Objets are a way of grouping one or more related properties together
const myObject = {};
// Objects with basic properties
const myObjectWithProps = {
firstName: 'jon',
surname: 'jones'
console.log(`${myObjectWithProps.firstName} ${myObjectWithProps.surname}`);
myObjectWithProps.firstName = 'change';
console.log(`Changed Value=${myObjectWithProps.firstName}`);
const bookOne = {
title: '1984',
author: 'Orwell',
pageCount: 326
const bookTwo = {
title: 'Code Complete',
author: 'Steve McConnell',
pageCount: 960
const passInFunction = function(book) {
console.log(`title=${book.title} author=${book.author} pageCount=${book.pageCount}`);
const passOutFunction = function(book) {
return bookOne;
const result = passOutFunction();
console.log(`title=${result.title} author=${result.author} pageCount=${result.pageCount}`);
const convertFahrenheit = function(fahrenheit) {
return {
fahrenheit: fahrenheit,
kelvin: (fahrenheit + 459.67) * (5 / 9),
celsius: (fahrenheit - 32) * (5 / 9)
const convertRsult = convertFahrenheit(45);
const myAccount = {
title: 'jon',
expenses: 0
console.log('Example updating passed in variables');
const addExpense = function(account, amount) {
account.expenses = account.expenses + amount;
console.log('Object within function', account);
Original object gets updated. Objects passed into function are done via pointers. Passed in objects DO NOT get created as new objects. Updating one, updates both.
addExpense(myAccount, 5);
console.log('Original object', myAccount);
console.log('Passed in objects use pointers, so updating one, updates both');
console.log('Re-assinging the passed in object, what gets updated?');
const accountOne = {
title: 'jon',
expenses: 0
const passInAndUpdateFunction = function(myAccount) {
myAccount = {};
console.log('Object within function', myAccount);
Scope still works within functions. If you re-assign an object, the object pointer will now be udpated to pass to a new area in memory. The orginal object data will still exist, rather than being overridden
console.log('Original object', accountOne);
console.log('Reassinging the passed in object changes the pointer to a new area in memory');
console.log('Reassinging does not override the original object');
console.log('Updating the returned object and comparing it to the original value, what gets updated?');
const accountTwo = {
title: 'jon',
const passOutFunction = function(account) {
account.title = 'Updated';
return account;
let result = passOutFunction(accountTwo);
A returned object, creates a new object. Updating the new object does now override the existing object
console.log('Returned object re-assigned', result);
console.log('Returned object re-assigned', accountTwo);
console.log('Returned object use pointers, so both objects update');
Re-assigning the returned value does not override the original object
result = {
title: 'new',
console.log('Reassinging passed out object, what happens?');
console.log('Returned object re-assigned', result);
console.log('Returned object re-assigned', accountTwo);
console.log('Reassinging does not override the original object');
const exampleOne = {
name: 'Appetite for Destruction',
releaeYear: 1987,
artist: 'Guns N Roses',
amountInStock: 2,
// Defining a method
checkAvailability: function(totalItemsRequested) {
// This method is just a function within a object
return true;
Calling the method is the same as calling a property within an object. You can pass in paramteres and get return values
const exampleOneResult = exampleOne.checkAvailability(4);
const exampleTwo = {
name: 'Appetite for Destruction',
releaeYear: 1987,
artist: 'Guns N Roses',
amountInStock: 2,
whatIsThis: function() {
// the 'this' keyword is a special keyword within Javscript that helps you manage scope within your objects
// using this' will allow you to access the objects proeprties within your methods
Using the 'this' keyword to access object properties within a method
const exampleThree = {
name: 'Appetite for Destruction',
releaeYear: 1987,
artist: 'Guns N Roses',
amountInStock: 2,
// Defining a method
checkAvailability: function(totalItemsRequested) {
// Using this to access child object properties
return this.amountInStock >= totalItemsRequested;