This repo will contain any scripts/resources needed to quickly set up a new workstation with various dev tools.
- Git directory
- create directory to store all git repos
- default: C:\git
- Powershell (latest)
- Chocolatey
- dotnet SDK (6.0)
- may need more configuration than this script
- Applications (via chocolatey)
- 7zip
- git
- conemu - better terminal
- keepass - password management
- vlc - better video viewing
- notepadplusplus - better notes
- winscp - sftp client
- putty - ssh client
- vscode - best code editor
- irfanview - better image viewing
- sumatrapdf - pdf viewer
- greenshot - better screenshots
- Install Docker
- this is not scripted out, please do so manually
- Install AWS CLI
- Install Gcloud CLI
- Install PS Modules
- posh-git - see git details in PS
- psake - task automation
- Update PS profile
- automatic $githome variable
- set location to $githome