This is a provider that looks at Strava's api call to explore nearby segments here. When put into a webmap, it will use your current extent to define where to search for the segments. You can also use it as a wrapper, and pass the same url parameters as you could in the Strava api call of
The parameters you can pass are bounds, activity_type, min_cat, and max_cat.
bounds (array[Float]): The latitude and longitude for two points describing a rectangular boundary for the search: [southwest corner latitutde, southwest corner longitude, northeast corner latitude, northeast corner longitude]
activity_type (String): Desired activity type. May take one of the following values: running, riding.
min_cat (integer): The minimum climbing category.
max_cat (integer): The maximum climbing category.
Run server:
npm install
npm start
Example API Query:
curl localhost:8080/Strava/FeatureServer/0/query?bounds=38,-91,39,-90
npm test
Full documentation of the Strava api is provided here.