An extension to cards.sfile that provides graphical ui versions of shortcuts.
This shortcut-file has a tutorial video available: Using the "cards" shortcut-file to use virtual cards (runtime 12:43)
^sfile setup$
const confirmObjectPath = _inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.confirmObjectPath;
// Helper function - Turn relative path into absolute path based in the vault's root
function getAbsolutePath(path)
if (path.startsWith("data:image")) { return path; }
path = app.vault.fileMap[path];
if (!path) { return ""; }
return app.vault.getResourcePath(path);
// Helper function - Get the current back-image, url
function getBackImage()
return ||;
// Custom popop definition for various card manipulations
// Setup function
onOpen: async (data, parent, firstButton, SettingType) =>
data.pileNames = Object.keys(;
// Source pile dropdown
new SettingType(parent)
data.defaults?.dst === undefined ? "Card-pile" : "Source card-pile")
.addDropdown(dropdown =>
data.defaults?.src ?
data.pileNames.indexOf(data.defaults?.src) :
data.src = dropdown;
dropdown.selectEl.addEventListener("keypress", e =>
if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
return dropdown;
// Destination pile dropdown
if (data.defaults?.dst !== undefined)
new SettingType(parent)
.setName("Destination Card-pile")
.addDropdown(dropdown =>
data.defaults?.dst ?
data.pileNames.indexOf(data.defaults?.dst) :
data.dst = dropdown;
dropdown.selectEl.addEventListener("keypress", e =>
if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
return dropdown;
// Count textbox
if (data.defaults?.count !== undefined)
new SettingType(parent)
.addText(text =>
text.setValue(data.defaults?.count + "");
data.count = text;
text.inputEl.addEventListener("keypress", e =>
if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
else if (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57)
window.event.returnValue = null;
text.inputEl.addEventListener("blur", e =>
if (Number( < 1)
{ = "1";
return text;
// Topbottom dropdown
if (data.defaults?.topBottom !== undefined)
new SettingType(parent)
.setName("Top or bottom")
.addDropdown(dropdown =>
dropdown.addOptions([ "Top", "Bottom" ]);
data.topBottom = dropdown;
dropdown.selectEl.addEventListener("keypress", e =>
if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
return dropdown;
// Rotate toggle button
if (data.defaults?.rotate !== undefined)
new SettingType(parent)
.setName("Rotate cards")
.addToggle(toggle =>
data.rotate = toggle;
toggle.toggleEl.addEventListener("keypress", e =>
if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
return toggle;
// Shutown function
onClose: async (data, resolveFnc, buttonId) =>
if (buttonId !== "Ok") { return; }
let result = { src: data.pileNames[data.src.getValue()] };
if (data.dst) { result.dst = data.pileNames[data.dst.getValue()]; }
if (data.count) { result.count = data.count.getValue(); }
if (data.topBottom) { result.topBottom = data.topBottom.getValue(); }
if (data.rotate) { result.rotate = data.rotate.getValue(); }
// Custom popop definition for altering the settings of the cards system
// Setup function
onOpen: async (data, parent, firstButton, SettingType) =>
// The current card size (before we change it)
const currentSize =;
const currentBackImage = getBackImage();
// A parent div to center the card visualization
let sampleContainerUi = document.createElement("div");["text-align"] = "center";
// The card visualization
data.sampleUi = document.createElement("img");
data.sampleUi.src = getAbsolutePath(currentBackImage); = currentSize + "px";
// A slider to change the card size
let sizeUi = new SettingType(parent)
.setName("Size (" + currentSize + ")")
.setDesc("Pick the size for all cards (in pixels).")
.addSlider((slider) =>
.setLimits(10, 500, 10)
.onChange(value =>
{ = value + "px";
data.titleUi.innerText = "Size (" + value + ")";
data.sliderUi = slider;
slider.sliderEl.addEventListener("keypress", e =>
if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
return slider;
// Keep track of the slider label - to change its text when the size changes
data.titleUi = sizeUi.nameEl;
// A dropdown to select the card back
let backImageUi = new SettingType(parent)
.setName("Back image")
.setDesc("Choose the image to represent the back of all cards.")
.addDropdown(dropdown =>
data.backImageOptions =
v => { return v.match(/.(?:png|bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg)$/); }
dropdown.onChange(value =>
data.sampleUi.src = getAbsolutePath(
data.backImageOptions[value] ||;
data.backImageUi = dropdown;
dropdown.selectEl.addEventListener("keypress", e =>
if (e.key === "Enter") {; }
return dropdown;
// Shutown function
onClose: async (data, resolveFnc, buttonId) =>
if (buttonId !== "Ok") { return; }
size: data.sliderUi.getValue(),
backImage: data.backImageOptions[data.backImageUi.getValue()] || "default"
__ Sets up this shortcut-file
__ __
// User chooses an existing pile
userChoosesPileId = function(requestMessage, failMessage, pileToBlock)
// Get names of the piles
const pileNames =
filter(v => v !== pileToBlock);
if (!pileNames.length)
return [ null, expFormat(failMessage + "No card-piles available.") ];
// Choose a pile
const pileIndex =
popups.pick("Choose a card-pile " + requestMessage, pileNames, 0, "adaptive");
if (pileIndex === null) { return [ null, null ]; }
// Return the chosen pile name
return [ pileNames[pileIndex], null ];
// Return true if at least one pile exists, return false otherwise
function doPilesExist()
return !!( Object.keys( );
__ Helper scripts
^ui cards? reset$
return expand("cards reset");
__ ui cards reset - Clears all card-piles.
^ui cards? settings$
// Choose settings
const newSettings = popups.custom(
"Choose settings for all cards", _inlineScripts.cards_ui.settingsPopup);
if (newSettings === null) { return null; }
return expand("cards settings " + newSettings.size + " " + newSettings.backImage);
__ ui cards settings - User chooses card size and card back image.
^ui cards? pile$
// Get the data-string to import
const toImport = popups.input("Enter a name for the new pile");
if (toImport === null) { return null; }
if ([toImport])
return expFormat("Card-pile not created. __" + toImport + "__ already exists.");
// User decides whether to rotate cards
const isFaceUp = popups.pick(
"How should cards face in the card-pile?", [ "Face-down", "Face-up" ], 0, 2);
if (isFaceUp === null) { return null; }
// User decides whether to rotate cards
const hideMoved = popups.pick(
"Should cards be printed when drawn or picked into the card-pile",
[ "Yes", "No" ], ? 0 : 1,
if (hideMoved === null) { return null; }
// Pile creation shortcut is called
return expand(
"cards pile " + toImport + " " + (isFaceUp ? "up" : "down") + " " +
(hideMoved ? "n" : "y"));
__ ui cards pile - User enters a name, card-facing and show-moved flag for the new card-pile. Card-pile is created from the choices.
^ui cards? remove$
// User chooses the pile to remove
const pile = await userChoosesPileId("to remove", "Card-pile not removed.");
if (pile[0] == null) { return pile[1]; }
// User decides whether to rotate cards
const doRecall = popups.pick(
"Try recalling card-pile's cards before removing it?", [ "Yes", "No" ], 0, 2);
if (doRecall === null) { return null; }
// Shuffle shortcut is called
return expand("cards remove " + pile[0] + " " + (doRecall ? "n" : "y"));
__ ui cards remove - User choses a card-pile to remove, then removes that card-pile.
^ui cards? pilesettings$
// User chooses the pile to change settings for
const pileName =
await userChoosesPileId("to change settings for", "Card-pile not changed.");
if (pileName[0] == null) { return pileName[1]; }
// Get the pile to use it's current settings for defaults
const pile =[pileName[0]];
// User decides whether to rotate cards
const isFaceUp = popups.pick(
"How should cards face in the card-pile?", [ "Face-down", "Face-up" ],
pile.isFaceUp ? 1 : 0, 2);
if (isFaceUp === null) { return null; }
// User decides whether to rotate cards
const hideMoved = popups.pick(
"Should cards be printed when drawn or picked into the card-pile",
[ "Yes", "No" ], pile.showMoved ? 0 : 1, 2);
if (hideMoved === null) { return null; }
// Pile creation shortcut is called
return expand(
"cards pilesettings " + pileName[0] + " " + (isFaceUp ? "up" : "down") + " " +
(hideMoved ? "n" : "y"));
__ ui cards pilesettings - User chooses a card-pile, then choses its card-facing and show-moved flag.
^ui cards? fromfolder$
// Make a list of viable folders to choose from
const folders = Object.keys(app.vault.fileMap)
.filter(v => app.vault.fileMap[v].children?.length)
// Choose folders with non-markdown files
.filter(v =>
for (const child of app.vault.fileMap[v].children)
if (child.extension && child.extension !== "md")
return true;
return false;
// Choose a folder to create cards from
let folder =
popups.pick("Choose a folder to take card images from", folders, 0, "adaptive");
if (!folder) { return null; }
folder = folders[folder];
// Choose a pile to put the cards into
const pileId =
await userChoosesPileId("to hold new cards", "Card images not loaded.");
if (pileId === null) { return pile[1]; }
return expand("cards fromfolder " + pileId[0] + " " + folder);
__ ui cards fromfolder - User choses a folder to create new cards from, then choses a card-pile to put them into. Cards are created and added to the chosen card-pile.
^ui cards? list$
return expand("cards list");
__ ui cards list - Lists all card-piles.
^ui cards? peek$
// Show a custom popup
const data =
src: || "",
count: 1,
topBottom: 0
src: "Card-pile to peek into",
count: "How many cards to peek",
topBottom: "Peek at top or bottom of card-pile"
const result = popups.custom(
"Choose peek options", _inlineScripts.cards_ui.manipulateCardsPopup, data);
if (result === null) { return null; }
// Run the non-ui shortcut
return expand(
"cards peek " + result.count + " " + result.src + " " +
(result.topBottom === "1" ? "y" : "n"));
__ ui cards peek - User choses a card-pile, how many cards to peek and what side to peek from (top or bottom). The peeked cards are printed to the note.
^ui cards? draw$
// Show a custom popup
const data =
src: || "",
dst: || "",
count: 1,
src: "Card-pile to draw from",
dst: "Card-pile to add to",
count: "How many cards to draw"
const result = popups.custom(
"Choose draw options", _inlineScripts.cards_ui.manipulateCardsPopup, data);
if (result === null) { return null; }
// Run the non-ui shortcut
return expand("cards draw " + result.count + " " + result.dst + " " + result.src);
__ ui cards draw - User choses one card-pile to draw from, one to add to and how many cards to draw. Cards are moved from the top of one card-pile to the top of the other.
^ui cards? pick$
// Show a custom popup
const data =
src: || "",
dst: || ""
src: "Card-pile to pick from",
dst: "Card-pile to add to"
const result = popups.custom(
"Choose pick options", _inlineScripts.cards_ui.manipulateCardsPopup, data);
if (result === null) { return null; }
// Run the non-ui shortcut
return expand("cards pick " + result.dst + " " + result.src);
__ ui cards pick - User choses one card-pile to pick from and one to add to, then the user picks the cards to move from the top of one to the top of the other.
^ui cards? shuffle$
// Show a custom popup
const data =
src: 0,
rotate: false
src: "Card-pile to shuffle",
rotate: "Rotate cards while shuffling?"
const result = popups.custom(
"Choose pick options", _inlineScripts.cards_ui.manipulateCardsPopup, data);
if (result === null) { return null; }
// Run the non-ui shortcut
return expand("cards shuffle " + result.src + " " + (result.rotate ? "y" : "n"));
__ ui cards shuffle - User choses a card-pile, and whether to rotate the cards while shuffling. The card-pile is then shuffled.
^ui cards? unrotate$
const pile = await userChoosesPileId("to un-rotate", "Cards not un-rotated.");
if (pile[0] == null) { return pile[1]; }
return expand("cards unrotate " + pile[0]);
__ ui cards unrotate - User choses a card-pile, then all the card-pile's cards are turned right-side-up.
^ui cards? reverse$
const pile = await userChoosesPileId("to reverse", "Card-pile not reversed.");
if (pile[0] == null) { return pile[1]; }
return expand("cards reverse " + pile[0]);
__ ui cards reverse - User choses a card-pile, then the card-pile's order is reversed.
^ui cards? recall$
const pile = await userChoosesPileId("to recall", "Cards not recalled.");
if (pile[0] == null) { return pile[1]; }
return expand("cards recall " + pile[0]);
__ ui cards recall - User choses a card-pile, then the card-pile is recalled. Recalling means finding all cards with the card-pile as their origin, then moving them to the card-pile.
^ui cards? reorigin$
const pile = await userChoosesPileId("to re-origin", "Cards not re-origined.");
if (pile[0] == null) { return pile[1]; }
return expand("cards reorigin " + pile[0]);
__ ui cards reorigin - Asks the user to choose a card-pile, then the card-pile is re-origined.. Re-origining means setting the origin of all cards in a card-pile to that card-pile.
^ui cards? import$
// Get the pile to import into
let pile =
await userChoosesPileId("to import into", "Card-pile not imported.");
if (pile[0] == null) { return pile[1]; }
pile = pile[0];
// Get the pile's data-string for the default value
let defaultDataString =
// Get the data-string to import
const toImport = popups.input("Enter the data-string to import", defaultDataString);
if (toImport === null) { return null; }
if (toImport === defaultDataString) { return null; }
// Run the import shortcut
return expand("cards reorigin " + pile + " " + toImport);
__ ui cards import - User chooses a card-pile and enters a data-string representation of a card-pile. The data-string is turned into a card-pile and assigned to the card-pile the user chose.
^ui cards? export$
const pile = await userChoosesPileId("to export", "Card-pile not exported.");
if (pile[0] == null) { return pile[1]; }
return expand("cards export " + pile[0]);
__ ui cards export - User chooses a card-pile, then the card-pile is exported to a data-string, which is printed to the note.