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Step-by-step Training Guide Using IAM Database

The IAM Handwriting Database contains forms of handwritten English text which can be used to train and test handwritten text recognizers and to perform writer identification and verification experiments.


This folder contains the scripts to reproduce the results from the paper "Are Multidimensional Recurrent Layers Really Necessary for Handwritten Text Recognition?", by Joan Puigcerver.


  • ImageMagick: Needed for processing the images.
  • imgtxtenh: Needed for processing the images.
  • SRILM: Needed to build the n-gram language model.
  • Kaldi: Needed to decode using n-gram language models.
  • Custom Kaldi decoders: Needed to decode using n-gram language models.
  • R (optional, but higly recommended): Needed to compute confidence intervals.
  • Brown, LOB and Wellington text corpora (optional, but required to reproduce results from the paper).


This section explains some details of the script, which will reproduce the main experiments reported in the paper. If you are too lazy to read this (or you are in a hurry), just type:


If you have not downloaded the IAM data before, you will need to provide your username and password for FKI's webpage (see next section). You can specify them through the $IAM_USER and $IAM_PASS environment variables. For instance:

IAM_USER=your_username IAM_PASS=your_password ./steps/

Step 1. Download data.

The first step is to obtain the IAM dataset from the FKI's webpage. You'll need to be registered in their website, in order to download it. Please, go to and register.

One you have registered to the website, you can now download the data providing your username and password to the steps/ script:

./steps/ --iam_user "$IAM_USER" --iam_pass "$IAM_PASS";

This will download the lines partition of the dataset, where all the lines from the original forms have been segmented, and the images will be placed all together in the data/original/lines directory. The script will also download the ASCII ground-truth of the dataset.

Step 2. Prepare images.

Once you have downloaded the data, you are ready to process the line images that will be used for training and testing your model. The image lines are enhanced using imgtxtenh. Skewing is also corrected using ImageMagick's convert. This tool is also used to remove all white borders from the images and leaving a fixed size of 20 pixels on the left and the right of the image.

Finally, because our model requires that all input image have the same height, all images are scaled to a fixed height of 128 pixels, while keeping the aspect ratio.


Step 3. Prepare IAM text data.

You will also need to process the ground-truth in order to train the neural network and the corresponding n-gram word language models (see Step 7).

We will use (what we call) Aachen's partition of the dataset. Each set of this partition has the following statistics:

  • Train: 6161 lines from 747 forms.
  • Validation: 966 lines from 115 forms.
  • Test: 2915 lines from 336 forms.

This is not the official partition of the dataset, but it is widely used for HTR experiments (notice that in other applications, like KWS, other partitions are used).

./steps/ --partition aachen;

The ground-truth is processed in several ways to fix some of its irregularities. First, some the characters of some words that were originally separated by white spaces in the ground-truth are put together again (e.g. "B B C" -> "BBC"). Secondly, the original data was trivially (and unconsistently) tokenized by separating contractions from the words, we put contactions attached to the word again (e.g. "I 'll" -> "I'll", "We 've" -> "We've").

Once these irregularities have been fixed, the character-level transcripts are produced by simply separating each of the characters from the word and adding a <space> symbol to represent the whitespace character.

In order to train the n-gram language model, the word-level transcripts are tokenized using a custom version of NLTK's PennTreebank tokenizer. The main difference between NLTK's tokenizer and ours, is that we keep track on how words were tokenized, in order to produce a lexicon that can recover the original text (since we will measure the Word Error Rate on the original word transcripts).

Step 4. Train the neural network.

You are finally ready to train the neural network used in the final section of the paper. Summarizing, the model consists of:

  • 5 Convolutional blocks with 3x3 convolutions, LeakyReLU activations and batch normalization. The first 3 blocks include a MaxPooling layer, and the last 3 blocks use dropout with probability 0.2. The number of features in each block is 16, 32, 48, 64, and 80, respectively.
  • 5 bidirectional LSTM recurrent layers with 256 hidden units and dropout with probability 0.5.
  • A final linear layer with 80 output units (79 characters + CTC blank symbol).
  • Training stops after 80 epochs without any improvement on the validation CER.
./steps/ --partition aachen --model_name "lstm1d_h128";

This script will create the file train/lstm1d_h128.t7, where lstm_h${height} is the default model name used by the training script. If you change your height, or you change the model name with --model_name, keep that in mind during the next steps.

IMPORTANT: Be aware that this script may take a considerable amount of time to run (37h on a NVIDIA Titan X) and GPU memory (10.5GB). If this is not feasible for you, reduce the batch size (the default is 16) by passing --batch_size $your_batch_size to the script, and/or reduce the early stop epochs with --early_stop_epochs $your_max_stop_epochs (the default is 80).

Step 5. Decode using only the neural network.

Once the training is finished, you can obtain the transcript directly from the neural network, using the CTC decoding algorithm. This algorithm simply obtains the most likely label on each frame independently and then removes repetitions of labels, and finally it removes the instances of the CTC blank symbol.

The script steps/ will use Laia to decode the validation and test lines. Just type in your console the following command:

./steps/ "train/aachen/lstm1d_h128.t7";

The expected results at this point on the validation and test sets are:

Set CER (%) WER (%)
Valid. 3.8 13.5
Test 5.8 18.4

In order to obtain the word-level transcripts to compute the WER, the script simply merges into one word everything in between the whitespace symbol.

Step 6. Output raw network label pseudo log-likelihoods.

In order to combine the neural network output with a n-gram language model, we first need to obtain the raw label posteriors, output by the neural network, and transform them into pseudo log-likelihoods.

This step is done by the steps/ script, which first force aligns the training transcripts to estimate the prior probability of the labels (including the CTC blank symbol), and then creates the pseudo log-likelihood matrices, used by Kaldi, as explained in the paper.

./steps/ --partition aachen "train/aachen/lstm1d_h128.t7";

Take into account that force alignment can take a while, so be patient.

Step 7. Decode using external n-gram language model.

Finally, the steps/ script will create the n-gram language model using the IAM's training text and the Brown, LOB (excluding the lines in IAM's test set) and Wellington text corpora.

IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, these additional corpora have a restrictive copyright that forbids us from publishing the files. However, these are very commonly used in the HTR community. Your team probably has three text files named brown.txt, lob_excludealltestsets.txt and wellington.txt. Please, place these files into the data/external directory and proceed. If you don't have these files, you won't be able to reproduce the results from the paper.

./steps/ --partition aachen \

The script recieves as input the log-likelihood matrices produced in the previous step (first argument the validation, and secondly the test set).

First, it will process the external text corpora and tokenize it in the same way as we did with the original IAM text data. And then, a lexicon file will be built using all the available (tokenized) text data. The lexicon is reduced to the 50000 most common words (a.k.a. tokens).

A 3-gram language model is also built using SRILM on the tokenized data, for each text corpus independently (IAM, Brown, LOB and Wellington). Each language model uses Kneser-Ney discounting and interpolation between the different n-grams. Once the four independent language models have been estimated, a final language model is produced by interpolating them using SRILM's and the EM algorithm.

The decoding is performed using a special decoder that we built on top of Kaldi: decode-lazylm-faster-mapped. This decoder is similar to Kaldi's decode-faster-mapped, but instead of asking for the complete decoding transducer HCLG, you pass the HCL and G transducers separately and the composition is done dynamically during decoding. During decoding, a beam prunning threshold of 65 was used reduce the decoding time (which is already very high).

IMPORTANT: This step is very slow, if you have access to a Sun Grid Engine (SGE) cluster, we encourage you to use qsub to speed up the decoding. Please use the --qsub_opts option to costumize the options passed to qsub (options regarding the number of tasks are automatically set).

./steps/ --qsub_opts "-l h_vmem=32G,h_rt=8:00:00" train/lstm1d_h128.t7

The expected results at this point are:

Set CER (%) WER (%)
Valid. 2.9 9.2
Test 4.4 12.2

In order to compute the WER, we obtain the character-level alignment from the decoding and put all characters between whitespaces together. We can recover from tokenization, since kept this information in the lexicon (notice that the output of the LM are tokens, not original words).

Any problem?

If you have any issue reproducing the results of the paper, please contact the author at