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Filecoin ZigZag Proof of Replication

ZigZagDrgPorep is a layered PoRep which replicates layer by layer. Between layers, the graph is 'reversed' in such a way that the dependencies expand with each iteration. This reversal is not a straightforward inversion -- so we coin the term 'zigzag' to describe the transformation. Each graph can be divided into base and expansion components. The 'base' component is an ordinary DRG. The expansion component attempts to add a target (expansion_degree) number of connections between nodes in a reversible way. Expansion connections are therefore simply inverted at each layer. Because of how DRG-sampled parents are calculated on demand, the base components are not. Instead, a same-degree DRG with connections in the opposite direction (and using the same random seed) is used when calculating parents on demand. For the algorithm to have the desired properties, it is important that the expansion components are directly inverted at each layer. However, it is fortunately not necessary that the base DRG components also have this property.

Filecoin ZigZag Proof of Replication is the process by which raw data is transformed into a replica and a proof of replication.

This comprises the following steps:

  • Preprocessing
  • Sector Padding
  • Replication
  • Proof Generation
  • Circuit Proof Generation

Together, Replication, Proof Generation, and Circuit Proof Generation constitute the Seal operation, as described in Filecoin Proofs.

Hash Functions

Filecoin ZigZag Proof of Replication as described here is generic over the following hash functions:

  • KDF hash: a hash function with 32-byte digest size: default is Blake2s
  • CommR Hash: a hash function with 32-byte digest size: default is Blake2s
  • RepCompress: a hash function with 32-byte digest size: default is pedersen hashing over jubjub curve.


Raw data to be replicated is first preprocessed to yield an unsealed sector. The size of the raw data is RawSize bytes.

First apply preprocessing as described in Filecoin Client Data Processing:

Preprocessing adds two zero bits after every 254 bits of original data, yielding a sequence of 32-byte blocks, each of which contains two zeroes in the most-significant bits, when interpreted as a little-endian number. That is, for each block, 0x11000000 & block[31] == 0.

Sector Padding

After preprocessing, the data is padded with zero bytes so that the total length of the data is the sector size, SectorSize. SectorSize must be one of a set of explicitly supported sizes and must be a power-of-two multiple of 32 bytes. The preprocessed and padded data is now considered to be an unsealed sector.


Public Parameters

The following public parameters are shared with the ZigZag circuit proof:

  • LAYERS : UInt: Number of DRG layers.
  • EXPANSION_DEGREE: UInt: Degree of each bipartite expander graph to extend dependencies between layers.
  • BASE_DEGREE: UInt: Degree of each Depth Robust Graph.
  • TREE_DEPTH: UInt: Depth of the Merkle tree. Note, this is (log_2(Size of original data in bytes/32 bytes per leaf)).

The following additional public parameters are required:

  • TAPER : Float: Fraction of each layer's challenges by which to reduce next-lowest layer's challenge count.
  • TAPER_LAYERS: UInt: Number of layers Data is a byte array initialized to the content of unsealed sector and will be mutated in-place by the replication process.

Replication proceeds as follows:

  • Calculate ReplicaID using Hash (Blake2s):
ReplicaID := Hash(ProverID || SectorID || ticket)
  • Perform RepHash on Data to yield CommD and TreeD:
CommD, TreeD = RepHash(data)

RepHash constructs a binary merkle tree from the resulting blocks, designated as the leaves — by applying the RepHash Compression Function, RepCompress, to adjacent pairs of leaves. The final result is the merkle root of the constructed tree.

type node [32]uint8

// Create and return a binary merkle tree and its root commitment.
// len(leaves) must be a power of 2.
func RepHash(leaves []node) ([][]node, node) {
	rows = [][]node
	currentRow := leaves
	for height := 0; len(currentRow) > 1; height += 1 {
		var nextRow []node

		for i := 0; i < len(row)/2; i += 2 {
			left := row[i]
			right := row[i+1]

			// NOTE: Depending on choice of RepCompress, heightPart may be trimmed to fewer than 8 bits.
			heightPart := []uint8{height}
			input1 := append(heightPart, left...)
			input := append(input1, right...)
			hashed = RepCompress(input)
			nextRow = append(nextRow, hashed)

		currentRow = nextRow
    // The tree returned here is just a vector of rows for later use. Its representation is not part of the spec.
	return rows, currentRow[0]

For each of LAYERS layers, l, perform one Layer Replication, yielding a replica, tree, and commitment (CommR_<l>) per layer:

let layer_replicas = [LAYERS][nodes]Uint8
let layer_trees = [LAYERS]MerkleTree
let CommRs = []commitment

let layer = data
for l in 0..layers {
	let layer_replica = ReplicateLayer(layer)
	layer_replicas[l] = layer_replica
	CommRs[l], layers_trees[l] = RepTree(layer_replica)
	layer = layer_replica

The replicated data is the output of the final Layer Replication,layer_replicas[layers-1]. Set CommRLast to be CommR_<Layers>. Set CommRStar to be CommRHash(ReplicaID || CommR_0 || CommR_<i> || ... || CommRLast).

Replica := layer_replicas[layers - 1]
CommRLast :- CommRs[layers-1]
CommRStar := CommRHash(replicaID, ...CommRs)

Proof Generation

Challenge Generation

Calculate LAYER_CHALLENGES : [LAYERS]UInt: Number of challenges per layer. (This will be passed to the ZigZag circuit proof.)

Derive challenges for each layer (call derive_challenges()).

Layer Challenge Counts

    pub fn challenges_for_layer(&self, layer: usize) -> usize {
        match self {
            LayerChallenges::Fixed { count, .. } => *count,
            LayerChallenges::Tapered {
            } => {
                assert!(layer < *layers);
                let l = (layers - 1) - layer;

                let r: f64 = 1.0 - *taper;
                let t = min(l, *taper_layers);
                let total_taper = r.powi(t as i32);

                let calculated = (total_taper * *count as f64).ceil() as usize;

                // Although implied by the call to `ceil()` above, be explicit that a layer cannot contain 0 challenges.
                max(1, calculated)

Challenge Derivation

pub fn derive_challenges<D: Domain>(
    challenges: &LayerChallenges,
    layer: u8,
    leaves: usize,
    replica_id: &D,
    commitment: &D,
    k: u8,
) -> Vec<usize> {
    let n = challenges.challenges_for_layer(layer as usize);
        .map(|i| {
            let mut bytes = replica_id.into_bytes();
            let j = ((n * k as usize) + i) as u32;

            let hash = blake2s(bytes.as_slice());
            let big_challenge = BigUint::from_bytes_le(hash.as_ref());

            // For now, we cannot try to prove the first or last node, so make sure the challenge can never be 0 or leaves - 1.
            let big_mod_challenge = big_challenge % (leaves - 2);
            big_mod_challenge.to_usize().unwrap() + 1

Layer Replication

TODO: define and use replicate_layer()

Graph Structure

TODO: define parents() and expansion_parents() and use in replicate_layer().

fn parents(&self, node: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
    let m = self.base_degree;

    match node {
        // Special case for the first node, it self references.
        0 => vec![0; m as usize],
        // Special case for the second node, it references only the first one.
        1 => vec![0; m as usize],
        _ => {
            // seed = self.seed | node
            let mut seed = [0u32; 8];
            seed[7] = node as u32;
            let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(&seed);

            let mut parents = Vec::with_capacity(m);
            for k in 0..m {
                // iterate over m meta nodes of the ith real node
                // simulate the edges that we would add from previous graph nodes
                // if any edge is added from a meta node of jth real node then add edge (j,i)
                let logi = ((node * m) as f32).log2().floor() as usize;
                let j = rng.gen::<usize>() % logi;
                let jj = cmp::min(node * m + k, 1 << (j + 1));
                let back_dist = rng.gen_range(cmp::max(jj >> 1, 2), jj + 1);
                let out = (node * m + k - back_dist) / m;

                // remove self references and replace with reference to previous node
                if out == node {
                    parents.push(node - 1);
                } else {
                    assert!(out <= node);



Proof Generation

let layer_proofs = []

for l in 0..LAYERS {
  let replica = layer_replicas[l]
  let replica_tree = layer_trees[l]
  for c in derive_challenges(LAYER_CHALLENGES[l])
    data_inclusion_proof = inclusion_proof(data[c], DataTree, CommR_<l>)
    replica_inclusion_proof = inclusion_proof(replica[c], replica_tree, CommR_<l+1>) || FAIL// Prove the replica. TODO explain replica[].
    // *** let kdf_preimage = [replica_id] ***
    let parent_replica_inclusion_proofs = []
    for p in parents(c) {
      // *** kdf_preimage.push(p)***
      parent_replica_inclusion_proofs.push(inclusion_proof(p, CommR_<l+1>))
    // *** let key = kdf(kdf_preimage); ***
    // *** encode(key, data[c]) == replica[c]
    // *** We don't actually need to encode in the proof. ***
    // TODO: move this ***stuff*** to verification.

    layer_proof.push((data_inclusion_proof, replication_inclusion_proof, parent_replica_inclusion_proofs))    

return layer_proofs, CommRstar, CommRLast

TODO: reconcile outputs of non-circuit proof with inputs to circuit proof.

Circuit Proof Generation

See # ZigZag: Offline PoRep Circuit Spec for details of Circuit Proof Generation.