The main function control the data of the world's state
X is the numbre of goroutines for concurrently chech if the points are alife in the next state
* world map[point]int ;points of the cells are alife
* visit map[point]int ;point for calculate the next state (cells life and her neighbours)
* c[X] channels of point ;a channel for every go routine for send the point to calculate next state
* sol[X] channels of map ;the point life in the next state calculates for the gorotuine 'x' (map[point]int)
create M go routines (nextstate)
execute M // waiting for points for calculate nextstate
for t=0; t<T_SIMUL; t++
for p range world
visit=p and neighbours
// every go routine is waiting for a point to calculate the next state
for p range visit
p -> c[i]
i = (i+1)%c
// send special point for finish and return the solve
for i=0 to X
specialp -> c[i]
// the next world is the union of all cells alife in the different zones
solve += <- sol[i]
world = solve
go routine nextstate
// nextstate - x
solzone = empty
for p <- c[x]; p != specialp; p<-c[x]
life = neifhbours(p) // Only read in data structure world, and change in time
if life
solzone[p] = life
// if not life the point is not added
sol[x] <- solzone
* All the goroutines read the structure data world
No problem, because only read, the main function control with channels when goroutines running
Nothing to do
* How match the borderlines in the different zones of the world
No problem, the main function divide the world in zones but the goroutines read all the world, no borderlines
* Be careful, to selection X
if X too large, goroutines do nothing
if X is small, doesn't profit of concurrency