This site can be viewed at Metallic AA's
This is a combination of four web pages for a fictional band called The Metallic AA's, Its just a bit of fun based on an existing band called Metallica
The four pages showcase the band, availabe tour dates, available merchandise and a membership page.
The site was developed so that fans will find it easier to find information about the band in general, the bands members and any upcoming concert dates. there is a home page detailing the band, there is a tours page showing upcoming tour dates and a form to book tickets, the merchandise page showcases some of the merchandise available to the fans and there is a membership option available on the home page. I intentionally kept the membership page accessible from only the home page as i think that gives it a differant degree of importance and seperation
- As a fan I hope that i can find information that i am looking for about the band and navigate around the site with ease
- As a member of the band we hope that this makes it easier for people to become fans and to see the services we provide.
the strategy for the site was to make it easy to navigate around while providing enough clear information to the site users, i used only three colours in the overall design of the pages to give them a familiar feel.
I created these pages with the aim of keeping everything simple, the pages link to each other through the nav bar,there is a membership page that is accesible from the home page, the membership page is directly linked back to the home page so the user can easily navigate around the rest of the pages from there. there is a footer section with social media connections on all pages and all actions are clearly defined by a red hover effect when activated.
When i learn more i would like to revisit the project, it looks a bit cramped in some places and there is some space also that may be better utilized in future alterations so i would maybe expand it to another page or two and i would also make the forms more precise to better suit the requirements and also give them an action and method functionality
- Bootstrap
I have checked all of the links on all 4 pages and they all work, the social media links all open to a new browser screen, All the forms were checked to ensure that they would have to be filled out correctly in order to submit a reaction.
The site was checked on various devices such as laptop,mobile and tablets, css and html code were tested on validators
the pages appear ok on most screen sizes, maybe a bit too much white space on some
there were some alignment issues but i think that i have addressed them ok
there was a slight delay on the merchandise image rendering to the page so i had to change it
I deployed the site to Github pages, it uses the master branch, upon deployment it was checked on various platforms and seems to be ok
All text is fictional, names of band members and the album names closely resemble the members and albums from Metallica
- The photos used in this site were obtained from
- band3 by Thibault Trilliet
- merch by Jonathan Borba
- newyork by Vinta Supply Co.
- sanfran by Pixabay
- seattle by Burst
- tour by Collis
- t-shirts by Francesco Paggiaro
- album by Dids
- hats by Nicolas Postiglioni
- hands by Matheaus Viana
- I received inspiration for this project from the project ideas from the code institute suggestions