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This shortcut-file includes shortcuts to get and set note-variables. Note-variables are variables set in the YAML frontmatter. They can be used by many plugins, including DataView and TTRPG StatBlocks.
This shortcut file can be used by other shortcut-files to let them read and manipulate data in notes for many uses, including TTRPG character sheets.
This shortcut-file has a tutorial video available:
Uses state.sfile shortcut-file (optional). It uses this to save & load the isMarkdownRefreshed flag.
^sfile setup$
const confirmObjectPath = _inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.confirmObjectPath;
// Initialize state (just a flag)
"_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.notevars.isMarkdownRefreshed", true);
// Event callback - state.onReset
expand("notevars reset noconfirm");
__ Sets up this shortcut-file
^sfile shutdown$
// Event callback removal
delete _inlineScripts.state?.listeners?.onReset?.notevars;
// State removal
delete _inlineScripts.state?.sessionState?.notevars;
__ Shuts down this shortcut-file
^notevars reset$
// Confirm
if (!popups.confirm("Confirm resetting the <b>Notevars</b> system")) { return null; }
// Reset
expand("notevars reset noconfirm");
return expFormat("Notevars cleared.");
__ notevars reset - Clears the isMarkdownRefreshed flag.
^notevars reset noconfirm$
const confirmObjectPath = _inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.confirmObjectPath;
// Reset the state
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.notevars.isMarkdownRefreshed = true;
__ hidden - No-confirm reset
^notevars isMarkdownRefreshed ?(|[y|n])$
// If parameter is specified, update the flag based on it
if ($1)
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.notevars.isMarkdownRefreshed = ($1 === "y");
// Return a notification announcing the flag's current state
return expFormat(
"notevars isMarkdownRefreshed is " +
(_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.notevars.isMarkdownRefreshed ?
"__enabled__" : "__disabled__"));
__ notevars isMarkdownRefreshed {state: y OR n, default: ""} - If {state} is given, assigns it to the notevars "isMarkdownRefreshed" flag. Otherwise, displays the current "isMarkdownRefreshed" flag. - If isMarkdownRefreshed flag is set then a note's markdown is refreshed each time one of it's variables is set.
^notevars get ("[^ \t\\:*?"<>|][^\t\\:*?"<>|]*"|[^ \t\\:*?"<>|]+) ("[^ \t\['`\|\{\}">*&#@!].*"|[^ \t\['`\|\{\}">*&#@!][^ \t]*)$
// Remove any quotes around parameters
$1 = $1.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")
$2 = $2.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")
// If notename is ".", change it to the current file
if ($1 === ".") { $1 = app.workspace.getActiveFile()?.path; }
// Get the file object for the specified note. Early if not available or is a folder
const file = app.vault.fileMap[$1] || app.vault.fileMap[$1 + ".md"];
if (!file)
return expFormat([ "", "No value. Note __" + $1 + "__ not found." ]);
if (file.children)
return expFormat(
[ "", "No value. __" + $1 + "__ is a folder." ]);
// Get the file's cached data. Early out if not available.
const cache = app.metadataCache.getFileCache(file);
if (!cache)
return expFormat(
[ "", "No value. Note __" + $1 + "__ is not properly cached by Obsidian." ]);
// Get the front-matter object
// If no front-matter, early out (no message, since it technically worked, but the
// variable is empty)
const fm = cache.frontmatter;
if (!fm)
return null;
// Get the variable valuable
const result = fm[$2] || fm[$2 + ":"] || null;
// Return the result. If it's an array, it's joined to a single string.
return Array.isArray(result) ? result.join(",") : result;
__ notevars get {note name: path text} {variable name: yaml name text} - Expands to the value of variable {variable name} in note {note name}. If {note name} is "." then it represents the current note.
^notevars getArray ("[^ \t\\:*?"<>|][^\t\\:*?"<>|]*"|[^ \t\\:*?"<>|]+) ("[^ \t\['`\|\{\}">*&#@!].*"|[^ \t\['`\|\{\}">*&#@!][^ \t]*) ([0-9]+)$
// Remove any quotes around parameters
$1 = $1.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")
$2 = $2.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")
// If notename is ".", change it to the current file
if ($1 === ".") { $1 = app.workspace.getActiveFile()?.path; }
// Get the file object for the specified note. Early out if unavailable, or folder
const file = app.vault.fileMap[$1] || app.vault.fileMap[$1 + ".md"];
if (!file)
return expFormat([ "", "No value. Note __" + $1 + "__ not found." ]);
if (file.children)
return expFormat(
[ "", "No value. __" + $1 + "__ is a folder." ]);
// Get the file's cached data. Early out if unavailable
const cache = app.metadataCache.getFileCache(file);
if (!cache)
return expFormat(
[ "", "No value. Note __" + $1 + "__ is not properly cached by " +
"Obsidian." ]);
// Get the front-matter object
// If no front-matter, early out (no message, since it technically worked, but the
// variable is empty)
const fm = cache.frontmatter;
if (!fm)
return null;
// Get the variable valuable
const result = fm[$2] || fm[$2 + ":"] || null;
// Return the result, indexed by $3 (as an array)
return Array.isArray(result) ? result[$3] : ($3 === "0") ? result : null;
__ notevars getArray {note name: path text} {array name: yaml name text} {index: >=0} - Expands to the value of item {index} of array {array name} in note {note name}. If {note name} is "." then it represents the current note.
^notevars set ("[^ \t\\:*?"<>|][^\t\\:*?"<>|]*"|[^ \t\\:*?"<>|]+) ("[^ \t\['`\|\{\}">*&#@!].*"|[^ \t\['`\|\{\}">*&#@!][^ \t]*) (.*)$
// Remove any quotes around parameters
$1 = $1.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")
$2 = $2.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")
// If notename is ".", change it to the current file
if ($1 === ".") { $1 = app.workspace.getActiveFile()?.path || ""; }
// Get the file object for the specified note. Early out if unavailable or is folder
const file = app.vault.fileMap[$1] || app.vault.fileMap[$1 + ".md"];
if (!file)
return expFormat(
[ "", "Variable __" + $2 + "__ not set. Note __" + $1 + "__ not found." ]);
if (file.children)
return expFormat(
[ "", "Variable __" + $2 + "__ not set. __" + $1 + "__ is a folder." ]);
// Get the file's content. Early out if unavailable.
const content = await app.vault.cachedRead(file);
if (content === null || content === undefined)
return expFormat(
[ "", "Variable __" + $2 + "__ not set. Note __" + $1 + "__ read failed." ]);
// Adjust value to resolve escape characters for newline and tab
$3 = $3.trim().replaceAll("\\n", "\n").replaceAll("\\t", "\t");
// Get the file content's frontmatter
const fmMatch = content.match(/^(\n*---)(\n[\S\s]*\n)(\n*---\n)/);
// Is the new value multiline?
const isValueMultiline = $3.includes("\n") || $3[0] === "-";
// Determine what to add and where
let toAdd = { text: "", start: 0, end: 0 };
// If there isn't yet a frontmatter, create it along with the variable name/value pair
if (!fmMatch)
// Define what to add
toAdd.text = "---\n" + $2 + ": " + $3 + "\n---\n\n";
// If there IS a frontmatter, add the variable name/value pair to it
// Find the variable in the frontmatter
const varMatch =
fmMatch[2].match("\n( *)(" + $2 + " *:)(\n|(?: |\t)[^\n]*\n)");
// If the variable is NOT found append it to the frontmatter
if (!varMatch)
toAdd.text = $2 + (
isValueMultiline ?
":\n " + $3.replaceAll("\n", "\n ") + "\n" :
": " + $3 + "\n"
toAdd.start = fmMatch[1].length + fmMatch[2].length;
toAdd.end = toAdd.start;
// If the variable IS found, modify it
// Define value-entry
const lineIndent = "\n" + varMatch[1] + " ";
toAdd.text =
isValueMultiline ?
lineIndent + $3.replaceAll("\n", lineIndent) :
" " + $3;
// Define start of definition
toAdd.start =
fmMatch[1].length + varMatch.index + varMatch[1].length +
varMatch[2].length + 1;
// Define end of definition
let lineStart = toAdd.start;
let lineEnd = content.indexOf("\n", toAdd.start + 1);
if (varMatch[3].trim())
// Old definition is single-line
toAdd.end = lineEnd;
// Old definition is multi-line
let lineStartRegex = new RegExp("^" + varMatch[1] + "(?:- | )");
while (lineEnd !== -1)
var line = content.slice(lineStart + 1, lineEnd);
if (!line.match(lineStartRegex))
toAdd.end = lineStart;
lineStart = lineEnd;
lineEnd = content.indexOf("\n", lineStart + 1);
// Force the reading views to update (dataview isn't currently working for this)
if (_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.notevars.isMarkdownRefreshed)
const leaves = _inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.getLeavesForFile(file);
if (leaves.length)
const onChanged = (changedFile) =>
// If the changed file is the one we're monitoring
if (changedFile === file)
// Stop monitoring for file changes
app.metadataCache.off("changed", onChanged);
// Force all views of the file to re-render on the next frame
setTimeout(() =>
for (const leaf of leaves)
}, 100);
app.metadataCache.on("changed", onChanged);
// Modify the variable in the frontmatter of the note
await _inlineScripts.inlineScripts.HelperFncs.addToNote(toAdd.text, toAdd, file.path);
return expFormat(
"Note __" + $1 + "__, variable __" + $2 + "__ set to __" + $3 + "__.");
__ notevars set {note name: path text} {variable name: yaml name text} {value: text} - Sets the value of variable {variable name} to {value} in note {note name}. If {note name} is "." then it represents the current note.
^notevars setArray ("[^ \t\\:*?"<>|][^\t\\:*?"<>|]*"|[^ \t\\:*?"<>|]+) ("[^ \t\['`\|\{\}">*&#@!].*"|[^ \t\['`\|\{\}">*&#@!][^ \t]*) (.*)$
// Remove any quotes around parameters
$1 = $1.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")
$2 = $2.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1")
// Get the input array
const valueArray = $3.split(",").map(v => v.trim());
// Call "notevars set" with the input array
const result =
expand("notevars set " + $1 + " " + $2 + " " + "- " + valueArray.join("\\n- "));
// If error with "notevars set", return that error
if (!result[0]) { return result; }
return expFormat(
"Note __" + $1 + "__, variable __" + $2 + "__ set to array __\\[ " +
valueArray.join(", ") + " \\]__.");
__ notevars setArray {note name: path text} {array name: yaml name text} {values: text (comma separated)} - Sets the values of array {array name} to {value1}, {value2}, etc. in note {note name}. If {note name} is "." then it represents the current note.