These ansible playbooks configure a fresh deployment of a k3s cluster on 4 rapsberry pi 4.
- a workstation to run ansible commands
- 4 x raspberry pi 4 (4GB ram)
Configure the workstation:
- Install ansible
- Install collections/roles from Ansible Galaxy by running
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- Install sshpass and python-apt by running
sudo apt-get install sshpass python-apt -y
- Install age and age-keygen binaries from
- Install Mozilla sops binary from
Configure the raspberry pi:
- Flash SD-card with last Raspbian lite release (64bit): enable ssh and configure password for pi user: raspberry
Here we will create a Age Private and Public key. Using SOPS with Age allows us to encrypt secrets and use them in Ansible and Flux.
Create a Age Private / Public Key
age-keygen -o age.agekey
Set up the directory for the Age key and move the Age file to it
mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age mv age.agekey ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt
All secrets are encrypted by Mozilla sops tool and are defined in .sops.yaml files in inventory folder.
You need to find the dynamic IPs given to your raspberry pis, you can use nmap command to do so and fill your inventory/hosts.yml file with the temporary IPs:
ansible_host: <TEMPORARY_MASTER_IP>
ansible_host: <TEMPORARY_WORKER1_IP>
ansible_host: <TEMPORARY_WORKER2_IP>
ansible_host: <TEMPORARY_WORKER3_IP>
Run the bootstrap ansible playbook on this inventory.
ansible-playbook playbooks/bootstrap.yml -u pi --ask-pass
You can now edit your inventory file to put the correct IPs you wanted (defined in inventory/host_vars/ folder) and run the install-k3s.yml playbook.
ansible-playbook playbooks/install-k3s.yml
- Configure hostname
- Set static IP
- Configure locale
- Create users and delete default pi user
- Set the default editor
- Setup a secure SSH configuration
- Configure /boot/config.txt
- Run raspi-config
- Download k3s binary
- Configure k3s service on both nodes
- Install and configure flux v2 to deploy other kubernetes components from a repository
ansible-playbook playbooks/bootstrap.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install-k3s.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/uninstall-k3s.yml
Edit hosts.yaml inventory file to add the name and the temporary IP of your new worker.
Create a new file in inventory/host_vars folder matching the hostname of your new worker and fill it with the correct values.
Run these commands:
ansible-playbook playbooks/bootstrap.yml -e 'ansible_user=pi' --ask-pass -l <NEW_WORKER_NAME>
ansible <NEW_WORKER_NAME> -a "/sbin/shutdown -r now -b"
After reboot, update the inventory file with your final worker IP and run this command to finalize bootstrap:
ansible-playbook playbooks/bootstrap.yml -l <NEW_WORKER_NAME>
Get your k3s master token from your master node in that file: /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/token and run that command:
ansible-playbook playbooks/add-k3s-worker.yml -e "host=<NEW_WORKER_NAME>" -e "token=<YOUR_TOKEN>"
In my case, I use three usb sticks of 64GB plugged on my three worker nodes.
ansible k3s_workers -a "lsblk -f" # to get usb_disk_name value
Fill your hosts_vars usb_disk_name value in inventory.
ansible k3s_workers -b -m shell -a "wipefs -a /dev/{{ usb_disk_name }}"
ansible k3s_workers -b -m filesystem -a "fstype=ext4 dev=/dev/{{ usb_disk_name }}"
ansible k3s_workers -b -m shell -a "blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/{{ usb_disk_name }}" # to get external_usb_uuid
Fill your hosts_vars usb_disk_uuid value in inventory.
ansible k3s_workers -b -m ansible.posix.mount -a "path=/storage src=UUID={{ usb_disk_uuid }} fstype=ext4 state=mounted"
ansible-playbook playbooks/patch-flux-branch.yml --extra-vars "branch=dev"
ansible-playbook playbooks/revert-flux-branch.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/upgrade-flux.yml