Thank you for considering contributing to raft
- all contributions are greatly appreciated.
- Make sure you have a GitHub account.
- Fork this repository on GitHub.
- Thoroughly read the documentation for
and understand how the Raft consensus protocol works. At minimum, you should read the raft paper.
- Create a new branch, named for the feature or bug you're addressing.
- Make your changes in the new branch.
- Test your changes and ensure all tests pass.
- Commit your changes. Use clear, concise commit messages.
- Push your changes to your fork on GitHub.
- Submit a pull request to the main repository.
- Check the issue tracker to see if the bug or enhancement you're interested in has been reported.
- If the issue does not exist, create a new issue. Be sure to clearly describe the issue, including steps to reproduce when it's a bug.
- Ensure your code follows the style of the existing codebase.
- Add comments to your code where necessary.
By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of the MIT licence.