Put a 'name' attribute on your input field. For example, 'address-postcode'.
{{ govukInput({
label: {
text: "Postcode"
classes: "govuk-input--width-10",
id: "address-postcode",
name: "address-postcode",
autocomplete: "postal-code"
}) }}
<input id="address-postcode" name="address-postcode" value="">
On the page you want the entered data to appear. In this example, we want the previously entered post code to prepopulate the Post Code field on the new page. Use the following code:
{{ govukInput({
label: {
text: "Postcode"
classes: "govuk-input--width-10",
id: "more-info-postcode",
name: "more-info-postcode",
value: data['address-postcode'],
autocomplete: "postal-code"
}) }}
<p>{{ data['address-postcode'] }}</p>
For further information, see: https://govuk-prototype-kit.herokuapp.com/docs/examples/pass-data