- Voice Activity Detection / Speech Activity Detection
- Dataset curation Starting point for labeling. For Sound Event Detection etc
- Pre-filter for SED/classification model High recall. Low precision
Problem definition
- Binary vs one-class vs multi-class vs multi-track segmentation
- How do we know how well we are doing? Evaluation and metrics. sed_eval
- Simple usecases. Sound present vs not present. Events, voice
- From continious time-series to discrete segments
Baselines approaches
- Using a simple threshold
- Using threshold with hysteresis
- Setting threshold values. Manual, heuristics, learned
- Selecting time-periods
A slightly better version
- Stateful model with learned thresholds Gaussian Hidden Markov Model
- Pre- and post-processing steps. Removal of too short segments.
- Simple feature representations and transformations. RMS, ZCR. dB transformation. Frequency-weigting
- Ensembling of models using time-shifting. Test-time data augmentation
Doing better on speech. Voice Activity Detection
- Voice energy bands
- Learned speech models
Alternative approaches
- Segmentation using distance functions
- Segmentation using labeled examples. KNN for few-shot learning
Useful tools
- Extract individual segments, as separate files.
- Extract single class, into continious file
Note. Approaches are highly relevant to segmentation of other time-series such as accelerometer data, EEG data etc.
How it could look for a hypothetical command-line tool
python -m audiosegment.analyze
--in folder/*.wav | .mp3 | .ogg | .flac | .m4a
--out segments.csv
--classes silence,other
--classes speech,other
--classes speech,silence,music,other
--hop 0.1
--min-duration silence=0.1,other=1.0
--max-duration 10.0
--proportions silence=0.9
--examples speech=sometext.wav
segments.csv path,class,start,end
python -m audiosegment.cut
--in segments.csv
--out audio/{file}_{class}_{segment}.wav
--out audio/
--mode split
--mode concatenate
--classes x,y,z
--pad-start 0.1
--pad-end 0.1
Divide into time windows. Compare consecutive time windows using a distance function. Often done with divisive clustering. Binary subdivision of non-overlapping consecutive windows in order to maximize distance function. Ends when the windows have reached a minimum length. Can be seen as a large number of potential cut-points.
Distance metrics
- Euclidean distance
- Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
- Gaussian likelihood ratio (GLR)
- Kullback Leibler KL2 distance
- Hotelling T2 statistic
- cosine distance (with self-similarity analysis)
- Learned distances (using neural networks)
Segmentation performed by classifying consecutive fixed-length segments.
Common with both kind of approaches. Can be done with HMM. Or heuristics such as removing segments below certain length.
Agglomarotive clustering can be used, considers merging consecutive clusters if similar enough.
- Albayzín 2010
- Albayzín 2012
- MIREX 2018
MaxEnt / Maximum Entropy Classifier. Same as Logistic Regressions. Or conditional exponential classifier
How to use HMM model for audio segmentation https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66817625/how-to-use-hmm-model-for-audio-segmentation No answers
https://opendata.stackexchange.com/questions/9080/open-audio-segmentation-datasets looking for speech/music audio segmentation datasets
Few good answers https://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/9980/speech-segmentation-for-speaker-recognition https://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/508/how-to-segment-phone-call-audio-into-silence-non-silence
Segmenting audio and aligning it with text https://github.com/readbeyond/aeneas https://github.com/lowerquality/gentle Is/was commonly used to make speech datasets with word-level text annotations.
BIC-based speech dialogue segmentation https://www.programmersought.com/article/81806889517/
https://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/9980/speech-segmentation-for-speaker-recognition Adaptive Thresholding is the most common way to segment audio. While there are more accurate methods out there for segmenting, adaptive thresholding is fast and very accurate, and uses simple features such as zero-crossings, energy, and entropy. Same principle as is used in computer vision.
Adaptive threshold method for real-time audio segmentation December 2005 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1415134/
Automatic speech segmentation using average level crossing rate information https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286073350_Adaptive_threshold_method_for_real-time_audio_segmentation 2015
Speech segmentation without speech recognition https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1198819/ 2015
A robust algorithm for accurate endpointing of speech signals MH Savoji 1989 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0167639389900678
Software https://github.com/tyiannak/pyAudioAnalysis/wiki/5.-Segmentation Shows unsupervised and supervised segmentation As well as Speaker Diarization, and Audio thumbnailing
https://github.com/amsehili/auditok/ An audio/acoustic activity detection and audio segmentation tool Uses energy as feature, and requires specifying a dB threshold manually
https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00957418/document HMM has a fixed structure, decomposing into silent,transient,tonal,residual
Joint Segmentation and Classification https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780080993881/introduction-to-audio-analysis https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/audio-segmentation Dynamic programming, Viterbi
An Overview of Automatic Audio Segmentation October 2014 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287718330_An_Overview_of_Automatic_Audio_Segmentation Reviews about 15 articles, listing 10 different datasets.
Optimized Audio Classification and Segmentation Algorithm by Using Ensemble Methods https://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/2015/209814/ 2015
https://asmp-eurasipjournals.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13636-020-00172-6 EURASIP 2020 RNN is complemented by a resegmentation module, gaining long term stability by means of the tied state concept in hidden Markov models Explore different neural architectures introducing temporal pooling layers to reduce the neural network output sampling rate
Improving automated segmentation of radio shows with audio embeddings https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.05194 ICASSP 2020
Audio segmentation-by-classification approach based on factor analysis in broadcast news domain https://asmp-eurasipjournals.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13636-014-0034-5 2014 Segmentation-by-classification approach based on factor analysis. The proposed technique compensates the within-class variability by using class-dependent factor loading matrices and obtains the scores by computing the log-likelihood ratio for the class model to a non-class model over fixed-length windows. Segment and classify audios coming from TV shows into five different acoustic classes: speech, music, speech with music, speech with noise, and others
BIC-based audio segmentation by divide-and-conquer https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224762256_BIC-based_audio_segmentation_by_divide-and-conquer 2008 Among existing audio segmentation approaches, the BIC-based approach proposed by Chen and Gopalakrishnan is most well-known for its high accuracy. However, this window-growing-based segmentation approach suffers from the high computation cost. In this paper, we propose using the efficient divide-and-conquer strategy in audio segmentation.
Multiclass audio segmentation based on recurrent neural networks for broadcast domain data https://asmp-eurasipjournals.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13636-020-00172-6 2020 Using bidirectional long short-term Memory (BLSTM). RNN is complemented by a resegmentation module, gaining long term stability by means of the tied state concept in hidden Markov models.
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Heart Sound Segmentation https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8620278
Different temporal modeling schemes are applied to the output of the proposed neural network, which induce the output state sequence to be consistent with the natural sequence of states within a heart sound signal (S1, systole, S2, diastole). In particular, convolutional neural networks are used in conjunction with underlying hidden Markov models and hidden semi-Markov models to infer emission distributions. The proposed approaches are tested on heart sound signals from the publicly available PhysioNet dataset, and they are shown to outperform current state-of-the-art segmentation methods by achieving an average sensitivity of 93.9% and an average positive predictive value of 94% in detecting S1 and S2 sounds.