subnet: gateway:
Host (can be multiple/individual hosts) | +-- traefik:2.10.5,, :::80->80/tcp |, :::443->443/tcp | +-- app:, 3000/tcp (or via UNIX socket) | +-- postgresql:16.1,, :::5432/tcp->5432/tcp
Jail environments:
zroot/JE/traefik-2.10.5 zroot/JE/app- zroot/JE/postgresql-16.1
Jail datasets:
zroot/JAIL/traefik/ (ACTIVE) interface=lo zroot/JAIL/app/ (ACTIVE) mountpoint=/rails, interface=lo zroot/JAIL/postgresql/ (ACTIVE) interface=lo zroot/JAIL/postgresql/data16 mountpoint=/postgresql/db/postgres/data16 postgresql_data dir
Host: (Eventually read-only) zroot/ROOT/ (NR) mountpoint=/
PostgreSQL 16.1 The port on FreeBSD uses PG_UID=770 (/var/db/postgres/data16), Docker uses 999 (/var/lib/postgresql) Both set en_US.UTF-8 by default
Docker sets ENV PGDATA /var/lib/postgresql/data VOLUME /var/lib/postgresql/data
So we need to expose/create a similar dataset zroot/JAIL/postgresql/data16 which mounts to /db/postgres (or /db/postgres/data16) (or similar)
traefik 2.10.5 The Docker image is straightforward Previoulsy, we used nginx with BROTLI and HEADERS_MORE modules. Additionally, we install (optionally)
The Rails Docker image installs Ruby 3.2.2, WORKDIR /rails, sets the following env vars: RAILS_ENV="production" BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT="1" BUNDLE_PATH="/usr/local/bundle" BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development" Builds the gems, precompile assets, creates a user/group rails:rails, prepares the database, and runs rails server on port 3000
Try with FreeBSD ruby pkg/gems again, now that we are building them. Otherwise, stay with rbenv
Overall is a similar structure to what is being used for development/production on FreeBSD with jails. All jails need to be VNET jails and have the host use ipfw/pf to forward/expose ports. Previously we used either raw sockets or loopback interfaces from the host directly. The performance penalty should be negligible.