Powerful web application development templates
Vutron supports cross-platform, multi-language, layouts and theme, and style frameworks.
diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/404.html b/404.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3143e67 --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + +
+ + +404
But if you don't change your direction, and if you keep looking, you may end up where you are heading.
=0)c=r.activeElement;else{var f=i.tabbableGroups[0],p=f&&f.firstTabbableNode;c=p||h("fallbackFocus")}if(!c)throw new Error("Your focus-trap needs to have at least one focusable element");return c},v=function(){if(i.containerGroups=i.containers.map(function(c){var f=br(c,a.tabbableOptions),p=wr(c,a.tabbableOptions),C=f.length>0?f[0]:void 0,I=f.length>0?f[f.length-1]:void 0,M=p.find(function(m){return le(m)}),P=p.slice().reverse().find(function(m){return le(m)}),z=!!f.find(function(m){return se(m)>0});return{container:c,tabbableNodes:f,focusableNodes:p,posTabIndexesFound:z,firstTabbableNode:C,lastTabbableNode:I,firstDomTabbableNode:M,lastDomTabbableNode:P,nextTabbableNode:function(x){var $=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:!0,K=f.indexOf(x);return K<0?$?p.slice(p.indexOf(x)+1).find(function(q){return le(q)}):p.slice(0,p.indexOf(x)).reverse().find(function(q){return le(q)}):f[K+($?1:-1)]}}}),i.tabbableGroups=i.containerGroups.filter(function(c){return c.tabbableNodes.length>0}),i.tabbableGroups.length<=0&&!h("fallbackFocus"))throw new Error("Your focus-trap must have at least one container with at least one tabbable node in it at all times");if(i.containerGroups.find(function(c){return c.posTabIndexesFound})&&i.containerGroups.length>1)throw new Error("At least one node with a positive tabindex was found in one of your focus-trap's multiple containers. Positive tabindexes are only supported in single-container focus-traps.")},y=function w(c){var f=c.activeElement;if(f)return f.shadowRoot&&f.shadowRoot.activeElement!==null?w(f.shadowRoot):f},b=function w(c){if(c!==!1&&c!==y(document)){if(!c||!c.focus){w(d());return}c.focus({preventScroll:!!a.preventScroll}),i.mostRecentlyFocusedNode=c,Ar(c)&&c.select()}},E=function(c){var f=h("setReturnFocus",c);return f||(f===!1?!1:c)},g=function(c){var f=c.target,p=c.event,C=c.isBackward,I=C===void 0?!1:C;f=f||Ae(p),v();var M=null;if(i.tabbableGroups.length>0){var P=l(f,p),z=P>=0?i.containerGroups[P]:void 0;if(P<0)I?M=i.tabbableGroups[i.tabbableGroups.length-1].lastTabbableNode:M=i.tabbableGroups[0].firstTabbableNode;else if(I){var m=ft(i.tabbableGroups,function(V){var U=V.firstTabbableNode;return f===U});if(m<0&&(z.container===f||Re(f,a.tabbableOptions)&&!le(f,a.tabbableOptions)&&!z.nextTabbableNode(f,!1))&&(m=P),m>=0){var x=m===0?i.tabbableGroups.length-1:m-1,$=i.tabbableGroups[x];M=se(f)>=0?$.lastTabbableNode:$.lastDomTabbableNode}else ge(p)||(M=z.nextTabbableNode(f,!1))}else{var K=ft(i.tabbableGroups,function(V){var U=V.lastTabbableNode;return f===U});if(K<0&&(z.container===f||Re(f,a.tabbableOptions)&&!le(f,a.tabbableOptions)&&!z.nextTabbableNode(f))&&(K=P),K>=0){var q=K===i.tabbableGroups.length-1?0:K+1,H=i.tabbableGroups[q];M=se(f)>=0?H.firstTabbableNode:H.firstDomTabbableNode}else ge(p)||(M=z.nextTabbableNode(f))}}else M=h("fallbackFocus");return M},S=function(c){var f=Ae(c);if(!(l(f,c)>=0)){if(ye(a.clickOutsideDeactivates,c)){s.deactivate({returnFocus:a.returnFocusOnDeactivate});return}ye(a.allowOutsideClick,c)||c.preventDefault()}},T=function(c){var f=Ae(c),p=l(f,c)>=0;if(p||f instanceof Document)p&&(i.mostRecentlyFocusedNode=f);else{c.stopImmediatePropagation();var C,I=!0;if(i.mostRecentlyFocusedNode)if(se(i.mostRecentlyFocusedNode)>0){var M=l(i.mostRecentlyFocusedNode),P=i.containerGroups[M].tabbableNodes;if(P.length>0){var z=P.findIndex(function(m){return m===i.mostRecentlyFocusedNode});z>=0&&(a.isKeyForward(i.recentNavEvent)?z+1
H)for(;C<=U;)Oe(u[C],w,S,!0),C++;else{const W=C,z=C,Q=new Map;for(C=z;C<=H;C++){const _e=d[C]=R?ze(d[C]):Re(d[C]);_e.key!=null&&Q.set(_e.key,C)}let te,ae=0;const Ae=H-z+1;let gt=!1,es=0;const Lt=new Array(Ae);for(C=0;C {const{el:S,type:O,transition:x,children:R,shapeFlag:C}=u;if(C&6){tt(u.component.subTree,d,m,b);return}if(C&128){u.suspense.move(d,m,b);return}if(C&64){O.move(u,d,m,pt);return}if(O===me){r(S,d,m);for(let U=0;U A Vutron application is divided into code into a Main process and a Renderer process. "Main" is the code of In general, NodeJS scripts cannot be run in the renderer process. Examples include modules that contain APIs used by NodeJS, or native modules of NodeJS such as Preload scripts are run before the renderer is loaded. It creates a bridge to the main process to keep the execution of NodeJS scripts in the renderer area separate and isolated for security reasons. For secure script execution, it is recommended that the main process executes the Node scripts, and the renderer receives the execution results via messaging. This can be implemented via IPC communication. For more information on this, see the following articles: https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/ipc If you want to skip the security issues and use NodeJS scripts in your renderer, you need to set For more information on this, see the following articles: https://github.com/electron-vite/vite-plugin-electron-renderer The preload script in Electron.js is a secure area designed for communication between the main and renderer processes. It is typically used for IPC communication. For more information, see the following articles https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/tutorial-preload For compatibility and security with the latest version of Electron, we do not recommend using the old Vutron's preload script is located in the When sending events from renderer to main, you access the Here are the supported functions for mainApi: To change and modify this, you need to modify Vutron includes automated testing. The testing framework uses Microsoft's Playwright. Playwright is optimized for web application testing and has full support for the Electron framework. It is simple to install, requires no configuration to start testing immediately, and is cross-platform. You can learn more about Playwright here: https://github.com/microsoft/playwright Only very simple launch and behavioral tests for the template main screen have been implemented in this template. Advanced testing will depend on the scope of your application. Currently, the test specification file is located in the The Playwright configuration is Once everything is configured, you can run a test with the following command. Before running the test, empty the build directory ( Once the module installation is complete, you can simply build the platform package with the command below. The built packages can be found in For more information, please refer to the following article: https://webpack.electron.build/dependency-management#installing-native-node-modules To create a package for each OS, you must build it on the same OS. For example, a package for macOS must be built on a macOS machine. However, you can build packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux all at once on one OS. However, this might require some preparation. macOS is recommended if you want to build multiple platforms simultaneously on one platform. Because it can be configured with just a few very simple settings. You can perform multi-platform builds at once with the following command. Alternatively, you can just do it for the OS you want via the individual build commands above. To learn more about multiplatform builds, see the following articles: https://www.electron.build/multi-platform-build You can exclude files you don't need at build time by adding a file pattern to the files property of Below is an unnecessary For projects that use the Native Node Module, add the following script to your You can easily clone a repository with just the npm command. The above method will not create unnecessary documentation and Click Use this template to instantly create your own project. This method creates a repository on GitHub immediately, but you will need to clone the project locally before you can use it. Clone this repo using below command. This method is suitable for direct contributions to the Vutron repository. After cloning the project, run the following command in the terminal: Applications in the development environment run through Vite. If your application doesn't appear after running command line commands, you may need to review if the default port is being used by another app. Vite uses port Documents from This function works only when the entire project is cloned. If you created the project with Everything in the instructions below should be done in the Install the relevant packages using the following commands: You can run the local server where the documents are hosted via the command below. $ npm run %SCRIPT_NAME% Used only for contributing to project documentation. Must be run from the Also check out the https://github.com/jooy2/retron By using the Vite compiler, we achieved our goals of reducing project and bundle size, and improving development environment and build speed. The old Vutron using the Webpack 5 compiler has been split into the repositories below and will end support soon. https://github.com/jooy2/vutron-webpack Quick Start Templates for Vite + Vue 3 + Electron Vutron is a preconfigured template for developing `Electron` cross-platform desktop apps. It uses `Vue 3` and allows you to build a fast development environment with little effort.Main vs Renderer Process
and is mainly the process code handled by Electron. "Renderer" is the code of src/renderer
, mainly for front-end rendering process like Vue.path
or net
, os
or crypto
.How to run NodeJS on a renderer?
to true
in your vite.config.ts
+ nodeIntegration: true
Preload Script
module. If you want to utilize system events or Node scripts, it is recommended to do so in the main process, not the renderer.src/preload
folder. To create a new IPC communication channel, add the channel name to the following variable to whitelist it for communication.mainAvailChannels
: Send an event from main to renderer. (window.mainApi.send('channelName')
: Send an event from renderer to main. (mainWindow.webContents.send('channelName')
object instead of ipcRenderer.send
. The mainApi
is the name you set in your Vutron template and can be changed.send
: Send an event to main.on
: A listener to receive events sent by main.once
: A listener to receive events sent by main. (Handle only one call)off
: Remove an event listenerinvoke
: Functions that can send events to main and receive data asynchronously.exposeInMainWorld
in src/preload/index.ts
.Automated Testing
directory and the test results file is located in tests/results
. (The built-in test specification file does not generate a separate results file.)playwright.config.ts
in the project root, see the following documentation for more information on this: https://playwright.dev/docs/test-configuration$ npm run test
) and compile the package for the test.Build Configurations
# For Windows (.exe, .appx)
+$ npm run build:win
+# For macOS (.dmg)
+$ npm run build:mac
+# For Linux (.rpm, .deb, .snap)
+$ npm run build:linux
+# All platform (.exe, .appx, .dmg, .rpm, .deb, .snap) - see below description
+$ npm run build:all
location.What do I need to do for a multi-platform build?
$ npm run build:all
configuration may be required for Linux builds. Learn more about Multipass
through the following link: https://multipass.runReduce bundle size by excluding development files
. This will save bundle capacity.node_modules
file pattern that can further save bundles. Depending on the project, using the rules below may cause problems, so please review it before using.[
+ "!**/.*",
+ "!**/node_modules/**/{CONTRIBUTORS,CNAME,AUTHOR,TODO,CONTRIBUTING,COPYING,INSTALL,NEWS,PORTING,Makefile,htdocs,CHANGELOG,ChangeLog,changelog,README,Readme,readme,test,sample,example,demo,composer.json,tsconfig.json,jsdoc.json,tslint.json,typings.json,gulpfile,bower.json,package-lock,Gruntfile,CMakeLists,karma.conf,yarn.lock}*",
+ "!**/node_modules/**/{man,benchmark,node_modules,spec,cmake,browser,vagrant,doxy*,bin,obj,obj.target,example,examples,test,tests,doc,docs,msvc,Xcode,CVS,RCS,SCCS}{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/**/*.{conf,png,pc,coffee,txt,spec.js,ts,js.flow,html,def,jst,xml,ico,in,ac,sln,dsp,dsw,cmd,vcproj,vcxproj,vcxproj.filters,pdb,exp,obj,lib,map,md,sh,gypi,gyp,h,cpp,yml,log,tlog,Makefile,mk,c,cc,rc,xcodeproj,xcconfig,d.ts,yaml,hpp}",
+ "!**/node_modules/**/node-v*-x64{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/bluebird/js/browser{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/bluebird/js/browser{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/source-map/dist{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/lodash/fp{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/async/!(dist|package.json)",
+ "!**/node_modules/async/internal{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/ajv/dist{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/ajv/scripts{,/**/*}",
+ "!**/node_modules/node-pre-gyp/!(lib|package.json)",
+ "!**/node_modules/node-pre-gyp/lib/!(util|pre-binding.js|node-pre-gyp.js)",
+ "!**/node_modules/node-pre-gyp/lib/util/!(versioning.js|abi_crosswalk.json)",
+ "!**/node_modules/source-map-support/browser-source-map-support.js",
+ "!**/node_modules/json-schema/!(package.json|lib)"
Build settings for projects that use Native Node modules
: When installing dependencies, electron-builder
will take care of any modules that require rebuilding.{
+ "scripts": {
+ "postinstall": "electron-builder install-app-deps"
+ }
Getting Started
Clone project
Method 1:
npm init
(Recommend) $ npm init vutron
related files for your project.Method 2: Use this template
Method 3: Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/jooy2/vutron <PROJECT_NAME>
# via npm
+$ npm i
+# via yarn (https://yarnpkg.com)
+$ yarn install
+# via pnpm (https://pnpm.io)
+$ pnpm i
Run in development environment
$ npm run dev
by default.Manage Local Documentation
can be viewed in the local environment through the VitePress
viewer.npm init vutron
, the docs
folder is not included.Installation
folder.$ cd docs
# via npm
+$ npm i
+# via yarn (https://yarnpkg.com)
+$ yarn install
+# via pnpm (https://pnpm.io)
+$ pnpm i
$ npm run dev
Npm Scripts
Script Name Description dev
Start Electron as a development environment dev:debug
Start Electron as a development environment (with vite debug) dev:debug:force
Start Electron as a development environment (with vite debug + clean vite cache) build:pre
Commands commonly run at build time. This script does not need to be run separately. build
Build the package for the current operating system. build:all
Build a specified package for the entire operating system (Requires cross-platform build configuration) build:dir
directory buildbuild:mac
Build preconfigured packages for macOS build:linux
Build preconfigured packages for Linux build:win
Build preconfigured packages for Windows lint
ESLint code inspection. It does not modify the code. lint:fix
ESLint code inspection. Use auto-fix to fix your code. format
Prettier code inspection. It does not modify the code. format:fix
Prettier code inspection. Use auto-fix to fix your code. test
Build a package for testing and run tests against the test specification file. test:linux
Build a package for testing and run tests against the test specification file. (for linux ci only) For Documentation
directory location.
',7),c=[i];function a(n,s,l,u,p,m){return d(),e("div",null,c)}const b=t(r,[["render",a]]);export{f as __pageData,b as default};
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import{_ as t,c as e,o as d,a4 as o}from"./chunks/framework.4aTu-Nia.js";const f=JSON.parse('{"title":"NPM Scripts","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"NPM Scripts","order":3},"headers":[],"relativePath":"installation-and-build/npm-scripts.md","filePath":"installation-and-build/npm-scripts.md"}'),r={name:"installation-and-build/npm-scripts.md"},i=o("",7),c=[i];function a(n,s,l,u,p,m){return d(),e("div",null,c)}const b=t(r,[["render",a]]);export{f as __pageData,b as default};
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/inter-italic-vietnamese.DHNAd7Wr.woff2 differ
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/inter-roman-latin-ext.ZlYT4o7i.woff2 differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/inter-roman-latin.Bu8hRsVA.woff2 differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/inter-roman-vietnamese.ClpjcLMQ.woff2 differ
diff --git a/assets/other-projects.md.BRxMvLu5.js b/assets/other-projects.md.BRxMvLu5.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1814822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/other-projects.md.BRxMvLu5.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import{_ as e,c as t,o,a4 as r}from"./chunks/framework.4aTu-Nia.js";const _=JSON.parse('{"title":"Other Projects","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"other-projects.md","filePath":"other-projects.md"}'),a={name:"other-projects.md"},c=r('Script Name Description dev
Start the local document server. (For development) build
Build a local document server. Used only for GitHub page builders. serve
Start the local document server. Other Projects
Looking for Electron templates made with React?
project, which consists of Vite + React + Material-UI + Electron.(Deprecated) Looking for
with Webpack 5 compiler? Pre-configured Components
Web app frameworks
Development help tools
Front-end frameworks (Vue)
Design frameworks
',11),l=[n];function i(s,h,p,f,u,c){return t(),r("div",null,l)}const g=e(o,[["render",i]]);export{m as __pageData,g as default};
diff --git a/assets/project-structures_pre-configured-components.md.sVkuBF1r.lean.js b/assets/project-structures_pre-configured-components.md.sVkuBF1r.lean.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b672fb
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+++ b/assets/project-structures_pre-configured-components.md.sVkuBF1r.lean.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import{_ as e,c as r,o as t,a4 as a}from"./chunks/framework.4aTu-Nia.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"Pre-configured Components","description":"","frontmatter":{"order":2},"headers":[],"relativePath":"project-structures/pre-configured-components.md","filePath":"project-structures/pre-configured-components.md"}'),o={name:"project-structures/pre-configured-components.md"},n=a("",11),l=[n];function i(s,h,p,f,u,c){return t(),r("div",null,l)}const g=e(o,[["render",i]]);export{m as __pageData,g as default};
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/project-structures_project-structure.md.CpDPW06A.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import{_ as s,c as n,o as a,a4 as e}from"./chunks/framework.4aTu-Nia.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"Project Structure","description":"","frontmatter":{"order":1},"headers":[],"relativePath":"project-structures/project-structure.md","filePath":"project-structures/project-structure.md"}'),p={name:"project-structures/project-structure.md"},i=e(`Project Structure
+├─ .github - GitHub files (only used for Vutron GitHub project contributions)
+│ └─ resources/ - GitHub resources used for README.md, etc.
+│ └─ workflows/ - GitHub workflows definition
+│ └─ dependabot.yml
+│ └─ FUNDING.yml
+├─ .vscode - Common project configuration files used by Visual Studio Code IDE
+├─ buildAssets/ - Package resource (icon, logo, etc.) file used for Electron build
+│ └─ builder/
+│ │ │ └─ config.ts - \`electron-builder\` dynamic configuration file
+│ └─ icons/
+├─ dist/ - Output directory used to build the package
+├─ docs/ - Project documents (optionally enabled)
+│ └─ .vitepress/
+│ │ │ └─ config.mts - VitePress configuration file used for document hosting
+│ └─ public/ - Root resource directory for VitePress documentation pages
+├─ node_modules/
+├─ src/
+│ ├─ main/ - Main (Electron) process source code
+│ │ ├─ utils/ - Main process utilities
+│ │ │ └─ Constants.ts - Main global definition
+│ │ │ └─ Menus.ts - Main global menu definition
+│ │ └─ index.ts - Main process entry point
+│ │ └─ IPCs.ts - Main process ipc handlers definition
+│ │ └─ MainRunner.ts - Main process main window processing
+│ ├─ preload/ - Preload (Electron-Vue communication bridge) process source code
+│ │ └─ index.ts
+│ ├─ renderer/ - Renderer (Vue) process source code
+│ │ ├─ components/ - Vue components collection
+│ │ │ └─ layout/ - Layout components
+│ │ ├─ locales/ - Vue i18n language resource file
+│ │ ├─ plugins/ - Vue plugin definition
+│ │ ├─ public/ - Vue static resources
+│ │ │ └─ images/
+│ │ ├─ router/ - Vue routing definition
+│ │ ├─ screens/ - Vue screen component
+│ │ │ └─ ErrorScreen.vue - Screen displayed when renderer process and routing errors occur
+│ │ │ └─ MainScreen.vue
+│ │ │ └─ SecondScreen.vue - Sample screen
+│ │ ├─ store/ - Pinia store (Global state management) definition
+│ │ ├─ utils/ - Renderer process utilities
+│ │ ├─ App.vue - Vue app's root component
+│ │ ├─ index.html - Root static index loaded by Electron renderer process
+│ └─ └─ main.ts - Renderer process entry point
+├─ tests/ - Application test configuration
+│ └─ app.spec.ts - Test file specification
+├─ .editorconfig - Editor recommended configuration file for IDE
+├─ .eslintignore - List of files to be ignored by ESLint
+├─ .eslintrc.json - ESLint rule configurations
+├─ .gitignore - List of files to not upload to Git
+├─ .prettierignore - List of files to disable Prettier file formatting
+├─ .prettierrc - Prettier rule configurations
+├─ CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md - Files used only on GitHub
+├─ LICENSE - Project license file
+├─ package.json - NodeJS package configurations
+├─ package-lock.json
+├─ playwright.config.ts - Playwright test rules configurations
+├─ tsconfig.json - TypeScript configurations
+├─ tsconfig.node.json - TypeScript configurations
+├─ vite.config.mts - Vite compiler build configurations
+└─ README.md - Files used only on GitHub