##1. Log into Atlas ##2. Create a directory for yourself and go to it:
$ cd /atlas/u
$ mkdir <your_id>
$ cd <your_id>
##3. Clone this repository: $ git clone https://github.com/jkuck/rbpf_atlas
$ cd rbpf_atlas/
##4. Now you should be in the directory /atlas/u/<your_id>/rbpf_atlas. Edit line 3 in submit_single_eval_job.sh and line 3 in setup_rbpf_anaconda_venv.sh from:
cd /atlas/u/jkuck/RANDOM_TEST_GIT_DIR/rbpf_atlas
to instead read:
cd /atlas/u/<your_id>/rbpf_atlas
##5. Run an experiment: $ python run_experiment_batch.py
##6. Evaluate the experiment's results: $ python find_and_evaluate_results.py