below case dependent later
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export wtime_atmanlrun="00:30:00"
+ npe_atmanlrun=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_atmanlrun
+ npe_atmanlrun_gfs=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_atmanlrun_gfs
+ export nth_atmanlrun=1
+ export nth_atmanlrun_gfs=${nth_atmanlrun}
+ npe_node_atmanlrun=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmanlrun}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmanlrun
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmanlfinal" ]]; then
+ export wtime_atmanlfinal="00:30:00"
+ export npe_atmanlfinal=${npe_node_max}
+ export nth_atmanlfinal=1
+ npe_node_atmanlfinal=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmanlfinal}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmanlfinal
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "landanl" ]]; then
+ # below lines are for creating JEDI YAML
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C768)
+ layout_x=6
+ layout_y=6
+ ;;
+ C384)
+ layout_x=5
+ layout_y=5
+ ;;
+ C192 | C96 | C48)
+ layout_x=1
+ layout_y=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution not supported for land analysis'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export layout_x
+ export layout_y
+ export wtime_landanl="00:15:00"
+ npe_landanl=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_landanl
+ export nth_landanl=1
+ npe_node_landanl=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_landanl}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_landanl
+elif [[ "${step}" = "aeroanlinit" ]]; then
+ # below lines are for creating JEDI YAML
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C768)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C384)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C192 | C96)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C48 )
+ # this case is for testing only
+ layout_x=1
+ layout_y=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution not supported for aerosol analysis'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export layout_x
+ export layout_y
+ export wtime_aeroanlinit="00:10:00"
+ export npe_aeroanlinit=1
+ export nth_aeroanlinit=1
+ npe_node_aeroanlinit=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_aeroanlinit}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_aeroanlinit
+ export memory_aeroanlinit="3072M"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "aeroanlrun" ]]; then
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C768)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C384)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C192 | C96)
+ layout_x=8
+ layout_y=8
+ ;;
+ C48 )
+ # this case is for testing only
+ layout_x=1
+ layout_y=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution ${CASE} is not supported, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export layout_x
+ export layout_y
+ export wtime_aeroanlrun="00:30:00"
+ npe_aeroanlrun=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_aeroanlrun
+ npe_aeroanlrun_gfs=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_aeroanlrun_gfs
+ export nth_aeroanlrun=1
+ export nth_aeroanlrun_gfs=1
+ npe_node_aeroanlrun=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_aeroanlrun}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_aeroanlrun
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "aeroanlfinal" ]]; then
+ export wtime_aeroanlfinal="00:10:00"
+ export npe_aeroanlfinal=1
+ export nth_aeroanlfinal=1
+ npe_node_aeroanlfinal=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_aeroanlfinal}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_aeroanlfinal
+ export memory_aeroanlfinal="3072M"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalprep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnanalprep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalprep=1
+ export nth_ocnanalprep=1
+ npe_node_ocnanalprep=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalprep}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalprep
+ export memory_ocnanalprep="24GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "prepoceanobs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_prepoceanobs="00:10:00"
+ export npe_prepoceanobs=1
+ export nth_prepoceanobs=1
+ npe_node_prepoceanobs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_prepoceanobs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_prepoceanobs
+ export memory_prepoceanobs="24GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalbmat" ]]; then
+ npes=16
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C384)
+ npes=480
+ ;;
+ C96)
+ npes=16
+ ;;
+ C48)
+ npes=16
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL: Resolution not supported'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export wtime_ocnanalbmat="00:30:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalbmat=${npes}
+ export nth_ocnanalbmat=1
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ npe_node_ocnanalbmat=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalbmat}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalbmat
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalrun" ]]; then
+ npes=16
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C384)
+ npes=480
+ memory_ocnanalrun="128GB"
+ ;;
+ C96)
+ npes=16
+ ;;
+ C48)
+ npes=16
+ memory_ocnanalrun="64GB"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL: Resolution not supported'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ export wtime_ocnanalrun="00:15:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalrun=${npes}
+ export nth_ocnanalrun=2
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ npe_node_ocnanalrun=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalrun}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalrun
+ export memory_ocnanalrun
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalchkpt" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnanalchkpt="00:10:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalchkpt=1
+ export nth_ocnanalchkpt=1
+ npe_node_ocnanalchkpt=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalchkpt}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalchkpt
+ case ${CASE} in
+ C384)
+ export memory_ocnanalchkpt="128GB"
+ ;;
+ C96)
+ export memory_ocnanalchkpt="32GB"
+ ;;
+ C48)
+ export memory_ocnanalchkpt="32GB"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL: Resolution not supported'"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalpost" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnanalpost="00:30:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalpost=${npe_node_max}
+ export nth_ocnanalpost=1
+ npe_node_ocnanalpost=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalpost}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalpost
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnanalvrfy" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnanalvrfy="00:35:00"
+ export npe_ocnanalvrfy=1
+ export nth_ocnanalvrfy=1
+ npe_node_ocnanalvrfy=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ocnanalvrfy}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ocnanalvrfy
+ export memory_ocnanalvrfy="24GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "anal" ]]; then
+ export wtime_anal="00:50:00"
+ export wtime_anal_gfs="00:40:00"
+ export npe_anal=780
+ export nth_anal=5
+ export npe_anal_gfs=825
+ export nth_anal_gfs=5
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export nth_anal=8
+ export nth_anal_gfs=8
+ fi
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C384" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=160
+ export npe_anal_gfs=160
+ export nth_anal=10
+ export nth_anal_gfs=10
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "S4" ]]; then
+ #On the S4-s4 partition, this is accomplished by increasing the task
+ #count to a multiple of 32
+ if [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "s4" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=416
+ export npe_anal_gfs=416
+ fi
+ #S4 is small, so run this task with just 1 thread
+ export nth_anal=1
+ export nth_anal_gfs=1
+ export wtime_anal="02:00:00"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C192" || "${CASE}" = "C96" || "${CASE}" = "C48" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=84
+ export npe_anal_gfs=84
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "S4" ]]; then
+ export nth_anal=4
+ export nth_anal_gfs=4
+ #Adjust job count for S4
+ if [[ "${PARTITION_BATCH}" = "s4" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=88
+ export npe_anal_gfs=88
+ elif [[ ${PARTITION_BATCH} = "ivy" ]]; then
+ export npe_anal=90
+ export npe_anal_gfs=90
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ npe_node_anal=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_anal}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_anal
+ export nth_cycle=${nth_anal}
+ npe_node_cycle=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_cycle}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_cycle
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "analcalc" ]]; then
+ export wtime_analcalc="00:10:00"
+ export npe_analcalc=127
+ export ntasks="${npe_analcalc}"
+ export nth_analcalc=1
+ export nth_echgres=4
+ export nth_echgres_gfs=12
+ npe_node_analcalc=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_analcalc}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_analcalc
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ export memory_analcalc="48GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "analdiag" ]]; then
+ export wtime_analdiag="00:15:00"
+ export npe_analdiag=96 # Should be at least twice npe_ediag
+ export nth_analdiag=1
+ npe_node_analdiag=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_analdiag}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_analdiag
+ export memory_analdiag="48GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "sfcanl" ]]; then
+ export wtime_sfcanl="00:10:00"
+ export npe_sfcanl=6
+ export nth_sfcanl=1
+ npe_node_sfcanl=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_sfcanl}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_sfcanl
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "fcst" || "${step}" = "efcs" ]]; then
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ if [[ "${step}" = "fcst" ]]; then
+ _CDUMP_LIST=${CDUMP:-"gdas gfs"}
+ elif [[ "${step}" = "efcs" ]]; then
+ _CDUMP_LIST=${CDUMP:-"enkfgdas enkfgfs"}
+ fi
+ # During workflow creation, we need resources for all CDUMPs and CDUMP is undefined
+ for _CDUMP in ${_CDUMP_LIST}; do
+ if [[ "${_CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]]; then
+ export layout_x=${layout_x_gfs}
+ export layout_y=${layout_y_gfs}
+ ntasks_fv3=${ntasks_fv3_gfs}
+ ntasks_quilt=${ntasks_quilt_gfs}
+ nthreads_fv3=${nthreads_fv3_gfs}
+ fi
+ # PETS for the atmosphere dycore
+ (( FV3PETS = ntasks_fv3 * nthreads_fv3 ))
+ echo "FV3 using (nthreads, PETS) = (${nthreads_fv3}, ${FV3PETS})"
+ # PETS for quilting
+ if [[ "${QUILTING:-}" = ".true." ]]; then
+ (( QUILTPETS = ntasks_quilt * nthreads_fv3 ))
+ else
+ fi
+ echo "QUILT using (nthreads, PETS) = (${nthreads_fv3}, ${QUILTPETS})"
+ # Total PETS for the atmosphere component
+ ATMTHREADS=${nthreads_fv3}
+ echo "FV3ATM using (nthreads, PETS) = (${ATMTHREADS}, ${ATMPETS})"
+ # Total PETS for the coupled model (starting w/ the atmosphere)
+ # The mediator PETS can overlap with other components, usually it lands on the atmosphere tasks.
+ # However, it is suggested limiting mediator PETS to 300, as it may cause the slow performance.
+ # See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bKpi-52t5jIfv2tuNHmQkYUe3hkKsiG_DG_s6Mnukog/edit
+ # TODO: Update reference when moved to ufs-weather-model RTD
+ MEDTHREADS=${nthreads_mediator:-1}
+ [[ "${MEDPETS}" -gt 300 ]] && MEDPETS=300
+ echo "MEDIATOR using (threads, PETS) = (${MEDTHREADS}, ${MEDPETS})"
+ if [[ "${DO_AERO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ # GOCART shares the same grid and forecast tasks as FV3 (do not add write grid component tasks).
+ # Do not add to NTASKS_TOT
+ echo "GOCART using (threads, PETS) = (${CHMTHREADS}, ${CHMPETS})"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${DO_WAVE}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ (( WAVPETS = ntasks_ww3 * nthreads_ww3 ))
+ (( WAVTHREADS = nthreads_ww3 ))
+ echo "WW3 using (threads, PETS) = (${WAVTHREADS}, ${WAVPETS})"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${DO_OCN}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ (( OCNPETS = ntasks_mom6 * nthreads_mom6 ))
+ (( OCNTHREADS = nthreads_mom6 ))
+ echo "MOM6 using (threads, PETS) = (${OCNTHREADS}, ${OCNPETS})"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${DO_ICE}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ (( ICEPETS = ntasks_cice6 * nthreads_cice6 ))
+ (( ICETHREADS = nthreads_cice6 ))
+ echo "CICE6 using (threads, PETS) = (${ICETHREADS}, ${ICEPETS})"
+ fi
+ echo "Total PETS for ${_CDUMP} = ${NTASKS_TOT}"
+ if [[ "${_CDUMP}" =~ "gfs" ]]; then
+ declare -x "npe_${step}_gfs"="${NTASKS_TOT}"
+ declare -x "nth_${step}_gfs"=1 # ESMF handles threading for the UFS-weather-model
+ declare -x "npe_node_${step}_gfs"="${npe_node_max}"
+ else
+ declare -x "npe_${step}"="${NTASKS_TOT}"
+ declare -x "nth_${step}"=1 # ESMF handles threading for the UFS-weather-model
+ declare -x "npe_node_${step}"="${npe_node_max}"
+ fi
+ done
+ case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192")
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}"="00:30:00"
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}_gfs"="03:00:00"
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}"="00:20:00"
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}_gfs"="06:00:00"
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152")
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}"="01:00:00"
+ declare -x "wtime_${step}_gfs"="06:00:00"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution ${CASE} not supported in ${step}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ unset NTASKS_TOT
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ocnpost" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ocnpost="00:30:00"
+ export npe_ocnpost=1
+ export npe_node_ocnpost=1
+ export nth_ocnpost=1
+ export memory_ocnpost="96G"
+ if [[ "${machine}" == "JET" ]]; then
+ # JET only has 88GB of requestable memory per node
+ # so a second node is required to meet the requiremtn
+ npe_ocnpost=2
+ fi
+elif [[ "${step}" = "upp" ]]; then
+ case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48" | "C96")
+ export npe_upp=${CASE:1}
+ ;;
+ "C192" | "C384" | "C768")
+ export npe_upp=120
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Resolution '${CASE}' not supported for UPP'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export npe_node_upp=${npe_upp}
+ export nth_upp=1
+ export wtime_upp="00:15:00"
+ if [[ "${npe_node_upp}" -gt "${npe_node_max}" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_upp=${npe_node_max}
+ fi
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "atmos_products" ]]; then
+ export wtime_atmos_products="00:15:00"
+ export npe_atmos_products=24
+ export nth_atmos_products=1
+ export npe_node_atmos_products="${npe_atmos_products}"
+ export wtime_atmos_products_gfs="${wtime_atmos_products}"
+ export npe_atmos_products_gfs="${npe_atmos_products}"
+ export nth_atmos_products_gfs="${nth_atmos_products}"
+ export npe_node_atmos_products_gfs="${npe_node_atmos_products}"
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "verfozn" ]]; then
+ export wtime_verfozn="00:05:00"
+ export npe_verfozn=1
+ export nth_verfozn=1
+ export npe_node_verfozn=1
+ export memory_verfozn="1G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "verfrad" ]]; then
+ export wtime_verfrad="00:40:00"
+ export npe_verfrad=1
+ export nth_verfrad=1
+ export npe_node_verfrad=1
+ export memory_verfrad="5G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "vminmon" ]]; then
+ export wtime_vminmon="00:05:00"
+ export npe_vminmon=1
+ export nth_vminmon=1
+ export npe_node_vminmon=1
+ export wtime_vminmon_gfs="00:05:00"
+ export npe_vminmon_gfs=1
+ export nth_vminmon_gfs=1
+ export npe_node_vminmon_gfs=1
+ export memory_vminmon="1G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "tracker" ]]; then
+ export wtime_tracker="00:10:00"
+ export npe_tracker=1
+ export nth_tracker=1
+ export npe_node_tracker=1
+ export memory_tracker="4G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "genesis" ]]; then
+ export wtime_genesis="00:25:00"
+ export npe_genesis=1
+ export nth_genesis=1
+ export npe_node_genesis=1
+ export memory_genesis="4G"
+elif [[ ${step} = "genesis_fsu" ]]; then
+ export wtime_genesis_fsu="00:10:00"
+ export npe_genesis_fsu=1
+ export nth_genesis_fsu=1
+ export npe_node_genesis_fsu=1
+ export memory_genesis_fsu="4G"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "fit2obs" ]]; then
+ export wtime_fit2obs="00:20:00"
+ export npe_fit2obs=3
+ export nth_fit2obs=1
+ export npe_node_fit2obs=1
+ export memory_fit2obs="20G"
+ if [[ "${machine}" == "WCOSS2" ]]; then export npe_node_fit2obs=3 ; fi
+elif [[ "${step}" = "metp" ]]; then
+ export nth_metp=1
+ export wtime_metp="03:00:00"
+ export npe_metp=4
+ export npe_node_metp=4
+ export wtime_metp_gfs="06:00:00"
+ export npe_metp_gfs=4
+ export npe_node_metp_gfs=4
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "echgres" ]]; then
+ export wtime_echgres="00:10:00"
+ export npe_echgres=3
+ export nth_echgres=${npe_node_max}
+ export npe_node_echgres=1
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export memory_echgres="200GB"
+ fi
+elif [[ "${step}" = "init" ]]; then
+ export wtime_init="00:30:00"
+ export npe_init=24
+ export nth_init=1
+ export npe_node_init=6
+ export memory_init="70G"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "init_chem" ]]; then
+ export wtime_init_chem="00:30:00"
+ export npe_init_chem=1
+ export npe_node_init_chem=1
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "mom6ic" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mom6ic="00:30:00"
+ export npe_mom6ic=24
+ export npe_node_mom6ic=24
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "arch" || ${step} = "earc" || ${step} = "getic" ]]; then
+ eval "export wtime_${step}='06:00:00'"
+ eval "export npe_${step}=1"
+ eval "export npe_node_${step}=1"
+ eval "export nth_${step}=1"
+ eval "export memory_${step}=4096M"
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ eval "export memory_${step}=50GB"
+ fi
+elif [[ ${step} == "cleanup" ]]; then
+ export wtime_cleanup="01:00:00"
+ export npe_cleanup=1
+ export npe_node_cleanup=1
+ export nth_cleanup=1
+ export memory_cleanup="4096M"
+elif [[ ${step} = "stage_ic" ]]; then
+ export wtime_stage_ic="00:15:00"
+ export npe_stage_ic=1
+ export npe_node_stage_ic=1
+ export nth_stage_ic=1
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmensanlinit" ]]; then
+ # make below case dependent later
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export wtime_atmensanlinit="00:10:00"
+ export npe_atmensanlinit=1
+ export nth_atmensanlinit=1
+ npe_node_atmensanlinit=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmensanlinit}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmensanlinit
+ export memory_atmensanlinit="3072M"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmensanlrun" ]]; then
+ # make below case dependent later
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export wtime_atmensanlrun="00:30:00"
+ npe_atmensanlrun=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_atmensanlrun
+ npe_atmensanlrun_gfs=$(echo "${layout_x} * ${layout_y} * 6" | bc)
+ export npe_atmensanlrun_gfs
+ export nth_atmensanlrun=1
+ export nth_atmensanlrun_gfs=${nth_atmensanlrun}
+ npe_node_atmensanlrun=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmensanlrun}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmensanlrun
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "atmensanlfinal" ]]; then
+ export wtime_atmensanlfinal="00:30:00"
+ export npe_atmensanlfinal=${npe_node_max}
+ export nth_atmensanlfinal=1
+ npe_node_atmensanlfinal=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_atmensanlfinal}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_atmensanlfinal
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "eobs" || "${step}" = "eomg" ]]; then
+ export wtime_eobs="00:15:00"
+ export wtime_eomg="01:00:00"
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C768" ]]; then
+ export npe_eobs=200
+ elif [[ "${CASE}" = "C384" ]]; then
+ export npe_eobs=100
+ elif [[ "${CASE}" = "C192" || "${CASE}" = "C96" || "${CASE}" = "C48" ]]; then
+ export npe_eobs=40
+ fi
+ export npe_eomg=${npe_eobs}
+ export nth_eobs=2
+ export nth_eomg=${nth_eobs}
+ npe_node_eobs=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_eobs}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_eobs
+ export is_exclusive=True
+ # The number of tasks and cores used must be the same for eobs
+ # See https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/global-workflow/issues/2092 for details
+ # For S4, this is accomplished by running 10 tasks/node
+ if [[ ${machine} = "S4" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_eobs=10
+ elif [[ ${machine} = "HERCULES" ]]; then
+ # For Hercules, this is only an issue at C384; use 20 tasks/node
+ if [[ ${CASE} = "C384" ]]; then
+ export npe_node_eobs=20
+ fi
+ fi
+ export npe_node_eomg=${npe_node_eobs}
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ediag" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ediag="00:15:00"
+ export npe_ediag=48
+ export nth_ediag=1
+ npe_node_ediag=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ediag}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ediag
+ export memory_ediag="30GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "eupd" ]]; then
+ export wtime_eupd="00:30:00"
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C768" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=480
+ export nth_eupd=6
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=315
+ export nth_eupd=14
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${CASE}" = "C384" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=270
+ export nth_eupd=8
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "WCOSS2" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=315
+ export nth_eupd=14
+ elif [[ "${machine}" = "S4" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=160
+ export nth_eupd=2
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${CASE}" = "C192" || "${CASE}" = "C96" || "${CASE}" = "C48" ]]; then
+ export npe_eupd=42
+ export nth_eupd=2
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "HERA" || "${machine}" = "JET" ]]; then
+ export nth_eupd=4
+ fi
+ fi
+ npe_node_eupd=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_eupd}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_eupd
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "ecen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_ecen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_ecen=80
+ export nth_ecen=4
+ if [[ "${machine}" = "HERA" ]]; then export nth_ecen=6; fi
+ if [[ "${CASE}" = "C384" || "${CASE}" = "C192" || "${CASE}" = "C96" || "${CASE}" = "C48" ]]; then export nth_ecen=2; fi
+ npe_node_ecen=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_ecen}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_ecen
+ export nth_cycle=${nth_ecen}
+ npe_node_cycle=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_cycle}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_cycle
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "esfc" ]]; then
+ export wtime_esfc="00:08:00"
+ export npe_esfc=80
+ export nth_esfc=1
+ npe_node_esfc=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_esfc}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_esfc
+ export nth_cycle=${nth_esfc}
+ npe_node_cycle=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_cycle}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_cycle
+ export memory_esfc="80GB"
+elif [[ "${step}" = "epos" ]]; then
+ export wtime_epos="00:15:00"
+ export npe_epos=80
+ export nth_epos=1
+ npe_node_epos=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_epos}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_epos
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "postsnd" ]]; then
+ export wtime_postsnd="02:00:00"
+ export npe_postsnd=40
+ export nth_postsnd=8
+ export npe_node_postsnd=10
+ export npe_postsndcfp=9
+ export npe_node_postsndcfp=1
+ postsnd_req_cores=$(echo "${npe_node_postsnd} * ${nth_postsnd}" | bc)
+ if [[ ${postsnd_req_cores} -gt "${npe_node_max}" ]]; then
+ npe_node_postsnd=$(echo "${npe_node_max} / ${nth_postsnd}" | bc)
+ export npe_node_postsnd
+ fi
+ export is_exclusive=True
+elif [[ "${step}" = "awips" ]]; then
+ export wtime_awips="03:30:00"
+ export npe_awips=1
+ export npe_node_awips=1
+ export nth_awips=1
+ export memory_awips="3GB"
+elif [[ ${step} = "npoess" ]]; then
+ export wtime_npoess="03:30:00"
+ export npe_npoess=1
+ export npe_node_npoess=1
+ export nth_npoess=1
+ export memory_npoess="3GB"
+elif [[ ${step} = "gempak" ]]; then
+ export wtime_gempak="03:00:00"
+ export npe_gempak=2
+ export npe_gempak_gfs=28
+ export npe_node_gempak=2
+ export npe_node_gempak_gfs=28
+ export nth_gempak=1
+ export memory_gempak="4GB"
+ export memory_gempak_gfs="2GB"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_stn_prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_stn_prep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_stn_prep=3
+ export npe_node_mos_stn_prep=3
+ export nth_mos_stn_prep=1
+ export memory_mos_stn_prep="5GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_stn_prep}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_stn_prep}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_grd_prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_grd_prep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_grd_prep=4
+ export npe_node_mos_grd_prep=4
+ export nth_mos_grd_prep=1
+ export memory_mos_grd_prep="16GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_grd_prep}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_grd_prep}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_stn_prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_stn_prep="00:15:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_stn_prep=2
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_stn_prep=2
+ export nth_mos_ext_stn_prep=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_stn_prep="5GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_stn_prep}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_stn_prep}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_grd_prep" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_grd_prep="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_grd_prep=7
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_grd_prep=7
+ export nth_mos_ext_grd_prep=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_grd_prep="3GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_grd_prep}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_grd_prep}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_stn_fcst" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_stn_fcst="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_stn_fcst=5
+ export npe_node_mos_stn_fcst=5
+ export nth_mos_stn_fcst=1
+ export memory_mos_stn_fcst="40GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_stn_fcst}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_stn_fcst}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_grd_fcst" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_grd_fcst="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_grd_fcst=7
+ export npe_node_mos_grd_fcst=7
+ export nth_mos_grd_fcst=1
+ export memory_mos_grd_fcst="50GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_grd_fcst}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_grd_fcst}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_stn_fcst" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_stn_fcst="00:20:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_stn_fcst=3
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_stn_fcst=3
+ export nth_mos_ext_stn_fcst=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_stn_fcst="50GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_stn_fcst}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_stn_fcst}"
+ export prepost=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_grd_fcst" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_grd_fcst="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_grd_fcst=7
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_grd_fcst=7
+ export nth_mos_ext_grd_fcst=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_grd_fcst="50GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_grd_fcst}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_grd_fcst}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_stn_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_stn_prdgen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_stn_prdgen=1
+ export npe_node_mos_stn_prdgen=1
+ export nth_mos_stn_prdgen=1
+ export memory_mos_stn_prdgen="15GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_stn_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_stn_prdgen}"
+ export prepost=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_grd_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_grd_prdgen="00:40:00"
+ export npe_mos_grd_prdgen=72
+ export npe_node_mos_grd_prdgen=18
+ export nth_mos_grd_prdgen=4
+ export memory_mos_grd_prdgen="20GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_grd_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_grd_prdgen}"
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS="${nth_mos_grd_prdgen}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_stn_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_stn_prdgen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_stn_prdgen=1
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_stn_prdgen=1
+ export nth_mos_ext_stn_prdgen=1
+ export memory_mos_ext_stn_prdgen="15GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_stn_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_stn_prdgen}"
+ export prepost=True
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_ext_grd_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_ext_grd_prdgen="00:30:00"
+ export npe_mos_ext_grd_prdgen=96
+ export npe_node_mos_ext_grd_prdgen=6
+ export nth_mos_ext_grd_prdgen=16
+ export memory_mos_ext_grd_prdgen="30GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_ext_grd_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_ext_grd_prdgen}"
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS="${nth_mos_ext_grd_prdgen}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_wx_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_wx_prdgen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_wx_prdgen=4
+ export npe_node_mos_wx_prdgen=2
+ export nth_mos_wx_prdgen=2
+ export memory_mos_wx_prdgen="10GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_wx_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_wx_prdgen}"
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS="${nth_mos_wx_prdgen}"
+elif [[ ${step} = "mos_wx_ext_prdgen" ]]; then
+ export wtime_mos_wx_ext_prdgen="00:10:00"
+ export npe_mos_wx_ext_prdgen=4
+ export npe_node_mos_wx_ext_prdgen=2
+ export nth_mos_wx_ext_prdgen=2
+ export memory_mos_wx_ext_prdgen="10GB"
+ export NTASK="${npe_mos_wx_ext_prdgen}"
+ export PTILE="${npe_node_mos_wx_ext_prdgen}"
+ export OMP_NUM_THREADS="${nth_mos_wx_ext_prdgen}"
+ echo "Invalid step = ${step}, ABORT!"
+ exit 2
+echo "END: config.resources"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.sfcanl b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.sfcanl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9592fb77c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.sfcanl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.sfcanl ##########
+# GFS surface analysis specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.sfcanl"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources sfcanl
+echo "END: config.sfcanl"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.stage_ic b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.stage_ic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f3956af4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.stage_ic
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.stage_ic ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.stage_ic"
+# Get task specific resources
+source "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" stage_ic
+case "${CASE}" in
+ "C48" | "C96")
+ export CPL_ATMIC="workflow_${CASE}_refactored"
+ export CPL_ICEIC="workflow_${CASE}_refactored"
+ export CPL_OCNIC="workflow_${CASE}_refactored"
+ export CPL_WAVIC="workflow_${CASE}_refactored"
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export CPL_ATMIC=GEFS-NoahMP-aerosols-p8c_refactored
+ export CPL_ICEIC=CPC_refactored
+ export CPL_OCNIC=CPC3Dvar_refactored
+ export CPL_WAVIC=workflow_C384_refactored
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export CPL_ATMIC=HR2_refactored
+ export CPL_ICEIC=HR1_refactored
+ export CPL_OCNIC=HR1_refactored
+ export CPL_WAVIC=HR1_refactored
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export CPL_ATMIC=HR2_C1152_refactored
+ export CPL_ICEIC=HR3_refactored
+ export CPL_OCNIC=HR3_refactored
+ export CPL_WAVIC=HR1_refactored
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR Unrecognized resolution: ${CASE}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+echo "END: config.stage_ic"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.tracker b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.tracker
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71fcf9196d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.tracker
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.tracker ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.tracker"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" tracker
+# Get tropcy settings
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.tropcy"
+echo "END: config.tracker"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.tropcy b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.tropcy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..718abe3be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.tropcy
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.tropcy ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.tropcy"
+# Tracker/genesis package location
+export HOMEens_tracker=${BASE_GIT}/TC_tracker/${ens_tracker_ver}
+export SENDCOM="YES" # Needed by tracker scripts still
+echo "END: config.tropcy"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..743af580e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ufs ##########
+# UFS model resolution specific parameters
+# e.g. time-step, processor layout, physics and dynamics parameters
+# This config sets default variables for FV3, MOM6, CICE6 for their resolutions
+# User can over-ride after sourcing this config file
+echo "BEGIN: config.ufs"
+if (( $# <= 1 )); then
+ echo "Must specify an input resolution argument to set variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "--fv3 C48|C96|C192|C384|C768|C1152|C3072"
+ echo "--mom6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--cice6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--ww3 gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m|gwes_30m|glo_025|glo_200|glo_500|mx025"
+ echo "--gocart"
+ exit 1
+# Initialize
+# Loop through named arguments
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ "--fv3")
+ fv3_res="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--mom6")
+ mom6_res="$2"
+ skip_mom6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--cice6")
+ cice6_res="$2"
+ skip_cice6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--ww3")
+ ww3_res="$2"
+ skip_ww3=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--gocart")
+ skip_gocart=false
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unknown option: ${key}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Mediator is required if any of the non-ATM components are used
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ skip_mediator=false
+case "${machine}" in
+ "WCOSS2")
+ npe_node_max=128
+ ;;
+ "HERA" | "ORION" )
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ npe_node_max=80
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "xjet")
+ npe_node_max=24
+ ;;
+ "vjet" | "sjet")
+ npe_node_max=16
+ ;;
+ "kjet")
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "s4")
+ npe_node_max=32
+ ;;
+ "ivy")
+ npe_node_max=20
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized machine ${machine}"
+ exit 14
+ ;;
+export npe_node_max
+# (Standard) Model resolution dependent variables
+case "${fv3_res}" in
+ "C48")
+ export DELTIM=1200
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export layout_x_gfs=1
+ export layout_y_gfs=1
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=6.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export DELTIM=600
+ export layout_x=2
+ export layout_y=2
+ export layout_x_gfs=2
+ export layout_y_gfs=2
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=3.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export DELTIM=450
+ export layout_x=4
+ export layout_y=6
+ export layout_x_gfs=4
+ export layout_y_gfs=6
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=1.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export DELTIM=300
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=8
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=8
+ export nthreads_fv3=2
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.8e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export DELTIM=150
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=12
+ export layout_x_gfs=12
+ export layout_y_gfs=12
+ #JKHexport layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ #JKHexport nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=2
+ #JKHexport WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=40 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export DELTIM=120
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=16
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.35e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ "C3072")
+ export DELTIM=90
+ export layout_x=16
+ export layout_y=32
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=32
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.13e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported FV3 resolution = ${fv3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+(( ntasks_fv3 = layout_x * layout_y * 6 ))
+(( ntasks_fv3_gfs = layout_x_gfs * layout_y_gfs * 6 ))
+export ntasks_fv3
+export ntasks_fv3_gfs
+export ntasks_quilt
+export ntasks_quilt_gfs
+# Determine whether to use parallel NetCDF based on resolution
+case ${fv3_res} in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192" | "C384")
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152" | "C3072")
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf_parallel"
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf_parallel"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized FV3 resolution ${fv3_res}"
+ exit 15
+ ;;
+# cpl defaults
+export cpl=".false."
+export cplflx=".false."
+export cplice=".false."
+export cplchm=".false."
+export cplwav=".false."
+export cplwav2atm=".false."
+export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_mynn"
+# Mediator specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mediator}" == "false" ]]; then
+ export cpl=".true."
+ export nthreads_mediator=${nthreads_fv3} # Use same threads as FV3
+ export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1" # TODO: Does this include FV3_GFS_v17_p8? Can this be used instead of FV3_GFS_v17_p8?
+# MOM6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ocn"
+ export cplflx=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ocean"
+ nthreads_mom6=1
+ case "${mom6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_mom6=8
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=72
+ NY_GLB=35
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='3600'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="4.0e-1"
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_mom6=20
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=360
+ NY_GLB=320
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1deg.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="2.5e-1"
+ TOPOEDITS="ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_mom6=60
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=720
+ NY_GLB=576
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_mom6=220
+ OCNTIM=1800
+ NX_GLB=1440
+ NY_GLB=1080
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='1800'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported MOM6 resolution = ${mom6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export nthreads_mom6 ntasks_mom6
+ export OCNTIM
+ export NX_GLB NY_GLB
+ export FRUNOFF
+ export CHLCLIM
+ export TOPOEDITS
+ export eps_imesh
+# CICE6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ice"
+ export cplice=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ice"
+ # Ensure we sourced the MOM6 section
+ if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: CICE6 cannot be configured without MOM6, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ nthreads_cice6=${nthreads_mom6} # CICE6 needs to run on same threads as MOM6
+ case "${cice6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_cice6=4
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX1"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_cice6=10
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_cice6=30
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_cice6=120
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported CICE6 resolution = ${cice6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # NX_GLB and NY_GLB are set in the MOM6 section above
+ # CICE6 runs on the same domain decomposition as MOM6
+ export nthreads_cice6 ntasks_cice6
+ export cice6_processor_shape
+# WW3 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.wave"
+ export cplwav=".true."
+ export cplwav2atm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.wave"
+ nthreads_ww3=2
+ case "${ww3_res}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ ntasks_ww3=140
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ ntasks_ww3=100
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ ntasks_ww3=262
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ ntasks_ww3=30
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ ntasks_ww3=12
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ ntasks_ww3=80
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported WW3 resolution = ${ww3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export ntasks_ww3 nthreads_ww3
+# GOCART specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_gocart}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.aero"
+ export cplchm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.aero"
+# Set the name of the UFS (previously nems) configure template to use
+case "${model_list}" in
+ atm)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine appropriate UFS configure template for ${model_list}"
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+if [[ ! -r "${ufs_configure_template}" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: ${ufs_configure_template} either doesn't exist or is not readable."
+ exit 17
+unset model_list
+echo "END: config.ufs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs_c768_12x12_2th_1wg40wt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs_c768_12x12_2th_1wg40wt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..743af580e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs_c768_12x12_2th_1wg40wt
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ufs ##########
+# UFS model resolution specific parameters
+# e.g. time-step, processor layout, physics and dynamics parameters
+# This config sets default variables for FV3, MOM6, CICE6 for their resolutions
+# User can over-ride after sourcing this config file
+echo "BEGIN: config.ufs"
+if (( $# <= 1 )); then
+ echo "Must specify an input resolution argument to set variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "--fv3 C48|C96|C192|C384|C768|C1152|C3072"
+ echo "--mom6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--cice6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--ww3 gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m|gwes_30m|glo_025|glo_200|glo_500|mx025"
+ echo "--gocart"
+ exit 1
+# Initialize
+# Loop through named arguments
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ "--fv3")
+ fv3_res="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--mom6")
+ mom6_res="$2"
+ skip_mom6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--cice6")
+ cice6_res="$2"
+ skip_cice6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--ww3")
+ ww3_res="$2"
+ skip_ww3=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--gocart")
+ skip_gocart=false
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unknown option: ${key}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Mediator is required if any of the non-ATM components are used
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ skip_mediator=false
+case "${machine}" in
+ "WCOSS2")
+ npe_node_max=128
+ ;;
+ "HERA" | "ORION" )
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ npe_node_max=80
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "xjet")
+ npe_node_max=24
+ ;;
+ "vjet" | "sjet")
+ npe_node_max=16
+ ;;
+ "kjet")
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "s4")
+ npe_node_max=32
+ ;;
+ "ivy")
+ npe_node_max=20
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized machine ${machine}"
+ exit 14
+ ;;
+export npe_node_max
+# (Standard) Model resolution dependent variables
+case "${fv3_res}" in
+ "C48")
+ export DELTIM=1200
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export layout_x_gfs=1
+ export layout_y_gfs=1
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=6.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export DELTIM=600
+ export layout_x=2
+ export layout_y=2
+ export layout_x_gfs=2
+ export layout_y_gfs=2
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=3.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export DELTIM=450
+ export layout_x=4
+ export layout_y=6
+ export layout_x_gfs=4
+ export layout_y_gfs=6
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=1.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export DELTIM=300
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=8
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=8
+ export nthreads_fv3=2
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.8e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export DELTIM=150
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=12
+ export layout_x_gfs=12
+ export layout_y_gfs=12
+ #JKHexport layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ #JKHexport nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=2
+ #JKHexport WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=40 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export DELTIM=120
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=16
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.35e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ "C3072")
+ export DELTIM=90
+ export layout_x=16
+ export layout_y=32
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=32
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.13e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported FV3 resolution = ${fv3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+(( ntasks_fv3 = layout_x * layout_y * 6 ))
+(( ntasks_fv3_gfs = layout_x_gfs * layout_y_gfs * 6 ))
+export ntasks_fv3
+export ntasks_fv3_gfs
+export ntasks_quilt
+export ntasks_quilt_gfs
+# Determine whether to use parallel NetCDF based on resolution
+case ${fv3_res} in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192" | "C384")
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152" | "C3072")
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf_parallel"
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf_parallel"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized FV3 resolution ${fv3_res}"
+ exit 15
+ ;;
+# cpl defaults
+export cpl=".false."
+export cplflx=".false."
+export cplice=".false."
+export cplchm=".false."
+export cplwav=".false."
+export cplwav2atm=".false."
+export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_mynn"
+# Mediator specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mediator}" == "false" ]]; then
+ export cpl=".true."
+ export nthreads_mediator=${nthreads_fv3} # Use same threads as FV3
+ export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1" # TODO: Does this include FV3_GFS_v17_p8? Can this be used instead of FV3_GFS_v17_p8?
+# MOM6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ocn"
+ export cplflx=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ocean"
+ nthreads_mom6=1
+ case "${mom6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_mom6=8
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=72
+ NY_GLB=35
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='3600'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="4.0e-1"
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_mom6=20
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=360
+ NY_GLB=320
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1deg.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="2.5e-1"
+ TOPOEDITS="ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_mom6=60
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=720
+ NY_GLB=576
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_mom6=220
+ OCNTIM=1800
+ NX_GLB=1440
+ NY_GLB=1080
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='1800'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported MOM6 resolution = ${mom6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export nthreads_mom6 ntasks_mom6
+ export OCNTIM
+ export NX_GLB NY_GLB
+ export FRUNOFF
+ export CHLCLIM
+ export TOPOEDITS
+ export eps_imesh
+# CICE6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ice"
+ export cplice=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ice"
+ # Ensure we sourced the MOM6 section
+ if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: CICE6 cannot be configured without MOM6, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ nthreads_cice6=${nthreads_mom6} # CICE6 needs to run on same threads as MOM6
+ case "${cice6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_cice6=4
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX1"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_cice6=10
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_cice6=30
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_cice6=120
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported CICE6 resolution = ${cice6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # NX_GLB and NY_GLB are set in the MOM6 section above
+ # CICE6 runs on the same domain decomposition as MOM6
+ export nthreads_cice6 ntasks_cice6
+ export cice6_processor_shape
+# WW3 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.wave"
+ export cplwav=".true."
+ export cplwav2atm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.wave"
+ nthreads_ww3=2
+ case "${ww3_res}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ ntasks_ww3=140
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ ntasks_ww3=100
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ ntasks_ww3=262
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ ntasks_ww3=30
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ ntasks_ww3=12
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ ntasks_ww3=80
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported WW3 resolution = ${ww3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export ntasks_ww3 nthreads_ww3
+# GOCART specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_gocart}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.aero"
+ export cplchm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.aero"
+# Set the name of the UFS (previously nems) configure template to use
+case "${model_list}" in
+ atm)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine appropriate UFS configure template for ${model_list}"
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+if [[ ! -r "${ufs_configure_template}" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: ${ufs_configure_template} either doesn't exist or is not readable."
+ exit 17
+unset model_list
+echo "END: config.ufs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs_c768_16x16_2th_2wg40wt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs_c768_16x16_2th_2wg40wt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad3f472873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.ufs_c768_16x16_2th_2wg40wt
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.ufs ##########
+# UFS model resolution specific parameters
+# e.g. time-step, processor layout, physics and dynamics parameters
+# This config sets default variables for FV3, MOM6, CICE6 for their resolutions
+# User can over-ride after sourcing this config file
+echo "BEGIN: config.ufs"
+if (( $# <= 1 )); then
+ echo "Must specify an input resolution argument to set variables!"
+ echo "argument can be any one of the following:"
+ echo "--fv3 C48|C96|C192|C384|C768|C1152|C3072"
+ echo "--mom6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--cice6 500|100|025"
+ echo "--ww3 gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m|gwes_30m|glo_025|glo_200|glo_500|mx025"
+ echo "--gocart"
+ exit 1
+# Initialize
+# Loop through named arguments
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ "--fv3")
+ fv3_res="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--mom6")
+ mom6_res="$2"
+ skip_mom6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--cice6")
+ cice6_res="$2"
+ skip_cice6=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--ww3")
+ ww3_res="$2"
+ skip_ww3=false
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--gocart")
+ skip_gocart=false
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unknown option: ${key}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Mediator is required if any of the non-ATM components are used
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]] || [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ skip_mediator=false
+case "${machine}" in
+ "WCOSS2")
+ npe_node_max=128
+ ;;
+ "HERA" | "ORION" )
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ npe_node_max=80
+ ;;
+ "JET")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "xjet")
+ npe_node_max=24
+ ;;
+ "vjet" | "sjet")
+ npe_node_max=16
+ ;;
+ "kjet")
+ npe_node_max=40
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "S4")
+ case "${PARTITION_BATCH}" in
+ "s4")
+ npe_node_max=32
+ ;;
+ "ivy")
+ npe_node_max=20
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported ${machine} PARTITION_BATCH = ${PARTITION_BATCH}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized machine ${machine}"
+ exit 14
+ ;;
+export npe_node_max
+# (Standard) Model resolution dependent variables
+case "${fv3_res}" in
+ "C48")
+ export DELTIM=1200
+ export layout_x=1
+ export layout_y=1
+ export layout_x_gfs=1
+ export layout_y_gfs=1
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=6.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C96")
+ export DELTIM=600
+ export layout_x=2
+ export layout_y=2
+ export layout_x_gfs=2
+ export layout_y_gfs=2
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=1
+ export cdmbgwd="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=3.0e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=1
+ ;;
+ "C192")
+ export DELTIM=450
+ export layout_x=4
+ export layout_y=6
+ export layout_x_gfs=4
+ export layout_y_gfs=6
+ export nthreads_fv3=1
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=1.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=1
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ ;;
+ "C384")
+ export DELTIM=300
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=8
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=8
+ export nthreads_fv3=2
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.8e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ ;;
+ "C768")
+ export DELTIM=150
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=12
+ #JKHexport layout_x_gfs=12
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ #JKHexport nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=2
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.5e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=2
+ #JKHexport WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=2
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=40 #Note this should be 10 for WCOSS2
+ ;;
+ "C1152")
+ export DELTIM=120
+ export layout_x=8
+ export layout_y=16
+ export layout_x_gfs=8
+ export layout_y_gfs=16
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.35e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=20 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ "C3072")
+ export DELTIM=90
+ export layout_x=16
+ export layout_y=32
+ export layout_x_gfs=16
+ export layout_y_gfs=32
+ export nthreads_fv3=4
+ export nthreads_fv3_gfs=4
+ export cdmbgwd="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" # mountain blocking, ogwd, cgwd, cgwd src scaling
+ export cdmbgwd_gsl="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" # settings for GSL drag suite
+ export knob_ugwp_tauamp=0.13e-3 # setting for UGWPv1 non-stationary GWD
+ export WRITE_GROUP=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ export WRITE_GROUP_GFS=4
+ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_PER_THREAD_PER_TILE_GFS=10 # TODO: refine these numbers when a case is available
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported FV3 resolution = ${fv3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+(( ntasks_fv3 = layout_x * layout_y * 6 ))
+(( ntasks_fv3_gfs = layout_x_gfs * layout_y_gfs * 6 ))
+export ntasks_fv3
+export ntasks_fv3_gfs
+export ntasks_quilt
+export ntasks_quilt_gfs
+# Determine whether to use parallel NetCDF based on resolution
+case ${fv3_res} in
+ "C48" | "C96" | "C192" | "C384")
+ ;;
+ "C768" | "C1152" | "C3072")
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_ATM="netcdf_parallel"
+ OUTPUT_FILETYPE_SFC="netcdf_parallel"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unrecognized FV3 resolution ${fv3_res}"
+ exit 15
+ ;;
+# cpl defaults
+export cpl=".false."
+export cplflx=".false."
+export cplice=".false."
+export cplchm=".false."
+export cplwav=".false."
+export cplwav2atm=".false."
+export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"
+# Mediator specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mediator}" == "false" ]]; then
+ export cpl=".true."
+ export nthreads_mediator=${nthreads_fv3} # Use same threads as FV3
+ export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1" # TODO: Does this include FV3_GFS_v17_p8? Can this be used instead of FV3_GFS_v17_p8?
+# MOM6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ocn"
+ export cplflx=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ocean"
+ nthreads_mom6=1
+ case "${mom6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_mom6=8
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=72
+ NY_GLB=35
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='3600'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="4.0e-1"
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_mom6=20
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=360
+ NY_GLB=320
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1deg.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc"
+ eps_imesh="2.5e-1"
+ TOPOEDITS="ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_mom6=60
+ OCNTIM=3600
+ NX_GLB=720
+ NY_GLB=576
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='1800'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='3600'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_mom6=220
+ OCNTIM=1800
+ NX_GLB=1440
+ NY_GLB=1080
+ DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900'
+ DT_THERM_MOM6='1800'
+ FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ CHLCLIM="seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc"
+ eps_imesh="1.0e-1"
+ if [[ "${DO_JEDIOCNVAR:-NO}" = "YES" ]]; then
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="oceanda_zgrid_75L.nc"
+ else
+ MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE="interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc"
+ MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL="-1e34"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported MOM6 resolution = ${mom6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export nthreads_mom6 ntasks_mom6
+ export OCNTIM
+ export NX_GLB NY_GLB
+ export FRUNOFF
+ export CHLCLIM
+ export TOPOEDITS
+ export eps_imesh
+# CICE6 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_cice6}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.ice"
+ export cplice=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.ice"
+ # Ensure we sourced the MOM6 section
+ if [[ "${skip_mom6}" == "true" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: CICE6 cannot be configured without MOM6, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ nthreads_cice6=${nthreads_mom6} # CICE6 needs to run on same threads as MOM6
+ case "${cice6_res}" in
+ "500")
+ ntasks_cice6=4
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX1"
+ ;;
+ "100")
+ ntasks_cice6=10
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "050")
+ ntasks_cice6=30
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ "025")
+ ntasks_cice6=120
+ cice6_processor_shape="slenderX2"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported CICE6 resolution = ${cice6_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # NX_GLB and NY_GLB are set in the MOM6 section above
+ # CICE6 runs on the same domain decomposition as MOM6
+ export nthreads_cice6 ntasks_cice6
+ export cice6_processor_shape
+# WW3 specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_ww3}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.wave"
+ export cplwav=".true."
+ export cplwav2atm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.wave"
+ nthreads_ww3=2
+ case "${ww3_res}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ ntasks_ww3=140
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ ntasks_ww3=100
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ ntasks_ww3=262
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ ntasks_ww3=30
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ ntasks_ww3=12
+ nthreads_ww3=1
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ ntasks_ww3=80
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported WW3 resolution = ${ww3_res}, ABORT!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ export ntasks_ww3 nthreads_ww3
+# GOCART specific settings
+if [[ "${skip_gocart}" == "false" ]]; then
+ source "${EXPDIR}/config.aero"
+ export cplchm=".true."
+ model_list="${model_list}.aero"
+# Set the name of the UFS (previously nems) configure template to use
+case "${model_list}" in
+ atm)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.atm_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ atm.ocean.ice.wave.aero)
+ export ufs_configure_template="${HOMEgfs}/parm/ufs/ufs.configure.cpld_aero_outerwave.IN"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine appropriate UFS configure template for ${model_list}"
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+if [[ ! -r "${ufs_configure_template}" ]]; then
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: ${ufs_configure_template} either doesn't exist or is not readable."
+ exit 17
+unset model_list
+echo "END: config.ufs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.upp b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.upp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1bd0a7d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.upp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.upp ##########
+# UPP specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.upp"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" upp
+export UPP_CONFIG="${HOMEgfs}/parm/post/upp.yaml"
+# No. of forecast hours to process in a single job
+echo "END: config.upp"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.verfozn b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.verfozn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eea0f25a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.verfozn
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.verfozn ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.verfozn"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" verfozn
+export DO_DATA_RPT=1
+export OZN_AREA="glb"
+export PARMmonitor=${PARMgfs}/monitor
+export SATYPE_FILE=${PARMmonitor}/gdas_oznmon_satype.txt
+# Source the parm file
+. "${PARMmonitor}/gdas_oznmon.parm"
+# Set up validation file
+if [[ ${VALIDATE_DATA} -eq 1 ]]; then
+ export ozn_val_file=${PARMmonitor}/gdas_oznmon_base.tar
+echo "END: config.verfozn"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.verfrad b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.verfrad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd65020180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.verfrad
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.verfrad ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.verfrad"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" verfrad
+export PARMmonitor=${PARMgfs}/monitor
+export satype_file=${PARMmonitor}/gdas_radmon_satype.txt
+# Source the parm file
+. "${PARMmonitor}/da_mon.parm"
+# Other variables
+export RAD_AREA="glb"
+export MAKE_CTL=1
+export MAKE_DATA=1
+export USE_ANL=1
+export DO_DIAG_RPT=1
+export DO_DATA_RPT=1
+export CYCLE_INTERVAL=${assim_freq:-6}
+export VERBOSE="YES"
+echo "END: config.verfrad"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.vminmon b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.vminmon
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8929c36e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.vminmon
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.vminmon ##########
+echo "BEGIN: config.vminmon"
+# Get task specific resources
+. "${EXPDIR}/config.resources" vminmon
+export CYCLE_INTERVAL=${assim_freq:-6}
+export PARMmonitor=${PARMgfs}/monitor
+export mm_gnormfile=${PARMmonitor}/${RUN}_minmon_gnorm.txt
+export mm_costfile=${PARMmonitor}/${RUN}_minmon_cost.txt
+echo "END: config.vminmon"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wave b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wave
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acb4c518ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wave
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wave ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wave"
+# Parameters that are common to all wave model steps
+# System and version
+export wave_sys_ver=v1.0.0
+export EXECwave="${HOMEgfs}/exec"
+export FIXwave="${HOMEgfs}/fix/wave"
+export PARMwave="${HOMEgfs}/parm/wave"
+export USHwave="${HOMEgfs}/ush"
+# This config contains variables/parameters used in the fcst step
+# Some others are also used across the workflow in wave component scripts
+# General runtime labels
+export CDUMPwave="${RUN}wave"
+# In GFS/GDAS, restart files are generated/read from gdas runs
+export CDUMPRSTwave="gdas"
+# Grids for wave model
+export waveGRD=${waveGRD:-'mx025'}
+#grid dependent variable defaults
+export waveGRDN='1' # grid number for ww3_multi
+export waveGRDG='10' # grid group for ww3_multi
+export USE_WAV_RMP='NO' # YES/NO rmp grid remapping pre-processed coefficients
+export waveMULTIGRID='.false.' # .true./.false. for multi or shel
+export MESH_WAV="mesh.${waveGRD}.nc" # Mesh grid for wave model for CMEPS
+export waveesmfGRD=' ' # input grid for multigrid
+#Grid dependent variables for various grids
+case "${waveGRD}" in
+ "gnh_10m;aoc_9km;gsh_15m")
+ #GFSv16 settings:
+ export waveGRDN='1 2 3'
+ export waveGRDG='10 20 30'
+ export USE_WAV_RMP='YES'
+ export waveMULTIGRID='.true.'
+ export IOSRV='3'
+ export MESH_WAV=' '
+ export waveesmfGRD='glox_10m'
+ export waveuoutpGRD='points'
+ export waveinterpGRD='glo_15mxt at_10m ep_10m wc_10m glo_30m'
+ export wavepostGRD='gnh_10m aoc_9km gsh_15m'
+ ;;
+ "gwes_30m")
+ #Grid used for P8
+ export waveinterpGRD=''
+ export wavepostGRD='gwes_30m'
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ "mx025")
+ #Grid used for HR1 (tripolar 1/4 deg)
+ export waveinterpGRD='reg025'
+ export wavepostGRD=''
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ "glo_025")
+ #GEFSv13 regular lat/lon 1/4 deg grid
+ export waveinterpGRD=''
+ export wavepostGRD='glo_025'
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ "glo_200")
+ #Global regular lat/lon 2deg deg grid
+ export waveinterpGRD=''
+ export wavepostGRD='glo_200'
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ "glo_500")
+ #Global regular lat/lon 5deg deg grid
+ export waveinterpGRD=''
+ export wavepostGRD='glo_500'
+ export waveuoutpGRD=${waveGRD}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: No grid specific wave config values exist for ${waveGRD}. Aborting."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Grids for input wind fields
+export WAVEWND_DID=
+export WAVEWND_FID=
+# The start time reflects the number of hindcast hours prior to the cycle initial time
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" = "gdas" ]]; then
+ export FHMAX_WAV=${FHMAX:-9}
+export WAVHINDH=0
+export FHMIN_WAV=0
+export FHOUT_WAV=3
+export FHMAX_HF_WAV=120
+export FHOUT_HF_WAV=1
+export FHMAX_WAV_IBP=180
+if (( FHMAX_WAV < FHMAX_WAV_IBP )); then export FHMAX_WAV_IBP=${FHMAX_GFS} ; fi
+# gridded and point output rate
+export DTFLD_WAV=$(( FHOUT_HF_WAV * 3600 ))
+export DTPNT_WAV=3600
+export FHINCP_WAV=$(( DTPNT_WAV / 3600 ))
+# Selected output parameters (gridded)
+# Restart file config
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" = "gdas" ]]; then
+ export WAVNCYC=4
+ export WAVHCYC=${assim_freq:-6}
+ export FHMAX_WAV_CUR=48 # RTOFS forecasts only out to 8 days
+elif [[ ${gfs_cyc} -ne 0 ]]; then
+ export WAVHCYC=${assim_freq:-6}
+ export FHMAX_WAV_CUR=192 # RTOFS forecasts only out to 8 days
+ export WAVHCYC=0
+ export FHMAX_WAV_CUR=192 # RTOFS forecasts only out to 8 days
+# Restart timing business
+export RSTTYPE_WAV='T' # generate second tier of restart files
+if [[ "${CDUMP}" != gfs ]]; then # Setting is valid for GDAS and GEFS
+ export DT_1_RST_WAV=10800 # time between restart files, set to DTRST=1 for a single restart file
+ export DT_2_RST_WAV=43200 # restart stride for checkpointing restart
+ export RSTIOFF_WAV=0 # first restart file offset relative to model start
+else # This is a GFS run
+ rst_dt_gfs=$(( restart_interval_gfs * 3600 )) # TODO: This calculation needs to move to parsing_namelists_WW3.sh
+ if [[ ${rst_dt_gfs} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ export DT_1_RST_WAV=0 #${rst_dt_gfs:-0} # time between restart files, set to DTRST=1 for a single restart file
+ #temporarily set to zero to avoid a clash in requested restart times
+ #which makes the wave model crash a fix for the model issue will be coming
+ export DT_2_RST_WAV=${rst_dt_gfs:-0} # restart stride for checkpointing restart
+ else
+ rst_dt_fhmax=$(( FHMAX_WAV * 3600 ))
+ export DT_1_RST_WAV=0 # time between restart files, set to DTRST=1 for a single restart file
+ export DT_2_RST_WAV=${rst_dt_fhmax:-0} # use checkpoint restart file name for creating restart at end of run
+ fi
+ export RSTIOFF_WAV=0 # first restart file offset relative to model start
+# Set runmember to default value if not GEFS cpl run
+# (for a GFS coupled run, RUNMEN would be unset, this should default to -1)
+export RUNMEM=${RUNMEM:--1}
+# Set wave model member tags if ensemble run
+# -1: no suffix, deterministic; xxxNN: extract two last digits to make ofilename prefix=gwesNN
+if [[ ${RUNMEM} = -1 ]]; then
+# No suffix added to model ID in case of deterministic run
+ export waveMEMB=
+# Extract member number only
+ export waveMEMB="${RUNMEM: -2}"
+# Determine if wave component needs input and/or is coupled
+export WW3ATMINP='CPL'
+if [[ ${DO_ICE} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export WW3ICEINP='CPL'
+ export WAVEICE_FID=
+ export WW3ICEINP='YES'
+ export WAVEICE_FID=glix_10m
+export WAVECUR_DID=rtofs
+if [[ ${DO_OCN} == "YES" ]]; then
+ export WW3CURINP='CPL'
+ export WAVECUR_FID=
+ export WW3CURINP='YES'
+ export WAVECUR_FID=glix_10m
+# Determine if input is from perturbed ensemble (T) or single input file (F) for all members
+export WW3ATMIENS='F'
+export WW3ICEIENS='F'
+export WW3CURIENS='F'
+export GOFILETYPE=1 # GOFILETYPE=1 one gridded file per output step
+export POFILETYPE=1 # POFILETYPE=1 one point file per output step
+# Parameters for ww3_multi/shel.inp
+# Unified output T or F
+export FUNIPNT='T'
+# Output server type (see ww3_shel/multi.inp in WW3 repo)
+export IOSRV=${IOSRV:-'1'}
+# Flag for dedicated output process for unified points
+export FPNTPROC='T'
+# Flag for grids sharing dedicated output processes
+export FGRDPROC='F'
+# Flag for masking computation in two-way nesting
+# Flag for masking at printout time.
+echo "END: config.wave"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveawipsbulls b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveawipsbulls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65a8d5076b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveawipsbulls
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.waveawipsbulls ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.waveawipsbulls"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources waveawipsbulls
+export DBNROOT=/dev/null
+echo "END: config.waveawipsbulls"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveawipsgridded b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveawipsgridded
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd7c7c11e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveawipsgridded
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.waveawipsgridded ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.waveawipsgridded"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources waveawipsgridded
+export DBNROOT=/dev/null
+echo "END: config.waveawipsgridded"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavegempak b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavegempak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcbec91f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavegempak
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavegempak ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavegempak"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavegempak
+echo "END: config.wavegempak"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveinit b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61715f7f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveinit
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.waveinit ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.waveinit"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources waveinit
+# Step label
+export sigMODE=${sigMODE:-init}
+echo "END: config.waveinit"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostbndpnt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostbndpnt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfeddc79b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostbndpnt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavepostbndpnt ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavepostbndpnt"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavepostbndpnt
+echo "END: config.wavepostbndpnt"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostbndpntbll b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostbndpntbll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb7224cc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostbndpntbll
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavepostbndpntbll ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavepostbndpntbll"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavepostbndpntbll
+echo "END: config.wavepostbndpntbll"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostpnt b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostpnt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8befb91760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostpnt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavepostpnt ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavepostpnt"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavepostpnt
+echo "END: config.wavepostpnt"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostsbs b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostsbs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e74aae069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.wavepostsbs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.wavepostsbs ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.wavepostsbs"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources wavepostsbs
+# Subgrid info for grib2 encoding
+export WAV_SUBGRBSRC=""
+export WAV_SUBGRB=""
+# Options for point output (switch on/off boundary point output)
+export DOIBP_WAV='NO' # Input boundary points
+export DOFLD_WAV='YES' # Field data
+export DOPNT_WAV='YES' # Station data
+export DOGRB_WAV='YES' # Create grib2 files
+if [[ -n "${waveinterpGRD}" ]]; then
+ export DOGRI_WAV='YES' # Create interpolated grids
+ export DOGRI_WAV='NO' # Do not create interpolated grids
+export DOSPC_WAV='YES' # Spectral post
+export DOBLL_WAV='YES' # Bulletin post
+echo "END: config.wavepostsbs"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveprep b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveprep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c9a40c1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/config.waveprep
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+########## config.waveprep ##########
+# Wave steps specific
+echo "BEGIN: config.waveprep"
+# Get task specific resources
+. $EXPDIR/config.resources waveprep
+# Step label
+export sigMODE=${sigMODE:-prep}
+# Intake currents settings
+export WAV_CUR_DT=${WAV_CUR_DT:-3}
+export WAV_CUR_HF_DT=${WAV_CUR_HF_DT:-3}
+export WAV_CUR_HF_FH=${WAV_CUR_HF_FH:-0}
+# Location of CDO module
+export CDO_ROOT=${CDO_ROOT:-/usrx/local/dev/packages/cdo/1.9.8}
+if [ "${WW3ICEINP}" = "YES" ]; then
+ export WAVICEFILE=${CDUMP}.t${cyc}z.seaice.5min.grib2
+echo "END: config.waveprep"
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61948fd796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
+ 000 006 012 018 024 030 036 042 048 054 060 066 072 078 084 090 096 102 108 114 120
+ &JOBS_DIR;/remapgrib.ksh
+ 1
+ 00:35:00
+ remapgrib_#T#_&PSLOT;
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/remapgrib_#T#.log
+ yyyymmdd@Y@m@d
+ hh@H
+ fcst#T#
+ GRID_NAMES201D130D242
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/grib2/0p25/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.pgrb2.&RES;.f#T#
+ full 242 130 201
+ full,Africa,Beijing,Cambodia,EPacific,Europe,Taiwan,WAtlantic,WPacific AK,AKZoom,AKZoom2 CONUS,NC,NE,NW,SC,SE,SW NHemi
+ global.yml globalAK.yml globalCONUS.yml globalNHemi.yml
+ source &PYGRAFDIR;/pre.sh;
+ python &PYGRAFDIR;/create_graphics.py \
+ maps \
+ -d &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/grib2/0p25/post/#GRID_ID#\
+ -f 0 &FCST_LENGTH; 6 \
+ --file_type prs \
+ --file_tmpl "&CDUMP;.t@Hz.pgrb2.0p25.f{FCST_TIME:03d}"\
+ --images &PYGRAFDIR;/image_lists/#IMGFILE# hourly\
+ -m "GFSv17p8_UGWPV1_MYNN" \
+ -n ${SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE:-12} \
+ -o &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/pyprd \
+ -s @Y@m@d@H \
+ --tiles "#TILESET#" \
+ -z &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/img
+ --exclusive
+ FV3GFS_python_maps_#GRID_ID#_@H_ugwpv1_mynn
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/python_@Y@m@d@H00_maps_#GRID_ID#_0-6-&FCST_LENGTH;.log
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_c768_icsonly.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_c768_icsonly.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..225a13a309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_c768_icsonly.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ 1:ppn=1:tpp=1">
+ 4:ppn=6:tpp=1">
+ 1:ppn=1:tpp=1">
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ &JOBS_DIR;/getic.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsgetic_@H
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsgetic.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/model_data/atmos/input/chgres_done
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/model_data/atmos/restart/@Y@m@d.@H0000.sfcanl_data.tile6.nc
+ &EMCDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &EMCDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &PUBDIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &PUBDIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &RETRODIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &RETRODIR;/@y@j@H00.&CDUMP;.t@Hz.sfcanl.nc
+ &JOBS_DIR;/init.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsinit_@H
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsinit.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.sanl
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nemsio
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/gfs.t@Hz.atmanl.nc
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/&COMPONENT;/restart/@Y@m@d.@H0000.sfcanl_data.tile6.nc
+ &JOBS_DIR;/archive_fv3ics.ksh
+ 2G
+ 1
+ 01:30:00
+ mssfv3ics
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/mssfv3ics.log
+ mssDirFV3ICS_L127/@Y/@m
+ yyyymmddhh@Y@m@d@H
+ &ICSDIR;/@Y@m@d@H/&CDUMP;/&CASE;/INPUT/gfs_data.tile6.nc
+ &ICSDIR;/@Y@m@d@H/&CDUMP;/&CASE;/INPUT/sfc_data.tile6.nc
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_pygraf_centos.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_pygraf_centos.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4692520139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_pygraf_centos.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
+ 000 006 012 018 024 030 036 042 048 054 060 066 072 078 084 090 096 102 108 114 120
+ &JOBS_DIR;/remapgrib.ksh
+ 1
+ 00:35:00
+ remapgrib_#T#_&PSLOT;
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/remapgrib_#T#.log
+ yyyymmdd@Y@m@d
+ hh@H
+ fcst#T#
+ GRID_NAMES201D130D242
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/grib2/0p25/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.pgrb2.&RES;.f#T#
+ full 242 130 201
+ full,Africa,Beijing,Cambodia,EPacific,Europe,Taiwan,WAtlantic,WPacific AK,AKZoom,AKZoom2 CONUS,NC,NE,NW,SC,SE,SW NHemi
+ global.yml globalAK.yml globalCONUS.yml globalNHemi.yml
+ source &PYGRAFDIR;/pre.sh;
+ python &PYGRAFDIR;/create_graphics.py \
+ maps \
+ -d &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/grib2/0p25/post/#GRID_ID#\
+ -f 0 &FCST_LENGTH; 6 \
+ --file_type prs \
+ --file_tmpl "&CDUMP;.t@Hz.pgrb2.0p25.f{FCST_TIME:03d}"\
+ --images &PYGRAFDIR;/image_lists/#IMGFILE# hourly\
+ -m "GFSv17p8_UGWPV1_MYNN" \
+ -n ${SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE:-12} \
+ -o &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/pyprd \
+ -s @Y@m@d@H \
+ --tiles "#TILESET#" \
+ -z &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/img
+ --exclusive
+ FV3GFS_python_maps_#GRID_ID#_@H_ugwpv1_mynn
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/python_@Y@m@d@H00_maps_#GRID_ID#_0-6-&FCST_LENGTH;.log
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5ce346f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
+ 000 006 012 018 024 030 036 042 048 054 060 066 072 078 084 090 096 102 108 114 120
+ &JOBS_DIR;/remapgrib.sh
+ 1
+ 00:35:00
+ remapgrib_#T#_&PSLOT;
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/remapgrib_#T#.log
+ yyyymmdd@Y@m@d
+ hh@H
+ fcst#T#
+ GRID_NAMES201D130D242
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/grib2/0p25/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.pgrb2.&RES;.f#T#
+ full 242 130 201
+ full,Africa,Beijing,Cambodia,EPacific,Europe,Taiwan,WAtlantic,WPacific AK,AKZoom,AKZoom2 CONUS,NC,NE,NW,SC,SE,SW NHemi
+ global.yml globalAK.yml globalCONUS.yml globalNHemi.yml
+ source &PYGRAFDIR;/pre.sh;
+ python &PYGRAFDIR;/create_graphics.py \
+ maps \
+ -d &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/grib2/0p25/post/#GRID_ID#\
+ -f 0 &FCST_LENGTH; 6 \
+ --file_type prs \
+ --file_tmpl "&CDUMP;.t@Hz.pgrb2.0p25.f{FCST_TIME:03d}"\
+ --images &PYGRAFDIR;/image_lists/#IMGFILE# hourly\
+ -m "GFSv17p8_UGWPV1_MYNN" \
+ -n ${SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE:-12} \
+ -o &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/pyprd \
+ -s @Y@m@d@H \
+ --tiles "#TILESET#" \
+ -z &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/img
+ --exclusive
+ FV3GFS_python_maps_#GRID_ID#_@H_ugwpv1_mynn
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/python_@Y@m@d@H00_maps_#GRID_ID#_0-6-&FCST_LENGTH;.log
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.crontab b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.crontab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4001506148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.crontab
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#################### rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn ####################
+*/5 * * * * /apps/rocoto/1.3.6/bin/rocotorun -d /home/role.rtfim/UFS-CAMsuite//FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.db -w /home/role.rtfim/UFS-CAMsuite//FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cedb907ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ 202403210000 203401140000 24:00:00
+ &JOBS_DIR;/fcst.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsfcst_@H
+ gsd-fv3
+ batch
+ hera
+ 05:30:00
+ 56:ppn=40:tpp=1
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsfcst.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ NETgfs
+ CDUMPgfs
+ RUNgfs
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ COMROOT/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com
+ &ROTDIR;/gfs.@Y@m@d/@H//model_data/atmos/input/sfc_data.tile6.nc
+ &ROTDIR;/gfs.@Y@m@d/@H//model_data/atmos/restart/@Y@m@d.@H0000.sfcanl_data.tile6.nc
+ _f000-f012 _f018-f030 _f036-f048 _f054-f066 _f072-f084 _f090-f102 _f108-f120
+ f012 f030 f048 f066 f084 f102 f120
+ f000_f006_f012 f018_f024_f030 f036_f042_f048 f054_f060_f066 f072_f078_f084 f090_f096_f102 f108_f114_f120
+ &JOBS_DIR;/atmos_products.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsatmprod#grp#_@H
+ gsd-fv3
+ batch
+ hera
+ 00:15:00
+ 1:ppn=24:tpp=1
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsatmprod#grp#.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ NETgfs
+ CDUMPgfs
+ RUNgfs
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ COMROOT/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com
+ FHRLST#lst#
+ &ROTDIR;/gfs.@Y@m@d/@H//model_data/atmos/master/gfs.t@Hz.master.grb2#dep#
+ &JOBS_DIR;/arch.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsarch_@H
+ gsd-fv3
+ batch
+ service
+ 06:00:00
+ 1:ppn=1:tpp=1
+ 4096M
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsarch.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ NETgfs
+ CDUMPgfs
+ RUNgfs
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ COMROOT/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/runcmds b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/runcmds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..494cdfdc92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/runcmds
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+rocotorun -w rt_c768_icsonly.xml -d ~/rt_dbfiles/rt_c768_icsonly.db
+rocotostat -w rt_c768_icsonly.xml -d ~/rt_dbfiles/rt_c768_icsonly.db -c `date --date='4 days ago' +%Y%m%d0000`: | m
+rocotorun -w ${HOME}/UFS-CAMsuite/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml -d ${HOME}/rt_dbfiles/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.db
+rocotostat -w ${HOME}/UFS-CAMsuite/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml -d ${HOME}/rt_dbfiles/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.db -c `date --date='4 days ago' +%Y%m%d0000`: | m
+rocotorun -w v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml -d ~/retro_dbfiles/v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.db
+rocotostat -w v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml -d ~/retro_dbfiles/v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.db
+rocotorun -w rt_pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn.xml -d ~/rt_dbfiles/rt_pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn2.db
+rocotostat -w rt_pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn.xml -d ~/rt_dbfiles/rt_pygraf_global_ugwpv1_mynn2.db
+rocotorun -w rt_pygraf_centos.xml -d rt_pygraf_centos.db
+rocotostat -w rt_pygraf_centos.xml -d rt_pygraf_centos.db
+rocotorun -w test_pygraf.xml -d test_pygraf.db
+rocotostat -w test_pygraf.xml -d test_pygraf.db
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/test_pygraf.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/test_pygraf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb826d5a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/test_pygraf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
+ 000 006 012 018 024 030 036 042 048 054 060 066 072 078 084 090 096 102 108 114 120
+ &JOBS_DIR;/remapgrib.ksh
+ 1
+ 00:35:00
+ remapgrib_#T#_&PSLOT;
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/remapgrib_#T#.log
+ yyyymmdd@Y@m@d
+ hh@H
+ fcst#T#
+ GRID_NAMES201D130D242
+ &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/grib2/0p25/&CDUMP;.t@Hz.pgrb2.&RES;.f#T#
+ full 242 130 201
+ full,Africa,Beijing,Cambodia,EPacific,Europe,Taiwan,WAtlantic,WPacific AK,AKZoom,AKZoom2 CONUS,NC,NE,NW,SC,SE,SW NHemi
+ global.yml globalAK.yml globalCONUS.yml globalNHemi.yml
+ source &PYGRAFDIR;/pre.sh;
+ python &PYGRAFDIR;/create_graphics.py \
+ maps \
+ -d &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/grib2/0p25/post/#GRID_ID#\
+ -f 0 &FCST_LENGTH; 6 \
+ --file_type prs \
+ --file_tmpl "&CDUMP;.t@Hz.pgrb2.0p25.f{FCST_TIME:03d}"\
+ --images &PYGRAFDIR;/image_lists/#IMGFILE# hourly\
+ -m "GFSv17p8_UGWPV1_MYNN" \
+ -n ${SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE:-12} \
+ -o &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/pyprd \
+ -s @Y@m@d@H \
+ --tiles "#TILESET#" \
+ -z &ROTDIR;/&CDUMP;.@Y@m@d/@H/products/&COMPONENT;/img
+ --exclusive
+ FV3GFS_python_maps_#GRID_ID#_@H_ugwpv1_mynn
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/python_@Y@m@d@H00_maps_#GRID_ID#_0-6-&FCST_LENGTH;.log
diff --git a/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2ba4fd011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FV3GFSwfm/rt_v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn/v17p8_ugwpv1_mynn.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ &EXPDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H.log
+ 202403270000 202403270000 24:00:00
+ &JOBS_DIR;/fcst.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsfcst_@H
+ gsd-fv3-dev
+ batch
+ hera
+ 05:10:00
+ 56:ppn=40:tpp=1
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsfcst.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ NETgfs
+ CDUMPgfs
+ RUNgfs
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ COMROOT/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com
+ &ROTDIR;/gfs.@Y@m@d/@H//model_data/atmos/input/sfc_data.tile6.nc
+ &ROTDIR;/gfs.@Y@m@d/@H//model_data/atmos/restart/@Y@m@d.@H0000.sfcanl_data.tile6.nc
+ _f000-f012 _f018-f030 _f036-f048 _f054-f066 _f072-f084 _f090-f102 _f108-f120
+ f012 f030 f048 f066 f084 f102 f120
+ f000_f006_f012 f018_f024_f030 f036_f042_f048 f054_f060_f066 f072_f078_f084 f090_f096_f102 f108_f114_f120
+ &JOBS_DIR;/atmos_products.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsatmprod#grp#_@H
+ gsd-fv3
+ batch
+ hera
+ 00:15:00
+ 1:ppn=24:tpp=1
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsatmprod#grp#.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ NETgfs
+ CDUMPgfs
+ RUNgfs
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ COMROOT/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com
+ FHRLST#lst#
+ &ROTDIR;/gfs.@Y@m@d/@H//model_data/atmos/master/gfs.t@Hz.master.grb2#dep#
+ &JOBS_DIR;/arch.sh
+ &PSLOT;_gfsarch_@H
+ gsd-fv3
+ batch
+ service
+ 06:00:00
+ 1:ppn=1:tpp=1
+ 4096M
+ &ROTDIR;/logs/@Y@m@d@H/gfsarch.log
+ HOMEgfs&HOMEgfs;
+ NETgfs
+ CDUMPgfs
+ RUNgfs
+ CDATE@Y@m@d@H
+ PDY@Y@m@d
+ cyc@H
+ COMROOT/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/glopara/com
diff --git a/jobs/rocoto/remapgrib.sh b/jobs/rocoto/remapgrib.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b45d0dc00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jobs/rocoto/remapgrib.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/bin/bash --login
+# this file remaps 1/4 degree lat/lon grids to other grids
+# 236 201 244 130 224 242
+# initialize
+module load gnu/13.2.0
+module load netcdf/4.7.0
+module load wgrib2/3.1.2_ncep
+module list
+echo entering remapgrib.sh....
+echo "****************************"
+echo "ROTDIR = ${ROTDIR}"
+echo "CDUMP = ${CDUMP}"
+echo "yyyymmdd = ${yyyymmdd}"
+echo "hh = ${hh}"
+echo "fcst = ${fcst}"
+echo `which wgrib2`
+# Grid Definitions
+# Full domain
+# 32 km
+export grid_specs_221="lambert:253:50.000000 214.500000:349:32463.000000 1.000000:277:32463.000000"
+# 13 km
+export grid_specs_130="lambert:265:25.000000 233.862000:451:13545.000000 16.281000:337:13545.000000"
+# 20 km
+export grid_specs_252="lambert:265:25.000000 233.862000:301:20318.000000 16.281000:225:20318.000000"
+# 40 km
+export grid_specs_236="lambert:265:25.000000 233.862000:151:40635.000000 16.281000:113:40635.000000"
+# Alaska
+export grid_specs_242="nps:225:60.000000 187.000000:553:11250.000000 30.000000:425:11250.000000"
+# Hawaii
+export grid_specs_243="latlon 190.0:126:0.400 10.000:101:0.400"
+# Puerto Rico
+export grid_specs_200="lambert:253:50.000000 285.720000:108:16232.000000 16.201000:94:16232.000000"
+export grid_specs_999="lambert:253:50.000000 227.500000:675:13545.000000 7.500000:500:13545.000000"
+# North Polar Stereographic
+export grid_specs_201="nps:-105:60.000000 -150.000000:259:94512.000000 -20.826000:259:94512.000000"
+# South Polar Stereographic
+export grid_specs_224="sps:75:-60.000000 120.000000:257:95250.000000 20.826000:257:95250.000000"
+# North Atlantic
+export grid_specs_244="latlon 261.750:275:0.25 0.250:203:0.25"
+# make post directory if doesn't exist
+echo "postDir: $postDir"
+if [ ! -d ${postDir} ]
+ echo "creating ${postDir} "
+ mkdir -p ${postDir}
+# parse out domain
+grids=$(echo $GRID_NAMES|sed 's/D/ /g')
+# loop through each domain and remap 1/4 degree grib2 file to new grid
+grids=$(echo $GRID_NAMES|sed 's/D/ /g')
+for grid in $grids
+ tgt_gribfile_dir=${postDir}/${grid}
+ ${MKDIR} -p ${tgt_gribfile_dir}
+ tgt_gribfile=${tgt_gribfile_dir}/${src_gribfile}
+ ${ECHO} "Processing grids for grid ${grid}"
+ eval grid_specs=\${grid_specs_${grid}}
+ wgrib2 ${postDir}/../${src_gribfile} -set_grib_type c3 -new_grid_winds grid \
+ -new_grid_interpolation bilinear \
+ -new_grid ${grid_specs} ${tgt_gribfile}
+# make links for full domain
+${MKDIR} -p ${tgt_gribfile_dir}
+cd ${tgt_gribfile_dir}
+${LN} -fs ../../${src_gribfile}